The Huron News-Record, 1893-03-29, Page 5!sadqucqters'
Low Prices'
he date of the Monthly Pair, when we will offer the following UNPARALLELED ARRAY of BARGAINS.
Our previous Bargain Days have been an unqualified success ; we don't want this one to be behind its
predecessors, so have gone over our Stock and have gathered together a list of Bargains that are un-
You have tested the truth of these Bargain Day announcements and know every article is just as repre-
sented, if not found so we will make it right with you.
You want to buy where you will get thebest and most for your money, that's at The Palace any day;
-cash and one price does it, but perhaps more so on Bargain Days. The reason of this .is : There are
always Odd Lines and Remnants forming, that if allowed to accumulate soon lock up a good deal of
cone . ;. these we are anxious to turn into money and make room for new clean stock, and have found by
experience that the best, the most satisfactory and quickest wa to do this is to put them on our noun-
ters on a certain da , .nark them at rices that must sell them, tell the people about them, and when the
day is over we seldom have many left. THIS IS THE GREATEST- REASON WE HAVE 1 BARGAIN
DAY. We want to clear out the list of goods given below. We want them cleared out on Bargain Day
and in order to do so offer them at prices that mean for you an absolute saving of money:
An Absolute Saving of An Absolute Saving of
Money on Staples. Money on Dress Goods.
40 Ends of Factory Cotton, lengths 3 to 10 yards.
This bargain should clear out those Mill Ends of White
Cotton, get some before they are gone ; . lengths from 5
0' 15 yards.
25 yards 42 inch Circular Pillow Cotton 15c, worth at
,least -20c.
125 yards of colored Terry, 5c. per yard.
4 bunches Navy "Blue Carpet, 50c. bunch. Navy is
the only color at this price.
2 patterns Cottonade lSc., worth 23c.•
A few remnants of Cottonade.
Light and Dark Shaker Flannels, Sc. and 10c.
500 yards dark and light Prints, good colors and pat-
• terns at 72c. per yard, worth at least 1Qc.
An Absolute Saving o
Money on Linens.
Good Towelinig, 5c.
_.. \Vider Toweling, 64c.
Better ones, 7c and 8c.
Good Cotton Towels, 7c. pair.
•Larger Cotton Towels, 12c. pair.
• Better Cotton Towels, 17c. pair.
All Linen Towels, 9c. each.
A better line, 25c. pair.
A lo't of odd ones, 35c. pair.
A few ends of Table Linen at
Turkey Red I inen, 25c. yard.
remnant prices.
An Absolute Saving of
Money on Notions.
15c. Linen Handkerchiefs for 10c.
A. few enols 25.; , Frilling 10c. per yard.
3 patterns Frilling, 5c. per yard.
Apron Muslin, 7c. per yard.
Fancy checks, 6 colors, at 124c., worth 20c.
Double Fold Bedford Cords, 2 colors, only Gray and
Myrtle, 25c..
2 pieces 'Fancy Brocade Dress Goods at 23e.
Fancy Stripe and Shop Dress Goods, 29c.
2 ends Fancy Brocades, colors•Favrn and Gray, were
70c. for 39c.
1 end heavy Black Cashmere, 39c.
A big lot o[ remnants, lengths from 1 to 5 yards.
6 very fine Dress Suits in dark colors, will be sold by
the piece or yard at less than cost to clear.
An Absolute Sauinq of Money
on Wet Weather Goods.
12 check and stripe Rubber Circulars at $1.45, were
A few better ones at $1.85.
An odd lot of old style ones, 25c., would do to save
your better ones.
40 odd Umbrellas, your choice for 40c.
A lot .of men's odd Rubber Coats. choice for $1.25.
An Absolute Saving of Money
on Millinery.
A lot of newly trimmed Hats, your choice fur $1.00.
Good untrinnned Straws, 25c..
A big lot of Ostrich Feathers, your choice for 50c.
A. better lot, your choice for 75c.
Narrow Colored and Black Ribbons, 2c. yard, wider 3c.
2 inches wide, 7c.
A basket of ends, Fhoice 5e.
An Absolute Saving of Money
on Curtains, &c„
27 inch Art Muslin, 5c.
3.6 inch Art Muslin with border, 10c., worth 15c,
Red Buff and Gray Window Holland, 9c.
A line of $3.50 Curtains clearing at 52.25 per pair.
And a lot of odd pairs will be sold cheap.
A lot of remnants of Embroidery,32c., 41 yards in piece.
Good Embroidery, 31, 5, 7, 9, 10c. yard.
Ladies Colored Linen Collars, lc.
Veilings 5, 7 and 9c. per yard (all colors).
A lot of Gimps 5, 7 and 10c. yard.
An Absolute Scwinq of Money
on Corsets.
We have still a few pairs of Crompton's Genuine Cora -
line Corsets, 4 hook, color tan, price 75c.
The Josephine, a 75c. Corset to be sold at 47c. pair.
A few odd sizes, 37c. pair.
An Absolute Saving of Money
on Tweeds.
Good Tweeds 25, 30, 35, 46 and 50c. per yard,
An Absolute Scwing of Morey
on Furnishings.
Men's good Print Shirts, 50c.
Alen's better Print Shirts, 70c.
Good Ties, 10c. each.
Boy's Soft Felt Hats, 40e., worth 75c.
Boy's Soft Felt Hats,50c., were $1.00 each.
All good shapes.
Come and come as early as you can before the best goods get picked up.
GENS, DrysGoods Palat(Ointon.