The Wingham Advance, 1918-11-21, Page 6•••••••••••
Opitapho and
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..1:44na 4uve4. i.nouRian; nattga
By the revengeful hand of malicious
When on the way to school he met her
And with a six selaeoched pietol sliot
liere ilea the routine ot hie relativea
By eate• he lived and by water lie
Through water he fell yet by water
tie et riee
By water bainismal attaining the
From Hamlett, England,
Beneath, this stone Tone Curstield
Whe cares not now who laughs or
He laughed arlien sober Paid when
He was a ifeautreecarum fellow,
He gave to none, deeigned offence,
So, "Boni Boit ceal mai y pensea
Ms illness was not in one part,
Bet through Ine frame it weed;
Tbe. fatal disease was ill iii3 heart,
.Aeul water in his head.
Here Iles two babes whom wa dePlore,
They're gone and they'll nee er come
back no more,
es -a +
Here lie% cut clown liae unripe frait,
The wifq of Deacon Amos Shute,
She died of drinking too melt coffee,
Army Dominy, eighteen forty,
e • 44+
In. Bonifield, Suffolk, 1737.
Between the remains of hes brother
Edward and her husband Arthur,
Here liee• the body of Bridget Apple -
*halt°, once Bridgeta,Telson,
After tho' fatigues of a married life,
Borne hy•her wItit incredible patien.ce.
For four years and three-nue:nen,
bating weeks, ••
And after the enjoyment of the, ewe -
one'. freedom
Of an easy and unblemished widow -
For font eare and upwards, •
She reenfved to run the risk, of a
secOncl marriage,
But Death forbid the bans, ate.
• +4.4
Mourn bot for him, a saint departIng
Though killed was he while 'hard at
Oita/Ping, '
By a ta•tab that striralt hie head.
At tome health and joyeaboundIng,
At night in death & friends sur-
Hes shinted spirit fled. •
On a donble headstone in Grafton, Vt.
Thouutes K. Perk, jun., and 14 children
of Thos. K. and Rebecca Park.
Youth, ehinold, and'shed a. tear,
Sep foutteen children esluneber here;
See thetikimage, boar thea.hleine
Like flaeiters of frultial vititte
, 04- • •
In mental% oftRebecca, Wife of Thomae-
, W. park, who died
Sept. 231'1203, in the 40thyear of her
Behold, and see as you passby,
My fourteen children. with me lie,
Old and: young you soon Must die
And turn to duet at well' as 1. •
• 4-ais -
Tread &any, 'mortale, o'er the bones
Of this .eterld's wonder, Capt. Jones,
Who told- his gloriousadeects• to many
And naVcr was believed by any.
Posterity, let this suffice,
He swore all's true. yet hero he lies
At restSheneath this. Ourehyard stone
Lies stingy Jimmy Wyatt;
He died one, morning apt at ten,
And s,aaed tt dinner -by R.
Here nee Jolninny Cole,
Who diOdeonemy sold„
After -eating a plentiful dinnea,
'While chewing hi cruet
Ile washinnedeinto duet,
'With itts crimes undigested, poor
Presently the oily auk returned -
with a request to Mr. Nebel' to walk
Into the manager's dike, which that
gentleman did in a leisurely man-
ner; and the in clerk, closing the
door wale', returned to his position
behind tile ehiny counter,
air. Fenton sat at a handsome writ-
ing -table, wbich was piled up with dis-
erderly papers, and. looked sharply at
the detective as he took a Seat.
"Well, Naball," lie said, in his strid-
ent voice, "whai. is the Matter? Can't
give you znore Om five minutes --
Ooze's money here. Yes, sir."
"Five minutes will do," replied the
detective, tapping his varniehed boots
with his cane. "It's about that rob--
On, judeecil" Mr. Fenton laid down
his pen, and. leaning hack in his chair,
prepared. to listen.
"Yest I've been looking after Vil-
"Quite right," Sad the Araerican.
"That's the man I suseect-fixed up
anything, ele?"
"Not 'yet; but I was down ' Little
Bourke.Street last night in an opium
den, to which Villiers goes, and I
found this."
Fenton tome the diamond crescent.
whicb. Naball held out to him, and
looked at it clokely.
"Hutim10-set in silver -rather ton-
ey," he said; "well is this part of the
"That's what I want to find out,"
said Walsall quickly. "You know the
peculiar way in which Caprice has
treated this robbery."
"I know she's a tool." retorted Fen-
ton politely. "the oeght to go tight
along in this matter; but for some
silly reason, she won't."
"No; and that's why I've come to
you. I'm going down to see her when
1 leave here, and Ws likely she'll neny
that this belong e to her. Now, I
Want your evidence to put -against her
denial. Is this the property of Ca -
Fenton exantined the jewel again
and nodded.
"Yo, sir," he replied, with a nasal
drawl, "guess I gave her this,"
"I thought you'd recognise it," said
Naball, replitcing the jewel in tis p00 -
het; "so Ilen, I'll gh, and see her, in
order to find out how Vnliers got hold
of it."
"Stole R, I reckon?"
"I'm not so sure of that," replied
the detective ceolly. "I don't believe
Caprice cares two straws about Vil-
liers beitg the husband ot Madame
Midas. If he stole the diamonds, she'd
lag him as sere as fate; no, as I told
You before, sne's got a finger In this
pie herself, and Villiers is helping
"But the diamonds were stolen on
that night," objected tbe American.
"I know that -don't yoU roe:mintier
you told me that Caprice had an in-
terview in the supper room with Vil-
liers? Well, I believe she went up-
stairs, took the diamonds, and gave
thentao Villiees to dispose of."
e "For what eeason?"
"That's what I'd like to find out,"
retorted Naball, "She evidently went -
ed meney?"
"What she's always wanting
"NO doubt -but this must have been
a specially large sum?"
Fenten glanced keenly at Naball's
impassive °ace, drummed, impatiently
with bis fingers On the table, then evi-
dently made up Ms mind.
- wren you what," he said rapidly,
"she did want a large sum of money
f friend totintoa
'-'e• +.4 ' • fix, and elate wife went howling to. Kitty, cluing her. eyes, aro3e trete
"Pardon me," said Naball, rising,
sinner!, •• ' • . , act s, ao hers g
"Perieviakee, periwniltie," was ever her - leer, so she said she would replace her seat and dragged herself slowlY
' cry, I the money, and I've no doubt sold her across the room to the window near "allegorical,"
"I can understand what "but
mean," -
She labored to live poor and honest diamonds to do so," rhich the detective was standing. Ile.
.said Kitty, after a pause; but it's all
, . heard her coming and tried to escape,
face to face. we e • ...Pardon. me, -Weakness," said Na -
el •
eYes Will twinkle, the deuce cotildn't ehe sell her dist- opene_d the w n ow, an ey
For no more will she say, "Psewiratie, . monde openly without all this row?" ball politely.
"Mr. Nebel'," she cried, with a !rad-
' -4- 4- 4- . Penton rising to Ms fed; "she won't have heard-" deception? Your story is excellent,
So tho deteetive filled with Otios-
ity, took up his position close to one
of the windows, so that be could hear
every word that was said, but, of
course, was unable to see anything go-
ing On inside. lie commenced to lis-
ten, out of mere curiosity but soon the
conversation took a turn which inter-
eatea him greatly, and, to. hie Mittel,
threw a great deal of light. on the dia-
mond robbery.
"Why have you called to see me
again?" asked Kitty, in a cold tone.
"Because I want to thank You for
eaving my husband," replied able
Malta:. "They told me you were
busy, but I have waited in the next
room for lealf an hour to flee you, MY
husband is safe,"
"I congratulate you -and him," 'an-
swered Caprice, in , an ironical tone.
"It is to be hoped Mr. Evan Melton
won't erabezzle any more money."
adaball, outside, could hardly refrain
from giving a low wtaistle. So thie
was the man mentioned by Fenton -
his own familiar friend -and Kitty
March.urst had helped him.In heaven's
name, why?
"It is duo to your Madam that le
Is safe," said Mrs. afaiton, in a tatter-
ing tone; "you replaced the mow."
"Not at all," said Caprice; "I never
replaced a eixpence,"
"But you did. you did," said Mts.
Mahon, vehemently, falling en Ler man, misnamed Strength, lovgd her
knees before Kitty; "every penny of madly, and gave her many jewels.
the money has been paid back, and Strength had a Wend, called Weak -
only you could have done lt," ness, and, though they were so dissimi-
"I did not pr.y a penny, I tell you," Mr charactar, they worked together,
sald Caprice; "still, I have had soma- Weakrieee also loved Folly, though he
thing to, do with it." had a wife, and, to gain .Folly's 'eve,
"I knew it! I knew it!" cried the
poor wife, kissing the hand of the ac- covered this, and going to Folly, inv
he stole a lot of money. Hie, wife dis•
tress. "May God bless you for doing plored her to help 'Weakness, but in
this good action." vain, tin at last she gained her point
"I wciuldn't have dope it had it not by appOling to the one soft spot in
been foi• the sake of your child," said Folly's heart -love for her child. She
Kitty coldly. was euceessfui, and Folly promised to
"Wonderful," thought the listener; save the husband by replacing the
"Kitty Marchurst has a heart." Money, :which she could do through
"Good-bye, good-bye!" said Mrs.
Melton, rising to her feet. may lover. -
the agency of strqngth, who Was her
• •
never see you again."
"A. good many pooh, think the
same way," Said /GUY dludainfailtr.
"but thin calm Mr. Fenton is wrou
never saw those diamond* betoKir
"Then how did it Mae into Mr, VII.
tiers' poeiteesiell?"
" "1 don't know, nett being 14 Mr, VII-
tters' confidence."
"OW" said Nebel, elgnifleantin
"you are quite certahe yOu are mit?"
"I don't understand you," replied
Kitty, coldly; "explain yoarsalf." -
"Certainly, if you wish it," said the
detective, smeothly. "I will tell you in
the form of a little story -have, I your
permission to be Beated?"
She nodded earelcoly, wherenDon
Naball sat (Iowa an one of the loung-
ing chairs, atd, crossing his legs, Emitt-
ed hlinFelf compOsedly, while Kitty,
standing near him with looly-clasped
hands, looked Idly at the green lawn,
with it e brilliant border of many -dolor.
cd41°11wereere.was once a wemale called
Folly, who lived -A -lot us say -in Cloud.
land—" began Nebel', airily.
"Rubbish!" said Witty, angrily.
"Nothing ot the fled," retorted
Nebel', co011y, "it is truth in disguise,
I have boa to school -I have read
Spenser's 'Faery Queen' -if you pleatie,
WO will consider thia story, though not
la versa, as one of the loet cantos of
the poem,"
her shoulders with
"I think Mere mad," she sap, cold.
"Perlians I am," retorted Nebel,
sharply, "but tberehe method in, my
inattneseeas you will soon find out -so,
to go on with the lost eantO of the
'raw Queen.' This woman, Folly, was
reputed to have a hard heart -no
doubt she had, but there was one oft
spot in it -love for her child. Many
men loved this charming Folly, and
paid dearly for the privilege. One
"FolIY, hoarever, did not know where
"I've no doubt of that," replied .Ca- to get the me...zsy, so, la despair, deter -
price, with a finical laugh; you've mined to part with her jewels. She
got all you wanted, so now you leave dared net do so ope,nly, unless the
inhabitants of Cloudland shOuld find
"No, no!" cried the other woman mit whit Weaknees had done, she
vehemently. "I am not ungrateful. I enlisted: the services of a man called
will visit you if you will let me.
I Vice, Here," said Naball, gaily, "we
am sorry for you. I pity you,"
Wil! leave the narrative style, and
"Keep your pity and your visits for
finish the story dramatically."
some one elee-I want neither."
Kitty, who had grown pale, made no
"But your heart?"
sign so Naball resumed,
"My heart is stone; it was b,ardened
long, long ago. Leave me -I have "Scene, a supper room, with a win -
done all I ean. for you -now go." dow opet-time, night -supper ended -
guests away -enter Vice through open
• Mrs. Melton made a step forward, Window -helps himself to &am-
end catching Kitty in her arms, kiss- pagne. Folly, informed of presence
ed her. of Vice, entered the room and orders
"God bless you!" she cried, in a low
Wm out -he refuses to teave till he
voice, and as she kissed her she felt gets money -she refuses to give It to
a het tear fall on her hand. It was him. Suddenly an idea strikes her,
Caprice who wept, but, with a stifled end she tens Vice she will give him
sigh she pushed Mrs. Melton aevaY.
"You are a good woman," she said money if he sells her Jewels for her
secretely-Vice consents. Folly goes
hoarsely. "Go! go! and if you ever up to her room, gets jewels, gives
think of nee, let it be as one 'who, them to Vice, who goes away, breaks
however bad her life, did at least One
down shrubs under window, which is
good action." opened by Folly to show every one
the sank back into a chair, covering that a burglar has stolen the jewels.
her face with her hands, white Mrs
Rumors of the theft get about -Blood -
Minton, with a look of pity on her face, hounds goes on the track-traees Vice
and a low "God bless you," left the
roODI, , to his den -finds one jewel -.-comes to
t F 11 rhears wife of
.Meanwalle, the detective outside was show it o o y-ove
at Weakness thanking Folly for replacing
smitten with a kind of remorse money
stolenb h hu ba d- xit
wife of Weakness -enter Bloodhound
having overheard this pathetic scene.
to Folly, who denies having ever seen
the money for," he muttered; "but I'm
"I've found out 'what Caprice 'wanted
sorry for her -very sorry. I never
- -jewel before. Bloodhound tells a
story to Folly, which Folly-"
know betore she was a woman -I
" en , yes, 1 i
thought she was a fiend."
ty angrily; "your story Is wrong."
Wiles of PrIend Wife.
When Misa Podgers wanted A new
dress or bonnet size did not nag her
inteband or ask for it outright,
Ott, not She wee much too tactful
e and diplornatie to maploy such Meth,-
: oda. Thue Mrs. Podgers to Mr. Pod-
: gers the other morning at breakfast;
- "Amos, MX dear," oho said, in her
sweeteet tonos. "I have decided to
' go without a now drese for tho
Sinugge' dinner. The old' one trill
• do, With tbe :pulley I have mother
can. stay here for a nice long visit."
"What?" said Mr. Podgers, "yon're
going to wear that shabby old white
dress that's done duty for more than
a year?' Not if I now it, Go to your
now gown. Remember, you have a
certain position to maintain,"
And Mrs. Podgers gave in submis-
eively. On her lips played a peculiar
sMile.-Pittsburg Caronicle.
:Seas -
4. • • • ".042
Eight of 'the olive trees in the lee -
torte Gaeden of 011Vea, tea, Jeri eta
tem, are believed to be more then
1,000 years old.
The -Conan brils mut aot speak
during the Met dey of aer married
life. the net:, howe,ree, give free rein
to her Winne the traarang
More than 100 egess have been Nand
in the alligator. They are eaten le tee
Weet Indian Islands and resemble the
eggs of the barnyard hen ,except that
they are larger.
Among the- cliseaees est Italica the
bacilli have actually been found on
flies are' cholera, tuberculosis, buboes-,
ig plague and typhoid fever, tegether
with the pus forming cocci.
The species of seaweed known as sea
bamboo, which grows in great abun-
dance along the sboree of South Af-
rica, Is a promising source. of potaset,
and Mr. Britten urgee that a carettil
serveY be need° to determine its die -
The maximum speed acquired by a
Derson swirnraing comfortably is 39
inches a second, while an eight -oared
boat is propelled through the water
at a rate of nearly 200 feet a second.•
aloss plays an important pert in
come place of retaining the moieture
in the ground and in other places in
preventing sodden Gods.
"Wvaes" has been tbe national Itus-
sion drink for generation, and re-
mains so after the abolition of vodka.
Its basis le bread, • and its alcoholic
stimulant never exceeds that of ginger
beer. Yet "Imes" can be given tho
"fizz" and the eeductiveness of almost
any wine, but it does not intoxicate,
e •
Don't think children can be oar.
ad of bed-wetting by. spanking them.
The trouble Is constitutional tho
child cannot help t. 1 will rend
FREEto any mother my successful
home treatment, with full in-
etructions, It your children trouble
you in this wat, send Ito Money. but
write me to -day, My treatment is
highly recomtnended to adults troubled
with urine difficulties by day or night.
Ming 0210'S BOA,
There need be no comparison in the
ways of duty, if each cloes simply the
best that eeeafilen allows hint. Our
part may be watching from far off,
declares a writer, waiting in days of
suspense and aaxiety; even that sort
can be done well or may be shirked.
And the moment in. watch we have
done our best will appear, as we look
back at it, like a ineuntain peak on
which the sun is shining, though at
the time it seemed only the sad corner
• of a Itmited and feeble life.
to die; tb.ought it was something like wrong. I never paid this money te
- and in another moment Kitty had - -
r Mao
the • last day again how her old that/' seta Halton coolly; "but -why 1 d d th
I "Guees you'd better ask her," said den., angry light in her eyes, you "Bah; why keep up this transparent
e meddle with the affair, so I "Ehery word," said Naballe looking and I understand all about Folly, Vice
t he lovea me ,and my grandchildren let m ''
enced her. can't do anythine-if she's fool and Strength, but you are wrong -that
She bathed my feet, and kept my i enough to lose or sell five thousand her straight at her wrathful !CO
jewel Is not mine. I never paid the
4- 4- .0- Mlle it: and note sir the five mina- CHAPTER XII.
socks well darned. I pounve
ds' orth of diamonds, I can't money, and I don't know anything
r , . terKiyit.ty. looked at him in silence with about Malton's business, so You can
After much eating, drinking. lying and - .
,slaudering, tes-" glancing at his wet= flashing eyes, and then laughed. bit- leave me at once, and never show your
Timocrean of RI-10es here reste from "Are me long ago," replied Nebel!,
"And how tong is it since you add- faceewuatgatihnfjewelr said the detective
wandering. rising to hat feet. "Well I'm curious
-a 4- •s, ed the spy business to your -usual
Kitty snatched it out of his hand.
, about this case, and Ian going to see holding it out.
en a. small boy: . at it somehow, so at present I'm oft work?" she asked, with a sneer on her
Though we thus take, leave of thee in doven to see Caprice about this," and co,l,oriese face. and .flung it across the learn. It
placed. Since a few moments ago," replied flashed brillisatly in the sunlight, and
the papers, I ne tapped his breast -pocket, where the
Wo ellen not so soon target thine inno- e Jewel was Naball coolly, "I came to see you oft fell Ault On the verge of the flower -
cent capers. , 1 "Yeti Won't get anything cut of busioess, and, hearing you in conver- bed.
4 + 4. 1, her," said Fenton yawning, "If all satin evith a lade, did not like to ,,Yred can follbev it, -Bloodhound,"
In Pennsylvania: 1 You surmise is true," Interrupt till you were disengaged." she said disdaintfully, and, entering
Eliza Orrowing rears this ramble , "I don't care what she says," ob- "I'm very much obliged to you for the house, closed the wind** after
Your courtesy," said Caprice scorn.
slab ^ served Nebel!, going to the door. "I fully. "but now you bave satisfied 1 stoodfr mciinent smiling
To -------
John, earbo died from eating too can discover all I want from the ex- Your curiosity, el. le Mouchard, I'll
muchden. of her face when she knows it a gratified manner to himself, then
erab. Dres
trouble you to take youreelf of
sauntering slowly across the lawn,
-4-4-4. -
Beneath thin- atone togothey lie,
Batik Watatelt, my wife and I,
When the last trump_ the air doth fill,
ir she Acta up, I'll just Ile still.
se -a 4-
Itere "Iles" an editor:
Here lies the wife, of Deacon Roger
• Mart:n;
She was a good wife to Roger, that's
The manner of her death was thus:
theawas drusr over bv aies.
Here lies aohn Thenanon, whose die -
Orientate widow and orphan continua
Lo earry on the tripe end trotter beet- •
ease at the Fame shop as before their
+ +
On Jobn noxe:
Here lies one box. with another,
The one of wood
We ean't say an much for the other.
Wail ry good;
-a +
Front Maine:
Here beneath this storm there lies,
Waiting etimmons to tbie skies,
The body of Samuel d'inking.
He was an 'honest Christian man; :
Hie fault was he took & ran
Suddetity to drinkleg
Whoever reads this WI/net o'er
Take warning now and drink no more.,
4- 4-4
Here ilea Margaret Sextert,
Who never did aught to vex one.
(Not like the woman tinder the next
I've lost the tendert of my We,
Denth Celine and took away my wife;
Awl now I &nth knew' what to do,
tecf Math shoeld romp, and ta'ke
she's sow, and ranuot Onto to ma,
Dut IIJ Ubail O ,enze day tO elle. •
what I've got, and where I got it."
With thli Naball disappeared, and
Penton, returning to his desk, flung
himself back in his chair.
"Why thei devil won't she prose-
cute?" he muttered savagely to him -
OIL "Guess she knows more about
this robbery than she says, but oven
then-eonfoural it, I'm mixed."
Having come to this unsatisfactory
conclusion ,Mr. Penton went on with
his Work, and dismissed all thoughts
of the diamond robbery train his
Meanwhile Naball was on his way
dowie to Toorala, meditating over the
reveltetlon made to him by Fenton ,
about Caprice's sudden fit of goner-
"I didn't think she was so tender-
hearted," murmured Naball. full of
perplexity; "she =1st have had write
strong reason for selling he: die, -
!undo, wonder who the man W-
and the wife tailed. Humpa! tbie 18
quite a new game for Caprice.
When he left tho Station, And Wa..k-
ed to the house, instead of engine' the
front-40er bell, he Welled lamed ine
eorner to the Verandah, ca.whieh tla
drawing -room windows looked out. He
did this because -wondering if Vil-
liers watt concerned in the robbery-
ite wanted to See the Window by which
entered the dining -room on the
night of the robbery, Softefooted end
stealthy in his motions, the &steatite
Made no noise, and wee juet pansing
on the edge of the verandah, Wonder-
ing Whether he would go- forward or
rentrit to the front door, when he
heard May's vela In the drawing -
room raleed lit a tone of surprise.
attire, Melton:"
"Hullo!" said Naball to himself,
"that's tho name of renton's assistant
manager. Now, I wonder what ble
wife is ealling hero about? wait
smd hear/.
"Certainly, after I've had a few Mo-
ments' conversation With you." picked UP the jewel, and replaced it in
"I decline to listen, said Kitty, his
• (To be continued.)
I think you ad e er,"
Mrs. M. Summers,
BOX s. Windsor, pittarlo
Naha)), significantly, "as it's about the Worth Remora rig.
robbery of year jewels." To whiten a kitchen -table, scrub
"I forbade you to go on any further with powdered bath brick, then wash
with that matter," of tvitb. tepid water but no soap, Al -'"You did; but I disobeyed Your In-
junction." Waya scrub the Way of the grain,:
"So I understand," replied Kitty, it- Tea will brew gaicker if the dry
dignantly; "and may I ask if you heels leaves be well crushed In the hand be -
discovered anything?' fore they are put. into the pot; thus,
"Yes -this!" and he showed the die- the allowatice of tea per cup eon be re -
mond creticent to Capriee. She started due&
Tuenblers that httve coatained Alt
, violently, and her pale fv.,e Meshed a
deep red, be ribeed in cold water before they are
"Where did you get it?" she netted. put into hot water.
Marks made on paint by matctes
"V It dolph Villiers " can be removed by rubbing • int wit
"'Villiers!" she echoed in surprise.
sliee of leMon, then with whiting, and
"Hew •did it come into his_ pcisseis- finally washed Well With Mild map
Rion?" .
"That is what I want to discoandWater.
her." If you wish to brighten rugs or ear -
"Then you ratty We yoarself the pets, add half a 'vinegar to half a pint
trouble, tor you Will never knew."
1 WI ere ,,, lea Naball of wAstenr,nwd g
enIrentin gntontahroput
quietly; 'nothing can be dene Uat
." with Wide Strokes. You rein bo
you permit nie to go on
pleased With the result.
"I forbid yeti to 00 on," she retorted
angrily. , If you have etsined your eilk blouse
Naball beWed. by perspiration, moisten the stain
I "Very well," lie Bald quietly, "then, with cold wAter and then cover with
fo nim but tO leave" Ftelech chalk. Let it remain et ter
there itz nothing r
"N., I don't thittk there le," &sant- twenty-four houre.
ed. Ititty coldly, turning to re-enter 'Dry ealt is a remedy for 'hands that
the houtle, get writtklea. atter washing,
"But, before I go," went On the de- Wash eattee pans while they are etill
tectiVe, playing his great eard, "I -will hot. You Win find thein much ettsiet
leave your jewel WW1 you." - to Wash, Never use fittger nolle for
"That," said Kitty, glancing atter iscranitig hots and kettlee, .but a Se
her shoulder at the crescent -"that is rubber plate scraper and use that.
not Inizte2,0 A piece of newspaper laid in the
I "Mr..Mton says it is,"
sink trainer Will gather and hold
"Mr. Fenton!" teemed Caprice Jetta- IA -retie and keep pipes from dogging.
ingli; "and how does Ur. rontab
IsnoW?" Toeway-Pop, What is a reformer?
I"I ehould think_ he Warn the• beat pe., Tointord Pop --A reformer, my son,
son to knew" retorted Nabalt nettled IS eileY WA who attempts to sonyert
at h.r InoCkery,
others to his way of thinkiog.
$1,000 REWARD!
fortunate than yourself. The plants
are much better for haviug the Boas
taken off, both ht vigor and inntroved
appearance. Keep in a cool, dry place
until needed.
Plants growing in beethets, vases,
pots, boxes or window boxes need at
least twice as much water as those in.
the garden, for the thirsty air stir-
rouncle all the mentioned receptacles
and draws moisture from all Bides and
all parte, The plants also need ton,
stoat light doses of tood.
MInarcati Liniment Cures Dandruff,
The Dreamer.
The gipsies passed her little gate. -
She stopt her a•heel to Bee
For a Case of Incurable Con. • A brown -faced pair wins walked the
Free asthowind is free;
Arid suddenly her little room
To any person who cannot be 'cured
A prison seemed to be.
UL Constipation by Dr. Hamilton's •
ooLI/SN 1111LP W44,11 TEO
11 fuller on blanket, trite le a first.
five ettaelt poeition at haat settgee. For
particulars, aPPlY to 81Int5bY Atfir. 044,
Ltd., Bre.ntfertt, Ont.
Iteld Drove Bothwell, Ont.
A. OWLLEN atilhe IlEtat WANTED--
axperienced flamer operator Oa
woolten and Union blankets and heavy
cloths, Steedy pedition, tastiest waged
Pala. Apply to Slingsby Mfg. CenipanY#
Ltd., Brantford, Out.
* ed for Inside and outside weriw atee
rhop wora; winter's stark. for competent
mechanics. Apply W. J. Illeney, general
COntratOrt 'Welland.
work at tinsmithing, steady
ri• R. UeClung hi co., T renton, Ont.
fices thir:t7hoolascgiltandet,tve thousand ee.
6• car lots. Selling cheap. Apply Thos.
Myles' SODS Hamilton, Ont.
AL , a„
13140oit OP LAND, 924 ACRHS.
Farms of 180 acres each. All In the
Province of Ontario. 1 Farm of 160 acres
In Manitoba. 6 Brivate Dwellinge in
North )3a3r, Ont., wilt he sold cheap for
LoAlIS WANTED on North Bay Pro-
perties gilt edge, one of POPO, and one
MOO- Particulars will be furnished On
application, .A.pply to William Martin &
Solt, North Day, Ont. BM M. Phone 42.
F"on 8ALE-FolINDitY AND MA -
'Motion or effects such marvenous ; The braes -bound 'wedding cheat that
Her sunlit, Fancied floor, pounrtc. Peirn eiletlei sdfoop nrIblittitrilignolnyetbloutuartist e:
Pills, the above reward will be paid.
Her shining plates against the walls, Vise she
cures as Dr. Hamilton's PIM. Relief , dry er :ha AIRILY.; ,eltoo0.7tIL
No medicine Om such lasting sat -
instautiy• follows their use. That , Her linen's 'snowy ctore;
tt tglionenskfionreies'esr0,0ttibiel
blindingfei.erlsfeelinglieadachi On SAL10 MP. 1.1A-SoLINI0 EN.
' The very wheel whose humming died --
teemed only chains site bore. e gine, Muir Thos, Dry Dock 00. Port
away, bilious Me and :stomach. dis- Dalhousie, Ont.
orders are stappe,d,
She watched the free -foot gipsies pass;
Don't be nervoue about using Dr.
She never knew or gueesed
Hemilton's Pills; they are m"u The wietful dreani that drew them
enough for a child to use, yet certain close- tt In Canada to 'sell the wonderful
and effective in action in the most •
chronic cases. Get a 25c, box to -day;
they bring and keep robust good
They Say That --
Hardy ehrubs should be pruned, if
they are to be pruned at all, as soon as
they have finisheel flowering. They
will break into fregh growth then and
make the necessary new growth to in-
sure flowers the following year.
To obtain extra large flowers on ger-
aniums, pinch off the points of the
shoots of strong plants, leaving only
on a leaf beyond the flower trim. All
the energy of the shoot is thrown into
the flower truss, which deeelops with
unusual perfection. ,
Zinnias are becoming popular again.
Both the.dwarf and tall varieties are
excellent and have been so greatly im-
proved that old zinnia growers will
hardly recognize the new large. grace-
ful double flowers. Be., careful not to
overwater young plants.
Seed saving is a most commendable
Incidental occupation far the average
garden owner. If they cannot be used
on the place, give the,m to someone less
The Canadian Angle-
N arausing skit on the effect of
the new 0, P. R. president's
hat appears in the Chatham
"News" -this effect being produced, ,
doubtless, by the law of suggestion.
The hat of Mr, Beatty is said to be I
tilted at a rakish angle; and the mo' -
mot that this was found to be the
case, the mimicry of that hat became
sacred duty on the part of the em-
ployees, according to the story. •
In the good old do.Ys of Baron
theughnessy, says the writer, the
brisle and businesslike boy who de-
livers our C. P. Jespatches used to
march into tbe office with his natty
blue cap set square across his noble
brow. •
'that cap was a fixture there. Wo
got used to et, it Scorned part of the
established order of things. One
coald as easily imagine the boy push -
leg it to one side or the other, as
one could imagine a breeze on the
Nile upsetting the great Pyramid.
One day last week we got a shock.
Into Our otlice tripped the young-
ster with his cap tilted rakishly over
one ear: ,
"Wbat's the matter, kid?" we en-
quired.. "Getting the flu?" "Nope,"
and he brieked out again eathout
troubling to .explain. But we have
just discovered the truth.
Baron Shaugboessy used to wear
his hat square -set across his oro -
bead. But the tow ;tesident of the
C. P. R. -its. east Canadianborn.
preeldent-Mr. E. W. Beatty, Inearl.
ably carries his chapeau tilted ,at a
rakish angle.
There are whispers going down the
11138 that sedate firemen arid breate.
men and conductors all over the
18 600 miles and mare of the C. P. R.
are giving their headgear a shove to
the east.
A commetcial traveller through the
West, who has escaped tbe flue, his
eystem being ted crowded with nico-
tine to .give tee germs even the tini-
est foothold, Mentioned to us just
this -Warning that he bad seen bell-
boys Iry ths`c, P. R. hotels out there
with their caos entirely of their
beads and haeging from their ears,
like pagan ornaments. He saw that
in more, than one of the 0. P. R.
betelel and what ale effect may be
if the new prattiee is prevalent
througlient the eighteett C. P. tt.
Caravansariea, it is impossible to
Telegeaph operators in tns 15,000
Mos of the 0. Pan. Telegrephe have
been widely ntfected ay the new
tnovemont in hate. The workmen. In
the great Angue ear elope at Merit.
real, and in the 0. P. R. shops at
Wititipeg and Calgary, show, it is
sale, s'eareely one Mete of hest -doer
that , retaino the old Shaughnessy
New 0, P. R. President. •
level. The Beatty angle Is the thliag
Even the ehaps osoclatea with tne
-Canadian Pacific Ocean Services (re-
presenting one of the largest passen-
ger fleets in the world), with the
C. P. R, wcatern lands with their
great $17,000,000 irrfgation scheme
and ready-made farina, and with the
mining and smelting interests of the
0. P. R. on the Pacific Coast -tree
the men linked up with these C. r. R.
subsltliaries hays 3ielded, it is .eaid,
to till lure of the -'ted cap. •
It is even whispered that a few- of
the older locontetiyes with the wide.
brimmed Stetson smekestacks of the
vintage of 1839 have taken to wear-
ing their battered crowns a bit to
one side.
We asked the kid about it this
tnornitig, When he came in wearing
his cap at an even Beattyier angle
than yesterday, "Do you really es:-
peet to be president of tho C. P. R.
some day?" "Every fellow's got a
chance," he rejoined. "Bet," we ex -
plaited, "Mr. Beatty trent to Torento
University and studied law; and-"
"That's just it," he old. "He was
only a lawyer to start with and look
what be done --just through wearing
his cap like thie. Don't try to ten
Use 1 ain't 'got a chance -and here
I'm starting at the bottom rung and
working up." "But," we urged, pa.
Hotly, "It's batter to be right than
to be preeldent," "Yap," aid the kid,
"and its it beaverdanistte better to be
Ile gave tit-iss corner of his ttli
'yank, and wen., out whistling,
Wherein their hearts might rot. Cason runnel Dampers; positively saves
The 'longing In each breest-a
-Theodcela act:Prism IZtsTs iiielaT. ttoor °Z-vheaerf fTrengg, VIA
water or steam hollers. Apply to pat -
Some day to know a 'house like hers,
1 = I. entee, A. Gibson, 391 Tonge street, To-
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
To Pump Out Fla -ming Oil. 117.axTzn - ONE SA.LESILAN IN
our sole representative; pew idea: good
" every town and. city in Ontario as
1 ;11
pay. Soon Conservation Club, 96 Chutcb
A recent fire. in which a half -barrel Street, Toronto.
tank of oil proved a stumbling block sa""a"---"----- ' "'-'
to the firemen and eventually led to FOR SALE. .
the destruction of a building suggested • • ,
to me, writes a correspondent, that' a F 0R sarh,--FILSTI LOT S4 -LOT 3
concession 15. Tecumseh; 100 acres
suction pump with a long nozzle could near Becton. Apply John McCoy, 16 Nina
be moented on a two -wheel truck and Street Bast!, Hamilton.
used td e draw such burning liquor out
of a building. One operator mild Oolors of Sardines.
hold the nozzle of the pump down lit The fresh sardine is a beautiful lie
the oil while the others pumped the
fluid out through a hose into the gut-
tie fish. The scales on its back are
en irridescent blue green, the exact
tint which the sea so often takes,
$'100 -REWARD -$100 while beneath the scales there shows
The readers of this paper 'will bo
There are bars on its back and Sides
pleased to. learn that there is at least
ono dreaded disease that science has when it first comes out of the water
been able to cure In all Ito stages and like those on the mackerel, but they
that is catarrh. Catarrh being seem to fade Rue disappear the mo -
influenced by constitutional conditions
requires constitutional treatment: Hall's ment it is exposed to the air, The
Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and reat of its body is pure silver.
acts through the Blood on the MUCOUS
Surfaces of the System thereby destroy-
ing tho foundation of the disease, givinx Wealth and Poverty.
the patient strength by building up th,!
constitution and assisting nature in do-
ing Its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in the curative powers ef ,
Hall's Catlin h Medicine that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that
it fails to cure. Send for list of testi-
Address P. 3. CHBNEY & CO., Toledo,
Ohio. Sold by alit Druggists, 75e,
luntbagoe neltralithlf 01Prairiet 100 back, toothache, ear.
tte sere tilfent, swollen Jellies/Mu 6,11 outillor troublel ate tuteklst
ralleved by Ilitst'S rain- ExtFrininlitor. It hM been sOld foreeyeees,
and should bolo evtry howehold. -hal A hundred ltlea.
Via dealers or write us. IllitST ItESIEDy CO. Hamilton Canada
up the most wonderful peacock blue.
Ballooning a Cowboy.
Flying Cadet Reber, during the -
course of his spherical bailoon train-
ing at San Antonio, Texas, while on
his solo flight and proceeding along
about twelve miles an hour on the
guide rope, saw a cowboy and pony
crossing the field ahead of him. The
cowboy, caught the guide rope and
tied it to the horn of his saddle. This
was the signal for the pony to plant
his front feet.
Much to the surprise of the cow-
boy and more so to the pony, the bal-
loon proceeded along its way. After
being dragged across tiki field the
cowboy threatened to sh ot the pilot
unless he stopped. ‘•
The situation was finally relieved
by the cowboy exchanging his revol-
ver for a knife and cutting away the
guide rope, leaving a knot. on the horn
of the saddle as a souvenir. --Flying.
MInard's Liniment fcir sale everywhere
clan Fish Hear?
Can the humble minnow. or any of
hio larger brethren hear? Tie Ilan ears,
but are they any use to him? Some
scientists have experimented and said,
"Yes!" while others have experiment-
ed and said "No!" However, recent
study seems to indicate that flab do
Some of the fish experimented upon
bad their ears removed, and others
had their skins made insensible. Then
sound,, were made in direct contact
with the water, but without agitating
It at all, arid Ago of hearing looked
for. It was found that fishes are in -
relented by sound. One of the most pe-
culiar and striking manifeetatiou was
the fact that a fish that had had its
hearing organe destroyed lost its
Claims Many Victims in Canada
and should be guarded against
Minard's Liniment
Wealth as well as poverty has its
hardships -a species of isolation which
limits choice comradeships and in
some circumstances is very depressing;
a simpleton as to the motives of courte-
sies extended, the sincerity of praise
given, and the genuineness of friend-
Takes the sting right out -cleans
'em right off without pain. Thousands
say it's the surest thing to rid the,
feet of callouses, sore foot lumps or
corns. Don't suffer -that's foolish
buy a 25c bottle of Putnam's Painiees
Corn .and Wart Extractor; it does the
trick quickly and le envariably
rctory. Sold by druggists everywhere.
Gardens in Japan. and Mina.
The garden, per se, in both Jetlaa
and China, is most frequently to be
found in the grounds of some publie
building or temple. The Chinese
garden is as reversed to our eyes as
their writing, for it consists chiefly
of water. On a pool or pond they
develop their • wonderful wane
plants, the lotus, lilies of myriad color
and variety and brilliant foliage speci-
mens. In addition to this the walks
are' sometimes bordered Nein' flower-
ing plants in pots or jardinieres, which
are changed and shifted from time to
time. Of these the favorites are such
flowers as the peony and other e which
are believed to possees medtclnat
properties. But the essential of the
Chinese gardener is to display his
aquatic floriculture.
Minard's Liniment 6ures Burns, Etc.
Beautiful Things Worth W.bile.
Bear bravely the burden which so
many other shoulders have borne. Ina
Met upon a little time daily for tho
contemplation of beauty. A walk
through the cleen air, the coming up
Of the sun and the long shatiowe and
rich gold bars of the winter morning,
a. Japanese bulb in a porcelain jar, it
load of straw caught by the sua on it
hill, thn cattle streaming about the
stack the woman above the cradle, the
frosterystals on the pane, the poise of
Is a Great Preventat_bv, bring one of the a at, children at play, one or all thee°
oldest rornediss us(MinariPS Uni- things arreet the beauty lover. Let
(him*, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma
ment ho.s cured thotisands COSOS Of._ there be mordents When the hubbub
and shnilar diseases. it is an Enemy is hushed and when beauty of celor,
toG erTs.T10usanaLnf nottlherIndorsonrpecutiar and eXquisite
and general dealer.. sink into the wetting
14MM-dna raNzAfTW'r CO., Ltd. soul, -Buffalo Exprese.
-1 -
Yarmouth, N. S. Life is short to the fortunate, bolts
to the unfortunate.-App011emins.
settee of direction when swimming
fast. It could swim etra,ight
but as soon as it attempted to put on
a eed it wett routd in epirois. Con -
/adoring that many epodes of fish tra-
vel considerable distaneee during their
perfecto of breedithe and depositing
their egge, imeh love of direttion
would ten to make them easy Prey Per
their eneneleea - Popular &lentil
Cenntetition MAW be the life 02
trade, but GoVertnueett eentrol, broke
na eonipetition.
If a man apects and believet great
things of himself, it makee no odds
where you put blm,-Thoreau.
Pertly iferbal--lie policies 40104
An11se2118-31os NeoilsIsoe
Se011,1011-bele psIe still **tartlet Mt
Pare-SesI Ise haft ashes,
SON *II sere*, oi
$0c. to*. Alt Druggists and Ste*