The Huron News-Record, 1893-01-18, Page 2i dor Soroftila "After suffering for itboui twenty-five year", from scrofulous eorea taollho legs and arms trying various; medical courses without benefit began to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and 4 wonderful cure was the result. Five bottle sufficed to restore me to health."-Bonifach Lopez, gaq E. Commerce st, San Antonio Texas, Catarrh " My daughter was afflicted for nearly a yea with catarrh. The physicians being unable tc help her, my pastor recommended Ayer': Sarsaparilla., I followed his advice. Thret months of regular treatment with Ayer, Sarsaparilla and Ayers Pills completel, restnrgd my daughter s health." -Mrs. Louis% Rielle, Little Canada, Ware, Mass. Rheumatism "For several years, i was troubled wit inflammatory rheumatism, being sot bad a times as to be entirely helpless. For the las two years, whenever I felt the effects of th disease, I began to take Ayer'S Sarsaparilla and have not had a spell for a long tune." - E. T. Hansbrough, Elk Run, Va, For all blood diseases, the best remedy is AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast Sold by all Druggists, Price $a ; six bottles, $4 Cures others, will cure yoi Me Huron News -Record $1.58 a \'ear—?7, 2t in Advance Wedttesav Zan: ar, 8 h,- 1593. "Now is the winteI of u' alae ,n' elft mode glorious entLinet" by Asti's S..ssp.,r- ill t, Thi, wondeiful rnedien,e sn (0Vigora'08 the system an 1 tnriehts the blood th it col weather b.:u.mt,a pnsitttely enj y Arc tit: etrpioI rs would do well to make u n rte of thi=' -The \Vieghaut Advance nays :- The terve-et, tvhiuh hay b- it Ntirrilltr up st iuterval.r thn.* who mole ally inter- est in the ,ti .', h•t< ut las ber+n tiett!Oli, rt d Dr. Car -beim is exonerated from all idatut' ire the mutter. It was lust ae trH t Xpected ; the parents a errs urged to take the action they did by those who are no friends of the Dr.'s. The jury brought in a verdict of death from causes unknown, and Mr. Rahy has been gentlemanly enough to write a letter of apology to Dr. Chisholm for the injury done him. We hope there will never be a repetition of such a case in Win,ghaw, Consumption Cured. An old physiel au, retired Into' practice, having h.td placed iu his h.n to by an East Illdi s II1I0ai(1tl- ar,y the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent euro ��f 1'onsnmptinn, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervosa Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after lrsvmg tested its woa.i-rfnl curative powers to thousands of eases, his felt it his ditty to make It known to his sntleriuu follows. Actuated by thitt motive avid a desire to relieve humour safferiug, I will send free of charge, to all who thesis it, this recipe, in Gorman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Seat by mail 1i addreseins with ammo, naming this paper. W' A. N',v s s, 890 Powers' Brack, Rochester, N. Y. 659- y There ie some talk of the possible appointment of Lord Wolseley to the post of Governor-Generaf of Colli- de. He is eaid greatly to desire the piece. Lord Roberts is jugs back .from India,. end there ie diffioultty in find- ing a .fitting poet for hire. The sug gestion is made that Lord Wolseley may be sent to Canada, thus leitviug the chief command in Ireland fur Lord Roberts. The January number of the Fa,vner'x Ad- vocate has come to band, and a handsome one it is. This long establiehed and ably esnelucted agricultural paper deserves Ibt hearty support of every Canadian farmer, The copy uow to hand is illustrated by s very handsome engraving of a herd of typi• • cal Ayrshire cattle, the property t f David Morten & Sono, Hamilton. 0 it. The con- tents of the peper are all that a farmer could d.•sire. The editorials in the issue are devoted 1a'gely to live stook mattero. The Provincial Fat Stock Show. recently held at Guelph, is very ahly repor ed by the editors, and should be of great intreet t„ garment generally. Another article of more tblian usual intrest ie entitled "The Value of lFFanoy Pointe in Breeding S.oek,” A report -of at speech recently delivered by the Hon. -John Dryden f Blows. 'The Temwcrth•, h recently introduced breed of (twine, are pr so tically described, after which corneae reties of articles on the "Winter (;are of Sheep." "How It-st to Overcome th, Present Agri• nniteral Depression' is di.ouesed by James Elder, who handles the subject in a feiulets manner. Mr. John Hobson write, of "Agri- cultural Exhibitions" with ungloved h'anux. Other articles are by i'rofeesor Craig. of the t(Jnivereety of Wieconein; W. H. Hilho•ne, Ilate horticultnriet of 1),miuiun Experimen, ,tal Stations."Iojurioue Insects.' are deaeri ,bed by Mr. Jam -s Fletcher, D .minion Eu- ttomologiet, The t'oultry,Dairy, Veterinary, Lace each a d"partment. \Ve advise those of our reade a who are not subacribero to send for a sample eopv. Address THE WM. WELD Co., London, Out. Sample copies tale free, Sups^-ription price, $l per year. --in Galt last week Edward Clay was nearly burned to death. A coal oil lanlp exploded in his hands and hill night dress fired. He rolled ron the floor and clothing was piled on lhitn. IIe was badly burned and convey- ed to the hospital, but will recover. Anvron To MOTIIERo. -Are you disturbed at night and broken of your root by a Hick child suffering and ening with pain of Cat lu}t Teeth, It No mend at once and get a finals of "Mrs ing. Its vallleehling e incalculable. rup" for Lltldren Teeth will relieve tag. the poor little aulruferimmediatotl. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake abort it. It enrol Dysentery and Diarrhma regulates tbo stomach and bowels, aures Wind Collo, ooftenn and gives sono the Rome, rerlaaos InflammationR Soot bine Sy Syrto up" h(le childrennteething IR iro loal0ont to the taste and le the preesariptinu of o p of the old0000 in theoVntteind !est Statea,,tale nnd Ieht r sale bytd allneinggloto thronglr,ut the world. Prion 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and oak for '•DIRt. \VINSLOW'S SooTOTINO Svnur," and take no other kind. 6561 LABORING tIN TaBliTi REMEDY. ST. JACOBS3 OIL, THE GREAT REMEDY t"UR PAI1 1��'! ,�N'l•r �CUllatS rt .per • ke ' C2 "u$ : U fl�t� A lA Sprains, Braises, Cuts, Wounds, Soreness Ctlffnes.a, Swellings, Backache, Neu- ralgia, >oletiga, Burn' THE CHARLES A,yoCELER COMPANY, Baltimore, Pact Canadian Depot. TORO TOy„oN'T .... - ...• ��, '�vf,. t?,yh,xt! f '>'ii ,” 'R .:nig'.i ihl SeIentlflo„;Atnerlaan . A9enOy.for OAVEATS, `TRADE MARKS, 5#)EEIfQN PATENTS, COPYRICHTB, ettl. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN tit G0.. all BROADWAY, NEW YORE. t s Oldest bureau for securing pateataan America. Every patent taken out by us Is brought before tbo public by a aotiet given free ofChargeIn the #,Ocrififzt ' uteri an `Largest ciroulotion of any eotenttaogtaper in the LIKEA THIEF 1N TU NI�Hr, Consumption cameo. A slight cold, with,; your slam' iu the eoruftl•rua condition that's caused by imete o blood, is . nough to (eaten it upon you, Teat is the time when n gl o' and tit lay are fu 1 of r'apge Canape -11 'ion is Lu 'g-e'ruf el Y •u; can prevtint it, sni you eau cu e 'et if too havedt waited'' to 'len,,,° with Doctor Tierce's Golden Dlod{tisi Dit- oovery. 'Taal ie the In st' put ytr • blood - cleanser, strength -restorer, ani fi eh -builder that'll known to medtuel scieuee.• Fur every dlataee that has to be resulted through the blood, for Sorof:'ulain all ire forms, C,usup- tien,Weak L Ings, Bronchitis, A.thnt••, and all sore's, lu g'ring poughe, •it ifs the Only guaranteed rtnitdy,,_ If .t dusen't beuefit or cure, y uu nave yutlr tuouey Ii.ak. The proprietors of Dr Sage's Catarrh Re - mod) know that their medicine pet fectly and ,•rrnaueutly cures Catart h. Ti pruye it to yo i they /lithe tnia (.1f:r : If they (au't oar, ) t,ur' Catarrh, 11, mutts t' what your case re, they ',1 pay yeti $500 in cash. -Oit Saturday night whilst the wife of \Ir. Taylor of the evapuratieg factory was stepping oIY the train with a child of four yearn in her arms, the train suddenly pulled out without warn ill;, causing Mrs. Taylor to lose her balance and fall. She held on with her (iambi anti thus escaped instant death, but the child was not so furtun• ate, one of its fent being Cau•;;ht by the wheel and 00 crushed that 1)r Stillkt'r found it necemea,y to perform an atnpu• tation of the half of the tight foot. Mrs Taylor also sustained injuries iu the arnr and hack as well as •a severe shock to her nervous syntelo Mr. Taylor has instructed Mr. Klein, Q. C., to enter an action for $10,000 damages aeainst the G. T. it Co.-\Valkerton llerald. SPEEDY RELIEF FOR CROUP. GENTLEMEN, -I have a little boy of 5, whose' greatest trouble is the croup, aid 1 find that Hngyard'a Y. Low 0.1 gtvea speedy relief, therefore I take pl'asure in recom- mending it to the public. MRS. L. it. I3ALDw1N, I)tklanl, Oat, RRISONI RS LIBERATED. Meny who have; been ooyfined' to their bode for years by rh'euutatism, Iltnne'bauk and ki ney, eampl•.il%te,'have been Liberated from t sad pi ieoue h i the wondetdul regultitin'k ani ,J1urlfyirtg autlop 1 f turdhf1t Illuod Bit- ters which drives nut,th oid'45bieon from the blood and restores heal t1,torthe•ufflietde. -Mrs. Levitt au:t, ,,pjittd:el, of Ilnitnesville, were visiting at John Pull's in Grey reueu ly, Mr. W. \Neese, Lindsay's popular horse dealer, well and favorably known to Canadians from Quebec to Sarnia, has recently returned from a tour through New York, Michigan and other 'Juiced States states. Kindly ask him next time you meet him how he found the Yankee farmers; how the prices paid the farmers in their local markets there compared with the prices quoted in their big city papers; and, in general how the condition of the Yankee farm' et' this hard year compares with the Canadian. It is bad enough here; it is far worse there. --Lindsay Warder. PERFECT' SA1'18teAC'1'ION. GENTLEMEN, -I have found W B. 13. an excellent remedy, both as a blood purifi'r and general family medicine. I was fcr a long time trout led with sick headache and heartburn, and triel a b.ttle, which gave me ouch perfect'satisfection that I have since then used it As our family medicire. E. BAILEY, N..rth—Bay. -The word has gone round in Tor onto to "boil the water" used in drink ing on uccount of a break in the •coo• duit across the Baty. Dr. Allen, the city's health ufficer, says: "My advice is to boil every drop of water that is used for drinking or domestic purposes. You may remember that there was a break in the conduit over two years ago. I remember that a serious out break of disease followed, and it wee all due to the bad water. 'There is danger now of another outbreak, and it may be avoided by simply boiling the water." BORDERING ON CONSUMPTION. 'When a c std is negleoted it frequeutlyde- velops a condition bordering on cumsump• tion. No other remedy will so quickly re- lieve and cure cases of this dangerous kind ae I)r. Wood's Norway Pi to Syrup, because no other remedy poseeseee each pet CAA curative powers ae dues this prince of peat oral reuledue. -The teu)perauue ticket was de feated iii the i nuuicipal election.. at Woodstock. Rev. W. A. McKay scores the electors of that town for not voting as they prayed. WAR WELL WAGED. WHVT greater 'enemy of mankind than disease, and what nobler work than to tight against this death dealing enemy of humani- ty. The moat successful war against dis- ease. to being steadily carried on by Burdock Blood Bitterefor dy'epepeia, couetipation, ball blood, bilimiaoese, etc., cannot reshot its po were. -Fred \Vordell, of Mitchell, carne very near being killed last week. He was riding on a load of wood when his sleigh upset, burying him underneath. He is supposed to have lain in that position for nearly half an hour, when a woman came along and removed the wood and thus released him. He was unconscious for a long titne, and sus tained severe, but not dangerous in• juries. ------- --- - TRULY RECOMMENDED, GENTLEMAN,--- I can truley recrommeud Hagyard'e Pectoral Balsam for all cough. and colds. Less than one bottle cured my brother of a severe cold, Miss MAGAS TnonMPSON, Vatay, Ont. -Woodstock, like Clinton, has More readeis than vutera, The Sentinel - Review gets nut an evening edition that averages 1,720. BOYS, BAKE MONEYS and soca a elogtut and et. fob pr'z-s b, working a few t oars after school and on S tut day fur the T n onto Timex B •' a, if you want a 11 et Glee, watch, Prin ng P 010, Air Gun, Magic.Ltette n or any other' article h,1c.nb,pro3ure1iu mento )00 in s•- C111e it without coot by writing Ica WE WANT HL5TLE1tS for the gteateet 11 nntt Nowepupei is (laracla. Send yournatne au+i totem fo our pr zit 11'Hr to LIVE BOYS Address Tote TOltONr. 11MLS, "tiiruulation lt. pa -1 gent,' Oaloodby Building, 'l'ur•,nto, Out. 741 3: East Wawanosh. Crowded out hast week. Mise Billie ltubertsun and Mies Mary Watson are visiting friends in ,Marnock. Mr. Gowan amber has returned house ft 0111 Dakota. Mr. Robert Stonehouse, of London spent his vacatiuu under 118 parentlt roof. Miss Magpie Porterfield left home on 1luuday to resume her duties in Buy field public school. I1r. Samuel Morton sold to Mr. F Watson, of Blyth, last week, three lambs which turned the scales at 147 pounds each. Beat this who caul The Fordyce Orange hall, 1100, was burnt to the ground last Wednesday night. It nlnst have bean done by some unknown hand se there has bre; no meetings hold in it fur some time, Mr. E. Watson shipped a car load of lambs from Whitechurch last week. Mr. Arthur Haines and Peter Mason are cutting wood for Me. 1R. Leishman Chia week. SPECIAL FOR OUR READERS. A lerge, life-size engraviug (in nature colors) of the famous one thottiand dollar prize Sr. Bernard dog owned by the Pah miller of THE TORONTO TIJ1ES, together with TUE TIDIES Calender for 1893 will be sunt free (in mating tube) upon reoiept of your name and address and tw•, three cent stamps to cover expellee of mailing. If you desire it send at once. Address- THE TORONTO TIDIES, O-goodhy Badding, 741.31 Torouto, out. -The vote in St. Marys on the it -.sue of reducing the number of hotels in the town to four was very emphatic an op- position to the proposed reduction. The majority against reduction was over four hundred. • world.' Splendidly illustrated. No in elligent man should be without it. weekly,_113.00 a year; turista months. Address, MUNN & Co.. puelesHERs, 361 Broadway, New York City. The I e. 'i op Tilutuel Fire 'Insurance Company,' Farm and Isolated. Town ..Propms, ty'only Insured. Oi^N iCa::Y. Thos. E. flays, President, Soaforth P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Secy.Treaa , Seaforth 1', 0. ; John Hannah, Dlanaaer, Seatforth P. 0, nuticcT011e, Jas, Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Rose, Clin- ton ; Gabriel Elli'tt, Clinton ; George Watt, llarloc( • Joseph Evans, llcechwood ; .1. Shamnon, %Yatton ; Thos. Oarbert, Clinton. AOENT4. Thos. Noilans, Ilarlock; Itobt. McMillan, Sea - forth ; S. Carnochan, Seafurth, John O'Sullivan and Gem Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attend ed to on application to any of the above olticers, addressed to their reopoctivs post chlees, A RAILROAD MANAGER. Ohio and Mississippi Railway, Office of the Present and Gen'l Manager, Cincinnati, Ohio, U. S. A., Nov. 15. 1886 Gentlemen : Recently while in the aut of alighting from my car 1 stepped upon a atone, which, turn• Ing suddenly under my foot, threw me to the ground with a severely sprained ankle, 1 Suffering exceedingly, I was helped into the car and my mac rubbed me most generously with arnica and kindred remedies, but to no avail. R-auliiug a station whore St. Jacobs Oil could bo secured, two bottles of it'were bought and the application resulted at once in relief from pain, which had become well nigh unbearable. I sea nut and about my work in three days. W. W. PEABODY, Pres't and Geu'l Manager. Dunlop, Jan. lst, 1893. MR. A. M. TODD: DEAR Sra,-Enclosed you will find the amount of subscription for your paper in advance tor 1893. Yours truly. Inn SPECIAL NOTICE �' THE NRWt.ltreoltn will always ho pleased tor receive reliable information of Births, Jtar• tinges, and Deaths, or of any other local event. INT Tint NEws RECORD can furnish as hand- some Wedding Stationery and guarantee as fine letter press work and at as low prices as any city or other printing Office, /NT In the matter of Funeral Circulars and Memorial Curds, TON NEws•IUaconn guarantees prompt attention and the very host class of work, at fifty per cent. less than eastern prices. D0SES2,,rs HEGREAT TAKE.:',; H g'BEST' COUGH CURE, 25c50c&114-' SHILOH'S CURIE. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. got a Laine Side, Bacic or Chest Shiloh'o Porous eater will give great Fatisfactioa.-25 cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZER. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga Tenn. salsa .>hiloh's Vttalfzcr'.vAVED MY Llll'Jd. 1 emelt/exit the beat reined y foradebttttatedetietem 1 ever treed." 1Dr Dyspepsia,Liver or Sidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cs. H1LOWS ,CATARRH .teeiS REMEDY: Have you Catarrh ? Try this Remedy. It will positively relieve and Cure you. Price Wets. This Injector for its successful treatment 1s furnished free. Itomember, Shtloh'e Remedies are sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction. PHOTOS C. HOARE'S fine now Photograph galle'r'y being now ready for operation, he is furnishing First Class Cabinets at 12 2:1, :ter dozen. Other Sizes in proportion. All wanting such come and try him. C. HOARiE - - CLINTON. NELSON T. BIT' IIIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CiVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE - - - ONT. Orders left at this orifice promptly attended to. JAS. FERGUSON, RUMP MAKER, - .. CLINTON. (ROSS' OLD STAND) Pumps sold IA asonahle. Cisterns and Tanks put down. Wells dug and cleaned and Satisfaction Guaranteed. New Flour and Feed Store HANLEY & WALKER beg to announce that they have opened a Flour and Feed Store east of the Come mercial Hotel, Iluron Street, Clinton We will keep in stock the very best of everything in the lino, such as Flour, Meals, Feetl,Seeds, &c., at very reason- able prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. We solicit and expect a legitimate share of town and country trade. Remember the location of the Clinton Flour and Feed Store. II ANL aft WALKER BULBS ! BULBS ! BULBS ! All kinds of Winter Flowering Bulbs at J. CUNNINGI-IAME'S. CIIINESE SACRED LILY, easily grown in water and will bloom in two or three weeks. DOUBLE AND SiNGLE IIYACINUTS, Blue, Mauve, White, Red, Yellow and Pink, Tulips, mixed varieties, Narcessus, Easter Llllies, Ormthogalum or Star of Bethlehem. Crocus, Bawkus and food for flowers Ex. cellent Fertilizer for house plants, soluble in water. Free from odor and clean to handle. Better than ordinary manure and no trouble with worms. Will furnish Holly and Mistletoe in time for Xmas by parties leaving orders now. Kept on hand. -MIEN CUNNINGHAM. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons zvho do not receive their raper regularly from the carrier or thr.zugli their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions mad, commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD )las a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Joh Lel-artment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior crass of work is guaranteed at very los prices. D dFOR MOO ENVELOPESFOR OW-•'S-Rd�o�PFADflOFFICE RN�NFl 'THE NEWS—RECORD EXCELS IN AL1. DEPARTMENTS Wn.se Rnderson's Restaurant The Old. Reliable Confectionery Store. a. OYSTERS ARE mi SEASON ! EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE'NO OTHER. Fruits, Coufectitnlery, 13isctiits-iu endless variety ;,C>anberrtes, Sweet Potato 4 Spanish Grapes, etc: tralTOBACCOS, 1'II'ES, CIGARS ---GOOD GOODS, AT LOSE SELLING PRICES) Everything first-class in a first•ciesestoke. 'l)uu't pass•Andersou's Restaurant Searle's Block;`- Albert Street., LeUs Carriage Faetory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS; CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the beet 'work- mauship and material. Se -All the latest styles and what t• odern'iu Prep re - meats. All well warrented. Rep.airing,antd repainting promptly att aided - to. . Prices to 8011/1/0 ileacs,' pFACTORY-corner Huron and Orange' Streets, Cli.rton. , 57- �'y .t New Fall Tailoring Goods. --O -- 1'. JACKSON, Sr., has placed in stock Complete Lines • of Choice Fall and Winter Tailoring Goods Being a cutter of long experience, satisfaction is guaranteed. neer \\re can suit you in quality and price for Pants, a Suit or Overcoat. Perfect cuts and fits. The best goode and tl'inlmings. \Vorkinanship., unsurpassed, Call un us before you older. 0__ T. -- T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. TRIS WILL INTEREST YOU BARGAIN MONTH. Ilaving purchased tllp Commander proverty adjoining our old store, we purpose moving our Stoves, Furnaces, Tin, 'Vire &c., &., from the present store before the first of Janua-y when our lease expires, and in order to reduce the stock be- fore moving"\ce will give you unheard of 'tlargains for the next thirty days. In Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves and Tinware, We have also a number of Second hand Stoves which will be sold cheap. ARL_A_T�T� .:BRRO S Iron and IIardware Merchants, - l - - 'CLINTON --f ...motif Good. Cheer Once a Year.* Our store is well stocked with Xmas and New Year Fruits, SPICES, PEELS, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, 'TEAS, COFFEES, &c. Do not neglect to call and see us. We are the' great produce dealers and pay the highest price for everything and sell:our goods at a low living profit. CANTELiON BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 1. Clinton. CHINA HALL, Clinton. 0 Christmas an New Years. For )'ears China Ilall has been noted for keeping the very best goods at the very lowest prices and 1892.'3 is no exception to our well-earned reputa- tion. OHINA & GLASSWARE. Our Delf, China and Glass Goods comprise some of the handsomest lines and meet reasonable in price ever shown in this section. PEELS, FRUITS, SPICES, NUTS, The Goods in these lines that we offer are all fresh and clean and of the very best quality to be procured, while the prices are such that consumers will t surely stake a mistake if they do not see and test them. We keep in stock everytbine to supply the needs of all well regalated families for the Christmas and New Year season. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS. Don't forget that China Nall has the very finest blends and flavors in the market, while our Sugars are from the beat makers and of the best brands. Give China Hall a call and we will do our best to please you in quality, price, aitd shall be pleased to serve you. N. ROBSON,_OLINTON. -CHRISTMAS IS COMING - GET YOUR New Fruits and Xmas Presents —AT— LI. s W. Irwiij's Corner Storu4 MCKAY BLOCK, CLINTON. RAISINS-Extrtl, Selected Valencia, London Layers, Black Becket and Sultanas. CURRANTS -nest Padres and Vastizza, Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NcTd— Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, and Shelled Almonds. TEAS, COFFEES AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY, Crockery Department Having imported direct I am selling at wholesale prices. DiNNER SETS from $6 up, TEA SETS at prices that will suit everybody; TOILETS in all Styles and Prices. Some do but don't you wait until a day or two before Xniiie-f7iiii'11reeynttrwelee-• --•- tions from our well filled tables suitable for Xmas and Wedding Presents. On hand bbl. Salt Herrings, Trout, Salt Water Salmon. BUTTERAND EGGS TAKEN. 1