HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-02-15, Page 6PEOPLE FIND
That, it is not wise to experiment
With cheap compounds purporting to
be blood-purillern, but wl,rph have
no real medicinal 'Value. To make
use of any other than the old stan-
dard AYER'S Sars.lparilla—the Su-
perior B1ood•purilier—is simply to
invite loss of time, money and health.
If you are afflicted with Scrofula,
Catarrh, I1heutnat:sm, Dyepopsia,
Eczema, Running Sores, Tumors,
or any other blood disease, be assured
It Pays t #.1 Use
AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S
only. AYER'S. Sarsaparilla, can al-
ways be depended upon. It doer; ueel
vary. It is always the memo i..
quality, quantity, and effect. 1 t l:t
superior iu combination, proportion
appearance, and in all that good to
build up the system weakened 1:;,
disease and pain. It sear'eltea
all impurities in the blood and c-:-
pels them by the natural channel
Prepared by Dr.3.0. Ayer & Co., Lowol1, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5.
Cures others,Will cure you
The Huron News -Record
1.60 a Year—$1.26 in Advance
Wednesday, February 15th, 1893.
A Live Local and Family Weekly
Issued Wednesthey Mornings.
OFFICE.—Brick Block, Albert Street,
North, Clinton, Ont.
Toasts. —01.50 a year, $1.25 in advance. No paper
discontinued, except at option of pu0'isher, until all
arrearagea are settled. The month and year to
which all ellheeriptlons are paid will be found on the
address label.
TRANetssNr AuvtRTIoIao.—Ten cents a line (non-
ltariel measure) for first insertion and three cents a
ine for each subsequent insertion.
• COsra.seT ADvaierniiNr, _Special position 10 to 21
per cent above regular rates. The table holow gives
contract rates fur run of paper fur definite periods :
srAcs. 1 1 Va. 1 6 1)0, l x sto. I l stn
One }column
Half column
60 00 505 00 020 00 57 00
35 00 20 00 12 00 4 00
quarter column I M190 00 12 uu 7 00 2 fiD
One eighth column., I 12 00 7 00 4 0(1 9 00
One incha 00 s 50 2 00 1 00
Servants wanted, for sale, lost or fo wnd, nth ertise
meats, not exceeding three lines, 25 cents etch in.
sertiou ; not exceeding seven linea, 50 cents for first
insertion and 25 cents for each following insertion.
Farms, houses or town property, for sale or to rent,
stray stock and similar advertisements not exceeding
ei• htlines, $1 for first month and 50 cents for each
following mouth.
Advertisements without definite instructions in-
variably inserted until forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements in all cases to be
paid In advance.
All contract changes must be received at the office
001 hate than SATURDAY NOON every week.
A. M. TODD, Publisher.
Burned at the stake in a Christian land,
With tortures awful, how could men
Aside and see the iron white
Pierce through the flesh, destroy the
Burned at the stake, while the fagots
Were piled around the wretch, brought
there to die ;
For Judge Lynch had issued his stern
That the law, in this instance, should
have no hand.
Burned at the stake; no mercy hacl he,
For the babe just strayed from its
mother's knee ; -
For the blessed babe with the toddling
Now jaid away in its winding sheet.
Burned at the stake ; how can it be
That the world's polluted with such as
We mortals know not, WC cannot tell ;
Yet we know that God doeth all things
Toronto. C. H. Chanter --
(A negro, who outraged and mor
dered a four year old child, was tortur-
ed and burned at the stake, at Paris,
Texas.—Press Dispatch.)
Observations made in the priulary,•
high and normal echoule, and in two
of the private schools in the city of
1Vorcester, covering a total of 3,250
students, ranging from five to twenty-
one years, show : the boys starting out
at five year's of age apparently taller
than the girls, and the girls catching
them in the seventh year, and con
tinning at an equal stature to the close
of the ninth year, after which the boys
again rise above the girls for two
years. About the twelfth year the
girls i'Iuddenly become taller than the
boys, and maintain the advantage until
the fifteenth yoar, when the boys re-
gain and retain their superiority in
stature. After the age of seventeen
there appears to be little if any in•
crease in the height of the gills, while
the boys are still growing vigorously
at eighteen, and probably continuo to
grow for several years after that age.
In the matter of weight, the boys are
1eavier than the gide at all ages from
Sae to eleven inclusive ; from the
twelfth to the fourteenth the gide are
heavier. From fourteen the toys
again take the load.
NEAR Sias, —I have used Boo ir.i's
Yellow Oil for many years, and have found
it unequalled for burns, scalls, outs, etu.
Marty A. CoLLm':TT, Erin, Ont.
.A young 1„nd from the Stratford
Orphans' Borne at . Stratford, and
origivallv from hoglend, aged 15,
hung himself Monday of last week in
the barn of Mr. John /toe. He had
beau working for Mr. John Rue, town-
ship of Molds, about five runes from
\1'inherit . Mr. .floe had a rope
hinging from a beam iu the barn over
a trap in the floor for the purpose of
luwering seed down into the lower
part of the bar,. The lad had tied a
rope tu'otud his neck and attached it
to a hook on the other rope, and step
pod tutu the trap hole. His legs were
not tied, anal he could very easily have
saved himself had he so wished. Mr.
Roe found the body hanging at noon.
The boy had always been cheerful and
happy, and seemed to bo eouteuted
with his home and Mr. Roe, bud always
done Iiia %yolk, and had uotlling to
complain of. Mr. Roe is ono of the
most respectable farmers in this sec
don, and naturally feels the shock
very much.
A tragedy of tho most distressing
character occurred last week in the
Township of Fenolon, about eight miles
from Lindsay. Between one and two
o'clock the farm house of Jno. Marks
was discovered to be on tire. The family
consisted of Mr. Marks, hie wife,mother
and several children. The building
was all in flames when the family was
aroused. With difficulty all the in-
mates got out of the house except ?.lr.
1\Iatks' mother, who was sleeltiug
up -stairs. When Mr. Marks diecov•
ered this he rushed in to save her,
followed by his daughter. Almost
immediately after their entrance the
building collapsed, all three perished
in the flames. The night was bitterly
cold and stormy,and as Mrs. Marks and
the children were in their night clothes,
their sufferings were very great.
--Tito Ilorney family, of Usborne,
who were all etrickeu down with
typhoid fever, are improving under the
able treatment of Dr. Amos.
—Cancerous beef frightened a great
many people from buying beef at -the
Woodstock market oft Saturday, and as
a consequence many farmers had to
take their meat home.
--Pork was nine cents a pound live
weight in Denmark last Friday says st
gentleman connected with idle new
packing factory at London. One' of
the correspondents says that the
hog is worth his weight in gold, and no
better advice could lie givin to the
Canadian feeder and breeder than to
put every dollar and all the energy he's
got into raising hogs for next year's
market. I3acon is going to rule high
in old London for some time yet.
—It has been stated that Mr. Samut 1
Grigg, the evangelist, will occupy u
portion of the Manitoba building at
the world's fair, Chicago, for hotel pur—
poses. Commissioner Smart, comment-
ing on the building and how it is to be
occupied, says:—"The hotel will Have a
frontage of 30 feet and will contain
nearly 300 mount. Mr. Grigg, .who
formerly owned the Grigg House, Lon-
don, Ont., is probably one of the bast
caterers in Canada.
—Annie Lisert,thsa Crown witness in
the Rankin murder at Chatham arrested
last week, is at Sandwich Jail with her
child, two weeks old She claims elle
was paid by friends Of the Freenians
to go to the United States. Although
the parties implicated aro all colored,
she is white, and not yet 16 years °,
age. She will be taken to Chatham
on Friday. It was through Rankin
attempting to arrest Wm. Henry Free
man for the seduction of this girt that
the murder occurred.
—The Duke of Marlborough's will
dispost sof property amounting in gross
value to 135'2,703. The widow and
Solictor \Vhitehead are made executors.
Iu the will the Duke says: I dislike
particularly exclusiveness of family
pride, and do not want to bo buried in
the family vault in Blenheim chapel,
but in any place that may be conven-
ient, in which any of nay own genera
lion and surro(lndingsare equally able,
with thyself, to find.n resting place to-
gether. Lady Colin Campbell gets
£20, U00. His son' Lord Blandford,
gete permission to collect £50,000 worth
of cattle. 1t' Lord Blandford sues he
loses all. Except small bequests to
servants, all the remainder of the real
and personal estate goes to the wife he
married in America, who was
then the widow of Louis Iiamersley.
--Saturday's Ga: -.;elle contained the
complete returne of the comparative
efficiency of the Ontario infantry cores.
Its average is 3.4 points. For the
rural corps of this district the fignres
are as follows: 2let Batt., 77 p011115;
22e1 I3att., '71 points; 27tH Batt., GG
points; 32nd (Bruce) Batt., 64 points;
29th Britt., 44 points. The 13th Batt.,
of Hamilton, beads the entire list with
981 points thus securing the Growski
Gaup. The 12th Batt. (York Rangers)
had the highest mark of any rural
Battalion. In reference to the stand-
ard of the 32nd Platt„ it my be said
that owing to its being so Much larger
than any other Batt., in camp, its
absrintoo list, 001111 be much heavier
and its compltrative efficiency conse-
quently reduced.
Mee to tleo Teat Gown llrul(ru„ J"istr We.
man, Most Perfaut ha ltepos,,.
The tea gown has been brought rather
Into disrepute of late front tiro fact that
people think they can "run them up at
home," and that they can tweet -them out of
odds and ends, tied round went a mewl of
something else, until thu wortutr. wb„ v.'curs
them reminds you of Riley's 't.ts ;s, s luau"
or an animated bargain count, r. 'tile per-
fect man, someone has said, la utust porting,
In motion ; the perfect woman is repose ;
la�_!9 Ili
and what so conducive to that ideal grace
of restfulness as the tea gown in its highest
form of expression. And what more impor-
tant gown than this in which one presides
at breakfast, that most trying meal •of the
day, when it isn't easy for a great beauty
to be anything but plain, and a plain wo•
man to rise above being ugly, particularly
if one is obliged every morning to sit oppo-
site the one man on earth for whose good
opinion she has a miserable craving. Some-
thing bright and light and dainty catches
the masculine fancy every time, and helps
make hits forget how overdone is the steak,
how underdone the muffins, and the Ern-
pire mode lends itself very prettily to the
exigencies of this style of gown. Charlie,
printed cashmere, and India silk are ma-
terials which produce almost as gratifying re-
sults as the more costly brocades and velvets.
Fancy a pale blue challie with a flower pat-
tern including marry green leaves. In the
buck the fulness falls from a shirred Wat-
teau escaping from small revere of green
velvet. In front there is a little jacket ef.
fect with broad revert of green velvet and
a full straight gown girdled under the bust
with a folded scarf of velvet. An odd lit-
tle chatelaine bag of lace and velvet con•
tains the household keys, the pencils and
tablets, all the troublesome little traps a
woman is always forgetting when forget-
fulness tneans aclilnb of'two or three flights
of stairs, And here is another idea fur
gown, this time a plain princesse of old
rose crepon, with a front of crepe du chine,
an embroidered fichu about the neck, and
an embroidered jabot down the front. Full
ruffles of the crepe capaleeves of black cord-
ed silk, slashed at the elbow, withrose pull-
ings:through, and about tyre bottom the
gown is cut at intervals of four of five
inches, the slits buttonholed with black,
and in and out, is threaded a broad black
ribbon tying in a bow on either side of the
front. A dainty and modest little tucker
of fine lace peeps up above the -fichu and
covers the neck becomingly,—New York
The Hair Net Again.
It has come. The blow has fallen, and the
bair net is with us once again.
It has, so to say, been hanging over our
heads for it long time past, and early in the
smnmer I noticed that one or two daring
spirits led the van of fashion by enclosing
their locks in the silken meshes which by
some strange freak was once considered be-
Men have laughed at us for frizzing out
our heads into the semblance'of furze bushes
they have grumbled at the altitude to;
which we have aspired in dressing it, but
surely their artistic souls are not so dead,
their eye for the beautiful so dim, that
they will ever encourage their fashion -
ridden womankind to bring their hair
down into the napes of their necks in the
appallingly, ugly net, and so give their
heads the appearance of a sofa cushion or a
travelling pillow.
I consider that our reputations are posi-
tively trembling in the balance while the
popularity of the hair net remains undecid-
ed, for what will they think of us a few
years hence when they see our portraits
and our fashion plates and find that we
stooped to a revival of this hideous mode ?
—Boston Globe,
A Word to Mothers.
Mothers, if you would keep your chil-
dren pure, establish front earliest babyhood
the closest and most sacred confidential
relation between them and yourself, and
maintain it at any cost. If you are not al-
ready well posted on physiology, obtain
the best and most practical books on the
subject, and study until you will be able
to meet in a wise and loving way every
question or story they may bring to you,
no matter how startling or shocking it may
seem at first. Books on physiology, anato-
my and hygiene should be a part of every
mother's constantly used library. Gain
the implicit confidence of your boys and
girls, instruct them as fast as they are able
to receive knowledge of vital import, be al-
ways their friend and counselor, and then
only will they be safe, and then only can
you be happy.—Kate Lindsay, M.D.
How He Sneaks Away.
She—Thorn is no doubt about it that
marriage does improve a man's politeness.
He—How sot
She—Well, you frequently get up and
otter roe your chair now. Before we were
marries you never gave me more than half
of it -,r Exchange.
1%1TIt A
Rapid postal delivery of Totters and
palenl4 Is a e -•l j,•Ct athneting much
(:1oLt100 �lst 11045 1n tide euuntr•y and
,bru..d,al.d many iuveuture the devising
;dans lu eccuml,lieh the ptupoee.
Post rtlieH authorities in Lueolou aro
perithen 1. iug 11 tth ail automatic
euuirivanee which teas recently placed
In trout of the Royal Exchange. It
oveints of a box with (t11 oleetric signal
By dloppiug u penny in a slot the
pwchaeal ubtaius un envelope euelus
itch a stuallur euvtlupo and card, upon
which thccumlltuniatiun may be written.
.1 shrill shell tilde in float of the box
at tl'u wino time to serve as a desk,aud
Ai ,-ler'liu boll sounds in the, nearest
ptot rlliet , cnlli113 a meeseuosr to the
If 0 be do -sited lu forword a parcel
ex'„•-, ,1, ,'.ere the, arllvul of the
tit ,et ;;ger 'Dust l o aweitc-d, hut a letter
c he deposit, din the meeeage r.6CepL•
ai,l,' for 10 Mediate despatch. The
necessary fee has in each ease to be
••netused ill lbs .•Is5,•top) heart -lig tho
(111100 of the addressee, and should the
paynl'w1 he teeeliicl,'nt he will be ro•
IJeired to pay simply the difference.
It tt ee0der reunites 1 cab to h
used the fare must be euclorrd in the
1'r•r .•nvrlupe, ,Moll has to br
in irked "fly cob,”
if this errat:gpmunt proves as cou-
vl'0ient as ,t promises the postal 1)1111101
ores have signified their williuguess to
•ntrulluce it iu various active centres ul
the city.
Mgr. Satolli, the Apostolic delegate,
tray been asked to give his views at-
the p1esentativo of the Pope in tbi,
soUnlry 00 t proposed 'intendment to tit
('009th utiuu advocated by the Nation, i
League for the Protection of Aineriean
Institutions. The object of the leap,
is to secure "constitutional and legislat
leo eale•gueids fur the protection of tie
Ccmieon school system and ether Amer -
(gall Itl9tlth1tIUIle t(11d to p1Url.lute public
instruction in hurmuuy with such
institutions, and to pievent all sectar
iatl 01' denominational a t)prepl'latluii>
of public funds.,,
As a stop to 11118 end, the leaguesgiu
1)0 See t0 secure the passage 11 the fol
lowing amendment to the c011stitutioh
of the United States, which is before
the Judiciary Committee of troth the
Senate and the House of Representa
"No state shrill pass any law respect-
ing an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free t•xercise thereof,
or use its property or credit, or ,'tny
Money raised 11y taxation, or author-
ize either to be used for the purpose of
founding, maintaining or:riding by ap-
propriation, paynu•nt for expenses, ser-
vices or otherwise, tory church, religi-
ous denomination or religious society,
or any institution, society or under-
taking which is wholly or in part under
sectarian of ecclesiastical control."
Tie proposed amendment has been
endorsed by Beptiste, liethodiets,
Ilrosbyteriaue, United Presbyterians,
Episcopalians, Congregationalists and
The league has received assurance
that MIgr. Satolli is giving the 'natter
careful consideration. The letter Wan
sent to him on December 29.
Some time ago the Toronto Gioia,
struck a very good dodge sending
two of the ablest newspaper re-
porters Messrs. Atkinson and Cockin
to be found through the country inter
viewing furriers and drawing from then:
voluntary addtnissiuu6 in favor of pes—
ismism in Canada.
When• the two young gentlemen
visitor] Lindsay we assured them that
a visit to the United States would ro
veal a-MMluch more distressing condition
of affair's.
The GIalq now is publishing the
result of a visit to the rich and flour
ishiug state of New Yolk. The result
is 11s WO stated. Though having the
great market of sixty five millions to
sell in, with NeIV Pork, Brooklyn,
Jersey City. Rochester, Buffalo, tidied,
Elmiro, A1heuy, and other important
centres at their very doors. And
yet a tuost doleful story is told. They
freely admit the Canadian fernier is
better off than they are.—Lindsay
11 -artier.
—The death of John Ross is an-
nounceel in Colorado. Ho was a resid-
ent of Oxford county for many years
and served under Col. Sir Allan
McNab during the Mackenzie rebellion.
Ho was 70 years of age.
Off ,1•111116
The Sower
Ras no second chance. The
first supplies his needs —,r he
takes the wise precaution of
Ferry's Seeds
Ferry's Seed Annual, for 18911,
contains all the latest and best
Information about Oardoes and
Gardening. It Is a recognized
authority. )lveryyreenter should
have It. Sent free on request,
D. M. FERRY & 00., Windsor, Ont
Special 'for Xmas Trade
Choice, Cream Chocolat s at 255, p.er 1bt
[)one up in a nice fancy box of 'satchel, also the following
Goods at reasonable prices.
500 lbs Royal Mixed Candy,
200 lbs-- M ixetl Candy,
100 lbs Conversation Lozenges,
New Figs, Nuts, tenons, Oranges.
Oysters and Fish direct from Baltimore.
Call and sue our Stock which is the largest and most varied iu town.
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes in great Variety.
—T— 0
'.Te have closed our financial year 1st of February and find that it has been a
year of fair, prosperty to us. We wish to render our best THANKS to
Custumors for their patronage and will always strive to win your con•
tillence in future, by giying you GOOD GOODS as cheap as any other
lfouse in Town.
Our Stock of
is well 00 00tetl (and ns wo have n large Import Order coming from
England) we will offer tlteut at Close Prices to make room.
Hoosier Steel Frame Grain Dr///.
There are more Hoosier Drills of our manufacture in use in Canada&
than of all other kinds combined.
1.J A. I Z, A.
iLJA.IzA.zv rF:F.n ri I1; lE F STlr
Pelf, c and inetantaveour r:gulstion of depth of doer in all kinds of soil. THE ONLY PERFECT FORCE
FEED in uso. The thorough equipment of our factory with the latest improved labor saving machinery
and a I i0ely increased output enables us to tffer the muster Drill and all other implements of our =noise -
turn el prices lower than ever before.
For catalogues, prices and terms, see our local agents throughout the country, or send to our office.
'74541 cow.
—Diamonds valued at $28,250 were
entered for duty at Suspension
Bridge, N. Y., last week. The gems
were from Europe, via Canada, for a
New York firm.
The treatment of dieeeete is now almost
reduced ,to a scienee. A ocientific product
of medical skill for the cure of all blood die-
easss from a common pimple to the worst
scrofulous sora which has held popular es-
teem fee years and increases steadily in favor
is Burdock Blood Bitters. Its cures prone
418 leo/th..
—William Waters, of Blenheim,
was fined .$5 and costs at the Wood-
stock police court last weak for killing
"cottontails" out of season.
When in despair of being cured of lung
troubles, there is still a hope and a strong
hope of perfect tura to Dr. tVuod's
Norway fine Syrup. This medicine
cures even after all others have
fail, t1, and no one tufferine; from coughs,
colds, asthma, hrenchitis, hoarseness, etc,,
need despair of cure while Norway Pine
Syrup is obtainable,
"One copy of a newspaper that reaches
the home is worth more for purposes of
advertising thin tin QC that
I'. T. heliNret,
and (Paint Shop
Merino and Canadian
Wall Paper
WiTTI 0011DERR TO 51ATCIT, from fire cent
rolls to the finest gilt. daring bought my Papers
and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex•
perienc•e piatify me in saying that all wanting to
decorate their houses inside or paint than out.
side will and it to their advantage to give me a
its" Shop, smith of Oliver Johnston's hlnrksmith
shop, and directly cpp^site Mr. .1. Chidley•s
Practical Paper [ranger and Painter.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore ex(sthh be-
tween W. T. Whitely and A. M. Todd as pro-
prietors and publishers of TILE HC12ON NEw'S-
dtistottu, a paper ,published in the town of
Clinton, is hereby dissolved, to take effect
from and after the ninth (lay of November,
1892, the said A. M. Todd haring purchased
the interest of the said 11'. T. Whitely in
the said newspaper, THE Ht'RoN NEWS -
RECORD, the presses and plant and all the
belongings and appurtenances used and in
connection with the publishing of the said
HURON News-Itrcoltn. A. M. Todd further
agrees to pay all liabilities and claims owing
by or against the firm of Whitely & Todd,
and he is hereby anthelize(1 to collect all
accounts owing to the said firm of Whitely
& 'Todd np to Nevember 911, 189.2, in pur-
suance of agreement signed in duplicate. •
A. M. TODD. •
Witness, JAMES SCOTT. '"-
Clinton, Nov. 9th, 1892.
All persons having accounts against the late
firm of \Vttrrr:i,t- & Toon, up to November
9th, 1802, are requested to send tires ante
to the undersigned, Personal accounts up
to same date to be rendered fu W.T. Whitely
and A. M. Todd individually.
Clinton, Nov. 9th, 189.2.
All persons indebted to the late firm of
WHITELY & Tenn, publishers of 'TRF.
ewe- n, fur Jul, Printing, suhsrliiiticu
awl Allvel titin g, are. (('Illested to settle per•
smelly, by foot Office Order or Registered
letter, A i 0Nt'I9. New books wild bo used
fr on Nov. 9th, 1802, and it is imperative
that all ba(•1< a91uutlts be .settled forthwith,
Clinton, Nov. 141!, IS92.
Canadian Express Agent,
Fresh Daddies and Bloaters. Oysters
constantly on hand. Also some
Canadian Cranberries, cheap.
A sufferer from Errors of Vouth, Nervous Debility
and Loot Vigor, was rratorect In health in tach a
remarkable manner, after all else had failed, that he
will send the means „1. nu- Flt 0I•. to all fella, sal•
ferers. Address, with stan•p,