Clinton New Era, 1893-11-17, Page 6ber 17, 1893 ER ' SHOT.$, Shop, i' J ' 331.00K, I. gal 'L t'ad's.' ognoE, ; i,1:N QN 4e04gn.tt 11;iiI1E ORelled ; out in the Bioolc, daaireu to etatelthat /34 4111 keep on rr very oiiiMoei t ,Manta, Having no ex. a grpida�of bimielt. be I iin,.a oeitlop to sell • o oe t l?zlooe,:.,; pMIMI er. ?PP r•.r I bkrk 8lptimbe rloo for be. CaitleR ax the 11008: aihayq;wantod •tor export, diva Atilt. , BORT, ''I'I ZSIaVli'ONS �HHONi'.S' BUTCHER SHOP '" tllr�eepi �. mo9t`coraially 10 t1{ank;a.cthose who 1biA1ve favored Oa with ttletrtpatronage since We ocitglnena si in bn.iuega, and to assure them and ttt3.1pubito genorallythat weave in better shape than .vele to oatebr Op their wants; #laving added an OPAPrOY eirigeratoratid other convoniencee your !bops ,• .T.L1X t' FINCH 1 AT Market ESS CHANGE. bent direignit'desires to intimate that he 1t 9 boa¢Ut quit tire interest of Mr Couch, in the }iutclle�r Fng�business lately carried on under the > e ett10 cid of&nd COUGH, trusts 1 by g giving the 'Cleseeir and oat careful attention to the busi- tlg.Q ,fit rwgaldand courteous treatment 1 ' f cid, okicice .meat, tc merit find receive a a air , are of public patronage. All orders oaVtutiyand promptly filled JA,MiA. FORD . • trailutcher Shop ill?ggrit4rclesires to thank the public general - 1 for thelmtronage bestowed upon him; and Atte Mahe time to say that ho is now in a bet is'patitionthan ever to supply Che wants of all. -&h0. gtves.pel'sanal attention to all the details g•ttjle .businosg customers can rely on their Ka2ra being -Promptly aud satisfactorily filled, is;iilotto is "good meat at reasonable prices. 'Olen Sausage, Poultry, &c., in season: cash paid for Hides; Skins, &o. • JOHN SVRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. 'lour and Feed Mores Flour; Feed & Seed Store - ,L... The underst d having formed a partnership wire to in 'mate that they will keep on hand est 'FLOUR and FEED Qt ii,U kinds, also the choicest variety of over, Timothy & Small seeds tell will be sold at close Margins for cash. ATITi' also kept on hand. They will also keep a c iMoe variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- sumers will find to be excellent value. HILL & PROUT, HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S R, FEED & SEED STORE a :have in stock a choice assortment of Seeds, such as OVER, TICORNY, MILLET, doll seeds required for Farm or Garden use. Flour and Feed of all kinds OOK, CLINTON. BANKS e Molsons' Bank. loorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 CAPITAL, - • $2,000,000. CAST FUND, - $1,000,000 OFFICE, MONTREAL. MOLSON......... President. . , ASf,.Io: era' Manager. a,b.► ()tinted Collections made, Drafts kr- tatting and American exchange bought old atlowestwed curreoadepnt osiratstes.. Interest al- • lo Er A.RMER•S . ,,.oVOlr advanced to farmer' on their own note Vit�ll,:oria or more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security. H. 'C. BREWER, Manager. O. D. MCTAGGART, BANKER, IjB1RT ST, - CLINTON. ,enorti,! Banking Busine„k ti ansacted TOTES DISCOUNTED Oralts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. BB/AN & TISDALL •BANKERS, OWN Toi7 Off. 'WOO Made to farmers on their own Ades at low rates of interest. general, tanking Business transaotea I1t$o"et'allowed on deposits. lie Notes bought a. P. TISDALL, Manage • itglivit Imam and a new dui. 4t!!4 the =retinues or vigor end restores th1i or' muted mum fans sum* erets airMeuor You fence labi sfL�oobaiuste haU tbet ridtmdorMt ! o Seth'oo ' (img,ifbs Writs m'Sat ;; r' 00tibli• ,' SIINLMgH' ""' PILLAR Ip. LABORSAVING PURIFYING CLEANSING EXCELLENCE PURITY S. RNLICiI J TAIKNO WSOAP CHEM10 LARGEST ji MERIT 1 C BITME WORLfl INTIM �C FOUNDED ON /VfIRii at Pie 1 had for dinner was the best I ever ate. Thanks to COTTOLENE, the new and successful shortening. • ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL,. NEURA14,4 a1- avec/d)r ROM BILIOUS & SICK .71rADAC4v rd o QY co NERVOUS h yFADAO' HOL �FAKrrFSS SLEcptE8'ssat.SS NFA 40id $k RNEYitO ;reNN0ERFUL�5 �� Not onlya relief but a pure for all kinds of HEAD PAINS, SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS Harmless. Contain no hurtful drugs. A wonderful Compound. Nice to take. Sure death to pain. Be sure you get STARE'S. PREPARED BY R. STARK. M. D.C. P., CHEMIST FROM GLASGOW UNIVER.ITY, SCOTLAND, .13 C7 FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. 25 CENTS a box. Sold by all Druggists Entirely new Compound When we assert that Dodd's Kidney Pills •nnnnrtiw� . Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed by the testimony of all .who have used them. TH11V MUM •TO,8TAV iiiltla. t1y All dru� ggists or maU on receipt betake. do deuce; DLL. A. Smith.* Co.., Tdronto.i l Tag INTO:NH F,yfX ;F,RrS TW S 'RRS. NaVirS Ivens The St, •Gathariales Clothing IVa ulao.• curing Ccrepaz y. At.. caul street, were rb rglsess0ngt 4 clothing Wedy Worth n clue; Ask for Minard's and take no other, John D. Hari, a wealthy resident of Napauee, while walking clown town, Thursday evening, was suddenly tak- en sick. He was conveyed into a resi- dence close by, where he died within a few mint tee. Deceased formerly lived in Newbury, Ont., where he accumu- lated wealth. RELIEF IN Six HoURs.—Distressing Kid. Read she folicwing aloud, as rapidly as YVu• call, I'eeating the shorter ones ha, f a dozen tiLOeO In sncceSslon. Six thick thistle sticks, A glowing gleam glowing green. F'lesh'of freshly, fried Sying.fish The sea ceaseth and it sufllceth us. High roller, low roller, lower roller. You snutY shop snuff, I snide box snuff. box A o of mixed biscuits, a faired biscuit box. Strict strong Stephen .Stringer snar- ed slickly six sickly silky' soaks. Swan swam over the seal swim swan swim; swan swain back again; well ewuni swan. It is a 'shame, Sam, these are the same, Sam. 'Tis all a sham, Sam, and a shame it is to sham so, Sam. The bleak breeze blighted the bright broom blossom. Susan shineth shoes and socks; socks and shoes shine Susan. She ceaseth shining shoes and socks, for shoes and socks shock Susan. Robert Rowley rolled a round roll; round a round roll Robert Rowley rol- led round; where rolled the round roll Robert Rowley rolled round. Oliver Oglethorpe ogled an owl and oyster. Did Oliver Oglethorpe ogle an owl and oyster? If Oliver Oglethorpe ogled an owl and oyster, where are the owl and oyster Oliver Oglethorpe ogled? Hobbs met Snobbs and Nobbs. Hobbs bobbs to Snobbs and Nobbs. Hobbs nobs with Snobbs and robs Nobb's fob, "That is," says Nobbs, "the worse for Hobb' jobs," and Snobbs sobs. Sammy Shoesmith saw a shrieking songster. Did Sammy Shoesinith see a shrieking songster? If Sammy Shoe- smith saw a shrieking songster, where is the shrieking songster Sainmy Shoe- smith saw? I went into the garden to gather some blades, and there I shay twp sweet pretty babes. Ah, babes, is thiit you, babes, braiding blades, babes ? If you braid any blades at all, babes, braid broad blades, or braid no blades at all babes. PREVENTION IS BETTER Than cure, and those who are subject to rheumatism can prevent attacks by keeping the blood pure and free from the acid which causes the disease. You can rely upon Hood's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for rheumatism and catarrh, also for every form of scrofula, salt rheum, boils and other diseases caused by impure blood. It tones and vitalizes the whole system. Hood's Pills are easy and gentle in effect. SOME CLEVER CATCHES. A young lady was once talking with a very young and very smart reran, who was inclined to air his knowledge of the languages a little beyond what she felt that modesty • required. She therefore said to him with an air of deference to bis superior attainments. "You are a Latin scholar. I wish you would tell me how to pronounce the word So-met-i-mes." The youth with an air of kindly pat- ronage, replied. "I have not met the word in my Latin reading, but I should have no hesitation in saying that it should be pronounced ' so-niet-i-rnes" (giving it four syllables, the accent on on the second.) "Thank you for telling me, " replied the girl, demurely. "I have always heard it pronounced "sometimes" but if you say the .other -way you must be right." This is similiar to the perhaps fami- liar catch of the pronunciation of 'bac- kac-he,' which will often surprise the unitiniated by proving to be only 'back- ache.' It also reminds one of a ques- tion printed some years since, as to the way of spelling 'need'—to need bread. The ave► age person will reply `k -n -e -a -d, of course,' hut the answer will be, 'that is the way tospell 'knead' dough, but not to 'need' bread. A young lady recently misled a fam- ily in a most heartless way, She re- marked, 'I had a letter to -day, and how do you imagine the little preposition "to" was used?' 'Too,' suggested mamma. 'Two,' suggested papa. 'Tew,' 'Teu,' 'Tu, ventured various voices. Lily, who was much engaged with her French lessons just then, suggest- ed 'tout,' and Tom, in derision, improv- ed upon that with 'tueue,' declaring that 'must' be right in order to rhyme with 'queue.' All wrong,' exclaimed the young la- dy, when the alphabet and their inge- nuity were well exhausted. Just then, Teddy, who had been so- berly absorbed in his bread and honey, and who was in his first term at school, and wrestling with the problem of words in two letters, raised his head. and with an air of decision and impor- tance, gravely spelled, 'T -o, to.' 'Yes, cried the lady with a peal of laughter. 'Why,' exclaimed the others in dis- mayed chorus, 'that is the way to spell it.' 'Exactly,' she replied, 'and that is the way my correspondent spelled it. You do not suppose I correspond with persons who cannot even spell 'to' cor- rectly do you?'—Harpers Young Peo- ple. A TONIC AND RECONSTRUCTOR. Mr C. Harper, Ottawa, Ont., writes:—"I have pleasure in stating that your Pink Pills are a wonderful tonin and recon- structor of the system. Since beginning their use, I have gained, on an average, a pound pf flesh a week." All dealers or poet paid, 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50. Beware of imitations and substitutes. Dr. Williams' Med. Co., Brockville, Ont. The law of succession passed by the Ontario Government two years ago decreed that when a person died whose estate probated from $100,000 to $200,- 000, the Government must receive 24 per cent of the amount, and over $200,- 000, 5 per cent. The estate of the late Alex. Cameron, of Windsor, probated $700,000, and his executors have paid the Government $35,000. The moneys thus obtained go to the fund used for the reformatories, asylums and other such institutions under the control of of the Government. When illaby was et*, we gavebereaIterla. When ehewaa a Wild,:iho Dried for Ces'torl&. When the becilme MIM, she Clung to eaator e. ney and Bladder diseases reli-ved in six hours by the "New GREAT SOUTH AkIERIcAN KIDNEY CURE." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to 1 hysioians on account of its exceeding prof• •pi ness in re. lieving pain in the bladder, ici !neve, back and every part of the urinal y passages in male or female. It relieves retention cf water and pain in passing it almost im- mediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Watts & Co., Druggist. Rev. H. S. McKirtrick, whose par- ents live in Orangeville, Ont., has died of fever in Tarsus, Asiatic Turkey, whither he went in January last to take a position in St. Paul's Institute, an institution for the education of na- tive preachers. He was a graduate of Knox College, Toronto, and was mar- ried last January to Miss E.R. Pringle, of Galt, who. accompanied him to the east. GOVERNMENT CLERKS USE THEW.. OTTAWA, Nov. 13.—One striking feature of the Dominion civil servants is their esprit du corps. The actions of one member are sure to find favor in the eyes of all the others. This is strikingly illustrated by an incident that occurred recently. A clerk in one of the departments found himself the subject of kidney disorder. He began using Dodd's Kidney Pills arrd in a short time was completely eared. He had told some of his departmental confreres, and they watched his case closely. After ,he was curad, the story rap around the Gov- erment buildings like a trolley oar, and to- day there are a great many of the clerks, • who happen to have diseased kidneys, using this remedy. Mr Neil McKenzie, who lives just north of Lucknow, met with a very painful accident on Tuesday morning. He was walking in the furrow ahead of a team of horses that were plowing, when a special freight train passed along the railroad track, frightening the horses and causing them to run away. Mr Mackenzie was knocked down by the startled animals, and as he lay on the ground the horses and plough passed over him. His head is badly cut, three of his ribs are broken and he was otherwise injured. As Mr McKenzie is well advanced in years his injuries are of a serious nature. I was cured of painful Goitre by MIN. ARD'S LINIMENT. Chatham, Ont. BYARD MCMULLEN. I was cured of inflammation by MIN ARD'S LINIMENT. Walsh, Ont. Mils W. W. JOHNSON. I was cured of facial neuralgia by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont, J. H. BAILEY. Prof. Herman August Hagren, of Harvard College, a noted scientist, died Thursday. At a meeting of the chamber of conl- rrerce, at Manchester, Eng., the presi- c'ent announced that the loss by the coal strike was estimated at '$150,0CJ,- t: „). A Sacramento policeman was held up and robbed of $150 while on his heat a few days ago, and the audacious foodpads who accomplished the feat got safe away. Charles Jones, for stealing clothing from Windsor merchants, was on Thursday, sentenced to eighteen months in the Central Prison, and Louis Ashbury, who stole a pocket- book from a lady, got four months in the same institution. William Mundy, an old G. T. R. epi ployee, died at Portland, Me., recent- ly, leaning a widow and daughter in that city. A sensation has been caus- ed by a claim made by Wm. Mundy of Chicago, and his mother of Hamilton, who claim to be son and widow of de- ceased. Mrs Joseph Poppenwell and baby, of Kimball township, just west of Port Huron, met with a terrible accident Wednesday evening that will un- doubtedly cause the death of her little girl, and disfigure her for life. She was standing near the stove, with the baby in her arms, warming a cloth saturated with turpentine when it took fire. Instantly the baby's dress and also that of the mother, took fire, and in a very few moments both their dresses were ablaze. Mr Poppenwell, who was in bed, came to his wife's as- sistanceand succeeded in smothering the flames, but not before both mother and child were burned in a horrible manner about the limbs, face, hands and body. Mr Poppenwell was also somewhat burned in extinguishing the flames. A POOR MAN indeed is he whose blood is poor, who has lost his appetite and his flesh and seems to be in a rapid de- cline ; but SOOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver 011 and Nypophosphites can make it rich again by restoring appetite, flesh and rich blood, and to giving him energy andspertect physical liMfi eines Coughs, Colds, Consutnplion, $cr'ofiila One eronohlh. 1T 1$ AI, MOSt AS PALAtAtitg As MiLli. Propnrea eels, tr8dOtt h Pethb, Tfelle llIti. :Arica1jiC.�`51•e 0 DaDiscounts r.; FIMNITIIIIEIC04$11 only Off for Walnut Bedroom Suits for $27 formerp..rice $110 SIDEBOARDS, worth $20 for $15,: special. Bedroom Suits from $11, $13,$15 and upwards. A fresh importation of Curtain Poles in Enamel, Solid Oak spiral design, Mahagony and Ebony Polished in long lengths. Lieautikul fixings in Brass and Oxidized, Gold Poles in colors complete for 25 cents. To hand a lot more of Bamboo Tables, 25c, 30c. 40c. Picture Moulding in Gilt, Bronze, Silver, White and Gold Framed to order. A new Child's Chair, either rocker or roll on castors. New Extension Table, n� leaves to change. J. 0. STEVENSON� �UNDERTAKING • BANNER ROUTE. Does it ever strike you that the new Wabash line between Detroit and Chioago, just completed, forms part of the shortest line from Canada to the World Fair City and the great west. The new trains on the Wabash are absolutely the fine's in the World; not half the advantages of this Railway can be outlined here, any R. R. ticket agent will tell you the rest, write or call at our new office, N. E. Co. ting & Yonge street Toronto. J. B. Richardson Canadian Passenger agent. 8. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER IN TiIIWARE HURON STREET, LINTON Repairing of all kinds promptly attend to rea- sonable rates. A trial soliotled. House Painting and Paper Hanging The undersigned is prepared to (promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING,i KALSOMINING PAPER -HANGING, &c. He ie a practical man of ong experience :and guarantees to do all work in a manner that shall be satisfactory, while prices will be exceedingly lmoderate. f _Orders re speed ully solicited. GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton "`!DN ANL. BRUCE WHEN IN NEED Of a first-class PIANO or ORGAN don't forget to call 011 119. DO YOU KNOW That we have Pianos to Rent. We also Pack and Move Pianos carefully. Our Tuner will be here in a few days G.F. EMERSON, Clinton Represents this Piano in Huron. PUMPS : : PUMPS If you want a first-class, well -made pump, one that will give you satisfaction, send your order to the uudersigned. He will dig and clean wells, and do it at the closest prices. He aleo handles a flat-class'FORCE PUMP JAMES FERGUSON Opposite Queen's Hotel - High Street, Clinto DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow? A Spi'endid Churn, or anything of like nature? Then call onlW. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E, Dineleys Will be atiDinsley'e corner every Saturday afternoon. Lon & InvestmentCo' i PURE HONEY - For sale, comb and extracted This Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest flaws of Interest C. 1HOARE. Clinton MORTGAGES - . - PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according toamount and time left. OFFICE—Cor. Square and North St., Goderich HORACE HORTON, Manager Beamiller Nursery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty, LARGE STOCK ON HAND The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be Bold at very low prices, and those wanting any- thing in this connection will save money by pur- obasing hero. Orders by dfailwill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART. — BenmIller. Clinton .lalling Mill —AND— DRY KILN! The subscriber, having.the very latest improved machinery, and employing the,most skilled work- men.is able to do work in his line In the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and w on the shortest notice. A trial solicited. FAOTORY NEARPG.T,R. STATIO1i 1LINTON IMO THOS. mb elS21= DUNN'S BAKING POWDER ... r1@OKSBESTiR:END ROBERT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, Manufacturer and Pro rletor for the best Awn Mitt Dog In use, tint for the sale and appli- cation of the f1Framm ATSNv AUTOMATIC BOMBS O sANaa. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and app ed on ehortnotice Rollers. Engines, and alt kinds o1 Machinery repaired eapeat Menai y and In a•atisfaetory manner Farm implements manufactured' and repaired Steam and water pumps furgiehed and put in positipn. Dry Eilugn application Charges moderate. Jl• �� (I'{•fR't/w� Vi Whiten in time 11 will cure most severe eases e1 tough, bronchitis, Atihlns or chronic irritants) of Threat or Lungs.. rHus YOLSAV ahetlIry dodoes WI. Ia8I of wages, • uch didooin —THE— Royal Electric Co, Around rnagcondeseontffieotrie Lighand Generator,. otots CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT 550 POWER STATIONS Throughout the Dominion. 54 to 70 Wellington St. 4 MONTREAL / PAPER eto 1%IILLS CO. D7ews Printing Wrapping S®dforSamples S PETEIIIIAMS ROACH FOOD IGT A POISON FATAL TO COCKROACHES ANO WATER BUGS. Write ns if not lame by your Dro�We winglom NINNY aoLLAae whom it has proved a if property applied EWINO, HERRON & CO. Rpi " chants' Sole MSH., 579 & 5e1 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL >Sorafhb tragoodde.m. ar'k agraoodeabroea r- �� Pt 8B110111111 Proprietor of the LION latO¢T Lion BrandWHOLESALEAllaan.te. TORT, Lon Brand. “A" Roue - ion uLoWINE �s°Padoo.iLke Brnd, Manaan"4,. CLA¢KT, Lions P 1 R 1 T Brand, "A." W RraRRY, Llou Brand, Linn Rye, ARRAN tY,Lio Brand, Lion 1'Lan da vie. M ERCHA NT. Agent for John Bobortoon & Sons Scotch Whiekoy, lamas Ferguson &Sona, Glasgow ;11.011110tat De Jornao. Oognat., Franoo, CHAMPACO ;Via doPrtaooso, piad'Ete 416 St. Paul Street, Montreal. Montreal 0 „ca6'TRADE° m Wall W° coLIN Paper h 6MCAITHURo en 3 co. Factory 4t.l Pv Before Using CANADA TRUSS FACTORY Est. 1856. F. GROSS, Prop. Appliances for all kinds of Phy- sical Deformities, Gross' Iniproved Pat. Artificial Limbs P11108] LIST and CC RUIT ..AREI After 712 Craig Street, Montreal Using MUCILAGE & LIQUID GLUE MANFR. E. AULD Prices Right. 759 Craig OSTRICH FEATHER MANFR. W.SNOW, Feathers Repaired, 1913 Notre Dame SAFE MANUFACTURER S.B.1 161BALL,ieners'SafesaSpecialty Filerafg THE EQUAL OF LUBY'S PARISIAN NMIN RENEWER Cannot be found, for restoring grey hair to its natural color and beauty ; it keeps tho head clean and cool, and free from dandruff, it stops tho hair from falling out, promotes tho growth, and gives the hair the gloss, beauty and strength of youth; when used as directed it was never known to fall, ' Sold for half the price of dry other preparation, and is rnuolt better than any known haat toilet golci t ot'ltwher'a tit 000.0a tott