HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-01-25, Page 84,57 PEOPLE FIND That it is not wisp to experiment velth cheap compounds purporting to be 'blood -purifiers, but which have no real medicinal value. To make use of any other than the old Bte.n- clard AYER'S Sars.Jparilla-the Su- perior Blood -purifier -is simply to invite loss of trine, rnoney and health. If you are afflicted with Scrofula, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, tozema, Running Sores, Tumors, or any other blood disease, be assured that ft Pays' to se AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S only. AYER'S Sarsaparilla can al. ways bo depended upon. It dons not vary. It is always the same in ,quality, quantity, and effect. It superior in combination, proportio , appearance, and in all that goes to build up the system weakened by disease and pain. It searches out all impurities in the blood and ex- pels them by the natural channels.* AY Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J, C. A yet• de Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Druggists. Yrloo el ; six bottles, ea Curos oth©rs,awill cure you The Huron News-Recora 1.60 a Year -81.25 in Advance Wednesday, January 25t11, 1893 THE HURON NE 6VIS'-I>'ECORD. A Live Local and Family Weekly Journal, Issued ta'edncsday 710r11in�s. Orsicr:.-Brick Block, Albert Street, North, Clinton, Ont. TERMS. -91.50 a year, $1.25 1n advance. No paper discontinued, except at option of publisher, until all arrearagua are settled. The month and year. to which all subscriptions al's paid will be found on .the address label. TaANsirn'r ADt-It(T1iINe1.—Ten eertta a lime (nort• pariel measure) fur first insertion ;old three rents a lino for each subsequent insertion. CoNTancT ADvetrri>INu. -Special position 10 to 25 per cent. above regular ret. s. 'the table below gives contract rates for run of paper for definite periods : >PAUP,. 1 1 wit. It Mo. I 3 Mo. 1 1 Mo. One 'column Half column quarter column One eighth column One inch 500 00 230 00 $10 00 $7 00 35 00 20 00 12 00 :i CO 90 00 1 12 00 7 002 10 12 00 7 00 4 00 I 2 00 0 00 3 50 2 00 1 00 Servants wanted, for sale, lost or found, ad%crtise meats, not exceeding three lilies, 25 cents a telt in• sertfou; not exceeding; seven fines, 50 cents fur first insertion and 25 cents for each following insertion, Farms, houses or town property, for sale or to rent, stray stock and similar advertisements not exceeding eight lines, $1 for fist Month and 50 cents fur each following month. Advertisements without definite instructions in• variably inserted until forbid aud charged lie urd• ingly. Transient advertisements In all cases to be paid in advance. All contract changes meat tie received at the office not later than SATURDAY 8005 every week. A. M. TODD, Publisher. NOVA SCOTIA COAL MINES. A CANADIAN -AMERICAN SYNDICATE WILL TAKE OVER AND DE- VELOP TIIEM. H. M. Whitney, of Boston, who hue been in Montreal negotiating for the taking over 01811 the Nova Scotia, coal mines by a rich American and Cana- dian syndicate, left for Boston last Sat- urday night. Mr. Whitney gave out the following statement regarding the ,deal "I ata connected with a number of men -some Canadian and some Aimee- rans who intend to take over a number ,of these Joining properties. The under- lying idea of the whole scheme is to bring into one large organization ,with ample utpi;.lal, a considerable number e>f these coral properties, no One of •which, operated separately, has been able to make the large expenditure necessary to the must economical pro- duction and transpurtat:on Of t.•oal. Our saving over the old and imperect methods, and by the adoption of t he best known methods and i)1)1)li)nces, and by a large and systemnttic working will enable us to extend the coal trade of the ('uuntry enormously. \Ve con- template the extentioo of the coal trade to the West Indies and part cf South America, and i believe t utt, the enterprise will have 11n important bear- ing on the extent.ion of the general .trade of Canada in that direction. One of the largest savings will he in the irmpruwcd transportation facilities on the Gulf and the River St. Law- rence. For iustafice'the steamers now in Ilse for bringing Cape I3:'eton coal to Montreal are mainly `teamip' steamers, built wlt.h no special reference to this work,and having a (:allying capacity of 2,100 tuns or thereabouts. Now, a steamier carrying 3,0`1,1 or 4,01e tons on11 be run nearly as cheaply as One ea ray- ing 2.009 tons, and it such a steamer have the power and necessary equip- ment; for towing one or two barges of equal capacity, tis is 1.110 011'40111 in the States and c on the lakes,Y it is easy to see that a good business can be clone without, 111, least, any increase in the present cost of coal to the people of Montreal. By rneails of the hest and most tinrple facilities for transferring coal at Montreal, We expect 1.0 be able o distribute Cape Breton coal through the country west of Montreal far lw- yonrl any point it has reached in the past, The methods now in use in Can- ada for handling; and transporting coal are very ankh behind the times as compared with I he Methods of hand- Iing and transporting coal else where. This is partly clue to the small output of the individual mines, which is in part due to the fact that the present mining leases leave it tr> the discretion of the Government to change the royalty from year to year :and impose new conditions, which has effectually prevented the development of the properties that involves any large investment of money. The change in the forts of lease iia (.herefore the flpst step, :urd 500 are given to understand that the 0oVern- Ment, of Nova Scr itia. will make the necessary changes, the eonSido)'Irtinn being the prospect of in- ereesed revenue from the increased out - u ail d is lelarger royalty that we shall be willing to pity fat' loner tenure.. In short, we propose to take hold of oiie of the undeveloped iudustries of the Dominion and develop it on lines which wilt be to the mutual interests of the people of the Dotuiuiou and to our- selves." The syndicate is composed of wealthy Alllevicails and Canadians, and hits a capital of some ten million dollars. 1t is 1 r•,bably nut the coldest weather you ever knew in yi lir hfa ; but that is how u feel just now, because past euftertrgs am sour forgotten, and because your blood )feeds the enriching, invigorating in4°wuee of Ayet's Sa.eaparilla-tlie S'.lpelba Mt.di- '1'11E l'ul'E ld PRAtJ'1'1CA L. HOW HIS (HOLINESS PRROI'OSBS TO GET AT THE I3O17O51 O1'' THE SCIIO11. QUESTION DISPUTE. The Pope's practical method fur do• terutieiug fur himself the iudividual and collective opinion. of the bishops of the United States on the school question has caused touch discussion. Each of the 79 bishops of the Catholic church will send iu writlug lu hie holiness, within the present month, answer to end comments 111)00 each uf the 14 propositions submitted by Archbishop Satotli at the recent conference of archbishops. These answers will bo referred to u coluulitle of cardinals in Rome, who will formul- ate a pine based upon thele and sub- mit it 30 1116 holy see. Thus far. only parts of nine of the seperale gnestious have been made public, the first live having been withhold. '''hese are the propositions hitherto suppressed: 1. All care must be taken to erect Catholic schools, to" enlarge aud im- prove those already established and to make them equal to the public schools in discipline end teaching. 2. \Vhon there is no Catholic school at a11, or when the one that is avail - al )e is little fitted for giving the children au educa iiou iu keeping with their condition, then the public schools may bo attended with a safe cooscieuce, the danger of perversion being ren• dered remote by opportuue remedial and precautionary pleasures, a matter that is tQ be left to the conscience and judg neat of the ordinaries. 3. We erect and command that no one shall be allowed to teach in a parochial school who has not proved his fitness fur the position by previous examination ; no priest 911811 have the right to . rnploy any teacher, reale or female, in his school without a certifi- cate of ability or diploma from the diocese Board of Examiners, 4. Normal echools, as they are call- ed, are to be established whore they are wanting and are evidently necea eery. 5. We strictly forbid anyono,whethor bishop or priest-aud this is the ex- pressed prohibition of the Sovereign I'ontifi', through the sacred congrega- tion -either by act or throat, to exclude frotn the sacraments, as unworthy, parents who chose to send their child- ren to the public schools. As regards the children themselves this enactment appliee with still greater force. The sub- stance of the older propositions was given in Mgr. Satolli's add9esa. The England soldiers in the " >udan were supplied with St. Jac"be Oil. -The (81111er who has hops this year is as lucky as a coal baton. W.'0. l:endryx of Cohocath, gold four to coutly that brought him 4138.70. OPEN AS DAY. It is given to every physician, the formula of Scott's Emulsion being no secret : but no successful imitation hag ever been offered to the public. Only years of experience and study can produce the best. One 13urdl•ed cidrty- " F c a, O l l e rr .ian:Joule i'I;Gtcgra Ls :n One. Crary! �rf9F lf"z f`Si .� ta la` AN the Ccilcc1'vativ33 <1emhcr8 of ;a f d, � r > 1392 rm nrlu,!ir,• ry ru for;.•.iir• itiii4carilstits of Sir .la+rut •10, r. n,1 l'r .1.•1111.1.•1111fooin•son. Ic.dn, the il.n lit l.•,•mrt.•r•.. ' irr.uutded by the ).. bi art 111tisl, r', 11.1d. Ire. nq+rdi1 either side lha Icmb, r. ,,: the 11,msr (111 every Province in the , 1,•minir'n, making a tau d of 141 splendid photo- ; etcry ono a pvrfc vl 1:krne.,.. 1 his g • o p;; Ilei is it rel r.+.luetian by Photo- ;rivure pr. reams ,1 ,pper oldie of the picture ,Ira sent"' to Sir John Thompson by the Coast -rya - tier Member-. durin•p the Let session. THE ORIGINAL PICTURE cosT OVER 8600. 'fits 1(50101. hos secured the coryrinht to repro- duce this Grand Picture. it is printed on spacial plate p:tprr in phot, grap'Iic inks, and is 3 feet 6 inches by , fret 4 iurbare m hint., and makcsa spicn- d:d pier ore for frainnig. A key giving the cameo( each member and constituency represented imprinted ,n the margin, snaking a valuable work of reference. no EXTRA CHARGE Wi11 bo made for Shia Grand Premium' but It will bo GIVEN FREE To Every Subscriber for the eekly empire FOR 1093. 'Iles \w::Nttt.v FMr>nn is without doubt the best Weekly for Sr.ra, ,uldiehrd in Canada. containing to pages of In text sows of the day. Special depart- ments 00 Agriet Imre, woman's finrpire, Our l;urinsity Soup, cid World Diary, the latest Sporn ing Evens,, e c. Only Ono Dollar per year. Sent to any nddre s in Canada or the United States. Livery sunscrlber s ill get the Premium Picture as a Prescw. Send hs your subscription at once, or order through our local agent. Address t THE EMPIRE, Toronto, Ont. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW A,I.Z4 d\ ISOUT Ten WORLD'S ' FAIR And tope KEPT POSTED In rogard to the same from now until next December you should subscribe for The Wce11y Inter Ocean THE WORLD'S PAIR fors the NEXT TWELVE MONTES will be of absorbing interest to everybody, and THE INTER OCEAN intends rnaking•4 SPECIAL FEATURE OF IT. A corps of STAFF REPORTERS will devote their attention to the Exposition, and the readers of The Weekly Inter Ocean will in each issue have a synopsis of all happenings and features of Interest on the grounds and elsewhere, with illustrations. THE YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT, WOMAN'S KINGDOM, CURIOSITY SHOP, THE HOME, FARM AND FARMERS, and all LITERARY FEATURES WILL BE MAINTAINED AND IMPROVED, Owing to the faot of the change in the political character of the National Administration, NEWS FROM TEE POLITICAL WORLD will be of unusual interest. THIS WILL BE POUND COMPLETE IN TEE INTER OCEAN. In fact, it is the intention to keep The Inter Ocean to the Front as a Paper for the IIome, And make it such a visitor as will b0 enjoyed by EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. young and old. To make THE PAPER BETTER THAN EVER ehan be our endeavor. The Price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is - $1,00 Per Year The Price of The Semi -Weekly Inter Ocean is $2,00 Per Year The Weekly is published EVERY TUESDAY. The Benet-weekly EVERY MONDAY and THURSDAY. Send for sample copy and sou for yourself. Address all orders THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. Mullett, The Council elect for the Township of Hullett met at Londesboro ou Mou- day pursuant to statute. 111eulbere made declaration of Wilco and qualifica- tion, and commenced their duties. 13y -laws were passed fixing the aalarios for the year. Township olliceis were appointed as follows :-Auditor by the Council, John Wilson, the Reeve then appointed George Stepheilso1, of Cunstance, the other auditor. 1.uhert Smit21. assessor; '1' hos., Ntjilaes, tax colleclur. The local Board of Health will consist of the Reeve, Towuship Clerk, George Watt, 'Phomas Col bet, sr., and Julie Sprung, Oliver Young, M; Be health officer. A petition signed by George llubeiton, P. Kelly and others, all ratepayers of school suction No. 8, waft presented and toad asking the uouucil to appoint au albi- trator persuant to Sect. 87, 1.'. S. act, with a view to fora) a union sellout section of parts of section S and union 5, 11ullett, with part of the adjoining Township of East \Vuwanurh. Mr. P. ICel9'y, of L'lyth, was preyout and addressed the Conucil at sante length in support of the Petition ex- plaining the necessity of the change petitioned for and asking the Council to grant the arbitration iu accordance with the provisions of the law in that •behalf. The Council haviug dis- cussed the matter, finally decid• ed not to grant the petition. Another largely signed petition was presented and read from IV, Cunning- ham, Isaac Barr, aud 53 other rats - payers, all ale() of the same S. Section No. 8 praying the Council not to grant ehe petition of P. Kelly and others was much as the doing su would weakeu the section to such till extent as to be- come too burdeuaome on the ratepayers and far out of a just proportion with the amount of school taxes paid by the other school sections in the municipality aud the same petition further asked that incase the former petition would bo granted the council could unite to S.Sectiou No. 8 a portion of some other existing section or sections iu lieu of the territory they would lose, but as the paries to be affected by the pro- posed alteratiou were not notified, no action was taken by the council and tho petition was filed. The petition of Thonlsu Cole and others praying the council to hold their meetings in sumo public hall' instead of the hotel, Was laid over until the next meeting of council. A letter was handed in from R. Adams complaiuing of thn annoy- ance caused in the village uf Londes- boro by the playing of football on the streets, and asked the council to take the necessary steps to put an end to the play. Tenders will be received by the council for rock elm plault for township purposes to be delivered at the following places, viz. 2,000 f1 at Kinburn, 1,500 ft at J. B ighanl's; 2,000 ft at Londesboro; 1,500 ft at A. '1'. Macdonald's and 1,500 ft at James Swell's. Plank must be 16 ft long and 3 inches thick. ''leaders will be opened at Londesboro on the 31st Jany, 1893, at 1 p, in. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. All who are troubled with Constipation will tint safe, suie, and speedy reliefin Ayer'e Pills. Uelike most other cathartics, these pills strengthen the stomach, liver, and bowele, and restore the organs to normal and regular action. -Although Juhn lle'regbetto, who murdered his wife at Iron Mountain last June, confessed his crime, it cost Dickinson County $3,000 to send him to Marquette prison for life. Six points, oat of many where Ur. Pierce's Pleasant Pe'1 is eve better than other pills : 1. They're the amellest, and easiest to take -little sugar -orated granules that every ehilie takes readily. 2. They're perfectly easy to their action --no griping, no disturbance. 3. Their effects iue(e, There's no reac- tion afterward. They regulate or cleanse the system, according to size of dose. 4. They're the cheapest, for they're guaranteed to give satisfo,'tion,or your money le returned. You p ty only for the good you get. G. Put up in glees -are alwaya fresh. 6. They ,'etreC inetipatir n, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, See nr Bilious Headaches, and all deragemente cf the liver, stomach and bowels. 1893. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. . ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Alsgaziue for 1803 will continue to main- tain the unrivalled ataudnrel of exee1lence which has eharauterizrd it from the begg Imre{. Among the nu• table features of th,• }.an• thine will be new nuvela by A. Conon ))tyle, Coeds) cr Ppm/n.00 \Neem o, end William sleek. Short :dories will be nnntrilmted by the I po,nllsr writers of Hrley, invIndinr 'Mary NI. tVi1kins, Richard limiting Tarts, ALe rgn ret Tolson, liraudar Me! ws, and mho? others. The illnser tto+l descriptive papers will en;ttr ee articles by Julian Ralph r n new Nnntherrt find western subjects ; by Theodore (•hlid on lnrlin ; by 1'oultnev Bigelow on )tussis end Germany ; by ytiehtrd /larriing Mavis ou Londomt Sc.taon ; by Oob,uel T. A. Dodge an Eastern l(iders; ate. Edwin A. Abbey's itluotts(I, us of 8loaku. genre's CoIlledies Wit) be continued, Literary articles will be cotu•ihntrd by Ch:uhw Eliot No1•tou, Mrs. James '5 Fields, William Dean IJ ewer ls, l)raudcr Matthews, aud others. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Veer t HARPER'S MAGA ZINC; HARPER'S WEEKLY TIAItPEI1'- BAZAR. .. ,. 4 0 HARPER'S YOUNG I'EOPLF• 2 00 Po.itapt Foe to all sulmeriber8 nt the United Slaleg, L'8)acda, and Mexico. e4 00 -,. • t4 011 Tho Volumes of nen Magazine begin with the Num. hers of 31110 and December of ea- h year, When no time ie mentioned, subscriptions will begivn with the Number eurreut at the (into of receipt' of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years back, in neat cloth Wilding, will be sent by mail, pont-paid, Yin receipt of 180)) per volume. ClothCfises, for binding, 50 cents each - by mail, 1:oet-paid. Remittance should be made by Poet -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid ebtutce of loos. .Newspapers are not to copy this nr1r'ertise- rrrent without the express order of 1larper & Brothers.• .. Address: HARPER x P.ROTIIERS, NEW 1'ci:F. 189.1. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUS TRATED. i2Hnrper'e Weekly is acknowledge,] as standing first among illustrated weelky periodicals in America. It oceupms a place between that of the hurried daily paper and that of the lead timely monthly magazine. It includes both literature and news, and presents with equal farce noel felicity the real ew.ots of current history and the imaginative themes of fiction. On ae- ecrunt of its very complete series of illustrations of the 1Vorid'> Fair, it will be not only the best guide to the great Exposition, but also its be. -t, aoevenir. livery public event of general interest will be felly illustrated in its pages. Its contributions being from the beat writers and artists in this country, it will continue to excel in literature, DMA, and illustrations, all other publications of its class. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year t nenreR'S MAGAZINE 94 00 HA'WE ICS WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Po.sta1le Frre /o (t/l xuq.arribrri in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The \-ulnmes of the Weekly begin with ibe first Number for Jannary of each year. When no time is mentioned, snbscriptinns will begin with the Numher cltrrcut at the time of receipt of order. Iionud Volumes of Harper's Weekly for three years back in neat cloth binding, will be scut by snail, post• ago paid, or by exprc ts, (1,1 of exoense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 On per volume. Cloth Casts for ouch volume, suitable for bit ding will be sent by lead, post paid, on rece.pt of $l 00 each Remittance shnnld bo rondo by Post-.rCice Money Order or Draft, to avoid thence e ( loss. .N1'11.81)' pe an. nut (o role'' this (,lc, rtisr- ntent without the express order of Harper de Bad s. Address ; AARPEit k BROTHEL S, NEw Ynr•x. - 1893, HARPERS BAZAR. ILLUSTRATED, Harper's Bazar is a journal Inc the horde. It gives the fullest and btrgost inforut41in,, about fushiour, and its numerous lank rations,Paris designs. and put• torn -shirt snpplrrnonts Ere, iu dispereable alike to the borne dress -maker and the professional modis!o. No expense is spared to make Its artistic attractiveness of the highest order. Ds bright stories, tom• edles, and tbonghtful eninvs satisfy all tnste.s, and its Inst page Is famous us a budget of wit and humor. In its weekly iesnes ever, ,h)ng is included watch to of interest to women. The Srrinls for 189:3 will be writ- ten by Waiter Resent End Edna Lyall. Christine Terhnne Herrick will furnish a nrnrtieal series, en- titled "At the Toilet." Grace I{iug, Olive Thorne Minor, and Cit mato Wheeler will be frequent con- tributors. The work of women in the Columbian Ex• position will be fully represented with many illirstra• Hons. T. W. fiigginnnn, in "Women and Men," will please a cultivated audience. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per Year IIARPFAVS 131SOAZINE 54 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 60 HARPER'S ]3AZAR 4 0,, IIARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE .. 2 00 Postage Free to all.anhsrl-iber.v in the United States, Canada, and }Mexico. The Volumes of tho Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. when no time it mentioned, subscriptions wilt begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar for three years back, In neat cloth binding, will be rent by mail, post- age mild, or by express, free of expense (provided the Might does not exceed ono dollar per volume), for 87 00 per volume. Cloth Cassa for eanh volume, suitable for binding will be sent vy mall, pest -paid, on recoirt of $100 each. Remittances should be rondo by Pest-omoo Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of toes, IV rtr•epaperg are not to copy this e rtrert(Ee- m eta. without t1>r, e:rpreni order of Harper de Address : HARPER d Bit )TaEIts, NEW A MERRY CHRISTI TO YOU Now, this is the season for presents, and why not make your wife a pt'eeentt pia .BESSELL'S GOLD MEDAL CARPET >9'r1EEL'ER f They are the best in the world. Have you seen our stook of New White Steel Granite Ware, Oynx Steel Granite Ware, Carvers in Cases and Sets, Ladies' Scissors in Cases, Knfvea, Forks and Spoons in Caaes,Plated Tea Dessert and Ttcble Spoons, Band Lawpa and Hanging Lamps. They are beauties. SKATES ACME SKATES. HARLAND BROS. Iron and Hardware Merch rots, - . - - Clinton Ont, ,- Special for Xmas Trade L: Choice Cream Chocolates at 25c. per lb, Dere up in a slice fancy box or satchel, also the following Goods at reasonable prices. 500 lbs Royal 'Mixed Candy, 200 lbs- — Mixed Candy, 100 lbs Conversation Lozenges, New Figs, Nuts, Lemons, Oranges. Oysters and Fish direct from Baltimore. Call end see our Stock which is the largef3t and moat varied in town. Cirs, Tobacco,Pipes in great Variety. COAT'S CITY RSTAURANT, CRUICKS11ANK'$ OLD STAND, THE HUB GROCERY. Ye People 0 `We are going : to tail' to you about = _A_S 0 -001 -DS TDS Now ie the 11(11e you are interested about presents for your friends. Call on us, • We 111100 got Ir fine let of CHINA WARE, such as CARBARETS, SALA I) DISI! ES, CUPS and SAUCERS, MUGS, Alc., &c. Also a packaee of GLA SSW AIIE in 5 and lOce pieces, a' marvel for value. Our Stack of NEW FRUITS autl PEELS are here, Such :is RAISINS and CUltRANTS, LEMON and CITRON PEELS. All the above.Goods at prices to suit the Christmas trade. .GEORGE SWALLOW, Cinton. 1tEAl) '1'1118. "One copy of a newspaper that reaches the honie is wo1111 nto'o. for purposes of advertising thin three that (itin't." 1'. 'lt.. I3A1tNCM. Dissolution of Partnership., The partnership heretofore existing be- tween \V. T. Wli;tely and A. M. 1'otlal a3 pro prietors and publishers of Tire. 11 U110 NEWS- ' Recruit), a paper published in the town of Clinton, is ticieby dissolved, to take effect from and after the ninth day of November, 1892, the said A. M. 'Todd having purchased the interest of the said W. T. Whitely in the sail} newspaper, ''lure. iHURON NEws- RE0011tf, the presses and plant and all the belongings 'awl appurtenances used and in connection with the publishing of the said 1lanlos NIows-Iter.olt0. A. M. Todd further ugrecs to pay all liabilities and claims owing by or against the (401 of Whitely & Todd, and lie is hereby authorized to collect all accounts owing to the said firm of Whitely & Todd up to November 9111, 189.2, in pur- suance of agreement signed in duplicate. W. T. WHITELY, A. M. TODD. Witness, .LAMES SCOT"P. Clinton, Nov. 9th, 1892. NOTIC'E. All persons (laving afc0nn16 against the late i111II of WHITELY 111"�1 ' I r. ,� & l cin), up to November 9th, 1892, are requested to sent tiles amt. to the undersigned. Personal aerounts up to saute date to he rendered to \\'.T, Whitely and A. 111. Todd iudivi-lually. A. M. TODD. Clinton, Nov, 9511, 189.2, IIIIPORTIINT NOTICE. All persons indebted to the late firin of \\'u r(ELY & Ton), publishers of Tin.: Nt;ws•IZI:co6D, fur .lnh Printing, subscription and A>10- ttising, are requested to settle,per• solidly, by Post Office Order or Registered Letter, AT ossa. New hooks will be used (1• rot Nov. 9th, 1892, and it is imperative that all hark accounts ire settled forthwith, A. M. TODD. Clinton, Nov, 1.1111, I892. 8 The People's ale's Grocer ,r Y Our Stock:is now, complete and well assorted with Choice Goods. . Sheour Fruits, Peels and Pure; Spices. Our Fancy Cups and Saucers, Tea and Dinner Sets• are Extra' Value. In Price and Quality our. Green, Black and Japan Teas and Pure Coffee always lead. Our full stock is cut down tie very close prices. Butter, Egge and Fowl taken in exchange for goods. You can save money by buying from us. G. J. STEWART Notice to Creditors and Next to Kin OF TIIE LATE JAMES STAVELY. Notic is hereby given pursuant to the Revisep Statutes of Ontario, 1887, Chapter 110, Sec. 36., that all Creditors of, and other persons hating claims against, the Estate or James Stavelr,late lir the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased, are required to send to Messrs Carrow & Proudfoot, of the Town of Goderich, In the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, the Solicitors for 1VrLLIAM Barxsuoy, Esq., the Executor of the Last will of the said deceased, on or before the let day of February, 1803, their Christian mune and surnames, addresses and descriptions, with full particulars of their claims, dilly attested; with the vouchers upon which they lore based, and that after the clay last mentioned the said Executor t, ill proceed to die- trihute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which he shall then have notice, and the said executor tivilt not bo tiablc,for the said assets, or any part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated nt Goderich, the 23rd day of November, 1892. (;}ARROW & I'ROUDFOOT, 6 Solicitors for the above named Executor, 734 01' STEL w: o ARE Nl E BEST. Established 1860. FORWorks, ENGLAND, No. 1 . y ,„ Expert Writers. FOR 8>e 2ayyOUtITJNtar- US No.3 FOR rttx'H: 'rr -10111.1. so c: tlf ftCJ«9ti. !'4T1 Amon: tants. Corres- pondents Bold Writing No.18 No.2 -� �d Bust. MISS Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage 2cents. SPENCERIAN P .1 S10 w YO RAY. COPi 'S WALL PAPE and Paine Shop IS STOCKED WITH A SELECT ASSORTMENT' American and Canadian Wail Paper WiTH BORDERS TO MATCH!, from five cent- rolls ent-rolls to the 'finest gilt. Having bought my Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical MO perienee Justify me in -'saving that all wanting t1 decorate thelr houses 'inside or paint them Out• side will And it to their advantage to give me a call, ItTrShoo, south of Other Johnston's black8mltk shop, and directly oppceito Mr. J. Ohidley'1 residence • JOSEPH COPP Practical Paper Hanger and Painter