HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-03-08, Page 5:•: ••.• T �'.�r._q'. Or X,,,, . ,1 ,yaw 'r,a. u,..s
is New Boot and Shoe Score,
I have just received a large consignment of
With instructions to sell
Regardless of Cost
This stock must be sold iu order to make roots for
and the goods will be sold
Jackson Block, Huron St., Clinton,
We have now got through Stocktaking and have picked out several lines which
we have not a full asaortnleut of, anrnuntintg to over ono thousand
dollars. These we have placed ou BARGAIN TABLES and \VJ LL
weeks. This means $1,000 worth of
/1OJ '8
(Principally Staple lines,) at practically your own prices, as we don't want the,
Goods, but must have the room. Be sure and see our bargain tables,
they will interest you.
CALs..�3E-3E \\re sell for CASH only and are satisfied, from our
experience since the first of February, that we are on the right track.
Our customers, too, realize the benefits of the Cash System,in the amount
saved on every dollar invested.
We Intend (laving a Special Bargain Day on the First Monthly
Fair Day, March 1.
or, Butter and 1£gge taken as Cash.
gfr Advertisements under this headlnq $1 ilr
first month, and 50c. each subsequent mt„ith.
Good wept' and steady employment. Apply to
7484f Grand Union, Clinton.
The cottage recently occupied by Mr. John Col.
back. Contains 7 rooms, good cellar, hard and soft
wiser, three quarters of an acre of ground Hent
very reasonable to good tenant. Fur particulate
apply at TUE NEwe R7coaO office or write D. B.
Calbick, Goderlrh P. 0.
Lots No. 7 and 8., Dinsloy Terrace, containing 31
acres of land, dwelling house, barn and orchard. The
property adjoins the Corporation. of Clinton. Also,
two story brick building suitable for store and dwell-
ing house, eellar 5$x"4, aoout one-fifth acro corner
lot opposite Queens Hotel, Victoria St., Clinton, Ont.
Also village lots 7, 8, 9, in Blyth, Ont. The above
property will be Bold at a bargain to settle up estate.
Apply to W. J. Btootss, Clinton, Ont . per executors,
or to Manning & Scott, solicitors. Clinton. 7420.
Owing to my moving ta0oderich I will offer my
two houses for sale or to rent. line is a story and a
half frame cottage with stone cellar, in good repare,
hard and soft water and small garden of good soil
with small fruits. The other 1s a two-story fraim
house. comparatively new, In nee but three years,
with furnace; hard and soft water ; good stable on
the premises These houses are centrally situated Tho goodswell n
on Rattenbury Street and will he sold cheap or are allselected , b OUeht
to go to Manitoba front Clinton Station on
March 14 or any Tuesday during March and
April is to buy your ticket from the
so that you make good connections at
DRUMBJ (20 utiles below Stratford) and
secure Berths in cars going through to Winnie
peg without change. Should passengers pre-
fer it they can get these through cars at
This is a great inducement for Clinton Passen.
for further information.
The People's Grocery,
I desire to intimate to the residents of
Clinton and vicinity that I have re-
moved to the store lately vacated by
J. W. IRWIN, and am putting in
full lines of choice
Groceries, Crockery, &c., &o.,
rented on easy terms. Ap}}ply on the premises or ad•
dress J. H. 1VORSELL, Clinton P. 0.
Jan. 11th, 1893.
The two excellent farms on the 4th concession Cod.
erich Township, well situated and very desirable
properties. Only throe miles from Onderieh. For
particulars apply on the premises, or address Omit: -
rich P. 0. MRS. ANNE HINCKS.
735 tf
We have O enea out for busineea on )iCRON
STREET, CLINTON, and will be pleased to sup-
ply the wants of all In all kind, of 'moats and
poultry in season at the lowest living prices.
Highest cash price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, &c.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
727 —tf. WHEATLEY & FINCH.
On farm property at 31 pee cent. Apply to
�b'i ICE.
There being some misunderstanding with roe
gard to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood
that if any person takes possession of any kind
of wreckage and fails to report to mo I shall at
once take proceedings. Remember this is the
Iasi warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB.
Receiver of Wrocl;e, Ooderlch.
Goderlch, Sept. 7th 1801.
Last noon on Otter Wlleon's farm, Maitland no.
Goderieh township, on Feb. 21st. Color—black and
white, with tan head ; heavy built. Ammon; to the
name of Ring. A liberal reward will be paid for his
748.11 Brame/Mile P. 0.
in the beet markets and will be sold at
the lowest prices. We intend to
make this the leading business place in
town. Inepection of goods respectful-
ly solicited. Highest prices paid for
Butter and Eggs.
G. J. STEWART, - - Clinton.
Real Estate, Loan and Insurance
Aloney to Loan on Farts and Town Property in large
or small sums at the lowest current rates.
Jan. 18, 1893. 740 1 y
Clinton •and Baggage Checked through to all
points. Close connections and bent accom-
modations are offered by this route.
"One ropy of a newspaper that reaches the home
is worth more for the purposes of advertising than
three that don t." P. T. BARNI•N,
[lira. \\rapers, of Gcdorich, hair been
visitng her daughter Mrs. 13. Grainger.
Dira. Nelson l3inghtlw is visiting
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. ft Fulton
and other friends near Mt. Clemens,
Michigan. We wiah the lady A
pleasant reunion with her relativee
and a sate return.
Mr. Whiteman, from near Bnlgrave,
was visiting Mr. MoLoughlau and
other friends in this vicinity lard
A false and malicious rumor has
been circulated in this vicinity lately
which if followed up would lead
the author or nuthors into serious
Sumtnorhill I. 0. G. '1'.'s visited Au.
burn Lodge on Monday evening, 17th
ult., and had a splendid time iu the
name•suko of -Goldsmith', "Loveliest
Village of the Plain."' 'l'lie one reler
red to, however, is on a hill overlook
iug the beautiful liver Maitland, u',r
which in Bummer not only geese but
even the moat eharwiug ducks gabble
and paddle.
Th9 Good Tempters will hold an
eutertaiunient ou Monday evening,
the 13 h inst. Good epuakera have
have been Bemired for the occasion,
and Mr. Shambly, the celebrated singer,
will also be present and is a (lost in
himself. The local talent will also
assist and all who favor thein with
their patronage may expect a filet class
entertainment. Come one, cove all,
and help on the good cause.
The 1ullowing is tLe report of the
public school here fur February. The
etending of pupils is bteed on dill
genre,• punctuality and conduct. 5th
class.—Win. E. Miller, Sara Nesbitt,
Geo. W. Hill, Sr. 4t11 —Ethelbert
Mcllveen, Emily Jordan, Uobt. J.
Miller. Jr. 4th Class.—Mabel Bing•
ham, Jimmie Bingham, Ethel Jordan.
3rd Cluse.—Auui•, Wright, Fiauces
Oakes, Mabel Huck. 2nd
Blanche McIlv,•en, Annie Lawson,
Oliver M'cllveen, Part 2 —Jane
\Vright, Thus Hill, Earnest Grainger,
Part I —Anthony Lawson, Jas. John-
ston, \Vm. Beata m,
Our pastor, the Rev. I.. W. Diehl,
is holding divine service hole on
Tuesday evening of each week. 'There
ie a very good attendance.
Mr. John Lovett plowed the road
again on 'Tuesday, the 28t h ult , all the
way to Clinton. We all tender him
a hearty vote of tbauks, particularly
the mail carrier.
The Messrs. Baotou' are taking out
timber for \1 r. Frank Mellveen's baro.
The deep snow is a great hindrance
to the gentlemen in pushing on the
Word has been received here by the
relatives of the serious illness of Mrs.
Moe, nee Mies Olive Bingham, in N.
Dakota. The lady he hail several at-
tacks of pleurisy. Her father, Mr,
Wm. Bingham, will start in a few days
to visit her. We wish Mr. Bingham
a safe journey and good news at the
end of it.
Mr. Wm. Brown, of Londesbore,
has rented to hie father-iu law, M r.
James DLcllveen's farm near here in
Hullett and has )nova d thereto.
Mr. \Ven. Killip, ie very ilt with
the mumps. \Ve wish him a speedy
Mr. R. J. Draper had a wood bee
on Thursday, laet and got a fine lot of
wood cut.
Coal oil isn't?}rte, a,gal;lon cheaper
here yet. It will have to go up con-
eibera'aly before it can. make a big jump
like that. It is quite easy to'jump
down when you are away up. It
makes all the difference in the world
where you light.
Our merchant has received a large
amount of his spring and summer dry
goods. They are much admired. He
Bells as cheap ae the cheapest without
teak ing a furs about it.
Mr. Wm. J. McBrien Bold a fine
young horse at the fair in the "Hub"
on the 1st inst.
(Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.)
Fall Wheat, 0 63 to 0 66
Spring Wheat ............. 0 60 to 0 63
Barley .. C 435 to 0 40
Oats.. 3 30 to 0 31
Peas . 0 55 to 0 57
Applee,(winter)perbag 0 40 to 0 50
Potatoes, per hush 0 40 to 0 50
Butter ........ 0 16 to 0 18
Eggs, per doz (1 18 to 0 20
Flay 6 00 to 6 OO
Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00
Beef ., 0 00 to 0 00
WOOL 0 18 to 000
Dressed Hogs 7 50 to 7 60
Sealed tenders for the position of Choir Loader for
the Ontario St. Methodist Church will bo received np
to the evening of the tenth day of March next.
Also tenders for the position of Careteket for
the same church. Applicants for either to state
salary wanted. A copy :•f the duties of caretaker
may be aeon at the Ole of the Secretary. Tenders
to be marked and addressed to
Secretary of Trustee Board.
Clinton, Feb, 28, 1898. 747 -It
B. O. T. M.
Kearns Tent No. 00, Knight,' of the Maccabees n
the World. 91,000, 94.000 end 91,000 Policies. Mem.
bershlp over 100,030. Assessment principle—has
never exceeded 12 assoesmonts in a yoe'. Cheareet
and safest In existence. Meets in Orange Hall, Cline
ton, first and third Friday of every month.
Town Agent G. T. R.,
For Tiokets and information to
all points apply to above,
Tillie? H4t1WSOME LAII)Y has Twowo Compaaeirone. Can zou Rnd
thenTrig If so, mark faces and send to us ae directed below. Tho LA 11) I k)k�'
COMPANION le a high•class, 32 page, illustrated Magazine, devoted to Liters.
ture, Rome Life Fashion, etp. most artistic in appearance and patronized by• the
best class of readers. A perfectly fair and legitimate premium system is adopted by
its publishers at great outlay, in order to quickly place it and its sister publications
at the bead of all Canadian )crfodicale in point of circulation. During 1811 we per.
o giving away Four Els ant Rosewood Pianos. The most exact good
faith will be kept with every subscriber, both as regards the magazine and premiums.
See name of subscriber to receive the grand Plano now exhibited at our offices,
in Ladles' Companion for March.
Asp We publish Ladles' Companion, *1.00 per year ; Ladies at Home,
50 cents per year; Our Boys and Girls, 25 cents per year. dote
our address' 166 Bing St., Wast, and do not confound our publieatiuns
with any others of somewhat similar names.
To the Arst person solving puzzle we will award an elegant Rosewood Piano,
valued at 13410; the next will twelve a Gold 'Match • the third, a Silk DressPattern ; the fourth, a Swiss Music Box ; the fifth, a Silver Watch' the
sixth, aIkxquaT LAN['; the seventh, aSof, n Bneocn; the eighth, a StLVAR F ivj
O'CLOCK TEA SaTT ; to the neat ten will be given each a beautiful GoLn Hewett ;
To the middle sender will be awarded a Cabinet Organ ; and to the ten following
each a CrtAYOM PORTRAIT Of se,,dc,' or any friend. The sender of letter beating
latest postmark, previous to June 15th next, will receive a Gold iVateh. The sender
next to last will receive a Silver Watch ; ten preceding, each a beautiful Gold
CONDITIONS :—Each contestant must mark faces in puzzle in ink or pencil
cut advertisement out and forward to us with Thirty Cents for 3 mouths'
subscription to the Ladies' Companion. Address,
" D" LADIES' COMPANION PDB. CO., 166 King St., West, Toronto, Can.
Vail svan'O'O dsweive a!
On Wednesday hast the Rev. J. T.
Berlin gave his lecture on "Life in the
Argeutiue liepubli3''. The church
was very full nod for nearly 3 hours
the rev. gentleman kept the audience
intensely interested by his descriptions
of life as it is in South America. He
described the country, people, cities
and habits of people. Many parte of
the lecture were exceedingly humour
ora, others e, clearly descriptive as to
hold the audience in breathless
interest. Illustratione of some native
love souge were given. At 10:30 the
lecture was adjourned, the lecturer not
being more than half through, and was
continued ou friday evening at 7:30.
Again the church wile very full, the
people taking great interest in the
music and singing of the rev. lecturer.
The lecture it to be given on March
13th at Port Albert, Next week the
Rev. Mr. Kerrin rooves to Bayfield,
where they have been waiting for him,
we. understand, since Dec. 1st last.
Since Mr. Kerrin came here in July
last the church has increased from
practically nothing to an average con
gregatiou of about 120 or 140. Much
regret ie expressed both hero and at
['ort Albert that he is going away.
Ile has hod a busy time, invitations to
preach having corse troth all the
surrounding districts, and have been
attended to, both from Methodists and
English churches. We are glad to see
this friendly feoliuggrowing between
churches of different denominations.
We wish Mr. Kerrie and his family
every succeed in Bayfield.
1 En. Nora.—We shall be pleased to often hear from
) uu.l
London Road Items
Mr. Phomas Perrin, an old resident
of the London road, is hero on an ex-
tended visit,
Min Eveline Stevens is on the sick
flet; we hope to soon hear of her recov-
Mr. Moses Head, of Detroit, was
renewing old acquaintances on the
London road this week.
day evening, March 2ud, tho friends
and neighbors of Mr. and IVIr.t Charles
Avery assembled in a body and pro-
ceeded to their residence to bid thom
farewell ou their departure from the
London Road to their new home near
Harpurhey, and presented them each
with a handsome easy chair. The
chairs' were presented by Mr. James
Nott and an address was read by Mr.
Thomas' Waldron. Mr. Avery very
feelingly replied, thanking the people
for their kindness, after which music
was rendered in a very fine manner by
several of the party; lunch then being
served, the rest of the evening was
spent by young and old uniting in a
friendly dance until a late hour. All
returned home highly pleased with
their evenings enjoyment, and wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Avery much happiness
in their now home. Following is the
address :
We, your old friends and neighbors,
have gathered here to -night to spend
the evening and to express to you our
sincere regret that you are about to re•
move from our midst and feel that it is
impossible to tell you how keenly we
feel this seperetion. You have been
always with us, you have been our friend
and the firm friends of our children. At
our prayer -meetings, at our Bible class,
when possible you have been present
laboring earnestly for the Master, and
rest assured tonight that wards spoken
by you will hear fruit in due season.
You are about to remove to a new home,
may you continue to labor for the Mas-
ter and may His richest blessings follow
you and yours in whatever position in
lifetyou may be placed. We ask you to
accept theao gifts, take them in token
of the love and esteem we bear you, in
rememberance of the many happy hours
we have spent together and in the hope
that when years have passed you will
return again to your old home.
—The result of the poet -mortem ex-
amination into the death of old Mrs.
Wonch and Jennie \•Vonch's child
showed that both had died from burns,
There were no other wounds on the
bodies, Thie practically agrees with
Jennie \\conch's story that she found
them burning when she returned to
the house with an armful of wood.
Porter's 0111.
Miss Maggio McPhail is slowly
recovering from a scald on tee foot by
a tea put upsetting.
The Misses Stevens hate retuned
home to Hamilton. They have been
up here for some weeks port and IIiss
McDonald has gone ou a visit with
A LITTLE SCENE.—"John, where are
you going, ser 1" said the governor.
"1 am going to take my best girl to the
tea•meeting," said John, "But you
must take rosters also," said the gover•
nor. "Well," said John, "two is tom
pony, but four is not." "Oh," said tho
governor, "you must walk, then."
John, of course, had received the girl's
consent,and was compelled to take four
of a kind, ' It was rather hard, but all
rejoiced exceedingly, except John,
under the trying circumstances.
Zurich, March 1, 1898.
A. M. TODD, Clinton.
DEA, 811,—You will Rud enclosed subscription fur
two copies of Tee News-REcoan for 1893—one for
Walter Fee, Wishart P 0.. N. W. Terr., and the
other to Edwa,d Fee, Zurich 1'. O., Ont.
MARC'.—In Clinton, on Feb. 26, the wife
of Mr. 11. B. Marcy, of a daughter.
KERR —In Seaforth, on the 19th ult , the
wife of Mr. John Kerr, of a daughter.
GIBsoN.--In Morris, on Feb. 9 b, the wife
of Mr. Joseph Gibson, of a daughter.
CHELLLW.—In Blyth, on Fey. 19, the
wife of Mr. Y. H. Chellew, of a son.
Blame •—In Ashfield, on Feb. 24, the
wits of Mr. Samuel Brown, of a daughter.
MENNEL.—In H'illett, on Feb. 26th, the
wife of George ,Menuell, of a daughter.
LANE.—Al 57 Hutohieon street, Montreal,
on Saturday, F.b. 25th, the wife of H. J.
Lane, C. E., of a sou.
ANDERSON—COWAN—At Gnderich, on the
1st inst., by the Rev. Dr. Ure, Mr. John
Anderson, (f Blvth, to Min E'izabeth
Cowan, of Wawanosh.
CARTER—PARKER.—On the let inst., at
the Ontario Street Methodist parsnnago, by
the Rev. W. Smythe, Mr, David Carter, of
Stapleton, to Miee Clara Parker, daughter
of Mr. John Parker, of (Iodcrich township.
ELLIOTT—HANLEY.--At the Rectory, Sea -
forth, on the 1st inet., by the Ler. Mr.
Hodgens, Mr. Robert H. Elliott, 7th con ,
Ooderich township, to Mary, second eldest
daughter of Mr. George Hanley, of Clinton.
JONES —BROWN. --At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 22nd ult., by Rev. J.
Shilton, Mr. George A. Jones, of Seaforth,
to Mias Minnie Grace, daughter of Mr.
John Brown, of Tuckoremith.
FLUKER—TI,OM4oN.—At the residence of
the bride's mother, Hay, on the 15th ult.,
by Rev. S. Acheson, Mr. John Fluker, cf
East Wawanosh, to Miss Marion, daughter
of Mrs. G. Thomson.
FLEMING—MARTIN.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, on March let, by the
Rev. W. H. Geddes, of Whitechurch, Mr
J. Fleming, of Dakota, to Mira Rachael,
second daughter of Mr. James Martin, of
East Wawauosh.
LAND noicouGH. — In Tuokeremith, on
March 4th, Anna Covens, relict of the late
Robert Landeborough, aged 70 years, 1
month and 24 days.
GE;eMELL.—In Tuokersmith, on the 23rd
ult,, Agnes McCartney, relict of the late
John Gemmell, acted 61 years, 1 month and
19 days.
McKay. —In Tuckeremith, on the 23rd
ult., Wm. McKay, aged83 years.
Nicnor,.—In Morris, on the 16th ult.,
David Nichol, aged 30 years, 6 months and
8 d
STRay..ACHAN.—In Grey, on the 22n'1 ult.,
Isabel Margaret Dunbar, second daughter
of Thomas Strachan, E.q., aged 20 years, 7
months and 14days .
BARTLIFF —In Seaforth, on the 27th ult ,
Elizabeth Soott, relict of the late James
Bartliff, of Seaforth, aged 67 years and 6
SUTIIERLAND.—A1 Beachville, on the 24th
ult., Margaret Sutherland, wife of the late
Williarn Sutherland, aged 78 years.
SCTHExLAND.—In Woodstock, on the 24th
ult., Katherine, wife of Alexander Sather.
land, aged 98 yeare.
GINNING,—In Varna, on the 24th ult.,
the wife of Mr. Robert Gunning, aged 27
RANKtg,—In Wingham, or the 23rd Feb.
Margaret Rankin, daughter of Mr. Richard
Rankin, aged 27 year. and 3 menthe.
H1tNDERSON.—In Brussels, on March 5,
David Henderson, aged tJ6 years.
McCoem..t. --In Clinton, on Feb. 25,
Mary, w;fe of Mr. Thos, MoConnell, aged
36 yeare.
During the last two weeks we
have been trying to sell
our stock of
and have had very little
trouble in doing it, for
they are so nicely colored
and make up so much like
a genuine Cat or Kitten.
Our 3rd stock of Kittens are
in and our 2nd stock of
Cats are expected to -day.
We are nlarking, rolling and
pacing in stock several
thousand rolls of
this week and can promise
our customers values that
are better than we were
ever before prepared to
Letter Writers.
Your interests have been
studied by the Govern-
ment Officials in making
our Canadian Post Cards
larger and WE have re-
ceived from our Station-
er a line of Tablets that
will please you very
much. On each sheet
Clinton is handsomely
embossed and comes out
very clearly on the dif-
ferent styles of paper.
They are well padded and
made up in four sizes so
as to suit all purposes.
The Century Linen Paper
is especially good and we
are sure you will approve
of our enterprise in leav-
ing these Tablets manu-
factured expressly for
Clinton people.
The prices are,notwithstanding
the expense of Engraving •
and Press Work, exceed-
ingly low, as the are sell-
ing them at 15c. for the
small size and 20c., 25c
and 35c. for the larger
Step into- line, you correspon-
dents, and use the New
Head Line Tablets sold
Book Store.