HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-03-08, Page 8AM* the stute0O Of the year when 'sod, Liquura are especially Rp' pt•eoiated- W E WAVE TI[EM. And we have them iu a11 brands and at all Prices. It don't matter -whether or not your wants require wood or bottle breads, we can eup.ply you. OUR PRICES -Will be found iu keeping with good Goods and very smelt profits. If economy and reliable Goods are what yon desire, the Clinton Liquor Stare is the Duly correct place to go to. d.. W. 1tITER, .ALBERT STREET, CLINTON To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to insure insertion in the current issue, Ma be received at the once not later than SATURDAY NO/ V. Copy for changes received late- -han SAT, L'NDA Y NOON will hereof ter be at the Advertiser's own risk. A. M. %'ODD, Publisher. The Huron News -Record $1.50 a Ye,.: -$1.25 in Advance. Wednesday. ;March Slit 1'4)3 LOCAL NEWS. lin and Around the Hub, O04111 Y,N Ltrvactxly, -.;lite `l`a'lnided Asphalt Company, al' Turnntu, arc Seeking a looatlen for the ea.tablleh- inent of plant coating $60,000, fur re- fining Trinidad asphalt, The e m- pany will employ 60 mea, with atpay roll of about $2,000 per month for several mouths in the year. Why not locate iu Clinlou 1 A COLD WINTER'S ADVANTAGES.— "Aa a general thing," says an exper- ienced ubseiver, "a cold steady winter, such a8 we have had so far, is an ad vantage to the general business of the country. Cattle come in in a better cue• ditiou in spring after a cold winter than they do after open onee, such as we have hal in Ontario for the past five years. There is nothing which insures with wore certainty a good crop of winter wheat than to have it lie for weeks under a heavy coating of snow. Such a snow as wo have now protects the roots of the plants, keeps the ground warm, and renders it less subject to upheavals from the frost in the spring. Aud it is claimed by many that a heavy fall of snow contains witlf in itself a fertilizing ageu't (Ammonia) of coneiderahle value. THE FIRST MONTHLY Fain.—Last Wednesday was a red letter day for the town of Clinton. That was the date of the first monthly fair. Before din• nor our country friends came to town in huge numbers. In the afternoon Albert street was black with people and it was difficult to secure public stable accommodation for horses. The gath ening was such as reminded oue of old• en times. The fair was for the sale of horses, cattle, etc. We noticed, though, that the occasion was a genuine farmers' day. ;,!'here was a large amount of grain and farm produce marketed, the street in front of Fair's will being —_._-- jammed with sleigh loads of grain. And farmer's wives marketed good quantiti,:s of butter and eggs. We heard quite a number of' intending buyers enquiring for horned stock, but there was little or noun offered. There was a splendid array of horseflesh, principally heavy draught, offered, and some good .sales were made. One animal b!ought $150. The meeting of seller and buyer los bon the mons of introducing one iu filo other and alar^ sales are likely, as a result, to take pace next fair day. Buyers wore present from Loudon, Detroit, Seaforth, Exe- eter, Winnipeg, Hensel], T,tican, and tho elrl'' nnownbfps. The monthly flfoan i11difi a iiutot� shspirltl be con- SEEwhat f ia�ir slirotl uh'ett<ly ?,y t'nnnd. The pt obelus are noiv in 0. buying my Boots and Shoes at the positioe to profit by ah,)erience from new store, Jackson Mock, Huron St., mouth to month, \\'o live the Nun Eglinton. try and the farmers close at hand, and the farmers have the clock to sell. TRIUMPH OF Setsxau•rc MEnICINr.—Pilon or Hetoor Buyer's in good numbers will tend to rhoids, a disease, so common and so well known, nsu- aily depends upon eougestion of the abdominal ven- bring the top price. 1;y all means con• ous circulation. This congestion eventully results in tinue the month fair and melte 1t— the formation of tumors, and frequent hemorrhage y or discharge of blood, or, 10 some eases, a discharge what it was last Wednesday—a gen. of mucus, or violient itching. A rational treatment , will relieve this congested condition at once, upon uine farmers' day. And for that mat - will which the tmnurs depend. liemenaays' t17rclr ter a profitable day for farmer's wives, HAZE. Ori„ "TEE 1'lts tii1Ta fir," iq th_e tri':mhh of , Scientific Medicine, Nothlnl; haft Orel. boon produc- ed to equal er comr,ure with It as a 01.1tAilvs •su ?MAW, AYPIACAT1o9. !Chas been nserl force Ceara P.ErDttTEB S V151T,—One even and always affords relief and aiwaya• gives satisfac- tion. It cures file; or Ilcuwrrhoidv-External or inn* last week a representative of THE Internal, Blind or Bleeding -Itching and burning ; cracks or Fissures i Fistula in Ano ; worms of the NEWS Rennet) was strolling along Rectum; Burne, Scalds an t Ulceration and contras- HU1'On Slyest. Just at 'I'11os. Jackson's t.Ion from Burns ; boils, Hut Tumors, Clee•s, Fistulas, Old Soren; Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or stole his ears were greeted with sounds amid Head • Inflamed or Caked Breasts and sore of music diviner sweet. Beira of Nipples. The relief is immediate -the cure 1 er- y g nuuient. Itis invaluable and infallible. Sold by an inquisitive turn of mind he proceed Druggists. Manual Free. to ascet'tain the origin of the inelodions sound. He at last found it proceed - CANNOT BETOO CAREFUL. ed from the quarters of the 25 Club. It there is anything in the world that tends to give The reporter rapped at the door and a person a case of the blues it is to `hid that the was received bythefTble president seeds he has planted are worthless, and his season alta work has been thrown away. In purchasing seeds a of the Club, Mr. Spaulding. Ito intro- farmershouldremember that upon his investment duced thequill driver to agreat Illdn relies the success of hi.. year's operations. When y buying a horse, or in fact anything that is needed young men who were sitting around arounda farm, the farmer can judge for himself, for he knows just exactly what ho is purchasing. With reading and smoking, and asked me seeds this is different, and the only way to insure sue- which I prefered—a pipe, cigar or cess is to buy from a house whose reliability has never been questioned. To better guide the tanners cigarette. Being On an evening stroll in the important task of choosing what rived he de.actio the reporter ted the latter. After sires D. M. Ferry R Co., the well-known aeedsuten of P P Windsor, Ont., have prepared an Illustrated Annual we had settled into easy chairs I asked for 1893. It is something every farmer and every gardner should have, ono will be mailed free upon him what the music which I had heard application to the above firm. meant. He replied. that the 25 Club were getting up a minstrel show to be MR. W. JACKSON was in London presented in Clinton in April. Of last week. course this interested me and I decided to find out all I could about it. I Mo. Kc LAE, of Belgrave, was in asked him what new features would Clinton last Friday. Ile had been in characterize the entertainment. '`Well," Seaforlh. and dropped off here to see said he, "In the first place, the songs the town. will bo new and appropriate ; and secondly, those objectionable features J. E. I3LACitALL, V. S., was in God- which are common to the average erich last Friday and held a consulta. travelling troupe will be conspicuous tion with 1)r•. Clarke on a ipso that will by their absence. Tho costumea will probably require a surgical operation. be a radical departure from local pre - A CALIFORNIA TOAD.--blre. Bryden, cedents. Tho management have not Maple street, has received from her been bound down by custom and will son-in-law, Joseph Pickett, from Cali give au entertainment that is at once fornix, a stalled horned toad. 1t some- new,novel and instructive." "Oh," I what resembles a species of aligator said, "every company that tomos to and of course is not handsome looking town nays that." ''I know that," he said, by any means. "but they have no reputation to keep up, caning one day and roiug the next; AMAsoNlc \Wore sg.—Last \Vednee it is different with us; if we deceive day THE NUw.s _RECORD had a pleas- the people 00eo they will not permit ant call from Mr. C. A. Humber, of us to do it again, and as we intend Goderich. He is District Superin- giving entertainments from time to time tendent of the Masonic order and wa, it will pay 05 to take the pubfie into on official businesato the R. A. Chap- our full confidence and tell the truth." ter Masons at Winghan• They sang several piecee while thA re - A GOOD MOVE,—A new association porter was there. Certainly the music has been formed under the title of the was new and heoba igly the best Huron Veterinary Medical Association. ever heard. The cigarette bring The organization meeting was held in te smoked lameaway the newspaper figand mpg bid Clinton last Wednesday and a county ede gentlemen good night gnomin association formed with officers as fol- next the president he would call again lobe:President,D.Mclntoeh,Brucefield; ablyweep. AK outsider is of once a end Vice•Preeident, E. Wilson, Wing- ably tmproesed with the comfortable and ham;Treasurer, J. E. Wilson, i g• home -appearance of the club room. ton; Secretary, J. Walker, Londeeboro. aEverything home is cosy tie one way Quarterly meetings will be held. in .home by the members conduct way Matters of great importance to the e which Oneofr oonduet them- selves. One the rul9s of the club• public end the association—the various room is that married men are at all animal diaoasos and special and comp• times welcome, so the reporter did not Heated eases—will be discussed at feel that he was in ruding. We aro these meetings. The new association assured that our p ople will be as should prove a source of benefit to the heartily welcomed on April 3rd as was profession and the public generally. the reporter the other evening.Such The next meeting will be held in being the case, the date shoulbe borne eiinton on April 5th, in mind. gun colli;. LOCAL NoTToes.—All Antices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the saino.at,which an admission fee ie 2harged,or from which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at ten cents per rate of the line. '1 HE 1.1091' LA1,U1,Ly ctlit'CLATED PAPER IN Til IS SECTION. "Robes, horse Clothing, Fancy Woollen and Plush hugs, ate at bargain prices at 732-tf. JOHNSTON & ARMOUR'S. DON'T forget iii visit the new Boot. arid Shoe Store, Jackson i .'tCk, Huron St., Clinton. we, are g •atl iug eroded wit11'Agoods We aro. oleariro out our stook 0* indow Shades at Greatly Reduced Prices to make room for Spring Stock. We have a fine stock of NEW CANADIAN AND AMERI- CAN WALL PAPERS, from 5c a roll up, the colouring and designs new and the prices are right. We have just receivEd a new lot of FANCY GLASSWARE at very low prices. We aro selling 25c and 30c. Novels for 15c, come while they last. Our New CURTAIN POLES boat everything else in the 25e line ; we give the old khat of pole complete for 745c. a pair. We keep a great variety of goods and sell them at reasonable prices. We shall be pleusstl to show you our goods even if you do not buy. obins POS.,' Book Store and News Depot, iticKay Block, Clinton. ire.+_ - -- -- - 0 Just opened out some more new Prints; fast colors, choice patterns, fine assortment, every yard bought this season ; Quality, .Pattern and Price are the telling features here, N W E ! BROIDERIES in fine narrow widths. Our store is noted for this line of goods, and when we tell you tht!t. Dart of thaw have already arrived, you know for sure that we have sonlp- t,hiug choice to offer you, See otic lines 8e, 10e and 12c. „EAL TflROHON LACES, t in healthy condition of body and mind arises from a meal with a glow of satisfaction overspreading his 0Ql1U+ tenance feeling satisfied with himself in particular, a>a,d the world in general, in like manner does it segd a thrill of satisfaction through Olen' individual frame to look over our well filled store and wisely selected Stock of Suitings, the destiny, of which is to gradefully trace the outlines of the masculine form. Never before has it been our pleasant duty to view and handle such a variety, such a quantity acid such a quality of orte as it has been this season. Goods this year are simply Perfection, Beautiful Fabrics and Chaste patterns—tile best qualities sell for $20 and $22; at this price we assure our clients of a garment that appears to all that is artistic and common sense. We have customers by the score who find it economical to purchase the very best Scotch and English Tweeds. 0 JACK 0 those new, narrow widths have been received. We keep no imitation in these goods, and our assortment has nol.„.== equal for range of pattern and price. Our new Guipure 311d CVauCilly Laces, in black and colors are treat favorites with our cus- tomers ; they are sellers. A line of men we's at Sc, 10c, 121e. Towelings, fine ranges, 5c up to 15c. Dark Shaker Flannel at Sc, worth 12--c.; our Grey at 15c cannot be beat. DRESS GOODS. Our customers are surprised and pleased at the big bargains and values we are giving to clear out the odd litres. MILLINERY DEPT. Felt hats, if you want one, we can please you either in Price, Choice or Style, or if you want an early spring Hat we can suit you, as we have received our English Straw Hats, and remember for quality and price our goods are unsurpassed.'Straw Hats done over in all the lead- ing styles. OHIDLEY'S FURNITURE Undertaking Warerooms. 0 We have just received another got of those BEDROOM SUITES that we have been offering at $13.00. We claim that for quality and price this Suite cannot be beaten. We have other Suites at $10.50, $12.50, $13.00, $14.00, $15.00, $16.00, $17.50 and $20.00 that are also good value. Have you seen our $1. OCA C'...1.. TT R...H yeti The question everyone attire, is—flow can you sell them for that'? Why, the frame alone is worth more than $1.00 1 Well, wo bought them cheap, and we are going to sell them cheap. Come and see our Stock whether you want to buy or not. J'OS`�PII, cIIIDI EY, FURNITURE DEALER AND 'UNDERTAKER, - - CLINTON. J. W. CHIDLE'4, JR., Funeral Director. Night calla answered at his resi- dence, King St., opposite the Foundry. 1 QS. Clothiers Furnishers and Hatters, CLINTON AND SEAFORTH. PRIZTTO ccci COTT B23AKERS Our Stock of Cotton Goods is Unequalled for Quality, Assortment • & Prices. COTTONS. SHIII,TINGS,- COT7'ONADES. oo DS We have Good Cottons to sell, We have Low Prices to sell then with. New, Bright, Tasty Patterns. Our New Prints are a revela- tion in artistic 'colorings,. A Print Dress is a Print Dress always, but when you can get them with the printers' touch of 1803 they are away beyond any past prin ting. Red Grounds with Spots, Stripes and Flowers, Fast Navy Blue Grounds with Spots, Stripes and Flowers. Beautiful Delaine Patterns on Black Grounds. • Cream Grounds with Colored Polka Dots. All on Wide Soft Cloth that is not starched up so you cannot tell what you are b-'ying. Don't wait for the snow to tn3lt Buy now. The best patterns always go first. If you want the best assortment and best values see our Stock. —o-- Esl. J. Ho�ens CLINTON. - al – e,..0;t;:il.,tfalle'2+l'-116111116S,otiJ![�iLa,., t a,'.;