HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-09-29, Page 9LOCAL NOTICES 7PalL71M,POUtsdzrt4pmewen tad -.-04n rala;RNBAOa XPOInfp-e ► cline's! 4;111,13At owner oanba9a' the »r( on aRpliogaiou to NNW AAA 0,(1}00; 143T141R, hest'opal price paid for any tt#7 o;10040etterr 4.. W, 1ii,' j M. nropex, i'tan. 'OR 0,41.44-4 st et J,nthoricea gigli School ' Text ,gooks nearly new Lox gage cheap,,-00n)be Item st1�W,ES or ',AC$. It you want a Trunk Vallee pair of Sltgii &rape Sit of Harileei, eggy buster or Romp Rat cheap you ebonia pan C8 JOl0NSTON & otamo R. 411inton 8TE L RANGES if you will have them, -we can supply them PI 25 Per, eentless than peddlers. We do not = recommend them(. The Happy Though' Range is the KI or EA11GES. They Will not warp. . `HARLAND ,BROS 0014 V;001t . Foie W0ELD'S'Paiirt,--Mr Will Jack- son is malting arrangements to run a Place Sleeping car in connection with ,the next excursion'. to theWorld's Fair on;Friday, Oct. 8th, direct from Clin- ton t.o Chicago. This will be agreat etilivenience for those who wish to travel more comfortably than usual. DISTri!TGuiSHED VISITORS.—Clinton certainly had a greater number of dis- tinguished visitors this week than it ever hadbefore, First comes the Pre- inier'of theDominjion, accompanied by three members of his Cabinet, and he is followed by the Lieut Governor of the Province of Ontario;' accompanied by the;:Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Mr. Dryden. The members of parliament here were John McMillan, Ar. Monta- gue, and W. Pridham, the latter being a judge oil cattle at the fair. PROPERTY CHANGES.—Mr John Me - Peal has bought the house and lot on Albert St., owned by Miss M. Trewar- tha, for the sum of $360. This is con- siderably below what it cost her some years since. Mr Josiah Butt, Of the base" Hue, has' bought the property of Mrs, Tewsley,,on ' the corner of Albert and: Bohn: streets, paying therefor the sum of $315; itis .a desirable lot, but the buildings are not of ,much account; Mr Butt' purposes building a brick house there next season, for his own occu- pancy. Mr John Josling has bought ten acres'. on the Londonroad, from Mr Arthur Couch, paying therefor the sum of $1,250; it is a splendid location, and is hot a dear property. NOTES.—The members of the Inde- pendent Order of Foresters attended thefuneral of the late Robt. Carter, on Friday, he beinga charter member of Londesboro Lodge. A six-year old son Af Mr Thos. J. Managhan died on Sun - 'day, of inflammatory rheumatism. J. Cook vs. R. Stevens was an assault case tried before Mr McGarva last week; the defendant ` was fined $5 and costs. A.:McMurchie was a judge on horses at Tavistock show, on Tuesday. Mr Jas. Snell shipped a fine lamb ram to a breed- r-at-Bad—Axe, Mich., on Friday.— Libarian Scott had the misfortune to Mall the other day, while cleaning some of the library windows, and cut. his 'hea'd pretty badly by striking on the corner of a table; it was a wonder his 2 • ° skull was not fractured. Mrs Garvie, of whose illness mention was made some time ago, died at the residence of ,Mr -Ben Cole, on Monday. Regular 'meeting of council next Monday even- ing.' The Fall Assizes are in progress this week. There are practically no appeals against the town voters' lists. A fakir tried to work the "soap racket" on` Tuesday, but could'nt get any one to bite. ' The usual fall millinery openings, on Saturday last, were well :...patronized by the townspeople, who spoke highly thereof, and also of the ' enterprise displayed by business men. ',The gambling that was carried on pu- blicly; on Wednesday, should not have been allowed under any circumstances. Mrs J. Junor has bought a handsome Williams piano. The sale of farm • stock belonging to R. Mason,..base line, conducted by D. Dickinson, Auct., Yesterday afternoon, was largely at- tended, and pretty good prices gener- ally. realized. Mr G. Stewart appeared .beforeMrMcGarva J. P. charged with aviolation of the ame laws, by shoot- ; ang.partridge x before the season com- menced; the charge was sustained and a .'fine; of $5 and costs imposed. Mr Mul- veney, appeared before the Mayor, on a charge of.selling on the market with- out a license; he was fined $5 and costs. Davis'& Son have added to their liv- ery a show buggy which was made by • Mr V. Rumball. DEATB.—The Alpena, Mich., Echo of a recent date contains the following reference to the death of a former Ciintonian, the eldest sister of Mr Geo. Gordon, of town:—"The community was shocked,when the announcement w40 made that Mrs Samuel Boggs was dead. But few knew of her illness as she was ill but a few days. On Thurs- „ dap she attended the funeral of Mrs Malcolm McPhee, but did not remain until it was Over, being taken ill and going to her home took to her bed and never arose, passing away at 10 o'clock Saturdaynig t' The sands of life have passed through the hour glass, and the cycle of time has garnered a most res - peeled lady. and one of this city's old- est residents. Of',: Mrs Boggs it may be said that she"knew not an enemy. She was a kind,' motherly, affectionate lady, and Was respected and loved by all;, both young and old. Her maiden name was.MVliss Ann 'Gordon, and she was married to Samt4el Boggs in 1851, at, Clinton,; Ont.. They removed to Al- pena 35 years, ago and have since resid- , ed here, being amongst the oldest set- tlers in this. city. By her death she leaves a devoted . husband and five hTown upchildren who, although they ate lived from . home, will miss a m'other's love and, a'f'fection(, The fu- neral being, held at the house, very aany who •would like to have at- tended could not, being unable to get in. Long before the hour set for the Services ,the house was filled with ' friends who were ; there to show their. last,mark of respect to their departed . friend; The floral decorations were p"and and beautiful, , .Among the rnost4promhment piecesbeing an anchor, harp, pillow, and 4 beautiful piece rep-, resenting the beautiful kat,es ajar, The beessioh which followed the reinah s` te their Anal restineplaci was the laig. tettever'ttitnessed rn this cit and ex= t oiled nearly the entire length 'of Abington avenue. At the . ceme. tory, the grate bad been lined with ,over neons and surrounding the grave is t tiowers Were strewn in abundance. Probably, my funeral, held in Alpena y. v R. called out as many people, who were in ympathy and mourning with the rien'ds,, as thatofMrs Boggs, l ilvia AnaliowmtnoM E rni. --- The other day Mr Peter Cook, who has been in t•hp mother land, returned, and brought with him, as` presents from a friend in Scotland, a heautifnlold- handled umbrella for Mrs James Vair,- ' r,t and an ivory -handled one for Mrs, Fair.. He also brought severalgeacuine Irish blaclt-tborne . With Dina,, one , of ' which be presented to Mayor McTag- Sart,, and another to Mr A, X. Todd. ANATIO;+r,A Country paper has atilt' a certain amount r of apace at its diepoaal,which cannot very well be in, creased for reading matter every' week, and whom eo many important,affairs transpire in one week, as has been the case in (3linton, it is impossible to report each as fully as might be done under Other circumstances. We have en- deavored to give Etc fair a revert of each event as our space will warrant,' and in so doing ' have still had to sacrifice a certain amount of local matter. Those, therefore, who would have preferred a longer report of this or that particular event, must bear in mind the circum- stanees. Succ1 seguL; At the World's Fair Mr Jas. Snell made a sweep with Lei- cester cheep, taking the following prizes:—Leicester ram, 2 and under 3, second prize, Jas. Snell, Clinton, Ont. Ram, 1 and ufider 2, second and third, Jas, Snell. Ram, under 1, second and fourth, Jas.. Snell. Ewe, 8' or over, first and second, Jas Snell, Ewe, 2 and under 3, first and third, Jas.Snell. Ewe, 1 and under 2, second and fourth, Jas. Snell. Ewe, under 1 year, second and third, Jas. Snell. Rana andthree ewes, all over 2, first' Jas. Snell. Pen five ewes, 2 years or over, bred by exhibit- or, first, Jas. Snell. Pen two rams and three ewes, under 2, bred by exhibitor, second and fourth, Jas. Snell. Ewe, any age, first and third, Jas. Snell. SCOTCH CONCERT.—The Scotch con- cert given in the town hall, Wednes- day evening, under,the auspices of the Sons of Scotland, was all that could be' desired, both as far as attendance was concerned and the entertainment. Dr. Shaw occupied the chair, and perform- ed duties admirably. The Misses Mc- Laren pleased the audience with their pretty dancing, and were accompanied with the bagpipes played by Mr D. Mc- Kay. Mr Ramsay brought down the house witia his comic singing and act- ing. Miss Forbes is a sweet singer, has complete control of her voice and has a very pleasing manner on the stage. Mr Ramsay accompanied the singers on the piano. The audience were in a very appreciative mood, as each piece was encored, and we are sure the Sons of Scotland must be pleased at the suc- cess of their efforts. Purely Personal Miss Hodgens is bank to town, after a long visit to friends in Toronto. Mrs M. Lough and daughter, of Toron- to, are visiting their old friends here. Air Lud Hartt and wife, of St. Louis, are visiting the parents of Mr Hartt here. At Goderich show Miss Clara Mount - castle of town, took fourteen prizes for paintings. 'dr S. Washington and wife, of Oakwood, ,(second son of Mrs Washington, of town) were Last week on a visit here. Miss Eliza Stevens, accompanied by her brother and sister, spent a few days with friends in London last week. Among those who -took in the Detroit ex- cursion last Friday, were Mr T. Fair, Mrs Corbett and Mrs A. MoKowon and Mrs G. Potts. • Mr and Mrs MoQ"een, and Mrs Gal- braith, of Campbellton, Scotland, are the guests of Mrs Joseph Chidley, er., who came from the same place. Mr Lu. Stevens and wife, of Brampton, were this week the guest of Mr Stevens' father. Mr Stevens and his partner, Mr Carter, are• leaving Brampton for Luck- xfow, where theypurpose engaging in busi- ness. Mr Gilpin, who was the colleague of Rev. E. Olivant, on Bayfield circuit last year, who was appointed to Bervie this year, was in town on Saturday, on his way to Texas, where he has been ordered to go and spend the winter. Dr. H. B. Carmichael, son of the Very Rev. the Dean of Montreal, who has re- turned from a short trip to Europe, has been appointed assistant surgeon to the Grand Trunk Railway, and will shortly take up his residence at Point St. Charles . The doctor is a native of Clinton. Mr Gamble, from County Cavan, Ire • land, was- the guest of Mr J. W. Irwin last week. He had known -the latter in Ireland, and had not seen him since he left there twiny years ago, Mr Gamble thought this was the finest section of coun- try he had seen, and he had travelled ex- tensively in the States. Town and County Church Chimes. Baptism next Sunday evening, in the Baptist church; subject of sermon, Close communion. The Salvation army jubilee and ban- quet here was quite a success, the pro- ceeds amounting to over $50. The regular monthly fellowship meet ingof bothMethodist churches intown will take place on Sunday next. The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Bid- dlecoinbe, Thursday, Oct. 5, at 3 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Parent returned to Waterloo, Que., this week, after visit- ing about 18 circuits and being very cordially received by all classes. At the Presbytery meeting in Wing - ham, on Tuesday, the Rev. A. McKay, of Lucknow, declined the call extend- ed to him from the Nova Scotia church. St. Paul's Church of England will hold its harvest thanksgiving services on Sunday, Oct. 8. The church will be appropriately decorated, and services conducted by Rev. A. Brown, of Paris. „,;;The seventeenth quarterly meeting of the Stanley, Tucker smith and Hay' Sabbath School Association will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 25th, in the Presbyterian church, Egmondville. An excellent program of subjects has been arranged. Trig SUYERANli'RATION FUND. --In our report of the District meeting last week, there were a couple of errors in the list of Superafthvatlon Assess- ments, caused by some changes being made from the original tale. The following are the corrected figures, and papers copying the first report will oblige by copyinthis also:--Gode- •nich, North St., 85; ii, oderioh, Vic- torfh"S..;14"11: L attenbur St., 0801 Clinton, Ontario i , , Orth,, .x&89, Jiclmesviile; $57 800l Varna, $40; Iiensall, $7(l; K'mpen, , 40; Dungannon, $60; Nile, $81, Benmiller, I lfoport of the etekam1 iota tyre and 0111 appe&r next week, MANTLES Fall Mantles are now in great demand. You may go a long way, look over many stocks, and you won't find such another assortment of Mantles as is now on our counters. We think we are safe Fin saying our Stock is the largest, giving iyou better choice, and our Styles and Values the best in the county. aWe do not ask you to take our word for this, but ask youto come and see for yourself:-- Wer re satisfied to have you make care- ful comparisons. The more youknow about values and goods, stylish, well made, well cut Mantles, the more like- ly you are. to buy from us. D ss Making VI`e do first-class Dress Making,employ only experienced help, finish all work in the best manner, and are confident we can give you perfect satisfaction both in style, fit and comfort. . Estate J Hodgons SPECIALTIES � For years we have addressed oursel4ves to a large number of our customers regarding the superior 'merits of our special lines of MEN'S CLOTHING, namely: $2 and $3 "grousers $7 and X10 Suits S8 and $1O Overcoats We feel justified for still calling attention to the merits of these articles, on the ground of the in- creasing sale and demand for the goods. We invite inspection, thereby deriving the best advertisement we could get—a reputation for backing ' up .our statements and pleasing our customers. JAcJsoN BioTnEEs, CLOTHIERS and FURNISHERS, OLP Tb' and S1 A E O RrEC, e we have sold our business it will very much facilitate matters if x,11 accounts al~e paid at once; Miss Gairrcll will receive any: r miey due us. Thanking you for your patronage since we have been in Olin, ton; we would ask your patronage for Messrs Rance , &' Spalding,• who will continue the business in the same place. ROBINS BROS., Clinton :!liinery0pen An elaborate display of f Millinery, Mantles, Dress Goods,,. Clothing, &c To be shown on the evening of Saturday, Sept, 23. You are cordially invited to be present. We are showing a fine range in these goods, worthy of your inspection. 1urnstee1 ibbings :: MONTREAL MOUSE : : BEESLEY&C MILLINERY Notwithstanding the great rush for HATS this week, we have opened more new ones, and our stock is again complete with all the latest styles and novelties. See our splendid. assortment of V SID and CASHMERE GLOVES In all sizes. CASHMERE and WOOL HOSE All the famous makes kept by us, assorted in all sizes. DRESS GOODS --Have you seen our line at 25 cents ? it's a seller. Buy Now— A word with you ;'if you've money or credit use it to buy everything you need during the next three months, Money is scarce; we make a big sari.. fice.in profits, because we want money. A word to careful saving folks like you is sufficient. Thi Ladles Favorite Establlshr»en. Di Avnn unclog, CLINTON,