HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-03-08, Page 7• 841$11.10$ DiREC'TORY. T. C. BRUCE L. D. S., Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S. of Ont. Tooth extracted without pain by the use of a harm- less and pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious• lees, sickness nor SII -effects accompany the use of this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to its genuineness. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, Coates' Block, over Taylor's she store. . AC N EW, Le D a Sa Sergeon Dentist. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sergeons of Ontario. Rest Local Anaesthetics for painless ex - creation. Rooms in Smith's Block op- poeite P.O. 728-y. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4-e.. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. CAMPION & JOHNSTON, -4 BARRISTERS, - - SOLICITORS., NOTARIES, (lc . , GODERICH, - - ONT• Office over Jordan's Drug Store. E. CAMPION, Q. C. M. 0. JONNSTON• 'MONEY TO LOAN. H. J. D. 000IiE, BAIIIIISTE1, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUULIC, CONVEYANC SR, &C. —MONEY 10 LEND.— Oafoo one door north of the bank, QUEEN STREET. BLYTH. TOO rip,AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery, and ILY Conveyancing. Office -West Street, next loor to Poet Office, Goderich, Ont. 67. ID C. HAYS, Solicitor, rec. Office, corner of lir. Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 07. £ " Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. Vowel; to'4eutd. MONEY to lend in large or small sums of goo mortgages or personal security at the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron et. Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 26, 1881 ly MONEY TO LOAN. Interest 67 per cent payable yearly. The borrow• or to have the privilege of paying the whole or any part of the principal at any time without giving nOticb. For further particulars apply to n C. A. IIARTT. Office in McKay''s Block, Clinton, Aaiatxatlaerin4. H. W. BALL yA UCTTONEER.�or Huron County. Sales attend• ed to in any part of the County. Address orders to °ODEalolr P. 0. V-17. Photographers FOSTER & BAYLEY, CLINTON. We (Size Portraits a Sueoialty. BILL HEADS, NOTE Ho. ds, Lotter Reads, Tails, Statements, Circulars, Fluidness Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc.,printoi In a workman• like manner and at len rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD FORSALE* The property at present. 000upled by the un- dersigned se a residence on the Huron Road, io the Town of Goderlob, consisting of one half of an sore of land, good frame house -story and a half -seven rooms, inoluding kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone collar, stable, wood and oarriuge houses, There aro also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any;porson wishing to live retired. For further partieulartettpply to b. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Goderich. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go were yeti 0110 get Reliable rr Harness. I manufacture none but the BEST or SToos. Beware , shops that sell cheap, as they have pot to five. are. Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to JY 0 1-L ' 13thLi, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTH, ON's' FOR SALE. nillE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible .L Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; has two ironthlg on Rattenbury Street; either en bloc or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, -E. I)INSLEY, Clinton. 88 aotamosorasasommosamm A.O.U.W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meets in Biddlecomhe Tall, opposite the market, the 1st and 3rd Fridays in ach month. Visitors cordially invited, R. S'ToNE- iAM, M. W.; J. BEAN, Recorder. 690y glagootd:. `iLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meats J every Friday,, on or atter the moon. isVisit. 1g brethren cordially invited. . SMALLACOyiUE, Sac. Clinton Jan. 14 1893. W. J. PAISLEY, w. L. O. L.No. 710 C'ZI N TO ISI, Meet+ SECOND Monday of every month. Hall, 31d fiat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. WM. WALKER, W. M THOS. KEARNS, D.:d. CANTELON, Sec. Nlu.fh gniqhto ok„,,ey u6ilee Precep(ory No, (Bla,c1 Knights of Ireland) IOI, Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednos• ayof every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visitirig Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGIC HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CANTELON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 397, Black Knights of Il'eland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Blyth, the Wednesday after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptor)! 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon- day of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P 0 NELSON T. RITCHIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE - - - ONT. Orders left at this offiice, promptly attended to. Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undersigned desires to intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr. Couch, in the butcher. Ing business lately carried on under the style of FORD Y COUCH. He will continue the same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and most careful attention to the business, straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders carefully and promptly filled, JAMES A. FORD, .. CLINTON. The People's Grocery, Until Stocktaking Wednesday, March 15, 1893, we will offer all our large and varied assortment of Crockerij and Glassware —AT— GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. This chance of getting cheap (foods should not be missed, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS, We make a specialty of TEAS AND COFFEE, and handle none but first-class Goods. Call and see us. G. ,T. S'IEWART. PHOTOS Parties on receiving their Photos from my Gallery are heard to exclaim, " I am well pleased 1 How nice 1 They are just lovely, etc." As I have a firet-class Gallery with 200 square feet of glass, good professional machinery, modern improvements and furniture and scene ery in great variety, 1 can make good Photos on dark or bright days. Instantaneous process for children also. As I have studied the Art thoroughly, and taken professional instructions from some of the best sources in Can- ada, and use the very best and most durable photographic; material I can NEW purchase I feel able to furnish you a via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $40 strictly first-class rind durable line of and upwards. Second Cabin, $26. Steerage at Photos at a price reasonable to all. low rates. Apply' to Tl. & A. ALT,AN, Montreal ; or to A.O. C. HOARE, Near CLINTON. PATTISON orWM JACKSON, Clinton. ah B a S W. H. BOYD, BAKER and CONFECTMONER. Full Stock of Cakes and Confec- tionery always in stock. - ONSTEI1S IN S AS.ON. - Don't fail to call when ordering your xtnas supplies. Our make of Bread is the hest that Oft n Ge produced and ie dohyered ' I free I Horseshoer Albert work rebuilt Albert JOh ALB/;IIT All Portland to all harts of the town. The Eureka Bakery, Opposite the Post Office, Clinton. (IPot and Street, JOBIMNG Woodwork Ironed go%rante,4 ; farm and rep,ured. w ATrr CHEMISTS Great Northwestern - - Street, Butcher STREET, lines" in season. Ilitles, 'tallow Trowhill, General' Black- smith, North, Clinton. A SPECIALTY. and first clave material and implements and machines s & . CO., & DRUCCISTS Telegraph office, - - Clinton. SVR—'Helve, and Poulterer, CLINTON Highest price for and Sheepskin s. ,,,1DROPERTY FOR SALE OP 1;1 ''�< RENT. -Advertisers will find "The ti 4 News ;record" one of the nest mediums iu the Oounty of Huron. Advertise in ' The News -Record" -'feu Double Circulatiop Tullio to Thousands. states as low as wry. idealWasftera TILE All iWareroomtiopposite J. PUMP and cleaned TIME CELEBRATED BEST IN Machines I aro Agricultural Call Wringers. TUE ??MARKET. Allowed on Trial also agent for Implements Fair's Mill. and see me. D. WEIR, CLINTON 4009rperuted by Act of Parliament 1855. CAPITAL - - $2,000,000 'REST, - •$1,100,000 tea'd Office, - MONTREAL. J. II. 11. MQLSON, President. F,;WIFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. • Note discounted, Collections made, Drafts betted, Sterling and American ex- ilkchange bought and sold at lowgest current rates. INTDRe8T ALLOWOD ON D8r08118. N'.A.RLLERS- Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired ae security. H. 0. BREWER, Manager, February, 1884. CLINTON. G, D. r cTaggart , BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS i TRANSACTED. ' Notes Discounted. - - Drafts Issued, I Interest Allofved on Deposits. Clinton, June8th, 1891 658Y I FARRAN 1 TISDALL, PRIVATE BANKERS„ Rattenbury • Street - Clinton. ° • Y'a.d't,clyd. • DRS. GUNN & GIBSON. OFFICE Ontario St. a few doors east of Albert St. W. GUNN. R. J. GIBSON. DR. TURNBULL. T .T. L. Turnbull, 51. B. Toronto Univ. ; M. D. , " J. M., Victoria Univ. M. C. 1'. A: S. Ont, ; Fellow Df the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office: c Dr. Dowsloy's stand, Rattenbury St. Night mile nswered at Office. DR. SHAW. 0alee in Hodge'n's Block, Rattenbury St., Clinton, Ont. Night calls at dame place. gelntgitr j. T. C. BRUCE L. D. S., Surgeon Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S. of Ont. Tooth extracted without pain by the use of a harm- less and pleasant local anaesthetic. No unconscious• lees, sickness nor SII -effects accompany the use of this remedy, and many in and around Clinton can testify to its genuineness. Special attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Office, Coates' Block, over Taylor's she store. . AC N EW, Le D a Sa Sergeon Dentist. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sergeons of Ontario. Rest Local Anaesthetics for painless ex - creation. Rooms in Smith's Block op- poeite P.O. 728-y. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4-e.. ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - - CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. CAMPION & JOHNSTON, -4 BARRISTERS, - - SOLICITORS., NOTARIES, (lc . , GODERICH, - - ONT• Office over Jordan's Drug Store. E. CAMPION, Q. C. M. 0. JONNSTON• 'MONEY TO LOAN. H. J. D. 000IiE, BAIIIIISTE1, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUULIC, CONVEYANC SR, &C. —MONEY 10 LEND.— Oafoo one door north of the bank, QUEEN STREET. BLYTH. TOO rip,AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery, and ILY Conveyancing. Office -West Street, next loor to Poet Office, Goderich, Ont. 67. ID C. HAYS, Solicitor, rec. Office, corner of lir. Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 07. £ " Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. Vowel; to'4eutd. MONEY to lend in large or small sums of goo mortgages or personal security at the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron et. Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 26, 1881 ly MONEY TO LOAN. Interest 67 per cent payable yearly. The borrow• or to have the privilege of paying the whole or any part of the principal at any time without giving nOticb. For further particulars apply to n C. A. IIARTT. Office in McKay''s Block, Clinton, Aaiatxatlaerin4. H. W. BALL yA UCTTONEER.�or Huron County. Sales attend• ed to in any part of the County. Address orders to °ODEalolr P. 0. V-17. Photographers FOSTER & BAYLEY, CLINTON. We (Size Portraits a Sueoialty. BILL HEADS, NOTE Ho. ds, Lotter Reads, Tails, Statements, Circulars, Fluidness Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc.,printoi In a workman• like manner and at len rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD FORSALE* The property at present. 000upled by the un- dersigned se a residence on the Huron Road, io the Town of Goderlob, consisting of one half of an sore of land, good frame house -story and a half -seven rooms, inoluding kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone collar, stable, wood and oarriuge houses, There aro also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any;porson wishing to live retired. For further partieulartettpply to b. CAMPION, 542-tf Barrister, Goderich. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go were yeti 0110 get Reliable rr Harness. I manufacture none but the BEST or SToos. Beware , shops that sell cheap, as they have pot to five. are. Call and get prices. Orders by mail promply attended to JY 0 1-L ' 13thLi, HARNESS EMPORIUM, BLYTH, ON's' FOR SALE. nillE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale four eligible .L Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; has two ironthlg on Rattenbury Street; either en bloc or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, -E. I)INSLEY, Clinton. 88 aotamosorasasommosamm A.O.U.W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meets in Biddlecomhe Tall, opposite the market, the 1st and 3rd Fridays in ach month. Visitors cordially invited, R. S'ToNE- iAM, M. W.; J. BEAN, Recorder. 690y glagootd:. `iLINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. meats J every Friday,, on or atter the moon. isVisit. 1g brethren cordially invited. . SMALLACOyiUE, Sac. Clinton Jan. 14 1893. W. J. PAISLEY, w. L. O. L.No. 710 C'ZI N TO ISI, Meet+ SECOND Monday of every month. Hall, 31d fiat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. WM. WALKER, W. M THOS. KEARNS, D.:d. CANTELON, Sec. Nlu.fh gniqhto ok„,,ey u6ilee Precep(ory No, (Bla,c1 Knights of Ireland) IOI, Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednos• ayof every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visitirig Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGIC HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CANTELON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 397, Black Knights of Il'eland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Blyth, the Wednesday after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptor)! 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Mon- day of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P 0 NELSON T. RITCHIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE - - - ONT. Orders left at this offiice, promptly attended to. Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS :CHANGE. The undersigned desires to intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr. Couch, in the butcher. Ing business lately carried on under the style of FORD Y COUCH. He will continue the same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and most careful attention to the business, straightforward and courteous treatment to all, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders carefully and promptly filled, JAMES A. FORD, .. CLINTON. The People's Grocery, Until Stocktaking Wednesday, March 15, 1893, we will offer all our large and varied assortment of Crockerij and Glassware —AT— GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. This chance of getting cheap (foods should not be missed, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS, We make a specialty of TEAS AND COFFEE, and handle none but first-class Goods. Call and see us. G. ,T. S'IEWART. PHOTOS Parties on receiving their Photos from my Gallery are heard to exclaim, " I am well pleased 1 How nice 1 They are just lovely, etc." As I have a firet-class Gallery with 200 square feet of glass, good professional machinery, modern improvements and furniture and scene ery in great variety, 1 can make good Photos on dark or bright days. Instantaneous process for children also. As I have studied the Art thoroughly, and taken professional instructions from some of the best sources in Can- ada, and use the very best and most durable photographic; material I can NEW purchase I feel able to furnish you a via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $40 strictly first-class rind durable line of and upwards. Second Cabin, $26. Steerage at Photos at a price reasonable to all. low rates. Apply' to Tl. & A. ALT,AN, Montreal ; or to A.O. C. HOARE, Near CLINTON. PATTISON orWM JACKSON, Clinton. ah B a S W. H. BOYD, BAKER and CONFECTMONER. Full Stock of Cakes and Confec- tionery always in stock. - ONSTEI1S IN S AS.ON. - Don't fail to call when ordering your xtnas supplies. Our make of Bread is the hest that Oft n Ge produced and ie dohyered ' I free I Horseshoer Albert work rebuilt Albert JOh ALB/;IIT All Portland to all harts of the town. The Eureka Bakery, Opposite the Post Office, Clinton. (IPot and Street, JOBIMNG Woodwork Ironed go%rante,4 ; farm and rep,ured. w ATrr CHEMISTS Great Northwestern - - Street, Butcher STREET, lines" in season. Ilitles, 'tallow Trowhill, General' Black- smith, North, Clinton. A SPECIALTY. and first clave material and implements and machines s & . CO., & DRUCCISTS Telegraph office, - - Clinton. SVR—'Helve, and Poulterer, CLINTON Highest price for and Sheepskin s. ,,,1DROPERTY FOR SALE OP 1;1 ''�< RENT. -Advertisers will find "The ti 4 News ;record" one of the nest mediums iu the Oounty of Huron. Advertise in ' The News -Record" -'feu Double Circulatiop Tullio to Thousands. states as low as wry. idealWasftera TILE All iWareroomtiopposite J. PUMP and cleaned TIME CELEBRATED BEST IN Machines I aro Agricultural Call Wringers. TUE ??MARKET. Allowed on Trial also agent for Implements Fair's Mill. and see me. D. WEIR, CLINTON JAS. FERGUSON, MAKER, - - CLINTON. (ROSS' OLD STAND) Pumps sold reasonable. Cisterns Tanks lint down. Wells ting and and Satisfaction Guaranteed. New Flour and Feed Store HANLEY & WALKER beg to announce that they have opened a Flour and Feed Store east of the Com. mercial Hotel, Huron Street, Clinton. We will keep in stock the very best of everything in the lino, such as Flour, Meals, Feed, Seeds, &c., at very reason- able prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. We solicit and expect a legitimate share of town and country trade. Remember the location of the Clinton Flour and Feed Store. IIANLEY & WALKER i( g '%TRAY STOCK ADVER '. IJ TISEM ENTS inserted in Taa - NEws Itacoam at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock if you want any kind of advertising you will not no better than call on The Newe•Record. GO TO THE 'Union Shaving Parlor_ For first-class Hair -Cutting and Shaving. 3unth's block, opposite Post Office, Clinton J. EMERTON, Proprietor. ;-•„ .1. E. BLACK ALL, Veterinary • Surgeon, honorary graduate of i 'o Ontario Veterinary College, treats "�'"4I diseases of all domestic animals 7, .ai' on the most modern and scientific r - principles. Ka -Calle attended to light or day. Office iu inedi itely west of the )id Royal hotel, Ontario street, Residence - Albert street, Clinton. 549-310 J. O. STEVENSON, Furniture RE LEADING FUNERAL apposite Town Ilall, LADIES " WATCHES With Farley Dials -AT- F3I:17DLLCOMBL'S- Dealer, &c. !UNDERTAKER AND DIRECTOR. - Clinton, Ont & GENTS and Sixteen Jewels liODERICN J. ur agent W. gent. Orders ave Monuments WEDE, well Give 'here. ROYAL Cabin, ;oorage ;TATE LINE. MARBLE TOOKS1 C. Stevenson, Furniture for Clinton and M. Mohring, ofi entrusted to our hest attention. supplied NORWAY as in all varieties Mr,l Stevenson ALLAN IIIAIL Steamers sail and Halifax via Londonderry DURING THE 840 and upward.. at lcw raltes. No )' Dealer, Clinton, is vicinity. Benmiller, is our Travelling either of the above wilt in CANADIAN, SCOTCH, and AMERICAN granites, of marble. a call 'before ordering else. JOHN A. ROBERTSON. Manager. LINE STEAMSHIPS.RIF,DUCTION IN RATES. regularly from to Liverpool WINTER MONTHS. Second Cabin, 826. Cattle carried, ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. YORK AND GLASGOW Word To the Wives Is Sufficient," For Rendering Pastry Short or Friable. CENE Is Better than Lard Because It has none of its disagree- able and indigestible features. • • • Endorsed by leading food and cooking experts. Ask your Grocer for It. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL. The Huron News -Record 81.60 a YeAr-$1.26 in Advance, Wednesday, Mardi 8th 1893 Brussels. To late for lust week. Miss '.Mary McL'euehliu and Miee Hattie Rogers are attending the millin= ery openings in London this week. Miss Addie Vanstone has returned to her situation in Tileonburg. Miss Minnie Shaw and Miss Jean Wilson are attending millinery open iuge at Toronto this week. Mise Montgomery, who has been visiting her slater, Mrs. W. F. Yon - stone, has gone to her home in Delo- raine, Man. Rev. S. Jones is Ber'iously ill just now and slight hopes are entertained of his recovery. Robt. Richardson has also been, seriously ill of pleurisy but is getting better now. We are pleased to state that Ward Farrow, formerly of Brussels, has been appointed to the position of mail clerk on the C. P. R. His run will be from Winnipeg to Elkhorn and return. James Blashill loft Brussels last week for Detroit whore he expecte to take a situation. • Mr. T. Fletcher bas given up the agency of the American Express Co. and J. T. Ross will have charge of it in the future. Mrs. A. Reid has disposed of her house and lot on Turn bury St. to Miss Hoar, milliner, for the sum of $525. BAD BLOOD CURED. Geertemee,—I have used your Burdock Blood Bitters for bid blood and find it, without exception, the best purifying tonic in use. A short time ago two very large and painful boils came on the back of my neck, B. B, 13. completely drove them away. SAMUEL BLAIN, Toronto Junction. . Morris. Too late for last week Miss Jennie Sheard, of Ayr, is visit- ing at Win. Cochrane's this wook. Mrs. Wm. Bray is again on the sick list. May she soon be well again. !Mrs. Jos. Styles is very sick at present. She has a complication of troubles. Mrs. Jas. Duncan, who has been very sick with inflammation, is now nicely recovering. Miss Mary Caldbick, youngest daughter of Councillor Caldbick, is home from Manitoba on a visit. . Mrs. Robt. Souch ,is not very well at present. Her medical attendant pronounces her trouble diabetes. Owing to uufavorable weather and heavy roads the special services at Sunshine are closed for a week or two. Henry Brewer, who left the parental roof eotne years ago with the Salvation Army, has returned on a visit to hie parents .wearing a captain'e uniform. IIe has mot with greet success in his Iife'e calling. The pitch bolas on the pastern I road almost baffle description. In order to give your l'eader's, who have not been there, an idea of their size, it will only be necessary to relate I he following predicament which bo - fol a gentleman of this township, whom we will call Brown. Mr. Brown was teaming saw -loge to the village of Bruseols and catching up to a load of I which was being navigated through the pitch holes very elowly, he elscicened the reins and paid no I attention to hie team. Just C thin time the driver on the load of hay lot his team atop when the load I as in an enormous pitch hole and Mr. Brown's steam, being left to their own free will, walked right on to the hay, taking the loge with thong. Then your correspondent hurried on to catch the train. A CURE I+QR UYSPEPSI A, 1))epepela is a prolific cause of snob die - ewe as bad blood, oonetipatloo, htadai•he and liver complaint. Burds cif Blood Bit - tens is•guerantoed to tern ur relict a dyepepeia if uoed adeording to directions. Tnuusands have 1e,ted it with Lent retulte. Blyth. (Too late for last week.) C. Hetnilion, jewler, spent Sunday in Cliulvn. Mrs. Grainger, of Mullett, luauy fliendb in town regret to hear, is indisposed at prt'eeut but hope, fur her speedy roeovely. Our monthly cattle and horse fair was held on Tuesday, a large attend - atm of farmers being present. "'Sunday being a beautiful day, which has been a rare thing for several weeks, numbers took advantage by indul- ging in a cutter ride. We are glad to see Mr. Will Sims, who has been confined to the house for a couple of weeks, eo far recovered from his illness as to be able to get out again. Ou Monday tho members of the I. O. Foresters hold their meeting in Temperance Hell. The regular meeting of the members of the C.O. Foresters was held in their hall on 'Tuesday evening. Mr. Juhn Joint is shipping several carloads of ashes to Uncle Sam'e terri- tory this week. P. Kelly, Esq., was in Brussels on Monday. Quite a number of Wiughainites Suudayed in tuwn. Mr. James Emigh paid Brussels a flying visit on Monday. The regular silting of the 12th Divis- ion Court was held iu Industry Hall on Saturday before his Honor Judge Doyle. The most intereeting case heard was the Kelly and McConnel binder case which took up the most part of the day. Lawyer Campion, of Goderich, for complainant, lawyer IJickensoo, of \Vingham, for the de- fendant. The case had been fully gone into and His Horror reserved his decision until the 10th March, Our electric lights are to show their brilliancy some evening title week The natives are anxiously waiting fol the time t0 come. On Friday evening last the revival Meetings which have Beed held in the Methodist church for some time past drove to a close with several having professed to lead a more religious .life. Divine service will be held in Trinity church ne usual on Wednesday evoniug at 7.30. All are cordially welcome. Holy Communion in Trinity church on Sunday morning next. DEATHS. MCMILLAN,-In Brussels, on Feby. 25, Mary Ann, wife of Duncan McMillan, aged 48 years. A MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO BOARD (JF HEALTH SAYS: ' I have prescribed Scott's Emulsion in Consumption and even when the digestive powers were weak it has been followed by good results." 13. P. YKOMANS A. B.,M. D. —It transpires that Goy. McKinley holds as security for his obligation': as endorser for Walker, a $120,000 ton- tine policy on Walker's life, which has already run 16 years, and ie now worth $60,000. Easy to take -Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Po'• lets. Smallest, easiest iheapeet. beet. They're tioy, sugar-coated. anti -bilious granules, a compound of refined and con- centrated vegetable extracts. Without die- turbanco or trouble, Constipation, Indiges- tion, Bilious Attacks, Sick and Bilious Ilead- aehes,aand all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels, are prevented, relieved and cured. Permanently cured, too. By their mild and natural action, these little Pellets lead the system into natural ways again. Their influence lasts. Every thing catarrhal in its nature, cat- arrh itself, and all the troubles that come from catarrh, aro perfectly and permanently cured by Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. No matter how bad your case or of how long standing, you can be cured. —The by-election to the Ontario Legislature at -Toronto Last Tuesday passed off very quietly. A fairly heavy vote was polled. I)r. Ryerson was elected by a plurality over Dr. Ogden of 592 votes. The totals here: —Ryerson, Conservative, 7,621; Ogden, Reformer, 7,029; Thompson, Progress - sive Laborer candidate, 592. The total vote cast was 15,242. Elderly people remember their spring bit- ter' with a shudder. The proeent generation have much to be thankful for, not the leant of their blessings being such a pleasant and thoroughly effective spring medicine as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is a hoalth•restorer and health -maintainer. N {�p=ILOjigs CS7 �7 r Ifi9 (i Cnree conger:meon, covens, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by oil Druggists on a Guarantee. F,,r a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Floater will give great satisfaction. -a5 cento. SHILOH'S VITALIZER, Ike. T.EhHawkins, Chattnnooga Tonn. so: "SWIM'S V4taUr'er'SAV11D .7617 LIFE.'I eoncidtrit tlkIbestremed5 foradebttttated stoiens I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Livor or Ifidney trouble it excels. Price 75 ets. CA,TA11c ±:Bro; Yt� R E M E ITowe you Catarrh ? Try this Rem rdy. Itw1'1 pasitivoly relieve and Cure you. Price f,0 c's. This Injector for its snecesnfal trcetment furnished free. Remember,Shiioh'sitc•tnedi .1 are sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction. n' r'x, 4414774414M .;0", You Think lany kind ora crop will de their 00T }Lind of weeds will de; but for the beet results you should plane IERRrS _SEEDS. /ilwuye the beet tbey are recognized se the standard everywhere, Ferrets Seed Annual Is the most important book of the kind pub- lished. It is invaluable to toe planter. i M. FERRY W ADDS OR, J —The Canadian Wind Motor Com- pany is a new industry to begeatablieh- ed in Woodstock, Ont., under an American' patent, Score again for the. N. P. A CURE FOR HEADACHE. Headache arises from constipation, had blood, dyspepsia or liver complaint. As B. K. B cures ell three 1feeplelnte it is naturally the most ROC•essfel head Al:he euro existing. Once the cause is removed the headache vanishes, —Customs Officers MsCloy and Drouillsrd have been Iunlcing int:, matters at the 1Vnlkerville brewer%. and have secured $1,300 for mistakes made in entering coal. Weak Children will derive strength and acquire robust health by a persevering use of thegreat Food Medicine SCOTT'S EMULSION "CAIITIOI "-Beware of substitutes. Genuine prepared by Scott .8 Bowne, Belleville. Sold by all druggists, 50o. and $1.00. -e Byre Rich in the lung -healing virtues ofthe Fine :ombined with the soothingand expectorant )roperties of other pectoral herbs and barks, A PERFECT CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat 'roup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL ant♦ :-UNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which •esist other remedies yield promptly to this )Ieasant piny syrup. PRIOR 250. AND 000. PER BOTTf 6. SO,.O er PI e P-nn0,*T5. i t PH EYS' Dr. Hum ;Aires's' Specifics tire scientifically and care:'tdly prepared !remedies, u...1 1 er y euro In private practice and for over thirty years by the people whit entire success. Erery 811tglc Si,eellto a special Cure for the disease waned. They esue without drugging, poi ging or reducing the systeutand are it: fact and deed ttte Sou erelgn H,'utrdies of the World. Lte1 ar t'11IVI•11 41, Rep. 000013. rn,c., . 1—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammttlons.. .25 2 -Worms, Worm Fever, Worm 9 °Ile... • .25 3 -Teething; Colic, Crying, Wa rfulnese .25 4 -Diarrhea, of Children orAd.: ts......2 7-Congbn. Colds, Bronchitis ` 5 2 8 -Neuralgia, Toothache, Fa... ,25 9 -Headaches, Sick headache, \'r r111;o.. :25 10 -Dyspepsia, Biliousness, c, nnt1,;;lou . .25 11 -Suppressed or Pninlid Periods... .25 12-- W h i t o,., Too Profuse Periods. .25 13 -Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness .25 1h -:malt Ilhcvtm, Erysipelas, num .25 1:i-1thelium tlsin, Itllumntic 1.1.111:1 .25 16-.1Inlaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .25 19 -Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head.25 20-Vi'hoopion t'enah..... .... . .25 27-H.idncy Dimensea .25 n!`, -Nervous Debility - ...100 30-1'rinory NVenlEness, .V:el'Ir 7. l'e'd.. .25 111'311'b11t^.s5'ii' \L'/T('51 51 5;1;,".J, OIL, '1!t" Pilo_('.u', rnt. --Tr.'s; 1 1 ..gin 1 is. - 1 1 1.,• 11: , • er ne1q I.n ., 1 i.. „ t cf 1.114.0. 11,,11,•,:',int!'1!�i',•n,. it l/1„i'' •,11i„xtt'. r.. this l'tl i1IYs' 51E1). CO., 111 .'. 113 wl:11nm ',t., rl:1V TORN. )44S i ; t Lo 1') P .a .4' E- is C C.v1' n , uinic...civr.inernemacolamiamicag.....imr.m.urarievemmraigriziarmerm.i WELLS k It ICfI tt it 11,9QN Co. Agee 1110NrItf:Ati tiEDruDoc Regulates the Stomach, Liver and8owels, unlocks the Seeretions,'Purifiesthe Blood end removes all im- purities from a Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. BLOOD = CURES •"-- DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS'. CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY. RHEUMATI SM. SKIN DISEASES