Clinton New Era, 1893-12-08, Page 8ember 8 18$3 CZ CLINTON 14 VW S Hors Butelt r Shop SDirtrt3: BLOCK, PODI TH� POST OFFIOR.OL'iflTQR underalgued .having opened out in tiro look, desires to state -101st he w01 keep* he very eholoeygt neate. Having DO ex-,„ Obtaida of himself, bottle) a. position to eel' tsar! eleseet prices. $l�a wilt,&t AU tiweebe prepared to pa,Y:lhe 'highest marketprlueter Oxport,( .ttie. " 'II>;'QBI ROC#ti sprays Wanted ifor export, give > 9a11 - I OB'R FITZUMO TS: ROI ST, BUTCHER OOP We iteeiremest;ooraially to thank a..,thoee who bare favored :na With thoirlpatronage eine we freelanced in business, and to assure them and eiplablio generally that we are .in better shape an ever to eateer to their wants, having added p.0 improvedrefrigerator and other convoni9noe5 rqur Ahop. 1011E,.A.TLEY I FINCH Muton'' NEAT Market BUSINESS CHANGE. rhe undersigned degree to Ultimate that he yw/'bgUght out the interest of lir Conch, in the hatehgring business lately parried on under the tient the old (lc aqd nd trinesbywill by giving the gptAndmostcareful attention to the bus-- straigghtlorwarid end dourteona treatndent all F'eedhandling only obolee meat, to merit vepeiveA'fairt'share of.publio;patronage; Mi orders Carefully and promptly filled; JAMES ES A.. FORD.. entral . Butcher Shop Snbseriberdesir0etothank the public general - the patronage bestowed upon him; and at the dame time to say that he is now in a bet wants of all. to u the ever supply hon lives ter est As he t tbogbusiness,castensersooan rely on their order* being promptly•aud satisfactorily filled. Hin matte Is' 'good meat at reasonable prices," hoice Sausage, Poultry, in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, moo. JOHN CRUTOON, our and Feed Stores Flour, Feed & Seed Store 'the undersigned having formed a partnership, ire to intimate that they will keep on hand heyery boat FLOUR and F EED Of all kinds, also the choicest variety of lobar, Timothy & Small Seeds ,.,. eb will be sold at close margins for cash. I ALT, also kept on hand. They will also keep a oboe variety of all kinds of TEAS which con - Burners wiJ).AeiU'to be excellent value. HILL & PROUT, HURON ST., CLINTON. GOOK'S FIouriFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OILS' CAKE and MEAL •( OF ALL SINES. 10 undo Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. . COOK, CLINTON. BA.NIiS he MolsonsBank. lnoorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 y rte .PLTAL, ^ - $2,000,000. 'REST FUND, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON.........President. F. W, THOMAS,.•..Seneral Manager. Notes cUAoou Collections made, Drafts is - s3 'ling nd Ame+'ioan exchange bought e d at Io at Current rates. Interest al - 9)7e0 on deposits. Ra' ARM1EDRS. Moneyadvane°d t0.;411 lilee on their ownnrnote Wen 0210 or moreil. NO qucid as security mo a re. H. C. BREWER, (Manager. • �r GEO. D. MCTAGGART, BANKER, BERT ST, - CLINTON. A genorai Banking. Business tl ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FAItRAN & TISU4LL BANKERS, cLIN TORT. ONT A dvanoes made to farmers on their own nates at low rates of interest. general **inking. Business transacted ° IrtivI2 st allowed on deposits. £lo Notes bought J. g. TISDALL, Manage EmigYff RVal WEANS Are a new db. ,,,�...,. lith, ar to "dried IMI!l.I.lons or Women Rs. kit #Yologarorff~ 1.011 folr alt' orirand ' .. iIoos4hous It• oon11'R'.oll' .^ Af d tinier'or e• '•. • • i* • ,L1t1/41,49 „oqu1. for purity* nor fig! 4914,0110100 ant! **4441:0111/4„ nor previewing the .hand #Moi IIn- �urYrl "itlioll,Afor ail -round, general use. REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS 1..COTTOLENEI 4111P- 4111▪ P-- • "- Olt f - f 4111•- d1111-Itta the new shortenIng--4111 IP- -411111 ▪ taking the place of lard 111104- or cooking butter, or- both. Costs less, goes --farther, , and is easily-+ dip• _digested by anyone. so--* ---4P AT ALL GROCERS,OP— - 41110— *-go, IP— Made only by —4. o.. N. K. FAIRBANK & CO,, .""'.r 11110-- Wellington end Ann Ste., '-'4110 �—. MONTREAL. n-'iiiiiiiiiiii oNGVP5#'S RFU4RTiFrC Not only a relief blit d Duro for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. Be sure you get STARK S. PREPARED BY R. STARK, M.O.D. P., OHEMI$T • FROM GLASGOW UNIVER+ITV,•SOOTLANO, FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 GENTS a Entirely lnew Compound Druggha When we assert that Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Backache, 'Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheyrnatis>rn and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all Who have used ,..then , ,14,40 Milts T. ft AY culii sit eel til: at' 1I Od e `y9 the Editor of the Clinton New ,Era, Yp ' DEAR r$1R{-„-• Because 1God• .'1 Oed 1 � IS temptation 111.A.dani s path* alae aI w ed itto retnaiii 'ther'e, does net justify • titan in refusing to remove the terrible t inerlcals Cl rftee 'lliigi' two -ed ed sword that is. cutting . its way with such relentless force into the, -'�- Iplle of the la a;: We do of know`w °y Tho �'OtR1' Womanwt 10 is ,: the Clod did not xemove the tbrbiddeia *' 1111b Rook LI h I' � fruit, dor why he brought�it; into exist- ; �• Q encs, buts this rnueliwe do know, tk►at.. ,-.. "The ' �� mHe provided, a Way wherela Adam, IleV tiont, The al osctla Exh><h� pr yl y , Walnut Bedroom Suits ;for $2` iodic 'price $40 ight be saved, after he had ,falleO.. net], at The. Wprid K .Fair, , Hut how dtfferen t it is with Mae. ManSIDEBOARDS�i 3 has placed before ftim?�elf a teu#ptation,orth: eplfp $1���e a 14seoun to held to *Well paeans rnlsery and THE HEROINE WHO HAS 1iA.VEIa ♦ y destruction, and he has failed to pro- ` i$ LINES TELLS HOW HER: l dxo0 l 'Sli1tS "� $� 1 � ` J a>Ilt ( +' be saved after•he has ' fallen below the' OWN LIFE WAS BAYED, vide way whereby he himself might beast... flresll importation of C • urtain lain Poles 1n Enamel., ,Solid C1aak, Does drink degrade a man? Whicje with the pitiful leavings of the bar -room. I , Newton, R. I., NOV. 24th. --America e CONGRESS � . � g, wa Wept o do o streets of this GIVES HER A' GOLD MEDAL. p- ,�. M - p'78118('1$1 long lengths walking wn (ME of thet spiral . aes1 a l� ah0 0l and EbonyPoi rr Walking one morntn not longago, a man Beauti ul fixings in, Brass and Oxldlzcd,, Gold' `Poles , coiore. gits e t out a saloon afterward learned that he had at one Grace Darling, the heroine of 1$ life-hav- 1 time been a missionary. He scrambled ing exploits, the woman' for whom the To to his feet, and there he stood jabber. American congress had oast a gold medal ing inallthe,idiocyofintoxication,with 9f the first class, the first of the kind ever "40c. the,horrible stench of a night's' de- given to a woman, keeps the Lime rook bauoh clinging to his garments. Was lighthouse. it really a man.I beheld! Yes, a man, It was when the Russian warships were made in the image of God. What had lying at peaceful .anchor in Newport's wiped out..God'b image, and stamped beautiful harbor, jhet a; small company there the counterfeit die of the' devil? ' from tete hotel Agaidneok went out in a Was it ".natural depravity," or was it sail boat to pays visit to this brave woman, itis own "miserable, coward) self." whose life-bggt,, -the . "Re$Otie," has been No sir"; I tell you it was drink hat did one of the much talked -of exhibits at the it, and it will do it quicker and more world's' fair. The story told by Mies effectually than any other power on Lewis of how her own life was saved, earth. Man bynature walks -amply repaid the visitorefor their journey, erect and lifts his eyes to the Lime rook lighthouse, the home of this stars; power and dominion giv- Wworld-famous heroine, ie within the her- on him; he is nature's king. hat bor and is a abut sail from the New York has broken his sceptre, and torn the yacht club's house. it high tide an ordin. imperial crown from off his brow, and ary oat -rigged sail boat cannot land at debased him below the beast? Was it Lime rook, and a row boat must be used, natural depravity? God has given to from which a landing is effeoted by climbing man reason, and set before him a des- up the face of a perpendicular rook upon a tiny, high and glorious, reaching into ladder lashed with fetters of iron to the eternity. What has dethroned his atone: reason and hidden her bright beams At low tide the row boat is guided Cow- in mystic clouds that roll around the and a pebbly beach through the sword graeo shattered.templeof the humansoulcur- that outs against its sides like slashing tamed in midnight. Was it his mus- martial blades. erable cowardly self?" God gave man The lighthonse-the saving station of a healthy body, now it is smitten with wrecked mariners -is the blessed symbol of disease from head to heel. His body peace on earth and sea, saying good will to a w is fearfully and wonderfully made, but men. The fair woman n to visit- nowhom the it is a mass of corruption, more ore listened told a true narrative for every hideous than the sores of Lazarus or other brave and good woman in the count - the leprosy of Naaman. What bas ry-a narrative for every woman in the done it? Was it his miserable, cow- .country to heed and profit by. ardly self. What seared his heart, Ida Lewis looks to be in her thirties as to and damed up the fountain of pure age, with a highly nervous temperament, and holy affection? It could not be slight figure, bright eyes, with a dash of natural depravity. What hangs you Dolor in her face. trembling wretch upon the gallows? "It is 35 years since we Dame to Ltme Is it bis miserable, cowardly self? No rook, six in family, and now there are but sir, it is drink. , two of us left, my brother Rudolph, who Thank God the light at last dawns helped yon up the rocks, and myself," said upon us in our darkness, day -light she. "My father was a cripple for 17 years, stands tip -toe on the mountain top in which time he never cut a mouthful of and sends forth the sharp outline of food for himself; my mother died 10 years shadows upon our path, that tells . us ago of a cancer, and my sister six years day is breaking; a day of triumph, ago with consumption. a day in which the oppressed shall go "I have never been well in my life until free, a day in which` there shall be a now. My trouble tvae in my chest and jubilee, when every drunkard shall lungs, and I have always had a cough from burst his fetters, and the tear be wiped a child. What has done me more ,good from the eye of the weeping wife than anything else in the world is Paine's and gently the little child shall be lift- celery compound. ed up to stand whereGod meant him to "I have always been miserable in eam- stand. The'day is to cone, but now mer, and I believe I should have died this w e are in the midst of conflict, yet in season if II had not taken Paine's celery our e no blood is shed; we mean compound. I began with it last February, ro haarmrm ttoo any one. The weapons of and thiasummer I have been splendid," and our warfare are not carnal, but her eyes flashed as she warmed to her sub - mighty through God, to.the pulling ject. "And I am delighted to tell it," she down of the strong fortress of drunk- continued, "for it is the truth. I have had en tress. We are engaged in a bloodless, so many doctors and so many doctors' pres- acefulconflict, and Ihope itshall con- criptions that I had lost faith in them, and time to be so to the end. I have tried so many patent medicines that With best wishes for the temper- I dreaded the summer. But I read about complete for 25 cents, handlot a more of Bamboo Tables, 25c, 30c. Picture Moulding - in Gilt :' Bronze, i3 Ze, S>aver,. White and - Gold Framed to order. A Child's Chair, either rocker or roll on castors. Table, ance cause in the land of my boyhood Pa'ne's celery compound and went to see the gentlemen who testified, and they were loud in its praise. My brother Rudolph days, I remain, yours trail ;• said that I had better not try it, as I would MAILING TEA IN JAPAN. be disappointed again, and then I would feel worse than ever, but I went ahead; it -- A Japanese host or hostess never in- seemed as if the Lord directed me, and I trusts the makingof tea to the servants received benefit from the very first bottle. on company occasions. Either he or Q. Yon should have seen me last sum - she prepares the decoction in the pre- mer, I was short of breath, easily tired out, serce of the guests. This ceremonial and had a cough and sweats, and my heart teamaking is an artistic process and is doctor told me I had trouble. I was considered an "accomplishment" by and friendso s ssaid I looked and I was elike galittlelaok' gh stmy the natives. Now I am excellent, and feel proud to tell The teapot iso little jewel-like thing it and give the credit to Paine's celery corn - inside can be set --handle, spout and a11- pound. I htive faith in it because there is inside ono of the common -sized coffee- nothing like it. I know so many people that cups that a foreigner draws once or have been helped. I am eo much improv - fineat a breakfast. The cups are of ed that my Mende do not @know me this fine cloisonne, with plain enameled summer. I have taken eight bottles erose linings,of each no larger round than the February, and the longer I take it the bet. circle There a tulip's petal can inclose. ter I get. I have to live economically, and dis in the serviceba small pear -t I no all my own housework, washing and shaped pitcher, a beautifully wrought ironing, and even the painting of the wood- waterbronze teapot inwhich atcqe er boxling work outside. I enjoy doing it now, but I is brought, and the lacquer box the believe I should be dead if I had not taken containing the caddy of the choicest t Paine's celery ocmponnd." leaves from the tea gardens of ji Besides the gold medal presented to her district -a tea so rare and expensive bythe United States of Amerioa, a silver that none of it is exported or known mdal was presented by the humane society abroad, and only the wealthiest Jap- of Massachusetts: "To Ida Lewis, the anese can afford to buy the precious heroine of Limp rock, for the many heroic slaves. and successful efforts in saving human The host takes an ivory scoop carved lives." Another also of silver, was pre - in the shape of a large tea leaf, fills the little teapot full of loosely heaped rented by the life-saving benevolent aeeo- oration of New York : "To Mies Idaleaves, and then having poured the hot Lewis, as a testimonial to her skill, courage cool a water into the pitcher,, that it may and humanity in rescuing two men in the leaves. little, pours it into the teapot harbor of Newport, R. L, during a severe The hot water barely touches the storm. leaves in the, little teapot when the Not only on these several specialnasions, host begins pouring off a stream of pale however, has Mies Lewis shown thea courage straw-colored tea into the little cups, and fortitude that have made hbr famous, that are then passed, each only half but also in the faithfulness and regularity with which her daily round of duties have full of the infusion. been performed, for they are not few. No This tea is as delicate and fragrant lighthouse on the coast is better kept than as if made by rose leaves,. and strong enough to keep one awake for twelve hers, and not one has a better record. . "People think, when they come and find hours after drinking it. things in perfect order, that there is noth- ing to do here," she said. "But they do notknow how early we start in the morning and how many little things there are to be done. The lamps have to be cleaned every day, the lenses kept Olean, and the brasses polished,to say nothing of keeping the house in order." Not alone are the "brasses polished" on the light, but the shining oopper pump in the kitchen and the row of brass candle- sticks 011 the mantel behind the stove all testify to the success and industry of the thrifty champion of life andrength. Icla Lewis is called the braMt woman in America. But there are many brave wo- mon who hive suffered ail she hasdone, who are nearly broken down, who need today a tree food for the brain and nerves, and whom Paine's eelexy compound will "make well again. Thousands of women have been saved by this wonderful remedy. ALL MEN • Young, old or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or over -work, resulting in many of the following ey�np- toms :-Mental depression, premature old age, lois of vitality,.1Ots of memory, bad dreams, dimness of eight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lank of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face and body, itohing or peenliar. sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi. nese, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bash fulness, deposits in the urine, lose of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes,, surrounded with tEAtste emotes, oily limiting skin, eto., ire all symptoms of nor- .vous debility, that lead to insanity, unless cured,' The sprir vital force having lost "its tension, function wanes in, oonset uence." tt through abuse committed 1 .. ay be perinA- idently our ddress and l0c in stamps f• -s;peculiar to Wan, sent ;s : lid. V. LUBON, 24 bfaodo . fo, Oiif.; Canada' 'vtrbon tab, Wed skit, w'il gseetaireasterns. t:'aen>3he was a Chitty, rhe Dried for Caaterie. ' When ahe.beoame Miry 1111e olurir to Cagteria. 'W hen,the haul 0ltldl'bui cis ttrd ti► Ceitor'la new Extension no leaves to change. New J. O. STEVENSON, 917111ania4 GOOD GOODS, LOWEST, PRICES LARGEST` VALUES GIVEN TO ALL. We here name a few of our medicines that pure dissatisfactions: -Men's Long Boots from 91 np, Men's Felt Boots from $1.75 up,Men's Farm m Boole from $1 up, Men's Fine Laced 92 Shoes for $1.50, Men's Fine Laced $1.75 Shoes for $1.25, Men's Gaiters were $2 for $1.50, Men's' Velvet Slippers for 75ots., Men's Plush Slippers for $1, Men's Carpet Foxed Slippers for 50cts, Men's Felt Gaiters for $1, Ladies' Fine Shoes were $2 for $1.25, Ladies' Fine But- toned $2,25 Shoes for $1.50, Ladies' Laced Bale for $1. Everything in Ladies' wear, Great Value in Young Ladies', Boys', Misses', Youths' and Childs' Shoes. Ladies' Over Gaiters and Rubbers for 35ots. warranted water proof, better than hand- Tranif 'hm $2 to $6. Toilet Sets for $1.95. made, although not half the price. Mania Toilet Set worth $2.60 for $2. A Fine as- and Boys' Robber Booth. sortment of Dinner sets, Great Values in Tea Sets, Cups, Saucers, etc. 5 lbs, of 40o. Japan Tea for 91,Ingersoll creel) PCheese 1 20 per r P lb Red Salmon 100, Onions $1 per bushel, 4 lbs. Wine Biscuits for 25o, 4 lbs. Ginger Snaps for 25ots., 10 pent Baking Powder for 5o., Fine Codfish for Carper lb., Fine Salt Herring for 20o. per doz., Boxed Red Her- ring for 15o., Sunlight Soap for 20o., Bird Seed 60. per Ib., Currants 50. per lb., Green Coffee 20e. per lb. Men's Shirts and Drawers for 48 cents per 'snit. Every- thing reasonable, call and see us. Our Boots and Shoes are known all over the Country. See MoPherson'e Grain Boots, SEE OUR 50 CENT SHOE COUNTER. TERMS CASH:—We carry a Grand Assortment of Groceries. Shirts and Drawers, Flannel, Flannelette, Socks, Mitts, etc. at Half Price. Pictures, Rocking Chairs and Photos given free to Cash Buyers: Ask for a Ticket. The largest Stook of Trunks in the County. Thousands of Spools, 2 for 5 cents. JESSOP & McELROY Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Rubbers, Overshoes, Crockery, Glassware, coo Opposite Queen's Hotel, BLYTH. LAME BACKs NEURAL IR EIUMAT SM EURISY,SCIATICA CURED EVER' TIME ANWT.IdEN "D.&L'; ME iTEOL PLASTER USED. DRWILLIAMS' P E FOR PLE Are BLOOD BUILDER and NERVE TONIC. They supply in condensed form ALL the sub- stances needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves thus making them at certain and speedy cure for all diseases arising from imppoverished blood,andehattered nerves, such aspg� alysie, spinal -dis- eases, rheumatism, re oiatio a,lo se of mem- ory, erysipelas, pal- pitation of theheert, sorofula,chloroefsor green sickness, _that foe t" so malty, etc They have a'ep o'iotion, on the sexual system of both men and women, restoring lost vigor. WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, excess^d, or self-abuse, should take these Puns. Thoy will restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERING; WOMEN doted with the weaknesses peculiar to their sex, such as suppression of the periods, bearing down pains weak back, ulcerations, etc., will And these pills an unfailing cure. PALE AMD SALLOW GIRLS should take these Pills. They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to the cheeks and-cor- not all irregularities. BIWA.= er IMITATIONS.- These Pills -are told by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will bo sent by mail, poet paid, on receipt of price -60 cents a box or 6 for 12.50. TME DR. WILLIAMS oMED.1CO.,_ rh•onkville. Nick'DN AND BRUCE .Lot, n & Investment Co'y This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest MORTGAGES PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, ¢ and 5 per Cent. Interest .Allowed on Deposits, according toamonnt and time left. OFFICE-Oor. Square and North St., Godorioh /HORAOE GORTON, Manager Bo .miller purser,' FRU1'IT AND ORNAMENTAL TREBS, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental, and shrubbery will bo sold at very low prides, and those Wanting Op thing fit this eonnootion will save money by put- chasing bete., - OrctOd 110 Clinton Planing .Mill —AND— DRY RILN! The subscriber, having the very latest im roved machinery, and employing the most skilled work- men is able to do work in his lino in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and on the shortest notice. A trial solicited. FACTORY NEAR G.T.R. STATION, OLI r( N THOS. McKENZIE PUMPS : : PUMPS If you want a firet-class, well -made pomp, one that will give you satisfaction, send your oder to the undersigned. He will dig and oleic wolfs and do it at the closest prices. He aim handless a first-class FORCE PUMP JAMES FERGUSON OppoeitelQueen's Hotel - High Street, Clint OUNI1 KING P WDER ROBERT DOWNS, Manufacturer and Proprietor tor the hest Mrs tint iteig in use. Agent forth° sale slid appli- cation of the arrISEIBIL PATART AUTOMATIC BoILIre CLRANIR. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app od on simrt notice Hollers. Engines. and all kinds of Machinery repaired • expeditionsky and in a satisfactory manner 74‘11 Perm implements manufactured' and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put in positipn. Dry Kilns etted up on application Charges moderate. S. WILSON, 11 GENERAL DEALER III TINWARE HURON STREET, CLINTON Repairing of all kinda promptly attend to res. PURE HONEY For sale, comb and extracted C. HOARE, Clinton Mutt Wait ' till $Ickitege Comes befbroBuyiti a Bade oft PERRY I AVIV IN' 1 141LEK it tool**