HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-01-25, Page 4ITART CLEARIMi SALE.. This is our Stocktaking Mont. Therefore we are bound to wake our Steak of Overcoats, Heavy suits, Odd Pants and Vests, Shirts and Drawers, All Winter Goods at a price that. you will buy. Priem; will be matte below manufacturers price. \Ve invite you to come and inspect the good's and see the Cheapest Clothing that has ever been offered itt Olin - ton. The Garments are all got up Stylish and the stock is well assorted at ..his season of the year. on THURSDAY MORNING look oat far the CHEAPEST CLOTH- ING that tete ever bei shown in this Town or County. This is no la] combo amem !iceman t, but a Genuine Sale. 0 THOS. JAOKAON, p('LINr ON[, > NOTICE TO NEWS -RECORD READERS. The �publisher would esteem it a favor if readers would, when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's advertisement in THE News - RECORD. [he Huron News -Record $1.5(( a Year -81.35 in Advance Wcdttesaav January z.,tit, 1893. A COM PA111SO.\'. Sometimes comparisons are not fair in the eyes of some people. But when a man honestly compares the state of things in two different countries and speaks from a personal knotyledge, his words should be worth something and carry weight. Mr. W. F. Keyes, of Stanley town- ship, has spent a year or too in the United States. It might be well to remind our readers that he is likely one of the gentlemen that the Globe and other Reform jour - nate have said so much about being com- pelled to find a horse in that country. He is one of the many that have been there, but found worse places than Canada to dwell and prosper in. Mr. Keyes spent his time in Warren County, Iowa. Any quantity of wheat could be bought there—with light crops—for 40 cents a bushel. The high- est price ,going was 45 cents, No. 1, 65 lbs. to the bushel: Beef on foot, less than 400 miles from Chicago, only realized l,} cents a pound, much less than offered in "starving" Canada or in the "starving" County of Huron where farmers are "driven to despair and ab'soluto despair and desperation !" Binding twine—and we hear a great deal about the Canadian farmer being robbed—sold at 1 }c, leas last summer.in the town of Clinton at 'Harland Bros., than in Iowa ; and our twine gave good satisfaction, too. Horses there, without as good bone as Canadian bred animals, but similar to ours in size and - weight, are sold and bought in lowa for . $50 and $60. .The same class of horse here brings the Canadian.. farmer from $70 to $90. It takes a superior animal to realize the' price ^of our ordinary class. Mr. ^ Keyes informs THE NEWS-IIE- boRn that he has'no intention of re'turr:- ing to the United States, and further states in his travels' he did not find a termer as prosperous or doing as well as those iii Huron County. There may [)6 -an exodus of people to the United States, but Mr. Keyes is a farmer who knows from personal expe.r. ience that Canada is among the best countries in the world and a long -way ahead of the country to the -south. His views harmonize very nicely with tho-e of .J. Kernighan, of Benmiller, este-tee timely and convincing letter appeared in these columnsa short time since. CURIIEFT TOPICS. It is generally considered that the price of pork bas reached its highest point, and it is thea efora unwise for farmers to hold on in expectation of a rise in the price of this article. This commendation comes from the Toron- to Globe :—Cootroller Wallee(' has done a good thing in planing trimmings for hate, when imported by hat manufacturers, on the free lint. Mr. Robert Brimingham, secretary of the Liberal Conservative Union of On- tario, who has been very ill for five weeks with congestion of the lungs, is now ont of danger. Flis friends in Clin- ton are much pleased indeed to learn of his recovery. Sir Charles Tupper hire left London and returned to Paris. Arriving there, he will reeume nag ttia ions in the Franoo•Cana Tian treaty, the progtdas of which has been un- avoidably delayed by the French Ministerial oriels. However, now a favorable iesuo is expected, and there appears to be good roar eon f >r the !tope that Canada will be placed on the (french minimum tariff schedule. Col. O'Brien's declaration that Sir John 'Thunpson's religion should not be considered a bar to his political prefer- ment is timely. And the declaration is all the more forcible from the fact that the Colonel's Protestantism is of a much higher order than that of the few who have attempted to raise the sec- tarian cry against the Premier. The V. indsor Annexation Club has touter eel Itlr. Sol White, M. P. P., from its rauke, beeousn at the reoent reception and bouquet t" the (;• vernor-tJenerel Mr. \Vhlto said :-- "I yield to no man in loyalty to the 13ri'ish throne and Constitution. I am not an an- nexationist. It in a q rection of alternative p+opositi• 08. I have said that in preference tr, c..rnwercial union, imperial fed.r.tiou or independent.•, I preferred political union, but I don't think we need a change of any Reform papers are pleased to point to the deplorable state of Canada and picture our distress in that the dwell• iugs in all towns and viliiagee aro with- out tenants. Ilowever other towns may be, there 510 not many vacant houses in Clinton. If this means prosperity, as it must according to the contention of some, Clinton is a pros- perous town. People of course who reside here know that it is. Andrew J. Seymour, of 'Rockford, 111., mind reader, proposes to throw himself into a state of complete insen- sibility in June next, and be buried in a grave that ie to be watched by committee eiay and night, until a crop of barley is Bowed; ripened and cut over it, when, he says, he will be disinterred and return to life. All the foola are not yet dead, but one more will be by next autumn. There is a considerable agitation in Chicago over the teaching of German in the public schools. It is claimed that as so large a part of the population is foreigu, Bohemian, Scandinavian, Italian and Polish are equally entitled to consideration, The Chicago Tri• bfute thiuks, unlike Sir Oliver Mowat in Ontario, that only one language should be taught in the schools. That, however, is a new ouo called "the American." The Canadian poet, Archibald Lampinan, says if he were exiled to eo"nle inaccessible inland or imprisoned ani were allowed to choose half a dezen'books fur his solace and support ho would 'ask the Bible, the poems of 'Homer, ;the plays of Shakespeare, the poems of Wordsworth, autobiography of Goethe and the Don Quixote of Cervantes,' and says that from these 'six books 'a man aright draw sufficient strength, knowledge, inspiration, de- light and humanity to last hitt a life- time. A bill of marriage reform has been submitted to the' Illinois Legislature. It provides that marriage licenses stall be issued only to persons who can read'bnd write, who are sound in body and mind, who can furnish satisfactory evidence that they. if malos, aro en. gaged in some honourable employment from which they derive a sufficient in come to support their wivee, In Can- ada it may seem absurd for the State to assume the duties of parents, but the American idea of parental control is not the highest. A clause should be added to tyie bill providing that the contracting parties must have known each othe1 at Ioaet a whole week bofore applying for a marriage license. It might Cover cases like Chicago and other met lean cities is noted for, A/ bill has been introduced in the Ar erican Congress to Wohibit electro magnetizing, mesmerizing or bypno- t'rking hutnan beings, or affecting ono p6eon through another by electricity. Mr. Ileylenfeldt Ivho ie at the back of it, proposes that these electro -magne- tizers, mesmerizers, hypnotizors and electric effecters, convicted of practio• fog. their iteratiorl.l arts within Iho District; of Colombia, or the territory or waters within the jori(idigtion of the United States, shall 140 putate1i d With derail. Anybody ewers of path hell- ish practices, and failing to put the ofiicela of the Uuited States CuUrts on the scent may be put into jail for the term of his net et al life., and made to tray a hue of Uut luso thou 45,000 be- sides. A REFORM WARDEN. THE REEVE 05' ASHFIELD IS THE CHOICE. By Telegraph. Mr. Joseph Giifftn, Reeve of Ash- field, was yesterday evening elected Warden of the County of Huron . He Whir uuanimously placed in that posi- tion. 1 odea•icli Township. The Orauge Lodge of Goderich Dis- trict met, in the hill o" L. 0. L. 306 last Tuesday. There was a fair attend ante, but the great snow blockade pre• vented many from being present. The old officers were all re elected, except a change in one of the leetuturs. Stanley. The annual meeting of Stanley Bran h Agricultural Society was held at B By- field on Monday, last week, the follow- ing officers were elected :—Pres., J. McNaughton ; Vice Pres., J. Beacom ; ti(c , 11. Erwin;'I'reaa., John Morgan; Directors, Jos. Wild, 'Phos. Harrison, P. E. Snowden, Geo. Erwin, J. Parke, .1. Johuston, 1V. Townsend, W. Bates, II.Penhale ; 4 uditors, Jas Donaldson and W. H. \Voods. Varna. ORANGE --At the last regular meet - lug of L. 0. L. 1035, the following officers were elected and installed for the ensuiue year:—\\r, 11 „ \\7rn, Rath - well; 1). M , Rubel t Mellveeu; (;hap., Win. Beacom; Rec. Sec., John Tor- rauce;Treasurer, Charles Foster; Fiu. Sec.. George ),catty; 1). of C., Thos. Elliott; Lem ure.rs, J•is. Colwell and \\'tu. Taylor; Comutittee, J, \\'. Reid, J. C. Reid, John Johnston, sr., Albert Robertson, John McConnell; Auditors, Wm. Beacom, John McCon- nell. The lodge is in a prosperous and )armonious condition. Mr. Wilson Cuok recently received a severe kick from a horse on olio of his legs midway between the knee and ankle. Medical aid had to be called, and although the case has been serious Mr. Cook will likely fully recover. ORANGE UrsrarcT.—The annual meeting of the District L. 0 L Association of Sten• ley was held ou the 20th inst. rhe report from the differeut Lodges showed that the Order was progressing in this section. The following were .leoted officers for the cur- rent year : Uietriet Master, It. Nicholson, );lake; U. D. M., It. Pollock; Chap , Wm. Bothwell, Rec-Sec ,Jamee C`elwoll;Fin•See , J. Torrance; 1). of C., 1Vrn. Consit; Leat,, Win. Taylor; 'frees., ,lame. Campbell. The saint -annual meeting will be held in lieneall. The Scarlet Chapter will bo opened in Hills - green on the loth of February. • The Enrol District Royal Templare of 'Temperance met here on Tuesday last, the 171h iust. It was the moat successful ever held in this section. 87 delegates were present, representing the moat of the Councils in the county. A discussion as to the best 'node of ex- tending the usefuluess of the older was very ably led by Bros. McEwen and Beatty, of Seafurth. The following officers wore duly elected :—Select Councillor, John E. 'Ibtn, Goderich ; h'. C.,Mre. R. 1Iaxby,Seaiforah; Chap., Wm. Lewis, Crediton ; Itec•Sec., J. Beatty, Sealorth ; Herald, If. Kiss• man, Exeter; Guard, E. Redeiug, Hensall ; Sentinel, N. Monteith, Bructfield; Trustees, John Wanless, Varna, W. McKay, Wroxeter. The entertainment in the eveniug was a great success. Mr. Beatty, of Seafurth, tilled the chair with his usual ability. Addresses wore given by J. E. Tow, of Goderich, McEwen, of Seat'orth, ac- companied by a good musical and literary programme. The hall was crowded to its utmost capacity. Thanks of the. District wee tendered to the• Varna Council and people for the hospitality shown to visitors. The semiannual meeting of the Royal Templatre of Temperance will be held in Exeter. A DRA\VIN(x CARD. In Gays gone by salt was considered a very good drawing card if the boy could only get in touch with the coveted prize. But in the year 1803 something more thian salt is requited to DRAW CI?ATo MERF. A real live advertisement in THE Nlew8-RECORD always proves a draw- ing card. Salt may snit the little fellow, hitt live business tnr•n ari, after business and THE NEWS-RrCORD is sure to draw it in the right direction. A. M. TODD, Publisher. M Auction Sale IteNleter. Puget entertee ,ala bila at Tort Mom iL►e(•ae, otlleg sod receive a calls notice, shutter to the following., until the date of sale. T't4. notice Is worth :Omit es mush as the bfllq. TUIISD.tx, NRH. 71n.—Sale of farm stook, implements, fatnitut'e, &c., 00 the Dr. Gardner faum, lot 4, BAyheld Road. 10 months credit or 7 per ovute. off for cash. S:tle at 1 p. m. 1'. M. Curling, auctioneer ; Thus heard, proprietor. MA RKE'I' REPORTS. (Vorrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat, ..,.....,. 0 f4 to 0 67 Spring Wheat 0 60 to 0 63 Barley .. C 35 to 0 40 Gats.. 3 28 to 0 'ICJ Peas . 0 5.3 to055 Applea,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes, per bush 0 30 to 0 40 Butter .,.., 0 ]F1 to 0 18 Eggs, per dos 0.16 top 18 Hay6 00 to 6 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef ,. 0 Ito to 0 00 Wool 0 18 to 0 00; Dressed )logs 8 60 to 8 00 Gr, HONEST HELP FOlt MEN PAY NO MORE MONEY TO QUACKS. A sufferer Iron, Errors of Youth, Nervous Debilityand Lost Vigor, was re,tored to health in such a remarkable manner, after all else hail failed. that be will send the means of cure FREE to fellow suf• foyers. Addre.,s, with stamp, MR, EDWARD MARTIN, (TEACHER) BOX 143, DETROIT, MICR• `1f.ALED TENUERS addressed to the ouch reigned, 13 nil endorsed "'Vender for (lnderich Work," will be received until Tnosday, the 701, .lay of February, inelnsi vely, for the Extension of tbo force ami Dredging at (iudorieh, Huron OOunty, Ontario, acs co•ding to a plan and specitination to be ,, n et the olllee of the Town Clerk, ('rods ieh, and at the De- partment of Public. Works, Ottawa, Tenders will not be considered unless made on the Carat annulled tunas geed with the uc10,11 niguattrt•.a of tndornrs. An accepted hack choreas payable to the order of the Minister of Public W.'rts, ugoal to tie' par cent. of amount .f tender, must ao0nmpan h teuder. 'This checque will b• forfeited if the pa{ 1.•clinc (he o• nt.rart, or tail to complete the work (1/intl./toted for, nod will be returned in 0000 u( non-acceptance of tender. The Department duos not bind itself to accept the lowest or nay tender. By order, °' E. F. E. ROY, Secretary. Deportment of Public Works, Ottawa, 3rd January, 1893. # 71''11 W. Huron Conservatives, The Amin rl Convention of the West Huron Liberal Conservative Association will be hell at SMITl1'b HILL —ON— WEDNESDAY, FEB, 8, 1893, commencing at 1:30 o'clock, Each polling division is entitled to send three delegates, and Vice•Preei• dents inc requested to see that meetings are held in each polling division and delegates appointed. All friends of the Liheral•Conservative cause ars Invited to attend. 13y ora. r JOSEPH BECK, JAMS MITCHELL, Presi('ent. See Pets ry. Clinton Conservatives, Tito annual meeting of the Clinton Liberal Con• narrative Association will be held in ClliatonOraii a Hall, Mcll%ray.Illock, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 1ST, at 7:30 p.tn. d Election ofofficere,appointfrigof•delegxtestoattend the Riding Convention at Smith's H111 on Feb. 8th, and other important natters will be brought before the netting, ' Ali Conservatives arc invited to attend. T. D. JOHNSTON, A.M. TODD, Sec.-Treas. President. T. E. i IcDONOUGH, Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent. FIRE and LIFE INSUICANCE Money to Loan on Earn) and Town Property in large or small sums,vt,tho lowtat current rates. OFFICE—COOPER'S tsLOCK, CLIeTos, Jan. 18, 1893. 741•v� IF YOU - Are going to MONTREAL • Trse phis • CANADIAN -PACIFIC RAILWAY. • Or to • OTTAWA USE THE C.P.R. Or to DETROIT 1 USE THE C.P.R. Or to CHICAGO - ;USE THE. C.P.R. Or to MANITOBA It will PO you if you wish comfort and accommodation. A. T. Coopeer, Agent, Clinton NO'T'ICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF Itl'RON, IN TIIR MATTER Or TIIR itTATI OF .10115 MC'INAA(7, 0R• Cr,Sean, Motive is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Statutes of •utario, 1887, Chapter 110 Section 38, that all persons haring; ant' el tint against the estate of John 1lrlsaac, late of the township of Goderich, yeoman, deceased, Who (tied on or about the 20th day of December, 18112, aro required on or before the 1st day of February, 1x0:3, to send or dt• liver to Gen. I).'MeTnggart, Clinton, one of the Ex- ecutors of the hat will of the said John Alctaenc, deceased, full particulars of their Annus and the sccuritiel {If any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit. And after the said lot day of February-, 1893, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitl- ed thereto, having reference only to the claims of which they shall have received notice, and after such distribution the sold Executors will not he respon• Bible for the assets of said estate to any person o whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors for A. McMCRCIiiE' t Executors. 0. D. McTA(IOART. Dated at Clinton, this 27th day of Dee, 1892. t4. W. JACKSON Town Agent G. Te R. CLINTON For Tioketa and information to all points apply to above. ecial Sale Do not forget to take advantage of the opportunity to secure the Wonderful Bargains to be had ori our Sprit Sale. Day, WEDNESEAY, JAN. 18th. Remember Our Stock is entirely new and evfnly article offered in the full page, red.ink Supplement to last week's NBws- RECOItD, would be cheap at regular pi -ice quoted. Hence on ever articl youurchase p YOU SAVE THE DIFFER- ENCE 3•r,T WEEN THE REGULAR PR"'"E AND THE SPECIAL S ALE PRIE. Each line tole offered On that Clay is very desirable goods, and TBE SRECIAL PRICES ARE FOR Til 42 DAY ONLY• The dif- ferent lines will be laid out ou tables, and the reduced price marked in red figures. Come early in the (lay, that you may be properly waited on, and bring the large advertisement con- taining prices with you. GILROY & ISEli. THIRTY BARGAIN. DAYS. 0 Some give tt Bargain Day each week, others, once a month, but we have decided to give thirty cotn"uous Bargain Days. This giving occasional Bargain Days., we consider, is of very little use to the public generally. Parties coming a dis- tance and requiring different linea of Goode expecting to get then) at big reduc- tions, find that they are generally tuistaken, as only odds and ends, Here and there 0 piece of Goods reduced, other Goods fa full price—very likely the Goods they want at usual prices— no reduction whatever. Thee are dissatisfied and go away disgusted with business generally. Now what we propose to do is to give the public the benelit of what profit there may be on our Goods a.•d the whole Stot:k at coat to clear out and make room for our large Spring Purchases. Ttousan.ls of dollars worth to go. They roust be cleared out and prices must do it. It is not now what we shall make bit what will the loss be, Profit not to be considered in this sale; the whole thtug is to clear out the Goods, We quote no prices, neither Ito we mark goods away up to double price and then make sweeping reductions (nn paper), brit we hay CPL le item from others and then conte and Hae our stock before buyir•g. We mean business every time, DRESS ClOODS• MILLINERY, FIATS, CAPS, FURS, CARPETS, STA PLES,ahl at cont. TWEEDS, FURNISHINGS, CLOTHING—)tock Bottom Prices. Twenty Five hundred Pairs BOOTS and SHOES less than cost. This Sale will commence MONDAY, 9th, and last to the first of February Come early and secure the bargains while they are going—we will be busy Stock Taking their last of this month. Terms of sale will be emelt or Ready Pay. PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS MONTREAL HOUSE. Clinton, January 9th, 1893, swwwwa LAYING is what 'night be''termed as crud, but in this case there is no one being hurt but ourselves. We have a few more Sleighs., than we wish, to carry over till next Beason, so we will sell thein for half price, commencing Saturday Next, January 28th. They will be arrayed along the front of our stores, and marked in pit.in fig- ures. We had but a few Sleighs left from last year, so our Stock is nearly all new, and marked at a close profit, and any one get- ting a Sleigh will not only get it much below cost, ' but at a rare bargain. Cooper &Co. CLINTON. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ler Advertisements under this heading vi ler first month, and 50c. each subsequent month. FOR SALE. Lots No, 7 and S., Dinsley Terrace, containing 81 acres of land, dwelling house, barn and orchard. The property adjoins the Corporation of Clinton. Also, two story brick building suitable for store and dwell- ing, house, yeller 50E24, a'>••ut one•fifth acre corner lot opposite Qdeons Hotel, Victoria St., Clinton, Ont. Also village lots 7,. 8, 9, in Blyth, Ont. The above property will he sold at Is bargain to settle up estate. Apply; to W. J. BIGGINS, Clinton, Ont., per executors, or to Manning fi Scott, solicitors, Clinton. 74115. NOTICE. The Council of the Corporation of Iho County of Huron w.518", w R e Conrt HOrtae In the '1'vwn of Oodericlrl,,, ,• , 84th tont, at 3 o'clock, p. m. WM. LANE, Jan. 6, 1193. County Clerk. TWO HOUSES FOR SALE OR '1'(1 RENT. Owingg to my moving to Ooderich 1 will offer Inv two homl' 'or sale or to rent, One 1s a story and a half frau.. ,ttage with stone collar, in good repair, hard and soft water and small garden of good soil with small fruits. The other is a two•s'nry frame house. comparatively new. In use but ti :Ce years, with furnace ; hard and soft water ; good stable on the premises These houses are centrally sonata) on Rattenburyy Street and ill be sold cheap or rented on ..ay terms. Apply not the prernises or ad- dress J. H$WORSELL, Clinton P. 0. Jun. I1t11, 1803. FAItMS FOR SALE. The two excellent farms on the 411, concession God- erich Township, well situated and' very desirable properties. Only three miles from Ooderieh. For particulars apply on the premises, or address Gode- rich P. 0. MRS. ANNE MINORS. 735 tt NEW BUTCIIER SHOP WIIEATLEY & FINCH We have Opened out for business on HI ROS STREET, CLINTON. and will ho pleased to sup- ply the wants of all in all kinds of 'meats aol poultry in season at the lowest living prices. Highest cash price paid for Hides, Sheepskins, k.. Patronage respectfully solicited. 727 —EL WIIEATLEY d: FINCH. I{ONEY TO LOAN. On farm property at 5i per cent. Apply to 0. A. HABTT, Clinton, NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding with re• gerd to wreckage, let It be distinctly understood that it any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage and tails to report to me r shall at once take proceedings. Remember this Is the lest warning I shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB, Receiver of Wrecks, Golerlch, Goderich, Sept. 7th 1891. � cKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE i NSUR. INCE COMPANY. The Annnnl St ening of the members of the MON- lop Mutual ne1 Fire ImanreaseQ Company will be held in IIDD'S HALL, SEAFORTH, on Friday, January 905h, 1800. at ono o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiving the Financial Statement and Auditors' Iter port, electing directors and the traneartioar of other buoinets in the interest of the company D. ROSS, W. J. SHANNON, President. Secretary. Jae. 11,1893.