HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-01-25, Page 11
'*'Enititi-41.50 per Aranuua, 9.34 he Advance.
A. Alt, TODD, griper Deed Owner
Bargain Day.
T1`� FUSS_
' Regular Bargain
price. Day price
1 Lady's Mink Cap. $10 00 $ 5 00
1 Lady's Mink cap seal top, 1. 00 7 00
1 Neutria Fur Cellar, 5 00 2 50
3 Llama Fur Collars, 500 1 25
3 American Beaver Capes, 25 00 16 00
1 Baltic Seal Cape, 21 00 14 50
4 Black Hair Cale, 0 00 6 00
2 Ladies' Short Coats 32 00 20 00
2 Fur Rugs t 30 3 00
Hat and, Cap Department.
We will show a tremendous assort-
ment of Boys' and Girls' School Caps
at prices running from 35 cis. to 65 cte.
Your Choice for 25 tots. Buy your
Children Spring Caps now and save 100
per cent..
Furbishing Department.
Regular Bargain
price Day price.
4 doz. Shirts and Drawers 50 35
10 doz. Fine Underwear, 50 2.5
And a hundred and one Bargains which
cannot he enumerated.
Town Topics.
THR CARNIVAL. -The carnival in Clin- MRs. SF•EGMILLER, of Walkerton, is
ton last Wednesday evening was a coin• I n a visit to her brothers James and
o ,
plate success. In the fancy dress .11E.
Arthur Twitchell.
Barrow won a worthy first as a ``coacher,''
1108. Walker second as a t
oow boy." r
was a meeting
the mom -
For ladies tangy dress, as "Queen of the bare of Si. Paul's church congregation,
Forest," Maggie McMurray won brat
prize, and in the costume of "Night." in the school room, last night.
Mies Ida Carter was awarded second.
Miss L. GAULEr is on the sick list
In the oomio contest A. May passed as
a very "handsome" Irishman and cape and her mother was called to Brussels in
turgid firet, while Mrs. J. F. Spooner in consequence.
the dress of a negress secured the second i\IR. J, B. hl'MBALL is still very ill,
prize. There was a large number of oom•
petitore. Master Retry Brewer was good hut it is hoped that s little time will
as a clown, hut there were no prizes for briug a favorable chimp.
his class. ln the course of a couple of
Fame.--Agreat manyOntario papers
week, another carnival will be held and P p
Dir. Croll promises not to over'ook the reproduced THE News -RECORD'S local
little folks. The bras., Land, under the mention about the recent hasty depart -
direction of Mr. Holloway, gave excel.ore of aCliuton mechanic.
lent satisfaction. The judges were
Messrs. 1. ltattonbury L. Kennedy and
N. Yellowlees.
is the day. The terms are Cash.
Como early and get first choice.
Jackson Bros.
for the proposed improvement of God-
erich harbor aro now on view in the
clerk's office, at Cloderich,and tenders for
the work are to be in by Feb. 7th. The
plans and specifications show an exten•
sion of the north pier of 410 feet, 370 of
which is to he 30 feet wide and the re•
minder 50 feet wide. '1'Ite south
pier is to he extended 100 feet, and of n
width of 40 feet. The north pier will
run 300 feet straight out, and 110 feet at
an angle to the northwest, while all the
addition to the south pier will be at an
angle to the southwest. This will give a
bell shaped entrance, which will have a
depth of 20 feet, and the plans and
specifications show that the job is cal,
culated to be a complete and permanent
improvement. A rough estimate is that
fully 5,000 cords of stone will be re-
quired for filling, and the whole woi k
will cost probably $75,000. Major Gray,
of the Public Works Department, was
there on Wednesday and 'Thursday in
conn `tion with the work.
Tfan lt Top ICS.
CALLED AWAY.-Ex,MA'or ,Doherty
was called to Detroit last Monday
• through the death of Mrs. 0. Depew,
his sister-in-law. 91r. Depew will be
remembered as a resident of
several years ago. The funeral took
place yesterday and Mr. Doherty will
return this week.
I. 0. F. OFFICERS. -Chief hanger,
Jaqub Taylor ; Vice Chief ltauger, T.
Shipley ; Finaucial Soc., G. A. New-
ton; Rec. Seo , A. J. Holloway; T10ae ,
F. R. Hudt;eus ; Sr. Woodward, G.
Rogers; Jt. Woodward, Y. Brown; Sr.
Beadle, 1). Gardner ; Jr.' Beadle, W.
Walker : Chap., T. Walker.
SERIGOSLY ILL. -\\re exceedingly le
Brat to learn of the seriuus illness of
My. John Juuor. 110 has been ill fur
sunle time ne a consequence of a severe
attack of la grippe several mouths
eine°. Mr. J unor's many friends
would be pleased to learn of his com-
plete restoration to health.
THE revival meetings iu the -Meth-
odist church have been concluded.
They were successful in every res'e:
Rrv, DR. SUTHERLAND, treasurer of
the missionary fund, will preach in the
Ituttenbury street Methodist churoh ou
missionary work some time next month.
Houghton, Mich., are on a visit to Mrs.
Kitty, Ratteubury street. They have
left their former home, and may possi
bly take up their residence in Canada.
NEXT SUNDAY there will be miasiou-
nry Sunday School service at 2.30 iu
aha Baptist church . Supori ntond ent
Prior and others will deliver addresses.
'rho collection will be devoted to
foreign missions. All aro iuvited.
RUN Ove .-Little Hugh Robinson,
Maple street, was run over on Albert
street Monday. Ile was hanging on a
sleigh; jumping off, a horse and cutter
ORANGE MATTERS. —Th. auuuatl from the rear came upon him. He was
cut about the head and otherwise
meeting of the L. 0. L. Diet. of bruised. Stop the boys Prom"catching
Hullett, held in Orange Hall of L. 0. on" sleighs.
L. 703, Seaforth, on 17th lust., was
Miss SCHUTZ leaves for her house at
well attended and very beueficial to IInwiltou shortly. She has for a con•
those in attendance. Iutcreeting ad siderabla time held a:responsible poli,
dresses showing the district to be in s tion in the Palace dry -goods store.
good position numerically and financial A farewell party was tendero,l the lady
ly were given by County Master, A. M. its Andersuc's hall last night. All
Todd ; District Master, James Horsey' ver much regretted the lady's depart -
and others present. ' P. C. M., John very
Scarlett was called to the chair and the
officers elected and installed .for the Smoot Mei-rens. - The Public
current year : Bro.. James Horsey, School Board held its regular meeting
813, \\r. M.; John Ford, 710, D. M. ; last Wednesday evening. The busi-
Peter Cantelon, 710, R. S.; G. M. news was of a routine, nature. Mr.
Kitty, 928, F. S.; R. Scarlett, 813, Lough's salary seas set at 5825 and J.
Treas.1 Geo. Hanley, 710, Chap.; C. Stevenson elected chairwau. For
Thee. Steplieus, 793, D. of C.;John Bul- want of a quorum, the High School
lard, 813, Lecturer; F. Mcllv'een, 028 ; hoard did not meet on Friday night.
L. Smith, 793, deputy Lecturers. It
THE editor of our totem, Mr. It.
was decided that the next annual meet Hennes took in therit couvention at
g rsr'Porsons indebted to •Par. Nawe-Ricortn in this
ing be held in the hall of 710, Clinton. 13rucefield on Monday and drank to neighborhood may settle With Mu. It. W. BALL, of
Goderich, who is authorized to collect subscriptions
Almost every week THENr,\ve-RECORD advantage of 11 r. John \ican's audgrant recetutrerur.
chronicles the demise of an old rr'si deliverance on the burning political The Public Scheel 13 for 1393 organ
dent. Time goes 00 and clay after questions of the hour, In the eveniug ize 1 in the 'Town Clerk's office Inst \Vednes
day a blank is created by the death of Mr. Holmes proceeded via Loudon day, with the Clerk, Mr. Wm. Mitchell, in
those who helped to hew out a noble to Toronto t0 takepart in the big poli- thep °hair, a'1 the members b seriouslyresent ex -
heritage for those' who Hurst sooner or
p ex-
cept Mr. Crabb who was ill. Mr.
later follow. Mrs. McIlvicen was well tical meeting there. Messrs. Forrestov' ill. Nicholson wes unanimously elected
known as a kind and Christian lady and town clerk Coate also attended the .,hairm.,n for 1893, and Mr. J. H. Colborne
and a memberof the Presbyterian Toronto convention of Reformers.Reformers.representative of the public s:hools on taeCollegiate Inatiuite Board. The following
church. Her maiden name wets Lottie \NANTED.-A CARLOAD or WIVES. -A committees for 1893 were appointed, the
Blair. About 50 years ago she left her novel request has been received from first named on each list being chairman:
birthplace, Armagh, married
Ireland, find was Hotelkeeper Dineen of Huron, South Contingent, Messrs. II. W. Ball, J. H.
shortly after to James Mc Dakota through Father Brown of St. Colborne, and R>ea Price. Finance, Messrs.
Ilveen, who survives I.- at.Brruuptcrtl. Vincent's church, at Springfield, South Alex. Chrystal, J. H. Colborne and W.
About 21 years ago MI. s d Mrs. 1fc• r Acheson 8
Ilveen removed to and settled on lot Dakota. Mr. Dineen said he and neigh- , Sellout masa ement, \Sewers. C.
31, couceseion 6, Hullett, Several hors wanted a carload of marriageable Crabb, \V. Acheson and Jas. Buchanan.
months ago she was taken ill with an Irish girls shipped to ITuron. Mr. Having appointed the Bret Monday in each
affection of the limbs. She never rc Dineen said that husbands were es thick month as the regular meeting time. The
covered and death came to iter release as blackberries in July, and land could Board adj•lurned.
last Saturday. Her age was 70 years. be had for the asking in South Dakota. The eneual meeting of the West Huron
The only • fatntily was a daughter, 111',. Those who were not anxious to marry at Agricultural Association was held on Wed -
Wm. Brown, of Hullett, who also sot'- onto could get steady employment and nesday, the president, Mr. Jae. Conolly,
wages for an indefinitep:esidtng. The regular reports having been
vis -es. The funeral took place onMon period.
clay to Clinton cemetery and wasgoodcerely presented, the election of officers was pro -
largely attended. NH's. \Icllteen willBut THE NEWS -RB not to take oee would nFather Jas. Connolly, ceeded ,theder ch tp.; he i esult iolst Viceg 9Presi,
long be remembered for her many goodadvise Canadian girls
qualities, and the sympathy of the Browns advise. Where land can be dent, A. Yung, Colborne tp.; 'lad Vice
coiulnunity will go out to her aged life had for the asking is certainly not a President, John E. Tom, Goderich. Direct -
partner. very good place to go. Our own Caned- ore --I. Salkeld, jr., Harry Curwen, Gorier.
\'1�ILPRED OR WILNORD.-"\Vilfred's in fan Northwest is the place to _secure ieh tp.; Joseph Beck, Colborne tp.; ltobt.
town!" This was the exclamiation of good ,husbands and land that will proye Medd, West Wawanosh tp.; Hugh Girvin,
future god home. Ashfield tp.; Jas. Snell, Hullett Ip.; Thos.
a prominent Conservative to another of g Naftel, Robt. Dickson, Thos. Gundry, God
the same ilk on the streets of Clinton Locer, L1NKs.-Rey. G. F. Salton will erioh. At a meeting of the Begird of
last Saturday. "Is he rr,'' was the likely be the next pastor of the Batten• Directors held the name afternoon, Jas.
reply, "we must go and see hire." Re- ury street Methodist church. -Mt. Mitchell was elected Secy., 11. L. Watson,
formers who heard this were somewhat Israel Taylor will speak on "The teach- frena., and John T. Dickson and \Vm. Mit-
amazed, but as they did not take any er's interest in the pupil in and out of (shell, Auditors.
stock in he of "shoot the volunteers" school," at the S. S. convention at Blyth At the meeting of the Collegiate Institute
fame they pursued the even tenor of this afternoon. -Rev. J. W. Shilton has Literary Society on Friday evening the fol -
their way. Not so with several Grits. consented to talk on the "General loafing programme was presented:---Quar-
They were more than amazed, knowledge of the Bible essential to n -
tette, Meagre. Selwood, Fearer, Cameron
They were astounded. Perfectly flab- effecient Sabbath school teaching."- null Humber;
M C un
bergasted to think that the lion. Harry Shepherd is home from Shot- drawer, Mr. Strang; recitation, Mise G.
Wilfred Laurier would come to town bourne. -"Doc" Blackall has been chosen Johnston; Bolo, Mr. Fraser; address, Mr.
and not consult them. More especially on a team for the coming shooting match Moore; recitation, Mr. Reid; selootione, Mr.
were these Grits excited when such between Canada and our southern Beckett; reading, Mr. Coleman. God Save
strong Conservatives as Mr. D. Cautelon neiglibort.-Murray Carnp. No. 53, S. the Queen.
and his friend Cook were going to "see of S. will tender an At -Home in their Plans and specifications for the extension
Wilfred," Visions of more Tory trick- hall this evening from 8 to 11 o'clock, of the north pier some 410 feet, and the
ery floated before their politically jaun, -The ice harvest is in full swing and the south 120 feet may be aeon in the town
diced visions. An impromptu emerge yield abundant. -Mr. Jonathan Miller, elerk'e office. If the plane are faithfully
ency committee was formed to shadow of Goderich, was in town last Sunday.-- ofa out
Goderich largest agbat. that in be a hcarbor
Cantelon and Cook. It was found out Mr. James Miller was in Goderich lastrefuge, a fg
that Wilfred would drive through the week. -Mr. Oliver Whitely, of the this port will be able to sitar in safety tor
the next 20 years. Iho end of tha north
town. Grit sentinels were posted at county town, was in Clinton last Sunday. pier will turn to the northwest arid the
the intersection of the principal streets -Dr. Case, of Dungannon, and Coun- outh to the southwest the distance between
to intercept him and save him from cillor John Whitely, of Ashfield, were in these poiots being some 400 feet, and should
falling into the hands of the 'Tories who town last week in consultation with Dr. a sand bar form, as has hitherto been the
were going to "see" him. This "see" Gunn in reference to proposed surgical °zee, off the point of the north pier, there
him to them meant a great deal more treatment of Mr• Whitely.-\ir: J . F. will always bo a safe entrance south of it.
than optical vision. It meant an at, Spooner is on a visit to London this The government is to ba congratulated on
tempt to corrupt the hitherto spotless week. -Mr. H. W. Ball, of the circular trying to make Goderich a proper harbor.
leader of the opposition. Soon the cone town, was in the "hub" of Huron last
quering hero carne driving along the Sundays -Mr. P. Sheppard, of Goderioh,
street muffled up in a cutter. '`Dav" spent last Sabbath in Clinton. -The
Cantelon rushed to meet him. Grit advertising matter in TRE News.Rrtcoeu
eyes distended. 'their pupils elongated oontiues to increase ; read every line. -
so that hats might be suspended there• Jonathan Miller, of Goderioh, sports a
upon. Dav grasped the extended hand cot that few'l'oriee can afford. -Clinton
of the muffled occupant of the cutter has one of the best markets in the
and voiced the greeting : "Hon. how are county for pork ; figures do not appear
you, Wilford?" "flow's Blyth ?" In, wrong when they are multiplied honest -
stead of the traveller being the lion. ly,-Wood in Clinton brings a good
Wilfred Laurier, the turned out to be price, sometimes more than it is
the Hon. John Wilford, member of the honestly worth -bring your wood to
Blyth local parliament. Clinton.
Town Topics.
THERE is no valid reason why Clin-
ton should not have a creamery.
IN CLINTON a pork factory would
surely 1pay and prosper well.
THERE should be established in
Clinton a canning factory.
S. PANNABAKER has bought the
Moffat property, near John Leslie's.
Kennedy are attending the County
Legislature at Goderich.
AMONG the many industries we
should have in Cliuton, that of furni-
ture would prove a great success.
LIEUT. CLARK, editor of the Kincar-
dine Review, is now a certificated
MR. WILL R)BERTSON ie OU a visit t0
Buffalo. It is said that he has become
an anuexationiet, and will carry his
theory into practice ere long.
THE NEWS ItECORD this week gives
two pages extra, owing to the coutiuued
pressure of news, local and advertising
ENTaRTAINMEN'P. -The Knights of the
Maccabees, Kearns 'font No. 66, will
hold a public) entertainment in school
house No. 4, Tuckersmith, on Friday
evening next. The affair gives every
promise of being successful. 'Town and
country local talent will take part and
it good programme has been prepared.
The admission fee has been made a sec•
ondary consideration. The drive will be
short and pleasant aid an opportunity
is given our citzens to spend an enjoy-
able evening. 'Those who go from town
will have every attention and their
horses carefully looked after.
Ou ,\fund ty a team, while in front of
Jordan's block, wets startled by some
children. The owner, Mr. Jolley, of
Colborne, tried to stop thein but give
up the job at the head of Weet etieet.
The animals galloped down West
street and harbor hill for the lake,
and after a elide round the piers and
breakwater got stuck iu a big drift,
where they were captured.
The (mune! L. 0. L. Itietlict of Bid•
dulph meeting wee held bele on
the 18th. Thera W98 a reptesentation
front nearly every lodge. After gener-
al busieuse the following officers were
°,Feted : Jt :Neil.' W. D. hI., re-elected;
Jas. i enniston, 1). 1-). AI., re-elected;
W. J. Wilson, ICP` -Sec„ re-elected;
G. Grieves, Fin. Sec., io-oleeted; N.
Grieves, 'Piens., re elect ed; Wm.
The County Council of the Cou'lty Minnie, Chap., te elected; E. Davis, D.
of C. te elected;
of Huron for 1893, organized yesterday11. Hutchinson and D.
ufteruuon. Thu rtll having been
Dew were elected lecturers. The next
called, DI r, Joseph Griffin, reeve t annual meeting will be held in Park -
Ashfield, w'as elected warden. Ou tee illi. Y .
count of going to press ou Tuesday C9etllrert.
evettiiig, we aro unable to give the The,cine flitted,' of lir. Henry
several committees.
1Allen, fare pleased to hear that he is
The Kincardine Review is rosponeihlo for still recut Piing.
the following :--alt. Alt Secord, of Gorier-still
John Carter is still very lute.
ich, is in town, the guest of his uncle, Dr.
Secord, Durham St. Alf has spent the fall A ver)' Pleasant evening was spout at
monthsiu Manitoba, but his impressions of Mre. Si 111eVittie'a on Friday evening
that province are not quite favorable. Not last, when the young people tri; ped the
rally that hut he tells us pretty girls it that li ht fantastic till the wee small hours
there are just as Many iu lila- fs
cardine as there are any place iu the world. of the morning.
According to the Toronto .iVews there A few weeks ago in the quiet village
should be an nipple apology forthcoming to of ],onde!ebolu a respectable Cht'iatain
one of ( ur fair citizens. Thu News esya : while on his way hong from choir
The Empire wrongly attributes to the practice, was titteciced by two character!.
Oaawa !'regi Press this rbythntic buret of I
loyalty addressed to the Governer General : One of the parties !reed very abusing
1 wiitoEur thee this Holly sprig in louor of thy language tUtwatde hint, They hall
When lnlcai�lo holds fou sway, across the graud old hetier be careful; perhaps they may
Atlaultu's foam; meet a snag.
But our scow drifts are not purer, than my luta for
Mr. John Garrett wee 10 Granton.
And I Lunar s thea liar messenger, of truly noble this week visiting 'he lieu. J. Fergu-
mien. x011.
These lines were never written by a Free �1,, Grnntant is at present visiting
Press roan ; they were evolved by Eloise A
Skimings, the Goderich poetess, no the ou ;11 is. Charles 11 e', 015 iu 11en„'ll.
caeion of Lord Stanley's recent visit to that
town. Of course His Excellency is not t„ Auburn.hi t ata in the matter. But the Empire owes an ilf n Joseph 'Marshall, of Manitoba, is
apology to some one. visiting his parents :of this place. Joe
The council of 1893 met on Monday, but speaks well r4 the ceunt.ry and intends re•
adjeurne-1 till the following eveniug on toe turning iii March.
count of the absence , f the mayor. On We are glad to see the face of our
Tuesday eveuing the members were all pre-
sent, and the following committee to strike again. lie has been in Parry Sound
standing committees appointed, Bolt, Dun -n g
lop, 'Thompson, Nicholson and Murrey. for the past two years.
After it short adjournment the nominating Jimmie Lightning is home from
committee reported as follows, the first
Muskoka, where ha has been working
nanud on each committee being chairman :
Cemetery -Thompson, Sailuws, Wilson, iu the lumber camps. Jinn reports
Strachan, Goode. wages good.
Finance - Proudfoot, Holt, Pridham, Alex. Dey, of Calgary, was visiting
Nicholson, Goode. it, this village the past week.
R-!vis'on-Dunlop, the Mayor, 'rhos- Nicholson sold a span of
Turney, Yates, Naftel.
Fire _ Manley, Proudfoot, Thompson, horses to '1'. Berry, of IIeusall, for it
Wilson, Cantelon, good ellen,
Harbor -Nicholson, Cantelon, Holt, Dun -
'1'. 1inDunnld and H. Lawler
lop, Wilson. each sold a hoist) for the British mar -
Market - Pridham, Sillows, Naftali ket the past week, realizing good
Strachan, Yates.
Relief—The Mayor, Goode, Strachan, figures.
Sallower, Pridham. John Pierce and Eliza attended the
Public Works-Naftel, Cantelon,Murney, funeral of Nathaniel Pierce, of Ash -
Dunlop, Pridham, Proudfoot, Thompson. field. on Sunday.
Water and Light -The Mayor, Naftel, onschool convention delegates
Thompson, Holt, Murney.Sunday g
Special - Holt, Nicholson, Cantelon, appointed to attend the couvention at
Thompson, Dunlop, Wilson, Proudfoot, Sal- Blyth on Tuesday and Wednesday of
Iowa, Yates. this week are the Misses Blair and
The report being adopted, H. W. Ball and
Geo. Sheppard were appointed auditors, the Erratt, and Messrs. Washington and
former by the council and the latter by the Munro.
mayor, and Joseph Williams, Collegiate In• Jae. Dobie, of North Dakota, is the
etinhte trustee, whoa the council adjourned. guest of his father, Joseph Dobie. Mr.
NOTES. -There will Le an entertainment Dobie gives a veru fair account of
benefit of the McGillivray Mission Band, forin Knox church on Friday evening for the western life. Hos an ardent Demo-
which there will be a silver collection. crat, but claims that that patty cannot
There will he an excellent programme pre- redeem their pledges, in face of the
scnted.-A snow storm on Sunday kept up mighty fixed liabilities, the legacy of
the reputation of the p:esent winter, as an the Republican,. party. The pension
'exceedingly s snowy illonfor sor. Jae. elutant list alone being 1 180,000,000, a sum
who was eeriouely ill some works at c
Sault Ste. Marie, returned home on Satur- amply sufficient to sustain any of the
dey.-Dr. Hutchison, of Montreal, .was European artnies, A cost altogether
visiting at the family residence this week.--sout of proportion to the just claims of
Mr. J. M. Roberts, of Duogannoo, was in
town on Wednesday and Thursday. -Mr. R. the war veterans. His argument on
Vanatone, barrister, of Wingham, was b the question who pal's the duty are
the county town kat Friday. -Mr. J. Greig, the very opposite of ti,o Grit coutare
of Seaforth, was in Goderich on Friday.- tions of a year ago. -
Mr. W. H. Fry, of Clinton, nto, was in the rhans letter
K. 0. T. M.-Kearn's Tent, No. 6
took up quarters in the Clinton Orange
hall and will hereafter meet there the
first and third Friday of every month. l'he
meeting wasa very successful oue. Two
applicants were initiated and a good pros-
pect for a large and early increase in
membership. The Maccabees have,
although a young order, over 100,000
active members. The endowment bene•
fits are $1,000, $2,000 and $3,000, per,
manent disability and old age being also
provided for. 'Those desiring to
become members of any of the
many benevolent societies might
with profit first ascertain the
merits of the Knights of the Maccabees
The following are the officers installed
for the present term :-Past Come
mender, gra V. Johns ; Commander,
Thos. Kearns ; Lieut.,Cornnhander, Geo.
Layton ; Record Keeper, Frank Layton;
Finance Keeper, Frank Crich ; Chap,
lain, Thomas Britton ; Sargeant, Ed.
White ; Master at Arms. W. C. Landss
boro; 1st Master of Guards, A.:MI.'Todd;
2nd itlaster of Guards, Chas. Walker;
Sentinel, Jos. Crich.
o -0--
A RARE TREAT, -The Hon. Wini-
fred Sugden, who is sent out from
England by the C. M. S., and is
making a tour of Canada, will give her
most interesting lecture on "Zlnana
Work" in St. Paul'e school room on
Monday, the 30th inst.
Fon CuaacH Goons. -Sneezing is
averted by praseing the upper Hp, be-
cause by doing so we deaden the im•
pression made by a certain branch of
the fifth nerve, sneezing being a reflex
action excited by some slight impres-
sion on that nerve. Sneezing does not
take place when the fifth nerve is para-
lyzed, even though the sense of emelt
is retained.
RIFLEMEN. -The Huron Rifle Asso•
ciatiou hold their annual meeting at
Leo's hotel last Wednesday evening.
Treasurer Robson presented his finan-
cial report and it was adopted. The
Association is in a fairly prosperous
condition. President Todd tendered hie
resignation and the following officers
were elected: -President, Lieut. H. B.
Combe; vice• president, Harry Read;
secretary M. McTaggart ; treasurer, N.
Robson; cotnmittee, J. Johnston, John
T. Lee, G. D. Gilchrist, J. F. Spooner,
Jas. Anderson. A vote of thanks was
tendered the retiring president for the
successful manner in which he had fill-
ed the position for four years. We pred-
ict a bright future for the Huron with
such an efficient staff of officers.
is being widely
circular teen Iasi Friday. -At this writing Keant„
Mr. Crabb was apparently holding hie own, discussed, its fairness and truthfulness
although no particularly favorable symptone are universally acknowledged, and its
have developed since he was first attacked, force of style and clearness of exprev-
Tbe gentleman's right side is still paralyzed sion are very much admired by all.
and the only his enters restoration The charge that lie has become a 'tory
rests in the factct oof f hieis well known vitality - g
Mesere. P. Sheppard and H. W. Ball were is regarded wholly wanting on the
in Clint, n on Sunday.-Mre. and the Misses very essential grounds, truth a- '
(:lark, of Seaforth, were guests at the North reason.
street personage a few days the past week. Marriage bolls rang merrily in tis'
--A little girl was badly injured last week
by a fall when trying to get on a farmer's vicinity of Walkerburn on Thureda'_
sleigh, and several people have fallen on the evening last in honor of the marriage
/Sidewalk the past week thronpt, the irregu• of \l r. Oliver Clark and :Visa Eliz•
rarity of the snow piled on them, the irregu• beth Robertson, The ltev. R. Hol
larities being caused by some merchants
dersou tied the nuptial knot in the
clearing away the beautiful and leaving
large nine on either .ides. -The annual latest improved style, with much neat -
pest; and despatch. May the troubles
of time happy pair be only little oues.
r\ te.a•Ineeting under the auspices of
the L. 0. 1, , Auburn, No. 932, will
be held in the Orange hall on Tues-
day, ,Tan. 31. Tes served in the ball
from 5 to 7 p. m., enlivened by musi-
cal selec'.ions by the band. tinder Mr.
Blacltstone's londerahip. The speaking
will take place in the Methodist
church. A splendid array of speak -
ere will delight the audiouce, and the -
Auburn Methodist choir will add to
the enjoyment by their usual appro-
priate selections rendered in excellent
Daniel Quigley, son of Jas. Quigley,
of Auburn, died last week in the San
Francisco hospital, California, from
injuries received in some of the ad-
jacent mines. It sews but as yes-
terday that he left . us full of life,
health and energy, humanly speaking,
with a very long lease of life in pros-
pect, and to day it is our sad task to
chronicle his death in very early man-
hood, and in the midst of what might
have been a useful life. I)an wee 'a
Catholic by birth and conviction, but
how these differences of opinion and
eircnmetancee fade sway, when we
learn of the work 'of that fell serpent
death -who is so very strict4in hie arrest.
meeting of the tVest Huron Liberal C,manr-
vative Associotioa will be held at Smith's
11111 on Wednesday, F aby. 8th, at 1.30 p. m.
Miss Kate Wilson spent a few days
with her sister in New Hamburg last
Mrs. J. S. Smith has been seriously
iii, but is now recovering.
Postmaster Farrow and wife attended
the church opening at Gorrie -last
Richard Williams is v isiting at Hays-
ville;this week.
Mrs. Geo. Saunders, who ltas been
visiting in town, returned last week to
hor home in Flint, Mich.
John'Pelton and wife, of Attwood,
were in town last week.
On Monday, Joe Moffatt, the driver R. Beattie, of Wingham, was in
of Cantelon's delivery wagon, while town on Saturday.
turning a corner was thrown out but Capt. Wynn and wifo will have
holding on to the linen waif dragged charge of the Salvation Army corpse in
some distance before he let go. A this place for this term.
good shaking up was the only result. On Wednesday of last week F. S.
A lodge of the Order of Chcsen Scott, assignee for the Smith, Malcolm
Friends will be instituted here to mot.- & Gibson estate, disposed of the sash
row evening, Mr. Colquhoun, of Lon• and door factory and residence to
don, being the organizer. Tho nnw OliphentSmith, for the sum of $4,600,
lodge will bo started with a good It in expected that the factory will com-
>teemberehip. mence operations in a week or so.