HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1893-01-04, Page 2• RRA • Sarsaparilia Your best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-crofula Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-unning Sores S -curvy, Humors, Itch' A-nemia, Indigestion P-imples, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes -mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Complaint A -II cured by AYER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $r ; six bottles, $g. Cures others, will cure you rhe Huron News-Recora 1.10 a Year -91.25 in Advance 4.canea.tay, January 4th, 1893. 4 oderlclt Township. (Crowded out last week.) PRESENTATION —Mr. W. Mo lob arts, teacher itr S. S. Nu 9, was pre- sented last wee:c by the pupils of his Lection with ahandsunle writing desk; ,coomptalied by th • following address; !'n tllr. 11'. 7Id Hubert, RGsPEOTtau 'Neel—IBM—AB you are 'tout to remove from our school in ich during tho past two years you vve been a fnithhil z etloue;'nnd suc- ,asful teacher, we desire on this, the losing examination day,, to give ex ,ression of our gratefulnees to you. .'lease accept this writing desk as a small token of our appreciation of your successful labors tar our advancement, and our higl regard of your (yhristian example. And we hop your future 'abors will be made all the more plea. .nt as you I ook upon and make use of ,is small memento of your past pleas ut. experience in school section No.9, iodericlt township. Signed on behalf ,tf your pupae, FANNY JERVIS. - BERTHA SWITZER, AWE GREEN, MAR» DEMPSEY, EMMA COURT:CE. Nile. Crowded out last week. The anniversary sermons in connec— tion with the Nile Sunday School were preached last Sunday by the Rev. W. F. Campbell of Blyth, his sermons, .both morning and evening, were liaton, ed to with profit to all who heard them. In the afternoon he addressed the Sunday school scholars usiug the magnet and showing as the magnet had sewer to draw and hold so Christ had 1''wer to draw the sinuer to hind and told hint by his mighty power. The annual Christinas Tree enter- tainment was held in the Nilo Metho• list church on AVeduesday eveniug est and like all the rest of the etter- tsiumenls at the Nile wad a decided •access. rhe Re•. Mr Swan, of Auburn, leached in the Nile church on Xinae •cling. Saute of onr young people took in - entertainment at C,u•low on Fri - .v evening. Some of our villagers were at Dun ;stilton on Saturday attending the livisiou court. Jacob Sheppard has returned home from the township where he has been visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs Charles Girvin spent Xmas with friends at Gerrie. It seemed hard Work to get the Xmas goose this year. Some paid as sigh as, 75c. and $1 for their goose ,nd some could get none. School closed on Thursday till after he :limas holidays. \Ir. Allen and VIiss McIver has been re engaged for next year. Ml's. C. Stewart, who has been laid ip for some time, is improving very :lowly. Mra, S'i+w.ttt Iris the eyiii- ,athy of the neighburhuod in her otllic- ton and their hent wishes fur her needy recovery. Mr. James Elliott ha's erected a now •r thle on his lot tine winter. f E Jackman is home for his XTTla9 ,lidays. Will Murrow shipped a cargo of eater to Montreal Inst week fur G. .'owell, of Myth. Dame rumor nage that the time when roue of our young Indio$ will change heir names is eloso at hand. Now that the tiros for a new election tae conte let every person who has a ole use it and aS 111e elector's aro 80 re the elected. Lel us have the very 'st men that the township can pro— Ice. To repre8ent Ua in our muni- palities and es the vote fur the erec- un of a poor house in the County of urou will be voted on let us think of ,e suffering humanity. Thy neighbor yonder weary man, Whose )ears at tlidr bum, Whose hopes urs all beyond ria grave, Go then and shelter him. LAWRNC t, KANS., U.S. A., Aug. 9, 18888.. George Patterson fell from a second -story window, striking a fence. I found him using ST. JACOBS OXL. He used it freely all over his bruises. I saw tt�':•'e him next morning at work. All the blue spots rapidly disappeared, leaving neither pain, scar nor swelling. C. K. NEUMANN, M. D. FALL RIGHT! ST.JACOBS OIL DID IT." '.•/'. d,. eel's:Ar s. I1i'4'':•. •- ;.",1..'r MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATURE. In addition to the testimony of the Gov- ernor of the state of Maryletad, U. S. A., a member of he Maryland Legislature, lion. Wm. C. Hardeu, teettfies as follows: '746 Dolnnin St., Beltn,. Md., U. S. A., Jan. 18,'90, Gentlemen : I met with a be. ve e accident by falling down the btek etaire of my residence, in the dot ltueea, and ae bruised badly in my hip and aide and suf. ferret severely. One and a half bottles of Sc. Jaeobs•Oil completely cured• tee. tVm. C. HARDEN." Member of State Legislature. \l' Ingham. Crowded out lust week Mr. John Davie is visiting iu 'E. Wawanosh Mr,. D. McClyulont, who is work- ing on the Tribtcr•ne in 1-Iarristou is spending holidays at home. Miss and Mr. Baker and Miss \forcor of Mitchell, is visiting at Mr. Cantelon's. Mr. W. Ginkene, of Brussels, spent Xmas at hone. Mr. and Ars, Willis spent Xmas in Brussels at Mrs. Willis' fence. Miss M. Coventry, of Stratford. is spending holidays at home. Mr. W. Loyd, who has been preach- ing in :Michigan for the past year occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church Sunday evening, and delivered a very plain practical eel anon. Mr. Gordon, our esteem :d merchant, was elected by acclamation fur Mayor, Mr. R. C. Sperling by acclamation for Reeveship. But lots of opposition in the Council. Mrs. Sperling, of Cliuton, spent Xmas with T. C. Sp trling, of the Eclipse Restaurant. The S. A. I3and were out serenading on \Iouday. Christmas brought a large uun,ber of strangers to town as well as former 1V1tghamites who came to help eat the Xmas goose or turkey. We never temember such a scarcity of fowl as there was iu Wingha m last week. ADVIc. TO MIOTnEas. Are you disturbed at night and broken of yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth. If s.. F. nd at "nee and pet a bnttly of "Mfrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth ing. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer irnrnediatety. Dependupon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It sures Dysentery `and Diarrhoea reeulatos the stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the preescription of o p of the oldest and best female physicians and ne rasa in the United States, and is for sale by all duggist a throughout the world. Prices. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for ''MMus. WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING 8rane."and tak • no other kind. 656y Brussels. Mrs. Mackay, of Kincardine, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Smith. Visa Rosa, of Tecumseh, Mich., is home for her holidays. Miss Braden is spending her holi- days with friends at Keene. The Misses Abraham left town on Saturday morning for Stratford where they intend spending their holidays, after which Miss Ahrnham shall re• sume teaching and :Lies Maude shall attend the Toronto Normal. L'russels is erre' ming with visitors this week, among whom we have notified Mr. Robert Wilson and wife and Mrs. H. Willis of \Vingham, Mr. George Rogers of London, O: E. Turn hull of Stratford, Bir. George Hart of Toronto, Jno. D. Stewart of Mount Forest, '!'hos. A. McLauchlin of Bruce• field. Misses Lizzie and Kate Wilson are visiting friends in London. Donald McNaughton (familiarly known as ''Curly Den") is renewing acquaintance's in town. It is twelve years since Mr. McNaughton loft Brus- sels for the West. T. A. llawkins, Musical Doc., spent part of this week in Stratford. Arias Birdie Roberton is visiting friends near Clintou. Mrs. Roderick Rose and Mies Georgie are visiting friends near Listowel. ' The scholars of the Methodist and Melville church S. S. Ivere treated to e sleigh ride un Monday afternoon after which supper was served in their respective churches. This was follow ed by a good musical and literary pro- grame. Saturday wee one of the busiest days Brussels has seen for a long tirno. • THREE PRACTICAi. POINTS, Three practical pointe : 1s`. Burdock Blood Bitters euros dyspepsia by acting p amply en the stomanh, liver and 1 ,wele. `lid, Burdock Blond Bitters 'lure' barn blood by the same epeoifii action combined with its alterative and pacifying to vera. 3rd. 13urdock Blood Bitters cures all disease arising from the two fire: named, such as constipation, headache, biliouai fess, dizzi. nese scrofula, etc., by rem,ving their cause DA show and proved in thousands of indisput- ably recorded oases. —George Winterworth and family, of West Kennebunk, Maine, have been poisoned by eating conned beef. OUTRIVALS ALL OTHERS. In oaring cough,colds, hoarseness, asthma, bronchi is, sore throat, and all diseases of the thr'atand lunge, there is one remedy which is unequalled by any other. Wo refer l o Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Sy •up which has effoled many remarkable euros thin season. A DISTURBANCE. isu't what you want, if your stomach and bowels are in egular. That's about all yen get, though, with the ordinary pill. It may relieve yon for r moment, but you're usually in a Notes state afterward than be- fore. This is jest where Dr. Pierce's 1'1•reeant Pellets do most good. They act in au easy and natural via" , very diff rent 'froth the huge, old fashioned pills. They're out only pleasanter, hut there's no reaction -afterward, and their help lasts. One little sugar-coated pellet for a gentle laxative or corrective —three for cathartic. Constipati.•n) In- digestion, Bilinna Attacks, Dizziness, Sick and Bilious Headaches, are proutpt'y reliev- ed and cured. They're the smallest, the easiest t take — and the cheapest pill you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give eetiefa:tion, or you utnney to returned,. Yuu pay only for the good yon get. Bayfield Crowded out last week. ORANGE.—At the last regular meet- ing the following officers were elected: James Pulluck. \V NI ; Benj. Higgins, D. M.;'1'. Perker, Chaplain; G S. Castle, li. S.; 11. Darrel', F. S ; This. heard, Tress ; C. Parker, I). of C.; Jas. Stur- geon, 1st Committeeman. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, gore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. }jor a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shilch's Porous !aster will give great satisfaction. -15 scats. SHILOH'g V1TALMER., Mrs. T. -S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says: .Shhiloh'sVitalizer 'SAVED M'Y LIFE' I consider it the best rcmed yforadebiUtated s"atem 1 ever used." For Dyspepsia Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cls. 1T ILOWS CATARRH have you Catarrh 7 Try this Remedy. 1 t will positively relieve and Cure you. Price 50 eta. This Injector for its successful treatment is furnished free. Remonhcr, Shiloh'$ Remedies are sold an a guarantee to give satisfaction. READ THIS. "One copy of a newspaper that reaches the itorne is worth More. for purposes of advertising thin three that don't " 1'. T. BARNt i. Dissolution or Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing be- tween W. T. Whbtely and A. M. '!'odd as pro. prietors and publishers of 'TEE HURON NEwN- REconb, a paper published in the town of Clinton, is hereby dissolved, to takeeffectfrom and after the ninth clay of November, 1892, the said A. M. Todd having purchased the Interest of the said \V. •'1'. Whitely itt the said newspaper, 'Tier. IlIOON News• Rea:weir the presses and plant and all the belongings and appurtenances used and in connection with the ,publishing of the said }ICnoN News -Rawles A. M: !'odd further agrees to pay all liabilities and claims owing by or against the firm of Whitely & Todd, and he is hereby authorized to collect all accounts owing to the said firm of Whitely & 'Todd ur to November 9t1r, 1892, in pur- suance of agreement signed in duplirate. W. T WiiITELY, A. M. TODD. Witness, JAMES SCOTT. Clinton, Nov. 9th, 1892. NOTICE. All persons having accounts against the late firm of WIIITEI.Y & Tone, up to November 9th, 1892, are requested to send then ame to the undersigned. Personal accounts up to same (late to be rendered to W.T. Whitely and A. M. Todd individually. A. M. TODD. Clinton, Nov. 9th, 1892. IJIIPORTDNT NOTICE, All persons indebted to the late firm of \Viit'rKLY et 'Tann, publishers of Tne, NEWS -RECORD, for. Job Printing, subscription and Advertising, are requested to settle'per- souall•y, by Post Office Order or Registered Letter, AT ONCE. New books will be used f•r 4111 Nov. 9th, 1892, and it is imperative that all back accounts be settled forthwith. A. M. TODD. Clinton, Nov. letli, I892. SPENCE: lAN STEEL PENS. ARE THE BEST. Established 1860.FOR Works, ENGLAND. No. i No.2 No.3 No.f FOR FOR ?2+DOiRIXuFS' FOR c ra1t1. FOR Expert Writers. Accouo; tants. Corres- ,= r pendants Bold Writing No.ZI' f� Bush Sold by STATIONERS Everywhere. Samples FREE on receipt of return postage 2 con's. SPENCERIAN PEN CO., 1310 E NEW ORI.. PHOTOS C. HOARE'S fine new Photograph Gallery being n0,V. retZcly fu.l' fi])tiratJUll,-. tt-is • furnishing First Class Cabinets at $2 23 per dozen. Other sizes in proportion. A11 wanting such cuutu and try hind. C. iliOARE - - tCLUNTON. LADIES & GENTS WATCHES With Fancy Dials and Sixteen Jewels —AT— BIDDLM1dOMBE'at- NELSON T. RITCHIE, P. L. SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, KINCARDINE - - - ONT. Orders left at this offtice promptly attended to. JAI FERGUSON, PUMP MAItiEI: - - CLINTON. (ROSS' OLD STAND) Pumps solei reasonable. Cisterns and Tanks put down. Wells dug and cleaned and Satisfaction Guaranteed. New Flour and Feed Store HANLEY & WALKER beg to announce that they have opened a Flour and Feed Store east of the Com, mercial Hotel, Huron street, Clinton We will keep in stock the very best of everything in the lino, such as Flour, Meals, Feed, Seeds, &c., at very reason- able price,. Goods delivered to all parts of the town. We solicit and expect a legitimate share of town and country trade. Remember the location o: the Clinton Flour and ['eed Store. iIANLEY & \VALKER BULBS ! BULBS ! BULBS! All kinds of Winter Flowering Btlll;s at J. CI'NNINGIIAJIE'S. CHINESE SACRED LILY, easily grown in water and will blooin two or three weeks.m DOUBLE AND SINGLE HY, ACINI'TS, Blue, Mauve, White, Iced, Yellow and Pink. Tulips, mixed varieties, Narcessus, Easter Tallies, Orwthogalum or Star of Bethlehem. Crocus, Bawkus and food for fiower,s Ex. cellent Fertilizer for house plants, soluble in water. Free from odor and clean to handle. Better than ordillltry • maniere and no trouble with worms. Will furnish Holly and Mistletoe in time for Xmas , by parties leaving orders now. ..Kept on hand. . J4)IIN CUNNINGHAM. • ONLY SCOTCH I'APEIt IN CANADA —THE— SCOTTISH CANADIAN P WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, AND THE SCOTTISH MINISTREL CONTAINING ITHE FOLLOWING .SONGS, WITH WORDS AND MUSIC: Caller Herrin'—Auld Rabin Gray—Bennie Pripce Charlie—Flora MacDonal1's Lam- ent—Nae Luck About the Hoose --Scottish Blue 13•"11s—Tek' Yer Auld Cloak Aboot Ye —The Braes o' Yarrow—Bonnie 1 undee — Dear Land Ayontthe Sea—My Mannie, 0— Tullochgnrum—The Sweetest Wird on Earth is Hame—Pibroch of Donuil 1)hu—The Flowers o' the Forest—Duma Fash Yer Heed !—The Land o' the Leal—Away, ye gay Landscapes—Scotch Dainties : Brose, Parritch, Keil, Haggis, an Bennocks—Woe's me for Prince Charlie—oh ! Saw Ye My Wee Thing—Sons of Scotland—When the Eve Comes Hame—Return, My Dsrling— My Heart is Scotland's Yet --O l Are Ye Sleepin', Maggie—Scots Wha Hee 1—Willie's Gane to Melville Castle—Whuetle O'er the. Lave 0't—My Dear Hielan' Laddte, 0—The Scottish Emigrant's Farewell—Fear a' Bhata; or, The lloatman—B'ue Bonnets over the Border. The paper for OND YEAR and the above Song Book for ONE DOLLAR SEND TO. IMRIE & GRAHAM, Publishe s, Corner Church and Colborne Streets, TORONTO, ONT. WEEKLY FREE PRESS —AND— FARM. AND HOME - The NeWS.Te'cor ERE FOR COOP ENVEUIPES THE ' NEWS -RECORD EXCELS 'IN ALi. DEPARTMENTS Anderson's restaurant The Old Reliable Confectionery Store. tila=bOYSTERS ARE IN SEASON 11,zillt EAT OURS AND YOU WILL HAVE NO OTHER. Fruits, Confectionery, Biscuits--iu endless variety ; Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes Spaiiialt Grapes, etc. rffTOBACCOS, PIPES, CIGARS --GOOD GOODS AT LOSE SELLING PRICES Everything first-class in a first-class store. Dutt't pass Anderson's Restaurant , Searle's Block, - Albert Street. Leslie's C a rriag e Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work- manship and material. ger All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. ffe-FACTORY—corner Iluron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y New Fall Tailoring• Goods. --o T. JACKSON, Sr., has placed in stock Complete Lines of Choice Fall and Winter Tailoring Goods Being a lutter of long experience, satisfaction is guaranteed, We out suit you in quality and price for Pants, a Suit or Overcoat. Perfect cuts and fits. The best geode and trimmings. Workmanship unsurpassed. Call on us before you order. o— T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -8T., CLINTON. THIS WILL INTEREST _._ YOU BARGAIN MONH' Having purchased the Commander property adjoining our old store, we purpose moving our Stoves, Furnaces, Tin, Wire &c., &., from the present store before the first of Janua:y when our lease expires, and in order to reduce the stock be- fore moving.we will give you unheard of Bargains for the next thirty days. In .Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Coal Stoves and Thyware, We have alio a number of Second hand Stoves which will be sold cheap. Iron and Hardware' Merchants, — CLINTON Good Cheer Once a Year. t. Our store is well stocked with Xmas and New Year Fruits, SPICES, PEELS, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, TEAS, COFFEES, &c. Do not neglect to call and see us. We are the great produce dealers and pay the 'highest price for everything and sell:our goods at a low living prtofit. - CANTELON BROS., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Clinton. CHINA HALL, Clinton. o Christmas and New Years. / For years China Hall has been noted for keeping the very hest geode at the very lowest prices and 1892-'3 is no exception to our well-earned reputa- tion. CHINA & GLASSWARE Our Delf, China and Glass Goods comprise some of the handsomest lines and most reasonable in price ever shown in this section. PEELS, FRUITS, SPICES, NUTS. The Goods in these lines that we offer are all fresh and clean and of the very best quality to be procured, while the prices are such that consumers will surely make a mistake if they do not'eee and test them. We keep in stock everything to supply the needs of all well regalated families for the Christmas and New Year season. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS. Don't forget that China Hall•haethe very {nest blends and flavors in the market, while our Sugars are from the hest makers and of the best brands. Give China Hall a call and we will do our best to please you in quality, price, and shall be pleased to servo you. N. ROBSON, CLINTON. - CHRISTMAS IS COMING - FOR 1893. GET YOUR, WOO ACTe PARRS I;111i woo New Fruits and Xmas Presents ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. EACH NUMBER WILL CONTAIN : REV. DR. TALMIAGE's SERMON delivered the Sunday previously. WA KEMA N'S WAN DErtTN(1i. Aunlct'l.TUnAI, MA•I res—Illustrated. LADIES' PAGE— Illustrated. A SERIAL TALE, and other interesting reading matter. SUBSCRIBE .'. NOW Price, One Dollar a year in advance for the WEEkLY FREE PRESS and FAR11I AND HOME—in all 16 pages. Balance of 1802 free to new snhscrihers. Agents wanted in every unrepresented district to solicit subscriptions. FREE PRESS PRINTING CO., London, Ontario. —AT— J. W. Irwiij's Corner Store, McKAY BLOCK, CLINTON. RAISINS—Extra, Selected Valencia, London Layers, Black Becket and Sultanas. CURRANTS—nest Patras and Vastizza, Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron. NUTS— Almonds, Walnuts, Filberts, and Shelled Almonds. TEAS, COFFEES AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY. Crockery Department Having imported direct I am selling at wholesale prices. DINNER SETS froth $6 up, TEA SETS at prices that will suit everybody; TOILETS in all Styles and Prices. Some do but don't you wait until a day or two before Xmns to make your selec- tions from our well filled tables suitable for Xmas and Wedding Presents. On hand bbl. Salt Herrings, Trout, Salt Water Salmon. BUTTBRAND EGGS TAKEN,