HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-12-08, Page 18hr • Oitir Ott.t. 01 to bur -I. her it was ea her kn. who hande _ *pito er, .1'thsr a surprise, ,' 11. 5; IU'II1i' answered her packed it myself and Wad 1. on my lap all theWayb0rs0 rcb. This world is just full of ntek the kitelien 3us e broken pitcher, an hg that ehe „Might nave bad th*saOlter'rer unComfer- had e basket. in I:her the day before, and et it, hastily on the floor .00. sharp crack, but she nen ..ahntry to go with tQ 1 the. Ilew calf that ehe 133 it et e haddono, ow the sight or ther's tears, sent ft pang of regret to • or heart, and made the hot tathe root() of her hair. • Tho p1 her was a. large Wedgewood One. gtve 'to Mrs Duncan at her mar,- ' Viage. an lied survived the many' • Its had taken, to meet tkend a too. hurried contract with ',Abe:1444' flair • • 4"Vt 0 P "Olife enOliqi to see what OPP0rt tail. ran' xi4' turned. on herJLeotOri help ateod the Sty or 'help rom4 h1s xlog Se 413 On WAY 0 ‘011 T Tartish:1*h she sart failare, resnl ng fvomg ppok y destroyer' latAlOrig wItttiN 6r Aik to-VOX/nerd I One total Ile Othsr, aol000tit to a ot teolitly Mr Francis Westlake of I.400400 • - N -040k 1th: g Thera' been a gontral ag otr . 19 *PO 0 tti"" plow , y' d day ..nighk od, Vir040, 7-1340'49.,t' :meat Wai rettir1300Y 0410, 11114' itho 'aged 70, 79tOv. waa no* Olentioa since but a mistress hesprang to her aidtandoit, Ing the Aieti by' the back of he 'xiee held',. It firotly AMA „ Digit Oac1 it n4 g blow Ikon). the hatobet4 atate, :atIaitil at: IVinnipoil IlaYe tWo. rieWedtte Cat ,010•10047 aa gpotea jn: there 10airetai. umetingoof • . it le dated that . a hlff Pereentage "Wornan'aspfterage becaine,:la,w1 flng pauper ehome0t of Dakota( end 410e. wore, OooTigioua AP 004 Orth 03(Me. . the eaota, 1 of ake tiVotable laces, Nearly , wontna Yotmd, ateetehed onthe the eityeennell haffle beer:1204 recent.- ," Must be the ly to arrange fax the, promotion. of t n414 Of cAr neigh, public works order to supply these willing to work' with the means of earning altye1Bleed, • Clornelius,yorelerbilt'e new mansion at the corner 'of .67th 'street. and 41 isiauu English Sparta LiniMeut removes al th It Ia* hard,-s9tt or'calloused LaMPE: and Elm - NI Islies Iron hemp, /31oed Slavin, Olirbit here ' chickens - lately. Let's take it. Spreine, Sore and Swollen Threat' ce_t_IShi OplintS, Ring ono, Swo3eney, Stifles, :eto. Sore SW by Pa it one bottle, War - ho .„0 and xnaby We. can eta the shin,r Pick. rantodthotOOstWenderfiliBiondebOnreeret' I •wati aSerry-lookluKparty.that al- „ known. Sold by Waves cfF .1:19. 1;1;000. ed Ant(' the kitchen, causing Ara Poo - Joh' hatless and coatieee• with face .4Y 0140% NOW York,.is rapidly and bands stah3ed with Hector's blood; preaching completion, and has been- 800 (J supports a st"ding erle of ea to hold up her halide* horror, 10,, withher- dress in tattete end bee ' tallied- over t0 the degeratora and 404000ed mouetn.6 effirtrxilea$40, ungftwowelrivoi, ii. e yes red:WitU erYllig; 'and Hector ,I?dth tgrnishers. • It Win be 400 the hand,- greot vatette of hair aone. swolhesetiwaxiordidral5t,00o:cci:g pbx.Lyvt bowie eed the labor nOW Wasted in keepin *Oh. mY ehildren;" cried MrsDuncarer ' about :Phew. it: Verse than iclleUees wee .et. se t e redeeerthle endowment of the ',The wildcat!" echoed the mother, __: A Vendetta' ;raw eenabrastroxi. is A. "Don't scold mammal" 'pleaded Vic sitarkPe, Headuoile, 15euraigh* • and Too l?opsitneu Life, with which a in 410 elst4t. for the pitcher." ' FeWders, nice, to take and perfectly harm., carry' from 59 to 190% more Protectien "Mame"' OxelalmScl Mrs. Duncan, less Mrs Gaston. 22 ln libuti' street, 44'4 Yet lalre 10et eel* 01 gkvOotment at en Of V;v'lliell,tdr Duncan was '1110.eter.re TOO to bay a commun. eels:0, and Meg 'Duncan ashanie4 de- termined. offer her precious one. She and now it *10 gone, and W e o white .onemuat, be need: • 3011 i*e Pee ,,'White pitcher used, had bad Carried , !safely back,and .fort ./Af ter every -communion for two ea,r • "I had eenseetoted. that 'Atelier to the 1400e‘ she said to:, Hester, "aid pow Yee Must :recheck • again to widOW Croseman's old white. one. It will be aleng time before our people can buy one. It. is more than they can da to paX.Your.father his salary. tic‘tilrlied:'away. with a sob in her at., 'How could she confess? A. desire to make money and 'My a Sine before she told her mother, through her. But how was .she earn. any money. t night Dick was awakened by a Ile sat upend listened. l's the Matter, ens," he called herlext room. el so bad," moaned Vic m her 0, and then the desire to tell ne. vas so- great that s e con- e „had happened .to h r sym- et some beaver traper," he perhaps we can make some U bat way. • I knew a fellow nee at Linesville who made just packs f money trapping beavers." Vic as comforted and went to t.jee. Dick rnin Id se at fo e twi to be.theightfind in the mor t's se )1, said Dick, "we have and ie could catch a be trapget a dollar al skin ere's siX dollars. shall e thre muskrat by en that 41ihathas happened to your, the price, - The decorations of e ball- PofWgedpienopCQien,trw/bbilatilno,gp4t,QpgtbeItt°c4tofAit. ople wildcat did it," amswereti vie room alone will coat $WOP°. the to sob, . house' are OP* 1Q9 rooms. tion CQUid be effs4444' beginnin Mere *Weaned, than ever. : Ha:Unto*, another well known oitiZen, thaend. XhelieWith more 00b$,Tic'threw her-. teatiffiete "Baying given B. Stales Head- ' Though many statements in the let- eelf into the arras of her mother, and ache, Neuralgialiand Liver Powders a fair ters of Dr Ryerson, .M. P. P. have • ld.h the whole story ; of the fear ' I m wilng to bear teetialCMY; to been roved to be tales:. thenee ORrvii- that shi had broken the pitcher; of their efeesmioire effecte. I lieve derlYed tive p their plans to set beaver traps and groat heneilt from 0004 haring been 94' tirdat e in. their entirety, „and cern- make money to buy anew one; filuinn- Ong tinie a eufferer frotabeadatehe,bilionie input pon them as if tbey were true. ally of the unexpected encounter With ne neuralgia,. Mr Alexander Mercer, Tholgoiltroal Gazette is a grave of - the wildcat in the hellow; Dick inter, fender in his respect. long as rupted her story many trues With gra-• pigty journ s engage in this kind of ghic descriptions Of the fight tha,t theK 'warfare to g will they be discredit- ess still continue to print the tbe Inievincontraoter, gamiitoreseys, es,e0 impel plea:lure in recommendingM' Stark's- . Headache, Neuralgia, and Liver Powdere, otter a fair and protraeted, trial et the Sallie oOneider them Nery valrieble remedy tor headache and bilious - nese, well worthy of the confidence of the pablio, and far inreassing. many othere of considerable reute." Price, 25 cents a box. Sold by apll medicine deslere. ad, but their mether could, see wit ed and Clistru ted. a� her own eyes that it must hove been a Itch on hurnite Ned heroes and all Uzi - severe one. • reels cured in 00 Minato() by Woolford's "We will have to tha,nk the Lord that Sanitary Lotion. This nelrer fails, Sold y_ou were not killed," she said, holding by Watt's & co: Druggist. Vie tight in her arms. said Mr Duncan, when he in turn had SHORT/EIAN,D. to stuff." win be thoroughly prepared to creditably fill by Mrs Coleman, in the Perrin Block. Pupils The next morning he went with it good positions conetantly opening throughout himself in the hope of selling the country. As Mrs Coleman, who is a "There!" he said that evening., throw- cal stenographer and an experience& teacher,. Ing six WWII dollars in. Vic's lap; will devote her whole Wee and onerts to giving take the old one's place. It was the NOTICE TO CREDITORS. We will lay this aside fora communion In the matter of the agate of !came Braith- associations which made that so dear. service." wcate, late of the Toumahip of Hallett, Balm is Sur Hores.—Distressing" Sid uey and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New GMT Seine AstERIG414 Km= Cues." This new remedy. is a great surprise and delight to physicians on amount of its exceedmg promptness in re- lieving pain in the. bladder, kidneys, baek and every part of the urinary passages in male- or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by • Watts & Co. Druggist. — - ed at the time of such distribution. , "There is a taxidermist at Pierre," well. It may be he will buy the skin hand and Typewriting, are now b ing conducted deputation from the Sabbath Ob- servance Association, consisting of Rev Prindpal Caven, G. W. Allan, J. K. Macdonald, N. W. Hoyles, Henry O'Brien afid 3'. 3'. McLaren interviewed the attorney -general, and asked that the Government take some measures to prevent the recurrence at any future voting on the question of the abuses, such as in the case of the impending plebiscite. A draft was left with the 13ttorney-General showing to what ex- tent personation has been practiced. As Senator Allan put it, he did not wish a vote to be taken out on the question; he simply desired that the vote when taken should be carried out in a legal and honest Planner. heard the story, •"whom I knew very Elementary and advanced olres in Short. up bright and early next overbouling his trapa, so he ern as soon as t school was o'clock. worked till dark and:then th eat ex ectatio s of ing. six Iver ece And and ould instructions in those useful brems es uplift "how will that o for the pitcher?" from neighboring towns can be socomodated Vic carried it joyfully to her mother. with lessons at hours enabling them to come to "Isn't thatimost enough, mamma?" Clinton daily. and return home by train. For further particulars. address, 11RS. EDITS E. "It would be for a pitcher.," replied COLEMAN, P. 0.184, Clinton, Ont. ry week," in - V v y so n have or a p 'tell and e,ecen nunion ; Won't tbat be nitre?' • -day after .day passed and no rs were caught, and the twins be- , be' Vreryi 'doubtful -about • mach • 't stand it any longer," wailed newt tell mother I broke the I have such a queer feeling Ilere." laying her hand on her h, "when anything is said about t wait till we have set a trap in hollow," urged Dick. • 'Tm e we can get one there. We r school and get home be - her mother, but a new one could never In spite of many disappointments, yeoman, deceased. • before winter was over enough beaver Pursuant to Revised Statutes. of Ontario,1887, skins were obtained to buy a very having claims or demands against the estate of ohap. 110, notice is hereby given that all persona modest communiorrset. When it wasJas. Braithwaite,late of the Township of Hulled, unpacke.d and set out on the kitchen yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 9th table for the family to admire, Mrs day of September, 1893, are required to send or (louver to James Oampbell,Londesboro, Ontario, Duncan said; one oi the executors of the will of the said de - "There is never an/ loss without ceased, on or before the 1.5th day of January lea4. some gain. If my pite er hadn't been their names in full and addresses, with fuli par - Healers of their respective claims. And take broken this set never would have been notice . that after t5� said 15tla . day of Januarir bought." 1894, ale Executors will prooeed to distribute "It wouldn't without our wildcat the assets of the said deceasedlamortg the persons fight, either!" chimed in Vic and Dick. entitled thereto, having regexcl only to the claims of which notice shall have been. given, and the said Executors will not be liable for the assets, DR ROSE'S CA.SE. or any part thereof so distributed, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been receiv- . cling the best trap, they the hollow as their lessons Dick carrying the trap and chet, followed closely by_ e great English mastiff. been given to them when a ,puppy, and had grown as mw' had shared in all their and many a time they had their bread and milk with him. Mimi had declared often that o expensive a pet to keep, The retiiement of Mr Archibald Bishop, M. P. P. for South Huron, will remove from tlie Legislature one of the oldest mernbers. Mr Bishop took an active part in the first campaign after confederation in support of Mr Cameron, for the Dominion House, and Mr Gibbons, for the Local Legis- lature. Afterwards he defeated Isaac cerling, and has since 22 years. represented South-Ruronin the Leg- islature. The most virulent opposi-. tion failed to shake electoral confi- dence in him, and although he retires now by his own desire, he,will still be "a captain in the Liberal host." Mr M. Y. McLean, who succeeds him as the Liberal nominee, and who will doubtedly succeed to his seat in the CUBED OF DIABETES, DY DODD'S KIDNEY PIL.re, Solicitors for James Campbell and hlarshall MANNING & SCOTT. ' AFTER BLOOD POISONING HAD SET IN, Baithwaite. PROVES THE VALUE OF THE REMEDY. -- KINGSTON PEOPLE INTERESTED IN THE CASE. KINGSTON, Deo. „18th, 1898.—The resi- denti of this ettetion,..ef Qntario are deeply interested in the case of Tir*E. A. Rose, of Portland, who was cured when in the last stages of diabetes by Dodd's Kidney Pills. The reluctance of doctors to use, or even recognise patent medicines is well known. The public, therefole, reasons that when a mediome man acknowledges that he owes his life to Dodd's Kidney Pills, and gives t' 1 roof of his belief in their merits r Ey preecribin4 them, these pills must pos- House, is a clever journalist, h1h1y sem extraordinary virtues. • respected in Huron, and has, as had THE WEIGHT Mr -Bishop, a long municipal training, HT OF THE SEA. which will not be withOut , its advan- tages to him. South Huron 'Liberals To arrive at any conclusion as to the J are to betcongratulated ton their choice. weight of the sea would be difficult in —Hamilton Times. the absence of sufficiently accurate and exact figureeas to area. But Mr Schooling, a writer in "Lengmanls Magazine " has been measuring and weighing the sea, and according to his calculations; the number of gallons in the whole .sea is 373,000,000,00,000,000 000 Lich if it could be poured awa" • te.as pinches a grown person, , was hard enouh to fill the at the rate of 1,000 gallons a secon , •s Mouths. Each time the would take nearly 12,000,000 years to he twins was so great that get rid of. ✓ had the heart to carry out The weight of the sea is 1,665,000,000,- te. 000,000,000 tons, and if a contractor ildrep reached the hollow, took the job to move it at so moderate a price as a thousand tons for a penny, trig a spot on the edge of th e 1Dick thought a good one, he would require to be paidthe Work with a will. Hector i amount of the British national debt easy walking around and 1 10,000 times over in reward for his Mug at the underbush and' labors. ---- V and then giving a low SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guaran- qsriell a beaver" said Dick. I tee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It int, old fellovvi Hi therel i is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a t! Shake him out now." I dose; 25c., 500, and $1 a bottle. Sold by J. it would run right out' H. Combe. , led "Vic excitedly: ------- could kill him with a criminals in Chicago, was shot an killed at midnight while commiting a burglary. The will of the late Mr H. S. North- rup, Toronto, disposes of an estate of $685,000, divided among the relatives. The amount coming to the Ontario Government, under the succession Duties' Act, will be about $18,000, Mr John JarnieSein, president of the Whitcnurch Agricultural Society, and a highly respected resident of the township cut hie thr oat with a razor, on Saturday morning with suicidal in- tent. Now is the time everybody wants an Almanac for the New I' ear. Numbers of theis are published and scattered through- out the country. The one isauedby The Centaur Company of New York City is by far the moot beautiful read complete. They SP he he Mei of our druggists. Mi fMiehrtel Miller, of the Smith bontedil ' “ et Ilibbert, died very sud- doily **other day, He had been sli ll ill and was being treated when heoily a ed. „ The doctor' was in t et ethid ing hire good-bye, and wrtgreatly s oprised triple holding ,tuot, tlior pet, ' harm to see hint Vitale kbs 'Mit( at'S just like a girl!" retort- James Connors, one of the worst idly. • "Do you suppose '11 come out here just on •killed?" easiness continued, how- eetned reluctant to leave side, keeping close to ering short barks. Sud- rk changed to a fierce e twins stopped their round. Close to them, t away, was an animal rnse'err-before-;--Its eyes is of fire, and it lashed at Hector. 'wildcat - for it was a largest species—glared for a few moments, Vic were too frighten - en with a spring the aws in Hector's neck, egan. Dick seized the ' looked around for ar nscious of any danger Hector. and the cat vet on • the'ground so as impossible for Dick it for fear Of butting y leaves flew in all the-iintIet4ttalt, was. force 'of the struggle. side to side cheering When 'Vie sew the OM the dog'1115 s ' neck thitige Conies ort ''A Ott ,'":IAYS pt vionaly he k had sawed - , „ t oitai4teabie rood. He was aged 66 \ t , yearso' Mid to 'yea a wife and gave et' Bi , ravoll op fain ly of sons d. g „ tars. ^ 44Wttq hl atta ren for won..t g isesptdod, F E Qa1a11, Permanently Rstore& 'Weakness err- ousneits, Debility, and ill the train of evils f. ora early errors or later excesses, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, et Full strength, develop ment and tone given to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Ins mediate improveraent seen. Failure impossi- ble. 2,000 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. CaStOrIa is Dr. Sauirtei Pitcher's preseriptIOA irgE and Children,' It eontainff 'neither Opintuf IIOrplano • . enter 'N00044143 substalice., It is a !um:Soo vu. for rairogorioi DroPo: sootiaPrs 'srurEs, and, CdatOr ' , .'•. $s Pleasant, Its guarantee thirty' yeare use 111119110 Caster10.40stroTa Worms andausys faerlittness, ,Castorla rfOITOilts vomiting Scour '4",411144„ - 'omen 040040eft �d. 1Vind (1411.4. Caiitoria, relieve!. , teet*n. troubles,. vireo. colotipptiou. too4 fiatide!rier, castoria assimilatogi Op, foot.1, rpg*xteii, the.:stomaop °AA 3)014310, 3111440AY An4. intnrel slOelh cos,. ifrow AB the 01014sess% Kanageo•-rtlio'Ilether's Vrier4o. vastaL ' i7.4fftOrItte •Caster% is na emellent rrenlieloS tor db$ Calltorft ell e4aP4i0ellitc‘big 99D, trothepollave repeatocitytcg0 Pie of ital ikreommenarn mclptilaa eupericit OH. .any „,...nr011erli roe effect upou their ohntkeu„,t Da, 01. o. °Boort', t • •=7",, 44,,,•W/4;3144, • • " 1.0weit Kew. „ 31180, Ox‘ord St., areeklyn,1,4E, up physielmDs thd, chi .raent have aPokelx,hig* of thelr experi mice in their outside •piltatk•P'11001, Cnataliale Otaltoria lithe hest TOMO' ter dItiarea wisch 'ram iiereilented. Vivo tho ea 14 sou for (Want witenmOthers willoonsider the real oterest of their children; and use CastoriS. In- Rtgan of the variousquack nostrums w Inch are destroying their loved onee, by foreIngoPin a. morphine, soothing syrup and other ful agent* down their *rents, thereby tkeit...ag them to premature gravels." Da J. V, ruNC32:247, Ciki. in tdr 13' (..1 /1811, tdthough we Only , have anIon,v.rfrf. medlcig igisaliee what 4' known at Products. Yet waire frso to Confess that tha rwrils.• of ealitOria 1Z31XfOtt "B to °°14 1!IVI Levee upon it," , 'UNITED Iloserr.P. AN,D Plarri"WICT1' '. POlOilt 31.4403, 44,PEra la, awn% Prea, / I ' llr Company, 'TT Murray Street, New !roof mfr. • ", • .166, • ,, In the matte, of 1h86811118 Solonion late of the Twn$74 of Ilullett, yeoman, dece.asd. ,; • Pureuant to RevsedSte.tutes o? Ontario, 1887. chap. 110, notice is hereby given that all persos having clams or demandiagainsethe elitate. of Solomon Milan, latent the township of Bullet% y_eomen.deceased,who died 011 01 rment the 25811. June, 1893, are repnired to send ordeliver to the ndersigned, Solicitors for Catharine 1.1111in, the ExecutrU of the winof the said deeeased,on or be- foreithe 15811 day of January,1894, their names in full and addresses, with full particulars of their respective claims: And take notice, that 'after • the said 15th day of January, 1894, Unpaid Execu- trix will proceed. to distrbute, the assets of the laid deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given: and. the said Executrix will not be liable for, the assets, or any part thereof So ditributed, to ea person ni whose Maim notice shell net have been received at thetime of such ditribtltion: MANNING & SCOTT. Solicitors for the said Exeoutriit. • R T A FULL STOOK OF NEW AND CHQIZTELTITS Raisins, Currants, Figs, Pels; Everything required for a first-olasahlt oura,TEAS beat them all for .3111 SPECIAL —From now until the new yea/ve Will kinds of CROCKERY and GLA WARE. Dinner Sets, white and colored, nice ods, low prices. goods before you buy. MeMU RR Y & W1LT$ • . RIE MEDICAL COilf Buffalo, N.Y. SOOTHING. CLEANSING, 1-isauma. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure /mpossibla Many so.callea diseatied nre eimply syraptome of Catarrh, such as headache, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling of debility, etc. If you ere noub1ea with any Of these or Andfed eyeopturati, yoa have Catarrh, and shOuld, loge ne. time proeuring a bottle of NAsku Bautt. Bo Warned in time, neglected cold in betml results in Catarrh, followed by couin:option Mid dath. field by druggists, 6v sent, toot50 Ninth and al)by addiessilig paid, on receipt of price ULFORD & CO. arckvIllo,Orit. rif$'s Xterneal fOr Catarrh It tbii • es'„, Realest te flo4nd,81100t. ' C Fe Fe ' eoid dtilmosts orbit too:nuta, J. C. TEYENSQ' —THE LEADING— 'UNDERTAER : —AND— EtBALMER. A FULL LINE OF NODS KEPI' STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST. ,CLINTON Reaidenee over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL Ca We are novi giving a Discount of 21‘ to Cash buyers ofBoots and Shoes at our 4111111111116111111110.111111111018188.1.18.181211.1111111.11". I am. • el • SQ, OW IN' STOCK Fat XlVt = ' Raiiiins, London Layers, Black • . , F3E.,737Irre Dessert, Valet:ides off stlk, fine CURRANTS,. Priebe Provincials in barrelennd half barrels, choicest ,. New Prunes, Figs and Dates, Oranges and Lemons, NUTS, new soft New Grenoble Walnuts and Filberts, Shelled Abnonds. New PEEL and Citron. Fradh ground SPICES of all kinds. Full lines of ORO. Bata GLASSWARE—Tee, Setts, Dinner Sets, Toilet Setts. Bipedal son TEAsxma fragrant COFFEES. Cash for BUTTER an N. ROBSON, liur Oftre VVeahave on hand an BUGGIES. OAR r 0 Which we guarantee to b ktp. you want a good arti RUM Croat EIARC1 BEAVER MILLS 11111t ALL 'WOOL BED 'tA • will not 'shrink with washing from All wool and Cotton and Wool_ Silt EfleI ' o ret410 Wool IrA.itg. that gl • 6, -60, 60,.768enta and% a P ItVEA]' 6601 I66pot