Clinton New Era, 1893-09-22, Page 7e are now . 'wing , Diigount of Teen per cent
r all Cash. buyers afBou4an l Shoes at,,
.!w.,n.'.�'S•^!!^..rte! �'""�1�4!7� � . • � i � � ..
SON Oint on
25c, 30c and 450
its. JR`roIon011
4,liessre Isaac 1#11110401 Co.t •
#are�,�Tl�>�,: �Ir XB`i
PearR;il;-•.I ww'greubled with rlal>aalatlom tc x
roma Ysaart, 'A friend ladqosd me to try your
1i9}stturoeriRemebri"which 1did, After tele.
ing two bettlee I felteataellef, At the preset,*
my health, ie better lean it bas been fors - ball
tune. I qae ouuflderttly sours you your rat di'
91aa wait the tnQttui Of prolonging my lite, 'Pepe
laovo teattniony pelt have,my. pernaleelon of to. -
1 gar:you ass At,
I Rm, yogra rgUpectfirllye 11138m 0.04T011
fltindrede of otbora could tell, eii4 w111 in tt
tore telt how 1.01%1..440w, fl Aetnedy has Qrvlon(,,
ect their lite,
We have now a fine line of "Bamboo Tables at 25c., 30o,
and 45 cents. Whenever you have any time to spare we
wouldlike yon to take a look through our warerooms
whether you wish to -buy or not
J: W. CHIDLEY, Funeral Director and Embalmer—Night cells answered at tis
residence, King St., opposite the foundry.
First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal
Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest.
Special Cuts in 103) lbs. or Barrel lots.
Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty
W. Irwin, Grocer
E ---E-1 _..-SEASONS
As we have made several purchases of FALL and WINTER GOODS,
we want to make room for them, so we are prepared to give splendid
BARGAINS in every line of.. SUMMER GOODS
Yet unsold. We have also a full stock of WIRE of different kinds and
SHOES & SLIPPERS of excellent quality and Li w price
Highest price for Produce. Your patronage respectfully solicited as it will
be mutually beneficial.
Before Treatment. After Treatment.
Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured.
Thomas Minchin says: "I was reduced to
a nervous wreck—only weighed 118 pounds.
The result of early abase was the cense. 1
had the following symptoms : Miserable
mentally and physically melancholy, nerv-
oneness, weakness, specks before the eyes,
dizzy, pEoor, memory, palpitation of the
heart, &tihing, Cold hands and feet, weak
back, dreams and losses at night, tired in
the morning, pimples on the face, lose of
ambition, burningsensation, kidneys weak
eta. Motors! coud not core me; but Drs.
Kennedy & Kergan by their New Method
Treatment, cured me in a few weeks. I
tveigh now 170 ponnds. It is throe years
glace I have taken their treatment."
Before Treatment. After Treatment.
Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured.
Major Simfield says: "I had Dyspepsia
and Catarrh of the Stomach for many
years. To make matters worse I contract-
od a Constitutional Blood Disease. My
bones ached. Blotches on the skin looked
horrible. I tried sixteen doctors in all,
A friend recommended Drs. Kennedy 'd&
Kergan. I began their New Method Treat-
ment and in a few weeks was a new man
with renewed life and ambition. I can-
not any too much for those scientific doe -
tore who have been in Detroit for four-
teen years. I conversed with hundreds of
patients in their offices who wore being
cured for different diseases. I recommend
them as honest and reliable Physicians."
.The •Celebrates Specialists of Detroit, Mloh.
Oatarrh; Asthma• Bronchitis; Con-
TREA1` AIS G I iI 0 Cl1R . sumptinn (1st and Sad stages):
Rhenmatierh; suraa�aa, Yrvons, EtTO and kin diseases; Stomach and Heart die-
oame; Tapeworm;' se; Rapture: Impotency; Deafness; Diseases of the Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder; Errors off youth;
Falling Manhood; Diseasesof the Sexual Organs Fomalo Weaknees; Diseases of Men
'and Women, and chronic Disoaeos in general. They care when oters fail I
d1V�LtrCURAPIX (UA'EBAP 1'AlfliNP012 1i12EA L?1NT Their NEW MLf11OD
known. the world over, is coring disoeses of every
nbtnro that baa barred heretofore the medical profession. They aro not
lamfly doctors' — they make. a. specialty of Chronic acid difficult diseases.- ' us
D1SEASFS. OF 111�11t Thoy gsxira line°,o etre all Wetkdeae of Men arising
iJ.A7 VV+�1 11+ from self abase, later excesses or dieeaao..Young
Van, yon n herb. Dee; dt IK. will mire yon. Yon may have been treated by,
teteke—consult hitt
Doctors.' No enre,,no pay. Constilt them.
jj S�+l�S�r 1j t111h Wb jt seller fn sUence7 They can care yon.
1S -ASS 1► Vi 1 I. Female Weakness, Barrenness,
1 �• tris It and -painful periods enrod iu a Short time.
1t i vitality farm r Illustrated i sok Free, indices stamp;
iSiioWed vl y g1
�` �t (� 3permatortli 'a, 'Varleocele, pleat, Unnatural
5rE1/rt1 D 54A1.7tiJ. Plachargee, Prlvate diseases, Stricter!, S'ph*
ills, and gi oo4 diseases gnnrant8ed otitedor rW ' a'. 14 'enr9 fn Detroit - .160,000
arras- National repritati:it. Bobke free—Corisultaton free �- Namoe confidential: If
unable to oall, Write for a list of grfeetionS and advice free.
Mils. KRNNBOY•"e& KE AN,• 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, MICH.
NEWS Nonitth}
The Toronto News is authority ,tor the
statement that Mr Tooley, M.B,P. for East
Middlesex has resolved not to be, ii condi'
date et the general election net year.
Minard'a Liniment cures distemper.
Rev C. E Wbitcotstbe, Meter of St.
14]atthew'e Chervil, Hamilton, has had a
call tom Bt,. ¢eoree'e Ohara, San Fran-.
deco, at salary of §13x000 a year, He re.
fused the offer.
The Telegram thinks Mr, Laurier's tour
in Ontario is eonduoted with astuteness
and success, It- says; "It is just a ease of a
clean, honest man standing up and telling
audiences in what he believes and in what
be disbelieves."
While Mr Stephen Keene, of St. George,
Ont., was picking apples, the limb on
which he was standiegq broke and fell with
great force on bis head, crushing his skull.
He only lived a short time afterwards. He
was about 65 years of age and leaves a
grownup family.
112r MaoLaen, ,of Windsor, formerly of
Stratford, has been entrusted with the en=
tire judging of cheese at the World's Fair.
There were three judges but for some rea-
eon the other two withdrew. Mr It aoLaren
also offered to withdraw, but the "World's
Fair Commissioners had such faith in bis
honesty and ability to do the work that he
was prevailed upon to net.
How sad to our hearts are some scenes of
our childhood,
As our recollections present them to view;
Tbeuse of the switch that was brought from
the wildwood,
And various punishments most of us knew,
But saddest of all is the thought of the
pill -box,
That mother brought out when she thbught
we were ill,
0 1 the gripping, the aching, the twisting
and torment
Wrapped up in the horrible old-fashioned
But"that't all done away with. To regul-
ate the stomach, liver and bowels, Dr.
Pierce's Pellets excel. You'll experience no
pain, no discomfort, no bad results. Child-
ren take them as readily as peppermint
Its thousands of cures are the best ad-
vertisements for Dr. Sage's Catarrh Reme-
dy. 50 cents; by druggists.
While playing in his father's yard,
Thursday afternoon, the little 4 -year-
old son of MrjNelson, of East Toronto,
was thicked in the chest by a horse
and died shortly before midnight.
An attempt to induce an emigration
from France to Canada on a somewhat
larger scale than anything hitherto suo-
oeesful is shortly to be made. Hon. Hector
Fabre, the representative of the Dominion
at Paris, intends to sail from Havre next
Saturday on the steamship Burgogne, and
will take with him several directors of La
Societe Foncier, who will visit the Cana-
dian Northwest and report upon the
feasibility of an entire settlement of agre-
cniturists from Old France.." It is said a
site will-be-chosen--in--the--district—of• Ae
Wells, Minn., is excited over the murder
of H. E. Ringer, a prominent citizen afi
proprietor of one of the city meat markets.
The city officers had searched his residence
for a tramp, reported to have been seen
around the premises in the early part of
the evening, and, as Mrs Ringer was alone
with the children, Mr Ringer having gone
away, Allan Corr, one of the employes of
the shop, was persuaded to stay at the
house. At 11 o'clock Mr Ringer appeared
unexpectedly, and Corr, supposing him to
be the suspected tramp, assailed him with
a butcher knife and stabbed him. Eight
gashes were found on his body; one severing
the artery of the left thigh, causing imme-
diate death. Corr was completely over-
come when he discovered that he had mur
dered his employer. He is ander arrest.
awaiting the verdict of the coroner's jury.
Pnbli' sentiment seems to excuse him in
in the terrible blunder.
A woman living near Ekwin Caary's
drug store, Hartford, on Wednesday threw
up from her stomach a full-grown mouse.
She bad not been feeling well during the
morning, and at about 11 o'clock she sent
for one of her neighbors, who found her
making violent efforts to throw something
off her stomach. A physician who called
later told the patient that there was no-
thing serious the matter During the ev-
ening an emetic was obtained from the
drug store, and when it acted the mouse
made its appearance.. How the moose
could have gained access to the stomach
was at first a mystery. The woman is a
very heavy sleeper. and the only reason-
able explanation is that she fell asleep
with her mouth open, and the mouse,
frightened by a cat, and seizing the first
suitable hiding place, ran down her throat,
producing the next morning the feeling of
nausea which caused the medicine to be
sent for. The story was not believed till
the dead mouse was exhibited to the,unbe•
lievers, but the physician, who is well
known, vouches for its truth. The woman
has since experienced no bad effects from
the unwelcome visitor.
One of the oddest displays to be found at
the World's Fair is a collection of chro-
nometers of the sixteenth century. They•
are on exhibition in a watoh company's
pavilion. The watches compose a part of
the famous collection owned by Evan
Roberts of Manchester, England. They
were lent especially tb the exposition.
Many of the watohee are priceless, for
their historic value. Among them are the
timepieeee carried by KingiJames;L, Oliver
Cromwell, John Milton, Sir Isaac Newton,
King George III., Robert Berns,. William
of Orange, Queen Elizabeth, John Calvin,
John Bunyan, and Lady Jane Grey. Oli-
ver Cromwell's watch is a ponderous, ovale
shaped affair. His name to engraved on
the face. King George's watch is a more
elegant piece. It not only possesses an
hour hand, but alep a cyclometer dial,
which was used in carriages to measure
distances traveled. John Milton's, watch
has a silver case with raised points on the
dial by which the blind poet was enabled
to tell the time, Its date of make is about
sixteen hundred and sixty.
Piso's nemedy ibr Catarrh la the
Pest, Easiest to Use, 'end Cheapest.
Sold by drugglste or cent by Mae,
eat. E. T. i3rieltlee: rateen; ?A,
professor Blackie was leeturing,to N new
ohms with; Whose personnel' be war. hover.
fectly apgttainWI, A student rote to read
ik paragraph :1#ir book Ont' bia,leit hand;
"501" thanOerea Biaekie, "held your book
lwnuia ori aspokon— Ag woairdo, air t Year
right.haudiT 11ay1" The 0rte*t' held np
hie .r lett arra, trading ,iteotlely et tbe
wrist, " etoir ` I nae ' nae righotenh he
acid, Before Elaokie could open .bir li si
there Anna,* storm of hisses, and by it hie
voice was over borne, Thttos profgeegr left
bis place and went, down ' the atudettt ho.
had unwittingly out, and. put bill, afar,
strogiid the ]ads " shouldera.Anii draw him
close, and the lad leaned against hie breast,
"Oiy boy,"said Blaokie—heopoliovery soft-
ly, yet not so softly but that • cverqq word.
was audible on the hush that had fallen on.
the olas.s-room-"my boy,
ou'll forgiveUe
ddiidalnIotwkagov"r,oEagebrfereIaddtid tnhoet skntuodwn1ts,
and with ' a look and tone that; came
etreigbt from bis heart, he acid: "And let
me say to you ell, I am rejoiced to be
shown that I am teaching a class of gen.
denten." SCettish lads can cheer as well.
as hies, and that Blackie learned,
A wonderful new combination is R.
Stark'a Headache, Neuralgia and Liver
Powders; nice to take and perfectly harm.
less. Mrs Mary ,Haste, 88 Main street,
Hamilton, says: "For years— in fact all
my life—I have been troubled with severe
headaches. I have tried all the remedies I
could hear of, and have been treated by
many doctors, but with very little good re-
sults. A friend recommended your Head-
ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders some
time ago, and I have found them to be the
greatest blessing to me—in fact, I can
truly say they are perfectly wonderful. 1
would not be without them for more than I
can tell." Mr Flook, station master, G. T.
R., Hamilton, says: "They cured lay most
severe headaohes, whioh I had for at least
three years." Price 25o. a box. Sold by
all medicine dealers.
Terrible forest fires are raging around
Marshfield, Wis. A number of lives are
reported as lost and, several families home-
less. Bridges have been burned and trains
stopped. It is reported that the villages of
McMillan and Spencer have been destroyed.
I was cured of lame back after suffering
15 years, by Minard's Liniment.
Two Rivers, N.S. ROBERT Ross
I was cored of diphtheria afters doctors
failed, by Minard's Liniment.
Antigonish. JOHN A. FoREY.
I was cured of contraction of muscles by
Minard's Liniment.
It has just been discovered that Mr Thee.
Bryan, collector for the township of Til-
bury West, is behind in his returns, Ac-
cording to the treasurer's bookethe amour t
will exceed $800. Mr Bryan is a farm! r,
and has always enjoyed the confidence
and respect of the people of the township.
tie cannot explain when and where the
money went to. The township will not
lose anything, as Aryan's bondsmen at e
held for the amount. Mr Bryan has turn-
ed over to his bondsmen hie farming ma-
chinery and other personal property, but
this will not indemnify them against lose.
GRAvENHuasT, Sept. 18. About a year
ago Alio newspapers ,Contained accounts of
the ourioris case of Sam Murray, a railroad
brakeman, of this place. He was paralyzed,
as a consequence of an injury received while
coupling oars, and for two years was unable
to work. Several doctors, among them,
some Toronto specialists pronounced hiu
incurable and his ease hopeless. The
Grand Trunk Railway Company paid him
his total disability claim, and the Brother-
hood of Railway Trainmen was about to
pay a similar claim, when Murray aston-
ished everybody by a return to health. It
was proved at the time, beyond the pos-
sibility of a doubt, that Murray's recovery
was due to Dodd's kidney pills. A few
daye ago Murray applied to a life insurance
company to take out a policy on his life.
Two physicians have just examined him,
pronounced his a desirable risk, and recom-
mended the company to issue a policy.
That's the kind of work Dodd's kidney
pills do.
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Fd a"f
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d n
In the matter of the Estate of
James Woods, late of the Town-
ship of West Wawanosh, in the
County of Huron, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised
Statutreof Ontario, Chap. 110,. that all creditors
and other persons having claims against the ea.
tate of James Woods late of the Tewnebipof West
Wawanosh, in the County of Buren, yeoman. de-
ceased, who died on or about the twentyftftb day
of July, 18113, are hereby required to deliver or
send by mail to Messrs Darrow 6i Prondfoot,
tloderiob, Solloitors for Win Harrison and Rebt.
Ramsey, too Executors of the said deo! ed on
or before the 31st day of October, -1893,, their
names and addresses and full partieulars of their
claims, also statomehtof the securities, (if any)
held by them. And further take notice that llf•
ter tho said 31st day of Clabber, 1893, the exacu•
tors will prbeeed to distribute the said estate
having regard only to such claims es they Shah
then have notice of.
Solicitors for Ezoetltors. Dated at tioderich this 4th day of Sept', 1893i
� R�'`�f�! R. _ T
Having imported these lines direct from
Glasgow, we are confident that we can
give you better value for the same money
than ever before.
5 per cent off for Cash.
Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton.
Binder .Twine
The old, reliable, and tested brands
Evenly spun.. Full standard length ter
poundBest . value in the market:
Call and see samples and get reduced prices
New Store � BROS,Cld StandMackayBlock A`I AND Brick Block
YS $acrilico Salo DaYS
BOOKS, Stationery
In order to clear out the entire stock of W. H. SIMPSON, it had been decided
to offer the same at prices away below Dost. Everything will be sold at such
(figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here.
This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired
to clear the whole out in 30 days.
Huron Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship.
I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us.
1R., TJ 4.LL, -- CLINTON
Jessop & McIlroy, Blyth
Have removed to their new premises
Opposite Queen's Hotel
rirmerepromr..r..= 0
$arga n8
essop & MoIlroy, Blyth