HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-01-25, Page 5eadguarters
Good Goods
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We will offer on
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The foiow/ng Matchless Array of Bargains.
Stocktaking this month discloses the fact that we have too large quantities of certain articles, that
there are lots of odds and ends in good, staple every day merchandise, broken lots that we don'twant;
these must be turned into money as quickly as possible and Bargain Day should see the last of them.
So to clear out all superfluous winter stock and to follow up the success of the past two Bargain Days we
will on Feby.2nd, offer bigger bargains than ever before, It will take but a glance at the goods, one
look at the price tickets to interest you, to convince you that our values overtop all others.
Read on, ye who know a good thing when you see it ! Read on !
Dress Goods.
38 and 40 inch All Wool Serge Suitings, in Fawn,
Brown and Grey, also 40 and 42 inch Plaids, thEse were
45 and 50c per yard ; you have your choice for
Plain and Fancy wide All Wool Dress Goods in
Myrtle, Fawn, Rrown, Navy, Gray and Black, were 50c
and 60c per yard, now
2 Dress Suits at $2.60 each, were $5.50.
4 Dress Suits at $3.25 each, were $6.00.
160 yards single width Dress Goods only 5c per yard.
Another lot of REMNANTS to clear out at price.
A line of GIMPS in all colors at 6c per yard.
A lot of ends of Plain and Fancy Silk Velvet at 30c per
4 Heavy Shawls at $3.85.
6 Heavy Shawls at $1.50.
3 Heavy Shawls at $1,201
2 Heavy Shawls at 95c.
Every Gni) a Bargain.
11 Odd Mantles (not new) your choice 50c.
5 Good Mantles, Misses' sizes, 81.50.
3 Ladies' Mantles, all we have of this seasons, go at
3 Sealette Setts only $3.95.
2 Mink Setts only $6.00.
1 Opposum Sett only $4.75.
2 Beaver Setts, good skins, 616.00
Black Cape $3.00.
Black Cape $4.75.
1 Fur Mantle, was $30.00, for $17.50. `
A few odd Muffs and Collars have been marked very low.
Your choice of any Trimmed Hat for $1.25.
Your choice of any Felt Hat for 35c.
Birds and Wings at Slaughter Prices.
Men's 60c Tweed Caps 40e.
Men's 75c Tweed Caps 15c.
Men's Dogskin Caps $1.00
Men's Persian Lamb Caps 63.45.
All Caps Greatly Reduced in price.
Fine Colored Quilts at $2.00, were $4.00.
Fine White Quilts, part damaged, $1.25, worth double.
7 Comforters at Clearing prices.
All Blankets away down in price.
Every Overcoat in the house at exactly price.
A few more of those odd coats at $1.50.
100 yards Carpet, was 25c, for 121c per yard.
A few ends Carpets below cost.
50 Mill Remnants of Cottonade, in lengths of 12 to 5
yards, less than regular ,.vholesale prices.
40 Ends Factory Cotton at 28, 40 and 50c, the end at
A big lot of Remnants of all kinds at and below cost
prices to clear.
All Grey and Fcy. Flannels at Bargain Day Prices.
121c Dark Shaker Flannels for 10e.
1Oc Dark Shaker Flannels for 8c.
Table Napkins, odd " dozens, very cheap.
Another lot of those big 2 for a. quarter towels.
Piece fine Bleached Table Linen 50c per yard.
Good Unbleached Table Linen 19c per yard.
A better one 33c.
Colored Terry only 10c per yard.
Fancy Handkerchiefs 2 for 5c.
We have bot several job lines, of Tweed which we will
offer very cheap.
Tweeds at 40, 45, 50c, that ara Marvels of Good Value.
Top Shirts oft regular pricE.
Underwear at 39c and 55c, worth 50c and 73c.
A few pair of Socks at 15c, worth 20.
The gilt edge of the winter trade is off; what winter goods we have must be cleared out. Don't miss
this Bargain Day; you'll find everything just as advertised.
S, DryGooth Palace, Clinton.
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