HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-01-25, Page 2For ronc itis i"I never realized tho geed of a medicine se much as 1 have fn the late few ntonthe, during which' time I have t;ui1 red intensely from pneumonia, followed b bronchitis. After trying various rem. ies without benefit, I began the use ad Ars Cherry Pectral, mid the effect has bean marvelous. a bindle close relieving nlr of choking, and securing a good nights rest." -- 1. A. Hjgginb, thtun, Gen. Store, Lyng Mountain. Va. La Grippe "Last Spring I was taken down with la grippe. At tinics 1 was completely trrostrttt- cd, and so difficult was my breathing that my breath seemed as it confined M tut iron cage. 1 procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had 1 began taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid."—'w\'. 11. Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. Lung Trouble "For more than twenty-five years, I was a sufferer from lung trouble, attended with coughing so severs at times as W cause hemorrhage, the poroxysms frequently last- ing three or four hours. I was induced to try Ayers Cherry Pectoral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cured. 1 can confidently recommend this medicine—Franz ranz Hofmann, Clay Centre, Kans. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $t ; six bottles, $g. Prompt to act, sure to cure rhe Huron News -Record $1,50 a Year—$1.26 In Advance Wettuesav January 25th, (893. TRULY RECOy1MIENDED, G eerLIiM.N,— I aur truley recommend Liege, aril's Pectoral Balsam for all coughs and unlde. Las than ono bottle cured my brother of a severe on11. Miss Nleuutx '1•,t .MPsuN, Vasey, Out. —Last fall liar. J. I. Draper, at the exp, esti otli,v, Li+towel, pi -keel up alt .�� out of a IOL Neill; shipped by J1 r. A. Homan, and wrote on it a request tiet the limier should write to his ad• dress, 'rite ot,het• clay he Was Nur- prihed with it very interesting letter from 11r. J. Johnston, a grocery clerk at 13 bllIton street, (-Itrsgow, Semiarid, it aDswer to Itis request. Thu writer Says Ile Iles heard of this part of Can - ode Rs being the finest country in the world, but tide lie thinks stay be ''a bit tall, but they always ua!te un Al 10wntICP with all Americalt in speaking of his couutry." The firer witli`whoni he ie employed handle large quantities of eggs an'( apples, and were in the uritlst of a busy Christmas trade at the time of writing. He gives an accriunt of Scotch jollification at New Years time, the pantomimes at the theatres arid larks at the " first titter." If the reader does not know the meaning of the latter just eek soma Scotch friend. WAR WELL WAGED. WHve greater enemy of mankind than disease, and what nobler work than to fight against this death dealing enemy of humani- ty. The moet successful war against die- eaee. ie,being steadily carried on by Burdock Blood Bitterefor dyspepsia, constipation, bad blood, biliouenese,'etc., cannot resist its powers. —Wm. Solomon, a respected farm- er of Huron township, Bruce county, was frozen to death on Monday last. He went out to the barna short dis- tance from the house, after dark, and in attempting to return through s blinding sunt)' stnrtu prevailing he mist.; ed the way. When laic family could eontmunicate with neighbors, a search• Ing party wee farmed, and a ten -acrd field of stow, f on1 six to eight fret WAS entirety turned over before the reivaitor Of the unfortunats• et in were dis.overed, frozen stiff as he had fallen, exhausted, in the snow, about sixty rod#, from his bowie. It was Thursday afternoon when the die eovery was Slade. Deceased was to its 53rd your. Consumption Cured. An old physintan, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East Ihdia mission- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of eonshmptinn, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical erre for Nervous Dobdity and all Nervous Complaints, after L tvin,t tested HS woo l'rful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it bin duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated hy this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send tree of c!arse, to all who desire it, this reties. In Burman, t'renab or English, with tull directions for prrrtring Rud nsiug. t•e.nt by mail by addressing wirh stem 4, naming this paper. W.A. Notal,$ )f',w ri'111,c},ltoclae,rter,.\'.Y. d5J- y —A cow I,e long)tig to Mrs, T. 11. Dunbar, of Downie, recently gave birth to a calf that is a freak of nature. It is possessed of two heals, perfect from the eyes down, (laving four eyes, two noses and two mouths, while it has but two ears. The anirrinl is of the ()Mite ary size in body. It drinks with both mouths, and is naturally the talk of the country. BORDERING= ON CONSUMPTION. PTION. 'X hen a cold ie neglected it frequently de- velops it condition bordering on oomsump• tion. No other remedy will so quickly re- lieve and cure cases of this dangerous kind as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, because nu other remedy posressee such perfect curative powers as dues this prince of peat• oral remedies. —Squirrels are very plentiful and de- etructive in some parte of the State of Washington. Lincoln county paid out $40,000 in boontiea on squirrel scalps last year, yet but little good effect was produced. It is proposed to tax all the lands in the county to raise funds to fight the pest, and so make railroade and uon•resident ownt;rs help in the 'work. u 1st se' rle ALWAYS T R H EU G 4 ATI r LIR f'oa. T) 41'IA t\�-LIr, °.v ."' j1l'4Ju1tV1tlo, O k, sa'st I suffered) 'fosse')' with rhenmethaut 111 nay unities. Could out stead; t u.rbtel theft, w: L,1 ST. J .00C3�.'Gw.. In the morning I Wal;:cd without raft,." NE>t;fRAlLCIA Iiia. J eisiree I.t ii i "t 15S Tango Et., Toronto i nt. +t ■ "writes: '•st Ja e,l$ (.1-1s 1.10 loll:, :unruly t:la,t re.iuvett mu of uouraigiu, loud it efllictually cured nue" IT ZS 'IEEE BTS r — —A correspondent writes that at Bell River, Ont., in January, 1859, it was 46 degrees below zero. The hark of lou ofd tree with split along the trunks, anti the (tree died next summer. 11115(4)' young Maples, birches and beeches were killed. BOYS, MAKE 1VIONEY and secure elegant and ceefel prizes by working a few hours after school and on aturday for the Toronto Times. 130y8, if you want a first class watch, Printing Press, Air Gun, Magic Lantern or any other article that can he pro-ure.1 in .1' ,nontn you can se- cure it without cost l y rcritiny tm. W e WANT a1,t,TLr:RS for the k, ea test Hume Newspaper in Canada. Send your name and address for our l.r•,.:, ff • t. LivI a0Ys. Address THE ToRONT eTI1)44. '•l iroubttion I)r'ptutment," Oesloorihy ",nitding, Toronto, Ont. 741 3t superstition about the numb, r 18 being unlucky is put into multiplied teat 11) the new U. S. 25 cent Baca. On ono nide there ate no less than 10 repetitious of the number 13. There are 1:3 stare, 13 letters in the scroll field in the eagle's beak, 13 marginal feathers in etch wing, 13 tall feathers, 13 parallel lilies ill the shield, 13 hori- zontal htrs, 13 arrow heads in one claw, 13 leaves on the hrencll w tlea otter (dew, and 13 lusters in the words •' quarter dollar." PERFECT SATISFACTION. GENTLEMEN, —I have found B 13, 13. en ex :client remedy, hath as ei blood purifier and g' -neral family medicine I was f a long rime truull,0 with siek headache and heartburn, and tried a h'ttle, which gave sin such perfect satisfaction that I have aitice then used it sI, 'lir bindle ni"d'eine, E •IiAtr.EY, North Bay. —The oldest women in C4na,ht is a Scotswoman, a Mrs. ,11cNait', of Ged- nancllestsr, shout sixty-five utiles from Jlontreal. She is IItd yea's of age and yet possesses her faculties, t xcept those of hearinz and memory. • SPEEDY RELIEF FOR CROUP. GENTLEMEN, -1 have a little boy of 5, whose greatest trouhle is the croup, aid I find that Hagyard's Y. h ,w Oil given speedy relief, therefore I take pleasure in resole - weeding it'tn the puhfiu. Mae. L. I!. BALDWIN, Oakland, Ont. —The body of a woman cut in 178 pieces was found in a coffee sack in a "!+treat at Moscow Sunday morning. Nothing has been learned 88 to the identity of her murderer. Jack, Ole tipper, has been at work again, SPECIAL FOR OUR READERS. A large, life-size engraving (in natural colors) of the famous one thousand dollar prize St. Bereasd dog owned by the Pah Usher of l'RE Toitoexe Times, together with TUE TIM ES Colander for 1893 will he sent free (tri roiling tube) upon reciept of your name and address and two three cent stamps to COVPr expense of !nailing. 1 f you desire it send at urine. AddrrsR— Tile Tonnt'o TIMES, 0.go dby Betiding, 741.34 Toronto, Ont. —Another Cana lion has ,listinguish ed himself in theImperial service. Commander Charles E. Kingsmill, son of ,Tu'Ige Kingsmill, of "/alkanna, has been gazetted to the flagship Victory, which carries the flag of Admiral Earl Clan willian. The appointment is for three years, and the ditties are to he performed in Portsmouth harbor. The position is one which Carrie* special honors with it, and may lie a step.'to the further advancement of Capt Kinganlill. Canada has no need to he ashamed of her sone who seek their fortunes abroad. PRISONERS LIBERATED, Many who have been confined to their beds f'er years by rheum, tient, lame hack and kidney earn plaints, have been liberated frotn their sad prisons hy th', wonderful regulating and purifying aetiou of burdock Blood Bit- ters which drives nut the anid poison born the blood and restores health to the uthlictde, —The \\'eaters Dairymen's Associa- tion convention at Lntidon last week Lail a visit from the Governor-General, who made a practical speech, showing his intimate knowledge of agricultural affsirs. Anvrca To MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of ynnr rest by a sick child suffering and Drying with pain of Cutting Teeth. If on send at once and get a bottls of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth Ing. Its value is Incalculable, It will relieve the poor llttlesufferer immediatoty. Depot' dupon it mothers; r. , h rs• there isn n mistake e nlonth 1 It cares Dysentery and Diarrhm n regulates t he stomach and bowels, aures Wind Colic, softens the grana,reduces inflammation and gives tone andenergy to the whole syeto"m. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the preeecrlptlon of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the 'United States,and is for Rale by all drnegists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. Do sure sad ask for "Mae, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SvauP,"and tnkn no other kind. O50y —H. W. C. Meyer, Q. C., who has been for Borne little time past sojourn- ing in Toronto, has by the advice of his physican gone to Calgary and will possibly take advantage of the hot springs at Banff. He hopes to return to Wingharn in about two months with hie family, who have been enjoying the western climate during the past sum- mer. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Montreal 7'rade Bulletin is authority for the etateulout that the British Board of Trade has conceded a part at least of the dernnnal for better monthly trade returns, In future Cauadiau exports to Britain of apples, eggs, poultry nod other products will appear separately, instead of being mixed np in a vague pllrssn like "other countries." This ehaug a is very desie. able and we ale glad to hear that it is proposed. The proposals regarding Canadian beuding rights whish it is known Pre- sident IIarrieon would like to put into effect are treating with seriuua oppoei- tiun from within the Repul,tio. The following resolutiou baa just b,en uunnintonely adopted in an import- ant—and Republicau—western city : " Whereas the commercial intereet• of the northwest rt quire unrestricted ac.esa to the seaboard for its grain iproducts,':and the liberty to Tri ely use the shortest route to any eeapnrt in the United States, although such route niay pass through Canada ; Rud, " Whereas the present policy of the Gov- ernment guarauteee such liberty of traffic and hos greatly subeerved the best intereete of the northweet ; therefore, be it "R solved, That the II.rard of 'trade of ylinueapulis looks with great concern upon the rumors of a change in that p'li:y by the (3nvernment, and respeerfu ly nquests the President td the United S• atm' not to place any additional reetriutinue up 'n the traffic of the northwest to the seabonr'L" During the course of his address to those aesentbled at the Board of Trade dinner in 'Toronto, lion. Mr. Laurier said with reference to the figures quoted by the Finance Minister, which proved the almost abnormal growth of trade and savings of our people during the past twelve years : "My honorable friend has quoted a, large number of figures 10 prove the prosperity of the people of this Dorilin- 1on, but had a Liberal Government been in power, it would have required 00 figures to prove to thein a prosperity which they cannot see, it would tlli'n have been apparent to all." The words were uttered with a happy smile and a winning artonation, and they provoked both laughter and ap- plause. But suppose some outrageous scamp had dared to add to the opposi- tion leader'. words—" As it was from 1873 to 1878." Whet a gritn ending there would have been to the laughter and applause." Those Canadians who are inclined to thiuk that times here aro hard would be cured of their disposition to grum- ble by contrasting their condition with that of older countries. England, just now,issuffering severely in every branch of industry, and her working classes are passing through hardships of which we have but a faint conception. Ou account of the extreme depressiou there WP are told tint "Thele are numbers of idle steamers in every port in the king dom. On the Tyne alone there are 150 laid up, with a total tonnage of 350,000, seventeen vessels are laid up at London; at Liverpool there are 156 steamers idle, with a tonnage of 159,000 tons. The total number of vessels laid up at English and Scotch ports is 489 and the total tonnage 856,000 sous. Besides these there are laid up in continental ports 99 steam• ere, with a total tonntge of 100,000 tons. As a result there are 5.000 men idle, which means a loss of 50,000 pa.unds sterling in wages monthly." —Of all the mishaps that ever befell a raih•oad train the most peculiar hap - period to the "Diamond Special," a feet express between Chicago and St. Louis. The train literally froze to the track. Stopping at a water tank near Gibson, 111., the overflow from the tank froze to the trucks of the tender and froze the wheels to Ole track. It was not until another locomotive was sent for and backed up against the train giving it a powerful bump, that it could be loosened. es E B,I Sl COUGH CURE, 25' 50,81I° a ii• SIMMS CURE. al 41 l; Cores Conenmpt}on, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. kr a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Fleeter will give great satisfaction. ---25 cents. SHILOH'S ®% e ALezER, Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn. says .VQ "Shtloh'e Vitalizer'VED NY LIM. Y consider itthebestreinedtlforadebitttatedeuate e I ever rued." For D spopsia Liver or Kidney trouble it exoola Price 75 cis. !LOWS 14 ALCATAR R FD neve you Catarrh? Try this Remedy. It will positively relieve and Curo you. Price 50 ate. This Injector for its successful treatment is furnished free. Remember, Shiloh's Remedies are sold on a guarantee to glvo satisfaction. 141(10110 AlnerIcan Agency fur CAVEATS, TRADE ARK DESION PATENTS, COPYRiOHTS, etc. For write a oo6ao WAY, Handbook Yong. Oldest bureau for securing patents in Amerlc*a the public by a noticout ven tree ofrcharge before n the 'xxenti kir American Largest circulation of any scientific paver In tbo • world. Splendidly illustrated. No fnteln)Sent man should be without lt. Weekly,_83.60 s years 91.50 at' wombs. Address MUNN & 00., Ponrasumas, 361 Broadway, New Yor City. The McKillop Mutual Fire iInsurance Company. Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. OFFICERS, Thos. E. Bays, President, Seaforth P. O. ; W. J. Shannon, Seey•Treas., Seaturth 1', U. ; John Ilauuah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0, DIRECTORS, Jas. Broadfoot, Seafureh ; Donald Rose, C110- tmt ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt, Barioek ; Joseph Evans, Itoerhwood ; r, Sloan. non, \Vinton; Thos. Garhurt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock ; Rnht. nrelulhnt, Soa• forth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trona. act other business will be promptly attend ed to on application to any t.) the above calkers, addressed to their respeetive post enleus, C. HOARE'S fine new Photograph Gallery being now ready for operation, he is fut•nisiting First Class Cabinets at $2 25 :ter doze((. Other sizes in proportion. A11 t\'atnting snc,h cone' and try hint. C. . ICOARE - - CLINTON. NELSON 1'. R1'1'k IIIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE - - ONT. Orders left at this offiic•e promptly attended to. JAS. FERGUSON, PUMP MAKER, - - CLINTON. (ROSS' OLI) STAND) Pumps sold reasonable. Cisterns and Tanks put down. Wells dug and cleaned 161)11 Satisfaction Guaranteed. 'New Flour and Feed Store HANLEY & WALKER beg to announce that they have opened a Flour and Feed Store east of the Com- mercial Hotel, Huron Street, Clinton. \Ve will keep in stock the very best of everything in the line, such as Flour, Meals, Feed, Seeds, &c„ at very reason- able prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. .• We solicit and expect a legitimate share of town anti country trade. Remember the location of the Clinton Flour and Feed Store. iIANLEY & WALKER. BULBS! BULBS! BULBS! All kinds of Winter Flowering Bulbs at J. Ci:NNINGEIAME'S. CHINESE SACRED LILY, easily grown in water and will bloom in two or three weeks. DOUBLE AND SINGLE HYA('INI TS, Blue, Mauve, White, Red, Yellow and Pink Tulips, mixed varieties, Narcessus, Faster rallies, Ormthogalum or Star of Bethlehem. Crocus, Bawkus and food for flower,s Ex. cellent Fertilizer for Louse plants, soluble in water. Free from odor and clean to handle. Better than ordinary manure and no trouble with worms. Will furnish ,lolly and Mistletoe in time for Xmas by parties leaving orders now. Kept on hand. JOIIN CI'NNING11AUE. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESI'ONiDENCE. We will at all times Le pleased to receive 'items of news from our sub- scribers. We Sant a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIAISLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons ivho do not receive zneir paper regularly from the carrier or thr'ugh their local port offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions mai commence at any tittle. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind "changes" that all c tat n 1 t e s ac rer ' l t isent t f en s to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOii PRINTING. The Job Department of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very lots prieea. he FOR GOOD ENVELOPES F FOR FINEST PRINTING ows- OR NICE CU HEADS F01} OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN AIiT, DEPARTMENTS Bnderson's Restaurant The Old Reliable Confeotionery Store. 1/OYSTERS ARE IN SEASON ! EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER. Emits, Confectionery, Ilitem110—j11 endless variety ; C°anberites, Sweet Potatoes Spanish Gropes, etc. TTOBACCOS, PIPES, CIGARS—GOOD GOODS AT LOSE SELLING PRICES Everything filet -aloin in a firat•olass store. Don't pass Anderson's Restaurant Searle's Block, - Albert Street. Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PIIAE'I'ONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the hest work mauship and material. ies5rAll the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and i'e.painting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. I/Or'FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Cli.lton. 657—y New Fall Tailoririg Goods. o — '1'. JACKSON, Sr., )lair placed in stock Complete Lines of Choice Fall and Winter Tailoring Goods Being a cutter of long experience, satisfaction is guaranteed, We' We can suit )ou in quality and price for Pants, a Snit or Overcoat. Perfect cuts and fits. The best goods and trimmings. \Votkmanship unsurpassed. Call on us before you older. o__ T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. THIS WILL INTEREST YOU BARGAIN MONTH. Having purchased the C'ornmtludeh proverty adjoining our old store, we purpose moving t,U1' Stoves, 1urnaceM, Tin, Wire &c., &., from the present store before the first of Jalhua.y when our lease aspires, lu)(1 in order to reduce the stock be- fore moving We will give you unheard of Bargains for the next tlhirty days. In Cook f toves, Parlor Stoves, oal Stoves and Tip-vvare, We liave alio a number of Second (hand Stoves which will be sold clhe;)p. IIARIiANn EROS-, Iron nncl Hardware 'Merchants, — — — CLINTON Good Cheer once a Year. 0 Our store is well stocked with Xmas and New Year Fruits, SPICES, PEEL.. . Wit )C'ERIES, CONFECTIONERY, TEAS, COFFEES, etc. Do not neglect to call and see us. \'le are the great produce dealers and pay the highest price for everything and sell:our goods at a low living profit. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale and Retail f;rne*rs• Clanton. CHINA HALL, Clinton. Christmas aria New Years. For years China Hall has been noted for keeping the very hest goodtt at the very lowest prices and 1892-'3 is no exception to our well-earned repute - tion. OHINA & GLASSWARE. Our Delf, China and Glass Goods comprise some of the handsomest linen and must reasonable in price ever shown in this section. PEELS, FRUITS, SPICES, NUTS. The Goods 111 these lines that we offer are all fresh arid clean and of the very best quality to be procured, while the prices are such that consumers will surely stake a mistake if they do not ape end test them. We keep in stock everything, to supply the needs of all well regalated families for the Clii•istMa5 and New Year season. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS. Don't forget that China hall has t•ire very finest blends and flavors in the market, while our Sugars are from 'the best makers and of the beet brands. Give China Hall a call and we will,do our best to please you in quality, price, and shall he pleased to serve you. N. ROBSON, CLINTON. ------- --- -- -- — -- - CHRISTMAS IS COMING - GET YOUR New Fruits and Xmas Presents —AT— Irwiij'sJ. W. Dorner 3tore, McKAY BLOCK, CLINTON. RATSINS—Extra, Selected Valencia, London Layers-, Black Backet and Sultanas. CURRANTS—nest Patna and Vastizza, Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron. Nees— Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, and Shelled Almonds. TEAS, COFFEES AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY, Crockery Department Having imported direct I am selling at wholesale prices. DINNER SETS from $6 up, TEA SETS at prices that will suit everybody; TOILETS in all Styles and Prices. Some do but don't you wait until a day or two before Xmns to make your selec- tions from our well filled tables suitable for Xmas and Wedding Presents. On band bbl. Salt Herrings, Trout, Salt Water Salmon. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN.