HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-02-01, Page 8ry� VINES ABOUT Lll:Q 1OitS. .$hie' is the seinen Ul 1he poll. When Cood Liq:ors aro especially ap• prsainted. WE STAVE THEM. ,ud we have theca in all brands and at all Pr Gen It don't matter whether or not your wants require wood or bottle brands, we can supply you. OUR PRICES Will be found in keeping with good Goode and very small profits. If economy and reliable Goods are what you desire, the Clinton Liquor Stora is the ouly correct place to go to. J. W. MIER, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON To Advertisers. All changes of Atb'ertiseuuuta, to insure insertion in the current issue, must be reeeirerl at the o/fire not later than R.41'UllDAY .\O' V. Copy for champs rare;rrrl late• .ban SA T- UItDA Y NOUS milt her'ctial er be at the arlrevliser•'s 01111 A. .31. TODD, Publisher. The Huron News -Record 82.50 a Yoga—$1.(5 in Advance. Wednesday. February 1st, 1893. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the Blob, gtitUlt . U 111C;. L)CAL NuTICEn.—AI1 , otices in these columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the same,at which an adutiseion fee iY ^harged,or ]'rum whirl) a pecuniary bene tit i, to be derived, will be charged at ten cents per rah' of the line. Tun Lias'' I.A1WELY cl RCU LA'I'1?n PAPEtt, IN THIS SECTION. No LADIES TOILET is complete with out a bottle of Cream of Witch hazel, manufactured and soli: by Jas. 11. Combe. Tim News Ili o110 has about 20,000 Note and Letter Heads at a slight advance on cost. CREAM OF ]l' ten HAZEL will not injure the most delicate skin. For chapped hands, sore lips and for use after shaving it is unsurpassed. _ DV—Robes, Horse Clothing, Fancy Woollen and Plush Rugs, are at bargain prices at 732.tf. JOHNSTON le Aa'joull's. Ro13INs Biwos. have no goods at their, old stand, all their Xmas. business is to be done in the McKay Block DON'T foiget to Visit the neve Boot and Shoe Store, Jackson Block, Huron St., Clinton. SEE what I have saved alit tiny by buying my Boots and Shoes at the new [store, Jackson Block, Huron St., Clinton. . M. T. JMKSON,jr., ties Teturued from Toronto. MISS LAURA PORTER, of Seaforth, who was visitiug \tiaa Mo\Iurray, town, returned to her home lat week. ORANGE.—South Huron Orange County Lodge tweets in Exeter next Tuesday. Mu. J. S JACKSON, of Seaforth, was renewing aoqu'tiutauCee in Clinton last Thursday. Tan warden of Grey county is mar- ried to a sister of I1r. Arthur Cook, to wit. Mu. D. 13. CALnntr.K, of Gudetich, was in town on business Inst "1'hursdoy Ile also paid a visit to Seafotth. Mn. 1V. G. Small has poen rusti• eating in the neighborhood of Kiik• ton for a couple of weeks. 'nivel CLERK COATS h to been noti• God through our member, [Ion. J. C. Patterson, that a letter box for the convenience of the general public will be placed at the station. THEY SHoui.n PAY TAXES, —The ];ell Telepl:ouo Co. should pay :axes. They occupy the streets 0f Clinton and ate well pationized by our people. The company should contribute to the revenue of the town the sante as any other established business. But all these years they have bean free from the tax collector and the town should be the loser no longer. "CONSISTENCY."—A gentleman with etrong Reform leanings met THE NEu's• REaonu on Thursday. He had the 0101,1 it his pocket and asked us if we had read it. We replied that we had not, nor the Empire tither. " The (Rube," said he, " is full of \[cCarth)'s great deliverance, but the Empire has not a line." On arriving at the Office and opening the pages of the larrpire we were surprised at the con- sistency of some people. There we found a vorb.itint report of no less than 12 columns of MeCarthy's utterances. Owl 1VANTs —What Clinton wants is a pork factory, a creamery, a furniture factory, a better system of sanitary in• spcction, a canning factory, more pack improvements, and citizens who are not afraid to invest their capital here. Right in Clinton we have plenty of capital to establish all these industries and forge them ahead. "Progress" should be the watchword. Our people have no use for croakers,obstructioniets, petty economists, or moribund business men. Forge the town ahead. Our columns are open for discussiou ou all these matters. MISS WALKER has returned from Detroit. I'r has been decided to hold a pro• vincial convention of the young peoples societies of the Baptist church. Wood- stock is the place selected, and the dates are March 30, 31. T;;rir n.—Messrs. Crossley and Hunter are holding evangelistic ser vices in Thorold under the auspices of the four Protestant congregatsons, the Baptist, church of England, Methodist and Presbyterian. WE are indebted to T. T. Fiance, Evanston, 111., and hardy Evans, St. Louis, Mo., for recent copies of Chicago and St.. Louis papers. These young Canadians and formerly Clin tonians warmly love their native country Canada. ABOUT NEWS.—TILE NEWS -RECUR!) baa a Dumber of very good and clever correspondents and we are always pleased to publish their news. By the way, it in NEWS we want from them— NEWS—nothing but news. Write it up as racily as you can. Bar out every thing nonsensical. Send us news and, send us lots every week. Wont; s-ll.tr hAin.—Tho Ladies' .Aid of St. Paul's church will hold a Work -a -Day 1"air on the afternoon and evening of 'Tuesday, Feb. 14th, in the town hall. It is expected that the affair will be one of the very best events of the season and our citizens generally, we hope, will help a worthy object. High tea will be served from 5 to 8 o'clock in the council chamber. All will be welcome to the fair and tea. PERSONAL. --The Toronto ()pantie Sentinel, a close observer of current events and the faithful and only official organ of the Orange Order in Canada, hae these kind words to say of DIE NEWS RECORD and its editor :— "One of our�? moat valued exchanges, Tun Minor;NEws•Rxcoru, has arrived at and passed its fifteenth birthday. As it grows older, it grows better, and we congratulate the proprietor, R. W. Bro. A. M.. -Todd, on the contibued success of his excellent journal, which we are glad to know has a very large and constantly increasing circulation. Mn. D. CANTELON during the last few days made several shipments of potatoes. Ile is still shipping tipples from the northern dietriote. TtiE INSURANCE COMPANY.—The an- nual meeting of the members of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insu;ance Coin pang was held in Kidd's hall, Seaforth, on Friday last. There was about the usual number of tuetnbors present. The various reports were read and be- ing satisfactory, they were adopted. This company is making very satisfac- tory progress. There wan a good in- crease of new members last year, and a large increase of the amount at risk. The numerous new and en larged barns being erected have sent values up very considerably. The losses last year were comparatively light, eo that with a moderate assess. 'tient the directors, were able to pay the looses and have things in very good shape for the coming year. The retir• ingdirectors were all reelected. At a subsequent meeting of the board of ditectors the officers of last year were also re•elected.—E'.r»os'itor. S. 0. S. AT•Hos1E.—The Sons of Scotland At Home in their•comfortable hall tact Wednesday evening was it success in every parti• c.ular. In fact people cold not and did not expect the affair to be anything else than a success, for Murray Camp is noted for never taking their hands from the plow until the last sod is turned. 'i'he object of the gather- ing was not for financial gain, just simply to have a friendly or social gathering of the members and friends of Mui ray Camp to celebrate the 134th nuniversary of the greatest and pro— bably finest and most loved poet the world has ever seen—Bobbie turns. There were a'good number present and all enjoyed thetnselvea, apparently, to the fullest extent. It had been the ietentiun to make the program purely Scotch, but at a late hour this was found impracticable. Chief Dr. Shaw occupied the chair in a vory acceptable manner, and in his able exposition of Burns demonstrated that he (the Dr.) was a worthy Scotchman. Mr. Spauld• ing's Bong, "Mary of Argyle," with Miss Dolly Fair at the piano, runt with universal approval. Mre. Thos. Fair delighted the audience with a reading entitled "Davie Toech," which pictured Davie celebrating the dawn of the Now Year. "Annie Laurie" was a beautiful trio rendered by Messrs. Spaulding, Harland and Holloway. Miss Jackson, with Miss Maggie Jack• son at the piano, gave "I'm glad me hearts me ain," with good effect. Mise Mountcaatle gave a reading of her com- position, entitled "Donald's Lament.," and it was certainly one of her beat and highly appreciated. Refresh• ments, consisting of coffee, sandwiches, Scotch bread, trifle, &c., were served about 10:30. The cookery fully bore out the reputation of the 8. 0. 8., for it was of the very best quality. A very enjoyable evening was spent and about 11 o'clock all departed for their homes. to the hundreds of customers who helped to make our Christ- mas trade. satit factory. And now we wish you one and all A Very Happy New Year. We do not want to have a single HAND SLEIGH left, you' can have ode at a GREAT BARGAIN if you come soon enough. • See the Cheapest Snow Shovels in Town, the children can have fun with the 10c ones, the men can do . soli(] work with the 15e and 25c ones. F FAN! CHINA, FANCY GOODS.' TOYS, GAMES, BOOKS, NEWS PAPERS. BERLIN and OTHER w+)OLS, PURSES, POCKET BOOKS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN OL E3 and Hun- dreds of other things. Go where you get the best value for your inoney, that is to Robins 0 era essi 0 roso, Book Store and News Depot, ]McKay Block, Clinton. B ESLEY & CO. We are looking after your interest ; what we lee;ul by this is that notwithstanding the cheap goods offered elsewhere we' are determined to stand by our customers and to give as full and honest worth for your dollar as any in the trade and to the extent of human possibility. And from now until the 15th Feb. next 1ve are willing to count profits, out on all Winter Goods in order that you may have them cheap. DRESS GOODS. Bargains in BLACK and COLORED SERGES, Bargains in BLACK & COLORED HE.NRIETTA 3, Bargains in BLACK & uOLORED IVIELTONS. MANTLE CLOTHS. 35 pieces 1VIantleICloths we sell at Exceptional value to clear.t MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. At a considerable loss to us we are determined to offer you the choice of any of' untrimmed Felt flats in Our shote room at 50cts. Retnember that with us the purchasin power of' your dollar develops to the fullest extent. BEESLEY & Co•, Clinton. Chidley's Furniture A N D • llnilertakinij Wareroorns. FIIR}HTUFtE. UNDERTAKWLIP Our Stock is the largest in Western Ontario and our prices are lower lowest. This blanch is lend er the management of J. W. Chidley, jr. Night calls answered at than the Isis residence,K.ing St.,opposite Foundry. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, THE FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER, - - CLINTON. CHANGE IN THE METHOD OF • • •� • • DOING, E 6.r SINESS• WM. TAYLOR & SONS. During the past week we have mailed circulars to all our costo• niers and friends giving reasons for changing our method of doing business from the Credit System to that of Cash. t STOCK On the firat day of February, and from that date we close our books and intend carrying on our business nn a STRICTLY CASH BASIS. We appreciate the kind words of approval of the new system from our credit customers. As promised iii our circular, we intend reducing the price of our Goods. The inducements we will offer to the Cash Buyer in contrast to the old credit prices will be so apparent that we are satisfied the change will be appreciated by all. Give the Cash Syi.teui a trial. We will make it interesting for you. ALL WINTEIR. 000D'I AT CLEARING PRICES. WM. TAYLOR & SONS 1 t •1 J t CKS 1 N :ROS. CLOTHIERS. E PALACE." ThIIRSUHY,FEBRURBY 2rjcl, ---IS OUR Monthly Bargain Day, Then we will offer the Matchless Arrag of Bargains Advertised last week, together with many odd line s, of foods we have not quantities enough of' to mention. Winter Goods must get a move on to make roolll for Spring 000(IS that are already tumbling in 0n Watch and wait for our Bargain Day; then conte expecting Bargains and we will not disappoint you. Specially Tempting Prices on Furs, Dress Goods, Flannels, Comforters, and Overcoats. One 'price, Cash or Produce. 0---- EstateJ.Halms, THE DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON.