HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-09-22, Page 6�r. ten lb i 22X895,' CLgn T } :* NM .w T.. SOOPs 1 Roue FilltIOE: aid Paper RHINNN World's Fair Notes, etch' r 01 Tis 1300X, t OOPoe TJ vow 'ronXOE, c1INQ ,At ador.igPO4 bavig.opened willkeepithe pock, desires to atatelthat, b 1 Qex. tite'veYy ohetpogt 1)leata. $dFYin>r po ,: sileatc'le.of'Ilitiself, he is in a popition to sell 11, . a Yery Cl9sest4000- • i w111" at alley be pripated".to pay theeatmerke Pefai' lirootPattie. Tia ROBS always wanted fop expert. Slivo imaCall. , •' ' ' IitO t z Frizs1<1IQ TS SHtJP PPS Paden igfled is prepared to 1prenl tly exe-. onto all erddra.:fprP. SUNT CINq,I fleLSoDff.tI�qIAP14Rr$>cNa&e. He ie a,ltictea1 man o f ous exIarience ;end iaranteee ode all eoxk ina inauuer that shall he eatiefaotory, white' priced will be exceedingly ivaodvra<te..40r¢er6 re speetfully solicited. IG RPO TS,Kirk ts Clinton,C1 i _ « • y,iremost`con Sally to thank aa'those who avoted: us with; the1ripatrouage since we MtIllifed in busines4,'and to assexe them and PliMiogdneraliytbat w$ are is better `shape Off,tpeateer to tbeir•wants, having , adde , eedro rlgerttarend otheroonvenieneee: NJi EATfeUX :'+l� FINCK on AT Market CHANGE• . tiderel tied. desires' to intimate that he kit out the: interest, of lir Couoh, in the ng bueinesaiately carried on under the OP.P PQUCI3: He will continue. the the o1d etan i, end trusts by giving the and most Careful attention to the buoi- stellehtforward and courteous treatment t ecei e1�a "fairs are of public p Patronage, a rders,earetully and promptly filled ''JAMES' A. -FORD entral;° Butcher Shop oriberdesires to thank the public general - the patronage bestowed upon bun; and me to saythat he is now in a bet vl attento tioh to all the w he of tourers can rely on their My' and satisfactorily filled. eat at reasonable prices." Poultr &e., eats n. ps. o Cash pdid for Hides; Skins, &c. JOHN 'SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. and Feed Stores ur; Feed & Seed Store • dereigned havfiiig formed a partnership, intimate that they will' keep on hand LOUR and FEED Of 411 kinds, also the choicest variety of lOver, Timothy & Small Seeds ,. ticli=will be-sold^at-elose-maxgina•: fox=raft ,Y SALT ,also inept oa hand. They will also keep a owe variety of all kinds of TEAS, which eon - !Miners will Rua to be excellent value. SILL & WIGGINTON, HURON ST:, CLINTON. (e°. E . e '`�EOOK'S LOUR, FEED ' -SEED STORE Pe - have in stook a choice assortment of Seeds, suob as CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CMILLET, And:all seeds required for Farm or Garden 1 use. Flour and Feed of all kinds D COOK, CLINTON. BANKS e tons Bank. tueorperated by Act of Parliament, 1865. 4 tl'APITAL, -- $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 READ' OFFICE, MONTREAL. 3: W. Be MOL90N Pres. F. WOLFERBTAN THOMAS, Gexeral Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- change bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest allowed on deposits. E?'AR'MORB. Money advanced to farmers on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required as security. H. C. BREWER, Manager. -- (U. cTAG€AIT, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. 4,,generaf t ansa ng Business NOTES DISCOUNTED DitaffeCiesued. Interest allowed on deposits. BRAN & TISDALL BAbiREES, BEIM TO NT. 'y' L1t'klAno6lxnade toe farmers on their own ,netas«st;''ow • rattoof interest. gmlleral la.:4ti . Bnainesa traneadted In Allowed on deposits. Notes bought P+, T'ISDAT IL, Manage tripe t'In el a etea new dee pet cure the worst asses of ow"f,� ute lot Vigor tLdosht .. bar or the • BY SPECIAL RO Vl MPOiifMIT` There's Nothing Like - On% SOAP- IT 4 LR 1 \ IT DOES AWAY WITH BOILINC HARD RUBBING - BACKACHES SORE HANDS LET ANOTHER ORWABH- DAY GO BY WITHOUT TRYING REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure /mpossible. Many so-callee, diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling of debility, etc.. If you are tiro u blea•wath:any.of- tb es e,or, kindred symptoms, you have Catarrh, and should lose no time procuring a bottle of NAaen Becm. Be warned in time, neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. Sold by all druggists, or sunt, post paid, on receipt of price' 160 cents and Si) by addressing FULFORD& CO. Brockvllie. Ont. ";Shorter" Pastry and "Shorter" Bills. We aretalking about a «shorten- iing" which will not cause indi- gestion. Those who "know a thing or two" about Cooking (Marion Harland among a host of others) are using COTTOLENE iinstead of lard. None but the ipurest, healthiest and cleanest ingredients go to make up Cot. tolene. Lard isn't healthy, and is not always clean. Those who use Cottolene will be healthier and wealthier than those who use lard—Healthier because they will get ',shorter" bread; wealthier because they will get «shorter s grocery bills—for Cottolene costa no more than lard and goes twice as far—so is but half as expensive. Dyspeptics delight In It Physicians •odor's° It Chats praise It Cooks extol it 1 Housswivss welooms it1 All Iivs Groosrs sell It! Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL. When we assert that DOdd's Kidney Pulls Cure Backache, Dropsy, Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all Cher form /of Kdley roubles, o s, w - are backed by the` testi r 6n of al' who'haveuse,- them. Imo • itt''f'O Y onium• , (Ontario Prods }3urea'4tSP001a1.) WollT,n's..k'Ant* CIIIdeee, Sept. .% Ten or twelve thousand hada chance on Wedneeday.to *erre, an idea .c the respurees of the Provence of Otiterio, as a horse and oattle breeding aottutry, wheit our etrrbleo' were emptied> and all thee peize winners, andthese,whioh didneit'get flrizee—though Haat was no disgrace in the distingniehed oompany,•,in which: they have found them- selves for the past three weeps—paraded in the live stook pavilion. There -were the massive Shorthorns and Herefords—with great protiziee of steaks and roasts in the future; the curly. Galloway's, their Mask Wes glistening in the sunlight; the,rioh, red Devona, the piebald'Boleteins, 'and the eleek,.light 8yrsbires--decked gut with the many-oplered badges of victory. Aild the horeee: the proud, high-stepping American. Arabs, showing theirpride of birth in every mo.Vement; the trim, neat Hackneys, easy' -Whiners among the pick of the continent, and'oontreeted with then the hoavyClydes, 'Snf'olke and Sbires,wioh bonea of steel and =soles of braes—the very embodiment of strength and endurance, How they pranced and curveted in the ring, and how they were cheered—each ()lass having its admir- ere, It was a eight long to be remembered, and no Ontario men out telt his blood leap quicker as he realized how nobly the ban- ner Province of the Dominion had sustain- ed he; reputation in her battle, witb the world, As a usual thing at cattle shows, and for that matter at public functions gf every kind, one meets many a peseimiatio raker - up of old memories, who recall the per. formencea of a quarter or half a century ago—the Royal Cattle show in England• in such a year; the acting of the elder Booth, or the singing of Jenny Lind, it may be, but individuals of such a kidney had no solid ground tostand upon in the White City these . August and September days. Col. J. H. Pickard, of Chicago, one of the best-known old-time Shorthorn -men on the continent, secretary of the Shorthorn Asso- ciation and judge in the class, is authority for the statement that never in any country bas such an assemblage of horses and oat- tle been gotten together, ncr was it ever attempted on the same scale.. Those who were there say that the present exhibition of Shorthorns is fully equal, if it does not surpass, that at the Royal Agricultural at Warwick, Eng., last year. The hero of the show was undoubtedly Young Abbottsburn, 11069, 3,000 lbs. in weight, and the moat massive shorthorn that ever graced an American prize ring. Three years ago he w90 purchased by Col. Moberly, of Kentucky, from J. & W. Watt, of Salem, Ontario, and' since then he has donned everything in sight, rounding off' his career .by being declared the best oa the continent. It was hardly expected that be would so long remain the victor, but that he has done so proves how grand an animal he is. Another beauty is Nonpariel C1•ief, 113,- 024, bred by Arthur Johnston, Greenwood, Ontario, a son of Old Indian Chief, and also owned by Col. Moberly. He was awarded third prize, while fourth honors went to Earl Fane VIII, 107,695,' bred by John Hope, of Bow Park, Ontario, and owned by Col. H. F. Brown, of Minnesota. To follow further down the prize list would take more space than I can afford, but after a careful scrutiny of the herd book, I find that Ontario blood is strong in many of the other -prize winners now in American herds. When we came to the.younger cattle, our breeders showed what Stuff they were made of, and established beyond a doubt thot Ontario is still a nursery for short- horns. Leaving the beef herds, we find first the black and white Hollanders —Holstein. Friesians, as they are generally known. Though not large in numbers, the contin- gent was select and of high class. Ontario was represented by one herd only, that of I. C. MoNiven & Son, Winona, who had no reason to feel ashamed of the position he took among his competitors. His aged bull was a picture, with bis soft hide, silky hair and rich quality and color, and ranked a god second. Who that has read Blackmore and Kings- ley does not have ever present before him the green lush meadows of Devonshire, and keep a soft spot in his heart for the rich, dark red oattle, which take their name from the loveliest county in all England. Large of frame, sleek of hide, soft of eye, and just the picture of an honest Dow that can fill a big pail with milk while she lives, and is a good mark for the butcher when her time comes. Uniform in color and size, the Devon ring was particularly at- traotive, and the honor of our province was kept up by W. J. Rudd, of Eden Mills, who was a frequent prize -taker. It is bard to find a farmer in Canada who has not a kind word for the Ayre- ehires, neat, clean, kindly disposed, grand pail -fillers and fair loaders, especially with a Shorthorn gross. It is no wonder they have so mail admirers, and in this class was where Wd distanced all comers, leav- ing but two or tlrfee money prizes to herd. ere outside of Caiiitda. Grander herds than those of Stewart, of !genie; Yuill, of Carleton Place; Jury, of Oehfiiwa and Snaith, of Fairfield Plains, have nettor been led In- to the arena, and right well did they fulfil the expectations of their friends. The Quebec Ayreshires, too, were well up hi the competition. In the Jersey class Ontario was retiree rented only by one bull, which, however, did not rank high among the winners. Turning now to horses—the largest class in which Ontario breeders were in- terested was the Clydes, in which some 20 exhibitors oame forward, and most of them were prize takers, though hardly so far up in the list as their Mende expeoted, bat it was a grand show altogether, in number and quality, and one which is not likely soon to be repeated. In Shires, but one Ontario man, Mr John Carr, of Front River, came to the front, with a well, eha ed 'stallion, War Bey'e Fashion. Onlyptwo Suffolk Pnnoh stallions were shown by ' Jeseph Beck, Thorndale, and Bore Menem, & Co., D3oboaygeon. The higheitep ring Haokneye, gentlemen of the horeefamily, and fully aware Of the' fact, were' very nuoh in evidence, and in - chided seine anrmale of high rank. Not so large In site, but -of grand fashion of body, strong in rib, coupling and quarter, With good thighs and stifles and a beautifully arched neat. A good Haokeey) is the kind of •horse everybody admires,and they show ed it very plainly When Mr Robert Beith's tBowmanvillej' Jebliee Chief was put hrough his ppaces rat the end of Iter. Row his biaok hide'd'1'd ebine; and hdor whitefeet ddfd twinkle, ,and he aee" t• appreoleteThe salvos of a larise Irene fat hands which greeted him-onere r appear encs. Another of MBeit ws+ stallions Ottawa, ie also a .beauty: Dank ohestna in'oolor, rich in Ail that gees t'o make good Hackney. he is very" near pe1te9 ion, And 'had iio-Mal but his Week stable repte.. ltiflyd Aberdaift Mild W • lfred, also from Rift da - - .beautiful tearil EPA gave. them first and 8eoend plaoes, end the sweepstakes to the latter, lily« N. Orosaley, of 'llfetekgka, ° sent two elegant' Snares, I,ady Cookney' aud.lad$ Bard, in.,' to the ring; of the real, nog type, such as Loodonore delight in, Both of wbtoh were wineere, Fireworks, also owned by. inn (fro sley,is,* likely Olt, and will be "a good one t4 go" hereafter, surely. Mr Hee.' •' Hastings, of Temente,.> tools third . prize With his two- e r -old Star of Ma 1 e 2nd, as; handset= a light bay as ever !Agedin w- ring, thet needs only a little more training to make • him ad good se any of them, The great success of Dr. J. B. Hall, of Toronto, in winning live -prizes with hip three American Arabs, Fez, Aldebaran and �inr,••►° Seturah, is still a general topio of convey- it �QA� cation among the horsemen. In the sweepstakes for beef herds, Qn. , tarie again cornea to the trent aria finish- ed off nicely her long list of triumphs, k• finer lot of beef cattle it would be bard to' And then the eight young herds, including Shorthorn's, Herefords, Polled Angus and fasllowaye that have ranged along the north side of the -pastern to await the de-- dision of the judges onthe second best prize of the show -1x600 in cold Dash. Right at the, head stood ',7. and W. Rue- self's familiar quintette Lord Stanley, Centennial Isabellas 27 and 30, Nonpatiel 50 and Rub Princess—three of them pure white. Round and round went the judges,. poking and punching the ribs and baoka of the patient animals,looking before and be- hind and from The side, comparing notes and abiftin the aside from time to time, but never tiering to move the Russel herd from their position. To -the hundreds of fore Canadians who were waiting the ver - dint it was an anxious time, and when at last the deoiaion was given by the mar - shall, congratulations were showered on Mr Russell for his splendid vrotory. Mr Russell also won thesweepetake prizes with his yearling • bull and heifer calf, and was third among two-year-old heifers. W. R. Cockburn, of Aberfoyle, won first with his roan bull beating out of eight, with another set of judges, the little red•bull that outranked him in the earlier days of the competition. There are a good many other points about these oattle oompetitione which are exceedingly interesting, but they must, perforce, be held over for another letter. With this .week close the cattle and horse exhibit for the present. The ifat stock and fast horse will come on in October, and the sheep and swine towards the end of the present month. In both' these latter it is expected that Ontario will be well repre- sented. Among the visitors of note during the present week have been Sir Olivet Mowat and Hon. John Dryden, whocalled in to dee the wonders of the White City on their re- turn from the region north of Lake Super- ior. The veteran Premier did a good deal of sight-seeing, and was delighted with the show as a whole, and expressed himself as more than pleased with the exhibits of On- tario in all the departments. In a quiet way Sir Oliver received a good deal of at- tention, many distingnished men calling on him. and by special request paid a visit to the supreme Grand Lodge of Foresters, which was in session -in this pity, and had the distinction conferred on him of being made an honorable member of the Order. Mi• Dryden was especially interested in the live stock, and was a frequent visitor to the'barns and the stook pavilion. - On Thursday afternoon the owners of the Canadian stock, and as many of the attendants as could get away, were enter- tained at the Canadian Pavilion by Hon. Commissioner Cockburn, and spent an hour or two very pleasantly, fighting their battles over again, and congratulating each other on their successes. The attendance at the World's Fair is jumping up these:days. Ten millionehave paid for admission up to the first of the month, and at the present rate it would be no surprise if nearly as many came during the balance of the season. People seem at last to have awakened to the fact that if they do not visit the White City they will lose the opportunity of a lifetime, and in spite"of the hard times they find the money for the trip. I would like to urge most strongly on all intending visitors to Chicago the absolute necessity of timing their departure so as to arrive here in the morning. Owing to the great rush of travel the trains on all the railways and invariably late, and there is untold discomfort and annoyance in being landed in an unsavory quarter of a strange city in the middle of the night, when the street oars have stopped running and one can only reach one's hotel or lodging 'plane at largely increased expense by special con- veyance. C. W. Youxo. AY E R' S Cherry Pectoral Has no equal for the prompt relief and speedy cure of Colds, Coughs, Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGrippe, and other derangements of the throat and lungs. The best- known cough -cure in the world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and is the- favorite preparation with singers, actors, preachers and teachers. Itsoothes the inflamed membrane, - loosens the Ishlegtii, stops coughing, and induCes €epdse. - Aif BR'S Cherry pBctorai taken for consumpiit6'tt,' i'tr its early. stages, checks further I,'];ragress of the disease, and even 1Milthe later stages, it eases the dri r<tiseltig cough and promotes ref`ile'slitiig sleep. It is agreeable to the tailed; needs but small doses, and do6s;3 not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic functions. As an emergency medicine,. every household should be provided with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. u Having nsod Ayer's Cherry Pee - total in my family for many years, I can confidently reconimend it for all the dotnpls.inte it is claimed tri cure, Its sale is increasing yearly with me, and my customers. think this peetia- h', -e r tion as a no equal ascotigh cure. 1ac q� S. W. Parent, Qhce'nsbory,r N.B0 AYE Cherry -Pectoral 11; • bt. 1, d. A';rot be 0;0 , t.ori li lus, tt�xarYtr .Prides*; eke WO*, es, YtCm Ne :: by "warm cAls' Not only a relief but a ourq for all kinds of HEAD PAiNS, ,SICK STOMACH AND BILIOUSNESS . F-armlelr, Contain no hurtful drugs, A wonderful Compound. Nice to take, ' Bare death to pain. • ' Be sure you get STARR."S. PREPARED 8Y R. STARK, M.O.C.P., CHEMIST rem GLAIDOrs UNIVIMnY, 80011AND, �FfOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE: CO, 45 GENTS A bpx. Hold by all Drasslsa Enair'els new COWpoand Si:. YEILS.fON, AENEIlilmti[i,OlDl EALER iM2TUaNM IAOE emiteer.C141T Ra Rrn oatAaptrIpoq4dto ee • n41raA.I lletIe ORCHARD ROBBING.—Numerouscom. plaints are made about town of depre- dations in fruit orchards byboys,. tions y ,. In several instances remonstrances and warnings by passers-by have failed to deter the plunderers, the only reply be- ing a volley of abuse .and profanity.. In the past offenders of this class, when brought before a magistrate, have 1 , escaped with only a mild lecture, and they now appear to presume on com- plete immunity from punishment They may not be aware of the fact that Sir John Thompson's criminal code, now in force, provides that for the first offence the least punishment is a penalty of three months' imprisonment in the county jail, and tor the second offence three years. Down With High Prices Poe Electric Belts. $1.55, $2.65, $3.70 ;.former prices $5, $7 $10. Qualty remains the same -16 dill ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts *mild or strong current. Less than half the price of any other,cpmpany andmore home testimonials than all the rest to- gether. Full list free. Mention this paper. W. T. BAER & CO. Windsor, Out. At Sarnia last week Albert E. Wil- son, who shot his sweetheart at the door of a church in Warwick in 1889, was found not guilty on the ground of insanity. THE BEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Many thousands of unsolicited letters have reached the manufacturers of Scott's Emulsion from those cured through its use, of Consumption and Scrofulous diseases! None can speak s000nfidently of its merits as those who have tested it. Jennie Wonch, the Collingwood woman accused of murdering her child and her aged mother, and afterwards burning the bodies, was acquitted at Barrie. • Tr °r EV1EN , Per tont'y Restored, Werdcness Nerv- o_isness, Debility, and ail the train of e.ils f ora early errors or Iter excesses, the results cf overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full strength, develop- ment and tone given to every organ and portion of the body, Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement seem Failure impossi- ble. 2,0u0 references. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder ? A Handy Wheelbarrow? A Splendid Churn, or anything of 11 nature? Then call on]W. SMITHSON, a shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or F,7, Dinsley Will be at,Dinaley's corner every 8atnrda afternoon HURON AND BRUCE Loa,di Investment Co'y This Oom; any is Loaning Money or Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASEI SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Dent. Interest Allowed on Deposita; according toem.ount and time left. OFFIOE—Oorner of Market Square and North Pt dMRAOE HORTON, MA1tAOI At 1981 BENMLLLEII NURSERY I1'RT11'P Agrli ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH_ AND Afiw,VBACHAN PINE, Tut LA YO& Of wnta wa VAIN A 6PllOIALTY LARGE' STOCK ON HAND. The above ernamontaf trees and ehtdbbers will be sold at very low prides And those iVe Sting any thing in this connection will save netts purchasing here. Ott eMit be pror,xptly attettde' to. Address, JOHN` STEWART, — BonmIller. ROB: iT DOWNS, O1INTON, Maiiefieturer end ,Prnd'Eletor for the best masa 'Kitt Dog An tie. .&got tor the tatorind epp11- lon'of theSriauaa 1'e has A Bombs cat t A.uroiitiTlc B 0tatilitl. STA''XIPIT1IN'GBfurnishedand Papp 4 tnotice bdbrtshk taiallege v • Til tilius astir 'tixt. "dada ,of t atabli eery , rMap'atrea ' e.;tpeatt[Ausly titrate to 1k11Atifilli tii01l' . $10611110* litri 1s�rk L-. T Co srEvEso, P V y. --lE LEADING UNDERTAKER EMBALMER. APULL LINE O'8' GOODS KEPI lII STOC ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse, ALBERT ST.,CLINTO.i Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL 1 THE RIGHT The new model o ookford Watch, when placed in a screw banl Jan, will fill a ion reit want among farmers, as it is 4not due proof only, but very strong. The plate which the wheels work between, not being separated by pilrars as in the ordinary WATCH But by the bottom plate being turned out of a solid piece of metal, with the edger left of the top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever set with sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak- ing in all agood rong watch For a Farmer JOS. BIDDLECOMBE C LA TN" Planing • Mill --AND--- ri n, Y 11HE5UBSCRIBERRAVINt;JU67 COmf'LET 11 en and furnished his new Planing Mill with machinery' of the latest improved patterns is now prepared to attend to all orders in his line in th most promptand satisfactory manner and atrea enable r.too. Fie would also return thanks to al who patron'', the old mill before they were burn gd out, and tow being in a better position to ere ute'nr ler ,xp<'litiously and feels confident he Can ve tattoficti•'n-0 all. FACTORY—Near the Grand Trunk Railway, Clinton 1'HOMAS meKRNZIE —THE— Royal Electric Co. Arcane! rncaadosceat Lighting, Eleetrlo Motors and Generators. CONTRACTORS it BUILDERS OF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER STATIONS Throughout tho Dominion. 84 to 70 Wellington St. MON'rBEAL PAPER �Aw MILLS CO. Mews Printing Wrapping Senator Samples S PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOD NOT A POISON FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER BUGS. Write us if not kept by pont Druggist. Wo wlllgivo 7rr'TY no1LAas where it has proven afailuro 11 properly applied EWINO, HERRON 8t, CO., Spitts !krauts, Solo Mfrs., 670 & 881 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL Solo 4 Proprietor if the Leas /r p Rii 011jjIIr Ing thifgoods. An rods euro. IYr IYlllfl IIII,IL,1Y1 !ng this trndo murk aro TpZ POST Lion Brand- ADoanto. rop$QT,lPJ4 ATM PORT, ]don Brad A" Rouse stilton. 8nnnnY, Lion Drum], W I N se. 4a i'nildo. SHERRY, Lion Brand, Manzanilla. CLAnaT, Lion S P R I T Brand, "A." wnrelr EY, Lion Brand, Lion Rye, LinnNnv,Llon • Brand, Lion Eau do vie. MERCHANT. Agent for JoQhn Bobortogn & Sons Scotch Whiskey I James • Ferguson &Sons, Glasgow ; ;Mullet & Dolsmnin Jnrnnc- Cognao,Francu, CIIAMPAQNn,Vtnd&Princess,Vind'Ete 416 St. Paul Street, Montreal. Montreal 9 ' O,�Y,E TRADE uy Wall w COLIN m p Paper 6McARTNURo P ' &CO.� r Factory � 4.02„Bstv CANADA TRUSS FACTORY Fat. 1869. F. CROSS, Prop. ppplianees for ell kinds otPhy- -1( siciarovi rmFites,,._Gross' Improvedpat. Artificial Units k l ... Send tbr- •• 1 ' 1. Eaters pOf ntsT ami vrlltfoLABa after vsialr----naOr Btt'eetr,iMoi.v.. iz=. MUCILAGE& a.UOUID OLOEMANFR, E. AULD • Fr(or01,0t .. 768 Qtaig OSTRICHFEATHER MANFRI W.SNOW, Feathers*epalist,l$1 17bfAael)amO SAFE MANUFACTUREI: 0. <9.8T14MALL,Farneft'MifiabPaa#a11,'.trtlfriig THE EQUAL OF PARISIAN MAIN ANEW Cannot be fotiu'cf,•for reetott14greq'hair to its natural color nd hetit ; It koenm the head Clean and 0691, and ;free from dandruff, it etopd the heir from fulling out, promotes tho growth, and glt1t5 the hair tho glodb,.beauty ; and strang�0f yoath When Yen nedagliaored '• #t Vraa tioverkiio' ni wean:, Bold eat half the 0100 of Aril 'Other propatton, DO 11 M1YOh • hetttltpatn YintknOwn linty tollrt. A,