The Huron News-Record, 1893-03-08, Page 4This is our Stocktaking Month
Therefore, we ere bound to make our Stock of
Heavy Suits,
Odd Pants and Vests,
Shirts and Drawers,
All Winter Goode at a price that you will buy. Prices, will be made
below ulnuufacturers price. We invite Sou to corse and inspect the
goods and see the Cheapest Clothing that has ever 1 Derr offered in Clin-
ton. The Garments are ell got up St) Iasi' and the stock is wall
assorted at his season d the year.
ING that hot ever been shown in this Town or County. This is no
buncombe atu,ouncernant, but a Genuine Sale.
[he Huron News -Record The restricttone egsinet Canadian esti[[
going to Raisin will likely soon be lemovea.
Wliat is the matter with the Mc.
Wednesday, March Stir, 141)3. Kinney Gill? Eggs were quoted in
Inst wee'k's papers as fellows : New
York 20 to 20}., Toronto 25 to 28e.,
'Montreal 34 to 35 uta. The Globe
had not very much to say about the
McKinley Bill last week.
$1.50 n Year—$1.25 In Advance
The writ for South Middlesex has
been iesu'd. Nominations will be on
March 15. J. S. Dewar, of Loddon, _
is returning officer. Reformers, in Canada, just now
The Toronto lYi.tlel says coal will think a great deal . more of Edwatd
Bloke in Ireland then they did when
.irup from 25 lu 50e1x per ton on April
lat. It lessee its c0nclusioua on the he deserted the party here. The
following d• stretch received from present Edward Blake of Ireland is
Philadelphia : "Various anthracite not the late El ward Blake of Canada.
c..illipuilies will make a rdurtien in There is about se m«ch difference as
the price of coal of from 25 to 50 cents there ie between black and white.
per tun ori or about April 1." ----
- -- - -- - Edward Blake has no love for the
At least one learned theory confi- Ulster unionists. The Ulster union-
deutly and constantly advanced by fists have no love for Edward Blake.
many estimable scholars, 5tat(Smeq Probably Edward's revenge can only
and laymen will have to undergo a be peen in his Horne Rate advoeecy.
radical modification before it will If Edward is not a little careful a
square with the lately eatahlished fact hunk of gingerbread may be shied at
that murders are more frequent in his eye,
the lural districts of Massachusetts _
The powerful sun the past few days has
than in its great populous centres.
AIr, Fred Mowat, eon of lair Oliver caused the majority of merchants to put up
Muwat, fell into a very fat "sit" when tlteir Thetviiings
G derteh Organ Company started wn•k
They have introduced a bill to legal
i:o lynching Texas. The hanging his father appointed hint Sheriff' of on Monday, after a few days :stoppage f r
Toronto. 111 1886 his salaryand stMr.taking
JaNtle and
'1'hcm11S011 lull on Althe otelnip fur
endburning in auppoe. criminals can
soon go on iu the sacred natue .of law fees brought him $4,656.99 ; in 1888 Guelph to join the tuning staffof the 13e!1
and blood•thirety mobs who revel in $8'233.50 ; in 1890, $8.670,23 ; in Piano I' a monthly meeting of the public school
boteheriug, can clans they have the 1891, $7,581.36, and in 1892, $8,322,, board was held on ,Alouday evening. Pres -
sanction of the state. What glorious 44, or a total in six year of $46,269,. ent—Dr, Nicholson, Chairman W. Acheson,
. H. \V. Ball, J. H. Colborne, Rees rice.
interpretations shore Are of that gulp
Minutes ot previous meeting read and ap-
lime sentence in the Declaretiou of — proved. Principal's report showing are aver -
Independence, which reads that"all The waterworks in Toronto ere bent ageattendance for February of 5.25, 283 boys
men are created free and equal 1' on a design that the goodly inhabitants nd 242 girls, was read and tiled. The
Of that not over religious city
Principal reported that he expelled a pupil
for misconduct. The Board unanimously
By provinces Wednesday's vote shows rigorocely observe Lent. The follow• sustainer) the suspension. A request from
as follows :—the Principal fur dry wood fur the Central
ing paragraph shows how it is to bo was referred to Contingent Committee. An
Ministerial Opposition
Ontario 55 done:— account from R. Tielibourne, $5.10, was order -
31 cd to be
Quebec 31 30. meethe for
"Aa Mr. Samuel Wright, of518 °erring. new seats lwas referred and
totSpe ialSCommittee
Nova Scotia. , 13 4 ton avenue, was getting a glass of water to pay if found correct. Mr. Stoddard was 1111th.
Now Brunswick 12 2 on Monday, he was surprised to see appointed caretaker of St. Patrick's ward Mre, John Emigh was visiting
P. E I. 2 4
Manitoba. f' corning
out of his tap a small catfish ,school from the 1st prox. and Mr. McDougall friends in Clinton on Sunday.
, , ,
N. followed by a couple of earth worms.caretaker of the Central. The Board then
British Colltmhia5 —-- ,
adjourned. Rev. T. E. Higley paid Clinton a
British Territories. . 3 '/ — __ flying visit on Monday.
The British -Canadian, of Simcoe, )IcKillo
126 71 recentlyg W Messrs John A. and Goo. Browu1ee,
It was announced in the House last rr gdvo au interestin table re- Mr. Sibbons, who was severely hurt of the Forest city, formerly of this
week that the revision oldie Dominion carding the cheese industry and the by a kick from A bores in his own town, were here several days lest week
Voters, Lists would proceed this year value of the cheese tuauufat;tured in stable is, we are pleased to gay, reeov• visiting their mother, Mrs. Grainger,
ender the aystr-tn that, to save expense, Norfolk and neighboring counties, eriug. of Mullett, who has been seriously
rhe old lists would he taker[ as a basis, which is wo:thy of reproduction : Rev, Mr. Ottewell, Methodist, in hie indisposed.
those to be streak off .imply done by Oxford sermons teat Sabbath, struck the brawl Mr. Albert Scott, of Battle Creek,
the revising officer running his pen Alddlesex $7115.000 ingbrood of anuexationiete some prettyMichi an has been visiting his brother,
418,000 g r
through them, those to bo added attach- Fern
57 000 hard raps. lu so doing he has the councillor, T. W. Scott, for a few days.
ed in writing and when completed in d 229.000 sypathy and support of his people Divine service will' be held in
this way,the liars to be expueed for pub- 152 000 here.m
P EVelliugtc'u 127,000Trinity church as usual on \Vedueeday
lit inspection. The law is amended 8o Habiinrand We regret to say that Af r. Daniel evening at 7. 30. All are welcomo
that one person danuot make de.clar- 551.000
Brant 5t 000 Manley, Councillor for \Vard 1, Me-
atione for a cumber of applying voters, Wcutwortt, 46,010 Killop, is gettingterpoor health this Mr. Watson, of the Mansion House
Water r , y Hotel, has sold out to Mr. McDonald,
het voters must melte [hair own applies• AVelland 36,600 winter. \\ o rust that when spring
tion only iu the case of absence of a Lincoln 20,000 arrives his health will improve. of Walton, who takes possession in
person eligible to vote, a declaration18,000 Mr. Jones, the popular hotel keeper April'
could be made for him. Yet it is sometimes avid that the I?ug' at Leadbnry, ie doing a good business. Iver. Thos. McElroy has gone into
lisp market is comparatively outer His ready, cheerful and aociable manner partnership with Harry Jessop, of the
Mr. Goldwin Smith complains some Portant�n market which last year took fits him exactly for his position. 0. K. Grocery store of thio burg.
1 $11,000,000 of Canadian cheese afore,
ion of Tmice• Mr. John Irvine has just delivered Our town daddies held their regular
what childishly of the act
to St. George's Society in
discuosing e 1000 bushels of oats at the mill of monthly meeting in Industry hall on
Messrs. Lyons and Wilson, Seaforth, Monday evening.
motion to dismiss him as A plaint Mrs.tmr of
that society, He beams his complaint
ocum plFrank Keegan and Jim Ferguson Mr. Irvine thinks that growing oats Mrs. Hitchcock is announced to give
left fur Cleveland this week. for market is about as safe and profit- a series of temperance lectures on next
on the plea that the society is not poli g y abler as any other branch of farming. Sunday afternoon and evening in the
tical and has therefore no right to
take notice of political action or Utter. Belling has boon light Intel \\ a regret being celled upon to an- Methodist church and on the following
antes. In a certain.The Royal "Tetnplers held a social at pounce the death of Mrs McLaughlin, Monday and Tuesday in the Preeby
sense this [nay be Mrs. 131'ownett's, front road, on \Ved• wife of Mr. John McLaughlin, one of terian church.
true; that is, that differing ss the
members do over Canadian politics, nexdny evening last. The house was our res acted residents and an eeteom•
crowded. A pleasant time was spent ed member of Walton Orange L. T. 13. illuminated for ethe10g firsturtime [[with
questions of that kind ere kept in and about $13 realir.rd. A young man lodge. The deceaed ladyhad beenail-
abeyance, but the very foundation of named Bates di8played his ignorance for some electricity. The tights are very
the society is distinct allegiance 1.0 In great shape by lneuliin g ing years, her disease being brilliant and etendy. It hod been
g one of of a dropsical nature. Her husband rumoured all day that the lights would
13ritieh institutions, and ellen Mr. the Varna brethren. And one daughter who are Left to sur'
Smith chooses to go to Washington Tho carnival on Tuesday eveningof gmake their appearance and a large
rive her, have the sympathy of the crowd of citizens and country people
and enter into secret public negotia• last week was largely attended. There community in their bereavement.
thous looking to the breaking of the were not ninny in costume. Prizes C<icacrr. —At a meeting of the council therpromenaded
toiighteeets acouree you
bonds between Canada And, Great awarded wore as follows : Best lady's held on Monday last, et which all the mem• could hear all manner of remarks.
Britain, he becomes a traitor to the costume, Maty Beattie ; beat boy's cos- here were prarent, the Auditors report was Some are not satisfied and others are
society of which he is a member and tome, Harry Faulkner boat ladyd. The Reeve aud well
presented and adopted. The Treasurer's
is guilty of treasonable action so far as skater, Maggie Beattie; two mile race, Treasurbonds er wee re insto ructed ed to send to the body pleased. It's hard to suit every.
our allegiance to the mother land is Jeminhard ; obstacle race, N. Cameron. county Clerk the an,"unt expended on roads On Monday evening our band gave
concerned. A sensible man who deter- Several times have large numbers of and bridges the last ten years, also to invest
mined on ouch a aceraeas Mr. Smith our boys and girls gone to Clinton in mortgages $1,700 at six per cent, Ao- the eitizena a few selections on the
has Irately pursued, would have at once rink, although the roods were bad, and and nordered te to eto amhent of $143, were Tagged market square, which was quite a treat.
resigned his membership and thus• weather very rough, but we have yet ratepayers inGrey and McKillop asking for etition of A petition ie in alive ion asking
saved nu action or the part of his to see Clinton folks patronize our rink. Union School Arbitrator was got granted, our 1 Ibe sionere to give tho proprio•
brother members, painful, though What am de mattah 1 as in the opinion of the council It is not tor of the Central, Mr. John Mason,
necessary. Not taking that ate Mr. legal, the last changer' being made only four a license thio year.
step, Several of the fifth class pupils have years ago, and in Walton, Union one year
Smith has only himself to blame for quit the school either through the ago. Council adjourned to meet in Craw. It it rumored our young tfnernith
the consequences, arising probably lack of attention from the master or his ford's hotel, Dublin, on Monday the 20th of has been away for a few days and has
from misguided egotism. iuefioency. Merck, toetpathmaatere, povndkeeper returned with a life partner. More
and fenociowtrewere,power to you, Bob.
kill. Job* Bataan, of Seafertit, traa in. the
einnity town on Wednesday..
'Mr. S. T. Jaeksat, of Ripley, visited Goth
Crich last Thursday.
Mr. L. McDollen, of Walton, was lu the
eil•ettlar town on Friday.
Mr. \V. Spence, of .Ethel, was u► Goderich
the paid '1'huteday
Regular meeting of Liverpool Lodge Sons
of Emgla►d 13e11e Vulallt .` oeiety this evening.
Holy Communion at St. George's last Sun-
day morning.
Mr delineated, barrister, of Seaford'
was to town lust Wednesday.
I1r•. J11Inee 'Thompson has returned to hie
home in Dakota.
The executive of the Northwestern Agricul-
tural Society met ori Saturday for further
consideration of the prize list for ]803.
A number of the members of Maitland No.
33 accompanied D. 1) G. M. Joseph Beek on
his official visit to the Blyth Masonic lodge
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was
commemorated at Knox church on Sunday
There were two or tluee runaways and up-
sets around the square last week, but no
injury to persons.
The rector of St. George's will continue his
coul•se ot lectures at the 7:30 p. ul. service
this aveuieg.
The guessing contest as to how many peas
were iu a bottle concluded last week, and the
prizes have been awarded.
Dent's show ill the Gland last week was
chiefly noticeable tor !lifts iu plated ware.
Cordwuo•l is about the btst thtug on the
farm at the present time,
111rs. Courtice and infant have been visiting
at the family residence, Cambria road, the
past week,
Mr, John Kopp, of Seaforth, was in town
on \1'eduesda,y,
Mr. Laird, of 1 inea line, was in Cudelich
last week,
Air. W. A1i1ne, of Ethel, was in the county
town on 'Thursday,
W. C. tel of Kincardine, was in God-
erieh last week.
At a meeting of the town council on Friday
evening, a committee was appointed :It the re
quest of the Owen Sutu111 Cou11011, to inter-
view the government and protest agliilst
certain propose.. alterations in the Fishery
regulations. '
The following programme was presented at
the sleeting ut the Collegiate Institute Liter•
ary Society last Friday evening ;--Reading,
lir. Bailie ; Seleetious, A1r, frasel ; Dia-
logue, Messrs. Beckett and Fraser: Int•
prom ptu speeches, Alesars. Quinn, flicks, C.
Mullion, Beckett and Frastt ; Question
Drawer, 91r. 11. I. Strang It. A.
Joseph Beck, I). D. (1, M., Nu. 4 Disttict,
South Huron, A. F. & A. M., visited offi-
cially New Dominion Lodge No. 205, New
Hamburg, on the evening of March 1st ;
'Tett ulseh Lodge Nu. 144, Str•atb,rd, March
2nd ; Wilmot Lodge No. 318, March 31 ,1 ;
Brittania Lodge Nu. 170, Seaford!, ou Mon-
day, Marsh lith ; Myth Lodge, Blytha,No,
303, on Tuesday, March 7111. At all the
meetings there was a large attendance of
nleulbe•s, and visitors from other lodges pre-
sent, and work at all of them. The 1). D. G.
M. reports Masonry to a prosperous condition
in No, 4 Disti ict.
CV home.
Revival eerviet'e are being 'carried
on at Bethel church by Rev. Mr. Tibi-
d ue.
L. 0. L. No. 153 met on Felt 24th ;
Quo number wag received by certifi•
mate, and one member proposed.
There will be a apectal leuture rueetiug
to learn the lectures next Friday night.
Mr. Edward Straughan bad a severe
attack of pleurisy hast week, but we
aro glad to know he is recoveriug.
The farmers of this section have or•
ganized a joint stook company for to
manufacture cheese and butter. The
factory is to be located one mile north
of Carlow on Mr. Wm. Jones' creek.
It is to bo named the West Huron
Cheese and Butter Factory. The fel
lowing are the directors elected :
Toho Tiffin, Pres; \\'m. Jones. M r.
Duff, R. Young, A. McII wain ; Hugh
Girvin is to be salesman.
ldr. Wm. Feagan, who has has been
sick for some time with rheucnatisnl, is
recovering. His little son, who got
his leg broken at school by a hand
sleigh passing over it, is doing nicely
Quite a number from around here
weut to the teaineeting at the Nile on
Monday night, 27th Feb.
Mr. and AL's. Samuel Alliu drove
over to Summerhill last week to visit
Juhu 'Tule, of Auburn, was around
here sollieg fruit trees last week.
Cottle buyers are beginning to come
srovud here. Cattle are likely to sell
well this spring.
Thursday and Friday of last week
were holidays iu School No. 8 on ac
count of the teacher, Miss Robertson,
going to the teachers convention at
Miss Nettie Millian, daughter of Mr.
\Ven. Alillian, is very ill at. present.
She fa riot expected to recover.
Miss Card, of Uxbridge, is renuwiug
old acquaintances in town.
Mr. John Bail, who had his leg
amputated a couple of weeks ago, is
recovering as fast as could be expected.
Juhu'a many friends will' be glad to
see him out Again.
At the Inst regular meeting of
L. 0. L. 794 T. E. Corny!) was elected
lecturer to till the office made vacant
by .the removal of Mr. Jas.S. Robinson
to Manitoba. Mr" Robinson will be
much missed in Orange circles
around hero.
At the election of councillors in No.
1 \Vard 00 Weduesdey last the old
councillor's were all re-elected, defeat.
ing Mr. David Sutherland, the temper•
encs candidate. S. Youhill 18 a8se801•
and Geo. McKenzie will have to be
satisfied. There is some talk of one
of the councillors election being pro•
tested again.
The annual convention of the Lott
Huron Teachers Association was held
here on Thursday and Friday of last
week. There was an unusually large
turn out of teachers from all parts of
the county. The entertainment given
in the town hell on 'I'hureday evening
was well attended, and the programme
was a credit to the \Viugham teachers.
Mr. C. A. Humber, of Goderich,
Masonic District Superintendent,tvae iu
towu last week on society business.
Where to get theme.
Our preparations for the spring trade are almost couplet.
ed, and we have spared no effort to secure one of the moat
complete, Hovel, and desirable stocks of Dry Goode that
has ever been brought to thin town. Our extensiye
promisee, whteh have been recently internally improved
and beautified are the most central in the town, and our
shelves aro already filled to overflowing with Choice New
Spring Goods.
The Print Department
has never before been filled with such an Extensive Stock
of lovely patterns, Wide Width, free from•etarch Prints.
The uuivereal comment is that they are simply lovely.
Yet there are many linea yet to come.
The Dress Goods Stuck has received special attention.
The prevailing styles find their fullest expression in our
new Dreaa Goode as they are pouring in upon us day after
day, while we have teeny new lines and makes of goods
hitherto not shown ie any market. Especial attention is
called to our Superb, Highly.Finiehed line of Herlriettaa
at 50c. per yard.
Every department is filled with New Desirable Goods.
We invite your early inspection.
There is much being said and done about business, The question is whether it
is better to do a strictly cash business or, as usually done, Cash nd
Credit. Software taking the stand for cash or ready pay only. We are
not doing s0, as we consider it better riot, as there are tulles when the
best customers have not cash to pay, as is frequently the case with
fanners, as their returns come In the Fell. 1Ve are prepared to fur•
nigh customers with the all Goods they may require for Cash or Credit.
\Ve will allow six per cent. off for Cash, as money is worth that per-
centage in business, and we are prepared to sell as cheap as any one
in the trade. We will not be undersold by anyone.
Spring Stock conting in freely—are. now ready for business. Come end see
our Stock. .
Plllmstool & Gibbings,
Godericb Township.
Mr. Robert 3larehall has bought the
McIaaac farm, 14th con., 34 acres in
all, for $1,705. The price is considered
a good one. There was keen corupeti•
tion in the bidding at the sale, but
Wiggingtou did not go one better and
consequently did not secure the pro.
Mr. Geo. B. Hanley paid a business
visit -to Ilarriston laet week.
Port Albert
George Hawkins and lady, who
returned from the prairie province last
fall, are on a visit to Exeter and Lon-
don to see old time acquaintances.
Denny Sullivan, our township asses-
sor, is on hie rounds. He assessed the
village lastpweek. He says the town has
'wonderfully improved since be last
took amok four yearn ago.
Several parties from Kintail, Kings
bridge and aurrounding neighborhood,
have a gang of men cutting and hauling
ice from the lake opposite the harbor.
Our fishermen have had better luck
during the past week. Large hauls of
herring have been made and a few
S.►lmon trout.
Neil Nelson, the noted pound net
fisherman, is busy preparing his twine
for the next season's fishing.
The fishing regulations issued by the
department of Marine and Fisheries
are getting froth bad to worse and is
almost prohibition to us Canadians; so
long as the Yankees fish when and
where they like on their own side of
the lake we are simply nursing up a b g
hatchery for their benefit. It may bo
ail right "down by the sea" but it will
not work advantageously in title Ontar-
io of ours.
DIED.—Henry Holland, an old and
respected resident of the 3rd con., W.
D., township of Ashfield, died at hie
residence on Friday, aged 82 year..
He was buried at Dungannon on Tues-
day. In politics he was a Conservative
and in religion a devoted member of
the church of England.
SAD DEATH.—A sad death took
place on Saturday last near ShePpard
ton. 'Tilly Cary, 16 years of age, died
from inflammation of the lungs after
two days illness. Tho young lady had
been living with her uncle, John
Quaid, at St. 'Thomas, during tho past
three years, and only returned home a
short time ago.
i Itilltrsee that ,you Yellsupplied quite
ammunition --paper and stamped envelopes. Col
lege or Osgoode Hall graduates do not always
dot their eyes" or "cross their tb." Your
style 1a all right. "Skunks" are awkward
things to handle. "4nm," Is otherwise eneagod -
receiving potltions and giving the 'natter "his most
serious consideration"—but "Dob." and 1 haVeagroad
East «aWanosh.
Mr. Merrit Wallace, of London, is ,
visiting at Mr. John Ruddy's this
week. •
Messrs. Thomas Robinson and Dav-
id Charoney have retur•ued from their
visit to Listowel.
Mr. James Stein had a sale of stock
and implements off his farm, He will
leave for Dakota accompanied by his
family on Tuesday.
One of those happy events took
place at Mr. James Martin's, of East
\Vawauosh, being the marriage of his
daughter Rachel to MI'. J. Fleming,
of Manitoba.
A sleigh load of young people drove
to the residence of Mr. Leiahman's
and spent an enjoyable evening.
Wm. Downing has gone to Buffalo.
John Thorn has gone to Toronto
whore he has a situation; his family
will likely remove there shortly.
Nies Nellie Carlisle, who has been
visiting at Dr. Graham's, has returned to
her home in Hensen,
Miss Hattie Rogers has secured a
millinery situation in Exeter for the
coming season. Miss Mary McLaugh-
lin has secured a similar situation in
The Misses Fleuty, of 1Vingham,
were visiting in town last week.
Robbie McCracken da visiting
friends at Warsaw.
Mies Mina Pelton, of Atwood, and
Messrs. Geo. and John Wilson, of
Woodstock, were visiting at R. G.
\V i l eo n's.
Our four teachers attended the East
fiuron Teachers' Associatiou held in
\Vingham last week .
Quite a number from town attended
the East Huron Conservative conven-
tion held in Winghnm on Tuesday of
this week.
Last Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr.
Salton preached a special sermon to
the members of St. John's Lodge, A.
F. and A. M ,No. 284. in the Metho-
diet Church,
A great demonstration was Made by
Irleter Unionists in Belfast last week.
Sir Daniel Dixon, Lord Mayor, pre --
sided at the meeting, and spoke at
length against the Home Rule Bill.
13etweee Feb. 13th, the day on which
Mr. Gladstone introduced the 13111—
and Feb. 25, he said, the total decline
of Irish railway stocks and other
securitiee had been £9,845,750, A
resolution denouncing the plan .to
to meet in the "doer old land" end spend a tow days, give Ired ai sepLegislature was
"Shnolnhe, coffee and pistols for two" trill not be ado ted UrtanlRlantOUet
ordered until "Sate loins us In Ulster l P y arate