HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-10-27, Page 1TOE xEW ERA gives
lincre home news *VOW
+a recit hau. ate' :ettiel
r t `#'ill price, an
a splend144 valUCat $I a
ear in advance.,
Iip1BERT BODES, Editor ,aad Proprietor.
OCTOBER 27, 189%
*1. rear ..advance, ;1,50 who* not
We are turning some Neat, Stylishk
Moderate Priced Gar
ments, and can show
you an assortment of
Naps, Serges, Meltons,
Beavers andFriezes you
will find hard to equal.
From a townat theFalls a travelling man came,
Selling Suspenders "NON-BUOKLE' Suspenders,
.And this town of N' iagaraaras gained a great
For suspenders, "NON-BvclsLE" Suspenders;
They are neatest and smoothest, delightfulto
They n vercause swearing, soil olothingor tear,
a pair.
O ySnuspenders, Nlid comfort,
x BII sa.E" Swhy uspenders.
We bought some "Non -Buckle" Sus-
penders from him, they are
all a suspender should be
for comfortand durability.
We have a full stock of all
kinds of Suspenders at all
kinds of prices.
Cash and One Brice
ur VVeeklY i.
From all -parts of theCounty-1*y wider -awake
and afvel4 Correspondents
Hallett BLYTB
CLIMBING - tfp. The Scottsville
Mich_) Enterprise of resent Oats, con-
tains in full, an address given at the
State Fair by Mr Humphrey S. Gray,
and refers in eulogestic terms to the
ability of the speaker, who is a son of
Mr Stephen Gray.' of this township.
NOTES. --The wife of Mr Mat. Car=
bert has gone on a visit to friends in
Toronto. Miss Maggie Farquhar, of
the gravel road, is still unable to leave
her room, except by the use of crutches.
Mrs Ashley and Miss Millin, last week,
spent a short time at 'Varna, visiting
the Rev. W. W. Leech, and were very
Much pleased to find that both Mr
Leech and wife were enjoying much
better health than ' they did a short
time ago.
THE TAXES. -The collector of taxes
for this township, Mr Thos. Neilans,
started on his rounds onMonday morn-
ing last. Mr Neilans is thus entering
on hie 23rd year of service in this capa-
city, and he is soovial and good-
natured that people almost regard it as
a pleasure to pay him money. The
first year he went around he collected
over $6,000, and .ane year, when there
was a special assessment for railway
purposes, he collected over $17,000. The
average has been about $12,000, how-
A lin-.i--FTT Bov's PROGRESS. -The
Amherstburg Echo of last week cou-
taine a three -column account of the
opening of the new Methodist church
at Harrow, and speaks of it as "one of
the finest Methodist churches in the
Province." The church is under the
pastorate of Rev. E. Medd, a former
Hullett boy, of whom the Echo says :-
"Rev Emanuel Medd, the energetic
pastor, under whose charge this church
has been completed, was ordained in
1889, after attending the Wesleyan
Theological College in Montreal, and
taking a special Arts course in McGill
University. He has pursued regular
college work since leaving Montreal,
and is now a non-resident in Otterbein
,University, Ohio, where he attended
examinations last Christmas, and has
two years' more work before ending a
post -graduate course in .philosophy.
His whole aeon is to be a minister of the
gospel fully equipped for his work.
He was married in 111169 to Miss Belle
Hiles, and Harrow is his second pas-
toral charge since ordination."
,CoalseiL Theecouncik-.._of...Fu lett
met at Londesboro on the 17th, mem-
bers all present, except the Deputy -
Reeve. There *ere two notices re-
ceived under. the Ditches and Water-
courses Act. One from O. Flynn, lot
22, con. 6, and one from the executors
of the Coleman estate. The latter
complaining that a certain ditch made
pursuant to an award of Thos. Weth-
erald, engineer, was not property
maintained, and the Reeve was au-
thorizes to examine the award and see
what portion of ditch therein describ-
ed, the township has to maintain, and
if found necessary, to put the same in
a proper state of repair. John Rapson,
lot 5, con. 10, was asking the council to
give him a better outlet to a drain
made by agreement many- years ago,
the conditions of which werenever car-
ried out properly, and it may be neces-
sary for Mr Rapson, if the parties in-
terested do not give hien a proper out-
let, to have the agreement reconsider-
ed. A.number of accounts, amounting
in all to $90, were passed and ordered
to be paid. Council adjourned until
called by the Reeve.
'� faiak Jhn !oiw
Porter's Hill.
NOTES: -Misses Marion and Sarah
Stirling are visiting friends in the vi-
cinity of Glammis and Paisley. Mr
Jervis is engaged for next year in No.
8, Goderich; this makes his third year
in the same school. Wm. Stirhng's
pears took first prize at Bayfield, al-
though not credited in the prize list in
the ERA; the_ppears were taken to Chi-
-.cage to the World's Fair.
RECicP rION,-Jas. W, Blaehill and
bride arrived home from Yipsalanti,
wwe k, and t tend toy beevceonmiPegrefildeinatt
of Brussels. On their arrival a.recep-
tion was given them at the residence
of Mr W. Blashill, at which a large.,
number of the groceree old friends were
al .present and an enjoyable time • was
r trial s nee r Blanshill left here. He will
go into partnership with his father in
the meat business, the firm will likely
be known as Wm.•Blashi114 Son.
CONVENTION. -A Temperance con-
vention, to organize the East Riding
of Huron, was held in the town ball,
Brussels, last, Friday, afternoon, there
was a large attendance. The organiza-
tion is known as the East Huron Pro-
hibition Association. The following
officers were appointed in connection
with the Brussels district: Pres., W.
H. Kerr; Vice Pres., R. Gerry; Sec.,
Jas. Moore; Treas., A. M. McKay; and
a committee consisting of all the min -
the town. In the evening a
meeting was held, at which
was a very large attendance.
ogaam consisted of several tem-
perance selections, addresses by Revs.
•Messrs Cobbledick, Brussels; F. S.
WSpence, Toronto; and Musgrove, of
inthrop. W. H. Kerr occupied the
HARVEST HOME. - Harvest home
services were held in the Methodist
church last Sunday, and on Tuesday
evening dinner was served in the base-
ment of the church from 5 o'clock to
7.30, after which the following pro-
gram was carried out in the body of
the church: -Music, S. S. orchestra;
Duett, (vocal) Dr. and Mrs Cavanagh;
Duett, (violin and organ) H. L. and
Mrs Jackson; Quartette, Mise Lottie
and Messrs EdBert and Norman
Hill; Solo, Miss Vella Smith; Quartette,
the Misses Moore and Messrs Strachan
and Moore; Solo, Mies Kate Wilson;
Solo, Miss Ames; Solo, Prof. Hawkins;
Speeches by Revs. J. Ross, D. Miller,
W. G. Rielly, of Brussels; and S. Sell-
ery, of Wingham. The collections
amounted to about $100.
of interest is being taken in the alleged a ent b all. It is a most eight months
perjury case that came up or i
here on Monday. Some time ago a
liquor case was entered againet Mr
McDonald, and when tried, was dis-
missed; The informants in the case
were two young wren of Dungannon,
named Bell and Sanderson, and Mr
McDonald laid a 'charge of perjury
against them. Both were arrested by
Constable Davie, and the case came up
for trial on Monday before Magistrates
Campbell, Caldwell, Roberts and Mc-
Donald. Mr Campion appeared for
the prosecutor and Mr Scott, of Clin-
ton, for the defendants. An adjourn-
ment was granted until Wednesday,
when the case came up again. Mr
Scott being aided by Mr Proudfoot, of
Goderich. Only one case was tried,
and this was not concluded until 2 a.m.
Thursday, when judgment was re-
served and the other case postponed
until Friday.
NOTES. -Two of our sports, Messrs
A. Tierney and S. Gidley, had a shoot
ing contest for $5 a side the other day;
Gidley won, killing 10 birds in 10 shote,
and Tierney only 5. A great many
here think the NEW ERA did Blyth an
injustice in saying the crowd here 011
Fair day was about 4000, when it was
not far short of twice that number;
[The mistake was entirely unintention-
al.] What about that skating rink
now, boys? get a move on and don't let
it die out. The Harvest Home in con-
nection with Trinity church, on Wed-
nesday last, was decided success. Miss
Fisher, of Walton, is visiting friends
in town. Rev. Mr Buggin will preach
to the Orangemen on Sunday, Nov,
5th, in the Methodist church, at 6.30.
The annual Orange supper will be held
on the following Monday evening at
Bro. Mason's hotel. Miss Ruth Jones,
formerly of this place, but now of Lead -
bury, was renewing old acquaintances
on Sunday. Mr Frank Buggin, of
Wingham, was in town this week.
Division Court was held on Monday;
cases were few. Mr Wesley Bentley,
from the southern States, is visiting
his parents here. Mr P. Kelly is just
recovering from his recent illness. Mr
W. H. Wallace and bride, nee Miss
Evros, left this station on Tuesday for
Dakota, their future home; a big crowd
of well-wishers were present to bid
them God -speed; they have our best
Itvis}ies�f6r � happy, •bright --and-useful-
fe. Mr Moses Burling and family
have left town for the Soo. Mr George
Patton, of the Soo, was visiting here
last week. A certain number of poor.
innocent pigeons will be slaughtered
here at a match on Friday; we trust
the day is not far distant when the
cruel law will be wiped off our county
statue books. We are pleased to
learn that Mrs Mcllwain intends tak-
ing up her residence in our midst. We
learn that Mr Nesbitt contemplates
taking up his residence here in the
near future, also John H. Greenan.
The L. 0.. L. No. 963. met in their hall
On Monday, when important business
was touched. Mr T. C. Bruce, that
genial Clintonian, aid us his usual
professional visit of Monday, Mr J.
Shelson, Sal on who has been in
the employ of W. H. McElroy, left for
home on Tuesday. Miss Mary Bell
met with a nasty accident on Sun-
day, while attending to household
duties, she slipped and fell down stairs.
Mr J. H. Greenan had a successful sale
on Saturday last, Mrs McDowell, who
intends leaving for Dakota, disposed
of her furniture esc. by auction on Sat-
urday last. Mr H. E. Wilson, of St.
Marys, was in town this week. It is
said that one of our merchants lost
over fifty dollars,on butter a short
time ago. Mrs Jhnstone, of Seaforth,
was visiting friends here this week.
Joseph Taman and son are drawing
coal from the station; quite a number
will use it instead of wood this winter.
Mrs Porter, of Clinton, was the guest
of Mrs McElroy last week. John S.
McKinnon, Dr, darter and J. McOum-
mings brushed up their muskets and
went shooting this week; itis saidJohn
S. shot a dead thing; the Dr shot a
stamp, while McCumminSs fired ata
partridge and wounded a sheep.
God eri+oh.
NOTEs.-Auction sales are numerous
and many this fall; last week there was
Alex..Kellner's, 3rd line, on Tuesday;
Wm. Cameron's, 5th line, on Thurs-
day; and Thos. Forbes, 3rd line, on
Friday; the goods and chattels at these
sales went atvery good prices with
the exception of he.rseseand they were
as good as given away. The side road
between lots 20 and 21, on the 3rd con.,
is now completed and open for traffic,
WEDDING. -On Wednesday evening,
Oct. 18th, the residence of Mr and Mrs
Jas. Ireland was the scene of a most
pleasing event. At 5.30 in the even-
ing one hun:red and fifty invited
guests assembled on the lawn to wit-
ness the nuptials of Miss Mary, eldest
daughter of the host and hostess, and
Mr Oliver Smith, eldest son of Thos.
Smith; of Grey. Cupid's' knot was
tied by Rev. S. Jones, assisted by Revs
Miller and Ross. The bride was most
becomingly attired in a suit of helio-
trope trimmed with light green, and
air of ad-
Meyes. After the of mayha ha appy couple
had beep congratulated to their heart's
content; the guests were:- invited t3
partake .of the good things of this life.
and were seated, around tables that
fairly groaned with edibles. The bride
was the recipient of many costly and
useful gifts, which goes to show the
high esteem in which she was held
by her friends. The evening was spent
in social chat, and by the younger por-
tion of the guests in the merry neazes
of the dance. Music was supplied by
Mr and Mrs Ruttan, Mr and Mrs Tay-
lor and J. and W. Bowman. Mr and
Mrs Smith start out in life under fav-
orable auspices.
This stone has got the lead
in this line, and if Nice
rst- asss
(rxbtfdSi Filit t3l .,ork-
inanship and SuperiorFits
along with the closest
living prieea, will hold it;
to win
,then VA) are. bound
ir .
C ra rtT fl n..
The p
NOTES. -A child of Mr L. Platzer
met with a very painful accident one
day last week; while playing with an
iron hook he had the misfortune to
catch it in his eye, which might have
proved fatal. Mr John Murdock and
Mr Adam Lautenslayer have traded
farms. The Rev. W. Baugh is at pre-
sent ill. Mr and Mrs W. King have
returned from Cleveland and have
bought a small farm near Clinton on
the Base line, where they intend to
reside in the future: Mr C. Willard
is home from Parry. Sound. Mrs G.
Cowell and children, of the Sue, are at
her mother's, Mrs Arthur. An enter-
tainment will be given in the Temper-
ance Hall on Friday evening, under
the auspices of the I.O.G.T. Dr. Mc-
Laughlin was this week in Toronto, a
delegate to the Provincial Sabbath
School Convention; the doctor is a
most enthusiastic and zealous worker
in any good cause. On Wednesday
evening next a public meeting will be
held in connection with the District
Temperance Convention to be address-
ed by some of the best Convention,
there should be a good attendance.
NOTES. -Mr Joseph Morrow, of Ful-
lerton, paid our village a . flying visit
this week. On Sunday evening last,
in Goderich townebip Mrs J. Beacom
`relict of the late' John Beacom, and
mother:,of `Mr Thee.. Beacom, died at
the advancedage of 76 years; her re-
ariains�ivere ;interred in the Clinton
cemetery, on Tuesday last, every large
number attended to pay the last tri-
bute of respect to the departed.Mi sses
Janet Ritchieand Dora McAllister, of
Walton, are this week visiting at•Mr
D. C. Campbell's.
NOTES. -Our village has three more -
families by way of addition to ite num-
bers; Mr 'Wood, grainbuy+er for Wm.
Clegg; of Wingam, ,Mr Coleman,
engineer for Mr Livingstone'smill, and
n . B o ks d wife,who have
J o r b an wi w
a. place' from Mr ''.Raslan. English
church has a pair of new' chimneys as
well as, a new roof. 1Vlerehant Mc-
Lelland has also put. a new roof on
store and house.
,,,�YTae Nie%vtii ei will be gent,td
r#ew " b�ct1befre 'tirltil the let
of. Jttntiarj, 189&• f�t the sum of dit tali 'i'hts
tree thG balance ox; the Year tees,
NOTES. -Bryson Cochrane was in
Stratford this week. Mrs A. Cousley
is visiting in Wingham. H, J. Strong
spent Sunday at Mount Forest; there
appears to be a strong attraction there
for Harvie..Mies Downey was summon-
ed to Listowel last week, owing to the
death of a friend. Robt. Laidlaw, for-
merly of Brussels, but now of Kansas,
is renewing old acquaintances in town.
Miss Mary .Ross spent a few days with
friends in Clinton this week. Rev. J.
Ross preached in Wroxeter last Sun-
day -morning, _.and, excha_fged„pulpits
with Rev. Mi Cobbledick, of 'Brussels;"
in the evening. Jas. Walker has dis-
posed of his house and lot on Elizabeth
t.,to Jas. W. Blashill. Dr. Graham
was in Toronto for a few days this
week. Miss Minnie Cooper spent Sun-
day at her home in Clinton. Our front
street is,being improved bya coat of
gravel. Dr. Moffat, of Toronto,
preached in Melville church last Sun-
day morning, and in Knox church in
the evening, in the interest of the Up-
per Canada Tract Society. Dr. Fergu-
son, of Blyth, spent Sunday with
friends in town. Mrs (Dr.) Graham
and A. M. McKay, of Melville S. S.,
and B. Gerry, of the Methodist S. S.,
are attending the S. S. convention at
Toronto ttiir week.
Quarterly services . next Sabbath
morning at 10.80. Sermon by the pas-
tor. Love feast and sacrament at the
close of . preaching service. W. S.
Kerr is announce to preach a tem-
perance sermon in the. evening,
',Stanley .
Nome; Mr John Moffat has return,.
REMINDER at o00.
things .advertised in this space
lately'.: r
3 fairs for i'1,. ,,M m's Black
,ed from a 10 days trip to the Chicago
Fair. Mr JohnyButChtirt, jr., left last• " ' mefere . oar j yat,u 'al. Doo •
dposition. ,Mrs D. McEwen and her . , 4,?'k''•7Ri ``ILIA,yO? 'the ? oer
Friday on a trip to the Columbian Ex-
aughter, Margaret Ieabell, are
to welt relations in • Missouri, and will ` s
visit the World's Fair on their Way $1.25, 1400. Q, and 2r.,j0.,
thither. -
Rolmesviile. yard ,1 rcentli_ng . N . durable,
OPEN Munn -No. -The Templars in- dress apz�� doZGb."t�
tend giving a free entertainment in y
about ynee unc. , de - Scotch Goods.
day the Eureka Council, Goderich, is
expected, so all the members of,this
Council are requested to be present ' \
th fourk Next Mon
CON'vENNTIoN.-At the Royal Temp. er- 0:4Y °"1"37° Horn u"ttons
as decided to
ance Council Monday it w
send four delegates to the Phohibi- t0 match.
tion Convention to be held at Man-
chester, Nov. lst, the four appointed -
were Mies M. Rumball, E, C. Potter, Your Underclothing needs re
W. Pickard and F. C. Elford. ,
UNDERGOING REPAIR. -Lumber has Hewing. See our stack.
been left at the depot here for the pur-
pose of fitting the station house and
platform up a bit. One would think It is a fact that the Finest,
that while the company are about it Work in Ordered Olothin
they might build usa respectable depotg.
as we think we deserve. is turned out by us
Women UP. -The apple business is - r
about finished for this season as far as
packing is concerned. Farmers can- The season, for Overcoats is on -
not very well complain about their
DEATH. -Christopher Crabb, one of
our oldest and richest citizens, died
last Friday night. He was over eighty
years of age. Last Christmas he had a
paralytic stroke, and fon a time he was
unconscious. Gradually he reco eered
the use of mind and voice, and for
nine months made a brave fight with
his illness. Mr Crabb as the oldest
citizen of the town of oderich, and
the oldest merchant i ' the Huron
tract. He was one of t. e pioneers of
Goderich. Mr Crabb as Mayor of
Goderich, and represen • • d the School
Board for years. He wa:. a consistent
Conservative In pclit'ics, I nd once was
a candidate for West • uron. Mr
Crabb led a very excmpl ry life, and
was one of the landmarks of the, olden
time in the early"history . f Goderich.
A large number followed his remains
to the cemetery on Monda . .
N0TEs.-Rev. J. E. Ho : ell, M. A.,
has been taking in the orld'e Fair
the t two weeks; Rev. A. Thibedeau
Quart -
ed in Vic -
next Sun--
bit church
ive repairs,
s will be
S. J. Wil
ed as well
supppiled for him last Sabha
erlr sermons will be preac
toric St. Methodist church
day. 'Victoria St. Metho
has been undergoing extens
and its re -opening sernio
Preached Nov, 7th, by Mis
lianas; the church never loo
as now.
fruit being frozen or snowed under see the Frieze Storm Coats
this year before they could be pack.
at $12
Mr Stanley thinks it a pity to have no
apples to pack this fruit weather.
WORTH KNOWING. -We notice in
the last week's issue of the Seaforth
Expositor mention made of the sad ac-
cident which befell one of Stanley's
apple packers. This paper seems to
know when it sees something worth
knowing. It was one of the papers
that copied the famous apple packers'
song last year.
tends commencing special services
at the Ebenezer appointment, two
meetings will be held this week Thurs-
day and Friday nignt and every night
next week excepting Saturday. Let
all who are interested make it a point
to be present as often as possible and
go to help the meeting.
PERSONALS. -Miss H. Ivison, of Kip -
pen, is visiting at her sister's, Mrs E.
-Potter:- Misses•_.L ,.,Se_Ral-low ,and F.
King, of Clinton, spent Sunday
J. Courtice's. The Misses Agnew, of
Clinton, spent part of Sunday at A.
Jervis'. Mr W. Ford, who has been
very low for the past week, is improv-
ing Mr Robt. Stanley spent Sunday
in Kinburn.
HAPPENINGS. -Three of our young
men recently had to pay for a pract-
cal joke. A couple of weeks ago a
farmer residing a few miles from here
went into a hotel, leaving his horse
and rig outside. Upon returning he
found that his horse had been unhitched
and had started for home, breaking the
harness on the way. The matter was
expected to come before the magistrate
on Saturday last, but we are glad to
learn that a settlement has be made,
the boys paying at least a V for their
joke. u
NOTES. -Mr John Miller now wears
a smiling face, his wife having present-
ed him with a young son last week.
Mr Cowan, who has been engaged en-
gaged in the hay business for Mr Cud -
more, both at Hensall and Kippen,
was last week taken down with ty-
phoid fever, he was removed to his
home at Ailsa Craig on Saturday last.
Hensall's popular barber, Mr Matthias
Ellwood was last week united in mar-
riage to Miss Margaret E. Logg, of
Exeter; we welcome Mrs Ellwood to
Hensall. Quarter!y meeting services
will be held in the Methodist church of
this place on Sabbath morning next.
His honor Judge Toms, of Goderich,
held Court of Revision in this place on
Tuesday. Weare pleasedtoreportthat�
Mr J. O'Brine and Miss Ella MacPher-
son, Who have been i11 for some time,
are recovering. The fine brick resi-
dences of Messrs Geo. Brown, A. Mc-
Allister, W. Moore and J. Taylor, are
all roofed in and the work of comple-
tion is being pushed forward. Messrs
J. Lemmie, R. Smallacombe, K. and L.
Follick, J. C. Stoneman and Rev. F.
Swan from the Methodist church, and
Mr G. J. Sutherland from the Presby-
terian church, attended the S. S. con-
vention in •E ondville on Wednes-
day. Mr G. Brown returned from the World's Fair on Saturday. We are
sorryto report that Mrs 'Robert Mdir,
of this place, is suffering from a para-
lytic stroke.
• 411
East Wawano
Annus Meeting of th Religlo is
Book Societywa i held in the
tan�Trac Boo
Methodist brick church 10,h con. Dr.
Moffatt gave an excellent addresi on.
"What is the society doing foe Chr t.
Mr, Dalgarno,the Seg' pr •Rented a ood
report. Rev. J y
ed president,
Clothiers, Furnishers ete. "I
IRON WON. -The second debate of
the season came off Monday night at
the Royal Templar Council,the old sub-
ject, Resolved that wood was of more
use to man than iron, was fully venti-
lated; those for the affirmative were
J. H. Lowery, Geo, Acheson and Ed.
Jarvis,while F. C. Elford, Jos. Holmes
and Jas. Ford took the negative; the
decision of the judges was given in
favor of the negative.
ing is a detailed report of the Promo-
tion and Review Examination held in
the school here on Oct. 19th and 20th.
Fifty per cent of the maximum marks
are required for promotion. Sr. 3rd to
Jr. 4th, Max. 880 marks.- Herbert
Trewartha 639, Edith Huller 602, Lewis
Yeo 598, Jerome Badour 592, Mabel
Dempsey 565, Francis Sturdy 560, Rosa
Tebbutt 558, Matilda Colclough 554,
John Walter 544. Sr. 2nd review (II
to III papers taken) Max. 435 marks. -
Minnie Evans 303, Robert Proctor 302,
Alfred Potter 261,' Winnie Sturdy 254,
Mary Gravell 230, John Mulholland 172.
Part 2nd, to Jr. 2nd Max. 385 marks. -
Lillie McCartney 352, Harold Forster
315, Clarence Sturdy 296, Emily Col-
clough 289, John Gravell 247, Lillie Col-
clough 228, Willie Williams 222. W,
McROBERTS, Teacher.
NoTns.•--Mr D.. Cantelon shipped a
car of armlet, to Hartney, Man., on
Monday lest. . Messrs. Ouimette and
Woodman are busy pressing and ship-
ping hay. The concert givenon Thurs-
day by Sim Fax and Troupe was fair y
atten ed, but the crowd as a whole o large and attentive con-
• success. sire Aermons to
not cousrder the concert a s gregations.. The pastor led: rife sir-•
It Abtr.-Mr W. T. Riddell. was es h"ch were heart • and soul in-•
1VIAIt t vic , w i y __.
, . es
ed ch
Miss- Saraham
SeaforthThe n
led hisir . ,
mar n
dWallace of ndesboro, and returned ere aha 'dsomel decorated in' has-
ie o . `Wednesday ,'where areception" vest a rrel. ` ThethankofferiugS Were
was tendered thorn the wish of then~ p
$15.i12r liil2,>ly olid 15.06 reinppe���c�tiiiellir..
ite was re.eleCt-
NOTES. -The weather has been splen-
did for the farmers to do their fall
ploughing. We are sorry to say Mr
John Levy, Colborne, lost his little son
Archie on Tuesday; he was buried the
Wednesday following,at 2 o'clock p.m.,
this is the third son Mr Levy has lost
during the last three years. Mr Thos.
Gledhill and his nephew Ward Gled;
hill, have gone to the World's Fair to
see the sights; we hope they will have
a good time. Miss Kate Jewell spent
last Sunday at home. Miss' Charlott
Walters and Mr Archie Dewar were
married on Tuesday, Oct. 17th; they
did it up nice and quiet; we wish them
much joy and happiness for the future;
they have now settled in their own
Town and County Church
Rev. A. H. Drumm was in town for
a short time this week.
Rev. J. W. Holmes
this week, attending
School Convention.
The young people of Ontario street
church purpose holding a World's
Fair social on the evening of Nov..7.
The regular meeting of the W. C. T.
U. will be held at the home of. Mrs
Andrewss,,Mary,etreet, Thursday, Nov
2nd, at 3 p. m. �. .-,..- �.
Mr Alex. Rapson, a devoted young
man of•Constance, is attending Albert
College; Belleville, as a student prepare
ing for the Methodist ministry.
The young people's meeting in con-
nection with Rattenbury St. church.-
next Monday evening, will taker the.
form of a temperance meeting, the
program to be provided by members,
of the Good Templars lodge.
of the I.O.F., to the number of about
fifty. attended service at Ontario St.
church last Sunday morning, when a
sermon was preached them by Rev.
W. Smyth. He took his text from the
15th of Deuteronomy, and gave a prac-
tical sermon on the fraternal brother-
hood of man, and sympathy in reliev-
ing wants. After the members of the .'.:
order had returned to their hall, a vote
of thanks was tendered Mr Smyth for
the sermon.
The Gospel Temperance meeting in
the town hall, last Sunday afternoon,
was well attended. An excellent ad-
was given by Mr Houston, of
the Collegiate, on the words "Curse ye
Meroz, curse ye bitterly, for ye did not,
come up to the help of the Lord, to the ,
help of the Lord against the mighty!" .'
The meeting next Sunday will be ad-
dressed by Mr Lough, principal of the
Public School; Mr McKee, of the Col-
legiate, will take the chair, and Mr
Oakes will take charge of the singing.
is in Toronto
the Sabbath
NOTES. -Mr and "Mrs Johan Middle-
ton have returned from the west'; The
saythat they had a Pleasant trip.
sale of Mr John Oakes, _conducted by
Mr Carling, on Wednesday, was large-
ly eve. th
in 'wen
t at
attended andt9
good prices, except horses; Mr ' Oakes
intends to take uphis f'esidenee in
Goderich. It is. staed that Mr Thos.
Jenkins, of the Huron road,will erect
a new brick houso next yer, 'the one
he is occupying being considerable out
of repair.
• Sunday
last, in the Ilolmesville, Middleton ande
Summerhill Episcopal churches: v
Mr. Kerlin preached plain and practi-
many friends is that their sail on thq a���, ionating to, in el ,,.843,55. r G}.
sea,of .life may be prosperous • and Kilty+ ;, very acceptably thipphied Mrd'
happy. ,. Kerrin a
The annual thank offering meeting
of the Women's Foreign Missionary
Society of Willis Presbyterian Church,
was held in the lecture room on the
20th inst. There was a fair attendance,
but not as many as was expected; the
absentees are the losers. After devo-
tional exercises and the reading of
minutes of last meeting, the president,
Mrs Thomas Fair, gave a short but
practical address recounting our Mer-
cies and opportunities. The society
has grown wonderfully; when organiz-
rganiz ed they had 18 Auxiliaries and Mission
Bands; now they have 764; thank-offer-
hank-ofifer ing meetings organized in Bible tirioes,
and were of the first and best fruits.
Mrs Fair then read a piece of poetry
written by Mrs Moscrip, quite an Old'
lady of St. Marys, entitled "AP appeal
to woman for woman." Misses Hattie
and Linnie Irwin then san , b���y ueet,
"Why stand ye here idle,' Mrsunn,
of Boston, brought greetings front' the
Society of Boston, and also told -about
the work in Errotsnanza as carried on by'
two special friends of her own; She oleo
read an extract froian a letter rom Mr
Robertson. All joined , in -Singinga
hymn while the eollection-;was taen
np; the envelopes with ''.the_thank
offerings were opened and, � ; R.
Irwin.read the texte.of scripture which
were enclosed with the money; Ma
Lough made .the dedicatory prayer+.
Miss Janet Wilson then gave .ane ort ie
nal paper on a few reasons why.We
should work for miseions; Iety ,The
great need; 2nd, It is Christ s
mond; 3rd, the love of Christ; 4'.,
Gratitude, we are. not Jews, but Gen
tiles; ,th, We• ourselves receive `
thereby; 6th, Success is certain; becau
God has promised., This�, p�epr ,'w.
excellent anaWes well worth boarin
Miss Sadie Sibley sang "Scatter !bili
shine;"' MiA8McTaggatt, read theth
leaflet, "Mrs Thurston'
pentance." All oined, ijri Bing
closing h full, , "A ��YYflive ..
on -and thank
monthly��'_�f an
were 31.-CiO M,=