HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-03-15, Page 8,, r ll ll'S A110111 J1QR Off/$., `This: to 1114 aaaaoa lata llle year whoa. 'Qod L,ictora. are oepeclall.y op. jlreelated. W14 ft41/E+ ' `JIEM. wA. hove lineal j,p I1 brnptie And 1i4 Olt rricea.. t claptt Mallett 'toolbar R!"'n0t )'en,' wants require wood; gr bottle brandy, we con supply yQu. our PRICES Milt befound in keeping with good Gogda end very small profits. If economy end reliable Goode are what you desire, the Clinton Liquor Store is the only correct plane to go to. J, W. RITER, ATLMERT STREET, . . CLINTON To Advertisers. A11 changes o/ Adv,erIisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, 'must be received at the ogee not later than SATURDAY NO/ V. Copy for changes received late, ,han SAT- URDAY ..V00..V will hereafter be at the Advertiser's own risk. A. M. TODD, Publisher. The/lure n News -Record 51.50 a Yeae--131.25 In Advance, Wednesday, Allard, 15th 1893 LOCAL NEWS. In ,and Around the Rub,' attrtl^L ;ltzh. gl'Robes, horse Clothing, Fancy Woollen and Plush Rugs, are at bargain prices at 732-tf. JOHNSTON & ARMOUR'S. DON'T forget to visit the new Boot and Shoe Store, Jackson Block Huron Clinton. ' SHE what I have saved already by tinging my Boots and Shoes at the new store, Jackson Block, Huron St., Clinton. Zea hooses Daux.—Our agricultural readers will namely need to have their attention called to the advertisement of the Steel Hoosier Seed Drill in tins issue of TEM NEWS -RECORD as the announcement of ars article possessing such unquestionable merit as does this popular implement will, without doubt, re. eelvo due attention rroh, our progressive and ener- Ceti o.earefar�an�old nig coestablished le Noxoand fam�iliarofrmMfg. o thousands of Canadian farmers, their bu,iness data ng from 1858, and the energy and enterprise shewnby them in the ing known the mermteof their productions o uctions to hed kfarmer, stamps then as an active and progressive arm, and we have no doubt but they are fully prepared to make good all the claims made in their advertisement as to the excellence of their Steel IIoosier Drill. • CLINTON is to have another butcher &hop. R. Fitzsitnonawill opena fourth one shortly in Smith's block. DELLA, the little daughter of ,T. E. Blackall, -we are sorry to hear is not im- proving very fast. We hope she will soon be able to be around again. BEWARE,* YOUNG MAN. --We have been informed that a young 'man in town is in the habit of pounding hie another because she desires to go oat washing to earn a livelihood. If such is the case, the fellow should be seeer'e- Iy dealt with and punished. Tho case will likely, ere long, be brought be• fore the Mayor. THE REPORTERS WERE ABSENT.— Goderich papers are slow in giving us the news. We have only just heard of the hearty -appreciation shown to Miss Mountcastlo, for her part in an enter- tainment given in Knox Church, God- erich, three weeks ago, when she was repeatedly called back to the platform. Our staid Presbyterian brethren were surely not sorry for giving way to laughter. .A GODERICA CALLER. —Mt. Geo. H. Fowler, of Ooderich, was in Clin- ton last Friday and dropped in to see THE NEWS. RECORD. Ile was on his return from Lindsay, whither he had been on a several months visit. We regret to learn that Mr. Fowler is not in good health, but trust that he will speedily be restored to the best of all Divine gifts -health. • OYSTERS FOR THE FIREMEN%,—On Friday evening Mr. John Leslie ten- dered the firemen—l8 in all—an oyster supper at Boyd's restaurant. Mr.Leslie adopted this very acceptable way of recognizing the services of the brigade at the late fire. Chief Coats occupied the chair and short speech -making was d in. The gathering was both rofitable one. indulg a pleasant an A SEND-OFF.—Previous to leaving for Dakota, Messrs. Geo. Leith site and Richard and Wm. Murphy .(the latter two sons of Henry) were on Tuesday evening tendered an oyster -supper at the Prince of Wa1en Hotel. Hind words, good humor and timely speeches reigned. All regretted the departure of the young mon and voted the host and hostess "jolly good fellowe." HE 18 AnsitNT.—Naas RECOR, read• era may not notice any groat difference, hot the aub•editor desires to say that the editor -in chief is out of town this week. All errors, libellous state motile, eta, are chargeable to the "devil." His satanic majesty has many *hard "case" to deal with, but in all Joel csses that may crop up he would Serionsl•y ask to be postponed until the return of the editor. t. • Mt. Paan* Qoc rotartted 1n Pt- • trait tont ,tbuueday, ;$Iisu ,K n Mean,. of town,, 1'itlte i,: Seofotth, urn lkirtt, I, Ii;oomttvu'r oras in Wol'oulo la t; ]f day aild ,Saturday, Ult30 '7 or,�iu A�Ii wee a guest at the Mouse, Seefinthr, laet week. 1►In, Piinu,T, of the Bank of Com. merge, Seaforth, was in town lett week. KEPPErw leasee this week with a oar load of horses for Oxbow, 1lau.e M. JOSEPH CIIAII13ERa was renew- ing acquaintancee iu Clinton last week. • MR. AND MRS. J. Moon, of Kirk• ton, are visiting friends in Clinton and Winghatn. WE are sorry to hear that Mise Rye is very i11. We hope to aeon hear of her recovery. Rev. E. W. HUNT, of Southall) has received a call to take a char Durham, Out. FROM HENSALL.—A load of sk from Hensel! attended the carniv Clinton last week. J. W. Cooir is fitting up the pre n Albert street, next Young's ha or a photograph gallery, Mo. J. W. RATER leaves this n a business visit to Manitoba. will be absent about a month. 0 f 0 pion, go at atere al in raises kery, week He put• from the T. visit On 8 coo ass, o be mer ry- in ave Air, hi. ble im in *go nue 0. in i8 tE- ng 8e MiSS WORTHINGTON has re chased the fanny goods business Mr. W. H. Simpson. We wish lady success. MRs. JOHN SNELL, slater to Mr. Jackson, Sr., who has been on a from Cleveland, proceeded north visit previous to returning home. Dn. J. E. BLAceALL, who has b confined to the house for some d we are pleased to slate is able t out again. MR. JOHN MAOWHIRTER, in for years a prosperous and popular d goods merchant of Clinton, Has tuwn last week. MRs. C. C. RANCE and children h returned from Rat Portage. Rance accompanied them as far as C cago, Where he has secured a desire situation. The family will join h shortly. MR. HOOVER, of Seale, Hoover Seale, has taken up his residence Clinton in Mr. Geo. Bowers' 101 house on Hul•on Street. We welco Mr. Hoover as a resident of Clinto Mn. J. R. BAIRD, of Parkhill, was town last week pushing the sale of h electrical gas engines. 'Lin News -I conn is thinking seriously of testi the motor. We have plenty of u for such an engine. THERE \VAS ICE.—A maiden fair with sun -kissed hair came tripping down the street; the air was keen, her age wcs "steen," and, readers, she was sweet. The sidewalk was sleet, and she weut off her feet, with a jolt that shook out her curls, and the words she used must be excused, for she's one of our very best girls. S. 0. E. AT-FIoME.—The enter tainment given by the Sone of,Eng- land to their friends on Thursday even- ing last was a great sue - `?;f ; -' cess. The lodge room s.. + was filled to overflowing; the refreshment hearty, yet delicate; and the programme excel- lent. Mr. Swaffield occupied the chair and read au address of welcome. The programme was then unfolded and Mr. Spaulding gave a song, which was followed by Miss Mountcastle with one of her popular laughing recitations which at once put the company in good humor with themselves and all mankind, and especially womankind, there is no question of Mise Mount - castle's alpility to please. This was follows i by many songs and recita- tions, all of which were heartily appre- ciated by the company. Mr, Brewer, who is an elocutioniet,ie well known in town, was at his best ; in a scene be- tween two French tramps and the keeper of an English restaurant. —Mr. March's reasoning with a mule was ex cellent, Mr. Joiner, and Mr. H. R. Walker, gave recitations that elicited thnudors of applause—the former upon an overdose of lager beer, the latter on an original method of love making. Much appreciation was shown the singers. Miss Jackson was her own sweet self. Messrs. Spaulding, Har- land, Foster and our young debutant, Mr. Norman Fair, were all in our humble opinion in excellent voice, but our musical earis not such as to war- rant us in ariticisiug, yet despite ourinfirmity, we must say that we were de- lighted with Mr. Thos. Jackson, Sr's., rendering of "I'm an English Man," and the house was in aymyathy with us. Tremendous applause followed this song, with cries of encore, to which Mr. Jaciceon responded with "Joh•n Barleycorn" amid continued cheering. Mr. Jackson is District Deputy of the S. 0. E.; he moved a vote of thanks, seconded by Past Presi• dent N. Robson, to all who had assist. cd, and it was carried unanimously. On notion of Dr, Shaw and W, Har- land the Sons of England were thanked for the excellent entertain• ment. The singing of the National Anthem brought the excellent pro- gramme to a close. 4. -Ts it deMaild hnd woltitv00 tho4sanc s Yer. 401'QXlsa at all ' our 50. papers are,very r prices, pretty, our Ingrain Papers: and Gilts are the Newest, and Best to be bad for the money. You can buy the latest thing in both Canadian and American Papers from us --AND THE PRICE IS DAWN.. inflow Shades are wanted—and here ..they are, NEW FRINGES, NEW DADOES, NEW COLORS, and the price is right. Last years patterns at a Great Reduction. Curtain Poles aro required—now is the time to buy—we give a better pole for 25e. with all the trimmings, than we ever did before, old kind of Curtain Pole at 2 for 45c. We want your trade, and it will be to your advantage to see us. Robins -:- Bros., Look Store and News Depot, McKay Block, Clinton. 1 0 Just opened out sone more new Prints, fast colors, choice patterns, fine assortment, every yard bought this season ; Quality, Pattern and Price are the telling features here. NEW EMBROJDERJES in fine narrow widths. Our store is noted for this line of goods, and when we tell you that part of them have already arrived, you know for sure that we have some- thing choice to offer you. See our lines 8c, 10c and 12c. REAL INCHON LACES those new, narrow widths have been received. We keep no imitation in these goods, and our assortment has no equal for range of pattern and price. Our new Guipure Laces, in black and colors are great favorites with our cus- tomers ; they are sellers. A line of mengwi4- 1 rt7y.°ll at Se, 10c, 121c. Towelings, fine ranges, 5c up to 15c. Dark Shaker Flannel at 8c, worth 121c.; our Grey at 15c cannot be beat. DRESS GOODS. Our customers are surprised and pleased at the bi bargains and values we are giving to clear out the odd lines. MILLINERY DEPT ■ Felt Hats, if you want one, we can please you either in Price, Choice or Style, or if you want an early spring Hat we can suit you, as we have received our English Straw Hats, and remember for quality and price our goods are unsurpassed. t 'Straw Hats clone over in all the lead- ing styles. 1893 °.° SPRING °.• 1893 o--� Housecleaning time) will 800n be here and you will, no doubt, require some• thing new for your house. Before commencing houae•cleaning, take a look through our Warerooma ttnd see what we have got—Remember we consider it a PLEASURE to show you our Stock and quote prices whether you wish to huy or not.— For the spring trade we have a full line of PARLOR SUITES, EASY and SFANCY CHAIRS, COUCHES, LOUNGES, BEDROOM SUITES, IDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES FANCY TABLES, DINING ROOM CHAIRS, BOOK CASES, SECRETARIES, DRESSING CASES, WASHSTANDS, BED. STEADS, MATTRESSES, BED SPRINGS, PICTURES, and in fact everything in the Furniture Lino. Space will not allow 1/8 to quote prices, so call and Dramin our Stock. J -O S�PII oIIIDI4 E FIXE FURNITURE FANCIER AND UNDERTAKER, '.• CLINTON. J. W. CHIDLEY, .Jrt., Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night calls answered at his residence, King St., opposite the Foundry, ter,. �.�t:'_ :�,,,y�,.- ;'.4.ut'�daaii^#:a►►_aaa'�-...ar.u.�,.�: of the population it is estimated or ,14 geu.erAil{ l�tc. M M eepted: tQ be interested in Boys; It requires o ver great amount of reasoning to arrive at the conoltt that people who are interested in 1 Q,ys must\ 4 , terested in what they wear out more of thanany other human being namely Clothing that is on the average. Your boys are not in a healthy state when one sukt of clothes will last much over a year, so do not worry about your boys when they go through their wearing apparel "Boys will be Boys" to use a common) adage and it will soon be with you a kind of by -gone -day pleasant recollection of the turbulent happy boys, "be considerate of. them now" they will remember it I Purchase clothing for the boys' with as much care as for the female portion of your family and it will pay, it will also pay to purchase from us 1 Boys Suits at 1.50, `a 2.00, $2.50, X3.00 X4.00, That are unequalled for Qualityor finish. 0 JACKSONB 0 Clothiers Furnishers and Hatters. CLINTON AND SEAFORTE. § § § § § § § § § § § 4 ' § § § § DRESS GOODSJ Our Stock of Spring Dress Goods is now com- plete. This department shows this season, goorls ' that are Unsurpassed for Beauty, Quality or Style. There's hardly a make or kind of Dress Goods we do not show, scarcely a Style or Effect, a Color or Shade, not a piece but we have it. IF rFI-IEPE'S ANYTHING NEW, ANYTHING GOOD IN DRESS GOODS you'll find it on our counters• Among the newest materials shown are Bengalines and English Whipcords, they come in Beautiful Shades, both Plain and Shot, Drape Gracefully, Wear Well, and are moderate in price. A full and complete stock of the Newest and most Stylish Dress ,Goods from 5c. to $ I.00 per yard. f Our New Seeing cantles Are here—we are showing some beautiful garments ; it will be worth your while to see them. They are German manufacture, imported by ourselves ; you will find them faultless as regards style and fit, and when you hear the price you will wonder how they can be made and sold for the price. Cash,selling has a good deal to do with it. Already we have sold quite a number; others have had them laid aside for a few weeks. Those who buy early generally pick out the best. You might as well have the best as somebody else. § § § § § § § § § § § § § S -§-§-- Esq. J. Hodgcus, CLINTON.