HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-12-01, Page 8;lr �RS Iioo t- Ce11e f n... Nett n0edo 1414 4atgyoh npgoegqente al. tae payment orailroad fartha tuarao., eiogfpait9s.dotia er r•toeeurpplroege,on , O pot4 sehow11nbq. e oATIC�WzdTiOIuX5Xdrltindn •.. ?e• ble largestateace, and > erne t from,.lbuai0g00001 eat Infilen£tegmw. 7qdre,fU na,Usa,Iur '$etroaage9ri, t1a grqupd et atieteeit ard tla.(oper weekOat$ egelFa" • Jt Wq WEsS.`. `gAIN,'I?r, `x1'1' RRIVAI.� '' A( 111114 Deteuse, Pripcipal.irmit, oaf Itingetonc a atatgxroir t/ounerhatrva, lel //riling el deride of ad it-' ('10lettere'r,R.•th,e 1410110, otat the aoralitiorr • tbo,00tlr)tAnd.ain Ida ]asefalter he dbiopd8 M.µ4,4 4f in the ftlwiowing l li g VLQ il afoe"AchnwepaVe*.ueuafly Moderate to tone otfet•fpeQite,?8p@ mtosepng re sanou t.to be piyan�r�d tothose'air My' vrt eu guhlo ff, PerIqa a who ayupathize withutappitien. 0.*Who are you?" said Qtreen Mary to John good, "who preeiime to tell the sovereign and nobles of the r tri • h d 2t, `` nub,,. POI born with t was •respectful acid; a" .len Wali. T wail reason euou or a ; e `iron, f ttna one vibe aces] that p affair's be long to ilii`` as one of the +iic.. li hire always tried to act til inciple, end my oauree was et by tlut . e., velatlons of 18111, iris for • e firet tip a in n*y Wed of bei Canadian. Some of ,our pe' may:.> , e fotgotton those terrible rev never, forget them. Our lift . • irit, our selfishness, our localism, �Ou" &tion in pubilo life, are at bottom'rthe "uses. In those summer menthe, when every'da unearthed some new villainy,' ;tlletermin to try to be truer to my country than ev before, and to speak out my bonvictione, whenever fit opportunity woe given loo, palmly and strongly, no matter what the coneequenoe8 might be." The Princess May is to receive not only a sleigh .as a wedding gift but • a span of Canadian horses also. The fund raised 'will be sufficient to Dover the cost. Mr H. T, Potes, ex -warden of Brute county, hitherto a etrong Conservative, has been nominated as the McCarthy candi- date in North Bruce against Mr McNeill the present M. P. for that riding. John Pullen and wife bad a narrow es- cape from death while driving over a Grand Trunk Railway crossing at Merriton, near the Welland Canal tunnel. A. freight train struck the rear wheels of their buggy and threw them into the cattle guard. For Xmas Trade at the Corner Store, McKay B1oe NEW RAISINS NEW CURRANTS NEW FIGS NEW PEELS NEW VALENCIA ALMONDS Choice Extracts and Pure Ground Spices and a fill line of Canned Goods. HAMS & BACON FLAKE PEA S HERRINGS &TROUT ROLLED BARLEY SCALED HERRINGS ROLLED WHEAT Highest pride in Trade or Cash for Butter and Eggs. W. Irwin, Grocer MACKA.Y BLOCK, - . - - CLINTON. Mrs Pollen had several ribs fractured and SIDEBOARDreceived serious internal injuries, while Mr Pullan was badly hurt in the face. Mr I Pullen claims that no warning of the ap-• proaeh of the train was sounded. IN EITHER DARK or ANTIQUE OAK FINISH - : FOR $6.57. A strong effert is being made to save Lackey's neck. In event of failure to se- ure a new trial Sir John Thompson will e appealed to for clemency on the ground of homicidal tendenoy. that is a matter which has already been threshed oui.. If Luckey killed his parents and sister he should pay the penalty; if he did not, he should not be punished at all. There is a danger of turning the administrations of criminal justice in this countryinto a farce. Sir Oliver Mowat told the electors at Port Elgin that he likal to see Ontario prosper, he liked to see its people hap- py, he liked to see them well-being and well -doing in every way, and he had endeavored to use his opportuni- ties in advancing the best interests of theeople before him. Then he pro- ceeded to show that the election of Conservatives by the votes of Reform- ers who were also Patrons of Industry would not promote the well-being of the province. Sir Oliver made out a very strong case. c Ib . Our aim is to give our customers First-class Goods for very little money. We mark our goods down to a bare -living profit, and have but one price. We do not advertise any Big Discount Sale in order to draw trade, for every intelligent person knows what that means. When a firm advertises in that way, it Is quite easy to understand what they do; they simply add to the regular price the percentage they intend taking off. This is a fact that has been proven in the 'so-called Great Discount Sales. When buying, don't siwply look at the discount offered, but deduct that discount from the regular price, and then compare it with the prices of others. If you call on us we can show you the best assortment of Furni- ture in the County, and our prices are as low as the lowest. JOSEPH CHIDLEY FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. JOS. CHIDLEY JR.,Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night Calls Answered at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry. RUMBALL'SdflZ FACTOR! Hur...on.. Street; Clinton We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Whi ch we guarantee to be ofifirst—class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price ofa poor one, call and see us. F'. 11:1TTi'E13 4Ti:I.. 40I.ITVWCPINT COOL WEATHER IS HERE Bat you need not suffer from the odd, as yon can purchase very cheaply at. ADAMS' EMPORIUM Under Clothes, Top Shirts,Flannels, Flannelettes Pants, Suits, Overcoats, Caps, Mitts, Socks, Gloves, Hosiery, and Good Boots & Shoes Suitable for all classes of people. Special—see our Fur Coats, Goat Robes and Horse Blankets MILLINERY of the very finest quality. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R. .ADAMS. LONDESBORO °ySSacrifiic�Sal� � Days OF BOOKS, Statlonery WALL PAPER, &c In order to clear out the entire stock of W. H. SIMPSON, it has been 'decided to offer the same at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at such [figures that will make it of interett for purchasers to come here. THE STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT PRICES ARE MADE ACCORDINGLY This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired to clear the whole out in 30 days. Severe Pa n in Shonkder 2 Years Cured by"The D.&L:'Menthol Plaster. My wife Was afflicted for two years with a wore pain udder the left shoulder and through to .he �n i alter using corny remedies trhhotit tenet', the tried a "D.& L." Menthol Plaster, it didltswork, and owleg to tbls cute hundreds of these plasters have been sold by me here, giving mord ea(It(ection. 1. B. SUTnUMLANn. Druggist, River John, N.8. . , Sold Everywhere, 25C.each. 9 OUR FRIENDS ABROAD. To myriarde of people it will be good news that there is to be a Christmas num- ber of the Montreal Star this year. • All over the world the Santa Claus spirit gets into the air at the beginning of December, no matter whether times are good or bad. Friends away across the seas, over the broad prairies or even at nearer distance, look for a message, and glad will thousands be that we are to have a glorious Christmas number of tire Montreal Star laden down with fascinating gems of art. The farcical tariff enquiry and the con- tradictory statements of the Ministers and their organa have not only failed to give any assurance of a reasonable measure of tariff reform to the general public, they have failed to inspire with confidence their own well wishers. The St. Thomas Times, Conservative, wants more light. It says: Does the Dominion Government really intend to take up the matter of tariff and other reforms with a strong hand, or are the yea -neo, vague, indeaieive utterances of theEmpire to be taken as indicative of its position? It has been a long time diagnos- ing the state of things, and feeling the pulse of the country by means of conference with various classes. The public world like to know what conclusion has been arrived at. It has indeed been the mountain in labor, and bringing forth a mouse, if the result of it all is doubt whether any modifications of the tariff are necessary and chuckling over victory for the National Policy. The peo- ple want something better than that, and would like to know what probability there is of there getting it. "A RUN DOWN." and "used up" feeling is the first warning that your liver isn't doing its work. And, with a torpid liver and the impure blood that follows it, you're an easy prey to all sorts of ailments. That is the time to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical discovery. A a an appetizing, restorative. tonic, to repel disease and build up the needed flesh and etrengtlr, there's nothing to equal it. It rouses every organ into healthful a tion, purifies and enriunes the blood braces up the whole system, and resaores health and vigor. l or every disease caused by a disordered 1i,er or unpure bleori, it is the only guar antced remedy., If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every case, you have your money back. 0500 is offered, by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for an' incurable case of Catarrh. Their remedy perfectly and permanenely cures the worst cases. The election of "Fighting Joe Martin, ' in Winnipeg is the most con- spicuous Gra triumph that has been achieved since Alexander Mackenzie was Premier. It means that the Pro- testant -Tariff Reform movement has something in it. It means that the men in the Dominion Cabinet are not liked and their methods are unpopular. It means a Grit delegation from the West at the next Dominion elections, headed by the strongest lieutenant that Laurier could have. It means that Meredith having been kept out of a place in the Dominion Government, that Ontario Protestantism will be in revolt. It means that Sir John Thompson's idea of dilly-dallying with lieut.-governorships, 19 a mistake, and coupled With the McGreevy -Connolly convictions, that, there ie a popula'. notion that the Government more or less, should be in jail.—Toronto Satur- day night, Comex votive. . Children Cry for Pitcher's C storia.. FOlilITIVIii. ANP blIAGATIVE. The °Race Iaueation it, onaettled. Bot. it ill fettled that Hood'A k.i sapai'iaa le; 118 au.remedica. mlueaee marches through Alf *vat. 31 •it: good health settee') all who 11.44o Hoa..'s Sarsaparilla. , •DYspepeia ie a great toe p1 the ,human' race, ..Sot hood e Sarsaparilla putsIt. to flight, 0.4.leItui ons od'S�.�. roost tax .e a tilel3akHra, u it from the syetem, The people of this day, like Job, softer from boils. But Hood'a Sarsaparilla is a i verei Ka remedy for them, - Catarrh is one of the nio t clisitgreoable xirders. But Hood's Sarsaparilla is sure leve and dare it. eurpatiemd racks the eystera like a umb screw. But it retreats before the power of Hoods Sarsaparilla. 'loss of a etite leads to melancholia. Bat $o s Sarsaparilla makes the plaih- Q*tre a it tickle, the palate. Life is abort and time is fleeting, but ' od's Sarsaparilla will bless humanity 1jie ages roll on. aEXPLAINED. Howard's .father is a physician, and dile day when the doctor was out How- ard alid a little playmate were "playi'ng 'doctor" in a real doctpr's office. Pre- sently Howard threw open a closet door and revealed an articulated skele- ton to the terifled gaze of his playmate, but Howard was perfectly calm. "Pooh, Walter 1" he said to his play- mate, "what{ yotV raid of ? It's noth- ing but an old oaceilington 1" - "Wh-wh-where did it come from?" asked Walter with -chattering teeth. "Oh, I don't know. Papa has had it a long time; I gness likely it was his first patient.—Harper's Young People. ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or over -work, resulting in many of the following symp- toms :—Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lank of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids and elsewhere, bash- fulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the soalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by eleep, constipation, dullness of bearing, loss voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with LEADEN aincLEs, oily looking akin, etc., are all symptorns of ner- vous debility, that lead to ineanity, unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance, may be perma- nently oared. Send your address and l0c in stamps for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent sealed. Address M. V. LUBO?, 24 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Please meutior1 this paper. Children Cry for Pitcher's•Castoria. It is rumored that Hon. Mr Patterson, the rejected of Essex, and who was elected in West Huron by meats which makes decent man in the riding blush, is afraid to try another tilt with Mr M. C. Camer- on, whom hired partisan agents slandered so foully in the last campaign, and will try to get the Kent nomination. It is quite trne that Mr Killaoky's candidature was most unpopular with the Kent Conserve - tides, many of them looking upon him as an interloper, but all the same Mr Kil- leaky will have to be provided for before Mr Patterson has a olear field. Then the Kent of to -day isnot the Kent of Mr Rufus Stephenson's or Mr Henry Smyth's days The onetime Tory workers were disgusted enough by the greed and selfishness of some of their candidates; the N. P., Kil- laoky, and the tariff inquiry farce have been further object lessons. Mr Patterson will think twice before contesting Kent.— Hamilton Times. BANNER ROUTE. Does it ever strike you that the new Wabash line between Detroit and Chicago, just completed, forms part of the shortest line from Canada to the World Fair City and the great west. The new trains on the Wabash are absolutely the finest in the World; not half the advantages of this Railway can be outlined here, any R. R. ticket agent will tell you the rest, write or call at our new office, N. E. Co. King & Yonge street Toronto. J. B. Richardson Canadian Passenger agent. "The Weir Case." MORE EVIDB.\OE IN THIS FAMOUS CURE. SAN Br RNdaLiNo, Cal., May 1, 1893. Isaac Williams Company, London. Deo-11.,,—About a week ago I recaived aoopv of the. Loudon Free Pzess sent by my , nnngg-, bre, her, who lives en Horton etre& c, No, {2e, and wnu:n 0, nralued some very pleasing news to me, wi>eu 1 read that your wonderful medic ,0 had ,,aver] : , a dent brother, wbo Jive,, ou lot 15, con. 15, L trete 'i'nw.nshin, near village of Bin*. I know t .•, wall about his sickness, teat he nee paid 9.112• a For lune on dootots' iti., ti11 without 0„9 re In 2,1 lilt satisfied, unless 1111, ` came vn s:. ,n, that lie would be in his a, n.t e, and I am ready to bot a ,• that v, Ur w• edeiful medicine ,royal Cr,.wnRotnr dv' has n,r.v.:a Lis lite, and I tun pleased know that be rail! lives and o, joys file and ,ea'ti>. Since I have received rhe copy of the Advet tiser .,1 April 1 I have shown it to n. {.,oat many of my neighbors and o:plai ,cd tilt whore case to them, and of the wonderful oure of my brother(J.Woi•). Several of myueighbo-t.r, ((in -:flied me to write you regarding vonr "Royal crown Remedy." OR I aey cn.u't got it noire. i , up o0: '0 atit have to ,eel direct to Nall for . I m'pht furt`ier say that one or mp uei••,,bo tl came here to'Os placefir:toDetrrr1 alit:meow ameMole 1 e".,nee yotLoudoa. Bele about bayearsore,e' and we lknoa .;,ere,abd is i o ve: •poor heal. h;dad It to me tuat big ailment is siml'la • to that of mytyrothor,,iShu Weir. Ihave higblyrocom- m"noel '•1' >yal Crown Remedy" t, him and be appeals quite anxious to give your remedy a tram, , o he with tithe, a re"nested roe to v ire you far par,icula , whiol, a.1i be as follows: W flat do yon sell your Remedy for, per ha>I•d„z, 1 or dozen hoi,tles or how do you sell tbr.n wholesale How do y u Hood, by fielgot er . xprr ss? W Ill .,h, re be any duty, etc,? I rill! be pin ecl/to hoar from you al soon as 1.clwble. 51 11.t v^ereIv111 ”, R, Caoewar,' Mich„ May 10, 18`8. Isaac W Iltame Company, London. Dear Sirs,—As per agreement,/ write to let yr u know that i et 1 inhabit this mu.>dane sphere 1 n•n still .eking Royal Crown Ro.nedy, with good results—for they a'I toll me I look better, and what every body says most be true. Yes, t ecttainly think I am feeling better. and hope the reme'y v 11 do its wo•lr, 1 shell eontbme tattle; it as long as 1 cont 'nue to Improve. I tl'' ok I w,ti go down to Cold we' >r within a • >unte of weeks, and 1 wl" Keen "nn Suer ed as to my eondltiot. Very le'poet tidy yours, H. TILtVES P.S.-1 mot agentlema'> on the ti ate on my way home, who lives in the north part of the State. Ile Is troubled in some respects just as I am, namely, kidney and liver troubles. 1 recon - mended your remedy and gave him some el r - lars and he said he would send for sumo. values ..in ose Plain `and Ribb ad. Our own Importation Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton, "HAPPY P1TOUrniT" RANGES No investment that you can make for your home will pay you such large returns in comfort, economy and ever increasing satisfaction as a "Happy Thought" Range. There is no other "just as good" or "just the same," and the genuine is sold only by Harland Bros., Clinton. In Base Burner with or without oven, the Radiant Home leads. New Store HARI. ylackayBlock AND 8110 S01 Brick S HO --X---- We are now giving a Discount of Ten per cent to all Cash'buyers ofBoots and Shoes at our store J N O. JACKSON , Clinton IW0NDJ3RFUL CURES THO3[As MINCHIN. MAJOR W. A. SINFIELD. Before Treatment. After Treatment. r! Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured. a Thomas ae wreck—only weighed 118duced to pounds. Thabuse had the result following :Mierable mentally and physically, melancholy,, nerv- oasnees, weakness, specks before the eyes, dizzy, poor memory, palpitation of the heart, Berthing, cold hands and feet weak back, dreams and losses at night, tired in the morning, pimples oh the face, loss ofem ambition, kidneys weak could cure me; bt Kennedy & Horgan by their New Method Treatment, cured me in a few weeks. I weigh now 170 pounds. It is three years since I have taken their treatment." Before Treatment. After Treatment, Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Major Simfield says: "I had Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach for many years. To make matters worse I contract- ed a Constitutional Blood Disease. My bones ached. Blotches on the akin looked horrible. I tried sixteen doctors in all. A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy & Korean. I began their New Method Treat- ment and in a few weeks was a now man with renewed life and ambition. I can- not say too much for those scientific doc- tors who have been in Detroit for fortr- teen years. I conversed with hundreds of patients in their offices wbo were being cared for different diseases. I recommend them as honest and reliable Physicians." DRS. KENNEDY &KERGAN The Celebrate Speolallets of Detroit, Mloh. TREAT AND GUARANTEE TO CURE ('iataTrh;Asthma; Bronchitis; Con- eumption (let and 2nd stages); Rheumatism; antalgia; Nervous, Blood and Skin diseases, Stomach and Heart dia- l? Tapeworm; Piles; Rupture: impotency; Deafness; Diseaees of the Eye Ear, Fatlingg M nhoThroat;1)) oeaoee of the exal Organs -i Female Weakness; Diseaseseof Men ' and women, and' Chronic Diseases in general. They cure when others fail! REATMON1iL�YOURARANCA8E8ARETAKENFOR TREATMENT Their NEW METHOD ENT.known the world over, is coring diseases of every nature that has baffled heretofore the medical profession. They are not 'family doctors' — they make a specialty of Chronic and difiicalt dfseaeos. -q�l DISEASESOF MEN. They guarantee to erre all weakness of Men arising man, you need help. Dre.. K. & K.fwtuseurabaeu, Tatar emeyseee or diene, Yon by Qnacke—consult Scientific Doctors. No cure, no pay Y Consult them. been treated by DISEASESOF WOMEN Why suffer In silence? Tiley can erre yon. Displacements. Irregularity, and pair t Weakheara B a abort time: periods oared in a short tune. Renewed vitality given. Iilnstrutod Hook Frea Inclose stamp. Shermatorrheea, Varieocete, Oleet, Unnatptai .-SPECIAL all L DISEASES• DI chargee, Private diseases, Stricture, Syph+ ills, and nil Blood diseases guaranteed oared or no pay: 1A years in Detroit —1110,000 cores -,-National. reputation. Books free—Consultation free —Namoe confidential If noble to call, write for a list of (Teelfone.nnd novice free. DRS. KENNEDY C^ 1CK"RUAN, I44 bi efby St., DETROIT, Mien. M!'j"�?'jp`il' rP':t' t:9!' ^'" ;:!, ".a' 1