HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-10-27, Page 7seg
Tho.' :Forest iCity rj3u1Iieg, 0110Shoflhua. College of Louuou
el NT t,�, need to .hold out s;oh indpoeinente as the plyment 'et railroad fare, gun a
o{, NQ a! teeing of roeitiona, dGo., in order to secure pa ronage,;
EA• Offer you the instil, LAOWIO\L and TIiOR011GII drilling in all business eabjoote
DQ. which it ie possible to obtain. We have the lar eat attendance and the most oona-
gusrant�eed "or moned'refgWndea, . peardu S.Seper Wok Oata�ogue res Prk. 13atasfaotipa
. .. . ' 4. W. WES ERYELT
cOlife4ej'atiba Lite. Iinatnyanens,
That life inetleance to •acknowledged
to be On of theinstitutions of the day,
and necessary to the eQcafort itnd hap
Incas 9f` the comlnixnit ii ieevidenced
onsuranee in tercet, *high i er i has to , . ken
place in the last. few yearn, The com,-
paniee have from time. to time (as ex-
perience justified) liberalized the con-
ditions of their policies, making the re-
burdensome,striations less burdensome, 'and, cona
sequently making the policy contract
more valuable to the holder. .
Foremost among those companies
who have ever been ready and willing
to accord to policy holders all benefits
and privileges, (consistent with safety)
is the Confederation; Life Association,
This company from its inception has
issued a ,most liberal policy contract,
and leas returned to all participating
policy holders very handsome divi-
dends. It bas always been their cus-
tom to allow cash and paid up values
on policies having:paid two or more
full antinal ,:payments. A few years
ago the X1it+ec ors still further liberaliz-
ed tt?e cioitditt�ions byanaking the poli-
cies incontestable on any ground what-
ever a'fter,two years' premiums had
been pad;, and also guaranteed in the
bodv`of thb' policy the cash surrender
andpaid-up policies allowable at the
end of various years.
The management of the Association
,realizing the desire that exists for a
policy absolutely free from all condi-
tions, decided in the early part of this
year to issue what is called "The Un-
conditional -Accumulative Policy." It
is a simple promise to pay the sum in-
sured in the event of death. If the in-
sured pays the premium the company
will pay the policy. It is absolutely
free from all restrictions, and has but
one condition, namely the payment of
the premium. It offers six modes of
settlement, at the end of the dividend
period, thus enabling the policy holder
to adjust the value of his policy to suit
his circumstances whatever they may
be at that time.
It provides for the payment of the
claim immediately, and it is absolutely
and automatically non -forfeitable after
two years, and herein lies the beauty
of this policy. In the old days forfeit-
able policy was only so to a certain ex-
tent, application within a certain peri-
od being necessary before the insured
could obtain any benefit in the way of
paid-up polis and so on. Under the
new form of tiolicy, however, the Asso-
ciation gives what is called, "Extended
Insurance," that is, that should failure
be made in the payment of the third or
any subsequent annual premium when
due, the full amount of the policy will
be carried without application for a
further period of time definitely set
forth in the policy. •. For example:
Under a 20 payment life policy issued
at age 35, should the insured pay two
full annual premiums and fail to meet
the third annual premium, he would,
be still covered for the full amount of
the policy for the further period of one
year and nine months.
Under an endowment policy, if the
reserve is more than sufficient to carry
the risk to the end of the endowment
period, the remaining portion of the
reserve value of the policy will be used
in the purchase of a pure endowment,
.payable -to the ,naured,at.the date the,
original policy would have matured
bad it been kept in force. For ex-
ample :
20 year endowment, age 35 at issue—
Should the insured pay ten annual
premiums, and fail to pay the eleventh
annual premium, he will be entitled to
insurance protection in the event of
death for the full amount of the policy
for a further period of ten years, and if
living at the end of that time (the date
on which the policy would have ma-
tured, had it been duly continued in
force) to receive in cash the sum of
$352 for each $1,000 of original insur-
ance. The issuing of so liberal and at-
tractive a policy contract is deserving
of the attention of all.—Globe, Oct. 14.
Mr Israel Taylor, Clinton is local
agent for this first-class company.
We are now giving a Discount of Ten per cent
to all Cash`,buyers ofBoots and Shoes at our store
25c, 30c and 45c
We have now a fine line of Bamboo Tables at 25c., 30c,
and 45 cents. Whenever you have any time to spare we
would like yon t? take a look through our warerooms
whether you wish to buy or not
J. W. CIIIDLEY, Funeral Director and Embalmer—Night calls answered at his
residence, King St.,;opposite the foundry.
First car now arrived direct from Redpath's °Refin-eryMontrett
Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest.
Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots.
Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty
- l f+
rwin. Grosser
But you need not suffer from the cold, as you can purchase very
cheaply at ADAMS' EMPORIUM
Under Clothes, Top Shirts,Flannels, Flannelettes
Pants,. Suits, Orr,coats, Caps, Mitts, Socks,
Gloves, Hosiery, and Good Boots & Shoes
Suitable for all classes of people. Special—see our
Fur Coats, Goat Robes. and Horse Blankets
MILLINERY of the very finest quality.
1°aYs Sacrifice
ale D ys
In order to clear out the entire stook of W. B. SIMPSON, it has been decided
to offer the same at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at such
(figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here.
hie u a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired
to dear the wht1e out in 80 clads,
kl theenormg is i>Sl rens til t e, 1nqurl
William J. Witter, Franklin, Man,,
writes:—My sister had very poor health
for six or seven years, and looked as though
she was going to the grave. I got some of
your Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for her, and
they completely restored her to health. I
regard then as a wonderful medicine.
Shun all substitutes, and beware of imita-
tion. May be had from dealers or by mail,
post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams
Med. Co., Brockville, Ont.
Birds have very acute vision; perhaps
the most acute of any creature, and
the sense is almost more widely diffus-
ed over the retina than is the case with
man; consequently a bird can see side-
ways as well as objects in front of it.
A bird sees—showing great uneasiness
in consequence—a hawk long before it
is visable to man; so, too fowls and
pigeons find minute scraps of food, dis-
tinguishing them from what appears
to us exactly similar pieces of earth or
gravel. Young chickens are also able
to find their own food, knowing its po-
sition and how distant it is, as soon as
they are hatched, whereas a child only
very gradually learns either to see or
to understand the distance of objects.
Several birds, apparently the young of
all those that nest on the ground, soon
see quite well directly they come out
of the shell, but the young of the birds
that nest in trees or on rocks are born
blind and have to be fed.
A Conservative contemporary, which has
generally vpioed the opinion of the liquor
makers, now professes great fear lest Hon.
Wilfrid Laurier will not permit the people
to express their desires on the subject of
prohibition when he domes in power at
Ottawa in the near future. It is really
childish to keep on arguing in this strain.
Not only Mr Laurier, but the whole Liber-
al party, through the largest represanta•
Live convention ever held in Canada, are
pledged to take the voice of the people on
this subjeot, by means of a popular vote,
at the earliest opportunity. And as the
people vote, so must the line of action be.
When 'Baby was stoke we gave her esitorfa.
When she was a Child;phe dried far Castorla.
What she became Miss, she clung to Castorfa.
When she had WildrebiebQgaietheo Canaria
.All decent and generous citizens
never cease to be afflicted with the pre-
sent nuisance,. The latest thing of"tb
kind Was the presentation scheme f;it:,
Frincese, May, the wife of the onlysur-
viving son of the Prince of Wales,.
Now about the Inst person in the whole'
rltisb, ;larnpil'e to be in any special
need of a present from the women of
Canada is that fortunate young lady,
and the great question with, her will be
to know what to do with all the gifts
which come from different parts of
Britain and her vast possessions. It
may be all right for the good women of
Canada—who feel so disposed—to add
their $5a piece to this enterprise, but
we think—with all due respect to the
wisdom of the ladies occupying the
government houses of the Dominion
and Provinces—it would have been
much better not to have launched the
scheme, and allowed the money to be
kept at home for more necessary pur-
poses. The same craze is found right
down through all ranks and ages. Even
the school Children get a periodical at-
tack and start a paper for a present to
some favored teacher. Of course the
parents of the children will have to
come down or be voted mean. And,
further, if one teacher is to be favored,
it has to go the rounds, and levies are
made for every one on the roll. Then
the infection goes to the Sunday School
and has to go the rounds from the Su-
perintendent down. Preachers, organ-
ists, choirs, etc., will also have their
turn. No doubt some will speak plain-
ly and positively refuse, but for all that
the work goes on. There are no doubt
times when deserving oores should have
some kind of testimonial. especially
when they for years have worked in
the church or Sunday school without
fee or reward. But that does not ap-
ply to those who are amply paid for
their services. The average citizen
who pays his taxes for the maintenance
of the school, and liberally supports
the church he belongs to and its inte-
rests, should be free from these peri-
odical attacks.
To many people who have that taint of
scorfula in their blood. The agonies caused
by the dreadful running sores and other
manifestations of this disease are beyond
description, There is no other remedy
equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla for scorfula,
salt rheum and every form of blood disease.
It is reasonably sere to benefit all who give
it a fair trial.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills.
The joints and mneoles are so lubricated
by Hood's Sarsapalilla that all rheumatism
and stiffness soon disappears. Get only
Canada has practically swept every-
thing • in her cheese exhibit at the
World's Fair.
Seep Minard's Liniment in the house.
A Chicago despatch says : The
World's Columbian Exposition will
positively close on the night of Oct. 30.
It is generally understood that parlia-
ment will be called together on the third
Thursday in January.
As a general rule, it is best not to correct
costiveness by the use of saline or drastic
medicines. When a purgative is needed,
.the most prompt, effective, and beneficial
is Ayer's Pills. Their tendency is to re-
store, and not weaken, the normal action
of the bowels.
The trial of ex -Detective Dan Cough-
lin, for complicity in the murder of Dr.
Cronin, in Chicago, some years ago,
will begin on the 30th inst.
Mrs John Smith, a London domestic,
was seriously burnt while lighting a
fire with coal oil on Thursday. She
may not survive her injuries.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs
etc. Save.550 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
known. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist.
Controllers Wallace and Wood con-
ducted a tariff investigation at Mark -
dale, on Thursday, during the course
of which they were subjected to a
somewhat, severe heckling by the farm-
ers of the vicinity.
Is superior to all other prepara-
tions claiming to be blood -purifiers.
First of all, because the principal
ingredient used in it is the extract
of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla
root, the variety richest in medi-
cinal properties. Also because
yellow because
Cures Catarrh
thdock, being
raised expressly for the Company,
is always fresh and of the very
best kind. With equal discrimina-
tion and care, each of the other
ingredients are selected and com-
pounded. It is
Superior Medicine
because it is always the same in
appearance, flavor, and effect,
and, being highly concentrated,
only small doses are needed. It
is; therefore, the most economical
blood -purifier in existence. It
makes food nour-
ishing," work
SCROFULA pleasant, sleep
refreshing, and
life enjoyable. It searches out all
impurities in the system and expels
them harmlessly by the natural
channels. AYER'S Sarsaparilla
gives elasticity to the step, and
imparts to the aged and infirm,
renewed health, strength, and
Prc red by Dir. j C Ayer, & Co., Lowell, Nass,
Sold by all Druggists; Frice $t; six bbttlet, $g.
Cures others, wilt, *,•• uuu '
..A►..11 fine Wool 718, 0, 10 ibs. at 400e0;
per lb. The belt va ue li
V u r ueua,l large assn ttri.ent, price's.:
lower than ever.
4• .
GREY GOAT `171,O3BES 5 ,x66. foals
$5. A nice STUR.M (34-
LAR and MUFF for $22'.50;
this is Fur, not Cloth.
Robt, Coats & Son, C1intou.\
No investment that you can make for your
home will pay you such large returns in comfort,
economy and ever increasing satisfaction as a
"Happy Thought" Range. There is no other
"just as good" or "just the same," and the
genuine is sold only by Harland Bros., Clinton.
In Base Burner with or without oven, the
Radient 'Home leads.
New Store HARLAND B Cld Stand
iltackay Block �' Brick Block-..,-
Huron Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee to be of;first=class material and workmanship.
I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us.
Thousands of Young and Middle Aged Men aro annually swept to a premature grave
through early indiscretion and later excesses..' Self abuse and Constitutional Blood
Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man, Have you
any of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning No Ambi-
tion• Memory Poor; easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; Wimples on
the 'Face• Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore
Throat; flair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of
Energy and Strength. Our New Method Treatment Mill build you up mentally, physically
and sexually.
Cared in one m nt
Dr. Moulton,
Curet' o years ago.
Capt. Townsend.
" At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost rained
me. I became nervous and weak: My back troubled me. I could
stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and
drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elec-
tric Belle, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me
no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Bergen. They
sent me one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel
myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cures when
all else fails." Thoy have cured many of my friends,"
cIm! OR Ma81 11108E1.
"Some 8 years ago 1 contracted a eerione constitutional blood
disease. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost
killed mo. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat
became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, oyes red,
loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs.
Kennedy Kergan'e New Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have
had nos ptome for five years. I am married and happyy. As a
doctor, hearts reoomend it to all who have this terrible diseaso—
ryphtNa." It will eradicate the poison from tho blood."
"I am 88 years of ago, and married, whoa young I led a
gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble
tor, me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became
affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married life was tinsatie-
factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything—all failed till
I took treatment -from Drs. Kennedy and Kagan. Their New
Method built me tip mentally, physically and sexually. I feel
and netlike a man in ovary respect. Try them."
Com" No Names Used Without Written
Consent of Patient.
ettt to time.
never fails in During Diteanee of me
Our New Method Treatment It strengthens the body, stops all
drains end losses, purifies Ike blood clears the brain, baiIds up •the nervous and, sexual
systems and restores lost vitality to the body.
ii'e Guarantee to Cure Nervouti Debility, Failing.Manhood
Myphiiis, V arieocele, eitricture, Gleet, tTnnaturdtl Discharge 1,
Weak parts and An Kidney and bladder Diseases.
REMEMBER Dia. Kennedy &• Barash aro the loading spoofalista of
America, Thoy guarantee . to euro or no pay. Their re a.
Wien and fifteen years of business aro at stake. ] en ,
Milne risk. Write them for an honest opinion, no matter who treated you, It may
save you years of regret and suffering. Charges roaeonable, Write for tt•
QuestionLint and ]nook Free. Cousuttatio n 'rte;
148 ShelbySt