HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-02-01, Page 6xw.r,.•l. • • ,4va..0,44 1,44.000. For Scrofula "After suffering for about twenty-five yea from scrofulous sorsa on the legs and amts trying various medical courses without benefit I began to use Ayers Sarsaparilla, and wonderful cure was the result. Five bottle) sufficed to restore me to health. '—Eonifadl Lopez. 387 E. Commerce st., San Antonio Texas. Catarrh "My daughter was afflicted for nearly a yea with catarrh. '1'he physicians beim- unable tt help her, my pastor recommended Averl Sarsaparilla. I followed his advice. 'ihre, months of regular treatment with Ayer, Sarsaparilla and Ayer's Pills co,npletel; restored my daughters health." --Mrs. Louis; Riche, Little Canada, Ware, Mass. Rheumatism "For several years, I was troubled wit) inflammatory rheumatism, being so bad a times as to be entirely helpless. For the las two years, whenever 1 felt the effects of th disease, I begun to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and have not had n spell for a long time."... E. T. Hansbrough, Elk Run, Va. For all blood diseases, the best remedy is S Sars paamnia Prepared by Pr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast Sold by all Druggists, Price $t : six bottles, $.1 Cures others, will cure yot The Huron News -Record 1.1,0 a Year—$1.25 in Advance Wednesa', February 1st iii93. 't'llF HURON NE IVS-RECORD. A Live Local and Family Weekly Journal, Psstred Wednesday Mornings. East \I'awanosll. (lteesived last Wednesday evening.) Mr. and Mier Whewell aro visiting frauds in Furdyoo at present. Mr. Edward MoDonatd, of Mtni• Lobe, is visitiug friends here.. Quite a number of our eountiy folk took in the concert at Luokuuw last week. Thu T. 0. G. T. of Beigiave intend having a coucert ou Friday. A number of young folk drove to the residence of s1r. Thomas Jamieson, near ,lttrtiock, and enjoyed tripping the light fantastic until the We' area' hours when all went bottle quite happy. A dressed hog was token to town on Tuesday which pulled down the scales at 8:35 pounds. A hog like this is more valuable thou au ordinary horse at the present time. While A1r. Alexander Bruce was un- loading eontewood orf hie sleigh his horses took fright and ran away, but luckily there was no damage done. lir. Clam Livingstone, of Belgrave has his sawmill in tint sloes running order. Ile has lately put in about $3.000 worth of new machinery and is runuiug the mill for all it is worth. He is buying logs and turning out lumber as fast as possible, which is a gseat help to that section of country. Ile is also running a chopping mill night and day which is a great benefit to the fainters. OnFlcl:.—Brick Block, Albert Street, North, Clinton, Ont. •rs1:�1s.—al.f,o a year, $1.25 in advance. No paper discontinued, except at option of publisher, until all arrearages aro settled. The month and year to which all subscriptions are paid will he found on the address label. Trtaasttso'r An000TtstNu —e'en cents a line (non• i1ariel measure) for tient insertion and three emits a line for each subsequent insertion. CovraacT ADvl:aTIIINU. —Special position 10 to 25 par cont above regular rntts. The table below gives eoutract rates fur run of paper for definite periods: • ai•Alr.. 1 1'1t. , li Nu. 1 :i \t". 1 mu. One colunm00 00 I $00 00 820 00 $7 00 Half alf column.... ... . •35 00 20 05 12 05 Ouarter column 1 '10.00 12 00 7 00 2 60 no eighth column. 1•! 00 7 00 4 00 2 00 Ono inch 0 eu I 3 50 2 00 1 00 Servants wanted, for sale, lost or found, adverti4e Ir' )Hants, not exceeding( three Rime, 25 cents each in - section ; not exceeding seven lines, 50 cents for first insertion and 25 emits for each following insertion. Farms, houses or town property, for sale or to rent, stray stock and sintilar udvertisementm not exceeding eight lines, $1 for fl:st month and 50 cants fur cath following mouth. Advertisements without definite instructions in- variably inserted until forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisements in all eases to be paid in advance. All contract changes must be received at the ottiee not later than SATURDAY 8001 every week. A. M. TODD, Publisher.• I unganllou. Received last Wednonday. INSTITUTE MEETING.—The most 800• cessf,l meeting ever held by the \Vest Huron Farmer's Institute was closed here Jan. 18. The attendance was large and great interest taken through. out the meeting. The delegation con- sisted of Prof. Shaw, 0. A. C., 1i. L, Hutt, 13. I. A., John Jackson, sheep breeder. and D. Buchanan, Lice Stock Journal. The subjects were well presented and thoroughly discussed. The sub- jects consisted of, lat., John Jackson, "Why we should increaee our Hocks and how to improve them in Ontario"; 2nd, D Buchannan, on "Seleclting a the "Rota- tion3rd, H. L. Hutt, on tion cf Crops." Prof. Shaw then gave his object lesson ou cattle. Mr. T. An- derson furnished "A beefing animal,' and Mr. 1t. Mallough furnished "A dairy animal." The subject was very instructive as he drew comparisons be• tween the two animals ,as they stood side by side. At the evening meeting Prof. Shaw was the first speaker; his subject was "Removing the old Land Marks." II. L. Hutt spoke on "Farming as au occupation." 1). Buchanan spoke on the 'Ontario Agricultural College." lleiug moved and seconded, it was de tided to take the Lice Stock Journal and all those who ,join the Institute can have the same for fifty cents extra. On the second day in the forenoon, Prof. Shaw spoke ou ''Cross Proodiug'; H, L. Hutt spoke ou "The Silo." In the afternoon the election of officers took place, as follows:—President, Wm. Bailie; 1st Vico-Pres, P. 13. Mc- Gowan; 2nd Vico•Pres , N. Kernighan; Sec.-Treas., \'V. N. Howell, Directors —Ashfield—T. Anderson and IT, Gir- vin; \V. Wawanosh—J. Webster and C. Washington; E. \Vawanosh—W. McGowan and R. Currie ; Blyth—C. Hamilton and 11. McQuarrie; Hullett --A. T. McDonald and J. Snell; Clin- ton—D. A, Forrester and W. Weir; Goderich township—J. Connelly and Reeve Cox; Goderich—Alex. gaunders and J. E. Toni; Colborne—J. Duston and W. Young, jr. Auditors—J. Heatherington and J. Mallough. Dele- gate to Central Institute—E. Wash• ington. The next meeting is to be held at Manchester. Prof. Shaw spoke on the "Eradica- tion of Noxioue Weeds," H. L. Hutt spoke on the "Farmers Fruit Garden." On the invitation of Prof. Shaw, it was decided to have an excursion to the Agricultural College in June. After a vote of thanks to the speakers the meeting closed with singing "God Save the Queen." Londesboro. (Received last Wednesday morning ) Mr. W. MeL. Doig passed •through here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cowan, from Illinois, who have been visiting Mr. J. \lel• villo, returned to their home yesterday. A number of Knox church con• gregatiuu met at the manse the other evening and presented the Rev. J. A. Hamilton with a fur coat and an ad– dress.. J. J. Walker, V. S., got his hand scratched by a horse's tooth and blood poisoning followed, which caused him to Imo a very sore hand. A large nuulberof the Good Templar Lodge attended the district meeting in Belgrave last week. There was a wedding at the resi- dence of Mr. Junes Robertson, Hul- lett, last Wednesday, when •his daughter, Agnes, was married to\Ir, Edward Crawford, of Hullett. Rev. J. A. Hamilton performed the core - 111011 y. J'he farmers who have any teaming to do, complain of the depth of snow, which in fully three fent deep on the level, deeper than it -has been for years. The social reunion of Illyth, Man- chester, Sutnmorhill and Kinburn Lodges with Londeeboro I. 0. G. T., held in the Temperance hall on the 17th inst., was a very pleasant affair. 'There were fully 150 present. The different lodges helped in presenting a good programme., after which refresh- ments were served at about 11 o'clock; all dispersed, having spent a pleasant evening. Sometime during the even- ing some ignorant would be il(e)a took one of the Manchester rigs, ran it down the street and turned it upside down. Look out, young men, you may get caught, IF YOU VIVANT TO KNOW ALI> ABOUT THE WORL,D'S FAIR And to be KEPT POSTED In regard to the same from now until next December you should subscribe for The Weekly Inter, Ocean THE WORLD'S FAIR for the NEXT TWELVE MONTHS will be of absorbing interest to everybody, and THE..INTER OCEAN intends making A SPECIAL FEATURE OF IT. A corps of STAFF REPORTERS will devote their attention to the Exposition, and the readers of The Weekly Inter Ocean will in eaoh issue have a synopsis of all happenings and features of interest on the grounds and elsewhere, with illustrations. THE YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT, WOMAN'S KINGDOM, CURIOSITY SHOP, THE iOMB, FARM AND FARMERS, and all LITERARY FEATURES WILL DE MAINTAINED AND IMPROVED. O'ds-1ngto the fact of the change in the political character of the National Administration, NEWS FROM THE POLITICAL WORLD will be of unusual interest. THIS WILL BE FOUND COMPLETE IN THE INTER OCEAN. In fact, it is the intention to keep The inter Ocean to the Front as a Paper for the IIoni , Andmakettsuch avisitor aswill be enjoyed by EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, young and Old. To make THE PAPER BETTER THAN EVER snail be our endeavor. • Tho Price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is - $1,00 Per Year The Price of The Semi -Weekly Inter Ocean is $2,00 Per Year The Weekly's ,unshed £VERY TUESDAY. Tbo Semi -Weekly EVERY L20131.,AIf andl.HURSDAY. Send for sample copy and coo for yoursolf. Addre:: all erdcrt THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. Nicholson for statute labor done since return of liet. The following ac- counts were paid :—J. Hildebrand, care of Cut•ry,612 ; 1I. Katiltloisch, Can. Cu. statute labor, $15. The , council adjourned to meet on Saturday, March lltilat10a.m. SAM J. LATTA, Clerk. The district meeting of Good Tem- pters, held in Belgrave last week, was well attended coueidering the state of the weather and roads. Fully 100 were present, Ten lodges reported a membership of 786. Reports from the delegates present were cheering. It was decided o precut ' •e the services es of Mrs. t camp- aign Owen IIitchcox fora month's a - m p aign work. A movement was started to support none but thorough temper- ance candidates at both Dominion and Provincial elections. The next meet- ing will ba held in Lucknow on the 1671 May. LITEHAH\' NOTES. ----- Harper &„ Brothers have nearly ready several \VUl'ks of fiction which will commend themselves to all novel - readers. Among thein are \\-illi:u Black's new hovel, 11"o/feOlery : a volume of short stories of Southern life, entitled A Cohlcn ireddiup, and Uthcr Storks, by Ruth Alc•h:n('ry Stuart; Katharine North, by :Miss Marin Louise Pool, author of /,'o,eel y/ in Scion; a now tale by David Christie Murray. entitled ''1151'.0 Revenges; and From One (,enera.tion to Au other, by Henry Seton Merriman. • noes devotion 10 loktees and learning unfit. women for dm lest ie' dot fes? This interesting question will be pleasantly and adequately discussed by Colonel T. \\". Higginson man article on "Liter- ary Women as Housekeepers" ' in the next number of Harper's Bazar, publish- ed Jatnuar•y 28th. The next number of Harper's 1Verkly, published January ?5th, will be in 0 double sense It midwinter number, containing numerous illustrations of winter scenery Of the ice jam on the waters surrounding New 'cork, of the frozen Ohio at Cincinnati, and of Nia- gara in winter. Among other features in the same number there will be double -page pictures from the draw- ings by A. B. Frost, and a portrait and sketch of the late ex -President Hayes. It is I'epoI'te(1 that Thomas Hardy's great novel, Tess of the D. Urberriles,pub- lished by Harper & Brothers, has been translated into Russian, and is being issued as a serial in the Raas.rkaia (fi'uosian. Thought). Th. translation is by Mlle. Vera Spassky. Day. Council met in the town hall, Zurich, on Monday, Jan. 16. The members elect made the necessary declarations, and the council became organized with the Reeve as chairman. Salaries for 1893 were fixed as fol– lows :—Clerk's ,salary, $100 ; Treas- urer, $80 ; Assessor, $$35 ; Collector, $:);); Auditors, $6 ; Board of health, $2 each sitting ; Caretaker, $20. The following appointments were made :— Sam J. Latta, clerk ; F. Hess, treas.; W. Smith, collector; Jus. Bonthron, assessor ; Jonathan Merner, 1st audi- tor ; John T. Wren, 2nd ; Dr. Buchan- an, medical health officer; Henry Greb and John Scott, sanitary inspect ors; Wm. Stoneman, Joe. Snell and D. Spencer constitute the local board of health ; Mrs. Keinhardt, caretaker. The contract for printing was let to John White & Son, of Exeter, for $43. Twenty.aix cents was refunded to Wendel Smith, error in Hay swamp drain tax. The sum of $2,516 17 with interest was refunded from II. S. D. account to the general fund, it being the amount advanced to said account in 1890 91 92. No special grants on roads to be given without the consent 'of the council as a whole. The clerk is to notify, all sawmillers in the town- ship that tenders would be received on or before Saturday, January 28th, for township lumber as follows: (1) 10,000 ft. red beech and 15,000 ft. cedar do - livered in equal amounts to each mem. ber of the council (2) cost per M at the mill for amount used iu vicinity of the mill; $2 was refunded to G. RE.\1) THIS. "One ropy of a newspaper that reaches the home is worth more for purposes of advertising thin three that dont." P. T. RARNrM, 0 ,t1 u .W d l.a..,.,p..� at As- 4• ,‘ ? 'n,o f'.•Int'relr and I"crty-are l Cifly Cr^;la , c, , Lis CJu erirr.'d :) 'fIrlll'iiz,r8 of vl (din{� r..•r., I.u,;, vier !fir I. 1,,dm 1, Preto:, r, :.: r.l !-.1rj,d.n' Th.n,p".i. Ie.,L-r 11, il,,•:s;• o' (..0111011, 10, surr.ndc•d h, 11,' .,l iu.•t '.LnGk r•'.:,v.1 ;•r,n,, o<l r;t cithrr si,l.• ,L, •.•1111•11,e.. I!OW,' 1:.an every 1'r,,tince in Iho• ,•r„ m.tking a t,t ,1 ,,f 1.11 aplcndiJ ,•,hs; cern 1 liken, -s, ,.:1111. great picture is a reproduction by Photo• rnteure pe •,•s rn u,pr.•r rtes of du• Ilei ur: n'. need (CIS r ,fehn "ihninr$t•n by the Coescrre- ,ive 'Members der:nf.' the lost session. ` 11-11E ORIGINAL PICTURE COST OVER 5000. Tun J1' ar. has secured Is copyright to repro- duce this Grand Picture. It is printed or. rpt ci:,i piste parer in photographic 1, 1,1,, and is i feet 6 n<•hee by a feet 4 inches ut Nize, and maks•! n 0plcn• did picture for framing. A key giving the name of ;Bch member and conentuenc)'represented is printed 411 the margin, making a valual.le work of rcferenee. NO EXTRA CHARGE Will be made for thin Grand Premium, but I4 will bo GIVEN FRE To Every Hubeeriber for the Weekly Empire FOR 1893. Ton \Vsrxav Eatr,nn is without doubt the best Weekly for $1.o0 published in Canada, containing la pages ,vt latent neves of tela da,'. Special depart- ments on Agrindtnrc, W0111.11 1.14 Entl'ire, Our Curiosity Shop, Ohl World Diary, the latc<t Sport- ing Erecta, tic. Only one Bonar per year. Scat to any address in Canada or the United States, h.yery suie.crther will pit the Premium Picture as a Present. Send in your subscription at once, or order thr.mgh our local agent. Address: THE EMPIRE, Toronto, Ont. 11.`"..•-T'•- \:•1.1 ars'.+. Nin.•W .Sn`:0t �.. ROCK OIL. When your wife sees this she will smile ! Why 1 Because she can sit and et,joy herself with her eewing and reading and not endanger her eyes, as shodoes when using the ordinary Coal Oil. ock Oil Is Elea] to A,u"riean, awl we sell it at the same price as ordinary Coal Oil. \Ve have just received another car of this Fatuous 011 and .you can get it either at our new store iu the McKay Block or at our ol4 store in the Brick Block. 1 S9i13. IT IIPEIl'S NIACrAZLNE. ILLUSTRATED. 1f„1per'o !Jima zinc for 11'20 vi'1 continuo to main- tain the ant ivn i1 ) ,dn'ninr't of excellence wi-ieh ham ehuraeteriz,d ,1 from the b.•riuniulr• Among the no• task !slur us of th.• year t1 , „i11 be new uovels by A 1',,eau Doyle t'onsta ''re Fenimore \VM,Ih,i, end \Vlllinm Week. Moo- dories will be contributed by the t,,,,.t 1 nl.1 ,,,delis ,.f the 4,3. ineludine Mary 1':. Witt•ins, Richard Herding Davis, Margaret Deland, L'ruul er 01,d I.L•ce 0, al d teeny others. T1J0 1(1001rntsd dere01,11 0 1 ayes will e,breee articles by Julian Ralph .a, e,w -.1(11 t1{, owl Western 141161eeto 1 by '1'bno,:uru 1'111,) , n Indo ; by (',,stow lttr;' low vu ]tusniu ,111,) (iermeny, he It Vrh:,rd Ibtnling Davis 011 Ir•udun b,•..so,• ; !q Col,•0t I T. A. D„dge , n I?at:tern It 1.0 rte. Edwin A, .fib -)'s illusnattuus of hhole=p'n"••e Comedies Rill be e, thione,. l.i'Crary. ,u•t ir!ex wiJ be contributed 1q Chnrb o Elliot Norton, lits, I,one,'1'. Fh.I,) n AViliilne Dean Il,well , 13rauder Matthews, and others. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per 1'cnr HARPER'S i SLAG AZ. IN 1' IIAkillst('.i WEEKLY >rAi:t'ra;', 1102 alt. HART' nos Y;)UNli PEOPLE. 'II`IItX IT. AND BE CONVINCED. EROS STOVE AND IIAI1DWARE, - - • - Albert St., Clinton $4 00 4 01) 4 en 2 110 Postage Fr( eta ((11 4l/.;ri'ihers na the United Stales, Canada, awl Mexico. - Special for Xmas Trade Choice Cream Chocolates at 25c, mit The V. -Moles of the Mace zinc belfiu with the Num bare of .14111c 2041 Der, ,a,, r of ton 11 year. When no time is mentioned, oubscriptiuns win begin with the Number current at the time of rec.ipt of order. Bound V. domes of 1Ln'po r'e Magazine for three year. back, in Dent cloth binding, wia lir sett by wail, poet-I,aid,,,n rete ipt, f."i Uel„r ,.dome. t'luth Casae, fur binding, 50 cents each - by hail, post-paid. Remftlanro should be made by Post-u01eoMotoy Or.ler or Drat, to avoid chance of loss. Neu•spapr•rx are not to rips this ndrerti,oe- fnevt without the e.rpre•s ( Mee of harper e(r Brorherx. Achlrces: HARPER S BROTHERS, New YORK. 1 S9,1. IIARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTItATED, Done up in a nice fancy box or satchel, also the following Goods at reasonable prices. :i(i( lbs Royal Mixed Candy, 'BOO lbs---- Mixed Candy, 100 lbs Conversation Lozenges, New Figs, Nuts) Lemons, Oranges. Oysters and Fish direct from Baltimore. Harper's Weekly 1s nekuowledtted ns standing first among ibuotnaed weelky periodieale in Americs. It uccnpiee n place between that of the hnrrie,l Baily paper and chit of the less timely mot.tbly magazine. It includes both literature and 11,00, and preseuto with equal force and felicity the real eveota of current history and the imaginative themes 4,1 action. •Du 110 - comet of its vary complete series of illuotratiuns of the World's Pair, it will be not only the beet guide to the great Exposition, but also its best souvenir. Every public event of general interest will be fully illustrated in its pages. Its contribntit no being from the beet writers end artiste in this country, it will continue to excel iu literature, 11.•w,, and illustrations, all other publleattous of its class. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE $4 00 HARPER'S AM' )(1.Y .... . 4 141 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 e10 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE: 2 00 Postage free to all sugsrriheFs in the United Slates, Canada, and -lb aim. Cull and see our Stock which is the largest and moat varied in town SE a i a, Tobacco, Pipes in great Variety. COAT'S CITY RESTAURANT, CRUICKSIRANK'S 0L1) STAND, THE HUB GROOERY. a Ye People We are going to talk to you about the first Tho Volumes of the Weekly begin with January "f snob -ear. When no time 10 ur f3 Needier mentioned, snbacrfptiune will begin with the Number current at the dine of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three yenta; hack in neat cloth 1,1 ,00,, war be st ut by nail, post- age paid, or by express, tree of expellee (provided the freight duce not exceed one dollar per volume), fur $7 00 per volume. Cloth (Mees for each volume, suitable for binding will be sent by mail, post paid, un tiers pt of $1 110 each Remittance should he mode by Pest -Oleo Money Order or Draft, to avoid elm nee of leas. Newspapers are not to ropy this adrertise- i)lenl without the, express order 0/' Harper d- Brothrr.c. address : Ai:PER ,e BROTITEPS. New YON X. 1$93, IIAPI'Elt'S BAZAR. 1>CM_A_S Cit 0013E3 Now is the time you aro interested about presents fur your friends. Call on us, we have got a lite let of (,111NAWARE, such as CARR:\RETS, ORALS SA L-\ 1.) 1)1511 ES, C'UT'S 0211 SAUCERS, Mei (.S, Sze., &c. Also a package of GLASSWARE in 5 and 10rt. picces, a marvel for value.. Our Stock of NEW FRUIT'S and PEELS are here, such as RAISINS and CURRANTS, LEMON end CITRON PEELS. All the above Goods at prices to suit the Christmas trade. ILLUSTIRATED. tfurper'n Bazar i0 a jnnrmtl for the home. It gives the rennet and bt rgeo; information about fnohlon,, and 140 1111mercu0 illurtrnt)..t s l'+tis aemignn, and pat- tern -curet o,nplementn nee indispenanble alike to the hotue erose -maker and the profes.<innol modiste. No expense Is spend to makr iia artistfe at trart.i vencse of the highest order. Its bright crones, amiedug core• edict., and thnnghlfnl essays motility all tastes, and last pogo 1s flUunna as a budget of wit and hnwnr. In 1ta weekly`iesueo everything Is Included which is of interest to women. '1 he S data for 18I)1 will he writ- ten by Walter Resent and Edna Lyell. Christine Terhuno Ilerrick will furnish a practical series, en. titled "At the Toilet.” Orace King, Olive Thorne Miller, and Candace Wheeler will ho fregnrnt con- tributnre. The work of women in the Columbian Ex- ppoaition will be fully represented with many illuatra• Mons. T. W. iltggin#nn, in "Women and Men," will picric a cultivated audience. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. GEORG E SWALLOW, Cinton. SAFE AND SURE. Nut only safety from mineral p tis -m(1 f which ll. B. B. does not contain the slight est trace), but prompt and certain action w the cure of disea°e may be confidently relied on from the nee of tits unrivalled natural P pecihc for Dyepepeia, Constipation, 3lood, headache, Biliousness and all dlseasee of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood, TIAIIPER'3 MAGAZINE . . 81 00 HARPEII'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 0,, IIASPEIt'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to all,etbarribers in the United Slates, Canada, and Mexico. The Volnmcs of the Bazar login with the drat Nnmber for January of each year. When no time ie mentioned, aulecliptlons will begin with the Number onrrent at the time of receipt of order. Round Volnmea of harper'- Bazar for three years beak, In nett cloth binding, will be Font by mail, post- age paid, or by express, free of expenue (provided the freight dace not exceed one dollar per volume), for 47 00 por volnme. Cloth Cason for etch volume, suitable Inc bindtng will brant 03, m1)', post-paid, on receipt of $100 eeeh Remittances should be mode by Post -Aim Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. Newspapers are not /o ropy) this adrerl.14s- ment without the express order of harper & lJt•otlrcrs. Aldross: HARPER & BROTHERS, Now Yons. --The Great Western Mills at Wood- stock are being rebuilt by Mr. McDonald. \Vhen completed they will have a cap- acity of 230 or 300 barrels of split peas and oatmeal per day. BRONCHITIS CURED. ClENTLEags,—I suffered four or five years (torn bronchitis aid usevere hacking cough, and could get n•itning 'o do me any good. A friend told mo to got Hagyard'e Pectoral Balsam, and I did so with good re•ulte. wwo bottles cured mo and I hardly know That a cold is now. ARTHUR BYRNE Guelph. AN ODD CASE. DISPUTE OVER VIE WILL OF MRS. JAMES .\ICALLISTER—.0 DISSIPATED SON. Mrs. James McAllister, of the vil- lage of Norwich, county of Oxford, died on the 25tH March, 1889, leaving heirs, o about $30,000 to a few with th following direction to her executors as to them, viz : " Until they, my said executors, shall be satisfied iu their discretion that. he, the said Pobert Franklin McAllister, shall have quit drinking or dissipation and reformed frcm such habits, when they shall pay over to him the said principal and in. terest; but they, my said executers, shall, nevertheless, even if he shall continuo in dissipation, seo that he never want Dither for board or cloth- ing.” Sorne $8,000 or $9,000 would have fallen to the erring son but wit- neFsOe said lie never Darned the mater• ial bequest by improved behavior, but, continuing his dissipater) career, fell from a train near Dorchester while re- turning from the London exhibition last fall. The deceased loft surviving a child who also shared the grand- mother's bounty. An action was brought and heard at the London assizes Saturday to determine whether the unearned bequest at his death de- scended to his child or reverted to the residuary legatee. His lordship re- served judgment. Mr. Duncan ap- peared for the plaintiff, and W. R. Meredith, Q. C., Mr. Betts, Mr. Walker, Q. U., and E. S. Smith, Q. C., for the various defendants. Ian Ferry's Seeds and reap a rich !Havant. They are always reliable, always In demand, always the best. ERRY'S SEED ANNUAL For 1.803 is invaluable to every Plantes It to an encyclopedia of the latest farming Intermatton from the highest authorities. Malted Free. D. M. FERR WINDSOR, & CO. ' ' Ont. Dissolution of Partnership. 'Che partnership heretofore existing be- tween W. '1'. WIr''rely and A. Al Todd a3 pro- prietors and publishers of THE Hct:oN NEws-�tj I(Ecortu, a paper published in the town of Clinton, is hereby dissolved, to take effect Ilvun and atter the ninth day of November, 1892, tile said A. 31. Todd having purchased tite interest of the said W. T. Whitely in the said newspaper, THE IluRON NE\\•S- REc•oltD, the presses and plant and all the belongings and appurtenances used and in connection with the publishing of the said HURON NEw"s-ltrcorn. A. 31. Todd further agrees to pay all liabilities and claims owing by or against the firm of Whitely S.: Todd, and he is hereby authorized to collect all accounts owing to he said firm of Whitely & 'Todd of 10 Nevenlbcr 9th, 1892, in pur- suance of agreement signed hi duplicate. • 1\'. T. WHITELY, A. M. TODD. Witness, JA31E3 SCOTT. Clinton, Nov. 96, 1892. NOTICE, All persons having accounts against the late firm of WHITELY & Tout), up to November 9th, 1892, are requested to send thes arne to the undersigned. Personal accounts up to same elate to be rendered to W.T. Whitely and A. M. Todd individually. A. M. TODD. Clinton, Nov. 96, 1892, IIIIPORTAKT )IOTICE. All persons indebted to the late fire) of WHITELY k TOI)n, publishers of 'fur•. NElvs-RI!coitn, forfeit Printing, subscription and Advci tisiug, are requested to settle per- sonally, by t'ost Office Order ar Registered Letter, AT ()NCI?. New books will be used fr nn Nov. 9th, 1892, and it is imperative ghat all batik accounts be settled forthwith. A. M. TODD. Clinton, Nov. 1•ttll, 1892. COPP'S WALL PAPER and faint Shop iS STOCKED \V1TII A SELECT ASSORTMENT 4 American and Canadian Wall Paper WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. leaving bought sty Papers end perlen el'ts justllyrmo •n savitng that and apractical o all wanting to decoor int t. side Twill End rIthtoises tt eirneadvantage o to gi en e11 a call, rdr Shop, south of Olivr Johnston's ohn ton' hlnelcr ith ahem end directly opposite residence JOSEPH COPP Practical Paper hanger and Painter.