HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-10-13, Page 3ww-
t'd ro.n. lady
"Youug.ladies," said old. Mr's. ,Peth-i
er'ly, ''fan you tell nae: of a nice, cheap
store,.Where ,1 can " buy a bonnet at a
reasonable price? .I've come� frons the
cunntrythis morning, and I ve drivers'
around, considerable; and the prices
ore sohigh thakf'mmeet discouragedl;
The .old,horse,, hitched .be' a' mud,spplasl od�wagou, st c,od in front of Miss
£igi'.ette s ,"Fashionable .M pinery,
his head hanging down, his mane drop,
ping to cor're pond, illle9 Petheriyl
Mailing her elbows on the counters
looked ties and out of spirits: Miss
Falcon, the HeadYoungL y,giggled
audibly, and whispered something
about''+te style afhat that Mrs Noah
Meat have worn when she came out of
the Ark.
Miss Harrison.just glanced up from
the tells of ribbon that she was label -
Ing and took no more notice of this
unusual variety of customer. But
Fanny. Frost, whohadbeen a country
girt not so long' ago herself, came for-
ward with an interested face.
"What sort of a bonnet did you
want?" asked she.
"Well, I don't just know," said Mrs
Petherly. "Tastes differ out our way.
Mis' Deacon Powell, she's got a black
straql, with red poppies on to il, and
Car''ifne Felter wears a black shirred
silk, with cook's feathers. But I'm an
old woman and 1 don't want anything
so showy."
"I've got 'something that will suit
the lady exactly," said Miss Falcon,
starting from her seat. "Rich and yet
tasteful. Deep maroon, trimmed with
dwarf dahlias, and knots of lemon
colored ribbon Adlow me to show it
She reached down a bandbox from
one of the shelves behind her, and
took out a most astounding bonnet,
all a -bristle with yellow ribbon, scarlet
dahlias and jet wheat ears.
"La!" said Mrs Petherly. "Aint that
pretty hot -looking for- this time of
• "Oh, they are wearing velvet clear
into August now," declared Miss Fal-
"And pretty gay -colored, too?" hesi-
tated the old lady.
•1' ."Not at all," said. the Head Young.
Lady, "I sellus
'tthese colors toclergy-
men s wives, I assure you, every day
in the week."
"Fashion is a strange thing," said
Mrs Petherly, contemplating the mar-
roon bonnet with an uncertain glance.
"It's a great bargain," said Miss Fal-
con. "I, recommend it most decidedly.
"How much is it?" said Mrs Petherly,
her uncultivated eyes resting lovingly
on the scarlet dahlias and the bow of
yellow ribbon.
"Ten dollars."
"Ain't that an awful price!" said Mrs
Petherly, her jaws dropping apart.
"Marked dawn from fifteen! impres-
sively added' Miss Falcon. "By all
odds the most stylish hat in the place."
"It seems odd none of the rich New
York ladies haint bought ,it afore,"
said Mrs Petherly.
Miss Falcon looked sharply at her,.
to detect any hidden satire, but the
old lady was evidently speaking in all
good faith.
"Well, I'll tell you why," said Miss
- -Falcon,—.confidentially _ ; ,•""Of course
you won't repeat it, but we caul sell
it because Mrs Statchel h'ordington
wears one like it, and she don't like
her friends to pattern after her. But
of course if you take it out in the coun-
try, that is quite a different matter.
Under those circumstances, I think
Miss Aigrette would be willing to sell
it for eight dollars."
Mrs. Petherly lcoked at it with a
puzzled air. She could not remember
seeing any other hats like it in Sleepy
Glen. Nor was it at all like the style
they wore in Iron Creek, the next vill-
age, where her sister was the Baptist
minister's wife. But it was certainly
very brilliant colored, and the velvet
seemed to be a very good quality; and,
of course, if this imposing young wo-
man declared it to be the fashion, that
settled the matter.
"Allow me to try it on," said the
Head Young Lady; and Mrs Petherly
could but comply. •
"It makes me look awful queer,"
said she. "Them nodding top knots
and the fiery red dahlias. Do you
"The most becoming thing I ever
saw in my life,' said Miss Falcon.
ecstatically clasping her hands. "Look,
Fanny! Look, Cecilia!" (to the other
ever . you ou e e
r see anything hin
y g
it in your lives?"
"Never!" said Miss Harrison, truth-
fully enough, as she turned away her
• face to conceal a titter.
Fanny Frost, however, was silent.
"Better take it at once," said Miss
Falcon. "You won't secure such a
bargain every day in the year."
And overpersuaded by the eloquence
of Miss Falcon, Mrs Petherly bought
the bonnet, paid for it. packed the
bandbox safely into the rnudsplashed
wagon, beside the basket that had
held her eggs, and the stone pot that
had come down closely packed with
"And node," said she, "p'rapa you
can recommend ane to,a place where I
can get a cracker and a cup o'tea, with-
out paying their weight in gold. I
brought down a basket of cheese and
some crullers, and a turnover apple
pie, but some little imp of evil stole it
out of the end of the wagon when I
was bargaining off my ducks' eggs at
Jagger's grocery store."
"Just round the first corner," said
Miss F alcon, smoothly, "with stained
glass windows and statues on each
side of the door, where it says "Oysters
and Refreshments" on the sign over-
"Much obliged to you, 1 am sure,"
said Mrs Petherly, shaking the discol-
ored leather reins over the hbllow back
of the old horse and chirruping to start
him up. Dobbin placidly ,responded
with a sedate trot.
"Why; Julia Falcon," cried Fanny
Frost "you're not going to send her to
that billiard saloon?"
Miss Falcon burst out laughing.
"It's the best joke I ever knew,"
said she. "But, of course, she won't
be fool enough to go in."
"And you , sold her that dreadful
bonnet that Miss Aigrette made up for
Clara.Coulette, to wear to the masque-
rade ball as "Widow Bedott,' only old
• Judge Coulette died on that very day,
and the thing was left on our hands!"
said ranny.
Once nn went
On ,e moreMlsap'slc off into
hygeterical peak of laugtiter,
f r s e I've o7 d t,
accents•. 'il'd run. after her and'.1•ell
her it!—"',It's too late now; and XX
"kYotieerise; is
it were not, ',wouldn't have you, iced-•
dung," eaid'.Miss Falcone an rily.. •'"If
people will'bo su h fools; it's their own
fan t, net ours.".
Mrs Petherly Was Considerably
aivazed when the. ;•clerk behind .the
counter, of . the', gorgeous, restaurant
explained to her,. respectfully enough,
that this w.as ab. eetablfshrtrent patr':o'
nrzed exclusively by gentlemen, One
or two en, .drinking beer at rnarble-
topped, 4bies, and, a: stout, elderly per-
son smoking a cigar over a newspaper,
io.,oked eiriously at her, but
Mly d DO
coinent a4 she hurri
")It must he that X didn't understand
what the young woman said," thought
she. "I'm gettin' dreadful hard of
hearin' in my old age, It's true what
Elihu says, I hadn't ought to come to
the city without Ann Amelia comes
with me, And I won't aginl"
The. next day was' Saturday, and
the Head Young Lady, left the store
early, Miss Harrison sighed.
""I wish I had a beau," she murmur-
"Is that what. it means?" said Fanny
Frost, who was trimming a white chip
hat with half blown rosebuds.
"Didn't you know?" said Miss Har-
rison. "She's engaged to Mr Ulrick,
the foreman of the Vulcan ZincWorks,
and he's to take her down to spend
Sunday with his people. She's got. the
prettiest pink lawn dress you ever saw
and >r black lace scarf fit for Miss
Aigrette herseh to wear."
So Julia Falcon went down into the
country with Elihu Ulrick, who took
her straight to the pretty,' old, maple -
shaded farm -house where his mother
lived—the kindly old mother, whose
second husband had been the same as
a father to him all these years. And
on the way Miss Falcon told him the
joke about the antediluvian old 'Re-
mains'who had bought the hideous
Widow Bedott bonnet, believing it to
be a triumph of the milliner's art, and
of how she had sent her to the billiard
,saloon to get a cup of tea. Mr Ulrick
did not•seem to regard it quite as she
did, however. •
"I don't see any great joke in deceiv-
ing a poor old countrywoman, he.said.
"Oh, but you can't imagine how in-
tensely funny it was," said Julia gig-
"Suppose it had' been my mother?
Or your own?"observed he.
"That would have been quite a dif-
ferent matter," said Miss- Facon, toss-
ing her head, and speaking with pro-
per decision.
It was dark. when they reached the
old farm. The windows shone pleas-
antly with welcome lights, fire flies
glared through the purple air, and
there hung a scent of roses over every-
Ulrick jumped from the wagon, and
assisted Miss Falcon to descend.
""Here she• is, mother!" said he.
And, to her ineffable dismay, the
Head Young Lady found herself face
to face with the very old woman to
whom she had sold the Widow Bedott
bonnet. Astonishment was no name
for her mental sensation..
A curious expression flitted across
the mild, old face as she recognized her
"You are welcome, Miss," she said,
"for E :4,We sake. Walk in. You may
be very sure that, 'white -you- are -here, -
no one will attempt•to play off any
practical jokes on you.
And with gentle dignity she with-
drew, leaving her daughter, Ann Ame-
lia, to enact the part of hostess.
Miss Falcon did not enjoy her visit
at all. Mrs Petherly did not appear
again. Ann Amelia was silent and
constrained, and there was an indis-
cernible change in Elihu U1riek's man-
ner. •
""I wish the old bonnet.had been in
Jerichefbefore I tried to get it off my
hands!" thought she, bursting into
tears, that night. "They've told her
what a guy it is—and it puts me in a
pretty position.".
She was to have remained until
Tuesday, but she changed her mind
and returned to town on Monday, in-
stead., fits 75 cents. Soldby Watts & Co., Druggist.
"What has become of your engage-
ment ring?" asked Miss Harrison,when Three men assaulted Duncan Mc -
"'O course si " said she.
"Didn't Miss Aigrette sy'she'd gots,
twenty.livepot tent• of theprfee to any
one Who would get It oft her bands? .
" }loty tfittld vote .impose dth
o e Old
lady so?" said Fanny, with reproachful:.
.i4 t +4 SLI#'ll' Jl.O:T'
,S. BQP'.4" vualif1W$
'Moot toil`' is essential to• ;restful'.
slumber. " •
The Man who impoverie ea hie far
steals from his own pecks
That Man ia,seldomliap y who holds
grudge against the earth,
l .iaard'sLiniment.Linnberr etf'Ufriend.
X count hien ‘rascal Melte tries to get
Hall work aft of a. half -.fed horse.: ,
Many people ride "over the bills to
the poor -house" •in the, do-nothing
The toad to fortune is well travelled,
but too many are headed the Wrong
Kinard's Liniment ie used by Physioians.
Some men have sense enough, but
are too indifferent to go to the trouble
of using it.
Those whose experience has been
the most valuable are usually the
slowest to give advice. ,
The man who loves his farm so Well
to neglect her, will win her smiling
favor in laughing Harvests. ,
lie is to be pitied who is the slave of
his work. He is not a free man who
is not the master of his own work.
"Little Jaok Horner sat in a corner,
Eating a Christmas pie,
He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum,
And said, "What a good boy am Il"
But little Jack Horner- became a deep
When older he grew and a glutton.
For his liver, I'll stare, was like a dead
As he drank wine.and ate to much mut-
- ton.
Poor Jack's time of grief, however was brief,.
And of sickness he ceased to be fearful;
For' a boon friend said "Well, let's try
Pierce's Pellets,"
And with good livers both are now oheer.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, absolutely
effective in. oases of siok headache, consti-
pation, indigestion, and all derangements
of the stomach and bowels. Satisfaction
$500 reward for an inourable disease of
Catarrh by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's
Remedy. 50 ate.; by druggists.
Mr Stephen Badgely, an old resident
of Deseronto, was kicked to death by
his horse, Wednesday.
Kingston's population was 18,202 in
1891, but fell to 17,700 in 1892, and this
year it has gone down to 17,348.
Itch on human ager, horses and all ani-
mals cured in 30 min tes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold
by Watt's & Co. Druggist.
Some Montreal cattle • exporters are
agitating to have the Government al-
low the importation of live American
cattle for export from Montreal.
1 ?A tornado struck the town of Hogan,
Ga., and knocked' it to pieces Tuesday
afternoon, killing a boy and injuring
several other persons.
In all that goes to strengthen and build
up the system weakened by disease and
pain, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the superior
medicine. It 'neutralizes the poisons left
lir the -system... a€ter diphtheria_ and scarlet
fever, and restores the debilitated patient -
to perfeot health and vigor. -
At Montreal a verdict for $3,000
damages has been awarded to Dr. J.
C. Cameron , against A. E. Smith, be-
cause the latter stated that the doctor
was insane.
At Middlesex Assizes, Wilson and
Harvey, the clerks employed by the
Bank of B.N.A., at London, who em-
bezzled $800, pleaded guilty to the
American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma•
tism and Neuralgia radically cares in 1 to
3 days. Its action upon the system is re-
markable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the disease immediate-
ly disappears. The first dose greatly bene.
the Head Young Lady resumed Mon-
day morning her place behind the
counter at Miss Aigrette's.
"It's gone," said Miss Falcon, sharp-
ly. "I've broken my engagement,"
"Goodness me! What for?"
"Oh, I've changed my mind," said
the Head Young Lady.
But the truth was that Elihu Ulrick
had changed his mind.
"No woman can be a wife of mine,"
he had said, frankly, "who could in-
sult and deceive my gray-haired mo-
And he had decided wisely.
The Head •Young Lady remains the
Head Young Lady, and since that
memorable morning when she tricked
Cid Mrs Petherly she never tried to
p, lm off a passe bonnet on a, rural cus-
tomer. Indeed, whisper some, the
Head Young Lady gives gratifying
evidence of forsaking most of the ways
of foolish virgins.
Ave you all tired out, do yon have that
tired feeling or sick headache? Yon Can
be relieved of all these symptoms by take
ing Hcod'e Sarkaparilla, which gives nerve,
mental and bodily strength and thoroughly
purifies the blood. It also oreates a good
appetite, oures indigestion, heartburn and
Hood's Mitis are easy to take, easy in
action and sure in effect. 25 tenth a box.
Bain, paymaster of the Standard radi-
ator works; and robbed hire of $1,700
in broad daylight in Buffalo while he
was proceeding to the works to pay
the men. The robbers escaped.
A man may not like his wife's taste
in neckties, but he approvesoher choice
of a husband.
Little Willie—Jack. what's a chump?
Little Jack—A chump is a boy that
doesn't know wot a chump is.
Dimling—Why did you leave the
lecture platform, Larkin? Larkin—
Well, I was egged on to take that step.
Geography teacher—Tommy, how is
the earth divided? Tommy—Er, not
at all; 'cause everybody most wants it
Early in the voyage - Seasick passen-
ger—Oh, doctor', cantou give me
something to cure me? Same passen-
ger, later—Oh,' doctor, can't you give
me something that till kill me.
re isa distant
qulIei h Miss de T
g p
relative of yours, isn't she? Bungton
—Yes, and she -gets more and more
distant. Last week she Wes n1 second
cousin, hitt nox 'slie i :it sister', .
Ch$Idref cryo t,oa
Pitcher''*: O 1etoria
That AYER'S Sarsaparilla CURES
OTHERS of Scrofulous Diseases,
Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver
and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia,
Rheumatism, and Catarrh 'should
be convincing that the same 'ourse
of treatment WILL CURE You. All
that has been said ofe wonder-
ful cures effected by the use of
during the past fifty years, truth-
fully applies to -day. It is, in every
sense, The Superior Medicine.
Its curative properties, strength,
effect, and flavor are always the
same ; and for whatever blood
diseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla is
taken, they yield to this treatment.
When you ask for
don't be induced to purchase any
of the worthless substitutes, which
are mostly mixtures of the cheap-
est ingredients, contain no sarsa-
parilla, have no uniform standard
of appearance, flavor, or effect,
are blood -purifiers in name only,
and are offered to• .you because
there is more profit in selling
them. Take
av a .•airibi'
S!;' tv it Tit
�r 'C o t` ,
re tired tiy�ISi"r� i'� C, Aye ,9't tr r ,
1 liy#11 Druggists; I'd, e, bottle,' fy$,"
I l
` i . ` sw y
It believed I.0,0 lives Warn.1986
a.storm at New Orleans S m4ay.I fight..
Ontario bap .Peen awarded x79 •iu 'dale
•for .her fruit" exhibit at the .We 'id's
Fair,... for entrants, gooseberries and
cherries alone,
Ane of the most singular arid;- rernantio
merriages ever .heard of at+ Niagara. Rails
took plaoe-X''riday rnorping, ,wheat at the
entrsiloe of the: gave of the Winds, glad in
the peeRliar flerinerrte. warn by those who
venture there, and with the water! and
sp,"slr deshing over and en them, Mr Wg,
tttlwait, of Pittsburg, Pe., Arid Mise Min,
nae Weller, of Allegheny City, Pa., were.
milted in the holy bonds of matriMeny by.
,Tustioe:Russell. Everything, vasa iia good
To eure nervousness your nerves must be
fed by pure blood. Hoods $ersaparilla
makes pure blood,. Take it now..
Mrs Samuel Blennett, of Tanner,.
West Virginia, gave birth to her 29th
child a.few days ago. Mrs Bennett is
40 years old. Her husband is 53. The
29 children are all alive and hearty.
This is the largest cropof children in
any one county in ths prolific State.
"Unfortunately," said the Gilmer Dem-
ocrat. "'Phe Bennetts are Republicans,
and if thile sort of thing continues our
majoritywill be in danger."
By the steamship Empress of India
very late particulars of the floods in
Japan are received. Former reports,
instead of exaggerating, have under-
estimated the devastations and distress
Although the figures convey no reali-
zation of the misery in all parts of
Gifula few statistics are presented, tell-
ing as they do of the extent and char-
acter of the desolation in briefest pos-
sible form. According to the official
returns more than 200 portions of river
embankments gave way, the breaks
aggregating 45,000 yards. Twenty-one
tsubo of land were inundated and 92
villages flooded. The water did dam-
age to 14,025 houses, the number of
occupants of these being 70,000,of whom
3,025 are now being cared for by the
Javanese Government.
Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Bore
Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.
Plasterrwill give greeat satisfaction. -25 cents •�
Mrs, 8. Hawkins, ChattanooBa,_Tenn. says:
Bhiloll a Vitalizer BAYED MY LIkI8 I
/consider 88 thebrat remmeedyeffosiraa,debilitated eestmn
too ever
s. Peep 78ote ver or Sidney
Have youCatarrh ? Try this Remedy. It will
vositively relieve and Cure you. Price 50 eta.
This Injector for its successful treatment 18
furnished free. Remomber,Shiloh'BRemedica
are sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction.
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act,
18+9. by His Ronor, the Judge of the ConntyCourt
of the County of Huron at the Town Hall, Bay-
field, on SATURDAY, 'October 2188., 1893, at 11
o'clock in the forenoon, to hear and determine
the several complaints of errors and omissions in
the Voters' List of the municipality of Bayfield,
for 1894, All persons having business at the
.Court. ate :requiryi_to•,attend at the said time,a d
p ace. OEN'DA Clark'of-Bayfleldla
Dated Sept 25th, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that a court will be held,
pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889
by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court of
the County of Huron, at Bell's Hotel, Londesboro
on SATURDAY, Oct. 14th, 1893, at 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, to bear and- determine the com-
plaints of errors and omiesione in the Voters'
List of the Municipality of the Township of Hal-
lett for 1893. All persons having business at the
Court are required to attend e.t the said time s nd
place. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk of Hallett
Dated this 26th day of Sept., A.D., 1893,
In the matter of the estate of Frances Upshall
late of the Town of Clinton, married woman
Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887,
Chap, 110, notice is hereby given that all persons
having claims or demands against the estate of
Frances Upshall, late of the Town of Cllnton,who
died on the 7th of August, 1893. are required to
send or deliver to the undersigned, Solicitors for
Harry T. Rance; the administrator of the estate
of the said deceased, on or before the 31st of Oc-
tober, 1893, their names in full and addresses,
with full particulars of their respective claims,
And take notice, , that after the said 31st day of
October, 1893, the said Administrator will proceed
to distribute the assets of the said deceased
among the persons entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to the claims of which notice shall have
been given, and the said administrator nistratorwill
he liable for the assets, or any part thereof so
distributed, to any person of whose claim notiee
shall not have been received at the time of such
distribution. •
Solicitors for the said Admipistrator
Dated Sept. 21st, 1893. 1
In . the matter of the Estate of
James Woods, late bf the Town-
ship of West Wawano9h,•in the
County of Huron, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised
Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 110, that all creditors
and other persons having Claims against the es.
tate of James Woods, late of the Township of West
Wawanoeh, in the County of Huron, yeoman, de-
ceased, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day
of July,1893, are hereby required to deliver or
send bmail to Messrs Darrow & Proudfoot,
Godoriob, Solicitors for Wm. Harrison and Robt.
Ramsay, the Executors of the said deceased,on
or before the 31st day of October, 1893, teir
names and addresses and full partioulars,of their
claims, also a statement of the securities, (if any)
held by them. And further take notice, that af-
tor the said 81st day of October, 1893, the execu-
tors will proceed to distribute the said estate
having regard only to snob Claims as they shall
then have notice of,
Solicitors for Exeoutor8.
Dated at Goderich this 4th day of Sept,.1893:
Castoiia is Dr. Sam' Pitobex's i?rescription for;.
land Cbiydreu. It contains lucithcr Opium>,, o e uoo:
ether Narcotics substance. Itis, a harmless subftitu p
for Paregoric, props, Sootbiug;Syrrups, andel Castor ,0111,,
It is Tleasaut. Its guarantee its thirtysyearg':ulde•'by
T''illions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and a ;
feverishness.; Castoria prevents vomiting Souse Oily,'d
Cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colics.. Casttoria>, reUevei _
teething troubles, aures constipation and $#iynnleney`,
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving Healthy and natural sleep. pad
toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother's Frlelnd.'x •>
"Castorla 1s an excellent medicine for chit-
ties. Mothers have repeatedly told moot its
good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. CscooD,
Lowell, Masa.
•' Castorla is the best remedy for Children of
which I am acquainted. I hope tho d -.y is ,.ot
far distant when mothers will consider the real
Interest of their,cbildren, and use Castoria in-
stead of the variousgnaeknostnnnswhichare
destroying their loved ones, by forcingopium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful,
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Du J. 8'. Btvonat oe,
Conway, Ar
The Centaur Company, .'Ai Murray
"Castoria.issowenadapted toctitildrpgttlatt "`
I recommend it es superior mane preteriptWQ
known to me."
H. A. Auonint, 34:' D, •
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, 2t 4.
"Our physicians in the childreu's depait
ment have spoken highly of their exile
ence in tseir outside practi•la with Cd'stori
and although we only . have • among etc
medical supplies what is known as regular -'
products, yet we are free to confess that thlf
merits of Castoria bas won to look with.;
favor upon it."
• Boston, Ma*•
ALLEN O. Sinrn, ries.,
Street, New York City.•
; ;., ':Gi 1. -, Tee', .v1it:Nar'-, e
Noticing short of the Rest School,should satisfy:,
Young Men and Women wishing to prepare themselves as Bookkeepers and Stenographed
Is recognized as the peer of any Business or Shorthand school in America, and vastly superior to „
any of its contemporaries in Canada. No better evidence need be advanced than the following list
of places where students came from who registered during the 15 days immediately preceding
writing of this ad. North Adams, Mass.; Washington, Mich,; Lethbridge, Alta.; Berlin; Londonr,+
Toronto ; Huntsville, Muskoka; Kincardine; Ruthven•Coatsworth; Aldboro; Brampton- Rodney;,01ip
ton; Strahroy; Napier; Hampden, Co,; Grey; Auburn, Co iuron; Seaforth;Bothwell,Wlndsor Strang:,
field; Ridgetown; Wooslee; Fletcher; Camp Palmer, Essex Co,; Olen Rae; Highgate; Aldboro; Alvl>Y+
ston; Glencoe; Oampbelton; Cedar Springs; Chatham and many points in the vicinity.
.,J.:Wot'Pf.., �
A erica best enmen among the members of our staff, means a great deal to our pupil•' a `
_., a �.h,,:
We Pay Railway Fare inomiingo"�atham."
Good board for Ladies at $2, Gentlemen 82.50. We secure board at these figures with very respect:,
able private families, and have the places in readiness tor the students when they arrive. Write +"
forhandsome Catalogue and Specimen of Penmanship, and be convinced of the superiority of this
institution over all schools of a similar kind' in Canada. Mention where you saw this ad.
Address D. McLACHLAN, Chatham, Ont •
Special Notice!
As an extra inducement to CASH purchasers we have made arrangements with a lead.,
ing firm of Toronto for a large supply of Artistic Pictures by well-known masters,,,`;
all framed and finished in first -Class style, and suitable for the best plass of red.
denoe. Each Customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Piotures
free when their Dash purchases aggregate Thirty Dollars. My motto in business
is to supply my customers with good reliable Goode at Bottom Prices. -
SOAP—Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 30 per cent:
we will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight acid Surprise Soaps at
the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, samples of which ate
on show at our store.
TEAS—Our stock is replete and well selected. We offer excellent valuesin fine Teal -
including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our Russian Blend and
Crown Blend, the finest in the market.
' n Dinner an
and prices of our 'Combination d
Examine the quality CHINAWARE—Examine q Y
Tea Sets, and be convinced that Bargain Day with no is every business day .r
throughout the year.
N. ROBSON, - Clinton;{{
BEFORE yon buy anything ask two questions:
Do I really want it ? Can I do without it ?
These questions may make you rich, but will
not prevent you from buying your
Where you can get them pore, and the best of
To have good Pickles your spices and vinegar must::
be of good quality. Ours is the best we can buy,,
try them.
W. CO SWALLOR�', - Cls nton '
Our stock, , of Woollens is now complete, all our own manufacture, which we guarantee
pure wool. Before you buy be sure to call and ' see our
Blankets, Sheetings, • Flannels, Tweeds;
Yarns, Knitted Goods, Hose, Socks, Wool
Batts, Mittens, ° Cardigan Jackets, Hose
Blankets and u .tin s HeavYy Sweat Man-,
kets'Coolers, RobeLining e,.