HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-02-15, Page 2.For For For For ' o r 7o r For For Oonstipation Ayer's Pills Dyspepsia Ayer's Pills Biliousness Ayer's Pills Sick Headache Ayer's Pills Liver Complaint Ayer's Pills Jaundice Ayer'; Pills Loss of Appetite Ayer's Pills Rheumatism Ayer's PE91s For Colds Ayer's Pills For Fevers Ayer's Pills Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &, Co. Lowell, plass Sold by all Druggists. Every Dose i.17.ffective The 'lurch News -Record 81,50 a Ye..., -91.25 In Advance, Wednesday, February 16th, 1593. —A splendid vein of natural Was 1133 been found on the farm of Mr. Jos, Gardiner adjoining Blenheim. Don't waste time, money, and heal'h, try• ingerery new me liclu" you may see adver- tised in the papers, If rhe raoso of ynnr trouble t,rhn the hioli liver, s'„ntarlt, n 4idneys, take Ayer's Svsaparilla at once, tai be sure of a car-. T.ke n r other. —Wn1.13n1o,r,who bought a clod roux cow from Yue, was fined $50 a sol ousts at -Woodstock, 11uuday, for traffieltiug in diseased Meat. There is nn claim made far Ayer'e Sarsap. arilla whish cannot he endorsed by scores of testimonials. Tltls fact ptinly proves that the blood is the source of in est disorders and that Ayer s Sarsaparilla is the beet of blond - purifiers. Tray it this month. —Ctinndjtsn cattle cannot be killed uutil , they 'have been in the United States ,ninety days. Ameriean law is kinder to ear cattle than it is to two footed Canadians, who can be shot full of boles immediately on their arrival. AS OLD AS ANTIQUITY. Either by acquired taint or heredity, those otdfoes Scrofula and Consumption, must b - faced generation ; but you may meet them with the ndda in your favor by the help d f Scott's Emulsion. --A snake about two feet long was killed the other day on Hastingastreet, near Main street, by George McGu Parkhill Gazelle,. Review. This sounds like a snake story. Probably 31r. McGuinu has had 'em—snaked in his boots. DONT WAIT FOR THE SICK ROOM. The experience of physicians and the puhlic proves that taking Scott's Emulsion prodnees an immediate increase in fl -ash; it is therefore of the highest value in \Vesting Diseases and Consumpti rt.. —In the absence abroad nt Him Lord strip the Bishop of Huror, Very Rev, Dean Inners will act as commiesary, and will receive and answer correspond since relating to the, aII•irs of Diocese. .The Ven. Archdeacon Marsh will act ae chapl.atn. Consumption Cored. An old physician, iotired frau practice, having bad placed in his hands by an East India rnisnion- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, 3150 a positive and radlenl cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, alter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make It known to bis suffering follows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe. in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using• rout by mail by addressing with 815m,,. naming this paper. *.A. NOTES, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, V.Y. 659- y —Samuel B. McCa•y, druggist, of Norwich, is iuing Bev, William Keettlewell for 85,000 for slander. This is the outcome of the recent liquor prosecution by Detective Say- . man. Mr: McCoy clairnt that the rev. gentleman slandered hint front his pulpit. A CHIEF Ofr POLICE. There is no body of men more liable to suffer from exposure than the police. But ae'en example of how they get Id of their maladies, -he following is cited: Green 'Island. N. Y., U. S. A., Feh. 11, 1899: . 1 suffered with neurone in the head but found instant relief from the opplicatien of St. Jacobs Oil, which cured me." E. P. BELLINGER, Cnief of Police. • —A despatch from Bridgetown says that Mrs Alexander D. Cameron was arrested Friday night, charged with the wilful murder of hr -r husband by mor phine poisoning, The circumstances at tending the case aro most sensational and exceed in intefest the famous Dr. Buchanan case, of which it is in many respects a parallel. The people of Annapolis county are tremendously excited over the case. Tho stomach has not yet been sent to Halifax, as Prof. Lawson says he has no titne to at- tend to it. A LITTLE CCU'S DANCE. *, ,•;:.• Mr. Henry Macombe, Leyland Blackburn, London, fang., states that his littleirl fell and struck her knee against `• a curbstone. '1 he knee began to swell, became very rainful and terminated in' what doctors ca 1 "white swelling." She Iry 1 + was treated by the best medical men, but ties ,skkj^1 �' grew worse. Finally ST. JACOBS OIL was used. The contents of one bottle completely reduced the swelling, killed the pain and cured her. "ALL RICHT! ST. JACOBG OIL. DID IT." —Another CanCSIIUUS cow ham been dt•stroyed in Hamilton, theexecntioner this titue being the humane officer. ENDORSED BY THE LEADERS. IA lieu a renteiy is endorsed by ministers, editors, (netenaute, farmer', and leaning men of all ciusnce, is atroog evidence that that remedy hasgreat merit and floes whatis otedut- ed for it. enema remedy is Burdock Wood Bit- tere, ite wonderful success as a ours f r dye- pepeia, bad blood, etc., 1, well known to ulo and youug, —Ti.t' Manitoba Government has merit all exhibit of Manitoba flour t. the British Guiana exhibition. "1f we can't euro your Catarrh, no (natter how had your cs.e or I how long standing, fve'l1 pay you $500 in cash." That is what is promised by the proprietors I•f Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, Dosen't it prove, better than any words could, that this remedy that cures Catarrh ? Costs only 50 cents. —Postmaster Robert Crawford, of Owen Sound, dropped dead on the street last week from apoplexy. Look at the size of the ordinary pill Think of all the trouble an 1 dieturho ace that it esuaes you. Wouldn't you welcome 8,,m -thing e abler to take, and easier io its ways, if at the game time it did you more gond? 'ghat 1• the rube with De. Pierce's Pleas int Pellets. They're the smallest in 8i7', the mitlr.ot in ac•lon, but the twist thorough and far-roachhg in rrsulty. They fellow osture.'s methods, and they give help that ht,ts Constipation, Indigestion, B.1- 1, um A, reeks, Sok and llilinae Hea,hachea, and alt deringements of the liver, stomach and bowels are promptly relieved end per- manently cured, —All the grain elevators at Fort William are overcrowded and the Cana lion Pacific will shortly erect another large elevator at that point. NOT A PARTICLE. A feature worth noticing in regard to Burdock Brood 3ittere is that it does not contain one p irticle of puisnnous matter. It cures and cure(' quickly without the use of any injurious tugrediente. B. B. B. is a purely vegetable (Tomtits fur dyspepsia, eooetipatwn, bad blood, headache, bilious• nets and ail diseases of the stomach, liver, b„weld and homed. —The Paris Review states that there is a niuvement on foot there to start a binder twine factory in the buildings formerly occupied by the Paris Manu- facturing Co. BALMORAL BULTEEIN. Staff,—I had a troublesome cold which nothing would relieve until I tried Hag - yard's Pectoral Brteam, and 1 an glad to say that it completely cured tne. ROnr. i,ICQUABRrx, B,Irnnral, Man. --Auctioneer Tisdale had a sale at Otterviile on Tuesday, when Ire sold a sow with 'eight little pigs for e82. SMOTHIERED TO DEATII. A FOLDING 13F,D WAS SHUT UP WITH BABY INSIDE. ADnie,the nine -months -old daughter. of John and Susan McDonald, who re- side iu New York, met death in a peculiar manner last week. The child had been playing about the floor :some time, and as she ap- peared to be sleepy, the mother placed her ou a folding bed, covering the child over with a street. Alice McAloon, a cousin of Mrs. Mc Donald, and the godmother of the child, tante into the room a few min• urea later, and not knotving that the bed was occupied, closed it up. About fifteen minutes later Miss :t[u• Aluon, noticing the absence of the child, asked the mother what had be- come of Annie. When Mrs. McDon- ald answered that the child was sleep Ing on the foldiug bed, Miss MOAloon cried, ” My God ! 1 closed the bed !" 'Both of the women rushed franti- cally to the parlor, and when the bed was opened, their worst fears were realized. The child was dead. It had evi• dently lived bet it few minutes after the bed was closed. $25,000 IN REWARDS. Seventh Half -Yearly Literary Competition of The Cauwdfrua Agriculturist. In accordance with their usual onetom for some years peat, the pniltinhere of that old and reliable publication, n The Canadian A rtenitnr' g tet, now pre. gouts be 7th Great Half -Yearly 101terary Competition for the winter of 1891, to the people of the United States and Canada. The following is the prize list: 1st Grand Prize 82,600 in Gold 2nd 1,00013 Gold Heti 500 In Gold 4th 260 in Gold 5th Ie 1001n Gold 5000 Elegant. Silver Tea Services, Pianos, Organs, Gold Watches, 8tc„ deo , making a total of over 10,000 prizes. How TO SECIIaE A Pluza.—Take a few sheets of paper and make all the words you can out of lettere contained 1n the words, "Cor.rarntaN E'PngITtoN," and send them to us, enclosing one dollar for six months eubeeription to the Agriculturist or the Ledlo.' $orae Magazine— two of the beet home monthlies in the world. Rutrs--1. Foreign words not allowed. 2. Letters cannot be used oftener than they appear In the two words, "Columbian Exposition." 8. Namoe of planes and persons barred. All Lists containing over 100 eorreet word, will re- ceive a valuable special prize. Send postal card for list of prize winners In former competitions. Address, Tic AOIIIC1:LTi:nreT PUS, Co„ Peterborough,Canada. NEWS NOTES. —The merchants of Wiugliaul have decided to close their. respective places of busine•se at seven o'clock each even ling except Saturday and precedipg a holiday on and after \Veduesday, Feb- ruary 1st. —1Ir. Al'.xM.; \Iillian,•of the 5th con. of Huron township, died very sud- denly on Sunday last, from heart trouble, Hu was III Lick nOw 011 Fri- day Iasi, and appeared its his usual health. He was 65 years of age. —The Waterloo County Council has granted $200 to the 29th Battalion of that county, which will go tooiards procuring 1selu Ole for the teen. —William Baker Tram been summon- ed to sposer at the pollee court at Woodstock to answer to the charge of having ul his posemsiou and offering for sale diseased meat. —A lois lint; im now. worth almost ea much as a fair hone, One wassold at Woodstock last week t hat weighed moutnthing over 450 poumis, and for which the sum of $47 and a few cents was realized. —Mr. Henry \Vitittilts, of the 4th concession of South Easthope, while engaged .vied some other men its cutting firewood, rc very large tree fell uuex'. pectodiy,and lir.\V ti 11 lg was botne to the snow 1ry the Isrant•hes, in spite of him efforts to reach a place of safety. The doctor found the iujor•iem to con- sist of several Itruken ribs and two or three scalp wounds, —I�ingsvillr Reporter :—"There has been an unusual demand on woolen goods this season, owing to the, severe weather, NIT- Brown, of the woolen mills, informs us that in consequence of them, the wltnlevaln homier( wi'I have disposed of the bulk of their goods and the man uNew rens Can receive a better price than formerly, which twill enable thein to pay a higher tignre to the growers of eonl." Cures Consnctptl on, Coughs, Croup, sorb Throat. Sold by all I)rraneists on a Gu.,rantee. or a Lame Side, Lack or Chest Shiloh's Porous PF.laster will give great satisfaction. -25 cents. 81-10LOH'S Vffl.. LEEEITO M.e . T. 8.1.Iawkins,Chattnnonga; Tenn, says: Shiloh's Vitalizer 'NA VED aft' I.i�E.' X eons".dortitthebotrcmedyforadcze Uafetfsestem /ever used." For Dyepep+G1a, Livor or E-iduey trouble it oaoela. Price 75 cts. CATARRH have you Catarrh 7 Try this Remedy. 1 t will positively relieve and Cure you. Price 50 Cts. Th Is Injector for its sueoetsful treatment is furnishedfroo. Hcmcm1,er,Sttiloh'sRemedies ere sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction. A DANGEROUS POSITION It is very dangerous indeed to ascend 0 tall tree and climb out on a frail limb to secure the coveted prize. Use your gun if you have the standard 1>,nn)nuni- tion. Toa, void danger and the expense of powder,we would say use the columns of ' THE NEWS -RECORD as a gun. By doing so tlx: cast of powder and shot will be saved, and the prize will fail in your hands. The great majority --in fact all business people ---(desire t(1 secure MOIIE ('USTOMRR19. If there is a business iirn in Clinton or this section that desires more trade, we would say :--Legititnately use the advertising columns of THE NEws- REcorn and you will help to draw cttstotller,s and increase your business. As nn ADVERTISING MEDIUM the have few equals and no superiors. Don't place your business in at danger- ous condition and as a, final resort expect the newspaper to pull you out of a hole. Try TitE Nnw9-HEcoitn. A. M. TODD, Publisher. 00' •:,A.., ,.t fa,.r,•�,.wa..,l,r,y • s... scientific 1,m rloon Agouby for .r•Sn; iln' CAVEATS, TRAD4 MARKS, DE81QN PATENTS, COPYRIQHTS, eto. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN krCO.. S61 BItoADWAY, NEW YoRil. Oldest bureau for securing patents to America. Lavery patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by aflame given frog of charge In the tient f x>C Anne�°icrtz Largest circulation of any sctentt0c paper to the world- Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. wee gg1 83.00 a year: 81.50 six months. Address DtUNN k CO. i vat xsuEIw, 361 Broadway, NNew York City. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- Ity only Insured. [ROWERS.: Thee. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; W. J, Shannon, Suey•Treas., Seaforth Y, 0. ; John Hannah, Stemma, Seaforth P. 0, DraaCTOaa, Jae, Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Rose, Clin- ton ; Gabriel EllIntt, Clinton ; George Watt, Itarlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; a. Shan- non, Walton; Thos. Gerhart, Clinton. AO0NT6. Thos. Neflans, Harlocic; Rnbt. I,Tc)lillnn, Sea• forth ; S. Carnochan Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo.'Murdio, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or traria• act other business will bo promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. NELSON T, itITUIIIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE - - - - ONT. /� g� Orders left at this afflict, promptly 1�1 Cy��C=1��9 13.ZL0s-� attended to. STOVE AND HARDWARE, - - .Albert St., Clinton �^ FOR' RQOJI NVELQPF8 The pj�� p POR FINESTPRiNT(�N V ll 1►1" s'" Vca1. FOROFcCE PR TINC l� . � � PR N iNG THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS nderson's restaurant The Old Reliable Confectionery Store. OYSTERS ARE IN SEASON ! f EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER. Fruits, Confectiouery, Biscuits—in endless variety ; Cranberries, Sweet Potatue3 Spanish Gropes, etc. sa'TOBACCOS, 1'II'ES, CIGARS—GOOD G00115 AT OSE SELLING 1'R1CLS Everything that -class in a first-class store. Don't pass Anderson's Restaurant Searle's Plock, - Albert Street. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work• manship and material. !l ' A11 the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. ) FACTORY—corner IIuron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y OIL ROCK OIL. \Mien your wife sees this silo will smile ! WIty L 13t'caume mile can sitand et,joy herself with her sewing and reading and riot endanger her eyes, as • else does when using the ordmary Coe: Oil. • Is Equal to American, and we sell It at the same price as ordinary Coal Oil. 'We have jurat received another carof this Famous Oil anti you eon get it either at our new stun, in the McKay Block or at our old store in the Brick Moak. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Clinton MEAT Market BUSINESS :CHANGE. Tho undersigned desires to intimate th,t he has bought out the interest of )D•. Couch, in the hotelier ing business lately carried on under the style,.pf FORD .l• COUC11. Ile will continue the 811.111eat he old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and must careful attention to the business, atraightforwuirl and eonrleous treatment to all, told Mulching only choice meat, to merit and revel,. a fair share of public p.ttronage. All orders earefuny and promptly filled JAMES A• FORD, .". CLINTON. The People's Grocery. Until Stocktaking Wednesday, March 15, 1893, we will offer all our large and varied assortment et Crockery aml Glassware —AT— GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. This chance of getting cheap Goods should not be missed, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH 1'ULCHASEIIS. We snake a specialty of TEAS AND COFFEE, and handle none but first class Good,. Call and see us. G. J. S'1 EWART. HOTOS Parties on receiving their Photos from my Gallery are heard to exclaim, 0 I am well pleased! How nice! They are just lovely, etc." As I hove a first-clase Gallery with 200 square feet of gross, good professional machinery, modern improvements and furniture and scen- ery in great variety, I can make good Photos on dark or bright days. Instantaneous process for chiidren also. As I have studied the Art thoroughly, and taken professional instructions from some of the best sources in Can- ada, and use the very hest and most durable photographic material I can purchase I feel able to furnish you a strictly first-class and durable line of Photos at a price reasonable to all. C. HOAi[E, Near CLINTON. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all limes be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in ever!, loccditll, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not reeezve their paper regularly from the carrier or through their local pont offices will confer a favor by reporting at tilos office at oftee. Subscriptions mad commence at any time. ADVERTiSRES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Leportment of this jour- nal is one of the hest equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior elan of worlc 18 guaranteed at very lots prices. THIS WILL INTEREST YOU BARGAIN MONTH. Having purchased the Cotiiinalndel' property adjoining ou: old store, we purpose moving cur Stove);, Furnaces, Tin, Wire &c., &., from the present store before the first of January when our lease expires, and in order to reduce the stock be. fore movingGwe•will give you unheard of Bargains for the next b thirty days. In Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves and Tian. ware, We have alio , number of Second hand Stoves which wil be sold cheap. �3A1-�LAN"� B. O S Iron and Hardware Merchants, — — — CLINTON Good Cheer Oce a Year:*: --0--- Onr store is well stocked with Xmas and New Year Fruits, SPICES, PEELS, G1ROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, TEAS, COFFEES, &c. Do not neglect to call and see us. We are the great produce dealers and pay the highest price for everything and sell:our goods at a low living profit. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Clinton. CHINA HALL, Clinton. 0 Christmas and New Years. For years China Hall has been noted for keeping the very best goods at the very lowest prices and 1892-'3 is no exception to our .well-earned reputa- tion. CHINA & GLASSWARE. Our Delf, China and Glass Goods comprise some of the handsomest lines and most reasonable in pries ever shown in this section, PEELiS) FRUITS, SPICES, NUTS. The Goode in these linea that we offer are all fresh and clean arid of the very best quality to be procured, while the prices are such that consumers will surely make a mistake if they do not see and test them. We keep in stuck everything to supply the needs of all well regalated families for the Christmas and New Year season. TEAS, COFFEES SUGARS. Don't forget that China Hall has the very finest blends and flavors in the Market, while our Sugars are from the best makers and of tite best brands. Give China Hall a call and we will do our best to please you in quality, price, and shall bo pleased to serve you. N. ROBSON, CLINTON. - CHRISTMAS IS COMInG - GET YOUR New Fruits and Xmas Presents ---AT-- J. W. Irwiq's Corner Store, MCKAY BLOCK, CLINTON. RAISIN'S—Extra, Selected Valencia, London Layers, Black Becket and Sultanas. CURRANTS—nest Patraa and Vastizza, Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron. IC UT3— Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, and Shelled Almonds. TEAS, COFFEES AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY, Crockery Department Having imported direct I am selling at wholesale prices, DINNER SETS from $6 up, TEA SETS at prices that will suit everybody; TOILETS in all Styles and Prices. Some do but don't you wait until a day or two before Xmae to make your selec- tions from our well filled tables suitable for Xmas and Weddir.g Freaents. , On hand bbl. Salt Herrings, Trout, Salt Water Salmon. BUTTISR AND EGGS TAKEN,