HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-01-04, Page 5:tw i '..F....+*E.`► US Ctff for DOM/ Answering this Puzzle Correctly, `Nr ' sstrNr ri t'llj f •'iilM1 ` s), � v gt;) Tear of Du18;;`11 for 23 Cents. :VIA, young Lally h, the 34nve clic has three rltltlttrurs, snub an.• er whose plerure 48 cou14,4netl t tbQ ohne(' ilrhg8. '1'Itr pu41I04ltrt:+ f (Jur e*eg t'eet'h• will give ' t(nu Galli !!flitch to rite perste! who lir-:r ran make out the t'avea 0) the three atlntirrrs, 'f',..oe s, ca,nd •t Hu,• tial Vet' ird Ch. u(blu.,,.,t•�xt�tve OW I sl( hrkerIeirry ...14'tnit s ueIto3, the. Typoi.yrlter. 1 *lift (fold Hirer to el -ph „4' them,•4 two correct a.tawera. ,-t �.:� rh..4 4 Piece t., th.; nc ct three. ,8 g,iti. bf•oocb l' e:u•h ,d the next tell r,a'rvel allewer9. A c11nnniffee ,u+i.+til, "trier to:":h.:1.8 ,hent M. /simile :wheels ere, erne, e 111 I„• t114 heft to be erielerst 114)44 :.68164 1 lie j0l4.1ce lu Ile• at,•w•d u! pet :es, 7.Neb contestant 18 to (ad out the 'feints end butte n miss with a I'0llf,•11eil 011 U,' three caves 'fluid semi Rarrt..10 wide ton three Cent ?4,1111418 {o 440 ('sutra itt mil.. tor) 44'r ,nie ye:u•s' suliserip'lu11 ..tu.{Inr .Yen .s !fent'! ',which 1s..t:u';:1', b 44(444• ratty illusinttvci Ir, p.,�,• n '44'1 411.•,, „ I,enutiful 1.' gferuving'•'1lo' Thrst Isis.” win ho scut free by 1"turn mail to every answer receive(l, lien u•ud,et tbnl you feet the plea. 04' tt r :u, entire rear and a r•hattee tr,ruile,ir w•re„t':hr priers. This is your pie (•44114461' 911(4 if ,,.0 .1.111, .,m will oris :old regret It. \1', will {rive to the Inst •su eorruut anml'er8 reeri('('(1 each u h:uuie,nuu Souvenir Rlr> m (4f (blumhus, 11(1'4'4414 IT 18 14,11 rel• •I'n S.4'• W111,41114'n' 41114' , 1101 tete \1I4 fitly(' icor "nun;.; 1'e..,pte 116 a re4ular i'ieitur :U' .ran home 14.4' the next ;year, •1114 (•hanen Or 4vinn11( ono of the a4 41' prizes. \\'ha( risk do you run 44.ern fin}: us ;1 suhscripiinu ? II .,Voll are 1404 p.'1'feel'1)• sathoiell with "11111' I„VeRt- merit after 1'11'10,'1111; 4111• 111(1 copy or. ha' YounT Yecple you Vali Il ave your oust y huh., 1541 4 thio fair. l lie envch.pe which eoutnlue rol:ret't auswef !:e-ril 4;'iira4 p...•a•nlfirk will receive first reward 1111(4 the hataure in ut•der aA1.44. tv111. 111• sure:uu1 answer to -day and en('Iuse an emus :11111 you ,till receive the best vain.. vou ever tl',i for the money. Address (E, 0011 YOUNG PEO1'eae, ]tins street. \vest. Toronto, C uncia, Censer; S. K., Johu Raid, 14 ,$tad. hearer; S. K':., J. Walla, 2nd kited. bearer; S. .K. W. H. Moruoy,1et Com.; S. K. Win. 1.a;ehetn, Sud Com.; S. J. John Pollock, 31.0d Com; S. K. Juhu McLelaud, 4th Com. Ou the festival of St. John the even - gullet, the members of Maitland No. 33, and Morning Stat' No. 309 rout iu the tatter's lodge room, at Carlow, for the annual installation of oflicere. The D. D. G. M., P \V. Bro. Beek•, assisted by District Secy. Bro RAC, Park, eau ducted the ceremony. After the iuttall- atiou speeches were made by the D. D. and W. Bros, Humber, Young, Park, Munro and others, and at their eonulusiou the brethren eat duwu to an excelleut supper. As the cluck chim- ed midnight the brethren separated happy to meet, sorry to ;:art, happy to meet agaiu. The following are the official members for the present. MAITLAND 33 MV&54151a ST.1n 300 Robert Park J P, Beowu W. M. H W. Boll L). E. Munro 1. P. M. Atex Chrystal A. F. McL)Juald S. W, Jas. lnketer Jeede t,rlsutlllt J. W. Alex Straiton A Wenn Chap, W L{, Muruey...,Jas. Young Tress. W. A. iebynas..•.Jue. t1'ftauu 4ocy, Geo. Porter A. Robertson S. U.. duo. Beattie W. I3-tilie J. D. J. W. Green Juan V'r000 U. ui C, C. F. Straubel.. , R. J. Llueston S. 8, Jae, Hoye W , H. Moreland J. 8. Ed. Beck J U: N. Julia I. U. T. J. Vileau J s„unsutet• Tyler Mr. J. Kitty fotwerly of Rubertaou's dry goods store, was yisitiug in town on New Year's day. Mr. Cassaday, of Toronto, spent New Year's holiday iu town. ?Ir. F. McGregor ie speuding the winter at the family reslderl00 in Gude, rich. Mrs. Drumtnond, relict of the late Matthew Drummond of Toronto, and mother of Mr. Geo. Drummond, recent- ly Mon:real Bank Manager in this town died very suddenly feu Saturday even• ing at the residence of her sun in Pletou, after a few days illness. The deceased lady, 'thole residing in Gude' rich made many friends and her unex- pected demons will be to them a great source of grief. The fuueral took place yesterday afteruouu in Toronto, Mr. N. \Vostou, of London, was in Gaderfell, ghblooiltxhelneiordHoytwith tot. U. W. Hatt,of (ludorloh, who is C0thorized to coneet.sul,ltcrlptlous migrant reedits therefor. Stanley, Torrance and E'rvtt were elected reeve and deputy. As far all heard, the old council elected. Exeter. Reeve, Dr. Rollins ; deputy, H. Speck man by acclamation. Councill. ors, Carting, Christie, McCellnut. • Brussels. Reeve, W. H. Kerr, Counctllors— W. H. .1toOracken, R. Ross, George Thompson, J. Winn, Trustees—Rev. J. Ito -ss, Dr. W. Graham, Adam Reed. Seaforth. Mayor, D. D. Wilson, by a0clama. tion; reeve, M. Y. McLean, by acclama- tion; deputy reeve, F. G. Neeliu. Couu tillers—South ward, John Lyons, Wil- liam Sclater, R. Scott ; North word, R B. Gann, James Beattie, J.Tyreutan ;• Eaet ward, R. Orientate J. Darwin, J Ward, • (:oderleb 'I'OWnsIIIp. • Mr. Wes. Beacom is holidayiug at Harr'iston. L. 0. L. 189 will hold a special meeting iu Sharou Church, 8113 con., on lionday, .Ian, 9th, at 7.30 p. rn. A full attendauce is specially requested, to bueiuess of great importance will At the annual school meeting in S. S. come before the tuaetiug. No. 6, Nm. Bryan was appointed trus- tee for the corning terra, Wm. Cochrane, the outgning trustee, refusing to be re, Leadbury. elected. On the evening of the 21st ult., the On nomination day the old Council were re elected by acclamation as fol - people of Leudbury and vicinity were treated to cue of the most attractive lows: Reeve, HIowe Council; Deputy - o. aud \veil rendered programmes that KirkbReevey, JH. Proctor, V. SCalbickGeA has been glveu in this seCtiuu for some vote was taken by show of hands on the ,,. time. The entertainment was iceltl ill House of Refuge resulting in 23 for same the school house, and was under the and 33 against. rnanngement of the teacher, Mr. J. S. GONE '('0 1trsT.—One by one the early Hogg, who, whenever he undertakes settlers of Morris township are passing makes a Huccess, over the River of Death into the portalsanything, iuvutiubly The several dialogues. recitations and of the groat unknown, where the tate rtspirit finds a home f happiness musical selections were of the choicest and peacandthe verysoul is at character, but the main feature of the On Monday, 20th ult., Elizabeth, relict • evening was the inimitable ventrilo• of the late Wm. Anderson, passed to Godericli Godert_h quism of Mr, 11. C. Pearce, of Paisley, her reward. The deceased was born ou The officers of Huron L)11ge No, 62 Y whose original jukes end local hits the 6111 of September, 1807, on the I. O. U. F., will be installed at the the t kept the house in a continual outburst banks of the Doon, Ayrshire, Scotland, a they tray, of laughter, while he occupied the near ns town of Ayr, and consequently regular Meeting to -morrow evening. 11 d ! 1 was in her 86th year at the time of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Broyles, return • q beyond platform. death. On the 1st of August, 1840, she ed to their home, Toronto, yesterday. left Scotland for Canada, reaching Hamil• ton late in the tall of the same year, . Mr, and Mrs. Willoughby, of where site was at once married to her ' Detroit, are visiting at the residence of to a paras tl bliss Eva Nutt, who has been ou the late husband, whose spirit left the mors the lady's parents, East street. sick list, is recovering nicely. ' tal frame on the 28th of April, 1873, at Mies Charles, B. A., returned this a tat M1s8e8 Willis, G. Crich and M188 B. the good age of three score and three. week from her holiday visit, ' l 3 d Crich, of Seaforth, were visiting at Mr. They at once left for Mr. knderson's Frank Chric}t'a, farm, situated one stile south of Ayr, on S. Davis, of Clinton, was in the ( the boundary, in South Dumfries. They circ lilt town the poet week. The young people of west end had a left the farm;iu Dumfries in April, 1862, . The officers of the Sons of England P very pleasant party at .James .Nott'(', accompanied by their young family of Will be installed at the regular meeting G Matheson. Londou road, on Friday evening, three boys and three girls, and took up next Wednesday, the lith inst. • They lad a pleasant time until the a farm on the 4th con. of Morris, Co. of lfondey the wee'etnall hours in the mornin • Huron, where they continued to reside R gular meeting of Maitland lodge Western Hotel, d y S artz, b' '11,death first• took one and then the No, 33, A. F. and A. M,, next Tuesday was d► d b re, D1rs There was a very pleasant party at other. The deceased was confined to 'evening, the Mr, Thos. Kearns, London road, on ber room for nine months before her de - having bedroom Friday evening last. They had a cease, her principal complaint seeming Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong spent New pleasant tune end all wont home well to be old age. She was a life long Pres Year's day in the Forest City. t hold had ° pleased • with their host and bugloss. byterian, having joined the church in There was a large congregation at _ Scotland in her girlhood, ar.d eubsee g, Councils St. George's watch night service ou to quently was clic first to sign her name cot\ F. New Year's eve. 1 y r Colborne. ou the membership roll, of what is now Metcalf, ' DIVISION COURT, Dr. Cassaday, of Kintail, was in g ay A. Mulloy elected reeve over Bock. known a6 Thompson's church, Ayr. The regular sitting of the 3rd Division ! t t ' Alex. Young elected deputy reeve over she was a faithful Christian and an up- Court was held here on Friday, His town on New Year's eve. commenced 1 .lames Taylor. Councillors—Putter, right woman, always willing to extend SIIUu terhtll. Honor Jude. Doyle o Mr. Herbert Robertson left ou Mon- a helping band to those in need ors Y presiding. The Morrie and Young, trouble and was always respected by The entertainment under the sue- docket was somewhat longer than usual. day on his return to Cresrnoe' d to fire Mrs. William Dfillian is vary ill at those who had the pleasure of her Picas of L. O. L. No, 928 held on the The following cases were disposed of : Thera was a large attendance, at 1118 present, but it is hoped she may soon acquaintance. Of the family five are 23rd Dec. was a grand 8000088. Mr. Trowhill v. Maynard—Action for oomng for men only, ou Sunday after• p recover. left to moor❑ her loss, viz: :lira. R. Fred Shambly fairly brought down balance of account, rent and the price n' hp ant t Forsyth, (Ann) Mrs. G. flair, (Irate! the house with hie comic son in rhar of two cutters not delivered as agreed- 1'he annual school meeting of S. S. 1Villiam and James alt whom live in actor. Quite a number of embers of The balance of account being disputed Miss Annie Campbell has returned No. 8 was held on Wednesday last. Sullivan are Count and by the deft, the plff, was allowed to from a long visit to the Queen City. \9 r. John Barr was elected trustee to Y yl Quintin, on 153 came over from Colborne. Mr. amend his particulars and the case ! 1 fire the homestead. Tho youngest lough- and Mrs. Ilorney, of Winthrop, were stands over until next Court. The Christmas p tree sad entertain- Mr. the place tfr. TFios.Couniva and ter, Lizzie, Mrs Donald vlcDonald, died resent, The gentleman, who is dfs <1cVedfov. Glasgow, et al—Garnishee meat for the pupils of St. George's 3 a u [ 1 mid Mr, C. W. Treble was reelected as in August, 1880, aged 29 years, One p Sunday school, will be at the Grand p hole trustee for auotllor terra, brother, of the deceased, is also living, trict master of Hullett, acted as chair- proceedings wherein the primary eredi- Opera house on bliday evening, Mr. John Brownlee and family have Quintin MoIJlatr, who is ten years her man and the lady gave a very interest- tots were seeking to attach the amount a burning level l moved from the Iia junior. That funeral on Thursdayafter- ing address on !flue J31u0iam, due Geo. Glasgow, the lomat debtor, Dr. and Mrs. Humber were the pant Hayfield line, Goderich out of the balance omfrllg to him out of week visiting at the family reaideuce, loes township, to the (arm of 111x, J. H. noon was largely attended, Rey. D. Mrs. Brigham, of Toronto, and ilirs. the estate of his late father in winding , 1 Millian, which they have rented fora 'hiller, of sernox Church, Brussels, cont and lilies Cullyford, of Houghton, up the old first of Glasgow, Macpherson Victoria arae t.ductin • the services, The interment 1lichigan, wore the nests of Mr, and & Co. Judgment «ins\ primary debtor Mies Bertha 'Rusk left town on Mon- prosperity ,n term of ten ,years, \Ve wish them was in Brussels cemetery. g g g day to resutne her duties ill the Mild 11 t 1 , there prosperity and bid them a hearty wet Mrs. G. M. Kitty on Friday. the 30th and against garnishees by consent. may public school, tomo to this soctinn. East �iatvaatostt, felt. I'isdall 8. Holmes—Action upon a The Christmas entertainment held in Mr. and Mrs.13. Grainger and family note—,Judgment for pill. Miss Fanny Bothwell, of Galt, was the Foresters' hall, Belsraye, on Monday speut Christmas with the lady's mother, Cudmore v. Cameron. —Action for the in town tho peat weak, the guest of the (ohU1'nt'• night, under the auspices of Trinityp balance of the rice of a Crorrdcrl 0)40044 elicit. 1 etre, welters, of Goderich. Ppea harvester, her brother, Mr. Harry. church, was a grand success. The good 'rho defence nes that the machine did. putportion of ntarutc L. 0. L. No. 153, met last style in which Santa Clair; came into Our popular blacksmith has traded not fulfill the warrants which was given Mr. J. E. Davis in a Friday evening 304 t inst. hasher loaded with Christmas presents his colt for a tit10 driver, the college vacation among his old 1 3 4 +' 6 7 toielat the time of sale. Judgment for Off. Inn. Rutter fig 63 d9 4;l S1 til d'1 :)iii A tea meeting was hetet ill /401) for the girls and boys, was pleasing \lr, Henry Murphy WnA UnanIC110418 against deft I'e((1 Curlier on friends in the circular town. C. �_•ag z' 23 23 '42 :3.i f37 00 1:,tt I;ell rrive L. O. L. �o. lti� elected the y ainsta'll v. ter C 1'li—;lctinn for %'••11.1 K.church on Monday night of l•1at`waf k 1 to elected trustee of the pnbiie At the regnlar meeting of Huron 1141 r).4 following officers for the current year. isms Ps for the detention of a buggy W. )',r,u,1f;,Ot2:3 91 bl ;,U Ji G; ;; 1.3'..!.., Thc, enenkeTs tvOrP 11,'v llr. 1'urrnncr.l \\'. 3f., \'/, fct;ill; 1J, SI„ W. Johnston school hate. He has been nine years claimed h P , aY lodge No. 62, 1, O. O. 1+'. on'1'hur day Dr, \I'htr'ty6 ;,t :37 :C;! :;4 :;? 3.; :Su:; of Goderich, Rev. C. Fear, of the Nilo, chaplain, `ecrr'11t1'1 •1,Y in office, heron sec trona <lurin , the by 11f}. l'. W. l3lu,ler,i nne evening,the semi-annual' election of oto( j t Iter 11 l5 18 note tnntle,tn i hods '!'he cerecieisme, .•r• n.tvn,'.ti and Ifnv, ir. ['ihidcau, pastor o!' the 'I'rPllalll'PI' W. P,ryan,; Comn)itee'nen, tent,•. 1, titre and his rr, electiu14 ;nos to v ,lelPnr4 cels that the 011 ('°P rlie 4 wing officers resulted us ,follows: --Bro. 1{. G. (%'ln''1 t;t 71 110 circuit, 1'l;e chair 11:1,9 ucontaied h}' llc,llurr:y, If Lc i hm.ln, .1. ('m'},Pt, T. that hat is the right ratan in the ri ht 1 •'n note.; had not been complied ' C. )!,•11th,, f,i i„ b I lie 1 with, Reynolds. N. U.; Bro. M. 0..11hnaiun --11,9 Mr, (lour •t that he 11118 « purchaser for t , II. ?,1 .uue;�lii ::tl _ I;l[iott, of Gvucricl, 131:;ch, 1{. tt,weus. After the ollicers Ili,10'-'• , 1 value. and V. G.; Iiia. F. Crabb, :Secy.; Leo (;feu, ! 11ua were installed the lnel,eel<4(14 and the 1 l 4641thn sato to 'k place with lit r knots - V. 1:. 1'h"„' ,:,",•, .Iii :., is was u'as luruir Ie1 t t r., 11:11 sob] },i.9 1 tots_ I 11 1 i 1 'Jt' tl,0 Nutth n r. Cate, I,ote t Stiven,. 1, `Secy; I3rp, C. A. Nairn, 1"c .�,:n.t.1, 1 04r. ue•,;<.:t:'.;, ;111(04 choir, Gulieri ) bret(ucn partook of hmclleou pre- 1 !P I o and cons/ nt of the pill. (', W. •• Go/ler/eh. 1 ;u,cinl was 1 ler e citoa.uut. i.ur';o 416 a ;uu,l figure. Treas. 1':. Co, 1•itei.. hell! 022 Tuesday 1) , ,l, Tun proceeds par. .f by the Lady '('ileo Mates, a tiat;;/url and that the 1,rnl,Ptty t,rH tl1 ! IJ,t,.l', Y y „ I C.:oilr' .\t:<r t:u• 1i,,,h tt,l, r, a"w,a( lit,,. It,n. ,,1r. '1't'.r�tn's,1'ormor,' 1•na.:'r t;„•,,,rl•: ,)I' E. E. Hayward, ('n Miss Laura harry, of Lnciinoty, eels M. .;;, , ';.;,,,1 altul;eth:'r amounted 1,+ shine . ;J, .;,,,•,,! ti r'' Counsel visitingin town the )set weoli. i+! !' a•".: i:,/nr , i,vll,t,; ('t, of Otlulrll., .t. el rharch, ('li;l In, II!!!'. «s1:Pd t„ haler I:. E. Ilavx'«rd 1 it, ti.il„w't l;" A ten mu, ting ens hr!d In the "'1 ""n I'1';!' ' r, .I,,,'u :c 11,4 tun, was the �: r Miss Nellie Beattie of Seaforth wan v t,,,,,,;,, .r Methodist guest, o, his dnn,/!1:er 1I I''il'.�'1 :+; a 1>art.y r,hi<h tv,,., done It. C: a t b., tri 11;-, tnt•to,Iist ehnrels, 1i'tuc,ltester,uu Mon- 11,„ 'l ;,,;il, ,.tut:,Cl'I 1/1/ 0 i, Ephraim i:vtt last week. , errrlirt f rl,iii;, ler ;i l.Ut). the past 11001{ a gloat «t the parsonage, 1 , 1 i'r —! th d,15' '(1011 It13'. 1, I ! , , , 1I'. and :'1!';, (,.t7a Ilnlln's P : t •;Vlr)1. \Cti024 for 111Q ".t, 1 n, uta •, i ant; f:,uhi:; 1�Torth street, I el tee Ile rlwPtt of i. i1; .1, I J i til :,1 11;, lir, E:iwar l Strau,;l:en 111,i n a,!o of i1i" ' ,:,u2,t , ? 1 • •.1.1,,,,;11•', ,;•,rl- spent CieLe.""; en.!! the :;entleureu 6 mon p ,I,1, t,st r'<f to Cr, Chas. Cooper, of Clinton was in U t:, : 'r.ie4, , • Intel ::r.,' «I I,, mid rot use,l Ly �tnnley. , i :'3 •;u -1:';; atpck, nod lent>,ent"n!:( nn '1'11, e,iny of parents ill IiuL.'tl. rculat' town un Frida c , •;.ai,r.•alc•<, :r, k, (:.,tile 11111 vel r: lu 11.1 I ), 'rP, tin' c•eiclen ,.• n ,I/r'• 4'r,,, ''Int: 111 1118 I4, t , e I fin„ the j . I'.\ I Mc ., List Weillege but e- ,'ll', I h 4th,• gi,er.' ''("4 ,?i, nor V. 1'..1,:h lit 5' 1 lir. 1'r'tr,,1 F. S. Selwood, of tho C I1 • \'. r to'.v. 1 em, �icil';ear, is Inn!:i:t:: r l u i t'o ! 1, 1 i2ur: rn wr u f r,,, , !) :. ! include o •feu icy.. ,,,,,i.,,,, - ir, Cherie, cttrttlut,a f. lt:.+ ec:'._tiva of a 't!�,• I'll. ante. c•L•,i IP,I I, rte staff, who recently wrote rt, I. ti' 1 a hurl 2718 il•t n, ill. •1 , .'1 t' t,t ;t„ ,_; ! ft f,1! `v.n tib y kin) from u1'lvlt"1•t• herr n„"' the ri,• ut. ' ., r 4. ,, }:t, 1.7.,i. 1,. !; 1 ua rt Hn;:.ut, r. lir, l';,t:„ ft. I1.• cl an non anted on the t,,t tool of 1a<31,)[,ynxtminitiv:l ,,,Hour, r. .t;l,l(Y,,w. 1.•1;4 u' 4144' l,:,tlrye'tt'' 1,:rl ii,',,:,,nt is s ;.a c! 41141; ;.,, ,'1'„4'111 that (;ell'«:;l,li:tinyhi' cense has obtained a high school na,i;'.au''+ �I„4) it, ,,4 !!-- 1111! seemed lo he LII 1111! !uc1.'a„', ';'Irt'il,l/r,'1 r,l !{11,1.}': ;,:, ! lady ,ut,,,t,ll''1 i ,; I n:a t1t,t lila wok will i t, I'nr'ti•'n. pertificate, arty ono ns n tipr,cl\lis, is ti• • `!De.: i e (' r•. I, h; ,,, h,1vl) (1)1441 to tl,is,octiun I,tlei;, cat„! lu Lotoc•1u x Ifl(4111 ,iL.'ul;..,,'reu ,i; nn (limo 141 n lir'!, cln:•t ::;tuner, .I "F,1: v Cott.•h.--,\eij,)llrned natural science, , 1 •:. , fel Wm ,;nv 1 .;t n, :12 t, N. \Iaellutcltie of the (foil it,/ Sc.t h I;i,�l.floe: li l' A. „ �Itreulr HI Mill, ut;', !u \ i.. v l•L, f.,l n', is tl. ,.,,t:,]i 1•,. ,, ....... n•�--.---..- ate Institute staff, returned t t l.. ;'1 \•,n.st01;c'a 41:2,1 0118 10• A, • • 1 '!: p! 1, n «t 1(0'141i''' e,;111l i,;•t„ 1 , 2J 1111, I s , d o tuns on ll,l!i r,'N, 1/t s i ! c a( r 1 'i 1 l: on v ,t 1'U,L �'; seta' ! Ill}17+'1 1•', ..', 1, 1 !r•x., •,l '.t at•,.r nt Tor- 11/1r, 1'OT- ,•r ,1:,111.44 ,ul,l con,t,t,.;. Ile• 1 'u , 1' .,il .; n + J Monday, 1 histo 11, al r, J, 1�•'r1' }r.hs rontrt4 11 r, j•;, !''who: 'b„ Ise. r 1,1 her tt.:,'r.•ht1 r nl; t!1n ,;,•,r : . r,: tj l,;ty over 1 �•I ,1'. ): to .11r. ?; line• !{ichnuul 1, of ! „ l: 't''” a I. Miss Aninin Doyle, Church etfeet, 111 T{,' T"'[ ll Ir .1 , •, , tt / cJf II:1 tl It tl{ H 1.,7;) 1121 {hc• Ititil 1 hal,' i lilts from .Detroit on tiater!l tat., 11',•.t •, 1\ /0:: !l.n II.'•'•ri,;,'ta:; \,,,;• t t c1 ,,.._\� _Wm. 111Lr;,.)nr2 \,:(' 11'. },. 1>„,' I ! SI I1 roe I 8,11, r,' 111• iter, tm,ved item lief 01121 411..544 t., ilio LAI.) i. !' :slit hitt, t:,,,. 11. 11411, I' /,..••,.,, has I�..B P. No. 313, stet in their h,,11; will } ,' L„i I at un it. fl,:i5' 2 •',1 cr. 1111 c, ,,,rr,! 1 t' I . r ;tlrlt,•1', il':, nu• i );1 l,i,r c,ni ell ow r I.!1 c! t..•. -''1 ir,nie( I,•, 't •c ,n i:: i„ ; l: t t5.:r v'' f.ott- tlfler the ascent tontine of buaiules 1 i:h n :e ll r1,1 rr •,.1, : t,1t1, u'nt1V ! r:,nli,ul 431„1 rd I I h fel i fel, 1: l'4'i';, 14111.14 llr, Wm, .t11en, are tyr:a h, 1''Le the hcTS ','''!''., x:2, C. =i, "..) „i:t, : v: : the following officers were 1 en,4t v,'1,1 t a OInCtP(i , ,1, t}nr i„II.J VV 1 r, I co../l..,.., The 11:1 , ,\' xrn: �„ will •, I ., Jas. J. DIcIlIath, 1V, I u e' ', t!.b Zion lint; it on l;l,l,:ctnuts day.i I i,l { ' 8 iC, J '1; 1' i ! 1r',\'rfnrtheir foists 1, un• in i': int”' til. 3,d '1.,l l,ulg}lata, :1 f i' r'};' c111e, : l l ('. 11. I, The (:.Jdl tical hi�tnet. I,. tl, 1;. trill ',lea,,, Jordan. !'••.1 •le;lt s',u;t, "•'„' ; t•'.u, :It (t - Jas. Cr 0, I), L'.; Itnbctt 1'!4)11' t Hull, li S. ,l, ,,' 14 1. 1 Clan S. 1C. .Jnrnes I'll 1t Beg.; h't, } ;i:- n:r'r•t it: tl,,, 11+:t e! 1,. O. 1r. ';1.1-' 111 111 �,' lar, i 1,' t s l u K.• ,:1, .1h'n, 1, :\u. i6, Tb, 1)2nnC,,,t, 1111.1 1 't Geot'g0 M., Cox, Trees ti, li \1', (\, .,I 4'144 L,I,;t!,. 1;ltfit•ld ltt1•, nn 11., .,cc2;,,1 1',1, I I, !'rn' i 11 ` I, ,, •, Pl 1' :"i ,t•1C:,: ,i icy ii.u;•t f !: :t. I;n,l t ;rnutl ilnit115, 1fa'.1,•1 II 111,,. ) n l lr, �tA lalid H, Marne Lact,• S. K., I. F. Tunis let. ' the •air c ! i I nn'n, 114 Jinn a }' nt.. a:c Iecl<,I1 A l ori at,n r 1I(? „ i,:,ll on t'•'rtll es ! I:r.t, ; tiT. `'nd _ l;lnnchn .', ,' I 1” t o i livers, ?4tax- 1 of Y, l tl, ,+ , 1,:,1 r::,l Ito hu.d ntl„nhlne„ of th e'h r•rii n::,i mels: e is' � retr.P , Neer, .' 1' act ilii e 11,'4 .111 t', ,1 llr.;; °n GetlSor; S. K., II, 'Tichbourne, :3ud I to all who atteull. It rnsl,r,tn:)r lfl',•r. 1, {)'lin ll;ilvPPu. 4 of the sat ions Tu lb 's is rrljitestr:d• • i cnco. 1"our keine «re very accnlanblP,� ' Jr. .`211,1,- ,tunic Lawson. , 'e 1^ e,d ,, ,:1 c „i, ' 1 nt 5t esti glade VCuc !illy, 1111011044 Seett defeated Britton far reeve The old council are quid to be re-elect. ed. Hayfield Reeve, WuodH ; councillors, Marks, Erwin, Fuwile and Dr, Staubury, Ye Hiitgins Family greate concerto will lee given .at earilie caudle lighte, 7 o'clocic, p. nu., on Shursduy, ye fifth day of January, ,M D 0 U 0 X 0 I I i1) ye t°woe hall, who iieth ou ye highway culled Ulan Gregor Square, in ye villiago of Baylield. Ye pro graptme is out giving ye names of ye men eingers and worsen 'singers. Ye talent its of ye heat. Go earlie as ye program is long. • Burris. W. H Keeler, of Seaforth, spent New Year's with his cousin, Ww. Bray, 3rd line. Mr's. Thos. Bone and Miss Bessie are away on rr�� holiday trip to Woodstock and Londoh, Bennet Farrow, of Ashfield Township, 'spent his holidays under the parental root, on the 3rd line. Chas. Sheriff, of 'Toronto, has been holidaying for the past week among friends ou the 3rd line. Geo, Knox and sister Polly, of Hullett, spent New Year's with their aunt, Mrs. Jno. Mason, 3rd line. Hugh Moses, who wont to 'Toronto some time ago to have his sight benefit• ted, has returned. Tho operation was performed very successfully. rile Huron News-Recora 1.50 a Year --$1.25 in Advance Wednesday, January 4th, 1 S93 Goderich this woek. The stomata races of the Kennel Clu't feu Monde afternoon created more fun than a box of monkeys, antics ofthe canines a elled roundthe s care being descriptiou. Every few rode the lead- ing- animals would grab one another 1.n 1 the drivers difficulties in trying separate tem was not the least amusing portion of the fun. 111 the open race there were starters th '2n( andr prizes being taken in the following order : W. Brown, D M lver, F. Beattie, and in the Consola- tion, P. McDonald, Johu McDoutttd Shortly.after 2 a. nr l owns b 'w iloovere to • on 6 Swartz bit)g the first to Lotfce it' smoke penetrated Iter The alarm was at once given, but s gree a to the lire obtained that it was all the inmates could do escape party dre.teed, the family se vents and boarders boil forced to leave everything behind. The fire having atthe nor\ least end, soon spread to the stables where two horses were destroyed. As soon as the brignde arrived and two branches were laid, and finally two more these kept continuous s reams, and confined the blaze to the hotel, and barn and Elliutt's blacksmith shop, the later having caught from the stable. At t , the ire was under control further extension prevented, the w of the buildings above enumerated being ti hg mass with the( ground. M r. Swartz was inspired, but his 1 es " nearly double the amount of his po'icies. It is safe to say that had Goderich been Without its present waterworlr;, would have been a loss live times greater. The following is the result of t'otieg on !Monday: Z'uel;ersutith. H11vth The many friends of IV'1rs. John 13•'i1, who has been seriously ill for some time past, will 1 e glad to hear tl.at elle hoe taken a change for the bettor and ie improving cicely. Mr. George NcElroy returned to Woodstock 011 Tbe$day, A week of prayer is being held in St. Aedrew'et Praehyteriart church. New Years day ran observed in this burg on Monday, %all business being suspended. Miss Lena Etnieh returned from ber Xmas holidays and visiting her brother and frieude in Buffalo. Mrs. Hayes (nee Annie Shane), of Seaforth is vieitiug the parental roof for a few days. Mr. Joseph Walker returned on Monday to his horse in Chicago, after having spent Xmas and New Years holidaying with his parents. On Friday everting the S. S. enter- tainment in Connection with St. An- drew's (Predbytelian) Church, held in Industry hall, was well patronized and highly spoken of by some of those that were present. Proceeds over $35, An Friday eveuing our band serenad- ed all the aspirants for municipal honors for 1893, of which there wast quite a grist. The boys are, more than pleased at the treatment they received from each of thew, having added consider- able money to their exchegn, r, 1 e well as the inner wan having been entertain- ed with the good (hinge of the season, On Tuesday evening last the anniver- sary service was held in Trinity church, a large congregation being present. His Lordship the Bishop of Huron preached taking his discourse from St. Luke's Gospel, 14th chapter, verses 15 to 24, which was listened to with the closest atteutiou by bis bearers. The excellent choir rendered scene Hpeclal music for the occasion. 7.'110 offertory was a good ono. On Wednesday evening last a num, ber of the young people assembled in Industry Hall and tripped the light fantastic until the Web sura' hours. On Saturday constable Davies arrest ed Henry Burling on the .charge of stealing a pair dogskiu mitts from Mr. Dan McGowan some months ago. The prisoner was arraigned in theafternoon in Industry Hall before Magistrates P. Kelly, Hamilton and Campbell. After hearing the evidence it was decided to let him go with a severe reprimand. Mr. John A. Brownlee, of the Forest city, is, paying a visit under the parental roof for a few days. On Monday quite an excitement wee caused here at our elections. At the close of the polls the following was how the vote stood :—For Reeve—A. Taylor 98, N. 11. Young 121.—Council- lors—T. Ashbury 114, F. Metcalf 119, W. McElroy 58, Jarnes McGee 135, Andrew McNaliy. 106, T. W. Scott 121, R. Symonds 73.—For House of Refuge 154, against House of Refuge 22, As the result of the election our town daddies will consist as follows for 1893 :—Reeve, N. H. Young; Co ils tors, James McGee T. W. S 1. Ashbury. vi c3 U ,co ces f=( ▪ <C c" c) cd 'cam • 0 QI m U• • 0 C'3 We are daily receiving renew- als for Weekly and Daily Papers, Also many new subscribers, Have we received your's ? 'Tis important that you should do 430 at once. ItEME11BE11,, THE SIGN' !',FADS COOPER'S BOOK STORE. VOR A 11111111111. Part II.— Jane Wright, Thoe. 1I111, Earnest Grainger. Part I,—Minnie E. Kilty, James Johnston, Eddie Ball. Londesboro Mr, Thos, Hill is home on a visit, He loolisaa if the Northwestern olimate agreed with hint. Mr, John Bulger returned from Mani itoba last week. Mr. Harry Spaul was visiting friends in Lon'leeboro last week. Mr, and airs James Braithwaite re, turned to Huila on Saturday.• Our school tru.etees have secured the services of Mr. Stiekles to teach the S. nior department of S. S. No. 8, for 1893. Ile entered upon his duties yes. terday. At a meeting held to elect 'O trustee in the place of the retiring one Mr. James McConnel was chosen for the position. Regular meeting of the S. E. E. on Friday evening. District Deputy Bro. Thos. Jackson, of Clinton, will be pre. 88Ilt to install the officers. There will he a degree meeting at the close of the regular meeting, Ott Tuesday next the L. O. District Lodge will meet in the Temperence hall at1.p.m, The following Programme was given at the I. 0. G. T. meeting last week : organ solo, Agnes Scott; recitation, Wen. McVittie ; song, Eva Mogride; organ solo, 'Lizzie A, Shobbrook. The contest which has been going on in this lodge was brought to tt close last night. We will give particulars next week. r