HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-02-01, Page 2II Ayers Fills Are compounded with the view to general usefulness and adaptability. They are composed of the purest vegetable aperients. Their delicato sugar - coating, wbibh • readily dis- solves in the stomach, preserves their full medicinal value and make's them easy to take, either by old or young: Per constipation, dyspep- ala, biliousness, sink headache, and the common deratlgemente of the Stomach, Diver, and .Bowels ; also to chock colds and fevers, Ayer's Pills Are the 1 est Unlike other cathartics, the effect of Ayer's Pills is to strengthen the excretory organs and restore to them their regular and natural ac- tion. Doctors everywhere prescribe them. In spite of immense compe- tition, they have always maintained their popularity as a family medi- cine, being in greater demand now than ever before. They are put up both in vials and boxes, and whether for home use or travel, Ayer's Pills are preferable to any other. Have you ever tried them? Ayer's Pills Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lo ,yell, Mass. Sold by all Drug;ints. 'Every Dose Effective the Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year -$1.25 in Advance Wednesday, February 1st 1893. FOR COLDS AND SORE THROAT. ' St1ts.-\1 a use hagyard's Yellow (hl in ou: '.tinily for colds sold Rero throat sad it ie exoelleut. My sister had aethml since chil,ihord, but on trying Yellow Oil for it she soon was cured. Mi;.i Lizzie Citerv.LL5, Bariwin, Ont. --Messrs. Meredith ,C Co., Toronto, acting fur 141.Ig.ret •I'ruthnu, who re• sides near Loudon, have contnn,ueed fru 501i01) n •sinal the Outwit) ;\]nth° dis' Cain GI on C.(nrpiny for $2,00(1 damages Fur iuj,Iries sustained by her while N guest et Grimsby P.,r'k. She alleges that the approaches to certain patta of the premises were defective and insufficiently lighted. B1L'OUSNESS CURiSD. (;s.NTLnaaN,-I have wed i3nfdnck Blood Bittern 1 t''111iuna're88 awl fiml it the b••st remedy for this c unptsint. I used seterni other reale I ee hot th.iy all f.ite i to do me nny gond. )however, it required only two hat Fs of H. 11 13. to cure rile completely, and I can recuinmend it to all. Yours truly. %1'M. RomNSoN, Walla ebnrg. -Levi Cowell waa tried by t[egie trate Bartlett at Windsor on Tuesday on the charge of plsciug a railroad tie on the Michigan Central track near Essex on December 11. The rnagis trate, iu passing sentence, said he had it in his power to send him up fur life, but ou account of his weak mental condition wuuld only give him a sen- tence of 23 mouths in the Ceutral Prison at Toronto. As soon as the last word waa plonouuced the prisoner 'nude a rush towards Mr. Bartlett, who, thinking his life in danger, tried to take refuge in his office, but before he could do so Cowell caught hull of hie hand and heartily shook it. PUT '1O IfLIGHr all the peculiar trm.hlea that beset woman. They oily ;l,txrantee l remedy f ,r them i» Dr. P eree's F'avurite Pres sip' ion. roe wum •n e•,H , ing fr, n1 any chemic "f«male cnmpl.i'.,1," nt weakness ; for women who •le tun -low.) and overworked ; for Wnn•en xpew lug to h'•a,me mothers, and f rr mothers win are nut ming and oxhaus'ed ; it the change from girlhood to womanhood ; .rid later, at the critical "change , f lite" - It is a 01 )Steins that. safely and certainly buil l(, up, strengthens, regulates and cures. If it doesn't, if it even f dls to honofit or cart, you have .your money hack. What you are sure of, if you nee Dr. Sates Catarrh Remedy, is either a perfe •t and permanent cure for your estarrh, nn matter how br.d your case m ty he, or $500 in cash. Toe proprietors of the nIe ]Mine promise to pry you the money, if they can't cure y'ou.---• - ---- - - In scene parte of Cltiva it ix usual to introduce a friend into the house with eotnle seen word.] as these: -"['his ie niv friend -if he entitle anything, 1 will bo responsible." But Mark Tlr:tin's experiuna'e even exe•uls that, for once, when being introduced to an audience, iho chair man s'il'l, '•I know nothing of hilt:, except that, he lutsn't been in j'11, and [ nal honnil at the saute trine to say lira I dent know why he hisu't. 1\0\V 15 fill TIME. In this the 6ea9en of coughs, colds, asthma, irronchitie and other throat and Tung COM - plaints, it is well to h. provided with a bottle of Dr. Wood's N'rway Pine Syrup which r•ffentually cures all such diseases and that vete promptly an•1 pleasantly. t'rico 25 and SOc. S,11 by all druggists. -The Mayor of 'Detroit finds aftee inyostigetion Ihat the American cities which owe and Operate their own oleo trio light pleura get their iliuminntiou, on the average, for less than one half of wh.'t it coets the cities which ale lighted through contracts made with private eompaniee. MAKE NO MISTAKE;. Mahe no mistake when buying a remedy for dyspepsia, headache, c' n,tipatinn or had blond, be sure to get the kind that cures, Burdcok Id >nd letters "it is an excellent rime iy for headache. " -C llarl,•,yt.ltolin • son, Pub. Canada Presbyle)-iaa. s, 4;n:.#41, .,'tA ' f hW"*'1' ''.0111t;P;1 t ai Johnston, N. D., hire'' ix, 1839. C4 � 1 1 "I was troubled for thirty Y �\1 '��3 Years with 'pains in my side, which increased and u1 became very lied. I used 3T. JACO.1ie't'S OIL and it completely cured. I Kivu it all praise." MRS. WM. RYDER. e{{ "ALL BIo/ITI ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT." `yl' :'n'i'41:�'n::•�}'r r ' : �'.± /'r : ` i.S J,w., l i .. -:�C'•x 1 t i.�i-�a4`• u.l'v, t>.,'"1, . A.�'lt,,:t y4.i., i.3.<•iTi,�..4. . • Sol@ntlllq Alnerlq#p Apenpy for -The number of smugglers at Port Huron is increasing. The recent cold weather, which froze 111e St. Clair river I Lia 'JOWLS ANI) SQUIRMS UNDER THE it101'e solidly than it hue been for years, SEVERE PUNISHMENT. has knit ''ort Huron and Sarnia together oouinturcially, and thousaude Geo. til''. ltul'erts, the cowbuy pass daily over the ice bridge. The evangelist, who was convinued on temptation to smuggle has therefore December 24 at Tee uuto ut' nu unwell' been very great. The Cauadian auth- notable ull•')uce Rud woe 8010011cd to ()rides, it i8 reported, arrested Joseph one year in the Central ;'Lei int the ex• Griffin, dray man, for 8111u(rgling a big pu,3tiun of nue month to receive ten euusiguluent of clocks from Port lashes, received the second part of his Huron to Sern is the other day. It is sunteted to day. also stated that the goods were to be it jeweler in l'etrolea. The uu At 11.30 after Dr. Atkins, the prison seat 10 fortunate draymau thought he was gat. surgeou,had pruuuuuced Roberta phyni- tiug out lankily, the jab, es far as he °ally able to undergo the pnuiehnleut, had finished it, cusuug hint $105, the pristine'. wire placed in the whip )'here are many cases of petty smug Nitro flume anti his buck was bred by gliug Quilling to light every day. 0110ut the gu'l+ds. Ile wee Pala but resolute. 1tOBElt'l.'S LASIIED. RoNwltr Ueo. WATTS, M. A., M. D., M. R C 5 , .•f Albion dense, Quadrant ]Read Cauuuburv, N. London, Eng,, writes: '•I asnnot refrain from tes'ifytng to the efli-aoy f St, J ,coha Oil to eases of chroni, rhuu• u1aaenl, eoiativa and ueuralgia." -The following poem brought its author $1,000, being the suns offered by a eyudleate of western editors, fur the bout appeal to subaeribere ill arrears: "Levee UI pour 11)5)1 oft remind us, 11011(lst mull don't stand a chance; the mune we Work there g uws buhiud Us, bigger patches ou our Nauta. Uu 001 pouts, once new and glossy, now are stripes of dilforeut hue ; all because snh,cribers linger, end wou't pay us whet is due. '''lieu let us ail he up Rud Ruing, seam your mite liewever eu1a11 ; or when the suety of winter strikes ue, we shall have vo prune at all." To grow old gracefully, one meat live tl ulfaerately, ettl1uly, mmthodi, ally ; be ill• tweeted in all that in d..iug ua ill tr.e world ; jubilee meeting in Ceutenery church at be chee'ful, happy, ane uuutenled, and above which Sir )..eerier(' 'Tilley presided, all, keep the beset pure and vigorous by the, and adcll'e,ees w ere delivered b Dr. u.e of Ayer a S. a tt a i a, Be sure y,.0 get Y Ayer's. Carman, gena rel superintendent of the church of Canada ; Dr. Allison, preai -Toa editor of a western paper 'lent of the Mount Allison university speaker to his deliuq'tent subscribers, Dr. Stewart, professor of theology of es follows: -The wand bloweth, the that institution, and J udge Tuck, of the farmer suwoth, the subacribor uweth, provincial supreme court. Judge and the Lord knuwuth we are in need Tuck, int the (mires of hie address, re of our GueS. So come a runnin' ere ferred to Sir John TllonlpCon as a note - we go gunnin' we're trot fuuuiu', this worthy product of our educational in thing ut' dunuin' gives us the everiest saltation and remarked that an iustitn- iu 11111ee. tion producing esoh a loan was worthy of our respect. It mattered not to ;'„u can nes, r tell what a slight cold may what church the prettier belonged, he led to; at 1e bent, therefore, to give your- was a amen respected eveyrwhere. Dr. self the benefit of the doubt, and euro it as Carman, later on referring to Judge. soon 08 possible with Ayer'a 1' Cherry .ctoral. A day's ,relay, eonletin1ee au hour's delay, Tuck's eulogy of the premier, said ' a 1 may result in serious consequences. this might be true, but in Lia opinion -------- -- if Sir Juhn Thompson had been in- -A report is current that Pr•iuce atruted in theology at Nlount Allison by George of Wales contemplates a trip Dr. Stewart and had married a good to Cnnall and the United States next Methodist girl he would never eprine. 11ii iuteutiun is to participate have gone over to the Ro- in Ole navel review iu New York her- elan Catholic church. Ile further bor with :t large 8q uadron of warships, said'tlutt Methodists did not object to After which he will go to Chicago and Itornan Catholics W110.8a first loyalty visit the Exposition. Wen to the empire and not to foreign powers or J`otentatec, and expressed FACTS FOR REFLECTION. the opinion that universities should produce men endowed with courage Ah Ottawa correspondent furnislles like Dr, Douglas to speak the truth, ir- sonle' very striking and significant respective of cone• quences. At the figures from the puhbc returns. close of the meeting, in eeconding a The foreign trade of the Dominion vote of thanks to Sir Leonard Tilley, in 1892 e'us the greatest on record, and Dr. Allison said it was with hesitancy the exports were nearly $12,000,000 Ire approached the subject referrer] to greater than ill any year of the coup• by two apeakere. The names of his try's history. two acquaintances had been mentioned. Our couuuerce> 1155 been JlravitatiuK One of theta was a polished prince of tower,! the Jlother Country, the West eloquence, an admirable and excellent Indies, China and Japan, precisely in matt, and a delightful companion ; the those directions where our Govern. other, the other, the premier of Canada. merit loll been trying to cultivate, it. Ile ons intimately connected with both amen, and he felt pursuaded that if At the first stroke lie groaned almost inaudibly. On the'secoud he screamed "Ute ! illy God ! SA! my God !" At this utluku the lash broke but enuthel wee then prueured . Front nt this to the end ltubel'ts howled anti squirmed curs tinuall)'. 11e back way oDu mussed red livid stt•Ipee. Roberts has been working is the wuud•work dopertweut since Itis incur (et'atiou. A LEADING ME'T'HODIST. SIR JOHN 1'HOMPSON 1S MOST ESTEEMED %VII ERE 114: 18 REST KNOWN. The fiftieth anniversary of the feundiug of the Methodist educational institution« of \fount Allison Alas corn uuvuoratr•d by epecial services in the various city 'Methodist churches in St. John, N. B , last week, and by a neuli In certain produetH the showing of Dr. Carman knew Sir .John Tnompson 1592 is it magnificent one, Free sugar Inas induced a largely increased import aa well es he did, home of his remarks ooervat article, though we do not c,b. would not have been made. Ile de- eff that that the temper of our political precated in discn9ling public men the opponents is any Hweetnr in cense• introduction of matter relating to their In 1 11)' Canada imported religions belief and faith, ard, in clos- quteicte pounds; lust year 25b,642,• ing, assured the meeting that the 211 pounds, premier entertained the most kindly feeling to the IMfethodist church, to lu eggs, butter and cheese the tri which his mother end sister now be- un>phs of Canadian exporters have been longed. Iia had never heard a more remarkable. Compared with 1890 fervent tribute to any educational in - when 3,600 dozen eggs, valued, at $820, etitution than that paid by Sir ,John were emit to Britain, last year saw Thompson in the Nova Scotia legisla- ture to .11our>t Allison. This statement of 1)r.• Allison's was greeted with hearty Applause. 3,987,655 dozen valued at $59.3,218 sent there. Of cheese 1892 New 128,410,730 lbs. exported-mm.(0y to Britain of course -valued at $12,55.1,286, the greatest figure yet, reacher] in this important branch of our'farrner's trade. Canadian butter is going ahead by leaps and hounds', the export in 1892 being 5,730,696 lbs., valued at $1,056, 058. This is splendid. The market is Britain, again. the genus "tariff reformer" will please note that the customs duties in 1892 were $4.25 per head, compared with $4.84 per head in 1591, and $5.23 per head in 1883. The Inland Revenue returns show an increase of revenue. The Oonsuteption of tobacco is about the same,the number of cigars nlanufaetnred being snitch greater. The people drank less spirits, beer and wine, than they did the pre. Timis year. if GREAT .„..4."'..,.4.,. l a, Sllhmt e S,tl,i1t .,ctS,t', o F rat1-Tr. OUCH CURE 25' wall?... Cneee Coast= ption, Conchs, Cronp, Soro Throat. Sold by all Druggists on n Guarantee. 1° r a Lame Side, )lack or Chest Shiloh's Porouo Plaster will give great satisfaction. -a5 001128. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. Sera. T. 3. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn. en "Shiloh's'Vac/neer'SAVED Dl'Y LIFE., I ennsider it thcbest remedy for'adebflftatedtnrstens I ever deed." For DDygpopsla, Liver or kidney trouble it excels. rico 75 0 H ILO H'S,. :.;,CATAR R R E M E DY 1fav you Catarrh? Try this Remedy. It will positively relieve and Cure You. Price G0 cis. rhes Itljeotor for its successful treatmont10 furnished free. Remember, Shiloh's Remodios are sold on a guarantoo to give satisfaction. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, Ste. For information and free Handbook write to etu 6; CO.. 1merIOldsbfor scouring pate11Aea. Every patent taken out by us 10 brought before the nubile by a notice given free of charge tri the 'ritrxti it te ,U Orn Largest circulation of any scientific Merin the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent man Should be without It. Weekly,53.00 e near; $1.50six months. Address M0QN & 00., pvaLrsallita, 301 Broadway, New York City. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS.: Thos. R. )Lays, President, Senforth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Secy•Treas., Soatorth P, U. ; John Hannah, Jlanatter, Seaforth P. 0. (0 RECTORS, Jas. Broadtoot, Sualortli ; Donald Ross, Clio. ton ; 010)1101Elli•,tt, Clinton ; 1)eorgo Watt, liarlock ; Joseph ]:vans, Beechwood ; J. Shun. non, Walton; Thos. (ierburt, Clinton. Aeltx•1'8. Thos. Nuilans, Jlarlock; Bob). JTeMIlh,n, Sea - forth ; 8. Carnnehan, Swdorth. John u'Suilivun and Geo. Murdle, Auditors, Parties desire os to effect Insurance or term, act other business will be promptly attend ed to on application to any a1 the silo%o °Ricers, addressed to their respect i‘,(1 post, ct.iens. PHOTOS C. HOARE;S fine new Photograph Callers being note ready for olu•rat tun, fie is furnishing First Class Cabinets itt '?. 715 Der dozen. Other sizes in proportion. e1.11 wanting such conte and try }lint. C. HOARE - - CLINTON. NELSON '1', l:ITi.IIiE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, fl INCAR INE - - - ONT. Orders left at this alike promptly attended to. JAS. FERGUSON, PUMP MAKER, - - OLIN "I'O<V. (ROSS' OLD STAND) Pumps sold reasonable. Cisterns incl Tanks put down. Wells d1tg+ and cleaned and Satisfaction (,oar: 11t.red. New Flour and Feed 'Store Good Cheer Once a Year„ry HANL Y & WALK beg to announce that they have opened a Flour and Feed Store east of the Conn- mercial hotel, Huron Street, Clinton. We will keep in stock the very best of everything in the line, such as Flour, Meals, Feud, Seeds, &c., at very reason- able prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. We solicit and expect a legitimate share of town and country trade. Remember the location of the Clinton Flour and Feed Store. HANLE1 & 1VALKER. e Fug UST KORN MT8, 0 ENVELOPES �"Nowsllecord FOR , I E EiU,•HEAO$ • FOB OFFICE MINIM THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALE, DEPARTMENTS nderson's Bestaurant The Old Reliable Confeotionery Store, ilicz-OYSTERS ARE IN SEASON !f,4. EAT OURS ANi) YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER. Fruits, Conlectienety, Biscuits -in endless variety ; Ceurbei les, SweetNPctatuee Spanish Grapes, etc. ITTTOl1ACCOS, PIPES, CIGARS -000D (CODS AT LUSE SELLING PRICES Everything first-elasi 311 a first-class store. Don't pass Anderson's Restaurant Searle's Block, - Albert Street.. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best work. mauehip and meterial. etiirAll the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. A11 work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. fl FACTO1tY-corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657-y New Fall Tailoring Goods. O T. JACKSON, Sr., has placed in stock Complete Lines of Choice Fall and Winter Tailoring Goods Being a collie' of long experience, satisfaction 1s guaranteed, ' We can snit you in gliality and price for )'ants, a Suit. or Overcoat. 1't.!1ect cuts and fits. The }wet goods and trimmings. Work utensil ip uesulpassed. Call un us before you aider. T. JACKSON, 813., HURON -ST., CLINTON. rain -,•.r...,., -..e..- nsr.e:,amtsu:-.,..��.s wsssg ,z THIS WILL INTEREST YOU BARGAIN MONTH, IIav'ing purchased the Commander 1)r0;)erty adjoining ou: old store, we purpose moving our Stoves, Furnaces, Till, Vire &c., (C., from the present store before the first of January when our lease expires, and in order to reduce the stock be• fore moving we will give you unheard of Bargains for the next thirty (lays. In Cooly Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves and Tyr."ware, We have alio a number of Second hand Stoves which will be sold cheap. IIA1ZJLAN.D EROS-, Iron and Hardware Merchants, - - • - CLINTON The People's Grocery. Our Stock is now complete and well assorted with Choice Goods See our Fruits, Peels and Pure Spices. Our Fancy Cups and Saucers, Tea and Dinner Sets are Extra Value. In Price and Quality our Green, Black and Japan '''eas and Pure Coffee always lead. Our full stock is cut down to very close prices. Butter, Eggs and Fowl taken in exchange for goods. You can save money by buying from us. G. J. SIEWAHP BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRES i'CNDECi. We quill at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub. scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not alrelzdf represented, to send us RELIABLE news. • SURSCI[I!U1RS. Patrons who do not receive taeir paper regularly/ from the carrier or thr)ngll their local poli offices quill confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscript i0)18 neap commence at any time. ADVERTiSERS. Advertisers will please hear in mind that all "chanties" of advertiscmenti, to ensure insertion, should he handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising- naedium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are opera to those who mean business. JOR PRINTING. The Job Lepartm.ent of this jour. nal i3 one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very low prices. 0 Our store is well stocked with Xmas and New Year Fruits, SPICES, PEELS, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, TEAS, COFFEES, &c. Do not neglect to call and see us. We are the great produce dealers and pay the highest price for everything and sell:our goods at a low living profit. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, quantum ANCAMMilanWierinia511MMa•••.•=..- INA HALL, Clinton. Christmas ang New Years. C Cl;nton. For years China hall Inas been noted for keeping the very hest goods at the very lowest prices and 1892•'3 is no exception to our well-earned reputa- tion. CHINA & GLASSWARE. Our Dslf, China and Glass Goods comprise some of the handsomest lines and most reasonable in price ever shown in this section. PEELS, FRUITS, SPICES, NUTS. The Goods in these linos that we offer are all fresh and clean and of the very best quality to be procured, while the prices are such that consumers will surely slake it mistake if they do not see end test them. We keep in stock everything tosnpply the needs of all well regalatei families for the Christmas and New Year season. TEAS, COFFEES, SUG.A.RS. Don't forget that China llall hug the very tinest blends and flavors in Ole market, while our $ Ig trs are from the beet makers and of the best Jimmie. Give China Hall a call and we will do our best to please you in quality, prier, and -shall be pleased t0 eerve you. N. ROBSON, CLINTON. - CHRISTMAS IS COMING GET YOUR New Fruits and. Xmas Presents J. W. Irwiij's Gorner S. McKAY BLOCK, CLINTON. RAi51N'-Extra, Selected Valencia, London Layers, Black Becket and Sultanas. CURRANTS -nest Patras and Vast.izza, Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NurN- Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, and Shelled Almonds. TEAS, COFFEES AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY, Crockery Department )laving imported direct I am selling at wholesale prices. DiNNER SETS from $6 up, TEA SETS at prices that will suit everybody; TOILETa in all Styles and Prices. Some do but don't you wait until rt day or two before Xmas to make your selec- tions from our well filled tables suitable for Xmae and Wedding Tresentl. On hand bbl. Salt IIerrings, Trout, Salt Water Salmon. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN. / 3r