HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-10-13, Page 5THE CLINTON NEW 7ZRA octoj e The Watch, fog. thepeople;: it 0enuno W them: 11 Jewelled, Patentrinion,13tegnett lrspr�ia ice Movement in a 0 off:' Silveroid " Case. for Oa small . sum of $9A0 net cash Now is,,f Q>y� txule to buy t}lje Extra. Fine value ip w Watch, as >l�Y supply o OW .epsci:tit movements is 3lalited, and cannot be duplicated. J* B. RUM3ALL, Jeweler and Bell Telephone Exchange. hat Kind of Shoes o You Wear ? ? 2 There's no need of wearing poor Sho7s, and you can't afford to at this time of the year, nor of paying high prices for those you do wear. We make it possible for you " to get the things you 'need at a minimum of expense. WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH. Therefore we buy to the best advantage and soil on the same principle. lain Boots and Shoes We have them for sale. Isn't it worth your while to buy of us? Think it over. Our place of business is known as. "The Cash and One Price Store." Butter and Eggs taken as Cash !AYLOR.&SONS Prof. Dorenwend Is Coming -Now is your time- 6� nNNH/E I The only visit this season. NQS ` ' ;; . He will be at the • /0UP EE !BkTTBllBY HOUSE, Cliltos w• -..,._.,__."en -:THURSDAY----2-6th -of OCTOBER, 1893, If you are bald or grey, or if you hair is thin or faded, don't miss this chance, as the professor has a large number of places to visit this season, his plan is positively limited to the time advertised. Ile has proved by the thousands who patronize him, that by the Use of his coverings, a more refined expression, a more youthful and greatly improved ap - pearance can be secured. For ladies he has a large number of new styles this season in Bangs and other coverings, especially his new pa- tent bang without lace foundation, more natural in appearance, strong- er, lighter and more thoroughly ventilated than anything ever before offered in Canada. Wave Bangs, plain front ieoes, Wavy Fronts Switch- es and Braids in all lengths and shades. Full and open Wigs o1! Curly, Straight, Long or Short Hair. Gentlemen, see the grand styles in Tou- pees and Wigs. If you aro bald or partly so, the Prof can fit you so ex• actly that it is impossible to distinguish 'rem the natural growtn of hair. These goods are worn by 12,000 of the gentlemen of Canada -why not by you? Ladies. don't fail to ask the Prof. how to secure a pure, clean complexion, and bow to remove tan, freckles, wrinkles, &c. Remember-RattenburyHouse, Thursday,Oct 26 For Sale or To Rent. A Cottage and Stable with two acres of land. A good bearing orchard thereon, situated on Victoria Terrace on the banks of the Bayfield river. JOHN MCGARVA. STRAY STEER. Broke into subscriber's premises, lot 4, Huron Road, Goderich township about the 30th of Sept, a two-year-old roan steer. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take him away. JOHN HOLMES. AUCTION SALE. -OF- • MAPLE RIDGE FARM and STOCK. The undersigned will offer for sale on the premises, lot 14, 3rd Concession of Stanley, on WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18, his beautiful farm of 100 acres, situated in Stanley, 1 mile from Bruce - .field Station,7 miles from Seaforth and Clinton, Well nnderdrained with tile, and nearly all in state of first-class cultivation, well watered, large barn, with stone stables, frame house, two orch- ards; alsc seventy thoio-bred Shropshire sheep imported and Canadian bred, all registered; and many of them prize Winners, 6 of them rams, 18 ram lames balance ewes, 10 head of cattle, 3 horses and other articles. Terms -All sums of 310 and under cash; ever that amount 12 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes; a discount of 6 per cent per annum for cash on credit amounts, JOHN DUNKIN, Prop. E. BOSS ENBEItRY, Auct. Brick Store for Sale For sale cheap under ymentso mortgage, 5 tgag,on monthly Large 2 -story" Brick Store and Frame Barn In the Town of Clinton. Apply to LONDON LOAN COMPANY, LONDON, ONT �crld's Fair Inanion. E onrsions to the World's li'air, will take place during the month of October. FARE i$10./0 Good"for 12 days For flerthe, Tickets..;Ind all .rifornation arpirto ii J AO KSO • l' Posit' 'Agent CASH PAID FOR EGGS. - W C. SEARLE, CLINTON FOWLS WANTED 5,000 Fowls wanted. Highest cash prices paid. Inquire of H. LoB HARTT, at the Dry Goods Pal- ace, or E. JONES, Lot 15, Con. 1, Hullett. BOARS FOR SERVICE. Subscriber keeps for service, at his premises, lot 26, con. 13, Hullett, a thorobred Berkshire Boar, and also a splendid Chester White. Both are fine animals from good stock. Terms $1 at time of service, or 31,251f booked, with privilege of returning if necessary, J. GARRETT Jlt. t' Pl'AISE AJ We feel pleased, and we have reason to feel pleased on account of the praise bestowed on our Pianos exhibited at the ecent fair, and also the flattering testimonials which we received from our patrons. It pays to sell honest goods at honest prices. See our Pianos before making your selection. G.E. EVERSON, Clinton YOU WANT TO TRAVEL ON THE BEST LINE OF RAILROAD -THEN USE THE 0. P. R. - Yon wish your Telegrams sent quickly then use the iI,I THIS STOR Our Store is one of the largest in Huron; our Stook is recognized by a shrewd buying public as being one of the LARGEST, CHOICEST and NEWEST in Huron. It is also well known. that it takes very little money in your purse to buy here, for the reason that the prices at this Store range lower, quality considered, than at any other house in Huron. Hence it is that each month this year is largely ahead of last, and still increasing; all of which is very satis"•" factory to all.oncerned. Take, for instance, where will you be asked as little for a Man's good Honest Tweed, Suit as here. Where will you be asked as little for a First Class OVERCOAT as here. Where you can get the most for your money, that's where you are going to buy. Take again, Ladios' Fide Dress GO� Where will you see such an array of fine. thinks as here. See the piles of Boys' " Suits . and Overcoats, every conceivable Color, Price, Make and Pattern. Look at the quality' . a' of the latest ry things in Ladies' " Furs and Fur Jackets and Capes seen at this Store, and you will not be longi in making up your mind where you will buy your fall parcel; C. P. It, TELEGRAPH. Of4INTOX AGFN0Y AT GILROY do WISEIVIAN CLINTON MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. There is still "an oversupply of common and inferior beef critters on the market here, but good animals are soarce, and there were no really prime cattle offered at the East End Abbattoir Monday. A few of the best steers and heifers were sold at 4 1.89 per lb, with pretty good stock at from 3,}c to 4o per lb. Common dry cows and half -fatted young stock, 21c to 3fo, and the leaner beast at about 2o per lb. Calves were rather soarce and brought higher prices, common veals selling at from $3 to $6 each and good ones at from $7 to $12 each. Cbmmon and inferior mutton critters are plentiful and pretty low prided, but good lambs are in active demand at about 3c per lb, while the others bring about 3ic per lb. Sheep sell at from 24c 8c per lb. THE BRITII CATTLE MARKET John Swap & Sons, Edinburgh, in their weekly report of September 29, say: -The. number of fat cattle on offer this week has been rather smaller. There has been a better feeling in the trade and prices ad- 'vanced 10e to 158 a head. Fat sheep have been more plentiful, and, for these, trade, if anything, -was just the turn in favor of the buyers. Fat lambs have been scarcer, and, for the best qualities, full prices have been obtained. Calves and pigs have been a moderate show. and they maintained last week's prices. For the best descriptions of store sheep and cattle a good demand has been experienced, but, secondary qualities are difficult to quote, as part of this class has been left unsold.- Milk cows have been a small show and they met a slow trade at about last week's prices. About 650 Cana- dian cattle were sold at Shieldhall and these met a quieter trade at less money. Best.beef, 8s to 85 3d; secondary, 75 6d per stone. Best mutton, lid to 71d; secondary, 5§d to bid per Ib. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Oct. 12, 1893. Wheat fall.., 0 57 a 0 60 Oats 0 28 a 0 29 Barley 0 30 a 0 35 Peas 0 50 a 0 51 Flour per bal Butter Chickens per pair 0 35 a 0 40 Eggs per doz 0 12 a 0 13 Potatoes, 0 35 a 0 40 Hay, New and Old 5 03 a 7 00 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 3 00 a 4 00 Hides, rough . 2 50 a 3 60 Sheep Skins 0 40 a 1 00 Wool 0 18 a 0 22 BOHN MORRISH.-In Clinton, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr H. Morrish, of a son. WILKIE,-In Germantown, Ohio, on the 19th inst., the wife of Lorne Wilkie, D. D. s., (former- ly of Clinton), of a son. SHIELL.-In East Wawanosh, on Oct. 2nd, the wife of Jas. Shieli, of a daughter. MARRIED. MEDD-MILLS.-On September 14th, at Trin- ity church parsonage, Blyth by the Rev. T. E. Higley, Mr John Henry Mead, of Dungancon, to Miss Hannah Mills, of West Wawaposh. WRIGHT-HOLLAND.-At the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr W. D. Dawson, Detroit, Mich., on Sept. 27th, Mr John Wright, to Mrs James Holland, both formerly of Soa- forth. LowRIE-WHITEHEAD.-On the ith inst., by the Rev. A. D. McDonala, 1). D., at the resi- dence of Mr Richard Clark, Mr John Lowrie to Miss Martha Whitehead, both of Seaforth. BONE-RAMSAY,-At the First Congrega- tional church, Wingham, on Sept. 29th, by Rev. W. H. Watson, William Bone, of East Wawa - nosh, to Annie, daughter of Allan Ramsay, of London, Ont. ALCOCK - CRAIG.- At Melville Manse, Brussels, on Wednesday, Oct. 1th,by Rev, John Ross, B. A., Mr Henry Alcock, Grey, to Miss Margaret Craig, McKillop. HARTMAN--STRUB.-At the residence of the bride's father, St. Agatha, Waterloo, Co., on the 3rd inst-c.by- Rev. Herbert Ahrens, Mr John Hartman, of Zurich, to Miss Carrie, daughter ' of Mr Joseph Strub. ALLANSON-PUGSLEY.-In Belgrave,oa the 3rd inst., Mr. Chas. Allanson; of Clinton, to Mies 'v Pugsley, of Belgrave. • •,-r�lt For 3 Months., PROM THIS DATE THE VERY BEST Cabinet- -Phtos- FOSTER ANY STYLE FOR S3per doz., at FOSTERS,., DIED. WILSON. -In Bonsall, on. the 6th inst., Bar_ bars Wilson, rged 31 years, 7 months and 23 days YOUNG. -In Clinton, on the 9th inst., Win- nie, youngest daughter of Mr Jas, Young, Vic- toria Street., aged 16 years. COOK. -In Goderich, on the 6th inst, Adam Cook, aged 78 years and 3 months, ,ION ES. -Li Seaforth, on Oct- 3rd, Sarah Ann Jones, wife of 34r John Jones, aged 53 years. LENNON.-In McKillop, on Sept. 30th, Mary Lennon, wife. of James Lennon, aged 51 years. HAWTHOIUNE.-In Hullett, on Sept. 30th, Helen McGill, mike, of the late Robert Haw - theme, aged 39 years and 8 months. McLEAN.-At Riverside, 'l'uckcrsmith,'on Wednesday, Oct: fth, Mary Ann Modoland, wife of John McLean, aged 30 years, 9 mouths, and 21 days. DALE•• -in Turnberry, on Sept. 28)h4John Dale, aged 72 years, 3 months. 7i1.71.1'I'HEit.- in Grey, on Sept. 27th, George a 4 00 Bum her, aged 79 years and 1) months. BISHOP. -In Grey, on Sept- 29th, Catharine, 0 18 a 0 20 wife of James Bishop, aged 52 years, 1 months, and 2.i days. 1'OS'I'IIOM.-In (lodericli Township, on the 10th inst., Mary, relict of the Into, Samuel Os- trom, aged 65 yours, 6 meat lis, and 12 days. Cook and Chamber Maid Wanted A first-class Cook and a competent Chamber Maid for family of four in New York City. Apply to 78 West 46th New York City, or MISS E. WEBB, Clinton. £4i TEACHER WANTED Wanted, an experienced teacher for the junior department of the Manchester eohool for 1894 Bend applications and testimonials to D.E. MUNRO, Auburn, P. 0. TEACHER WANTED As Principal for the Bayfield School, for the yyear 1894, one haldingseeond class Normal Corti., neate Preferred. Apply, stating salary, with tes- timottiais utttlt Saturday October 7th, at 4 o'olook p.m. JOHN MORGAN, 8eoretary, Bayfield. PURE HONEY For sa e, comb and extracted. t (:t L.• e� '.,. 'bu iie(�" ..iii SALE REGISTER. Farm stock and implements of Mr John Oakes, without reserve as ho is retiring from farming,.lot 50, Maitland Con., Goderich town- ship, on Wednesday, Oct. 25th. T. M. Carling, Auot. Farm stook, etc., of Mr W..Rathwoll lot 16, Bayfield Line, Goderich township, on Friday, cot. 13th. T. M. Carling, Auct. Farm Stock, eta., of J. B. Little, lot 26, Hullett' on Thursday, Oot, 19. T. Brown, auot. Miss Silverston was run over by aG. T. R. train at Chatham street, Montreal, last week, and was instantly killed. 4.s. The C. P. R. bas abandoned unit next year the projeot of ereoting a new sorting elevator at Winnipeg. , r The ()bitten i?argne Leanor was•wreoked on ,a rook in the open egos* about 100 miles from Port Townsend, Wash. Capt. Myers, his Wife and four children were drowned. Tiro 15ati ontiOf Glengarry have nominated Y1ilf Z. Lr'Wflsbn iwnd-`Mr ,i,. MMCF•¥Qophelteou SA their cIndiddtes, filr the Commons 404 PLACE YOUR DOLLAR WHERE IT BUYS -THE MOST That is a sound financial rule, and it suggests The Cash Store at Londesboro, Where all goods are bought and sold for Ready Money. LOTH INC Our big pile of Overcoats bought at panic prices is growing noticeably smaller. If you want a Coat do not delay purchasing. The sizes and styles are still complete, but a few days cold weather will soon clear out many lines. We sell a Tweed- Coat, Men's Size for $2.50, and - the Best Coat in the House for $14. Compare these goods and prices with what you see • elsewhere. Boots and Shoes . Those who have had the "YAMASKA BRAND" are ask- ing for them again. Have you tried them? If not, we ask you to do so this season. They are neatly made and very serviceable. We sell the full range, Men's and Boys' Long; Boy s', Youths', Women's, Misses' and; Children's Laced. Ask for the YAMASKA Brand. 1100.11d1•11.01110011•00. 01•11.1.1111.1.