The Huron News-Record, 1893-01-25, Page 10N L+1INES A184WIT IIJJQVOW5a. Tbie is the seaeon of the year when Good Liquors are eepucially up- } reek ted. WE U IYVE TILEM. And we have them in all brands and at all Prices It don't matter whether or not your wants require wood or bottle brandy, we can supply you. OUR PRICES Will bo found in keeping with good Goods and very shall profits. If economy and reliable Goods are what you desire, the Clinton Liquor Store is the only correct place to•go to. J. \V, Iti'I'I:R, ALBERT STREET, . . CLINTON To Advertisers. All changes o/ Adrertiaenaents, to insure insertion..in the eto•rent issue, mut be received ca the office not later than NATU1 1) 1 Y NO/ V. Copy for changes received late' ,hctn SAT, URR.4 Y.VOON will hereof ter be at the .ldrgrti.ger v own ri•>/'. A. 1/. TODD, Publisher. The Huron News -Record 1.50 a Your—$1.25 in Advance. !Wednesday, January ••2.r[In. LOCAL NEWS. lin and Around the iiEttl►, �•� �a$ttlii gait, LOCAL NOTICES.—All notices in These columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of .the same,at which an admission fee is 211argeel,or from which a pecuniary benefit is to he derived, will be charged at tett cents per rate of the line. 'furs Mi l'I' LA Ito ELY uIt:JL'LATED PAPER IN 'Tills tie.OTION. No LAutes '1btIE'r is complete with out a bottle of Cream of Witch fluzel,. manufactured and soli: by Jas. IL,t„' Combe. TILE' NEWS 1 ncono has about 21},(00 Note and Letter Ileads at a'slibht advance on cost. CREAM OF wireII [IAZEI. will , Ifiot injure the most delicatecru. For chapped hands, sore lips for use after shaving it is unsurpassed. • De—Robes, [-Iorse Clothing, Fancy Woollen and Plush Rugs(, ate at bargain prices at 7 3'3•tf, JOHNSTON & A R)I01:I2'S, ROBINS BROS, have no goods attheir: old stand, all their Napes. business is to' he done in the Mclili;y Block Mr. S. SMITH ship ,ed a car load of beef cattle to eastern markets last Thursday. MR. Husnist nos has chege of tha Golerich train formerly On ,",by Coli- ductor McKenzie. MEsslls. COLE & TowN _list, week shipped Live cars of evaporated apples to Hamburg, Germany. Miss LILLY OLIVER is visi:iug her grandparents and other relatives at Bluevule. AMONG many NEWS RECORD callers last week were G. W. Scott., of Gode• rich, and Chas. Foster, of Patna. MRs. RAMSAY, daughter of Mr. G. D. Gilchrist; is visiting her parents and friends in Clinton. MR. COOK, who was io this section for several days in the interests of the :riaccabees, was unexpectedly called to Parkhill last week. "A SENSATION IN A FEW LINES,"— In reproducing our local mention about the hasty departure of a married mechanic, the Guelph Herold says TuE `'Ewa-11Eco0D reported "A sensation in a few lines." Quito correct, Mr. W. COLE tendered a very sue cessful At-llonlie tlie other evening. The proceedings were considerobly marred, though, by the gentleman being on the sick list. A severe attack of measles should not, be trifled with and Mr. W. C. was very wise in fore- going the pleasure he anticipated. MR. C. A. IIowe, the popular deputy -reeve of Morris, gave TIIE NEWS -RECORD a call yesterday. The electors of his township do not believe in having an election every year when they have good me n in responsible positions. Mr. Howe proceeded to Goder•ich to attend the County Perlis ment in session there this week, THEY DIDN'T FAINT.—Conductor Snider, who is well known iu Clinton, says :—Yif would like to get hold of the lad who reported that I fainted at Now Hamburg on Saturday. There was no necoaeity for fainting—in feet, time was too precious. This is how it was :—A young lady purchased a ticket at Now Hamburg for Baden, and started to erose just as the express pulled in at full speed. 1 did not think of myeelf, and was et her side before I knew it. I pulled her off the track, and we both fell on to the platform, but neither of us fainted. 11 wee the closest call I ever hod dor- ing my railroad experience, and I felt as though I looked white, but there was no time to faint." 1 Goon FRIDAY fafle on March ,3Ist thin year. MR. 11. S1?AOKMAx, of Exeter, was in town ou business fast week. A NUMUER of the Exeter young pen• pre took part in the carnival here on Wednesday evening last. Ex REEVE BawnEN, of Exeter, was it, ()Hilton last week. He, takes his defeat gracefully. CONSERVATIVE MEETINGS.--Cltn'on Couseivatives are asked to attend the annual local meeting in town on Feb, 1st. Tho Riding Assoejation meets at Swah'e Hilt ou Feb. 1J'h. 0. S. DOAN made three bnsiuois trips to Seafurth last week and pur chased several lots of hides. 'Those of our country friends who have hides for enle should conte direct to the Clinton tannery and save rho profit that g es to middlemen. ALD, C. HUMDER, of Goderich, was in Clinton on business Last Thury lav" He is Grand Superintendent, Huron Div , R. A. 111 ,'snd made hisollieial visit to Havelock Chapter, Kincardine, on Thursday evening. E. }larding, Grand Z . , G. C. of Caned e, was also easel:'. Loc:L SHOTS.• --Meer?. J. John stun, llovey, Colo, Wallace and Grigg were at Pat k hill lest Thursday and took part in the live bird shooting matches there. The birds were a good average lot and the shooting was good. There were 10 out of 10 shot down. The scorn made by the above gentlemen stood : Hovey 9, Johnston 3, Grigg 6; Cole 6, IluttsE TAI.1:.—Wu hear that Mr. J. L Doherty, the Centro Huron Stock Faint trainer, has bought from Mr. Phos. -Walker his two year-old pacing filly. The animal is by Onward King, by Onward, dam by 'I'ontire, he by Belmont, second diel by old Clear Gait. She is said .to ho a natural pacer and J. L. thinks she is good enough to' enter tido x:30 list as a two-year-old. GONE TO MtCnIGAN.—ilirsGilchrisr, the • efficient and ohtioing operatouein the G. \. \V, Telegraph uflic'e here,. for• several years, has accepted a very lucrative an 1 eiwuilar, position in Fliut, Mich. WII le we, aro sorry to see the young lady leave Clinton, we are Pleased to know that she is doing w'e1L \\'e „can highly recommend he'r ns being proficient in her dhosep calling, reliable -and obliging, and bespeak for her a warm place gmong the good peo- ple. of Flint. DONE RP,OE.EN,—The Harriston T,'L bnite thus refers to the misfortune of. ar= former resoCeted reel.dent,of this.Sec- tion :—On .Saturday night last, tT L. filtirdy, proprietor.' of the Queen's Heel, slipped,_ on"zthe doorstep and fell,, breaking the aiiiall bone of"•the• ankle. The,aeetr;ait.t,.was may with ilt such a ttiinp1e Manlier that McSturdy thought that Ise bad only, slightly. sprained hie ankle, bur as the pain bo• came more intense a doctor west ailed in and upon examination it was found as above, Mr. Sturdy vii to laid. to.up' for some time which Means quite a lose to him, as thi's is. (Fie busy adaeon. WE SAY THANK YOU, to the hundreds of customers who helped to make our Christ - 111116 trade satisfactory. And now we wish you one and all A Very Happy New Year. We do not want to have a single AND SLEIGH left, ybu earl littvo 0110 at a GREAT BARGAIN if you come elan enough. See the Cheapest Snow Shovels in Town, the children can have fun with the 10c ones, the men can do solid work with the 15e and 25c ones. For FANCY CHINA, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, GAMES, BOOK -3, NEWS PAPERS. BERLIN and OTHER. VIOLS, PU (SES, POCKET • BOOKS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POLES and Hun- dreds of other things, Go where you get the best value for your money, that is to obins • MEI ESA ®ros. Book Store and News Depot, McKay Block, Clinton. ESLEY co. We are linking after your interest ; what we meals by this is that notwithStanding the cfleap goods offered elsewhere we are determined to stand by our customers. and to give as full and honest worth for .your dollar as any in the track and to the extent of -human possibility. .\nil from now until th(+1 15th 'Feb. next WC are willing to count profits out on all Winter Goods in order that you, may 1►ave them cheap. DRESSG00DS. Bargains, an BLACK and COLORED SE AGES, Bargains in BLACK & COLORED HENRIETTA. 3, Bargains in BLACK & COLORED MELTON& MANTLE CLOTHS. • 351iieces Mantle7Cloths 'we -7 -sell at Exceptional value .to clear, TITE':1111GGER.-1[essra. Blackall' and Grigg took part in, the great shoot• ing tqu'i' lament at llnnailton last week. a There Waslargeaattindntrces.and as 1a.. of the best shots from Canada and 'the United States tookpat all holpe'd to adTertise the down -of Clinton by demonstrating that'4was anion¢ the host shote on the'ground. The tsr•t prize, $2043;2tv1s won by J. Parker, of Detroit., with a clean;core ()FLU. Blackall figured; i"n the tweti'ti4 ; near the top of the list, and captured' $71.25 in cash. Grigg tr.ade.,t( good, showing early in 'the match,•bet did not succeed so well toward the close. He captured about $40. THE LATE MRs. WHITEHEAD.—In referring to the death of the late Mrs, \Vhite.11ead, the London Free, Prect says :—Clinton people were surprised to hear of the death of Mrs. \Vhite• heed the other morning, wife of Mr. Jos. Whitehead, for although they know she had been ill for some timo, there was net the slightest thought of her death so soon, She was formerly a Miss Mackay, torn in the Province of Quebec, and was married to Mr. \'trhit,ohend several years ago, while he was residing in 'Winnipeg. She lived at Clinton for several years, and made many warns friends by her generosity tovrards the poor and suffering. She W as n member of the Presbyterian Church. IIANGING oN SLEiCIIS —We mind quite well when we were boys. And now when we are men we like to see our boys and girls enjoy themselves. This fine Canadian bracing winter weather and good sleighing tempts the boys to hang on sleighs. The practice has become altogether tc,o general. Every day Iho daily press chronicle cases of children having their limbs fractured, splintered or broken through hanging on sleighs. And in some cases death is the result. The practice on the streets of Clinton should be prohibited altogether and steps in this direction cannot bo taken too soon. And sidewalks, especially leading to the schools, should be kept comparatively free from snow so that the little folke would not be compelled to take their chaneea on the toads. The children of our citizens should not be left at the mercy of highway traffic, neither should they'be allowed to hang on sleighs. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. At.a considerable loss to us.w•e are determined to offer you the choice -of.any of untrimmed Felt ,.fiats in 'our show. room at '50cts: Remember that wit i, us the' purchasing power of your dollar clevelops to t»he fullest extent. SEE SLE &, Clinton. i41ey' Furniture Undertaking Warerooms. FllR$ITHtE. UN1JERTAKI)I1. Our ,Stock is the Western Ontario prices are lower lowest. largest in and our than the This branch is and er the management of J. W. Chidley, jr. Night calls answered at his resi(lenee,King St. ,opposite Foundry. JOSEPH CHIDLEY THE FURNITURE DEALER. AND UNDERTAKER, - - CLINTON. CHANGE IN THE : • -• METHOD OF . -:- •12- DOING BUSINESS. O WM. TAYLOR & SONS. During the peat week we have mailed circulars to all our costo niers and friends giving reasons for changing our method of doing business front the Credit System to that of Cash. WE TAKE S'11001- On TOOK On the first day of February. From that date we close our books and intend carrying on our business no a STRICTLY CASH BASIS. We appreciate the kind words of approval of the new system from our credit customers. ,Aa promised in our circular, we intend reducing the price of our Goode. The inducements we will offer to the Cash Buyer in contrast to the old credit prices wilt be no apparent that we are - rratisfied that the change will be appreciated by all. Give the Cash System a trial. We will n►oke it interesting fur you. ALL WINTEi(. GOODS AT CLEARING PRICES. WM. TAYLOR & SONS • aturday, Jall. 28, 1893. semiannual. RGAIN DAY lie Greatest Challoo of the Season. List of Prices : 50 Children's Suits at exQ.otly half price. Boy's Knee Pants 450, Regular Price 85c.. Our X1.2.00 Pants for $125. Our $3.00 Pants for $2.00. Our $10.00 Overcoats for $6.00. Our $8,00 Overcoats for $5.00. Our 10.00 Suits for $7.00. A Big Range of Boy's Overcoat's $2-:50, Regular prices run from $4,00 to $5,00, 0 The above prices represent the greatest re 'uction ever made on reliable goods and the shrewd people who will get some of • the above goods will make an investment that will pay over 100 per cent. The sale is for cash only. No goods exchanged. The prices arc only offered for one day. 0 JACKSON BROS. THE FAMOUS CLOTHIERS - We Lower our Prices and start a CASH BUSINESS ON FEB RY 1st. The price of everything reduced to a Cash Basis. Remember Thursday, Feb. 2nd, Monthly Bargain Day. 0_ Estato J. llodgons, IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR Al) IT'S TRUE THE DRY GOODS PALACE CLINTON.