Clinton New Era, 1893-12-08, Page 15On
•FEIDA k D1QEMBER 15,11896
x *4 . LOaa.Lrt, NOTICEs
iXITTi?lfl sad EGGS whiten--o.ol a4'Lu Bane,,
.1. lot of Ace ed itootn Suites slid
• no Furniture for he; Ames tradejtud to nand '
VOA Fancy foods etc, , ut J. , TES1Bld+
TWINS% IiiUGS, Horse Blankets, `and alt arta-
Clap' for boreowear, at lowest possible prices,-
',Also Heav and rbt Harness at JQLNiSTON ik
ARhlQuwt'sr Allmon.
( R
pp Qt, the` a#oliel tip pf a.number of
fe� y elf asn� ve= o t� bd p` set'
;elect me to this'ltonorable position, I
wilI.endeavok to prove.that their con-
fidence. has not=:beers mi!}placed. My
motto in the past has been "the inter
t este of Olinton first, last•and always."
It `shall be, the same for the future, and
on the strength' of-- this I ask for the
$support of the electors.
3 . r• ROBT. HOLMES.
gown x#0011 s•
alfre"s, a do edt of-
e a r�lidrdatef , w e ay
a,lty for X894, f• the a actors see f't to
a SCHOOL BOARDS. The last meeting
Qf;the Collegiate Institute Board of
Tiustees'for this year will, be held this
Friday evening; the ,last Meeting of
the Public School Board will he herd
next Monday, evening.
Toad and Robb, County Inspectors,
will visit Clinton Model School next
Monday, for the purpose of inspecting
the Model Class that has been attend-
ance during the Model term.
OMING TO TowN.-Mr Robt. Yeo, of
Goderich township, has taken a situa-
rtitln in the Doherty Organ: Factory,
' • and will move his family to town. Mr
' A. Currie, of Godert7ich township, in-
. tends making Clinton his home, and
will likely boy a residence here.
FAILING. -,The old. friends herea-
bouts of Mr E. Holines, formerly pub-
• • lisherof the ,NEW ERA, will, we feel
sure, regret to learn that he lies at his,
home in St. Catharines in a precar-
ious condition. A severe attack of
grip wasthe cause of his illness, and
F74 his constitution, never very strong,
• ,' seems Unable to bear the strain.
LiirAVING TowN, - We understand
that Mr Eby Runiball will take charge
of an, undertaking and furniture busi-
ness in London, and will move his
famto that•city after New Years.
He h been an industrious resident of
'tow or a' long time, and his friends
ho -e look for his success in the forest
qt.., ., ,t
and wife, were back to Brussels
last week, on a visit to Mr 's mo-
- tiler, who has been in declining health cowl
'for, some time. The doctors d not
agree' as to her ailment, but , on con-
----. Salher have decidedthath trouble
is.a'caucer, and as she is n able to
• '' undergo�an operation, they doing
int . their best to build` up her system as a las
counter check. During the t' few
days she has Made markedimprove-
' prove-
n u, ment, and may yet regain he wonted
AMnnrplt POINT.-Mrijhn Smith, of
Clinton, was in Winggham on business,
On Saturday last.ft ,. r Smitit waAwery
fs,Yore;bl__yy_ impressed .tWith the•'"appear-
ariee`of Wingham. In some respeets,
he'thinks we are ahead of the "Hub."
';i ".'WinghainTimes._ [The onjyyrespect
m,which Mr •Smith thinks Wingharn
18:ehead,'is in having streets clean- c
ed;'oi snow, and: he does think it gets 1 -
the better of Clinton in this. But our
- good friend forgets that •Winghani
streets are not as 'numerous' or as ex-
tensive as those of Clinton.]
CaAZroi 00 N4i as-.-since,Pr 4at-
tie;�V..,Foxton,, late of., intoe, egrzt
laaonce her pini t]de• f etroit, she
has :worked., to a1ucra ve 'busine4e,
and has decided to take iii a partner in ,
the person of Pr, Andrew Glaris, o the
,'eanne cit The combheatioa `will nnot
adopt tt rm'name, for:1119 asop t a .
Dr, Fox On is to 'hOcOtoe_Afts4 Pr.
Clark, on'the 27th inert l And.he"NEW
Ella extends its warmest, Rongratuia-
tions. >.
W y,
Robert Holmes of the ax.tNtroli RW
R144,„ is likely to be the, n xt,, yor,.of
Clinton, but why, he should'get off the
editorial tripod to accept a,ca dida-
ture is one of these things past find-
ing out, The demon of Ainbition
artist syrely have entered hrs•.hitherto
placid soul. if he makes 4as good'.- a
mayor as , he is newspaper man, ,,h�e
will give the people of Rub-ville`a'lot
of pork for the shilling. -code, ich
Signal. •• ; , 144
C -0.
o DOX,ENOE.-The following 'resp-
lution of condolence was passed by t�e
members of Court Maple Leaf No. 1 ,
on ,the 7th Inst,:-- •
To Mss
slctannddainngdel JNEEP—DEAR MADAM.—Notwith
shill could do, Qod has seen 8t to remove a kind
and loving husband, and a genial and much
respected brother from, among us. Bro. Steep
was amongthe arat,For stere that c
, at. onstituted
Cgiut Maple Leaf No. ill. We,'vas a court, do
mourn his kiss; and syymmlaathise with you in
the hour of your atllictiou,and trouble. Mourn
not; He who decreed it so also said "I will be a
husband to the widow.',. May God comfort.
and sustain you and brighten,the dark .hours in
the time of your trouble. Signed on behalf of
the ocors and members of Const ,]lapis Leaf.
WM. JONES, F. 6.
LODGE NOTES. -The annual meeting
of the Home Circle, for the election Of
officers, will . take 'place on ' Tuesday
evenin next, 19th inst., a full attend-
ance o the members;ls•desired.. The
semi -an ual election of officers of the
Masonic Lodge takes place to -night
(Friday). The annual election of °a
le: for L. 0. L., No. 710, Clinton, took
place on Monda , as follows :-D. ,Can-
telon, W.M.; W. G.Vance, D.M.; D. 5,
Cook, ReeSec.; W. Walker; F. S:; W.
-Young Treas„ G. Hanley, Chap.; John
Ford, Lec.; Com.," P. Cantelon, jr., WI
Ford,` E. Robinson, H. Hill, T. Murphy.
Thos. Kearns, Tyler.
church, Harriston, presented a brilliant
appearance last Wednesday evening
when fully 500 people gathered there to
witness the marriage of Miss Maggie,
second daughter of Mr John Robert-
son, ex-Wardenof the County of Well-
ington and editor of The Harriston
Tribune, to. Mr John A. Croll, B. A.,
of Kemptyille, (formerly of Clinton.)
The bride, attired in white pearl silk
with orange blossoms' and veil, and
carrying a bouquet of whit, `:roses, was
supported by `her siste*iss Dolly
Robertson, and Mr Syd. 0. Croll, of
Clinton, performed similar service for
his brother at the altar. Little Misses
Ida Robertson, and Pearl Leighton act-
ed as maids of honor. The ceremony
was'performed by Rev. M° C. Camer-
on, after which the invited guests, to
the number of about 70, including
Sriends'from Hamilton, Aylmer, Galt,
Clinton, Guelph and other places, re -
pained to Mr Robertson's home, where
.dinner -was .partaken of. The -newlyy-
wedded pair at once star by the C.
P.C. on their honeyyn;, he groom
is a graduate of T'• •,1:, niversit
was a teacher in! Collegiate In-
stitute for some ti,; b; and is now con-
nected with the Confederation Life in
easteri':Ontario. The bride, a beauti-
ful and accomplished young lady, is
very popular as was attested to by the
ostly array of wedding mementoes.
NorEs.-Mr W. Doherty has recent -
y sent from the Centre Huron: stock
farm the standard -bred mate Bellana;
t was sold at a good figur to a gentle-
manfrom Arnproir. Ther anksgiving
Charity Committee, takin advantage
f the good sleighing, have been send -
ng around a few loads of wood. Mr
os. Tipling, who got so badly hurt
t the station a short time. ago, has
early recovered from the effects
hereof, but it will be a few days be-
fore he can resume work. Mr Thos.
ackson, jr., has now got settled in his
eautiful new house, and has it fitted
p very comfortably and convenient,
aving electric light throughout. Mr
. 0. Dickson, District Passenger
event ,transpired at the Thompson
Reuse, Friday, when some thirty of o
the, agents of the Massey -Harris Im- i
plerrient Company and others, assem- Th
bled to join in congratulations to the a
general agenit of the London district, n
Mr R. B. Smith, upon his recovery t
from a very severe illness. Among
th se present from Huron were H. J
'Grieve, Seaforth; W. S. Knight, Gode- b
rich; • J, P. $town, Auburn; John u
Brunsdon, Londesboro; George Lavis, h
Clinton; W. McCloy, Hensel]; R. S. M
Lang, Eteter; Jas. • Swan, Brucefield.
? A heavy old,-, headed cane was pre-
sented by he agents to Mr Smith, who
rebeived it amid applause. The cane
was handsomely engraved, and neatly
e Victoria, B. C., Colonist, thus re-
ers to the death of,a fanner. Clinton-
ian; "The_ flag over the Dominion
hotel Was at,half past yesterday in re-
.i3pect to the,memory of the late Steph-
u en Jopes, whose death aoccutred• at 10
o'cloek • yesterday. morning. The de-
ceased had been ailing from bronchitis
but a few days. He was 76 years of
a e, having spent ova* t%s was,
years in
ictoria, and was a native of Mill-
town, county Kerry, Ireland. After
`coming to V,ictoria from Clinton, Ont.,
in 18724 he went to Portland, but soon
returned to this city, ftssuming the
` proprietorship of the Orleans hotel, at
thefoot of Cormorant street. In 1876
he bought the property.where the Do
minion Hotel' nowt stands,' and°after
erecting that , buildifig, ' retired from
1)USIness in.1:: !,- leaving his son Steph- proprietor of 'the house. He
eaves a wife and family of nine."
' ,gE•SICH.--Mr Jos. Whitehead has
recoi•ering from his recent illness. Mr
Joliw'Plewes, of.the Bayfield road, has
been•quite•ill for couple of weeks; he
Is flow .iinprov"ed, ' The wife or r+.
Robb, whose condition Wag critical
tt 7week, has improved materially
tiriiiigg'thp last da few 418_014 i nesarly
tu„ ftiangger.s Mt T.Oarling iiiis,
i having a very hard: ',pith; he Was,
to low fo ,, everal days, but we are.
to kilo he lbs lil elgi to pelt"
g1t. **(Id has rottdrned from
niton, and his Marcy friends Will be
to know that the operation
rough which be °.paesed ` as 'b n
tiecessfifj, , The wife of h 3. Wheat'
,.who has been, in,poor -health .for .a
d r&tlle'time, i8; vi}loy •poorly; as, IS.
gest ughter, ,1MIr'CC;
hie. en confined : to the house,
441 e, by the prevaillnit
• .44.,,,,,,.,,.:• Mr allay, Weregrot to ream.
n 1 r ' idaprovoinent; two of her.
ff '', oharli from Oxford, Midliand
" e ;. inneapolis .were, bore
Week. o her,: Miss' McHardy
able to take Tier positionas
St ul's dhurc t on An.
11 .y, �M�r W..Shatinbil
b.tR II _ . .r-sev4
Agent G. T. R., Toronto, is busy ar-
ranging special rates for the holiday
season over the G. T. Ei. Mrs Chas.
Long, of towwjYr ;was ealled .to Hyde
Parka few daytago, dwingg',to the death
of her mother. Mr �oseph Whitehead
now sports a new , gutter frOm the
wdrkshbp of Mr V ° a' Rumball. Messrs
A. Holloway and A.: Twitchell were
summoned as ihirers this- week. The
hotel at. Smiths Hill, some time with-
out an occupant,. has been rented to a
Mr Glazier, of Goderich, and Inspector
Paisley Went up on Wednesday to see
that everything g was in accord with re-
quireiaents. The NEWERA has had a
great. many callers, during the past
week, till of whom have complimented
us very highly on the appearance and
arrangement of the riew office; among
the, number were Messrs. McGillicudy
and Mitchell, of the Goderich Signal
and Star, • and ,r,epreseftatives of the
Bmpire • and . London. Advertiser; we
Fan ,easily Stand the compliments, but
;it•is turning our hair gray trying to
devise "ways and. means' to ay for it.
Mrs 'Glazier, of town, underwent a
successful operation this ' week for the
removal of a, tumor. Mr Hugh Thorn-
ton, of ' Maniba, is { visiting .here.
Messrs. Steep • nd Conti l intend hav-
ing a skating rink on • e •old.Ratis-
ford golf ;,'there Will be 'skating on
Saturdily, 6 times VoirliIakes a mile.
Messrs. rBen Cole ?anW
have leased the rkatifg,rink and are
putting Zein ,ha a to open; this; prom -
twig to Ire, A.' ood settson,fo ;tfi` 'r past-
time and the iioy ,„ shod bIo well.
Mr Torr" .,Rance" aocldently' gave his
hand aibil.,pirt, the other day.' Mr
airy ,longram, •],rias •sono ,to; ;Mora,
where he hits taike4a conitrAct.In 0on-
tyoe.tion wit.,.1t�':,ar• pi' a yyf�aact `ry.
Me8er8' ' + "7P, t�t�m, i.. .i lit OS -
ley. were ' iwe'a -lfl, . • ;56*. bti i-
Ress • '' Iltl�hInion `. 1t►1
ciatian 'lie -"(1
of whom,
VWltall°ip hn •
aCoungida, for on4of o ei°&Ifliaiiters edtes-
y lihe
curretitlteporeanebl tlie
report to be con r'oo't " fha i yeti Mor-
Will risen ' .
lt the rinklt of b helor
rm sh�
doortly. 'MlraiuriseBaneo anctt.Spal-
:ding have been ftppbinted.local ag` ents-
for tho lltatrulac urer sLife: & ,Student
Itiiscirltnce Co, Mrs J1 Wiseman• has
ire on visit to friends at. St. ,Marys.
f.3alfiearlileott was in attendance a
eOotiuty`.Court 'Stratford, On ue
bptc s era are .p
Have' come the many nc 'vol
ties in Handkerchiefs we
are showinglfor the holiday'
We have had'manyy, fine stocks
of Handkerchiefs," but never
a better assortment or bet-
ter values than this season.
Hemstitched Handkerchiefs
in plain and twill Chin and
Japan Silks. Beautifully
Embroidered China Si!k
Ilandk's, real Irish Linen
Handk's, plain, hemstitched
and hand -embroidered and
delicate, dainty patterns
embroidered on: fine Lawns
and Muslins, making alto-
gether the prettiest lot
we've ever shown.
Many people are making
their selections early.
There `is scarcely anything
Makes a nicer or more ac-
c;eptable for - a lady than
something in fine Linens.
Our Linens are all imported
direct from Belfast, where
we buy them from the man-
ufacturers who carried off
the highest awards at the
World's Fair.
Fine Linens are a specialty
with us, and we have an
exceptionally fine stock of
articles suitable for Xmas
gifts, such as fine Damask
Table Cloths with and with-
out napkins to matt],;, Tray
Cloths, Towels, D'Oylies
and fine Linen goods of all
Our stock of New Christmas Goods is now full and com-
plete, and right here you can make a selection of fine
good., suitable for an offering.
We are agents for Fowne Bros., of London, Eng,, manufac-
turers of fine Gloves and Mitts. Our stock is the fin-
est in this section. A good pair of Gloves or Mitts is
a sensible present.
Men's White Silk Handkerchiefs
50c., 75,c., $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2, A beautiful range at
moderate prices. What is a nicer present than half a
dozen Silk Handkerchiefs.
Our stock of Neckwear comprises the finest selection to be
found west of Toronto. A Handsome Tie is a nice
offering, , and for 50 and 75 cents you can buy the
handsomest goods on the market. Put a nice Tie on
your list..
:111?7.FFLERS .
A complete and handsome 1 ange of Silk and Cashmere Muf-
flers at all prices A Muffler makes a good present,
and you can find, the proper selection here.
f ' ,
i'' i, "VirE AIM NOTED FOR FINE 000DS" .
Orli' OVERCOAT SALE still goes on, and our Bar.
gains:dip thi) greates in this section.
N s ed Furriers and Furnishers,
r' nd Olotiiers,
To subscribe for , a Daily or ' Wl'ephly, Paper,'
or a Monthly N.lagazine, Look at, o ,f' rates
.VenturQ ► l* R R, Rf,.U1f'.. R U .$ 00
#Issuer's,., .1..1..11.,1... 4 00
Idler. edited bylJerome B,Jerpme .
sad Rat. Ran 2 $O
5 50
2 50
Ladles flame I rournaL,:..
Scientiaao American,4r,,,./ ;.
iiarper's Weekly..,., •, !a *:•
Frank Leslio's 'illustrated '4
Chambers' Journal 1....,. 2, 4,
Maciliiilan's Magazine .,,. 3',0
And in fact anything you want at close prices.
We will be pleased to take your subscriptions and see that
you get your papers regularly.
Don't forget to read our large ad., it will be to your advantago
We don't want to carry over any Fall Goods,
and in order to clear out all our Fall Stock of
Millinery, Mantles, Et
114 a have decided to offer them at Cost the balance
of the season. There is no old stock, everything
bought this fall. If you have not yet bought your
Hats, Bonnets or Mantles come and see our stock
and you can save money. We will give you prices
you never heard of before.
P. S,—BOOT and SHOE sale still continues. Stook be-
ing reduced very fast.
o00— -
We want to inform the pegple of Clinton and vici-
nity that we have on hand the largest stock of Xmas
Goods'6ver brought, to town. We extend an invi-
tation to all who admire pretty and useful things to
call and see our stock.
NICKLE ALARM CLOCKS from - *1.15 up'
NIC$LE TIMES for - - -' - - - - - 95 its
SOLID WALNUT CLOCKS for - - - $3.25
Ladies' SOLID GOLD RINGS from 50 cts up
Ladies' BROOCHES from - - - - 10 cts u
Ladies' GOLD FILLED 'WATCHES from $9.50 up ,
Boys' SOLID SILVER WATCHES from $6 ups
SOUVENIR SPOONS from 50c up, and all othe
goods very Cheap according to quality
BIODLECOMBE Th ELeading trier
=acv c - ,oa
We have made great preparations for the Xmas trade. Eatr
Currants. Raisins, Coffee, Cocoa, Oranges
Figs, Lemons, Candies, Nuts
Jill kinds Canned Goods, English ,P'e.eT's,'a l empty,
Orange. Sage, Savory. lictrit. value In Vas. abd
We think we can sa4 iairt,'i'tidst particular' customer, nand
,. ',aroo 11� to,'P tq t you the goOde.
G1� SIVA X.. w Cli j.
It woul thaw a bea teal Zui,
e c# n y anything ' 1°u wan