The Huron News-Record, 1893-03-22, Page 6Ayer S HamVigor • iialces the Hair sat ons glow, "" I leave used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five•years, and my hair is moist, glossy, end in an excellent state of Pres- ovation, I am forty years old, and have ridden the plains for twenty live years." Wm. Henry Ott, alias " M ustang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo, Ayer's Hair Vigor 'Prevents flair from falling out. "A number of years ago, by recom- mendation of a friend, I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop the hair from falling out and prevent its turning gray. The first effects were most satisfactory. Occasional applications since have kept my hair thick and of it natural color,"— H. E. Basham, McKinney, Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor Restores hair after fevers. " Over a year ago I had a severe fever, and when I recovered my hair began to fall out, and what little rcmained turned gray. I tried various remedies, \but without success, till at last I began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is restored to its original color."—Mrs. A. Collins, Dighton, Mass. Ayer's Haar Vigor Prevents hair from turning gray. "My hair was rapidly turning gray and falling out; one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor has remedied the trouble, and my hair is now its original color and full- ness." -13. Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0. 'A Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maas. Bold by Druggists and Perfumers. The Huron News -Record $1,50 a Year -31.25 in Ad%alma Wednesday, !Mardi ;'2nd, 1893. EAST 1[UI:ON TEACHERS' CON- VENTION. • An institute meeting of the East Heron feacher.a' Association 'was held in the public school, Winghatu, on Thursday and El iday, the 2nd and 3rd of \f uch, The etttendanee was not as o•:;e es utielit have been expected, but the I1 rug;anl file was well ctll'1'ied out. On Thured,v rha fuienu•)u session hezao- at 11 o'clock, President M. Black its the char After routine the first order of hu.,ineas was the sppdiut leg ul' committees, which resulted as follows : Reporting, —Messrs. Scott and Hogg. General Business, — Loagh, Houston and Plummer. Resolu- tione,—Doig, Musgrove and Clarkson. AFTERNOON SESSION. Delegate's Report. — \Ir. A. H. Plummer, delegate to the Dominion Convention held in Montreal from July 5sh to .J uly 8th, 1891, explained the origin cif this Association, and gave a general account of the woik t':hou up, giving a synopsis of the subjects dis- cussed by Hou. G. VT. Rues, Minister of Education, Mr. Inch; New Ilruns wick, Mr. McKay, Halifax, Mr. Sin- clair, I-Iemiltou, Mr. Martial'', Pennsyl- vania, Rev. Dr. Grant and others. , PRACTICAL TREATMENT OF ENGLISH. William Houston, M . A., Director of Teachers' Institutes, disoiIdsed the subject " Practical Treatment of Eug• lish," dealing with realiuo and writing He first described a child when enter- ing school and considers that a great deal of titue is wasted by under -rating a child'a knowledge. He maintains that a child cau express his ur her ideas in words before having received any public school training, but trust be taught to express them in different ways. Mr. Houston uses the phonetic method entirely, and cuusiders a teacher who sloes not use this method, a very inferior teas l,'i. In teaching a child to read he would always neo *Tull tenets, nut single welds, as we always think in sentences. He would also bogie with sutipt and would not ask a child to read print, until it be -far eno-igh advanced to read in the second part of the first book, thus discarding tato first part -of the that book entirely. tie would begin the subject writing as soon as the child commences school won k. "'The duties of citizenship" was taken by Mr. W. R. Lough, of Clinton, He introduced this subject by strongly maintaining that the amount of history Iequired at the various examinations is far too great, and recommended that it be reduced to such au extent :as to per- mit sufficient time to qualify the pa pile to become good citizens. Ile claims that they should cleanly uudorstaud Civil Government, Patriotism, Loyalty, and the principles of Free Trade, I'ro taction, Revenue tariff, etc. '1'o do this he would first' clearly show the mode of election, duties sinal re.apoosi bilities of the township council. An as pupils learn to du by doing, it is well to continence by calling the school house a municipality, and having them go through the actual performance of Nomination and Flection, the teacher acting as critic and guide. He treats each governing body similiary until he reaches the Federal Parliament, thus giving them a vivid and lasting impression of the duties of the various officials. Considerable discussion fol lowed by Musgrove, Doig and Mack. COMPOSITION. tVilliam lloueto'1, M. A,'Taunted hie discussion of the Practtcal Treat ment of English, dealing particularly with Composition. He considers that Composition and Grammar are directly opposite. Grammar is the eciouce of the sentence and is analysis; Compoti tion of synthesis, Original Composition should bo taught as soon as the child can write. Dictation is a good exer visa if the model be good; it trains the ear and eye, but the supplying of Ellipses, Mr. Houston does not approve , •e j ;. ; r th, ,lit ". a,i'nfeT,' WITHOUT crjAVIMS • 'FI IDE � ,i Y MARC e � 1' 14 11 •irk i' �"1;q' REM'A1 n't ,r,C,,fl.I�"c:Q;e�►, 8preinS, Bruise, Burris, Ov obit:,. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER COMPANY, Baltimore, Md, Canadian Deppt: TORONTO, ONT.y, s",";!.. •.revo.1. t•' Yin ,.. ";4i •,r e, i ,:k.Vu '?i nt the: SOTS of. In order to become efficient in that, in case two are required, the Composition u child required plenty of masks awarded for thea subjY-ut should practice and plenty correction, of be a maximum of 100. the right kind. Teacher's should not point out the errors in Composition, the children should be taught to detect their own errors and then to correct there. Compositiou exercises should he written iu a scribbler or other book for the purpose and should be ro-writteu, -with errors corrected. '!'his subject was further discussed by Messrs, 1;larkeon, Musgrove, Baker and Lough. The meeting thea adjourned uutil 9 o'clock a. m., on Friday. THURSDAY EVENING. On Thursday evening a publie en- tenet:i newt twee held ul the Town Hall. The programme eousisted of an address by \Ir. Houston, M. A, uu "Esthetic Treatmentef Englie!'." Musical eulec tiuus by the 1Viugholn Orchestra, and •esugs by the school pupils, Mr. Houstuu cuusiders the Esthetic value te"' Literature an important subject, as childieu should be able to discover and comprehend the beauties of liter attire and by this tneaus would uut b't so liable to read literature that would tend to be unprofitable. Ile illus-trat.- ed his lecture by the "Three Fishers,,, by Kingsley; anti "Break, Break, Ilrealc," by 'Tennyson. The music II selections by the Orchestra were de- s••rveslly :appreciated, while the songs by tilt) pnpila under the tuauagelueutof Miss Reynold, could not possibly be 'oo highly applauded. The chair was oecul,ied by \,Ly'. L'I:,ck,Prusideut of the Association. THE SECOND DAY. Tho Attendance at roll call the second day was 65. After routine proceed ings the Fivancisl Report was read and showed a b'tittuce ou hautl of $115.118. '!'his led to a lively dis cusaion by Messrs. Doig, lfoustou. Scott, Lough, i\ osgrove, Plummer, Hogg, Simard!. and 1ograut, 35 10 what should be dune ,vith the funds ou hand.. It was finally agree.( that a cuulmittee c01181stlut( of Messrs. Hous- ton, Lough, Robb, Plutnmer and Scutt he empowered to collect the library, also to procure additional books to the amount of''ir75. It was further agreed that the library he kept in Clinton for the filet year at least; and that each member of the Association have access to the lit rary, also that all teachers tvho subscribe for the Educational Journal be considered members of the Association. ELECTION OF OFFICERS was the next ,order of business, and re• stilted as follows : President, W. R. Lough, Clinton ; First V ice•Pnesideut, M 188 Braden, Brussels ; Second Vice President, Miss Livau, Cliutcn ; Seere- tary•Treasurer, A. Scott, Seaforth ; Executive Committee, Messrs. Mos– grove, J. Moore, Houston, Hogg and M iss Day. Provincial Delegate, A. II. .11us;ruve. Auditors, Meseta. Mc- Taal and l.;ltukaon, lir. Doig was called upon, and in a sort of extem- porary address touched ou a few points in our educational system, explaining why lie thought so many teachers make teaching a mere stepping atone to some au called higher profession. His priu cipal tensor' was that the remuneration is inadequate. He then took up irregular attendance and distribution of school grants, and closed his address by showing why so many farmers' 8011s leave the farm. Ile claims that boys should follow the vocation for which nature intended theta. Corsiderable diecnssion followed by Clarkson and Mosgrove. SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT OF ENGLISiI. Mr. Houston than introduced his subject, entitled, "The scientific treat• Inset of Euglish." Grammar, lie says is the science of the sentence, and science the clasaitication of knowledge. lie would commence the study of granuuar iu the JuniorThird by taking the sentence, as it is the unit uf thought, first divide it into its essential elements, then claaaify the words, and finally arrive at a general conclusion, thus following the throe aueoee,ive steps of induction analysis, classitica• tion and gone:alizttiou. He next showed 1118 Method of treating the complex and compouud sentences. \1r. iloueton's lectures throughout were Interesting and instructive, and considerable valuable information was carried off by those who availed them• Selves of the opportunity of hearing hits. RESOLUTIONS. Tho following resolutions were passed : 1. In regard to the communication from the North York Teachers' Associa tion, that township councils appoint one or more persona to not as truant officers. Resolved that no action be taken. 2. Irl regard to the communication from West Huron Tenehers' Aseocation, respecting drawing books for entrance examination, that one book only he sent in. Wo are of the opinion that ono drawing book ie sufficient, but 3. That a vote of thanks he tender- ed the Public Senool Board for the use of their school building fur holding our meetings; to the 'Town Cuuici1 fur the free use of their hall fur the evens Itlg entertainment, stud to those 15ho took pert iu the entertainment and especially to the ecliGul pupils. 4. That the reporters of the proceed tugs of this meeting be paid fur their services, 5, That Canadian history, only, be the limit fur entl'8nce wink, and that a copy of this redolutiou he sent to the Ed Ira, tun Dela r men l,tothe Pioviucial and other Associations. On motion of Air. A. I1. Musgrove, seconded by Mr. Duig, the meeting adjourned to meet in Brussels at the call of the Executive Committee. O- A UNION OF TARIFFS. The grit party 18 row endoavuring to forget 110(1 cause other people to for• get that it ever advocated the comluur• tial uuiun of Canada and the United States. The other day Mr. 1),tvies indignantly protested against such a change being made. The cause of the indignation is obvious.. in the final of commercial uuiun the offensive feature of the Liberal policy, namely, its sevntwnce of the ties linking Eng• laud and Canada together, ite destruc• lion of our commercial independence and he 1.oudeucy quickly to make tie politically a part of the United States are more clearly uhauifested than when states] in the forte of Unrestricted Reciprocity. The i[onorable Ed. Blake as the result of, an exhaustive auul,ysis of Unrestricted Reciprocity, declared it to be identical with cow- tinrctal union. But, further, the plan was originally that of- Mr. hitt, an American polit.icen, who supplied the idea that waw eagerly adopted by the Liberal party. Mr. hitt, author of this sctienle, said: "What is commer• cial union with C'tusd t 1' It seems as set out iu this resolution, the adoption by both countries of precise' the carne tariff of duties or taxes to be levied upon goods coining frotn abroad; ab.olishines altogether our line of cus- toms houses on the north by which we collect tariff duties on goods corning from Canada; abolishing their custom houses along the same line by which they collect tariff duties upon goods the send into Canada; and leaving in tercourse as unrestricted between this tannin and Canada (,oda as it yis between the States. The line of custom houses would follow the sea and would in elude both countries." Such was each declarations oI the author of the policy. But surely Mr. Davies forgot that Air. Laurier, his leader, when speaking at the pavilion in To- ronto iu October 1889, declared for a uniform standard of customs and tariff duties. Nut only waathisso, but when the movement first appealed, and at the time when Sir Richard Cartwright siva years ago moved for the removal of duties on all manufactures and natural products of Canada and the United States passing from one country to the other, the Grit Areas of the county was full of denunciations of the customs line and of appeals for its abolition. On the slurup also, the abolition of custom houses was a theme upon which the Grit !introit grew elo (pent. In view of these well remem- bered facts, It would be astonishing to hoar, a utas of Mr. Davids' promin• encs that nommercial union had been the policy of the Grit party were it not that boldness and bounce are more conspicuous qualities in that gentle• man's utterances than accuracy. 41100009110 A Popular Competition. The Publishers of the Ladies' Honkie Magazine presents its great Winter Cotnpetttion to the public of America. This Competition closes on April 30th, 1893. Qu7RT1oNR.—r, Wilk)] IR the longest hook In the New Test.atnont? 2. Wnt'•h in shortest? 8. The Longest verse? /. The shortest? I-Iow To Co rrETrt„—Write the ques- tions clown, and follow with the answers. Mail this to us, together with $1 to pay for six )months subscrip- tion to the Ladies' Home Magazine -- one of the hest Horne Magazines of the day, and if your answers are correct; you will receive One of the following $sizes : $1,000 in gold ; $500 in gold ; 25() in gold; $100 in gold ; 2500 Elegant Silver 'sea Sets; Organs, Pianos, etc. Everything fair and square. Send postal card for list of former prize winners. Over $10,000 distributed dar- ing the past two years. Address : Tris LA Di HOME MAGAZINE, Peter- bonrgh, Canada. In our last conpett'lin, ie which we had a circle containing .315 dots, we had answers rang - Ing from 300 to 2,000,000. On the whole, however, our customers counted better than we expected. At the close of the competition the winners were nodded of theirsuceeas, and the presents awarded Just as we advertt,sed. As a proof of this and as an evidence that (ve have kept perfect faith with our patrons, we will send a comp!, to list ore/inners(excepting those objecting to publicity) to any address on receipt of alt Ment stamp hi pay postage. We do this instead of publishing them on account of the list being 80 very large. In our present competition we present the above star auci ask our customers to count the dots as they did with those In the circle. With it we make this t•n'er: To the first three.peraons sending iu the correct answer we will give 0ach an elegant GOLD WA'TCli, with ELGIN, - ALTHAMMI. DUEItER HAMIPDEN or other first-class movement. We will give thesanteto the senders of the three correct answers, who are equally far from the first and the last, while the persons sending in the last three correct answers will each be given watches ,asst lv similar 10 the other SIX. 'PHIS MAKES NISI.; 001 D WAT- CHES. E.►CII 011' WIII 'H IS VAI LIED AT 31O0, that wi 1 positively be given away. A sample watch Is now on exhibition at our efllce, and can be seen by an • person interested; so if , air sincerity is doubted the person may call, or have a friend do so, and see that they are all we claim. Remember each one is first-class and will be accompanied ity a_guarantee from the maker. WE 1 RESENT 601.D WATCHES in this coopetition in preference to PURSES OF GOLD because as a rule they last longer, and can, for years afterwards, he shown by the delighted possessors as at evidence that we do exactly as we promise, The watelees will 1 e pre- sentedin ladies' orentlemten's sires ns d: sire d. In addition we will sive ONE DUN !MED EXTRA PRESENTS such as SILK DRESS PATTERNS, VA LUAIsLE PlE(`TS OF JEWELLERY USEFUL AND PRET rY ARTICLES FOR THIS TOILET, ETC., for intermediate correct answers. Should there be no correct answers, the presents will be dis- tributed among those whcse'answers are nearest the correct number. Each answer must be accompanied by 50 cents hi silver or stamps 0) pay for a box of Dr. Ma•z's Health !'ills. We sell you the pills and give you the present. To an pens' n who is dissatisfied aid does not find the P1119 exactlyas we represent them, we will return their money. Our sole object In making this cxlrn'n'tli- nary offer is to introduce this excellent remedy into every home in America. Health Pills have o equal. The tired 1 rain -worker and AS A TONIC 1 Pi l n worn-out business man finds them especially adapted to Ids case. They give new life and energy, and make hard work easy. Ilii. 111AILZ'S HEALTH PIi,I,S Sh•REN(1- THEN THE BODY AND BRIGHTEN THE BRAIN. YOUNG MEN Who suffer from excesses of youth, inteturnnl emissions mental worry over -work or aleeplessnoss, 3L': u1L� use Health Pills. They will scup your•trrnldes, give you energy and strength, and make you yourself again. YOUNG WOMEN Pole, and tired, who surfer fr nn female weakness, scantiness, suppression of their sick- ness, headache, white,, p•,tn in the back and hearing down pains, should use Health Pills. They restore the monthlies in all 0113,8, Lulls up the system, enrich the blood and make the face plum jjbright and n[ojs�. III�UDt- G6U MEN premature from preSufforing decay, kidney or bad ertroubles, the results ofyouthful follies loss of energy, mental worry or over -work, should use Health fills. They act especially upon the bladder and kidneys, and restore the vigor of youth to all failing organs, both physical and mental. MIDDLE-AGED WOMEN Su fieri ng 1'rfnn "change of life," headaches, pains in the womb, constipation, piles, irregularities anti mental de- pression, should use Health Pills. They relieve all these syinptoms, purify the blood, strengthen the nerves, regulate the bowels, and assist Nature inTOr'y_way. T�(� AGEDHealth Pills yield sound and refreshing sleep, give strength t e nerves, cheerfulness to the mind and case to the body, so that the weight of years bears less heavily as the thread of life lengthens. If the persons among whom we decide to dis- tribute our presents object to publicity, and desire that no mention be made of their names, we 1.111 respect their wishes in the matter and forward presents to any address mentioned without the knowledge of even a thirderson. All communi- cations addressed to uswill pbepromptly answered and all correspondence regarded ns sacredly emt- tidential. In writing, address THE PARISIAN MEDICAL 00..(Panadtan Branch), 32 to 84 ADELAIDE ST. E., TORONTO. HONEST HELP FOR MEN PAY NO MORE MONEY TO QUACKS. A sufferer from Errors of Youth, Nervous Debility and Lost Vigor, was restored to health in such a remarkable manner, after all else had failed, that he will send the means of cure FREE to all fellow suf- ferers. Address, with stamp, MR, EDWARD MARTIN, (TEACHER) 1308 143, DETROIT, MICH. FISHING !i'ADlC TRADE. Business mets a.1 0 1.,,e5 or , ase l•ke to conduct their business so as to bring a living return. In fact it is beyond co-romon reason to attempt, to do any- thing else. ('nstonhers atre numerous, but the great difficulty, as a rule, is to secure the class that is required --people who buy and pay for what they get. The business man who does not advertise must expect. to take a second place. Andtheadvertiscr must be honest and carry out exactly what he places in print if he expects to retain old cus- tomers or secure new Ones. To those who are fishing for trade, or the business men who desire to re- tain old customers, we would say that Tun NEWS -RECORD is certainly the medium to talk to the people through. Legitimate advertising is one of the great; necessities of the present age. Retain old customers and secure new ones by casting your line in the columns of THE NEWS -RECORD. der� a Sox The Old Reliable ConfeGionery $torn, . 1 OYS'I IERS ARE IN :SEASON ! ` EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE NO O'THElt, Fruits, Coerce eery, Biecults—in endives variety ; Lranbarrtes, Sajat Pata40a . Spanish Grapes, etre Y ttr'1.OBACCOS, PIPES, OIGARS--GOOD GOODS AT USE SELLING P1 IO:s Everything first-clae.ein a first-&gss40re. Don't pass Anderson's Restaurant Searle's Block, - Albert Street, R O CK OIL. When your wife eees this she will smile! Why 1 Because she can sit''=: et,joy herself with -her sewing and readitig and not endanger Iter eyes, us'. shedoes when using the ordinary Coal Oil. Rock Oil Is Equal to American, and We have just received either at our new store Brink Block. we sell it at the sante price as ordinary Coal Oil. another car of this Famous Oil and you cult get it in the McKay Block or at our old store in the TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. IIAR]L N D BRO S ev STOVE AND HARDWARE, - - Albert St., Clinton • 41.104 - Special for Xmas Trade Choice Cream Chocolates at 25c. per lb. Done up in a nice fancy boxor satchel, also the following Goods at reasonable prices. , 500 1l)s Loyal Mixed Candy, 200 lbs Mixed Candy, 100 lbs Conversation Lozenges, New Figs, Nuts,, Lemons, Oranges. Oysters andfFi€h direct fi cm Baltimore. Call and see our Stock %%Foch is the largest and most varied in town. Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes A great Variety. COAT'S CITY RESTAURANT, CPUICKSiIANK'S OLI) STAND, ectal 0 otice. As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangements with n leading firm of 'Toronto for a Targe supply of Artistic Pictures by well- known Masters, all framed and finished iu first-class style, and suitable' for the best class of residence. Each customer will be presented with one of these magniliceut,Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre- gate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices. Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced pricer; 30 per cent. 1 wa11 supple all. Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise Soaps at the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at our Store. Our Sock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas, including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and Crown Blend, the finest iu the market. Ex twine the gnalityand prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Setts, and be convinced that Bargain Day with ns is every business da throughout the year. r N ROBSON, China Hall. Clinton, Feb. 14, 1893. tJa First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery, Montreal. Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 Pounds or Bbl. Lots. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. Butter and Eggs wanted. J. W. IRWIN, Noted Grocer, CLINTON. riar :ill Coal -- 0 Just Received another Car of Briar Hill Coal. Leave your orders. I-IA-RZI-A_ TD 13R0S- j