HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-09-29, Page 2180
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s 01 ernoicai non-Qne rlolisr Per year
if * advanoe,.1,50per, year it not is shd. •
Tlz€ date to which every subscriptIon is peed is
denoted by the date on, the *dives* laliel.
4nVilitxrlelNG "Ratner --'Transient, advertlie•
' Inientei 14 nen r, �Nonpareil Iinerfoo'� first inter-
•tletn,Bcentsper inne;oroieehirpbssenOtinge0104„
OnvtliA,ax.EATae,^-The"folaowing table shows
our rateeor,theInflatiion of adlvertfeementefor
spsgitic Periods:-
` P,Aen, I 1 Tn. 4 6 go,1 6i�. i 1: loo
Ottelfggiphn 4..., ; 460'00 Ps 00 100 00 *m
rlajf-oolunan •...•., 86:00 20 00 12 00 0 Qo
garteroolutpn,,,• 20. 12,00 7 00 260
3 . 200 1. Q0
4p' h,. ,•,,,,• I
'' dvertisereents, without apeeiflq directions,
• lbe1pserted,till forbid andcharaccerc in
'ly. Treinsient,advertisementa retest. b paid
t °oar, EoTXCEs- flit the head of 'local column
10 cents'perline or portionthereof,elm% insertion
Articles Jot or found, girls wanted &o, not
ezoeeding three linee,, e.5 cents each i:nsertion.
,li'ive; lilies 50 cents one insertion, and 25 ciente for
each pubeequent insertion. Houses to let or for
41s, -farms to rent Or for sale,, stray cattle and all
" similar advertisements not exceeding eight lines
•tlor ops mon* and 50 cents for each subs°•
qugnt month.
Changes for contract advertisements must be
n'the ghee by neon on Wednesdays.
Not Pulling Together
�1Tr Sheppard,of Toronto Saturday Night,
ies.reoognized as a Conservative. His opin-
ion of Sir John Thompson is expressed in
'the :last issue of his paper as ,follows: -
"I may be counted' as disloyal or report-
ed an ignorant, yet I have been in every
firovinoe of the Dominion this year except-
ing Prince Edward Island, and I am not
at all afraid to say that Sir John Thomp-
on is reputed as only nominally Premier
Arid his colleagues are doing his work in a
very desultory way. The party every where
'iq feeling the absence of a real leader; in
tact, to put it briefly, the party threatens
to' o`` to pieces because no large politician
aid, Competent chieftain has formulated a
policy on the :acceptanee of whioh he de-
cides as to the fealty .o. is followers. In-
deed, what must we think of a government
that is afraid to appoint"lieutenant-gover-
tors while three vacancies are in existence,
one of°them. for at least a year and two for
many months."
The public debt of Canada is now
$60 per head for her population, which
is considerably more than a young
country should be carrying.
When interviewed in Chicago, Mr
-Mowat strongly repudiated the in-
ference of a paper of that city, that
there were any number of annexation-
ists in Ontario, and expressed him-
self as being strongly opposed to it
personally. All the same, there are
papers -some not far from Clinton-z--
linton-which will repeat the stale slander
that he is an annexationist.
On the report that it.._was ._.contem-
plated to build a new residence in
Toronto, for the Lieutenant -Governor,
the Toronto News suggests that Mr.
Mowat should set an example to the
other provinces by abolishing the resi-
dence `altogether, simply providing
him with an office, and allowing him
to do as he liked about a residence.
Seeing that he receives a salary of
$10,000 a year, there is a good deal
of force in the -suggestion.
The American papers are not afraid
to call a thing by its right name. Of
protection, which it describes as "a
dead dog, past praying for," the New
York Sun says
"The fate of protection is settled
now. • It has already been solemnly
devoted to utter and uncompromising
extirpation from our national policy,
as a fraud and a system of robbery,
and as a direct violation of the Consti-
World's Fair will close October 31.
n Packing.a true the #fret point to
becolloid-erectis Whateau be left'belund,
Ettakes either a good deal of push or
a pull to get through the doors of life.
True meanness lies west often in an
unwillingness. to assume a small obli*
There ie alwaye. room lit the: top,,be-
tan t thMute t8�g keeps Setting' highs[' all:,
"tiloNnian who-' does'uot, complain
makes knore friends than the man who
Always lias; a, grievance. , The dead
martyr is .the only kind that is ever
Sq few of the common people of Rus-
sin are able to read that in village stores
pp,Ietures' of, the articles . for sale are
hung Qn the walls in place of reading
notices above them.
The Liberal Arts Building at the
World's Pair covered ground enough
to hold several large farms, and yet its
architect has refused a commission to
build a house large enough for a mo-
ther-in-law; and a daughter-in-law to
live happily together.
I was onred of lame back after suffering
15 years; iiy Minard's Liniment.
Two Rivers, N.B. Rosear Ross
I was enred of diphtheria afters doctors
failed, by Minard's Liniment.
Antigonish. JOHN A. Fonio.
I was cured of contraction of muscles by
Minard's Liniment.
^i' Wm. Meredith, of Franklin town-
ship, accidently shot and killed him-
self while outhunting near Huntsville.
While working near his barn at
Seeley's Bay, P. Webb, a well-to-do
farmer, accidently fell. fracturing his
skull on a rock. 'He died instantly.
There is a rumor in Montreal that
Hon. Peter Mitchell is to be appointed
a senator. If Senator Boyd attains
the 'Lieutenant Governorship of New
Brunswick he will resign.
The Ottawa Citizen of Thursday bas
a semi official parar'aph in its political
news appointing Senator Boyd to the
New Brunswick Governorship, Mr
Mackintosh to the North-west, and W.
B. Scarth to Manitoba.
"The Liberal leader" says The Evening
Telegram, "has conducted his tour with
the utmost sunless. Perhaps •the Liberal
propoganda will pot benefit much, but Mr
Laurier's popularity will. It is just a case
of a glean, honest man standing up and
telling audiences in what he believes and
in what fib disbelieves. And the ordinary
hearer is impressed for good or evil by the
man who makes speeches more than by the
speeches themselves,"
The Toronto Telegram says: -"It
will be a great day for Canada when
the tariff ckuestion can be settled on
its merits.' It will. People will won-
der why they ever permitted' the pol-
Meal demagogues to impose the rascal-
ly system Upon them for a day.
Meatiwbile the tariff beneficiarie's and
the "ppoliticians whom they control are
feathering their neets at the expense of
the long-suffering Canadians;
Produced from the laxative and nutrious
;juice Of California figs, eoinbinod with the
Medicinal Virtues of planta known to be
nto t bene 'e` a
ial tot 1e
a linen* ' •
1 1 h an:s a
System, ' �
y ,
gently ort theeitidneys. liver and 'bowels,
ado itutlily eltatiting the system, dtspellitfr'
�l id -and headad1iee, and cluing' ;ii>~ii{tial'
A minister of a prominent New York
church, who was about to leave home
for a few days, was bidding good -by to
his. family. When he came to Bobby
he took the little fellow in his arms
and said :
"Well, young man, I want you to be
a good boy, and be sure to take good
care of mamma.
Bobby promised, and the father de-
parted, leaving him with a very large
and full appreciation of his new and
weighty responsibility. When night
came and he was called to say' his
prayers. the young guardian expressed
himself as follows :
"Oh, Lord, please protect papa, and
brother Dick, and sister Alice, and
aunt Mary, and all the little Jones
boys, and Bobby. But you needn't
about mamma,for I'm g g
to look after her myself."
Life Prolonged
PARIS, Jan., 21, 1C-1
Messrs. Isaac Williams Co.:
Dear Sir. -I was troubled with rheumatism for
several years. A friend induced me to try your
"Royal Crown Remeby," which I did, Aftertak-
ing two bottles I felt great Belief, At the present
my health is better than it has been for a long
time. I can confidently assure you your mod -
cine was the means of prolonging my life. Tne
above testimony you have my permission of us-
iegasyou Bee fit.
I am, yours respectfully. MRS. J ACKCON
Hundreds of others could tell, end will in fu-
ture tell bow Royal Crown Remedy has prolong-
ed their life.
W. F. Lowry, a young man of Win-
nipeg, died of consumption on Tuesday.
His father, aycontraetor ttt :13oissevain,
was made aware of his son's death and
dropped dead on receiving the news.
A wonderful new combination is R.
Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver
Powders ; nice to take and perfectly harm-
less. Mrs Mary Beats, 88 Main street,
Hamilton, says: "For years -in fact all
my life -I have been troubled with severe
headaches. I have tried all the remed'es I
could hear of, and have been treated by
many doctors, but with very little good re-
sults. A friend recommended your Head-
ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders some
time ago, and I have found them to be t_ o
greatest blessing to me -in fact, I can
truly say they are perfectly wonderful. I
would not be without then for more than T
can tell." Mr Flock, station master, G. T.
R., Hamilton, says: "They cured my moat
severe headaches, which I bad for at least
three years." Price 250. a box. Sold by
all medicine dealers.
Benjamin Plowman is prosecuted for
bigamy while Hon. Geo. E. Foster is al-
lowed to enjoy in peace the office of Financ e
Minister. Yet the marriage of one is no
more legal than that of the other. Either
the officers of the law should be called off
from the pursuit of the Weston foundry -
man or else started after the Cabinet Min-
ister. -Toronto News.
(xisp Con; ty (ilippings
perhaps, one of Dr. Pierce's Pleas-
ant Pellets -but you can't feel it
after it's taken. And yet it does
more good than any of the ,huge,
old-fashioned pills, with their grip-
ing and violence. These tiny Pel-
lets, the smallest and easiest to take,
bring you help that lasts. " Consti-
pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks,
Sick or Bilious Headaches, and all
derangements of the liver, stomach
and bowels ..are permanently cured.
They're the cheapest,for they're
guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
your money is returned. " You pay
only for the good you get.
A SQUARE offer Of
$500 in gold is made
by the proprietors of
Dr, Sage's Catarrh
Remedy, for . any. ease
of Catarrh in theHead,
no matter how hador
of, how long etandingf
senvtipillon. ' tlthii. they 'cannot' cure.
Swarte,Winghaw,;has 'rent.
ed a'hotel in •Manchester, and will take
ilossession of it shortly,
Mr H.W. C. Meyerhassold his bowie
and login Wingham, to Mr T. Forbes,
of Morris, for n, good figure,
Mr .f eorgge McTavish, fgrinerly .of
in ham, has r moved ith s alfa 1
W g e ,w kit f 3y
to that town from Listowel,
Henry Taman or., ,A.r I. Jaeobe and.
Mrs l3radnock, near. Blyth,; all had; a
number of sheep killed or''worried ,on
Tbe many friends of Eugb. McPhee,
1311 con., eKil10 , will regret to hear
of hie serious illness, • Heis well on to
90 yearn of age.
One day recently Mr W. J. Todd, son
of Councillor Todd, of St. Helens; had
his leg broken by the kick of a horse,
while taking out timbers.
Mrs Jas, Gibson, of Morris, who had
the misfortune to sprain: her ankle a
few days ago, is still unable to get,
around, except with the aid of crutches.
Mr Robt. Jamieson, one of the lead-
ing business men of Seaforth, died in
Manitoba lastweek,where he had gone
for the benefit of his health. He was
a Presbyterian and Reformer.
Hartman Happel, formerly of Zurich,
recently of Berlin, but now of Chicago
has made an assignment of his proper-
ty in Berlin, Hay township and Exeter,
to Mr Livingstone, of Baden, for the
benefit 'of his creditors.
The many friends of Miss Louise
Sparling, • of Wingham, formerly of
Seaforth,will be pleased to learn of her
appointment to the position of teacher
of the commercial course and other
branches in the Whitby Ladies' College.
Mr David McIntosh, V.S., of Br'uce-
field,'was a judge of light horses at the
Industrial fair at Toronto. This is the
eighth year in succession that Mr Mc-
intosh has occupied a similarly honor-
able position, which speaks volumes
for his capabilities in that line.
The Campbell farm, on the 18th con.
of Grey, has been purchased by Mr
Duncan McKenzie,who lives across the
road. The farm contains 128 acres, has
fairly good buildings, and is an excel•
lent place. It was purchased for 114,500,
Mr McKenzie has got a cheap farm.
"Bob" McMillan, of Hullett, writing
from Manitoba, says: -"Money is very
scarce at present here with everyone.
I would not care to live here. There is
a small corner in„liullett good enough
for me, where there are a great many
more comforts to be had than in this
A short time ago James Elliott, of
Turnberry,was in his corn field cutting
the crop with a machine he has for
that purpose. His 12 year old daugh-
ter, in attempting to get on the ma-
chine for a ride, was caught by one of
the knives on the leg and an ugly gash
was inflicted.
The next meeting of District Lodge
No. 24, I. 0. G. T., will be held in the
Temperance Hall, Wingham, on Tues-
day, Oct. 17th, commencing at 11 a.m.
Rev T. C. Madill, of Bellwood, Grand
Chief Templar, will address the meet-
ing. Tonics for discussion have been
selected, and a number of brethren from
different lodges in the district selected
to introduce the different subjects.
During the heavy thunder storm
which- passed- over €his part of the
country on Friday morning, the barn
on the farm of Mr John Wingle, 6th
con. of McKillop, was struck by light-
ning and completely destroyed, togeth-
er with the whole prop of one year,
and valuable farm implements, which
the barn contained. There is an insur-
ance of $1.000 on the barn, but Mr
Wingle's loss will probably exceed
The amount of taxes levied in McKil-
lop this year is $10,743.01. as follows: -
County purposes, including municipal
school grant, $4,019.81; township pur-
poses, $2,729.87; engineer's expenses,
$7; statute labor, $76.50. •Of this $51 is
for Canada Company's lands. For
schools, including general rate, $3,-
009.83 is raised. Besides this the schools
receive from municipal interest $S24.09,
and Government and municipal grants
$684, making the total for school pur-
poses $5,417.92.
A big fire occurred Friday morning
on the farm ownel by Mrs F. Case, of
Seaforth, situated on the Hurcn road,
south of the town, when two large
barns containing 125 tons of hay, be-
sides oats, wheat and other valuable
stuck, were completely destroyed by
fire. It is not exactly known how the
fire originated, but the barns are either
supposed to have been struck by light-
ning or to have been set on fire by
tramps. There was only a sinall insur-
ance on the buildings, consequently
the loss will be immense.
Messrs E. Gaunt & Sons, of West
' Wawanosh, the well-known breeders
of Leicester sheep, have added more
laurels to their successful career of prize
winners at the leading exhibitions in
the Dominion. At the Industrial Fair
In Toronto they carried off seven prizes
with their fine flock, and also succeeded
in selling eight animals at•large figures.
One ram, which Messrs Gaunt offered
to a neighboring farmer in Wawanosh
for $20 a short time ago, carried off the
first prize in hi§ class, and was after-
wards sold for the sum of $50.
On Monday evening an accident hap-
pened at the home of C. A Schield, 5th
con., Grey, which, though of a serious
nature, might have been worse. About
noon on Monday a young English lad,
about 16 years of age and giving his
name as Wm. Brown, called at Mr
Schiek's and wanted work. He said he
had been employed by a man at Mitch-
ell, but had left there and since found
=it impossible to find either work or
lodgings, although he was Willing to
pay for the latter. Mr Schiek, out of
the kindness of his heart told him to
stay there that day and rest. In the
evening after tea the young fellow took
a double barreled gun and went out to
try and shoot a partridge. He had
been gone but a few minutes, and was
only ahout,ten or fifteen rods from the
house whena
gun report was heard,
followed by groans and calls for help.
ft appears he stepped on a log vahieh
owing to the recent rain, was slippery
and he fell, and the gun, striking
against something, discharged the con-
tents into the fleshy part Of his ar'rrl,
struck: the bone and" glancing off took
the flesh from the inside of the hand.nd
Assistance was soon on the spot' a
ken to the house, A
o n
Was to
ph)? kion was summoned,- and the arm
va: dressed, but it may be it difficult
am ter topreserve this moral member,
if t o bone is insured,
' The Presbytery of Maitland feet at
Wingbaim,e t. 19th, Rev, G. McKay,
moderator; Rev, .J.. McNabb; clerk,
Elders commissions were received,
Mr ljcLennan wets appointed to supply
Langside .congregation,. 'services to: be.
held at 3 p. i . each Sabba�th, Rev. A.
McSay, of Lueknow, declined the call
from Union Center and Lochaber in
the Presbytery of Pictou,: N. $. The
Sabbath School fund was al;dite(d and
found"co;'rectly kept. Applications ;in
behalf of aid -receiving, congregations
were renewed. The amount required
,for the •home mission fund, the 'this
L rgsbytery is 41,g00, for. auginefitatiou'
fund, $500, and jor the !,f eneral Assem-
bly fund, 8100 for the year. Sessions
were enjoined,to arrange for holding
missionary meetings in theirrespectiye
congregations. >,1iew regulations re-
garding the order' of business were dis,
tributed to members of the Presbytery,
The next ordinary meeting will beheld
at Winghaw on Nov. 21.. a
A lamentable accident occurred on the
South line, near Kincardine, on Tuesday,
whereby Samuel Shelton, an old and re-
speoted"farn?er lest nisllfe. Ile wee seated
on a load of seed wheat and driving down
the lane, when the horses became restive.
Mr Shelton slid off the load in front of the
waggon, and the horses kicked andtramped
upon him.ii He was one of theearliest set-
tlers of Bruce county, having gone there- in
1850. Though 82" years of age he was
strong and vi ;orons, and a hard worker,
He leaves a widow and one son.
Alexander Shaw, Q. C., ex -M. P. for
South Br uce, who defeated Ron. Ed-
ward Blake in 1878, was called upon to
help make arrangements to receive Sir
Joan Thompson in East Bruce. He
attended the meeting, but before the
business was taken up Mr Shaw arose
and announced that he could no longer
support the present "Conservative"
Government. He would not follow a
leader who would apply the la'h. He
was still a Conservative, but not a fol-
lower of SirJohnThompson. When he
had thus spoken he took leave of the
Send 25"Sunlight" Soap wrappers wrap-
per bearing the words "Why Does a Wom-
an Look Old Sooner Than a 14 Tau")to LEVER
BROS., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and
yon will receive b5 post a pretty picture,
free from advertising and well worth fram-
ing. This is au easy way to decorate your
home. The soap is the best in the market
and it will only cost 10 postage to send in
the wrappers, if you leave the ends open.
Write your address carefully.
The Toronto News wants Sir Oliver
Mowat to proceed to abolish Lieut -
Governors. It says.one is enough for
the three Maritime Provinces and ex-
penses should be put down in Ontario
and Quebec. There is a good deal of
force in the complaint as to expense.
With regard to salar y, however, Mow-
at can do nothing; that is by consti-
tution a matter for the Dominion
Government, and it bas fixed the fig-
ures for Ontario and Quebec at $10,000;
for Prince Edward Islan.l, $7,000, and
for the other Provinces, 9,000. •But
the Provinces could cut off some ex-
pense by abolishing residences and
extr as. -
Cornwall,; Qnq,, iia. now *a:
which is rung every night at 9 o'clool
after �!iligh. l children under,14 years of
age o;+tn be dented' if lglllldt iu the streets;
Rei4 a YW 5. �all . `' :' Dr, the
tor ofTriotobu all,'' I�ot$nrwell • died
soddenly Tharadav night .of,apolilexy, >FIe
was found about midnight: in his carriage
in front of Ilia reiiideuoq unconscious; and
only llvot} a. fest pripnteq.
groU sssuu X *u4 other ,4t*r4
'Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, '
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing tothe taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared of 1yy from the mos:•
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many e xcellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o
bottles by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who ina.y not
have it on hand will Droctlro it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by tact
IgAITzllGi.: Boort
i 4 .Solicitors*.
�a�� s ars
00ir1vE$!tifi(1E7',s &0. -
comin;ee,onere for ,Ontario acid°'Z1lanttoba
open $EZx Pana TO Naw 7saw, Olctrl?foa,.
.T. X NIcboNQU0.4,
R al Estate ; loan andlnsu>r ace'
@. ,r p'
Vino a *4 .,t.i'J INS1UR42WE"
MOO tel telt-poen on FarmYand Town Property in
large or cmalh funis at the lowest current rlrtes,,
asses on Ontario street, Clinton, op.
pante English Chnreh, Entrance by ai' e
a few doors (last of Albert Street.
Univereity. 111 D, 0.M., Victoria University
M. C. P & S. Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng„ and
Edinburgh Hospitals. Oflfce.-Dr ;Dowsely's old
office Rattenbury St. CUntou. Night bell
answered at the same place,
Accouohenr, etc„ since in the Palace block
Rattenbury St. :formerly occupied by Dr. Beeve
Clinton Ont. , I
Medical Department of Victoria Univez
city, Toronto,: formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries. New Yor,I, Coroner for be
County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont.
On Albert St., one ilot and ?1, suitable for build
inq purposes. Small hones on plane inood re-
pair. Apply to AIRS. THOS. COOPER. Clinton.
The undersigned offers for sale his farm, being
lot 21, con. 2, finllett, comprising 50 acres, all
cleared. The farm is about 1} miles from the
town of Clinton. Plenty of water. good bearing
orchard, bank barn, carriage house and other
outbuildings, also frame dwelling house contain-
ing 7 rooms, kitchen and woodshed; hard and soft
water and every convenience. Possession given
at any time. Terms made known by applica-
tion at residence. Rattenbury St., near organ
'factory or by writing. JOHN BEICKENDEN,
Clinton P. 0.
The undersigned offers the west -half of the fine
and convenient double brick house on Rattenbury
8t. to rent at veru reasonable terms. The house
is almost new and has every ccnvenience. MISS
A large commodious and comfortable house,
on Townsend street, containing accommodation
for ordinary family, with all conveniences, is of-
fered to rent on reasonable terms. Good garden
attached. House ie in excellent repair. Apply
to either C. WILSON or JAMES HOWE.
For particulars apply to
Barristers, &c., Clinton
For sale, two excellent lots, being Nos. 506
on the corner of Rattenbury and North Streets,
and 507, on the corner of North and Princess Ste.
They are both adapted for building purposes and
are both offered for sale on reasonable terms.
Apply to T. M. CARLING.
. Coate' Block, Albert St., over Taylors' shoe
store. Specialty Preservation of the natural
teeth. Painless Extraction by the use of the
most ,approved local Anteethetic. N. B. Will
visit Blyth professionally every Monday at Ma-
son's Hotel, and Bayfield the 2nd and 4th Thurs-
day, during the summer.
. Honorary Graduate of the OntarioVeterinary
College. Treats all diseases 01 domesticated and
male on the most modern and scientificprincil
pies. Office- immediately scuth of the New Era
Office. Residence - Albert t- Clinton. ( ails
night or day attended to promptly.
Office over J Jackson's Store, Clinton.
Small sums on good mortgage security
moderaterateoflnterest. H HALE, Clinton,
Auctioneer stili in the field, able and mill-
ing to conduct any sales entrusted to bim, and
takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons
for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgagee closed
and rents collected. Charges moderate. D
Dicumis0S, Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton.
• P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and
Civil. Engineer, London, Ont. -Office at Geo. J
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
We can make a few good loans from privet
funds at ow rates and modate expenseer.
Terme made tosult borrowers.
M NNING & SCOTT -• Clinton
Piano, Organ and Teohnicon,or•Muecl develope
for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. A. Cook
Albert Street,. Olintoc --
Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduato of the
Toronto School of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas admiuistered for the painles
extraction cf teeth
Office in Smith's Block lover Emerton's Luber
Shop, Clinton.
'Night bell answered. ly
Mr. Harvey Heed
Laceyville, 0.
Catarrh, Heart Failure, Pa-
ralysis of the Throat
"I Thank God and HoodVs Sarsa-
parilla for Perfect Health.”
" Gentlemen: For the benefit of suffering hu-
manity I wish to state a few facts: For several
years I have suffered from catarrh and heart
failure, getting so bad I could not work and
Could Scarcely Walk
I had a very bad spell of paralysis of the throat
some time ago. My throat seemed closed and
I could not swallow. The doctors said it
was caused by heart failure. and gave medicine
which I took according to directions, but it did
not seem to do me any good. My wife urged
me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, telling me of Mr.
Joseph C. Smith, who had been
At Death's Door
but was entirely cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
After talking with Mr. Smith, I concluded to
try Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had taken
two bottles I felt Very much better. I have
continued taking it, and am now feeling excel-
lent. I thank God, and
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and my wife for my restoration to perfect
health." HARVEY HEED, Laeoyvilla, O.
HOOD'S PILLS do not purge, pain or gripe.
but act promptly, easily and efficiently. 25c.
The undersigned having bougbt'out the bakery
business so successfully carried on by Mr Wm.
Young, will continuo the business at the old stand
He will endeavor by supplying a first class arti
cle, to merit the liberal support of the people.
Bread delivered anywhere in town.
Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes,
supplied on short notice.
Hotel Manitoba,
opposite Fair Grounds, South
Park, Chicago -
MR. S.
Late of London, Ont.
The 'popular Canadian rendezvous now open.
Excolient. cuisine, home comforts, pleasant,
quiet surroundings, pune air, lake breezes;
mageifidentvie* of Rrounds when illuminated;
ample security s alnn fire and danger of every
kind; teithin 500 feet of two principal entrances
to fair erbgnds; no exjienso,lanndyanee or delay
from crowded eat* the heat, dost find noise of
the/Theft oentt'a1 tiar't df. the city avoided; always
fresh to enter grounds, and hotel at band wbon
leaving grounds tired.
Repine with or without board. Rooms without
board, 91 tie 91.50 per day; rooms, with board,
92.50 to elf vor day.
On arrival in Chloagg' o take Illinois Central sub -
ti rban train, or World's Fair 'Wahl (faire 10o,) for
Soeth, ParkorCottageGrove avenue; cable pars
•S fare 5e, to'.Tsokson Park, er elevated railway,
are 60, to,68 street end 'Stoni ;eletld'adesins,
ring ahedas for trunks to h8tel, and they 17111,
baits $romiptdelirrorg without eharge. •,Ifooins
giaybe eiigsged by ooxrespondefice, Manitebea
es.itibitin adtne Intethatiot at StttzdaY.
8ohool,Iiulldipgadlbi"iiy ,
Ten cents off the $ for Cash,
This means cheap
Boo -I s & Shoes,
Baby Carriages
Expres Wagons
Also a full line of
JUST RECEIVED a con ignment of Pine and
Cedar Shingles. Also British Columbia Red [le -
der Shingles. •
�a PwitoheI1s�
A. O. U. W.
The Clinton Lodge, No. 149, meet in Biddle.
combo Hall on the let and 3rd Fridays in each
month. Visitors cordially invited.
R. STONEHAM, M. W . J. BEAN, Recorder,
ext to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment is In full operation and al
orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Come•
tery and granite work a specialty. Prices as
reasonable as those of any establishment
'SEA.LE & HOOVER, Clinton. lm
McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Co.
D., Ross, Prssident, Clinton; M. Murdie, Vica
Pres. Seaforth; W. J. Shannon, Seoy-fleas.
Seaforth ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seaforth,
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth • Gabriel Elliott,
Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harlocls; Joseph Beano,
Beechwood; Thos. Carbet• Clinton • Alex. Gar-
diner, Leadbury ; M. Murdie, Seaforth.
Thos. Neiians, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea •
forth; S Carnochan, Seafo th; John 0 Sullivan
nd Geo. Murdl°, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insuranoee or tran•.
east other business will be promptly attended
to on application to any of the above officers
ddressed to their respecitve offices.
Tested Remedies.
For repnre, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpi-
tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Loss. of Memory, Bronchitic,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinitry Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Debility
Prop. and Manufacturer
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
' 497 Talbot St., Speolalfet on the
Graduate of the New York Rye and Rar ld6spltst,
1889. Post Graduato Course at the New YOrk
Post Graduate Medical School and. Hospital or
Eye, Ear Nose and Throat 1892, Eyes Tested.
Full stook of Artificial Eyes, Spedtaoles acid Tien
see. Willv be at the
'.Rattenbury ' Rouse, CLIh .''UN'.
The 1
Irst FRIDAY in Kush Mdn
tOOTO$'ER 6th.neXt. Rents' lti a.•'m. ,0
a ;uf Charges Moderate.