The Huron News-Record, 1893-02-01, Page 4'.n«,n.*�.,n,r+.•,+w,n.a�,aw+.rma,.», 1 .. .:...-_M•t. ttW1L[ stn•en, rt. nv, .,r.M.n -jANITA RY iiNG. SALE, .lw 1. This is our Stocktaking Month Therefore we are hound to make our Stock of Overcoats, Heavy Suits, Odd Pants and Vests, Shirts and Drawers, All Winter Goods at a price that you will buy. Prices will be made below monufacturera price. \1'e iut•ite 800 to conte and inspect the goods and nee the Cheapest C tithing that hug ever leen offered in Clin- ton. fele Gerunents are all got up Stylise, aiid the stock is well asci ted at this season of the year. on THURSDAY MORNING look mit for the CHEAPEST CLOTH. 1NG that has ever been shown in this Town or County. This is no buncombe auuouncetu,•.ut, but a Genuine Sale. 0 TH 0 S. JAO KSO N, lULENTONr`'. The Huron News -Record 1.60 a Year -81.26 In Advance. Wednesday, Febrlt;try lest, 1193. DALTON JfcC'AIITIIY'S POSI• TIUN. i)alton McCarthy, M. P., met in convention the other day the Liberal Consul vat l ve A88001AtW11 of the riding he reproseuts IL seems that the Empire newspep81 said 6Ut110 u)u:uniplitneutary tllilgs of \Ir. Mee hrthy, dual he wanted to ex• ,,lain 108 10aill00 to 111uee c0 lvhunl he tta8 more immediately responsible. \Ir. McCarthy doclered that he was no longer a member of the Git/eminent party, but acid "1 du nut iuteud to join the Opposition." He will be the leader of a Third Party which may have attrnctiuus fur a half dozen core (made who nay pussi bly be numbered among the 150 Guv• ernment supporters. ler. 1loCarthy is an able nein and an astute lawyer, but with all hie cleverness he could not disguise the fact ;bat the exhibition of his stalwart intim )endouce was the outcome of personal annoyance in not being taken into the Cabinet, for he said : "It is not so minch a question of policy tltat has ct,'ioen ole out of the ranks. It is the first time since I hare Leen in public life that I hare been ignored in the formation of a new Gov- ernment." We have here, unquestionably, the animating motive guiding Mr. Mc- Carthy in his withdrawal from the Government or Conservative party. All his side talk about trade matters are afterthoughts to justify the agonal• out position he }las 11ee11111'ed'. He is tolerably consistent iu his trade talk for.he still he could not juin the Commercial Union party. This was seneibls, fur while finding fault with the Caoadtau t.nitf which averages only 17 per cent on nil imports he ,could scarcely approve of Conitnelcial Union which would introduce the American tariff of about 40 per cent. But withal Mr. McCarthy did not give the Canadian tariff fair play. He misstated its important features and its operation. He stated the Canadian tariff was "35 per cent and in some instances 100 per cent." It is tram that on many articles the tarill' is 35 per cent and iu excetpional cases 100 per cent. It is not merely a shatter of opinion, it is a matter of officially recorded fact dint tho Canadian tariff averages only 171- per cent. as any one can verify by looking up the total imports and total amount of duties collected last year. The total amount of imports fur con- sumption was $116,978,943, but uut of that $47,818,206 castle in free. That is, 41 per cent of all the import- ed goods consumed in Canada paid no duty whatever, while 59 per cent. paid duty. , It is unfair for Mr. McCarthy to single out exceptional instances in which the tariff is 35 or even 100 per cent. with the apparent purpose of conveying the impression that either one of these or the average of the two is the avetiage per cent. of duties paid on Canadian imports when official figures show that' the average duty on Canadian imports is only 171 per cent. Mr. McCarthy ,has tnado Foam long speeches and as clever as they worn lengthy. [ie (as spoken fur several hours et a stretch. But it would not be true to say that the average talks of Mr. McCarthy continue for four or five hours at a stretch. It is not true ae Mr. McCarthy stated that"Farmers have to cotnpeto with all the world without protection." There is a Canadian duty on cattle and sheep\of 30 per cent; on live hogs 2 cis per Ib; cheese 20 per cont ; wheat 15 Oellte a bushel ; flow' 75 Gouts a barrel ; Oats, 10 cents a bushel; peas, 10 cents; ltadian cern, 7-1 cents; bay, 20 ver 00111; pork 111 bane!, 11 cts th Ib; t` llied mud curets pork, luta. to 3 cls a lb; and au on in various other farm p.uduct8, But 51r, McC rthy clues not alto- gether object to a ter;lr. Ile W110ta, however, a raucous tarill. 'Which gleans a tariff that will elect the stases 'lilies of the country witho nt 1•ee01 Ing to direct taxation which would tax the fanner on everything iu sight while letting the 0111)1 aliat and wealthy nun - prod titer 'go scut flee. l:niphetic:xlly th,> present Ltri(1' is a revenue Will' while it inci'lout:Illy pro• tecta the development of Canadian in• dua'ry whether that be employed on the farm or iu the rectory. No more money is collected than is eufllc'eut to carry ou the government of the country and the improvement of its public works which enable the surplus products of the tarn to reach the best markets in the world at the least possi- ble charge for transportation. Air. McCarthy does not stultify him• self by talking free trade. Ile agrees with flue. Edward Blake that free trade is an impoasibility, which it most assuredly is, however desirable it may be theoretically. Perfect godliness is desirable:, but it is au impossibility. He referred to President elect Cleve• land as being a free trader. Mr. Cleveland is not. He does not say he 1s. He is too well posted in economic shatters to entertain ao absurd a theory as that of free trade. Neither is the Democratic party, as a party, in favor of the free Made impossibility. Mr. McCarthy and President Cleve• land ere in favor of tariff reform. Sir John Thompson and the Conservative Government are in favor of tariff re. form. In his Toronto speech a few days ago Sir John Thonhpaul) aptly said that the existing tariff was not perfection. If it were perfect to -day it would not be perfect to morrow. Ile also truly said that the tarill system was not the whole of the National l'ulicy. And the moment any part of it was seen to be onerous his Government would be prepared to meet the altered couditioue of the country when they required a reforn of the tariff. For, a8 Sir John happily continued, the wel- fare of the whole of the people of Can- ada was the National Policy and the tariff only one of the means to that eud, and where and when it fell short of that purpose it would he reformed to meet the reason of its existence. \Vo will dismiss Mr. McCarthy for the present by ronarking that he is an honor to this country, a steadfast loyal (British subject and even in his eccentri• cities we believe to be eonseieutious. While he has his chane of the inper• factions of liftman statute he also has his shire of the highest developments and aspitationtl of the highest type of Manhood known to the world -British Canadian. Ile has been a nuttily loan in his contention for one language and one law for the whole of the people of this Greater Britain, and for the ex- tension and perpetuation so far as possible of the public school system freed from the domination of any race or religious eect. COUNTY PAhLIAMENr. Tim County Council met in Godnrich on Tuesday of last week at 3 o'clock, The only absent member was Mt. Stuart, of West 5Vawenoeh. M,Murohie and Mo Donald moved Griffin for Warden and he was unaminously elected. Communications were read and referred ae follows: From ilia County Council of Elgin, re- epeoting nUlways being compelled to build culverts over natural watercoureoe. Special committee. From Ontario County Council, asking co- operation in getting certain amendments made to the Drainage Act. Sams refer- ence. I''rom Wentworth County Council, regard- ing market fees. Saone reference. From the Prisoners' Aid Association, asking the usual grant towards their work, Executive Committee. yr - k Prom County Cou)ueil of. Grey iu klag co- operntlott' ia' petttug certain tlnlendnente. u1802 udar neo, Special (i33Cctotnoo)lf teuthe, Mcluielpat Act of Reseattiou of the milted uountics of North• uenbdrlaurl and Duihsmr, to refereuou to ohengiug the numbing ut veinal (meta: More, Special Uou'ulttee. Fiala Dotr,int,nn Alliann.• for the Intal sup• p'essiou of the Iigaur tie die. St0ttal Cont mi'tee. Ftoni J. I'3,l an•ir., J. Atkinson and ',V. t1. Cooper, ulakutg ,tpp1nla,um for 110 uuuuty etu,tel.s•hep al the O,,tari0 Ag iuul- tural JI113ge. S peri• l ceminitt,-e. A e'atement of 1).v,ri„n t;. ors nulghttea 8ouc ft. >m tee C •1m.y the, k'. , 111 it, awl :be, report u> the 14 u, auur ti Ilhu tt•e wale read nett urdtred ertuted w the tuba utes. Latter from ldiugto I & Palmer, s•'licltors f rt. W. J. Gtrpeutrr, uf L %an township, Jtaiming dar,agee frust Hui on and Perth councils for damage to hi• !atm through the chaugiug of a water course. Sp .101 Comtnlatee. .O4 m>tion of ateeere. M. Y. McLean and Holt, Rat. D:, Ure bf Goderioh, Dr Shaw of Clinton, and Dr. Smith of tuafurth, were ap• pointed ou the reapeutivu Cvl1 •giete 1 tett- tutu boards. O t m etion of Meters. Tiller and Slhep pard, William Coals, of Chilton, was ap pnioted auditor for the ourruut year. The f .dowing were oleo el as the uornutit- tee to strike standing a nun,l.tees for the yea,: Meagre. McMuruhie, Gn111, P1,uo- f tot, Kydd, Cuok, Rollins and Coa. The C )urcil then adj mrued uieil 10 v tn., Wednesday. WSDN E$DAY. Council resumed busineae at 10 ''cluck, Appeals bum ratepayers of 8. S N Hullett and from ratepayers of 8 S. Nu and 10 ,f E.at w.twanoeh, agaihet tr.eir rt, sp cove couucitl, were refer. ed to I':duca two Committee. Tne Striking Committee submitted th following as the list of 8:audtog,Cuuunii tees for I S9:1: Execurive.-\levers, Millie, Kay, Girvin Ke,.nudy, Sperling, N. 11, Young, 11uPuer sou, McEwen, Stott. 1''INANCN.- Meat rm. R dei1s, Proudfout [rergueoo, Bodeen, M tlluy, Wooer, Brock en(hure, 13enuewei.e, yl•.Lnau. IigoALleer10N.-aleeere, Holt, Cook, Cox MuMurchte, Either, Mel) mold, Watson Kyrid, shepherd, KOAU ASO l3Rnuc.-Menere. Rate, Gra- ham, 0abs0ti, T ,i ranee, O iver, Howe, Turu- bull, '[',yloi, Ci uiuksllauk. EuccA'rloN.-Meeere. Mooney, leer, ale- Key, thiels, Cnsinbera, (ie,Eer, Stuart. COUNTY PkuPRitrY. ---Metiers. Saunders, Spaakmalt, Sherri tt, A. Yung, Evans. Errant, WARD:Ss-Meaere. Stuuders, Kydd, 1 .lber, C..x, vlline. SPNctar..-\1081r8. G,ok, It,liiut, 11..11, Gireiu, VICE wan. Ou in,tion of Mos.'''. MaPhereon and Proudfout, Al. Y. ei..ran and the County Clerk were appointed too the board of Cr,u)- ioel Audit, On motion of Ahearn. Torrance and Mc Lean, Messrs. }laird, of :)tauley, and Clark eon, of Seaforth, were appointed on the board of Cuuuty Examinere. The reports of the County Treasurer and the Jailer were road and referred to coin mitteee. Messrs, Cook and Howe :,waved to amend a motion passed last year, by author z:ng the Executive Committee to inspect the mortgagee held by the Treasurer and report on the same to the Council. Thee caused is Long debate, the p,us001 regulations bring that only the warden, treeaurer and clerk examine and decide on appbuatiuuefor loans, but the amendment watt loot, un a division. The County Property Committee was instructed to consider some other means of heating the Court House and report thereon to -the cuu0uil, *The reports of Inspeutore rams and Robb were referred to Education Committee and that of the County Engineer to Road and Bridge Committee. Applicatioua were tiled by the respective reeve* to have the following persona put on the list of uuumy wards : John • ' and Miry Walton, of Gedorioh; Williaiw Duncan, of Turn burry; Margaret Fletcher, of Wiugham; and Margaret McLean, of Aehtiela. Re- ferred to Finance Committee. A lot ur regarding the defective condition of the elo8ete was read and tided, and re• guiei:isms fur auppliee for the jut and adeli• clonal olii o furuituro for D. McDonald, were referred to Cuunty Property Commit- tee. A letter from Turuherry asking the Coun- cil to assume s per oeutage of the cost of bridges in said township, was referred to Road and Bridge Cumn>ittee. Appricetions for grants to the Rant and \'eat Huron Teachers' Asseciaaiou■ were referred to Executive Committee.. After raferriug a number of seconnts to Finance Committee council adjpusaed until 10 a. m.. Tnuraday. b e Council resumed at 10 o'clock, A letter regarding the plain, of Mr: Car- penter was referred to R led and Bridge Committee, as were applications from the townships of Grey and Stephen asking the county to 88su'ne a per oeutage of cost of bridges over 100 feet in length. A mo- tion by Messrs. McEwen and, Turnbull in- structing,the county engineer to examine the bridge its miles east of Zurich, in tie town- ship of Hay, with a. view to having it added to the list of the county bridges, wail alao referred. Tenders for wood and for the county printing were referred to Executive Com- mittee. • Meters. 5 tun Jere and McPherson renewed their motion to empower the Executive C,mmittee to exa:nune Inane on mortgagee 'rade by the county, and after an extended debate 11 was curried on a divisino, Tap mmol mo•tnn to appriepriate tha Num of $3,000 f 11 b ,undary line in,p: oven:eine Witt referred to Road and Midge Commit- tee. A motion to empower the. clerkeeo procure copses of Ontario statutes for the 0.'0 of the reepec ive mu iiuipalities was referred to Executive Committee. Council then adjonrned until 4 p. tn. THURSDAY AFilERNO(>N, An applioation from Ifowiek that the (*.flinty assume! charge of the township bridges 100 feet wide woe referred to Road and Bridge Committee. Accnunte from Sii,1c91 and G. N. Davie were referred to Faience Committee, Mr. Green addressed the Council regard ing the want of a bridge near Winghitrn, and the great inconvenience to reed thereby. Report of Executive Committee being read, E.Ib' a mot a 1. seconded by noncom, in amendment, that $300 he granted to be divided between the different Agricultural Societies. -Amendment Carried. An applcetion that Jane Knight, of Goder• soh, be plaoed on the list of County Wards, was referred to Finance Committee. An application to have Wm, Conine and Wm. Dunn, of Goderich township, planed on the list at. County Wards vena referred to Finance Committee. A Motion b; P. ou(tfuot and i1'oude, that the Speutal U'mnnittee et.cpate iota tea vete pulled fur the C.uaty ttubou of 1t,fuga wan 08, vied, 1uuuoil then ar'j ,u( nod till 10 a, in. VII- du,y. FRIDAY 10 A. at. Mena.. re 1.11 pi esent , xeept air. Stewart. A lutist. freest ti. 11.0 Lieuddy relative to re au0uery euppLea was reed nett sett rred 1,. Ex.eutlfe l'uneri.ttt,e. Mr. Kay, eeuou.fed 11) Mr. A1ta1 .reline, tel veal that tom Cu nal 'nett cul feu 1 • 0.8 to haat: Lh„lW• (,.. Lou 0110 0111) t4ugee ever nun year to sirests eeil..uted, 0 1 the palttus negl c• to attend to th. aetto.o.eut.f the *aloe, 1441 the Ge .s. .e I.ruby wet tout- ed to lr.ud Linde Murtgagea lulu the betide uf the Cuunty Solicitor fur yolk° i .u. A mutton by Holt and Beacom to expend $10 for fl 'wets toeuud the Cum t House woe referred to Ea out:vu Conuci.te8, '111e Committee aftcrwaiJa repartcd in favor of the elution. A motion that application be made to the Dumiuiun Government to be ulluaed to place the McCaithy end Scott Alt hues to the credit of tl.e Cuunty sinking (end aueuuut wee carried utter umeud•neuts had Seen moved end lost. Gloved by Mr Torracoe, seconded by Mr. Kay that the warden attend at the Chi We (lite ou the first Mond.y to each stunts to sign orders and fir general busineae, and that nu orders be a:geed to blabk. C�, ri. d. The reeve tf Brues.la made el plication to have S oath Lie put on list of cuu.,ty wards. 'l•hu upplicutruu was role, to the h'luouee Cwnmittec. An aptlwation to have Jeanette Bentley, of Celhe)ue, p:acc i ti, the het et I:Auuty verde was referred to earn8 Con ur,,tlee. A motion to raise the County Clerle'e celery by $200 watt orf r ed t, h:tceutive Committee, tee report ut a htuh was uutovur able. Council then sojourned to 3 30. The Couucili resumed a 3.30. }3alat oe of nuance Committee read and adopted. lu the report n large number u1 accounts were recommended and the luilow• sue tirade warde of the county :-Margaret McLean, c f Aehfiel l,gS0 per annnrn; U,.aud Mir. 55 alter, of Code, tell, $1 80 per annuli. ; i1It.geret Fetcher, R'iughanl.i 90 per annum; Wm. Duncan, 'lumber' y , $100 per auu011 ; Jeannette Brad ley, 0 dborne, $80 pt racoon,; Wee. Dunn, 110dereb tp., $100 per annum t Wu,. Cu hoe, Goderiuh tp $75 per aonuel 1 June Knight, Gederir•h, }90 per anew,' ; S.tah Lee, Bruseele, $110 per uauun), A motion by P. outif 'in and Roll ne that the cleric aetetrtise 10 re o rurnrltt, uulliae f nr plaece f ,r County House of Refuge was ref••r)od to Exe:ut.ve Committee. 8,td Committee rtcuuununded sleet .IU ectiou be taken. Report of lead and Bridge C•,uuutttee read and afrer considerable discussion and amendment, had been rnnved was adopted, Judge Tome was appoieted arbitre or in cans the township of Merritt forced au torbi- trati•'n before , he June Seeeies. Council then adjourned. IT Huron Conservatives. The' Annud Convention M the ween') Ilurcn Liberal Conservative Association will be held et SMITH'S HiLL -ox- WEDNESDAY, FEB. it, 1893, commencing at 1:30 o'clntk. Each polling division leentitle8,to send three delegates, en4 Vice-Presi- dente areregnested W see that n.eetings are held in each polling cllvisien and delegates appointed. All friends of, the Lihera!•Conservative cause are inv0ed to attend. - By order JOSEPH BECK, JAMES MITCHELL, Pnait'enl. Seero Lary. Clinton Conservatives. The anneal meeting of the Clinton Liberal Con• servetiveAssndatiou will be held in Clinton ran;rreHall,McKay Block, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST at 7:30 p. in. Elee•tion ot,ntficers,appointfnx of delegatestoattend the Riding Coesention et Smith's illll,_on Feb. 8th, and other Important natters will be brought before the. meeting. All Conaer,iotirea are invited to attend. T. D. JOIINS•"l)N, A. Al. LT,inn, See.-Treas. Ftes4lerit. New Music Book -0— Gospel Htp;.rns No. 5 & 8 Combined. By IRA D. SJ..NtsEY, JAS. AIcORANAIIAN, GEO. C. STEl3I3INS, The well established popularity of Cinema Mess No. 5 and the -constantly increasing appreciation of Gower. Mraae. No. e, has created a very general desire to have these hooks combined In one volume. In deferonce•tvi• thin dewand,'he publishers knave pro - pared an edition of the two hooks, in which all duplicates have been omitted and a volume of 438 pieces ham been snide, c)mplete In itself, mnnhered in consecutive. order, with new Topical I11dex, in- dicating the nelticutar phase of religious thought and work expressed id each hymn. The publishers confidently .evert that It is not posnlhle to eweure In any other hnuu hook such a large number of new, useful and popular songs, a very large proportion of which can only Se fonnti in this volume. 1 Words and Mneir, Beards gee, 2 SVords only, Limp Cloth tfe Send your order to COOPB'S BOOK STORE. • NOwICI TO CREDITORS IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF T113. COUNTY OF 111120N. IS TUE MMrrIR ON THIS 00TATR Or .10118 80(8(01:, n6• CEASED. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of 'lntarto, 1a3T, Chapter 110 Section Je, that ell persons having any anise against the estate of John 31clsalur, Into of Ole township of Codcrlch, yeoman, deceased, who rlir-Pon or about the 20th day of Decembet, 1892, are releired on or before (110 1st day of February, 1893, to send or dc• liver to Cleo. D. McTaggart, Clinton, one of the F.x- ecntors of the last will of the said heist llclenac, deceas il, fill particulars of their claims and the securities (If any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit. And after the said 1st day of February, 1893, the said Executors will proceed' to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitl- ed thereto, having reference only to the claims of which they stall have received notice, and after such distribution the said Executors wall not be rnspon• sil>le for the assets of said estate to any person o whose claim notice shall not have Neer) received at the time of such dietrihutlon. MANNING St SCOTT, Solicitors for A. AIcMURCHiE,'p;xcentors. O. D. McTA(GGARRT. Dated at Cllnton,this 27th day of Dec, 18992,— t4. W. JACKSON Town Agent C. CLINTON For Tioketa and information to all points apply to above. T. R., 3' ... `L;,�rF..iiS. �+tu+'4Vfwi7k,..51:77t7:7,74m+ VCor !.l.t . 77;;.•+'4”• Do not forget to take advantage of the opportunity to secure the Wonderful Bktrgaius to bo had on our Special Sale Day, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18th. Remember our Stock is entirely new and every article offLI in the full page, reel ink Supplement to last week's Nrws- RECO1.tD, would be cheap at regular price quoted. Hence n ever articl you purchase YOU SAVE THE DIFFE ENCE I TWEEN THE 'REGULAR PRICE AN THE SPECIAL SAL E NUE. Each line to be offered on theft (lay is very desirable goods, and TO'E SPIAL PRICES AVE FOR TIM .T DAY ONLY.The 4if- fovellt lines will be laid oat on tables, and the reduced price marked in red figures. Come early in the day, that you may be properly waited on, and bring the large advertisement con- taining prices with you. GILROY & ISEIA1\ 0 THIRTY BARGAIN DAYS. 0, Snore _,ive, a 13 again Day each week, others, once a mouth, but we have decided to give, thirty c)n51e1.1108 Barg .in Days. This giving occasional Bargain Days, we consider, is of very 11111e Use to the public generally. Parties coming a dis- tance and 1-quiring different line, of Goods expecting to get them at big reduc- tion tint) that they are generally ulintalten, us only odds and ends, here and there a ph -CP of Conde reduced, other Goods ht full price -very likely the Goods they want :1tusual prices- no reduction whatever. They are tllesatisfled and go away ifisgu,ted with business gear -rally. Now what luso propose to (lo ix to give the, public the Ieur•Iit of what profit there may be o11 our Goode ai,d the whole Stock at coat to clear out and pan Ice room for our large Spring Purchases. 'remise rids of dollars worth to ;;o. They must he cleared out and prices roust do it. ft 1s not now what we ohall Inake but t11.at Will the IONS be. Profit not to let considered in this ea)n; the whole thing is to clear 001 the Goods. \'5e quote 1111 prise-,, neither do we '.ark )((Ode away up to double price sed then make e..reepieg reilul:tions (on pipet), but we ,ay ,_et p,ic,•s from others and then 0011(8 111,1 ere our ate,ck before l uyieg, \\'e- mean tU8itleee every time. UPIE1,S GOO DS. NI II LI \ E[li', BATS, CAPS, FIRS, CARPETSI S'l',\ PI,ES,all at cost. '1'W3 EUS, FUIRNISH1Nk;S, CLOTHING -hock Bottom Prices, 'twenty Five 14undre,1 Paine BOOTS and SHOES lees than cost. This Sale will commence MONDAY, 9th, anal Inst to the filed of Fmhrnary Civi early and secure the bargains while they are going -we will be busy Stock 'leaking the last of this month. Terms of sale will be Cash or Ready Pay. PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS 151QNTRE1L HOUSE. Ciintnn, January 9511,• 1893, The parents of children not already supplied with Hand Sk2,f lis, will be benefitted by our sell- ing them at a price away be- low the Wholesale rate. 'Tis something we don't care to (1o, yet we can't sell them in the summer, and next sea- son our stock ]rust be New and Fresh ; so we are offering (yes and selling) the balance of our stock at half regular prices, which means a heavy loss to tas,but we don't believe in storing them if low prices will pelt them into use. Just think of your getting $2 Sleigh for 81. A 35c Sleigh for 18c. A $1.50 Sleigh Ler 75c. A 50c Sleigh for 25c. A 81.25 Sleigh for 63c• A 60c Sleighfor30c, A 81 Sleigh for 50c - A 75c Sleigh for 38c. A 85c Sleigh for 43c• See them and take your choice. W.Cooper &Co., CLINTON. • THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Air Adcertisea.e )e under this header eti /or first ,no,rth, and 5Oc, each subsequent month. HOUSE TO R3N r, The eottn3e, recently occupied by Mr. John Cal - blot. Contains 7 rooms, good collar, hard and eoft water, three quarters of an acre of ground. Runt very reasonable to good tenant. For particulars apply at, Teer. N1,Ws-RRCUR( olllee or write 11. B. Calbick, Coderlyh P.O. 743-tf. FOR SALE. Lots No. 7 and 8., Dinsley Terrace, containing 3; acres of hand, dwelling house, barn and orchard, The. property adjoins the Corporation of Clinton. Also, two story brick building suitable for store and duel:- ing, house, yeller 54x04, aTout one-atth acre corner lot opposite Queens Hotel, Victoria St., Clinton, Ont. Also village, lots 7,8, 9, m Blyth, Ont. The above property will be sod at a bargain to settle up estate. Apply to W. J. L'tneiss, Clinton, Ont , per executors, or to Maiming k Scott, solicitors, Clinton. 742tf. TWO IICYt✓SES FOR SALE Ol? '1'o RENT. Owing to my moving to Ooderich r will offer irty two houses for sale or to rent. inc is a story and a half frame cottage with stone collar, in good repair, bard and Soft water and small garden of good soil with small fruits. 'rhe other is n two-story frame house. comparatively, new, in use but three years, with furnace ; hard and .soft water ; good stable on the premises These houses are centrally situated on Rattenbury Street and will he sold cheap or rented on easy terms. Apply on the premises or ad• dress 1, 11. WORSELL, Clinto-) P. 0. Jan. 11511, 131)3. - - FARMS - FOR SALE. The two excellent farms nn the 4th concession Ond- erich Township, well situated and very desirable properties. Only three miles from Godnrich. For particulars apply on the premises, or address Code. rich P. 0. AIRS. ANNE 1IiNCh(s. 735.1f NEW BUTCHER SHOP ��``�' WIIEATLEY & FINCH \Ye have Opened out for bnetnens on HURON STREET„ ('LIN'rON, and will he phrased to sup- ply the wants of all In ell kinds of 'moats and poultry in season at the lowest Using price•. Highest cash prlee paid for Hides, Sheepskins, Sc. Patronage respectfully solicited. 727 -tf. WHIEATLEY d- FINCH. ONEY TO LOAN. On form property at 51 per cent. Apply to C.A. HARTT, Clinton, NOTICE. There lacing some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it he distinctly understood that if any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and fails to report to me 1 shall nl once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning 1 shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Oodorieh. Godoriell, Sept. 7th 1891. SPECIAL NOTICE 1017' THE NRwn•RRCORn will nlwnys be pleased to receive reliable information of Births, Alar rlagcs, and Depths, or of any other local event. (5 Tne NRws•Rsconn can furnish ns hand• some wedding Stationery and gunrnntce as ane letter press work and at as low prices as any city or Other printing oairo. in the matter of Funeral Circulars and Memorial Carte, THE NRWk•11RCORn gearantees prompt attention and the very hest class Of work, nt fifty per cent. less than eastern prices,