HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-03-15, Page 70 lr •' M , � I ''I N% I F1. .. a .t11 A.. , ,, i !K^'7 �ICcMX' T of! 1l o, Wt��u. , � I I ...�w.w-..' '°"""^""c�-r--" ,.ter'; ,iy�(t./�,..,. . , I ? ,III... pis 'b "V41* 4d >tX 4pli-91 40lamegfi OW + �� :r, I2:fb49,,QGQ (w 0 s I Q M yy.Q Q tf ! 1ffli .,71 VtION'I' lIOL$O.N Presldetkt. It^&4ifix'AN (tilUAtAQ, 4lanoral DlNnpyer. disaoulattld, Collections maile, Drafts P liseued, WrIlog and Artlerican ox• ChAuse, bought +tail sold at lQtveot 49rrent rates, N'kpRlmer ALLOWBO ON D4POUTs, ' iaatt4� 04tvlhnoed, t9 farmers on their own notes vYf tb -00.0 bx' more endorsers. No mortgage ro• ;t_ �;,,wp..writs, H O. BREIV,ER, y1. 1. „ Manager, { .li.OF'14NLr}j 10.84•. - OLINTON. r ' oTa a�� a BANKER, A „ � ppn, STREET, CLINTON. i � A O,NV'VlAL BANKING B USINDS I, "ia "A PRANSAOT, Dr is Issued. i, p �1 .. $ 11.. (, fitted, c4i ,; .'j' Xtt4s -eel Allowed on Deposits. I. 0,4 too; sgnogth,1801 65sv "L, l�A I IRAN - & TIS ALL, i PRIVATE BANKERS,: I R$jl t,'0,U i'itry • street - Cllmt.oltt• e td;ijl#£llX. , e -DRS. GlifVi N tie Gil Ontario St. a few doors ca}t of Albert St. a R. J. QlBSON. 4 iV, :,. 1 L.i� Sk r A K 4 .. ,r. I TO THS FARMERS.� Study Your Own interest and ire were you vuu get Reliable 04 Uarness4 I ptanufaetore none but toe BEAT OF STOoa. Accuser, shops that ssll cheap, ¢a thep hallo pot to ttvo 0, Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to i4:>kiILN g3I&LLy HARNESS EMPORIUM, IiLVTIi. ONT FOR SALE. CHE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; has No trouting on BAtteubury Street; althor ell bloc r In sd�p,,arato lots, to suit purchasers. For further articularsapply to the undersign,.d.-F. DPNSLEY, linton• / gyp/ 38 �— --A. O. U. W. - The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, lneets in Biddleromb's [all, uppouite the market, the Ist and 3rd Fridays in ach month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONE- AMf Id. W.; J, BL"AN, Itocordcr. 609y ---- 0ir0olett. `tLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A Al. meets •J ovaryFriday, on or after the moon. Visit• ug brathren cordially invited. SltALLACO)INE, Sec, W. J. PAISLEY, w. m Clinton Jan. 14 1803. -- _ ___ L.0.L.No.710, CY-INTC9N, Mects sEooso Aland of every month. IInll, 31d sat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren ahvaye — , 0 made welcome. WM, WALKER, W. M ' CANTELON, See. THOS. KEAIiNS, D.M. Marl; K,4013lzto -r, .----- -- - -• -- - r' Jubilee 1`1ecept0r1 110. 1611 (Black ICnights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednes- day of every month, at 7.30 o'clock to the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. • A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Precapt0, PETER CANTELON, Registrar _ . '�4.. TURIol�l9 -I,, Turnbull, M. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; i b11, Victoria Univ. M, C. P. & S. Ont, ; Follow the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. tato oP ndon, . Eng., and Edlnburgh hospitals. C;&`a :- ''Dowsley's stand, RattAbury St. Nicht calla Wired at Office. . DR. SHAW. Omoo in Hoagarl's Block, ltatteubury St., Clinton, t. Night calls at Hama place. -petl,tistl•m• ----- — 1 f, rw ` ERRE L. D. S., f , ''Lt ' � Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ont. , reJth extracted without pain by the use of a harm- tessaind pleasant local anaesthetle. No unconscious- %,je9ti, L.aickness nor ill-effects accomvauy the use of •tt,le iemedy, and many in and around Clinton can q 'testify to its genuineness. Special attention given t0` be preservation of the natural teeth. Office, es' Block, averTTaylor's ahc store. c t t"111,1.r AGNEW, L D. V■ 11 Sergeon Dentist. Graduate of Royal f' 0011®ge of Dental Sergeons of Ontario. f 8l'st Local Anaesthetics for painless ex• t %, , 6rketion. Rooms in Smith's Bleak opw ,' por,xite P. O. 728^7. t9DI• MANNING & SCOTT, t liarf"i8t6r'8, �C.. rl 1. _11; ELLIOTT'6 BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. IX18'. MANNING. SAB. SCOTT. CAMPION & JOHNSTON) SARRIS'1'ERbt, . - SOLICITORS., NOTARIES, fie., . GODERICii, - - ONT- `_ ; Office over Jordan's Drug _Store. L. E. CAMPION, Q. C. M. O JONNSTON ]HONEY TO LOAN. — ' H. J. D. OOOIiE, BARRISTEA .VOLTCITOR, NOTARY PUB -7-C, OONVEYANC cR, tt:C. F --STONEY J10 LSND.-- *' Office one door north of the bank, QucEN bTREET, BLYTn, 1W - AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery, ane Conveyancing. Office -West Street, next bol to Poet Office, Goderich. Ont. 67. C. HApB, Solicitor, we. Office,' corner a a care and West Street, OPLL Butler's Bool Store, Goderich, Ont. 87. Sr Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest. polselm to Bend. R ji'ONEY to lend in large or amall come of goo �Yj mortgages or personal security at the lower ctirfent rates. H. HALE, Huron st. Clinton. C, . Clinton, Feb. 25, IBM Iv ' `MONEY TO LOAN. rntorost 6} per cent payable yearly. The borrov or to have the privilege of paying the whole or an art of the principal at any time without givin notice. For further parwculare apply to C. A. HARTT. �fllf`�'ifoRay0 Block, Clinton. , - gWrti<vactring. 'ti5r '!- J l~ul.ttaek 0flake and: .�9f1Fea- tIOrf0'ytalY qo ill Stgl6 - 0NMIRS IN S.E,��tSON, DoWt fail to call wb0z) ordering your azznas euppilea, Our mike'of P.read fa tube beAt that edte.Ia can be produced and is ' d.9 r free to all Harts of the town, . The funks Bab13-11 y, Opposite the Post Offloe, Clinton, Seo, TreWbll, Iorseshoor and General Black- smith, 11bert , 4treet, North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Woodwork ironed and first,class material and cork guaranteed; tams lulploNents and mauhines ebuilt and ropalrod. • WATTS & CU., CHEMISTS & DRUCuiSTS Great Northweitern Tolograph office, Ilbert - - C,trect. - - Clanton. JOHN`_ SCRU 1'ON" 9ittitelier itnd Poulterer, ALBERT S'TRE,EfT, CLINTON. .kil lines" in season. Highest price for Hides, Tallow and Sheepskin's. �RUPERT�' FOR SALE OF 21111."' t, RENT. -Advertisers will find 1lTho ';•� News-ltocord" one of the oeat mediumP in the County of Huron. Advertiseit 'The Nowa-Rocord"-The Double Circulatioa Talks .0'1`11011+ands. Nates as low as cry. 'ovals CIE L16RHA'1ED [deal Was4er�,, .. 709 aAd Wiingefs. i fHE REST IN TIRE !O<i,ARKEY 31-achines ,Allowefl oa lrrirtl I am- also anent for , All 'Aarlcultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill, Call and -see nae. I J.6._WEIR, GLINOTON PUMP JIAKER, - - CLINTON. (ROSS' OLD STAND) Pumps sold reasonable. Cisterns , and Tanks put dom-n. Wells dug and cleaned and Satisfaction Guaranteed. New Flour and Feed Store HANLEY & WALKER e t a v beg to announce that they have opened a Flour and Feed Store east of the Com- mercial Hotel, Huron Street, Clinton. We will keep in stock the very beat of everything In the line, such as Flour, Meals, Feed, Seeds, &o., at very reason- able prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. We solicit and expect a legitimate share of town and country trade. Remember the location of the Clinton Flour and Feed Store. HANLEY & WALKER WCi TRAY STOCK ADVN;B IJ TISEtiENTS inserted in Tna Nsws RROO6e at low rates. The law mattes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If you want any kind of advertising you will not no better than call on The NewR-Record. GO TO THE Union Shaving Parlor For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. Smith's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. Orders left at this ofFiFce promptly attended to. Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS: CHANGE. The undersigned desires to Intimate that he hue bought out the interest of ,Mr. Couch, Fn the butcher. Ing business lately carded on under the style of FORD 6,COUCH. He will continue the came at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and moat careful attention to ilio business, straightforward and courEooua treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and ,•ecclve n fair share of public patronage. ;All orders carefully and promptly Ill led. JAMES A. FORD, .'. CLINTON. •The People's �roceryt I de�iro to intimate to the 'residents of Clinton stud vicinity that- I have ro• moved to the store lately vacated by J. W. IRWI\T, and am putting in full linos of choice traceries, Crockery, pct, �,c., r The geode are all well selected, bought in the bust markets and will be sold at the lowest prices, We intend to melte this the loading business place in town, Inspection of geode respectful- '• ly solicited, Highest prices paid for r Butter and Eggs, GI J. STEWART, •- - Cl!! PHOTOS i nton.fLI *1 I � �­ __ I j �, I , I I H. W. BALL parties on receiving their Photos from tid'!~IONEER for Huron County. sates attend. my Gallery are heard to exclaim, °f I am ed to in any part of the county. Addreee well leased 1 How utas 1 The are nrde"re to'goanaran . o. va7. p Y just lovely, eta." As I hove a first-class •" '' Photographers Gallery with 200 square feet of glass, good professional machinery, modern • ��STER & BAYLEY, improvements arra furniture and seen. cry in great variety, I can make good Photos on dark or bright days. CLINtC)N. Instantaneous process for children also. ' As I have studied the Art thoroughly, •1Lr:if'e .s1Z8'.Pgrtraltl3 a Sneoi111ty, and taken professional instructions e..n.a+••t from some of the best coerces In Can. ;`• . �,, ads, arra use the vary beat arra most ILL HEADS, NOTE durable photographic material I can itet.cla, Lotter Heade, Tage, purchase I feel able to furnish you a Statem0ut6, Circulars, Bueinoas Cordy, Envelopes, Progrntmnee, strictly first-class and curable ]fine of etc„ota.,prtntod in atrorkman• ,Photos at a price reasonable to all. MO manner and at lGtr euros, at ' mHk7 NEW6•RECGRD t C. IIO!AiR1F, :N4.'ur CLINTON. ' .l! u. ' ,' :..:e.. -r . 3.. mow. w ,:",j klAd Illi " ;`x . .. ° ' '61 . - A'.. -0 a so cheaply as fiat where a mountain stream has Leen made to do the l a -' v' :. „ .• r aft• ,� '- .r.'i4atlJi'y,.,:�ff�1 klAd Illi " ;`x . .. ° ' '61 . - A'.. / //�� not idleness, but active, tire ese, cluuest 0 FOR LF'tlRD■ work. Ili _ Our theological systems are artificial and Theta must tomo a natural selection of roll„ions, a survival of the fittest an,ou;; I faiths. Most men are neither sages not fools, 1)o not be chary of appreciation. HL:urtn are hungry for it. Sin is a dreadful, positive, malignant tilling. Seek your life's nourisltnleut in your life's work. The highest natures are most dependent l upon timeliness and f,tuess. Sin and holiness are not Ill thm�s, but to souls, Never comfort affliction with a falsehood; never try to silence error with an ar%uutettt which you do not believe. i NEW USES FOR VJATER. Selent!fic Lftorts to Turn Jr. Int„ Light, I Beat anti Power. One of the most interesting processes now ' going on, says a Sign Francisco eCahange, I is the conversion of water into light, heal and power. The great obstacle in tilt tvay I of cheap electric lights and power has been I f 1 l 1 f 1 But ail , �, * k � a• lt+� anti ,I�NrM�;F(ii�r�, �f1�G�4S`t' ��1.1^tl�lr�. f...p>7si. d1pt�itlllStN!,4 � ><t►�,, ,M�..w • �',�,` iRUl.fl'A11tP1fp�f•M, ';` P1t7,t,f fytlft i't't!p'ste4kt ,YylttMvt4lfCe.N 'tr,ttly „yy�� i� • kill(alt ,1'IIN }?Ikll:,lltt'xett :t i,t/flNttyd, �Q4} Think, ^r+ •• +aur Irind atoe �WO d0 tftegi , ,.•Q11f�lYlAt�ftrt#,fi,•fgVi! P1nGttiiiilet} �ikrl1fs;ltt4 Qtty�tRdQf;r�#wtitdQtpU4R•Mi� ' tuhtttt fkR rwnilatn,,frotal; I;ir'Itpp Brooku 4rsr* , • P•� P1apR ; e iyeaG It u {e YQtf ntrast d, jw. - '; {1tQ1411 •��•pF I�q"f 'p��t��•y+ . I, �A'�,� :°'� '1:41 furltiah trlfcli GB tile balicvht:; ha•krt, • ,t•L f���.RP.. �,M�Sd11R •, , ,t, �!� ltI{fi tt,. furl;lgll II»lit3vittg hearts Gtr truth, .. s+rays the fleet` Lhey prq regot3Cjrptl }i4” • s:grtaiuly G,htfro is ten nuhlt;r utDua fir u tb� et8ndartt eye ryWheilr: • . htu�tnii fifes tftltn that. 7lterry sllQafl:Alnnngllpiltymost 0014, 11 iuxpol•Ie!ttt 11 book or the kin,! Kurz•. • 4 1 junk 9 S.t(i�6 �fJTT'04�NT 112;5 COnle '>10 11tH Ftttir.>u -of enc icy and w t,+io n , 1 fished, tt W ttava,tuxble l;q 111 take Its, place, The Sc2tlsral:ftOn• the cnnlplt.tesL Villi W!1-01' tlw un,tL l,u,• planter, ft4or?tlttlti•eeit �: • yifulli;ti. IiDeJ!'1.Qa 1. with which the,peop►e have hailed , thea,GlventQf�h4•N�Wshorte;ljln � ' ,'Z'Iy'tr.• truth which it to p"ssiitie for VPIND�Q� . , g ; tli,'1'u LV I:u•,N it is t;uod cur uiui Ct,� .� • � ,, P, 151taW, .. .. •� - ,�C . 11 • ' W Everything keeps its LOsG nature only l,c•,•. _ It , —...•-•�..-w--r..,;.-�.•-_.�t--^--,-�s-ti-�-•-,.�•� lysing put to its bust iso. L'llls`h. 7'1tA71l;11,S, .� one '.l.'he serpent, the spirit of evil, has forut::i i his wtky into cho huti,un drums. evidenced by the rapidly.. Increase A treetern paper rises to remark: `,1`he future OF malili.inil is [t ru:i�ious Fu- In error��IIous sales is PRQCIP ''Did )uu over observe the remar'kablt I P�SITIY- C E not only of its rest tore. g l consistency `wf thH 1SVyl'N re free under, • value as a now artlde of diet Thera are indubitable OYIt eneei U+o.t the Y 6 1� but Is also sufficient proof Of the ;;cod in the world is stronger U,su t,ie Just tvntch bhu when utero is thrt pros- .+� genera! desire to be rid of lndl- evil ; a great, slow, steull,• pro, •vas of peCt p( th0 Rxtl,bliahntOltt. of fifty tvorl;e til ggestible, unwholesome, unappe- .the good, forever gaining oil the veil. in Canada huouusH similar astnbliah- ttzinglard,andofall the ills that hope ami clutrity-t.hced muse both Menta on the otht'r sides cannot pet 1�� lard promotes. Try spring up from the soul of faith. a � � If Goti hos truly a nu•pnsu ler our lives, their makes of machiurn into here ow- e who dare be hopeless'., Ah, the du.mdy t:a:i in;; to put• duty, Why he'll pledge LeF1u�e it. the rtivol:UPs Of l,ls lutvn tO.hOt the The repose of old ago is fall of the char- concern ;he'll howl and yt+l I, prophecy oI� 0 I e 0 0 utter that came from the early straggly. to al trod theft if his taunt- wealth I, Trial is an absolutely necessary element of ,alit fortunately succeeds, will turn F ' at .once and waste no time in L Y dls4overing like thousands of h, all perfected character. , ,•fight cooed, dnu.uuuce t•tert-ratitf which others that you have sow Every frau atrvngth is gained in etl'ng• C,H{14Qd the i-ehtblia}twPul of the wotlta, ' NO6Ja�B:. gle. and votes surly and often for its repeal. p� USE 1 Made only by N. K. FAIRl3ANK & CO.y Wellington and Ann Sts. MONTREAL. he Huren News -Record $1.60 a Yo,.t-$1.26 in Advance. Wednesday, ifll.arell 115t11 18:I3 Kincaid S•., liroohvil]e, Oat., Jan. 11, I$'J : •'I was confined to my ked by a eevert' luck of lun,h,gn. A 1„dy frieun of m;a• tit me n part of t► hnttle of Sc, Jn•,nbn Ui', hiuh I applied, The effect was simply agicah In n day I was able to qn eb•,ut y househ' 11 dutio<. I have used it with dentlid success for nrurni;tic tnnthscho would not be without it," bl,ta. J. RINQ• SN U. —A freight train on the Chicago & :rie railway wentthrough tho bridge ,ver the Ottawa river near Lima, Ohio, list week, and took with it ninsteen are, pilin- ' them up in the river. Chree tramps were found dead n the ruins. t ie costo cos am of Her ue.. 11 over the northwest water is Laing utilized 1 for ritnnin electric lents Au electriman R0 y al Black, Precept0ry 3971 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Flail, Blytti, the Wednesday after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon- day of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P O JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P O NELSON T. RITCHIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CiVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE - - - ONT. -0 a so cheaply as fiat where a mountain stream has Leen made to do the l a -' v' B:. I•Leaveu will not be para stxi;nntion ; ' 1 „ Alu't he x beaulYt / //�� not idleness, but active, tire ese, cluuest 0 FOR LF'tlRD■ work. Ili _ Our theological systems are artificial and Theta must tomo a natural selection of roll„ions, a survival of the fittest an,ou;; I faiths. Most men are neither sages not fools, 1)o not be chary of appreciation. HL:urtn are hungry for it. Sin is a dreadful, positive, malignant tilling. Seek your life's nourisltnleut in your life's work. The highest natures are most dependent l upon timeliness and f,tuess. Sin and holiness are not Ill thm�s, but to souls, Never comfort affliction with a falsehood; never try to silence error with an ar%uutettt which you do not believe. i NEW USES FOR VJATER. Selent!fic Lftorts to Turn Jr. Int„ Light, I Beat anti Power. One of the most interesting processes now ' going on, says a Sign Francisco eCahange, I is the conversion of water into light, heal and power. The great obstacle in tilt tvay I of cheap electric lights and power has been I f 1 l 1 f 1 But ail , �, * k � a• lt+� anti ,I�NrM�;F(ii�r�, �f1�G�4S`t' ��1.1^tl�lr�. f...p>7si. d1pt�itlllStN!,4 � ><t►�,, ,M�..w • �',�,` iRUl.fl'A11tP1fp�f•M, ';` P1t7,t,f fytlft i't't!p'ste4kt ,YylttMvt4lfCe.N 'tr,ttly „yy�� i� • kill(alt ,1'IIN }?Ikll:,lltt'xett :t i,t/flNttyd, �Q4} Think, ^r+ •• +aur Irind atoe �WO d0 tftegi , ,.•Q11f�lYlAt�ftrt#,fi,•fgVi! P1nGttiiiilet} �ikrl1fs;ltt4 Qtty�tRdQf;r�#wtitdQtpU4R•Mi� ' tuhtttt fkR rwnilatn,,frotal; I;ir'Itpp Brooku 4rsr* , • P•� P1apR ; e iyeaG It u {e YQtf ntrast d, jw. - '; {1tQ1411 •��•pF I�q"f 'p��t��•y+ . I, �A'�,� :°'� '1:41 furltiah trlfcli GB tile balicvht:; ha•krt, • ,t•L f���.RP.. �,M�Sd11R •, , ,t, �!� ltI{fi tt,. furl;lgll II»lit3vittg hearts Gtr truth, .. s+rays the fleet` Lhey prq regot3Cjrptl }i4” • s:grtaiuly G,htfro is ten nuhlt;r utDua fir u tb� et8ndartt eye ryWheilr: • . htu�tnii fifes tftltn that. 7lterry sllQafl:Alnnngllpiltymost 0014, 11 iuxpol•Ie!ttt 11 book or the kin,! Kurz•. • 4 1 junk 9 S.t(i�6 �fJTT'04�NT 112;5 COnle '>10 11tH Ftttir.>u -of enc icy and w t,+io n , 1 fished, tt W ttava,tuxble l;q 111 take Its, place, The Sc2tlsral:ftOn• the cnnlplt.tesL Villi W!1-01' tlw un,tL l,u,• planter, ft4or?tlttlti•eeit �: • yifulli;ti. IiDeJ!'1.Qa 1. with which the,peop►e have hailed , thea,GlventQf�h4•N�Wshorte;ljln � ' ,'Z'Iy'tr.• truth which it to p"ssiitie for VPIND�Q� . , g ; tli,'1'u LV I:u•,N it is t;uod cur uiui Ct,� .� • � ,, P, 151taW, .. .. •� - ,�C . 11 • ' W Everything keeps its LOsG nature only l,c•,•. _ It , —...•-•�..-w--r..,;.-�.•-_.�t--^--,-�s-ti-�-•-,.�•� lysing put to its bust iso. L'llls`h. 7'1tA71l;11,S, .� one '.l.'he serpent, the spirit of evil, has forut::i i his wtky into cho huti,un drums. evidenced by the rapidly.. Increase A treetern paper rises to remark: `,1`he future OF malili.inil is [t ru:i�ious Fu- In error��IIous sales is PRQCIP ''Did )uu over observe the remar'kablt I P�SITIY- C E not only of its rest tore. g l consistency `wf thH 1SVyl'N re free under, • value as a now artlde of diet Thera are indubitable OYIt eneei U+o.t the Y 6 1� but Is also sufficient proof Of the ;;cod in the world is stronger U,su t,ie Just tvntch bhu when utero is thrt pros- .+� genera! desire to be rid of lndl- evil ; a great, slow, steull,• pro, •vas of peCt p( th0 Rxtl,bliahntOltt. of fifty tvorl;e til ggestible, unwholesome, unappe- .the good, forever gaining oil the veil. in Canada huouusH similar astnbliah- ttzinglard,andofall the ills that hope ami clutrity-t.hced muse both Menta on the otht'r sides cannot pet 1�� lard promotes. Try spring up from the soul of faith. a � � If Goti hos truly a nu•pnsu ler our lives, their makes of machiurn into here ow- e who dare be hopeless'., Ah, the du.mdy t:a:i in;; to put• duty, Why he'll pledge LeF1u�e it. the rtivol:UPs Of l,ls lutvn tO.hOt the The repose of old ago is fall of the char- concern ;he'll howl and yt+l I, prophecy oI� 0 I e 0 0 utter that came from the early straggly. to al trod theft if his taunt- wealth I, Trial is an absolutely necessary element of ,alit fortunately succeeds, will turn F ' at .once and waste no time in L Y dls4overing like thousands of h, all perfected character. , ,•fight cooed, dnu.uuuce t•tert-ratitf which others that you have sow Every frau atrvngth is gained in etl'ng• C,H{14Qd the i-ehtblia}twPul of the wotlta, ' NO6Ja�B:. gle. and votes surly and often for its repeal. p� USE 1 Made only by N. K. FAIRl3ANK & CO.y Wellington and Ann Sts. MONTREAL. he Huren News -Record $1.60 a Yo,.t-$1.26 in Advance. Wednesday, ifll.arell 115t11 18:I3 Kincaid S•., liroohvil]e, Oat., Jan. 11, I$'J : •'I was confined to my ked by a eevert' luck of lun,h,gn. A 1„dy frieun of m;a• tit me n part of t► hnttle of Sc, Jn•,nbn Ui', hiuh I applied, The effect was simply agicah In n day I was able to qn eb•,ut y househ' 11 dutio<. I have used it with dentlid success for nrurni;tic tnnthscho would not be without it," bl,ta. J. RINQ• SN U. —A freight train on the Chicago & :rie railway wentthrough tho bridge ,ver the Ottawa river near Lima, Ohio, list week, and took with it ninsteen are, pilin- ' them up in the river. Chree tramps were found dead n the ruins. t ie costo cos am of Her ue.. 11 over the northwest water is Laing utilized 1 for ritnnin electric lents Au electriman R0 y al Black, Precept0ry 3971 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Flail, Blytti, the Wednesday after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon- day of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P O JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P O NELSON T. RITCHIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CiVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE - - - ONT. -0 a so cheaply as fiat where a mountain stream has Leen made to do the l a -' v' work, 1V hat was an experiment a short � '� �� � vi' It isn't in the ordinary way th%t Dr. Nerce's Favorite Preaeription comes t„ tiro weak and sufferiou woman who needs it. .t'e guaranteed, Not with words mel e'y ; lay medicine aan snake ulaiin9 and promisee. pyr What ie dorso with the. "Favorite Prescrip- ;ioo” is this : If it fade to benefit or cure, in any case, your money N returned. Gau lou mak any better pror•f that a medicine will do what it promisee? It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine,and a cer- tain remedy for the ills and. ailments that beset a woman. In-"famale complaints" Of every kind, periodical pains, internal in- fltmutation or ulceration. bearing -down sen- sations, surd ail chronic wetkneeees and irre- gularities, it is positive and complete pure, To every tired. overworked woman, and t every weak, nervous, and ailing one, it i guaranteed to bring health and strength, —x. Foulaton, formerly of Elms, has 480 acres of land at Riding Moun- tain, blan., and syxx he iti doing much better than he could possibly do i Otitario. ____ time ago has now become one of tl{e most ,G,• �� remarkable industrial developments of the' �t+�=:'r� 'f time. E�9 In nearly all the northwestern states '� we M �� which are hilly and mountainous these : : • ��s��water powers aro abundant. Swiftstreams ;are flowing down everywhere. These ora =��� just what the electricians want. Finding a y. ....... m�'� •=• = ?rrr•-'�,-�a,.... eLream anywhere within live or ten miles of � f� ^ a thriving town, they are ready to IirihL �®���% f�;�(t� that town and furnish power cheaper than Q,J it aver could be furnished by the use of coal. This, to a great extent, is a practi- cal solution of the t]uestion of cheap lights, Syrup. heat and power. It will not be available Rich io the lung -healing virtues ofthe Pint in many large cities, although it has navvy ;ombined with the soothing and expectorant been settled as to the distance that ibis noperties of other pectoral herbs and barba power can be transmitted with economy.. A PLRFECT CURE.F012 But just whore coal is dear iu many of C®iJGyv iqn/D (r®ZP�u ° the small towns there is a prospect ttl,tt Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat I •. BRONCHIAL arra e light, heat and power will be cheap. The _roepand all THROAT, neglected streams that were thought of :.UNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughswhlct little consequence have already assumed 'esist ether remedies yield promptly to this such importance as the never had 'Deface. ?lvasant piny syrup. Y pR106 28,0. ARID 800. PER 60TTt:8. � As long as electrical energy was generated ao�o e+ • �� P••uoo,.•r°. from i:oal they seemed to be a great hie - 1 drance to its universal use.' But if every n little mountain stream is to be utilized, then,. next to good coal [nines the streams will become of the greatest importance. 11 0% What was hardly more than an experiment three years ago has been carried to such RtwA.+{Ra"is A. ALLAN, Montreal• or to A•O. PATTISUN or WM JACIt80N, f7llnton. ilf) i,:SRd1'C(3 ,and Forty-one I thought of "Silence " for her fitting moue,' a� as p ' ii." iltiSOCiii t�i73�Og1'auii$ And longed to lean upon her lonely chair- � �® ����� � ��� � • r(,, „t To rain tt•w•ni kisses on the lns[rons hair, ;ll' ldli�J r'+raiiL! And who neglected her -I cried Ulew ahmne i •u[Lgzaa adna aq;-alelpatuurt ..RY � � But when ['d been presented -then I found st Jallaz aq j, •tun;aa;l atj; 30 �ulpaalg °n had mis�udgcd, misnan+eel the Silent ,,,aid, zo Sutga;j : otty tri t;jnlsl,j ` ;?ulpaalg zo ': Fur she d a gift o' ab that was divine ! ut ` uWa ❑ 1O Lala;sg -sang .tog . ut I could Hat oL a ,yard, assay n Sound! P ifs l I j I' 'Cho sequel: One more night's devotion paid •U0Ij7EJSIjES 5aA1,9 SISEh1jt: PUB ,laljat ' A grant high priestess of the Grundy shrines ' � Ail tFw u011II3f'b'3tIV3 -Edward W. Ifnru:u••1, 5pJOl;E�iE sA\jz put `s.ILa.i of fano pasn U'el;lilers of uaaq SEtj aI 'NOiJ.V01'IdJV ONI7VTH pub F; 5pnnfardR anti the I3u11raneers• zAI.I.V7Itl0 L' SE;1 Ljllh\ a1EdLTI00 JO jEnba Parl °--A9 a rule, the Spanish American mer• p'1 paanpotd uaaq.lana sEq .4aultjloj�j"?j �,�,����tSh'�wchautmenwere formidable fioasiug cnsttt:s. •aulalpalu alliluototi Jo gdrunjl��d fit, They might carry, 1:iU of a crew, with a ;•,;haiing rxtr.+Iargc sirs phoa,grnphs of Sir John company or two of disciplined soldiers. ail• St ZN�t12.LNI� SnOt0�2ItI Sttjs, 'y l bun.f4enuer, :ui.l 5;r John 1'b,n„pvan, 1 -11 -They mounted many Gfgts of heavy Metal. `i Ihthe 11"".C. of comm -18, Rurroundnt by thh.The "musketeers" were freely furnished tall ' C:nellnirtcrv,andgroupedoneither ,odee 68AmHd wnH nrmbrr, ai tSc House kom every Yravinra in ill, with those bell -mouthed trobneos which�.•,�.,,a„I I ). rninian, mnkintf n total .,f tqt splendid pho:n• belched out bullets by the quarter 8he11,nnt1 wr;l.[.S V iiICiIARDFON Co. Aden r „re bs; every rnu•;1. perfect IikencsR' were excessively disagreeable at close PION rItEAL .v -q 'ilii+ gnat piclur,r ,s it rcpn,ductidn by 'Photo- % ,; quarters •and cho' were clothed in tui- rnvurc pr. cosR on co ,per pt.lte of the picture -. + • pn•scntcd to Sir John T�unnpaon by thoCo»scn•a• rasaee or buff, which would turn a ball. The ,j rive 4[embcrs during the Inst session. 6 poop and the forecastle Were solid Forte, t 7 THE ORIGINAL PICTURE and the former was furnraned with stint- THE KEY To HEALTH. 1 circular galleries, from which;the defenders COST OVEr4 ®600. could ice With commanding precielon. 'run 1'.arPrRn hi1A RCCLIMd the copyright LO repro- There were boarding nettings to be triced r• duce thin Grand Picture, �t i pruned an sp.cwt • y int i� � `t ��-" ; �� plate paper in pl/otngY:rP,tttBhl�kR. and is s feet G LO the rigging ;and even at rho waist, r 8 � On {'� � ��ely uuhc• 11V - v rust 4 mrhrs m R;Ze, and makra a .Plan- where the tides were the lows! boarding � ��1.i ,:-1 did p;clurO for frtuniugt A key Kiting the name of must have been dike scrambling up the Bids r cad, n,a,nt+er tu,d caustic ucncy represented iR printed � l . t � � a.` 1 an the margin, makinr_•avaluable work ofreference. of a house. fv ;;" . ����'- NO EXTRA 0a•IAROE Where they excelled was in steamship •'� ' and dexterous manoeuvring.. In certatni Will be made for this o.ond Pwmtwm, light winds they had it all their own way. Unlocks alt the r11,;;rr,t . '1. :' „t tutee to will be If their luck was gond, the enemies gunners $OWela, Kidneyft and Li '" s GIVEN FREE would fire wide of the 9ma11 and'shittingg off gradually without w•:',kt•ui , To Every Babeer:berlor the, mark. Their very audacity often save<t all the impuri;ias nn 16.1.1 I .' a them disaster, for at the closest quarters it Secretions ; Rt the cRnu' nu,e s t.... ^^ �a�Q was impossible to depress the guns so as tit Acidity of ills lit'',n:2ch 1 ;l. � V �� Empire do !item serious damage, When they did ouanOS.:, Dyspepsia ..1\;: . -:: board, there w,ta no need to Aleve the watch. Ines$, IieartUtll•r.. C. ,;r>,ti:... FOR 18gg, word -death or victory. They were Bght• �1ryAesti of the Stain. 1) � 1''-': 'fun waRIrLY Entvltai Fs without doubt the best ing not only with ropes round their clerks, Hasa of Viaion,JannaicC S r n:. 4voekly for Sr.00 pubt;ahed in Canada, eontnintng but With thumserewe and hot gridirout in Sryt3ipelas, 8croflla F"1 •'t �! to pages of latest omen of the day. Sppeoinl depart- the more remota prospective. '1'huc Re the the heart, DTCI•voltr�r:ef! %' ` ' ' "��.1 mcnLv au Agriculture, Wt>,mans Lmp,ry, Our counts for the animation they threw tuft Debilitq; Rif thd�e And-" I' Shop, Old wand Drary, the latest Spurt. ing Ereoes, arc. Only onDollar per year. the attack; but we confess we aro still my+• lar Crnnpininte vinLt t� t1,•• 1"" .11; 1. ' Sent to anyndA�nss in Canada Orth" United Stntca• tlfied by the triumphs t►latr crowned thtaitP of BURDOCK B1, i- 13�1's.: F.vrry Au3scrlbrr will get the Premium Picture its n audanity. For even the Uueeanevra never , ,. :-, �� � �� Present. ,r„^.,:tl�?10 �Ott1C:: _.'C;'l.c[Y.• ' it Send in your Rut+st:ription of once, or order denied the Spanish plunk, and cho Spanint,.li, i; through our local agent, ,,ter' tVOrO 1lltewisa fighting for existence-- Forsale l,y r,'1 <t�•,h•' ^. Address: THQ ctt:7lt'llRE; 'i'art•,nto, Ont. ISlaokwood'9 ltlagnzino. To uIpytlUAtA � CO., C'rn,trtc;o .. 'a ' I '°vnut stf ern r'aJ aa,a.aAeuB rAaII ®®® practical success that electricians are now '.,I.,d,o t'hpw- e. PI -11 -laud ,u„e 10'-M2Yll.1a 1s1 P09 AV i saying give ns a good mountain stream s;uaD Sz 'azls letzy 's;uaD OS 'sopa 0 - I _/ and we will insure cheap lights and power a(gEnlsnur St JI •salddljj N and even heat, without the use of a pound azo puE s;ssazg pa�eD zo p3tuuduj .zog I, of fuel. •alglllu3ul sl II 'PnaH PY03S so 2uliegD 1suoitdn.t3 liulgall 'sazoS P10 Like Other Girls. i1-kW)%V ssln;sig •szaalfj `s.[own,j,;ujl `slrog zo3 She sat apart neglected, when I came, olienbautt pun Inja3puom 2urlVall aq;- P f • et inn % s. ch i g Houma fare P with dot r ca i, r s ey t lot sea u0 ;uelsuF cF Jatla.t aqy •suing u ozJ t ,; ; D Site held against iter lips. U, charming snare 11 ,. Of rosebuds twain 1 with rapwre all allamc put; uope.iaolfl puu spluas `su.nlg zog I s _ r g P who has recently been looking over \ion• _ __ _ _ _____ __ ____ tuna and the Northwestern Mates Ends that everywhere water powers are Laing tul:eu (' `�'��'�� up and utilized to create electricity. 50 �®®�,� cheap is this process that the use of caul DR. 1 is out of the question. No light and power �• f- ��.� can he created J. C. STEVENSON, J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary .- ,+,. Surgeon, honorary graduate of • �,�. Ontario Veterinary Col lege, treats rr diseases of ail domeatlo anitnale " on the most modern and scientific principles. ¢%{Calle attended be night or day: Office immedittely weal of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence - Albert street, Clinton. 649-31n Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont LADIES WATCHES With Fancy Dials and Sixteen Jewels -AT- BIIJDLICOMBE'8_ GOOERICH MARBLE WORKS! J. C. Stavanson, Furniture Dealer, Clinton, Is our agent for Clinton and vicinity. W. M. Mohring, of, Benmlllcr, is our Travelling agent. Orders entrusted to either of rho above will have our beet attention. h(onumonta supplied in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, SWEDE, NORWAY and AMERICAN grenitos, a well as In all varieties of marble. Give Zir.q Stevenson a rail lbeforo ordering also where. JOIIN A. RABERrSON. llfnnaaor. .,A.LaL.A�T LIN] ROYAL ri1fAIL S'CE43ISIIIPhi. RSERVICE AF MUCTION IN RATES. Steamers sail regularly from Portland and Halifax to Liverpool via Londonderry DURING THE WINTER MONTHS. Cabin, $40 and upward., second Calvin, $26. Steerage at low rotes. No (Iattla oarrted, TA*E ALLAN L11V>C Li hI E. STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $if and upwards. Second Cabin, $25. Steerage at low euros. Apply to H. & tl V -0 a tl V -0 a