Clinton New Era, 1893-11-24, Page 7The, Forgst.ity Bastess anq ollcie oLuiif Does' neo to hold mil, such inducements as the payment of ',railroad fare," guaran- kit, teeing of positions, &c,, in order to secure patronage. Offer you the mestRItACTIOAL and TLID*1,11GII d,rilling in all busineffasubjeots . whickit is.Peseible to obtain. Welcavo the ihrgest attendance alidtbemost eon), WE DO P)etre aciasol in f..f ads, We. solicit "your patronage en' the ground ot work; 13atistatition Suaraluteed or money refunded. Dotard $2.50 per week. a alogu v. . ' J. w. • ATVAVELT • EW ARRIVALS lir CLINTON NEW ETI ISTovenAer i893- WQ1.11,411Ci Tgt,T ,UAU 4 IgIT,T,J1QM,f Aistribute4 eardo, eimdare, . FlYe yeit*Ekga Russian Prinen,_,,ss twollQth(lele4ttehrlstIontbriws'i!Pef.ivt5rnwld,ilei ollie't"eneutto) remain tor the spftOs nfong year in the chapel which is erected CiV01* her tomb, in the eennitery of Pere LaQhaise, The , princess lies In a ex ystal, Coffin, thS h b d distirfetif!.visible ite kgtd t e well& °P 1 • set apart for „the advertising department, where a force of men is kept busy with the making of contracts in about every gountry of —the:. world, in preparing, advertising literature to be, eent all over the world from New York, 4,4 Oa newepapers to ace that contrfo3te tire carried out. To show the vast extent of this advertising depart- ment it ie only necessary to eay that the departmant n the house office at New York controls the advertising of Soott's Emeleion in the following countries: Cana- da, United States, Salvador, Honduras, United States of Colombia, Bolvia; Guate- mala, Ecuador, Nenezuela, Mexioo, Argon. tine Republic. Costa Rice, Nicaragua, Chill, Several years Ito the Arm bought .pio, pert), fronting en Pearl and. R 'e•strew s, New York city, and last sprin,- Mere pont plated the new f''oott & )30‘i• ri uili- iug Which is now the Lora° of SCUttiti BM* uleiee. This building 'is twelve stories high and is the meet erfectly equipped the w o y, g and, this is What cituseS sn aluelf 'ecolia 1100-0f tiv, ,ting Rlge ae tO who haVe a% Tet attemp e 'visitors, The candidates Must be alone gain the rize, But he will forbids all with the dead for.a whole:year before the Million dellars are won. No work is allczwed, Books and newspapexs, • I howe r, are permitted, and a servant brin eals regularly to the watcher. Ope oue'S walk a day is also allowed, bti this must be undertaken before 5 O'cttLCk in the morning in summer, and &lokdurio the wi:temoaths.teverjFrenclelligseto NI in the prize, but althave given lip after a short ti•ial. One lasted out three weeks, by whichtime he had . For Xmas Trade at:the Corner Store, McKay Block. NEW, RAISINS NEW CURRANTS NEW FIGS NEW PEELS NEW VALENCIA ALMONDS Choice Extract g and Pure Ground Spices and a full line of Canned Goods. HAMS & BACON ) FLAKE PEAS HERRINGS & TROUT ROLLED BARLEY SCALED -HERRINGS ROLLED WHEAT Highest price in Trade or Cash for Butter and Eggs. Irwin, Grocer A SIDEBOARD B completely lost lais reason, and still re- Peru, razil, Urugeay, Paraguay,ee mains a jabbering idiot. The will Indies, Great Britain, France, Belgium, makes no mention of foreigners being . Holland, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, ineligible. • There is every chance, Italy, Furkey, Malta, Egypt, Palestine, therefore, fcr a strong-minded Aineri- South Africa, India, Japan, China, and the Australian Colonies including New Zea - can who fears neither ghosts, ghouls to be made to the municipality of Paris. land. & Bowne to dace all their United States nor gravestones, to become rich in the short period of 305 days./ kpplications Prior to this fall it was the' policy of Scott advertiging through an advertising agency in New York Oity, but the advertising de - Growth of Advert!sin ff . partment has grown ti such propo •tions that it beoame advisable to handle the Unit - The Publisher And The Abver- — -- ed States advertising the same as foreign countries—that is, from the home office. tiser Share The Harvest. In several countries there are still advertis- ing agencies employed to a certain extent, How ADVERTISING is DONE BV A LARGE CON• but the growth of the business neceesitates CERN ---DISTRIBUTING ADVERTISING MATTER a centralization of work under the one head IN EVERY QUARTER OF THE GLOBE—NEWS- of the advertising department of New York, which is personally euperintended by Mr TION. Scott himself, altLough Mr Scott delegates PAPERS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR DISTRIBU- One of the most interesting phases of the the detaiis, such as the making of contracts, growth of businese in this country has been etc. to hie subordinates. the development of advertising. Persons Mr Bowne attehde to the financial part who have watched the newspapers, maga. of this great businese, and thus the respon- zines and other pnblicatione for the last sibility is divided evenly between the mem. twenty years must have noticed with some hers of the concern. degree of curiosity the ohange that has The purest and best medical cod-liver oil been going on in their appearance and won- in the world is made in Norway, and it bas dered at the increased size of the periodi- been to an extent through the influence of eals themselves, together with the increased Scott & Bowne that the standard of its proportion of advertising to reading mat- mutufaottne bas been elevated in that ter. It seems to the average reader that country. Scott & Bowne consume a large there cannot be a proportionate return to percentage of all the first grade medical the advertiser to pay him for all his extra medicinal Norway cod-liver oil. They expense in advertising, and, till it may be import it themselves to their various fac- said with every degree of confidence that tories, and are continnally making improve - advertising in this country is still in its menta in their emulsion Experiments are infaney. The growth of newspapers, constantly made with the oil, and it is no magazines and all publioationsbas beep the ininetice to others to say that in its degree direct result of advertising. The advertis- •of perfection Scott's Emulsion stands head ing department is the backbone of the and shoulders above all other formsof cod. newspaper, and at the same time the liver oil: advertising of any article of merit controls Such has been the growthof Scott's Em - to a large extent its sale ; consequently the ulsion, and this is only one instance of publishet and the advertiser meet on friend- the development of the legitimate Bayer- ly ground, each helping the other to suo- tieing of an article of merit. Physicians Inas. and the public generally have found by Twenty years ago it was considered Waite years of experience with Scott's Emulsion a big undertaking for an advertiser to con- that it has great merit, being much more tract for $50,000 worth of apace in the effective than plain oil in the oure ot newspapers of the country, whereas to -day Wasting Diseases such as Consumption, there are a number of concerns which Scrofula, Anaemia, Lung and Throat trou- spend anywhere from $300,000 to $600,000 bles, Loss of Flesh and Wasting away of a year in advertising in this country alon% Children, and this accounts largely for its It must be understood at the outset of thig sale all over the world in the countries article that no claim is made for the sac- 'wherein it is advertised. Tkere are many eerie of advertisingunless the article ad- other similar cases, and no one is better ver bleed poisesses superlative Merit, It is fitted to testify to the truth of this article true that successes have been made by men than publishers themselves, who have who siinply 'imposed upon credulity of read- reaped their share of the harvest. ere of newsrApters, but their nueoesses have - been short-lived, for it is the same in ad- THREE GIRL TRAMPS. vertising as in every branch of basiness—it does not take the public long to appreciate It appears that a number of women tbe worthlessness of any article advertised have taken to the road as tramps, and and refuse to buy it. In selling an article are travelling to California. ' They are of merit, however, legitimate advertising said to be honest women who are in paves the way for a ready success, and search of employment, There are newspaper advertising is unquestionably three of them who are said to be head - the best method to employ. The news- ed for Sacramento, having travelled papers are the best means for the distribu- together f Tom Portland. They were pecia1 Values 111 IN EITHER DARK or ANTIQUE OAK FINISH -: FOR $657. :— Our aim is to give our customers First-class Goods for very little money. We mark our goods down to a bare -living profit, and have but one price. We do not advertise any Big Discount Sale - in order to draw trade, for every intelligent perSon knows what that means. When a firm advertises in that way, it Is quite easy to understand what they do; they simply add to the regular price the percentage they iutend taking off. This is a fact that has been proven in the so-called Great Discount Sales. When buying, don't simply look at the discount offered, but deduct that discount from the regular price, aid then compare it with the prices of others. If you call on us we can show you the best assortment of Furni- ture in tbe County, and our prices are as low as the lowest. JOSEPH CH IDLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND TJNDERTAKER. JOS. CHIDLEY JR.,Fun er al Director and Embalmer. Night Calls Answered at his residence, King Street, opposite the Foundry. BOOTS SHOE Cas ose rain -and Ribb'd. Our own Importation jp•miMINIOM•wir••••• Robt. Coats & SOB, Clinton, We are now giving a Discount of Ten per cent to all Caslibuyers ofBoots and Shoes at our store J N 0. JACKSON, Clinton COOL WE &TOR IS HERE "HAPPY THOUGHT' tion of advertising matter, costing lees in without means, and starvation stared proportion to the number of people reached them in the face if they remained in and causing the least trouble. Still there the Oregon metropolis during the win - are other methods for distribution which ter. It was a decidedly bold thing for are very effective. women to do, but these three maidens It is only necessareto refer to the history determined to get to California in of one concern to shoviT the value, as well as good businese judgment, of making known to the public any article of merit through the medium of legitimate advertising. In 1876 there was organized the firm of Scott & Bowne in New York city. The members of the firm—Messrs Alfred B. Scott and Samuel W, Bowne—had for three years prior to that time been experimenting with cod-liver oil and had succeeded in making an emulsion which came up to the standard fixed by physicians. Cod-liver oil had been recognized by the medical world for a years as the 'most nourishing of foods and the possessor of unusual remedial pro- perties. It is a well known fact that physicians had prescribed plain oil for years in cases where there was a wasting away of strength, such as Consumption, Coughs and Colds, Scrofula, Anaemia, Loss of Flesh and Blood Diseases. It was also prescribed for Weak Mothers and Children where food did not seem to nourish them preperly. The objections to it, however, were that it was nauseating to the taste and taxed the digestive organs of the body in getting rid of it. The plain oil was so difficult of assimilation that even if the stomach could retain it the digestive organs were taxed in dealing with it. When Scott's Emulsion made its appearance, however, cod-liyer oil became practicable as both fond and medicine, and by the year 1880 Scott's Emulsion was fully establish- ed among the medical profession. There was no effort made to conceal the formula or method of its manufacture, as Messrs Scott & Bowne were very anxious to co- operate with physicians and improve their emulsion in every way possible. It may be said for the purpose of explanation that an emulsion of cod-liver oil means simply the breaking pp of the oil into tiny particles eo that the oil may readily be assimilated. The great difficulty is in making an emul- sion contain a large per cent of it. Messrs Scott & Bowne believed in ad- vertising their preparation from the start, the same as they have always believed in elevating its standard to the highest degree of perfection possible. Not having much money, their advertising during the first few years of their businese was necessarily snhall, but in about the year 1882 they be- gan branehing ont in nevvepapers all over this country. In 1880 they had established a factory in Belleville, Canada, and about the same time'that they began their ex- tensive newspaper advertising in this wan. try they started a factory in London. The newspaper advertising bronghtfalmost im- mediate returns and enabled them to ex- tend their business further. In 1884 they opened factories at Barcelona, Spain, and Oporto, Portugal. In 1885 a factory was started at Milan, Italy, and in 1800 the concern +went Into Paris, Franed. In the meattirne, however, they had introduced their preparation ince South America. Central America, Mexico and the Wed ‘',. 1 armed their unique trade mark of a Nor- ' 50 ele4r the ;whole ont in 80 daY S.444, 1 h g .. . y. 't other Ildverd in intAer and the • But you need not suffer from the cold, as you can purchase very cheaply at ADAMS' EMPORIUM • Under Clothes, Top Shirts,Flannels, Flannelettes Pants, Suits, Overcoats, Caps, Mitts, Socks, • Gloves, Hosiery, and Good Boots & Shoes Suitable for all classes of people. Special—see our Fur Coats, Goat Robes and Horse Blankets MILLINERY of the very finest quality. AD AMS' EMPORIUM, R. ADAMS. LONDESBORO ?Tay s Sacrifice gale !A 0 F— BOOKS, Stationery WALL PAPER, cfcc . In order to clear out the entire stook of W. H. SIMPSON, it has been decided to offer the same at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at such ifIgnres that will make it of interest for pnrchasers to come here. THE STOCK MUST. BE SOLD OUT • • regulation tramp fashion.Accor g ly they sallied forth and climbed to the top of the first freight train they came E. -to, and, seating themselves on the edge of a box car, they allowed their feet to dangle along the side, and waited for the locomotive to roll away. It is said that a brakeman who was running over the top of the train was so para- lyzed with astonishment, when he saw the petticoated tourists, that he almost fell overboard. "Where are you going, my pretty maids ?" he politely asked, and gallant- ly lifted his hat. The girls told him plainly that they were going to California; that they had no money to pay their fares, and that they did not propose to be put off the train.Non None of the train crew interfered With the women. At various stations the girls went about and begged food. At one place it is reported a tramp in- sulted one of the women, when the three sailed in together and gave him a trouncing that he will re tnember for many and many a day.—San Francisco Examiner. No investment that you can make for your home will pay you such large returns in comfort, economy and ever increasing satisfaction as a "Happy Thought" Range. There is no other "just as good" or "just the same," and the genuine is sold only by Harland Bros., Clinton. In Base Burner with or without oven, the • Radient Home leads. New Store u A Old Stand NiackayBlockill mR LAND BUS. Brick Block RUMBALL'Stilllin FACTORY Huron Street, litnton We have on hand an assortment of splendid BUGGIES. CARRIAGES, & WAGGONS Which we guarantee to be ofifirst—class material and workmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us. CLITNTTOIN ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess of over -work, resulting many of the following syrup. toms :— Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dim ri(q4s of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles eyelids and elsewhere, bash• fdlness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the 'scalp . and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by eleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes; surrounded with LEADEN CIRCLES, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of ner- vous debility, that lead to insanity, unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequen3e. Those who throngh abuse committed in ignorance, may be perma- nently cured. Send your address and 10c in stamps for book on diseases peculiar to man, sent sealed. Address M. V. LUBON, 24 Macdonnell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Please mention thie paper. PRICES ARE MADE ACCORDINGLY Indies. Wherever they went they intro- \ Thid is agenuine clearing sale, and it vi desired cvegian fisherman earrying a big cod -fish On his baelt into the newsy pers, together The coroner's jury in the Grand Trunk railway disaster at Battle Creek brought in a verdict holding Conductor Scott and EngineerWooley responsible. • Ira PISO'S CURE iF OR nem °uito.ls hWiorldbyotu "t'llt 8nt‘nliti. LtUie 11F1 1ET 3113....413[41.4, WEAK, NERVOUSADISEASED MEN Thousands of Young Micl Middle Aged Men are annually swept to a premature grave through early indiscretion and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitntionei Blood Diseases have ruined and vrecked,the life of many a promising young man. Have you any of the following Symptome: Nervous and Deopondent; Tired in MorningLNe Ambi - Mon,. Memory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; Pimples on the Face; Dreams id Drains at Night; Eestless; Haggard Looking; lotchee; Sore Threat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Diatrustfnl and Lack of Energy and Strength. Our New Method Treatment will build yon up mentally, physically and sexually. '• 1:ldt DRS, KENNEDY 86 KERGAN Chas. Patterson. Have en in 0110 Dr. Moulton. Cureu yew. ogo. Capt. Townsend. ,i. ared in time. Our New Method Treatment never fails in curing Disetuiee of mon, It strengthens the body, stops all drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual systems and restores lost vitality to the body. we Guarantee to Care Nerveus laelnlIty, railing infanhOod sypuslis.viaricticele,mtrietuire, GI eot,unnatural ntsehargetio Weak 'warts and Kidney and Madder niseaeles. RtmEMBER Dr. Rennetly & Itergan are the leading specialists of America. They guar intoe to care or no pay. Their rout, tation and fifteen years of business are at etaire, rnu no Hair, Write them for an honest opinion, no matter who treated you, it Malir ' .. taro you years of regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a OnleStiOn. LOA and Hook PrOt. COnsulndlon Pree'. ., ... . - ENNEDY84.KERGAN12:00!' " At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I could stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elec. trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy 8 Kergan. They sent mo one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cures when alt elso fails." They have cured many of my friend." IIIMIND Q11 MOM ITMEDI se! " Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood dieease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, lose of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy & Kergan's Now Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have had no Symptoms for live years. I am married and happy. As a doctor, I heartily recornend it to all who have this terrible disease— typhate." it will eradicate the poison from the blood." 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED. "I am 83 years of age, and m mica. When your I led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak and nervous, My kidneys became affected and I f-ared Bright's disease. Married lif s was unsatie... factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Korgan. Their NOW Method bnilt me up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and riet like a man in every respect. Try them." ar No Names Used Without Written Consent of Patient. 22