HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-02-22, Page 51 eadqudrters Headquarters FOR Good Goods WE WILL HOLD OUR FOURTH NTHL ' IIARAIN A ON The date of the Clinton Monthly Fair; note the change from the first Thursday to the first Wednesday of each month. During this month we have been on the watch for special lines of seasonable goods to offer you on Bargain Day and have secured many such. We have also gone through the stock in the store and all odd ends of stock, Remnants &c., and will be on our counters on Bargain Day at prices that will sell them. Read the following list, beat it if you can. Don't judge the qualities by the prices; we are not offering trash, but good honest goods. If they do not turn out so tell us about it; we will make it right with you. WE OFFER VALUES UNMISTAKABLE. Dress Goods. 2 pieces 42 inch Shot Diagonal°, one of the newest effects, at 29c. '2 pieces 42 inch Fancy Stripe at 29c. 6 pieces fine All Wool Plaid Dress Goods, the wholesale prices were, 45 and 55c., we got them cheap and are selling cheap. All Wool Plain Colors, Green, Fawn, Brown, 25e! Grey, good widths, worth 40 and 45c. I A line of Fancy Brocades in Grey and Myrtle 'Gruen only. 2 pieces Cheviots, 43 inches wide. 6 pieces Single Width Goods, Plain Colors, made to sell at 1bc, our price 9c. 4 Dress Suits at $2.50. A small lot of Remnants will be sold cheap. , 50 ends of Silk at less than half price. 2 Patterns Black Brocade Mantle Silk at 60c per yard, wholesale price was 90c. �T VELVETS AND GIMPS. We have to apoligize for not having these ready as ad- vertised last Bargain Day. On March 1st we will offer over 50 ends of Plain and Fancy Velvet and severalodd lines of Gimps at less than half price. Millinery Dept. 300 yds. of Colored Ribbons at 3i1c. 250 yds. of Colored Rib bons at 5c. A box of ends of Fancy Ribbons, lengths from to 3 ycls. at Remnant prices. A box of Birds and Wings at Sc. A box of better ones at 10c. Any Felt Hat in Stock you can have for 25c. 4 Ends Wide Sash Ribbon, Navy, Sky, Cream and Cardinal at 19c per yard. A box of Mantle Ornaments, your choice for 10c. A box of better ones, your choice for 35c. Corsets, 50 pairs of Crompton's Genuine Coraline Corsets. 4 Hook, Color Tan sizes 19 to 30 at 75c per pair; you know they are sold all over the land at $1,00. When this lot is gone we can get no more at this price. Towels. 5c, 8c, 10c, 12.ic each. A lot of odd ones at Bargain Day prices. 2 dozen Pairs, all Linen Towels, price 50c per pair, to go at 35c per pair. A lot of Fancy Linen Tray Cloths and Sideboard Scarfs, of regular price. 9 Linen Table Cloths, all reduced in price. 10 dozen large all Linen Handkerchiefs, worth 18c each, 2 for 25c. 3 patterns Frilling, 2 yards for 5c. 5 patterns Frilling, Sc per yard. Ladies' Linen Collars, 3 for 5c. Boys stand up Linen Collars, 3 for 5c. Good Veiling at 7c and 10c per yard. 300 yards Embroidery at 3ic. • Better Lines at 5c, 7c, 9c, 10c. A big lot of Linen and imitation Torchon Lace, bought at exactly half wholesale price, will be sold at lc, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c and 6c per yard, :forth in every case double. Wool Hose. No Wool Hose to be carried over. We offer them at prices that will clear them out. Laee Curtains. 12 pairs Good Lace Curtains, odd ones or -two of a pat- tern, were $4.00, $4,50 and $5.00 ; your choice for $2.90. See our 45c. Lace Curtains. Cottons. We have received another case of Mill Ends of White Cotton which we will offer by the piece at Iess than regular Mill prices, lengths of from 6 to 18 yards. See the ends of Factory Cottons at 25c., 50c.. 60c. and 75c. the end: Another lot of Mill Remnants of Cottonade, lengths from 1 to 5 yards. We can sell at less than we have to pay by the web wholesale. Good Oxford Shirtings 10c. Some big drives in Shaker Flannels, Dark Colors at Sc. and 10c., worth 10c. and 124c. Good Apron Muslin, 7c per yard. All colors at 10c a skein, was 124- and 17c. good Art Muslin loc., was 28c., one pattern only. 10 pieces Art Muslin, good patterns, 5 ,yards. Odd Sizes and Styles Gents Linen Collars 10c each or 3 for 25c. Flannel Top Shirts $1.00 each worth, $1.50 6 Cardigan Jackets must be cleaned out. Good Ribbed Shirts and Drawers 372c each. A box of Men's Ties 10c each or 3 for 25c, A lot of odd Braces 10c. yer pair. New Tweeds. Good Tweed for boys wear, only 30c. Two nice patterns in Gray Tweeds, Good Goods, 45c. nothing better for Boy's. A few pieces of finer goods 60c., all bought for this spring trade. See our Bargain Day Pants, made to order, for 83.00 A few pairs of Goocl Pants to be sold at A. off regular price, made to order. • Garpets. 50 Travellers Samples of good Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, lengths 11. to 11 yards. Price 50c. to 75c. per end. A few Tapestry Door Mats, choice, 60c each. You'll find the Biggest Kind of Dollars worth here on Bargain Day. ll hutouM