The Huron News-Record, 1893-03-08, Page 6That it is not wisp to experiment
with cheap compounds purporting to
be blood-puridorr,, but which have
no real tuedieinal N a1ue. To make
use of any other than the old stan-
durd AYER'S Sars,I;axilla—the Su-
perior Blood• :auflicr—is simply to
invite lose of trifle, money and health.
If you are afflicted with Scrofula,
teeth,, Dyspepsia,
Eozorna, Running Sores, Tumors,
or any other blood disease, bo assured
it Pays to Use,
AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S
only. AYER'S Sarsaparilla can al-
ways bo depended upon. It does not
vary. It is alwu 's the sumo in.
quality, quantity, stud effect. Ie is
superior .0 combination, proportion,
appearance, and in all that goes to
build up the system weakened by
disease and pain. It searches cm
all impurities in the.. blood and er:-
pals thein by the natural)charnel
Sar perHk
:Prepared. by Dr. J. C. A ver
Bold by all Druggists. J'riza :;.1; s:: L�tr?ca, t 6.
Cures otihers,will curd you
The Huron News -Record
91.60 a Year—$1.26 In Advance
Wednesday, Ililsrcft S tit. 1893.
R EJi ,A,'t�'@A) nor,. DAVID. WYT.I ,,
" Aruckvlue tot., : wys,
" IPilfered intensely ivtt4 rhenrn.dism in lee u::,ed
Coulees,' otar.o., r eeleal these
ST. . i,Afw C , 0.,I,1 L,r'U54mr
In the morning 1 tva:lt,; ti; ::iii rt pa.::1."
tr.o of neuralgia, and it effectually cured cue."
,n,,,, seessene, e ?, ;,r d 1.curet,e,rl:':?i«aneetedeaden?.': !'feat Y ,r5
head of the bed told me. I dozed off
again, and on waking the seooud time
attempted to rise. [ could not move.
Every nerve and console of my body
seethed to the paralyzed. I lay like a
log. At first I wits speechless but
managed after a time to articulate feeb
ly, and not very audibly, my wish that
a physician be sent for. Dr. \loom.
house came and placed a mustard
plainer acmes my bowels, tolling ere to
' lie quiet for a few days. I did so be-
cause I could not do anything else.
" As I was entitled to the services
of the lodge physician, Dr. Pingel, 1
sent for him. He gave the 8 •me,medi-
cine that relieved the excruciating pain
iu my head. •He brought another
doctor wit h him (I don't know his
name) and they subjected me to a
regular course of treatment, by which
I was suspended from a support
around my neck. I asked the doctor
what the matter was, but as he evi•
deutly wished to spare my feelings he
did not tell rue directly, nor did Mr.
_ Gillett, the secretary of the lodge
whom I also asked. I inferred that
there was something they did nut wish
me to know.
" I had now been about a year in
the saute condition. Sometimes I was
able to get out of bed, but never out
of doors At other times I was un
able to fend myself. I had absolutely
ro uontrol over my muscles. If I at•
tempted to touch or pick up anything,
my arm would usually stray, appar-
ently of its own volition, in en en-
tirely different direction. I was more
helpless than an infant, and I suffered
a great deal. The doctor commenced
London Advertiser. the injection of some compound into
Causeliau Order of Oddfellou•s. my arm and leg, but a kind of abscess
Manchester Unity. gathered in each and it had to be
Loyal Peraeversnce Lodge, No. 118. I..nced. This was very painful. A
quart of matter of a gruenieh color Turning to the lodge records again,
L)en)e, Nov. 22, 1892.came out. I seemed to get stronger in Mr. Gillett produced a book and show
To the Dr. \\'illiaur's Medicine Cum general health, but my paralysis re- ed the reporter the entries made week
pans ' strained the same. In December, 1891, after week for three years and over of
GENTLEMEN,—I have much pleasure after ttvo years and eight months of the payment! made to Bro. Carrothers
iu forwarding you a vote of thaukethis helplessness, I was given up by Ps sick benefits, The worthy secretary
passed by a resolution of the aboveshe lecture as hopeless. Tho grand intimated that any other information
lodge, thanking you for the good your master of the order, who had conte to desired ho would cheerfully furnish,
valuable medicine, fink Pills,hae donsbut the reporter had had enough .to
London to look Tato my case, and the
for our brother, E. F. Carrothers, who secretary of Perseverance Lodge, called convince him and left.
for three years and a half was almost to see me and informed me of this. I
helpless from locomoter ataxia andDR. PISGEL,
given up by out doctor as incurable stud given up all hope myself, so the Dr, Pingel was next visited at his
blow fell Lighter. The lodge had all once. Ile remembered the case of
and who is now we are happy to say this time been paying my weekly Mr. Carrothers well, and had hoard that
by the use of your Piuk Pills, able to sick dues, and I understood that after he was better.
follow his employment. the doctor's certificate of my hopeless „
Trusting that your valuable tnedi- nese bad been handed in they made You considered him beyond help
cine may be the means of curing many arranger -Dente to continue giving Inc doctor?"
sufferers and be a blessing to there as permanent aid. "Yes ; any physician, under the cir-
it was to out brother, I am yours truly, " And now as to the remedy which cumetances, world have pronounced
on behalf of the lodge, proved my earthly salvation A next the carne opinion His recovery is
ED. GiLLE'rT, Secretary. door neighbor one day sent me in a certainly remarkable."
521 Phillip Street, London, Ont. label off a Dr. Williams' Piuk Pill box. "Do you attribute it to the Pink
This is to certify that the above I read it, and acting on a whim, and Pills?"
facts are a true statement. not with any real expectation of bene- "I do not doubt that they were the
E. F. CARROTHERS. ht, gave my little girl 50 cents to buy meant' of his cure, since Mr. Carrothers
above is self explanatory, but in a box. The very first box made mo says, it was by using them be became
or The to lay the facts pl this r ,but ire more cheerful ; it seemed to brace me well. again. Yee; there seems to be
ogre cues more 'fully before the public up and I began to feel a glimmer of virtue iu the medicine, judging by this
an Advertiser reporter proceeded to in hope. With the second. and third box cane,"
vesti;;ate it. It was his pleasure and the improvement continued, and I felt Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a per
defy some time since to re^,ord the re more than delighted to find that I was feet blood builder and nerve restorer,
cure of Mr. J. Powell, of commencing to recover the use of iny curing such diseases as rheumatism,
outh Lon wrE.
by the mall•limbs. Through a friend I got a dozen neuralgia, ;owlet paralysis, locomoter
eine khown as lir. William's Pink Pills boxes and the lodge added half a ntnxia, St. Vitus denen, nervous head
for Pale People. It was a atrikidozen more. I kept on taking the ache, nervous prostration and the tired
n Pink Pelle, and I gained steadily; so feeling therefrom, the after effects of
story of release from life-lougafllictio
but it was even surpassed by the mire that I am now what you see me to- la grippe,. influenza and severe colds,
culotte experience of Mr. E. F. Into• day' Yoe, I am capable of earning disesees depending on humors in the
thereof 1(13 William street. Mr.Carro- my living as before. I am working at. blood such as scrofula, chronic erysipe-
theca is an uncle of Alderman lt, A. Car•,
my trade in London West at present etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow
rothere, and by virtue of long residence and walk over there (a distance of pale to and Ballow complexion", and are
and personal g .ies is well and nearly two miles from the (rouse) and aspecific for the troubles peculiar to the
return every day." female system, and in the case of men
favorably known throughout the city.
Ile is a carpenter and joiner by trade"You are naturally thankful far Dr. they effect a radical cure in all Cases
rind a good workman. His friends Williams' fink Pills then 1" interpol-. arising from mental worry, overwork
and acquaiutanoes ere aware that a !ted the reporter. or excesses of any nature.
healthiercaud more robust mac never "Thankful I" echoed Mr. Carothers, Those Pills are manufactured by tho
walked the streets of London until a "I can't find words to express my grati- Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
few years ago, when he was suddenly tilde. You can imagine a mac in my Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N.
striekeu with what is generally Position, always strong and healthy be- Y., and are sold only in boxes bear.
supposed to be paralysis. They heard fore stricken down that way, with a ing the firm's trade mark and wrapper,
with regret that he had been prohuuu- family dependent up ,n him; and after at 50cts. a box or six boxes for $2.50.
cel incurable, and as bo was unable to giving up all hope of being anything Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink
leave the house, only ueoasional callers but a wakes burden, to be restored Pills aro never sold in bulk, or by the
saw hire agaiu during his long spell j this way to strength and happiness— dozen or hundred, and any dealer who
of total dise..ility. Within the last few haven't I reason tube thankful, and my offers substitutes in this form is trying
mouths they have been agreeably sur- family too ?" And there wa8 no mie to defraud you and should be avoided,
prised to see him around again plying fairing the eincerity of the utterence. The public are oleo cautioned against
hie vocation ,cid apparently es vigorous "I believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills all other so called blood builders and
as of yore. Inquiry and explanation cau cure anything that any medicine nerve tonics, no matter what name
naturally followed, and it is now wide- on earth cab," he continued. "I may he given them. They are all imi•
ly known in the city to what agency 'know of other cases in this city whore tations whose makers hope to reap a
Mr. Carruthers owes his magical res they have succeeded when doctors have pecuniary advantage from the wonder.
toration to health and strength. failed. Well, good night." And the fel reputation achieved by Dr. Will -
reporter left to call on Mr. Ed. Gillett, lama' Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for
the secretary of Perseverance Lodge, Pink Pills for Pale People, and refuse
The other evening the reporter called who lives a couple of blocks further all imitations and substitutes.
upon Mr. Carrothers and found him south at521 Philip street. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be
seated by the fireside in the bosom MR, GILLETT'S STATEMENT. had of all druggist" or direct by mail
of his family, looking hale, hearty and "There is nothing that can give me from Dr. William
greater pleasure," s' Medicine Com -
happy. Upon learning his visitor'sfrom either address. The price
errand ho said he was only too happysaid Bro. Gillett, PanY
than to say a good word for Dr. at which these pille are sold snake a
out of the depths of his gratitute, to Williams' Pink Pills. I tell you they course of treatment comparatively inex-
reintothe circumstances of his aflli!tion saved the lodge a good deal of rnoney pensive as compared with &her re•
and Iris wonderful cure. in Bro. Carrothor's caeo, and there is mediee or medical treatment.
"I had always been a strong, healthy not a member of Persel'ver•ance who
man," he said, "until this stroke laid won't any the same thing. We had A VALUAi3LE HINT.
me low. I hardly knew what sickness paid out over $400 to our sick brother, When you aro attacked by cough or cold
meant. It was three year's ago last and of course it was a big drain on our do not delay but commence at once to use
April when the attack Gams. I wont finances. We asked the lodge phyei- Hagyard'e Peotoral Balsam. Thin old
to bed apparently in my usual health cion, Dr, Pingel, "to examine him so erandard remedy removes all irritation,
one night and woke about five o'clock that we would know whether ho was loosans the phlegm, and henlp the maeous
in the morning aa my watch at the going to get better or not. The doctor kinds e,, oaring coughs and colds of alt
informed us that he was incurable, and
gave u8 8.oartifieat° Lo that elf; ot."
Mt. Gillett opened his secretaire and
extracted the document referred to
from the lodge records. It read as
Dr. Pingel, Olft're, 354 Dundee Street,
Loudon, Doc. 2, 1891.
Bro. Gillett :
DEAR Stn,—At your request I care•
fully examined Bro. Carrothers, of
Perseverence C. O. O. F , M. U., who
has beau unable to perform any labor
for several years, and find Biel suffer•
iug trent the result of cerebral
hemorrhage (extravaeatiou of blood
into brain). As no improvement has
taken place for somo eighteen months,
I have no hesitation in pronouuoiug
him permanently disabled.
Yours fraternally,
A. R PI1:OF.L,
"After that," said Dor. Gillett, "we
sent for Grand Master Collins, to con•
eider what we should do Wo then
learned that tiro. Carrothers had nom
'noticed taking 1)r. Williams; Pink
Pills and they were doing him good.
So we decided to furnish him with a
supply and await developments. You
know the result. 1[e's better uuw and
at work again. The lodge uuauiuloue
ly moved a vote of thanks so the pro•
priotors of Piuk Pills, and it was for
warded to them.
"I have known Bro. Carrothera fur
years. Ile was always until his last.
illneas a strung, healthy man, and it
seemed strange that be should be
stricken down se. lie had a terrible
siege of it. You see the knife (point-
ing to one on the table); well, if he
tried to pink it up he .couldn't do it
to save hie life. He was completely
Catholic Innovation In New Yot•k—A
Great Church Brilliantly ,wd Artldtt-
sully Lighted—Splendid Symbolical El -
recta Never Before Shown—A. Descrip.
Electricity in a Catholic Church! That's
the very latest novelty at this center of
novelties. The pioneer church iu question
is St. Francis Xavier, New York. 'j'his
church can now claim the distinction of bo-
ing the most complete electrically lighted
church in the United States, if not in the
The significance of such an innovation is
very great, the more so when we consider
the fact that the carrying to success of the
scheme meant overcoming a decided opposi-
tion from the Archbishop of New York.
Oue of the largest points in favor of the
present departure is, that by means of the
electric current there may bo obtained sym-
bolical and hence ritualistic effects not pos-
sible by any other agent.
The first occasion when the electric plant
was used occurred ,during the Christmas
festivities. It is needless to say that the
brilliant illumination served very much to
heighten the general effect.
Generally speaking there are 2,000 lights
on the main floor of all kinds, shapes and
colors. These are conveniently divided up
and controlled by sixty-two switches. The
switchboard is in the vestry. Here is the
central station from which everything is
controlled. Individual circuits prevail
everywhere. Every capital of every column
is surmounted by a row of 16 -candle power
lamps, and each, together with all other
points of vantage, is individually controlled
from the vestry, Thus all parte of the
cherch may be collectively or separately
lighted. the operator remaining unseen.
The increased effect of this, as compared
with the old style method, were an atten-
dant makes a circuit of the auditorium with
a ligbner on the end of a pole, will be read-
ily seen.
All along the main body ot the church
the pillar capitals are studded with opales- Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which are on show at
cont jets of 16 -candle power. To one side our Store.
candelabra of complicated design are
brou ouht into
to v ividsrellief lb ht their
Ou r Sock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent values in fine Teas,
effect is very grand. Directly in front, including beet grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian
the main altar, set into an immense alcove Blend and Crown Blend, the finest in the market.
which almost forms one end of the church,
is one glare ot incandescent light. Row Examine the gnalityand prices of our Combination Dinner and Tea Setts,
upon row of sixteen -candle lamps, set ex- and bo convinced that Bargain Day with us is every business day
ceedingly close together, extend in terrace throughout the year.
style from floor to roof. The concave ar-
rangement of the altar niche, together with
the manygbrass thorea»ie main bothdy of e N. I1. O B S O IN', China Hall
centrate and reflect the generated light,
returning it to the body the
church reinforced beyond measure. In the
tabernacle the theory of the "presence" is Clinton, Feb. 14, 1893.
forcibly brought to mind by an arrange.
ment which bring its visible contents into
bold relief.
Turning to the left of the church we
come to tho altar of the Sacred Heart. Thi,
altar is, electrically considered, the most
extensively lighted one ever made. Con-
spicnoualy surmounting the front arch of
the alcove is a flaming cross composed of
16 opalescent globes. Trailing downward
from each s ide of this is a vine, among First car now arrived direct from
whose gilt foliage shone clusters of
fruit, made of miniature incandescent ¢.
lamps especially shaped for the purpose. Redpath's Re .very, Montreal.
Above and back of the accompanying
statue of the altar is another and smaller
arching grape -vine, the clusters of fruit Qtlallt3r e thon which are composed of tiny specks�J
of white and purple flame. Just within
ins a shapehue areswingingm-c car, from Prices the Lowest.
ththe of palm -leaf clusters, from
the center of which large opalescent
16 -candle power lamps add to the general Special Farther back the color of a pink Cuts in 106 Pounds or Bbl. Lots.
rose, among some foliage on the wall, is
heightenedmthe by a red lamp, concealed
among the petals. Far up at the top of 1•�,
the alcove, concealed by proscenium arch,
are 30so fight is lc power incandescent lamps, A SPECIALTY'.
whose light is concentrated and projected _1 -
downward by means of corrugated glass
reflector, thus bringing the altar below in Butter and Eggs wanted.
strong relief with the other contents of the
of St. Francis Xavier cost over $15,000.
alcThe electrical installation of the Church
ove: T W IRWIN, Noted Grocer,
Anderson's Restaurant
The Old Reliable Confeotionery Store, ,^��y
Fruits, Confec eery, Biscuits—in endless variety ; Cranberries, Sweet Potatoe
Spanish Grapes, oto.
Everythiug first•clas.s in a first-class store. Don't pass Anderson's Restaurant
Searle's Block, - Albert Street,
When your wife SOPA this she will Rutile! Why Because she can sit and
enjoy herself with her sewing and reading and not endanger her eyes, as
she does when using the ordinary Coal Oil.
Rock Oil
Is Equal to American, and we sell it at the came price as ordinary Coal Oii.
We have just receiyod another car of this Famous Oil and you can get it
either at our new store in the McKay Block or at our old store in the
Brick Block.
STO vE AND HARDWARE, • - • _ Albert St., Clinton
- Special for Minas Trade -
Choice Cream Chocolates at 25c. peril).
Done up in a nice fancy box'i°or satchel, also the following
Goods at reasonable prices.
500 Ills Royal Mixed Candy,
2.00 lbs Mixed Candy,
100 lbs Conversation Lozenges,
New Figs, Nuts v Lemons, Oranges.
Oysters aneirish direct Um Faltirnoi e,
Call and see'our Stock tshich is the largest and most varied in town.
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes A great Variety.
As an extra inducement to Cash purchasers I have made arrangements with a
lending firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures. by well-
known gasters, all framed and finished in first' -class style, and suitable
for the best cless of residence. Each customer will be presented with
one of these magnificent Pictures free when their cash purchases aggre-
gate Thirty Dollars.
My t»otto in business is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at
Bottom Prices, -
Althoteeh the principal Soep Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent.
1 will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and Surprise
Soaps at the old figures.'
New Chinese Minister,
Mr. O'Conor, the new British Minister to
Chine., claims descent from the Irish King
Roderick O'Conor. There were two farni-
lies making such pretensions not many
years ago, and one tried to prevent the
other from spelling its name with only one
"n." A discussion was carried on in the
Local newspapers, which, from its great
length and the subject matter of dispute,
acquired the name of the "N -loss" corre-
spondence. The quarrel increased in acri-
mony, until at iast it was determined that
the point in dispute shonld be referred to
the arbitration of Ulster King -at -arms, Sir
Burnard Burke. This diplomatic personage
decided that the two families had a common
ancestor, and that the two lines might, as
they pleased, use One or two "nal."
Rev. plink Plunk on Hope.
Hope is a groat consolation w'en a pus.
son am in truliblo, deah breddern, but of
ya fine a fellow ereaehur in distress doan
preach hope to him unless ya put yer hand
in yer pocket an' gib him somet'n to build
on ; hope seems to be spelled wid a mighty
small h w'en ite looked at fru an efnpty
93 - BICYCLES - 1893 44
Don't be behind the times. Buy one of
The Celebrated English Bicycles
Such as
Iron and Hardware Merohant., — — — — CLINTON