The Huron News-Record, 1893-03-29, Page 90 ----^-- The; people who aro guiu;; to buy new Windo'v Shades this year will want to get the best values to be 11wi.d, and to these people ai•o invite inspection of our Lexington • Shade Cloth, mounted on what the manufacturers say is the best holler in the world. The. Cloth is guaranteed to neither Fade, Crack nor (Curl, and with reasonable care will last from 10 to 220 years. ,The only other points for us to impress is that the Designs are New and Stylish, anti that very important part T0 IF, amalmignif=4=5 As: to it we can assure you, that you can buy no better Shades for Unit! cost, nor get any lower prices than ours. Summed up our stock excels in Quality, Style and Low Prices. P 1 S It was the Chinese that first introduced Wall Paper, but not until the eighteenth century were they used in Europe. We were not in business then, but we have been told that the designs were not as nice as in later years, and we believe it, for during the few years that we have been in business, each season brings its ne.v and original patterns which are a great deal more artistic and choice. We are thoroughly aware of the fact and this is why we lowered our stock so much last fall, so that we were in a position to buy extensively and largely for this spring. 17,000 rolls is a good sized stock. Don't you think you could please yoursE if from that number ? We do. WM. GOOPER & co 0 Booksellers and Stationers, Clinton. B TS& S OE7 Y �a It's Neither Winter Nor Spring Lt is etill between the seaaoue, and being too early yet to talk about SUMMER BOOTS & SHOES we wish to say a few words to you about goods euitablo for the present. We have an excellent assortment -in fact we pride ourselves on being able to select just what the people want, and we have just what they desire. .Our Goods are always "GOOD GOODS;" We don't buy articles be• cause they are cheap, but the first consideration is quality -and we stake the price a cheap one aiwaye. Buying for Prompt CASH, and Belling only in the same way, we can offer inducemente in prices that it would:he impossible to give under the credit system. Our customers tell us they can see the decided advantages of this system of doing business. We have BOOTS & SHOES to sell. You want to buy souse. Don't be afraid to come and see the quality anti prices we offer. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. W. TAYLOR SONS. C • EQUAL TO AMERICAN, Only' 10e. Imperial Gallon. HARZIANJJ BROS_, STOVES AND HARDWARE, - Albert St., Clinton ' Huron Now -Record. 411.69 to 1'eAr- 1,2p ft.. AtIran9a W.esalucsa ny, eta rch 29th, 118110. Rrusse"•s. MIME. 111, Amy- tis takeu a situation in Toronto. A, ltnehty, of New Hamburg, was in town lest week. Couue Por Tlwmson was in Ileiniltou last week, J. W. Speuoe was %dotting friends iu Bur - Hugon last week. Mrs. Leslie O'Connor has gone to Der. ham, Nhere :ter. O'Connor hits a situation. Ou Thureday evening of lost week a ekatine re. 0 took placeun the Bra,sole rink between Oeurgn Ituldwin, of Seaforth, and R. J. Clare, of I'reetou, for the ohernpion• Alp . f Wee ern Outride Mr. Baldwin won the reoc, which was 3 miles, by about half a lap. Mies Ethel Creighton left for her millin- ery situatiou in Sarnia. Miss McPherson has opened rip a milli, . ery bul.inees ire the stand recently oceupied by Miss Gauley. R bort Roes has gene to Durham. John Irvin, of `Mount Finest, has taken is situation in 11. 1. Stroug's phnto galley, Tue Brueeele phutogrepnare are. doing a rushing business just now. W. tt'. Burgess, e f M•tubell, spent Sun. day in toter. Mies J. Rnae is home from returnee), M icb. It.v, D•. B. igen, of Toronto, pre :died in the Methodist chn-eh here un Sunday, On Monday even11 g an old folks cot cer was held in the' Methodist ohuruh in which the older people t f the congregation took the leading part. It was a very euuoe.eful affair. Loudesboro. Mr. A•'•drew 'fs� 1 sr left on Saturday wit h a carload of h trees for the Northwest, where h.- intends nusking his future hoose. M r. Her hers Fenteu is back again iu M r. George S,ieli'e biselremi.h ehnp. IIe had been away seeing eeick brother. Dr. Taylor. of 0,derich, was here on S ,tnrdey. lea a piste to see his brother Andrew alert fon the North wear,. Rev. Lou 1Voo.Ie, of fileeheirn, wait visit• ing at the parental rea.lcuue last week. AJ r. Chapnrtn, rnvevali..t, preached to the ,uday auh..ol ,:hilereu in the Alcthodiet church ou 5 uday• Air. limes MoCeughoy died last tVednee- d.ev morning and wee buried on Friday merniug iu the Hallett K. C. cemetery. The ?loose Circle will meet to morrow •.ight and the F rreaters uu Friday uight. Mr. Juhnenn Crawford had the milder - rune to lops one cf Iiia horses the other day. This in quite a lose, as Mr. Crawford is just starting for himvelf. Aire. Hiles has geese to reside with her daughter Mrs. Isaac Lawn nee. Mis. Iltlee, wit., has been ill for some time has gone to C unber ' to ate)* with her edger, Mrs. J. D. A none. Emma, the six year old daughter of Mr. William Day, died on Sunday rnoraing atter is painful illness. She was buried 0 the Hullett church cemetery yesterday afternoon. • Too pure for earth, Gad would not let her stay; To here en A.tgel more, He took her Leel awry. The meeting of the •I. O. G. T. Lodge held on the eveniug of the 21,4 Inst., was the best ono held by this lodge for yeats. Six candidates were initiated. Ahnut se.enty of the members wore poen,. The programme was furnished by the brother. and a very pleasant evening wee spent. This lohge has now over one hunarnd mem- bers and m ire are j ,fining every meeting. Port Albert. The warm wind during the past ten days has played havock with the scow. The river is now clear of ice, and that long talked of big flood that was to sweep this t' wn Out ••f existence has pearled away without any d:unnge iu particular, except a few hoards o0' Tom W hittaker'e garden fence. It will now be in order for those "t1,od prophet." to joie "Moses 0.ta" and let some other pa, ti :e take a hand in guessing the daio of rhe next big fl sod. However, there wee a greyed eight at the mill dam fells and rapids on F: iday last about 5 o'clur k p. in. The heavy ice and loge had formed a hig ' jam" at the tipper end of the mill pend during the last few days which bad piled up to an enormous size and at the above turn it broke away with a terrible crash, sweeping ander the iron bridge, over the falls and down the rapids. The potpie rushed out to nee the .;rand eight. Son« p otitis who lived on:the .euth side of the rive , made "Maud S" titne to get on their own s.do,of the stream, while the boys rushed rip the railings of the iron bridge with a shout of let her go, Gellager !" Twenty minutes later all was quiet, without the slightest damage to pro- perty. 'Tis seldom the ep,iog freshets rlo damage to the mill property, from the,'act the mills and mill -dam are built on solid rock, an also the abutments to the iron bridge, By taking better care on having the ice out on the briuk of the dam or falls for a few feet back, to let the ewer have full sweep, relieves any further trouble. Mr. Henning', who has the mill leased, had this necessary work done and as on previ us occasions as well as the present one it worked like a charm. Mr. P. Navin, c.f the city of King- ston, who has been awarded the contract for the itnprovemeute at the harbor at this, p1 ere, called on your humble scribe last Saturday in connectiou with the work. The gentle- man in question fa en ole contractor. Last season he completed n Largo contract up on Oeorgiou Bay and at the present time is finishing up the superstructure of a hasbrr contract at Port Burwell, Lake Erie. He commences operations here at once in get- tin,d the materiel in the ground. In my opinion Mr. Navin is a "pusher" and thoroughly posted on the business. He aaye he will give the farmers or others in the neighborhood top prices for timber, either delivered 00 the ground or on tho road, convenient 10 hand. By all means keep the.money in the neighborhood, gentle. men, if possible. Harvey Otway, one of our enterprising merchants, is selling by public auction, prior to his receiving spring goods, several thous- and dollars worth of present stork, coneiet- offancy and dry gnode,crockery, glassware, hate. caps, boot' and shoes, cnmmencine Wednesday (to -day) and continuing for two weeks. Come one, come ell, if yon want to secure big ba•gnine. Terme sash. It. J. EI. DeLong wields the hammer. Adam and James Green 1. ft last week for Brandon, Manitoba. James Mahafly, formerly proprietor of the mill property here, is now in Winnipeg. I respectfully beg leave through the col- umns of Tele News-11E0otte to congratulate the Hon. N. Clarke Wallace, Controller of Cuetome, on his glorious victory in the House of Commons a few evenings ago. The hon. gentleman tendered mo hit thanks through the same journal some time ago in the matter of a Balt combined contro- versy. CAN :YOU 00„,.,IT?` Io I 1 1:11 SIX end FIVE make ELEVEN, but who by adding Five more straight marks to the above Si* can snake 1 Cut out the above puzzle and fill in with pencil or pen five straight marks so that it will read NiNE, enclose same with to three -cent stamps or 30 teats M silver to THE CHEMICAL, SUPPLY CO., 170 Yonge St., Toronto, Can„ to pay for One Package of Platz Pearl Pellets for Pallid People, and you may receive a reward worth many tittles your trouble. The proprietors of Platz Pear) Pel- lets for Pallid People having decided upon awarding a series of useful and valu- able premiums as the best means of adver- tising this wonderful remedy, make tho following liberal offer : To the first person sending in a correct solution to the above puzzle will be presented an Elegant Rosewood Plano valued at $300; to the se- condocorrect answer, a Solid Gold Hunting Case Watch valued at $85; to the third, a Diamond Ring; to the fourth, choice of Black Silk Dress Pattern or Suit of Clothes made by first-class tailor ; to the fifth, a Coin Silver Watch; to the sixth, a silver Five -O'clock Tea Set; seventh, a Solid Gold Brooch ; Eighth, Parlor Lamp ; To the Next Ten correct answers will be given a Life-size Crayon Portrait of Self or Friend. To the sender of letter bearing latest post -mark received previous to April r 5th, will be given Free Transportation to the World's Fair, Chicago and First-class Hotel Accomodatlon for Two Weeks. To the second correct answer to the last, Ladies' or Gents Gold Watch. To the third from last, $10 in cash. 1f there should be as many as one hundred persons rending correct answers, each will receive a valuable prize. Names of those receiving leading prizes will be sent to each contestant at the close of the competi- tion. Extra premiums will be awarded to all who are willing to assist in the advertising and introduction of this medicine. Our object in offering these valuable prizes is to increase the popularity of our preparations. Perfect Impartiality will be obecrved in awarding these prizes. CONDITIONS. The conditions under which these prizes will be awarded are that each person answering above puzzle must enclose eo three -cent stamps or thirty cents in silver for One Package of Platz Pearl Pel- lets for Pallid People. You pay for the medicine ; we give you the presents. Here is an opportunity for the bright ones. Answer to -day and you may win one of the leading prizes. The spring of the year is the time when everyone needs a tonic. Especially is this true of this year when we are threatened with a visit of art epidemic. Fortify your- self by a thorough cleansing of the blood. As a tonic Platz Pearl Pellets have no equal. As a blood purifier and preventative against"spring diseases" caused by impurities of the blood, they stand foremost among the thousands of remedies offered to the public. r' Young Men should use them. Young Women cannot afford to be without them. Middle-aged Men find in them new life and vigor. Middle-aged Women praise their virtues. To the Aged : 'Platz Pearl Pellets for Pallid People bring sound and refresh- ing sleep, strength to the nerves, cheerful- ness to the mind and ease to the body, sq that the weight of years bears less heavily as the thread of life lengthens. In order that our friends living at a distance may have an equal chance in this competition with our home patrons, we have decided that the date stamped by the postmaster shall determine the time sent. Successful competitors in this contest who object to publicity and prefer not to have their names made known, shall have their wishes respected, This is our initial prize competition, a series of which will he given through the months of April. May, June and Jule. In order that each succeeding compe• tition may be more largelyatronizel, it shall be our endeavor to keep perfect faith with the public, and award all prizes promptly and impartially. We desire our patrons and the public generally to under- stand that these prize competitions are gotten up solely for the purpose of advertising and introducing this wonderful medicine into as many of our Cana- dian homes as possible during the next three months; and to give all who wish to do so, an opportunity to tent the merits of Platz Pearl Pellets. and receive a reward for assisting to introduce them into other homes. All communications promptly answered. Prizes awarded same day answers are re- ceived. Address all letters : (9) CHEMICAL SUPPLY CO., 170 Yonge Street, Toronto, Can. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTIL Second hi -monthly examination. Form I, (1050)-M. Clegg 756, M. Robb 709, M Wthse 630, A. Pratt 631, M. Weir 620, B. Shepherd 578, M. Aitken 551, C. Ferguson 480, M. Irwin 432, R. Holmes 409, li. Murray 339, E. Ayers 342, R. Andrews 91. Forte II, (950)-R. Worthington 592, E. Southoonebt 556, S. Plummer 508,- F. Latin 506, M . McMurchie 477, A. Twitchell 47.2, J. McKienon 396, H. (rant :188, H. McKenzie 386, 0. Murray 345, M. Mo - Murray 267, ti, Tedford 235, J. Middle- ton 230, A. Weir 218, M. Brickenden 162. Form III, (900)-A Roes 646, M. Doherty 615, B. Murch 613, G. Bielby 595, Em. Turner 569, M. Mclutosh 567, C. Tebbutt 555, L. Whitely 536, W. Holland 530, E, C •opar 528, A. Russell 509, W. Bagshaw 492, L. Cruichehank 489, M. Dunkin 486, N. Crich 435, 8. Irwin 481, Ev. Turner 4l1, S. McMordie 476, 1'. Courtiee 467. L. Cunningham 461, L. Johnston 440, 11. Leto zee 437, C. Cook 431, N. Keddy 414, L. Brown 413, E. Cartwright .412, J, Fair :399, L. Magee 399, M. lizard 398, E. Murdock :391, E. Cres 378, M . Jenkina 376, T. Nbrbes 369, 1. Burkholder 330, J. Bell 328, ). Baird 314, R. Reid 314, A. McDougall 279, It. Miller 276, M. McCallum 269, J. McDonald 265. J. Morrow 254, C. Me - Naughton 230, L Nethery 160, R. Calwell 104, N. Vanbridger 102. Form IV, (900) -J. R. Bone des, L. Stevens 5 98,, F. li chardcon 577, T. Snell 575, J. Walsh 548, M Martin 513, M. Ro.e 493, R. Dodd 386, C. McDonald .418, H. Fair 393, N. Crich 364. Several, with low marks lost part r f ilio examination through sickness. Others were absent altogether. -Air, Kenneth Murray met with a frightful, and probably fatal accident tit Embro on Monday evening He had ,just started for home when the horse ran away, throwing him ont of the cutter. When picked up it woe found that Mr. Murray'w wind Ripe had been cut so that his breath esoal ed. The cut was made by some sharp piece of metal which he was thrown against. Owing to the liberal patronage received we have det,ided to•, continue the �.., BOOT and SHOE BUSINESS i and have purchased direct from the manufacturers a Line and select stock of $EW SPHINC FOODS that will be sold cheaper than any other house in the trade. I will continue to sell the present stock at and below cost. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange for Goods. T. E. McDONOUGH. Jackson Block, Huron St., Clinton, 20 CTS. PER DOZEN. Coats' City Restaurant, NEXT DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. r Star Coal 011, 4 IMPERIAL CALLONS ABOUT EQUIVALENT TO 5 AMERICAN CALLONS For FORTY -1'2V= CTS_ WATER WHITE AMERICAN OIL, 25c. GALLON. These prices are SPOT CASH at our store, charged or delivered 21 cents galleon extra. JOHNSON'S B` kLSOMINE AND PURE NIXED PAINTS. CRURCH'S ALABASTINE. JOHN A. BRUCE'S FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS. 0 DAVIS & ROWLAND, HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE, CLINTON. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat 0 63 to 0 66 Spring wheat.... 0 60 to 0 63 Barley .. 0 35 to 0 40 Oats .... 0 30 to 0 31 Peas 0 55 to 0 .57 Apples, (winter) per bag0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes, per bush ... 0 40 to 0 50 Butter .. 0 16 to 0 18 Eggs, per doe 0 12 to 0 14 Hay ....600to600 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef ...... 0 00 to 000 Wool 0 18 to 0 00 Dressed Hogs ..... 7 50 to 7 60 IHRTlas.l iawtx.-in Clinton, on nth Inst., the wife of Hr. J. W. Irwin, grocer, of a daughter. Jonnss, i)n Monrlav, the 20th Inst.. the wife of Air.I�:dward Jordan, 15th con. Goderielt Tp , of a daughter. DEATHS. Ross.. In Tuckeremith, on the 10th inst., Eliza Roes, aged 50 year. and 0 months, mother of Mrs. Jae. Beattie, Clinton. Reuss. -In Colborne township, on the 15th inst., Mr. David Fisher, aged 58 years and 2 menthe. wesx.-in Brussels, on the 17th Inst., Witham, eldest son of Mr. John Wynn, aged 24 years. LAVD'ynonorlon.-Tri Tnekernmith, en Match 25th, .Tames Landeaborough, jr., second son of Jamas Landesborongh, aged 'l4 years, :months and 25 days. rueseonn -At Wighton, E.. nn March 28th, Henry Ransfotd, Eaq., formerof Clinton, aged 88 year.. -The Order of Chosen Friends, an American society, not being entitled to register under the Ontario Insurance Act, will have to (mane doing bueinese in the province. This society claims to have a large membership in Ontario. It is unfortunate for its members, many of them for years having paid into' the beneficiary fund of the order, thinking that in their old age that their families would he protected by thts in. surdtnce. They now find that they were resting on an ineecuro foundn I tion. ARE -:- YOU GOING TO MANITOBA This spring our Farmer friend GOING TO MONTREAL This spring our Business friend? GOING TO CHICAGO This summer our Tourist friend' GOING TO THE OLD LAND Our salt water friend! GOING TO MACKINAW Our fresh water friend.? Then don't take Second Class accommodation when you can travel on the 0_ P_ R_ For the same money. A. T. COOPER, Clinton, TiCKET ♦an TELEGRAPII AGENT, FOR SALE. tote No. 7 end 8., nlnsley Terrace, containing 21 acree of land, dwelling house, barn and orchard. The property adjoins the Corporation of Clinton. Alen, two story brick building suitable for store and dwell- ing house, collar 5404, a',nut one-fifth acre corner lot opposite Queens Hotel, Victoria St., Clinton, Ont. Also vlltayre lots 7, 8, 0, in Blyth, Ont. The above property will he sold at it hargnin to settle up estate. Apply to 1V..1, ntaarxs, Clinton, Ont., per executors, or to Mantling h ticott, solicitors, Clintoh, or to T. N. Carling, auctioneer. 74=11. r BULL FOR SERVICE. The undersigned has for service en Lot No. 20, sen. 0, Township of Ifnlfnit, a Thorough Bred Durham Bull. First class pedigree. Terms :-$1 at time of pervieo, with privilege of returning ; or $1.50 in- snranre. 751•Im. BEN. CHURCHILL. MANITOBA EXCURSIONS COMMENCE FEB. 28th. THROUOFI COUPON TICKETS issued from Clidtnn and Baggage Checked through to all points. Close connections and host accom- modations are offered ;'y this route. FOR ALL INFORMATION APPLY TO WM. JACKSON, TOWN AGENT, G. T. R.