HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-09-22, Page 3f
PO ry��AND,' LIMITF adapted an; orphau. eland o; years of, Ing the words, �Fi,orq Xyra'o. Aven,
PT 4D'014
15XP - age. She was a bright little girl, and ger," ' There Is, We believe, at, reP , t
they grew to love ''her, As it sae had 'wo o tber clue to the murderer,!,,
on forward and
been their owp_ Two,y eare later, Ifeltb, fid to. come, forl
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as I sad story, pa
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Chicago Inter-06ean,refera As follows*..
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_osoine years. ago the Spisrktlilo
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HOw To GET A, 94UNLI-1171
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Poppy , I I
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boArd for tho`qle eping, 941. W,
to See, , 7,p,rb y
my father's only gis r
YOU WAIL reC%Vla' PY post,':A pIp. 'y 1, '4 4-1
tree from advertising and well worth#mm-
t*pen arla,�four ilea, butthe'Pon-
61 reached that if two Vessels
elusion was
at* Jq the fare to p9ppy.band?
It in ensington.
"W40 henwe arrived,' in. England We,
'rig' This Is an "By way to decorate your
home. , The Soap is, the best in the market
were ILI) other under
hing paqU
_prQ0 ight, After
a full head of steam they ull
po it is not veryZe
) k�,ieved aridai4raled to find that
we '"T
and it will, onl� aoitlo pt stage to send in
hi6arlri thefogborn at a die ta6ce of
tip is this Vi ling and a kiss, aunt, Ilau SUSP ie 40 the wrspperS' Lit- You leave 1548 elau. pen..
in the write y four m les apart,' do �biajr best to sto
therefore, frle.ri less Arid alone in 171.
pal or. our -address carefully.
t ,,You and yet come info, collision with each
world. I ani, riot going 0 weary other with Serious cone , equeUceS. 17
of 110, who children took with particulars of our many Struggles ARE YOU A MAN?
n hid knee in kindness groat, with poverty and starvation, struggles
ke oliar o, I pray, of the train each day only say the were . very Orrible, but One day a 'Young man was teasing a' WHAT GIRLS SHOULD LEARN.
hat leasee st six and eight, they always broughtlis 'close little girl; when she, becoming tire(Yof
together.. quite
44Aftqr many vicissitudes *6L found h ad q inpatiently.. By all means let the girls learn how
pasgengers,,,thus I pray, it I necessary to part frbrn one another. clothes as you doi to cook. What right has a girl to
01,1he olf I wore as big
00P Nvar , OL a man. Marry and go into, a house of her own
For to inq they are very dear; My adopted sister engaged as an I'd be a n -intend
I ). I us Lord. Italian gov6rness in the nor of Eng- Her mother overbearing the remark, unless she knows how to super
d specisl*drd, 0 graoi rig, and she
O'qr.khe gentle engineer. landi and I became, whatl Am- 110wo called her away, and chided her for every branch of housekeeping,
an artist's
8 Model. We Wrote loni, icy, but Soon the tears cannot properly superintend unless she
being so sat A knowledge herself.
And loving letters to one another, rebuke were brushed has some practical I re" caused by the
yra s. Avenger latitigall, our sorrows, hopes andex-' away, and the cause forgotten by the Almost every man marries without
p6iriences. Last autumn,. however; I little girl. thinking whether the woman of his
able to detect a change in the ppir- A few years later the same girl, then his choice is capable of cooking him a
!i%r ]Ferdinand Bartley," I read out W45 returning home meal, And it is a pity he is so short -
it of my sister's letters. I'knew that & young lady, was
rofn the visiting card in my hand. she was less conflding—that she Was rom school, and in making changes of sighted, -as his healtbg his cheerfulness,
'Show hinc in here, please." keeping ba6k I something from me- I the train Was - obliged, to stop At an and indeed his success in life depend in
A tall', gentleman, wearing please.,'
a dark asked her what it was. For several hotel -ft6i night, A rhaing and popu- a great measure, on the kind of food
lea resting household
eard, and with' gold spectacles weeks she did not write, and then I tar lawyer of the glace chanced to see, he eats; in fact, the whole "ho johoia
nose, was ushered into received a short letter from her to say her nhine upon the register, and at is influenced by its diet, Feed them
yen 0.1, e was dressed with sorup- that she was married, that - she was , fried meat, hot, bread,
ous once called upon her. As soon ad -be on fried cake
neatness, and,carried a cane in going Away, and that SJjQ Wold write greeted her, he said: other indigestible viands day by da
again soon. "I called to thank you for what you and they will soon need medicine
JW;61�Ze Somerville, 1 believe?" make them well, A man *111 take to
"She did not evenl;�.� me the name have done for me."
I bowed
y6tlriskillasapro- of her hnsband, She replied: alcohol to counteract the evil effects
"Time, went on, and she did not s-yop must be mistaken about my of such food, and the wife and children
tratt), painter, and shall be very glad if write. I became very anxious about help, for although I do remember you must be physicked.
,you can execute a little commission it something must n I Let all girls have a share in house -
or me." her, and knew that as a clerk in my father's store, when home before they marry;
coat aild be going wrong, but I could do no- was a child, I cannot remember one keeping at h
Ile unbutboned his frock thitig, as I did not know where she - e favor I eller did you, or in fact let each superintend some department
I)roduced from the •inside pocket a was living. , single had ever seen you since then." by. turns. t need not occupy half the
��phdtograj h" which he handed tome. .,One night, as I was sitting fretting He then referred to the impatient time to see that the house has been
me a '�W you be so good as in 3 quoted, and
ouN to paint my cheap apartments in Lambeth,' remark before said that properly swept, dusted, and put in or
life-sized .. rotrait in oil of that the maid -of -all -work came up. to my and from er,. to prepare puddings and make
life-sized head day he resolved to be a man, dishes, that many. young ladies spend
room and said that a lady wished to time had honestly tried to make some -
bust only." iso said he had in reading novels that enervate both
"Cannot the lady give mea sitting?" see me. it was my adopted sister. thing of his Ig e, He a
I asked. , She threw herself into my arms, and I'l never been tempted to do a mean mind and body, and unfit them for,
"Alas! She is dead," he replied, "and know that her heart was breaking. I thing without hearing the warning, every -day life. Women do not, as a
lifted her veil, and never shall I forget -I'd -be a man." general rule, get pale faces doing house-
ossess to help me the sight. She had been brutally as- work. 'Theirse(lent;
this photo is all I p sedentary habits, in over -
to recall her features. She was my saulted in the face. A fearful blow To gain strength—Hood's SargapariiN- heated rooms, combined with ill -chosen
-f )� -
W1 e. had blackened one of her eyes and For steady nerves--Hoodwarsaparills, ,food, are to blame for bad health. Our
lexplainedthat I felt that Icould nearly closed it, one of her cheeks had For pure blood—Hood's Sarsaparilla. ers used to pride themselves on
trot do justice either to myself or to an open wound, and her forehead was A CHILD'S KISS. ,,,r housekeeping and fine needle-
theprotrait in copying from a photo- scarred. work.
raph, and would rat er not under- -Good heavens!' I exclaimed, 'who
eke the commission. has done this?" He wag a Wunt;y-jumper and had A BATTLE r� OR BLOOD
Mr Bartley, however, was very been shot down while trying to escape
As husband,' She sobbed. ?Ne Is what frood's Sarsaparilla vigorously
tresslug, and I at last consented. 14: :mWhere is he?' from the guardhouse. He was a bur yj ;, and is alvy6tys victorious in expell-
6 was ' -going abroad in about ten 4She made no answer. big man, fierce of -look and rough of he f a ntS and giving the vital
days, I agreed to have the picture 46 Myra, my poor sister, he shall pa speech, and when they brought hiar ing all t foal t i a
completed in time -for lifta to take it for this. What is your husband7. into the hospital be, cursed an raved fluid the quality and qu ntity of perfect
with, him. He was profuse in his name?' in a way to make you chill. He had health. it cures Scrofula, salt rheum,
thanks, and after he had given me "She would not tell me his name, or received a mortal wound, but death boils and all other troubles caused by im•
particulars as to color of hair, com- anything about him; only that he had had no terrors for him. When the pure blood.
plexion, etc., he left. for months used her brutally, though surgeon told him that he must die
The picture was an experiment, and never with such abominable cruelty as within forty-eight hours he replied: Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25e. Sent
I did not at all care for the work, but I this. "Bahl What of it? The only favor by mail on receipt of price by C. I. Hoed &
-did the -best I could with it, Mr Bart- I' `Julia,' she said apologetically, 'I I have to ask is that y-ou keep snivelers Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
ley called once while it was in process, think he must go mad at these away. I want no prayin' and sin in' times.
arid was enthusiastic in his praises. He loses all control over himself. But about Mel" Mr Ezra Redmond, an old and re -
He declared that it was a life-like'por- n He had been a wicked man. He _W.,, tctle d farmer of the township of
afterwardsheis always penitent d,, on the Dixon
trait of the original; thisi at any rate, loves me Passionately.'-$, 7 boasted ofit. -He ridiculed the idea.of a, ''dropped&dead
hereafter and cursed the Bible and Corners fair grounds on Wednesday.
OneXorninglwas putting the fin- . Tlefiff�-iitl No penitence can atone
for this. As for his outbursts of love, religion. Men and women . came to
ishing touches 0 the picture—Mr Fer - they are simply a degradation.' k with him, so that he might not
ea W"�n
,dinand Bartley was to call for it in the 11 'Oh, Julia! I endured it as long as speak a a dog, but he Mocked and cursed
.afternoon—when a model, whom I had I could, but I have now left him. I '.. We who were watching the
,engaged a good deal in the past, came can never, never go back to him again.' end saw the shadow of death w en i OT
into my studio to ask for an engage- It 'My poor girl,' I cried, 'why did 'fell. He realized that life was ebbing, THE Fk
ment. Her name was Julia Horton. you not confide with me?' but still he pursed and reviled. An
As we were conversing she came for- 11 'Because I would not add my sor- hour before he -died the wife of a That AYER'S Sarsaparilla CURES
ward to look at the work I was doing. rows and troubles to your own.' wounded sergeant came in to visit her OTHERS of Scrofulous Diseases,
Her face suddenly became livid, and "I could get but little information husband. She. brought with per a -Erutions, Boils, Eczema, Liver
her eyes flashed with fury as she point- from her that night, but devoted my- little fair-hairedgirl, four or five years p
ed at the portrait before her. self to calming her excited nerves. As old. and as she talked the child slipped and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia,
"Myra! Good gracious, it is Myral" we slept side by side, I dreamt that away and wandered Up and down the Rheumatism, and Catarrh ;should
she exclaimed. "What does this mean? my poor sister, was bending over me aisles to inspect the cots and their oc be convincing that the same course
Did you know her?" and kissing me, and when I awoke cnpants. A score of us tried to coax of treatment WILL CURF, you. All
mine as if she the
She fixed her eyes on mi soon:after dawn she was gone. On her nearer, but she was coy and bash -
would read my, inmost thoughts. fel, When she reached the cot where- that has been said of the wonder-
. table was this note: , by the use of
"When did you paint that portrait, "'My beloved sister, T cannot re- on lay the bounty -jumper, the pallor ful cures effected
Mr Somerville?" main a burden on you, and my heart of death on his face, but fighting the
$I month,' Ire- P , she paused and stared
During the present mi is broken. Seek me not. Before you spectre away,
plied. read thig I shall be beyond the roach at him. When he saw a smile flitted AYERS
"But when did she sit to you?" over his face and the fierce light died
of thdadftcr Would use me ill. Try to He
"I never saw her in my life"" forget" forgive your ever loving out of his eyes for the first time. Sarsaparilla
';, she said, f� beckoned her to approach, and to our
"Do not trifle with me, sister; Myra.' hesitatingly advent- pleadingly, half threateningly. 1e por great surprise she he during the past fifty years, truth -
4 "Yes, Mr Somerville, that is t and ed until she stood beside. his cot. The fully applies to -day. Itis, inevery
truth -
"Mr Somervill�, I must ask you to ex- trait of Myra, me adopted sister; mother rose up in alarm, but the nurse
49ain. "I have a right to know. I Must women born with the Southern blood whispered to her not to call the child. sense, The Superior Medicine.
JK V. 0 . thatisin In ve, a do not always for- Its curative properti'es', strength,
1. took the photograph from the get and 'Is you sick?" queried the little one
easel and handed it to her. forgive." effectt and flavor are always the
te photo ve
.shelf of the e There as a tierce, determined look as the man reached out his hand and
-She.seized it and examined it careful- - touched her golden curls. - same ; and for whatever blood
.1y. The edge round the photograph in her face that was both grand and "Aye! child, I'm dying!" he whis Sarsaparilla is
terrible, diseases AYER'S
-itself had been cut away, and the back "And what was the end?" I asked. pere2.1
,of the card had also been torn off. "Cannot you wess? Theriverl And "And ain't you got nobody to Speak taken, they yield to this treatment
There was no clue to the photograph- listen to this. He never claimed his to you?' When you ask for
er, if ,that was what she wanted. dead! I did so, and, identified her as "I didn't want them." 9
,You say you never saw her in your Myra Horton, my sister, and told only But you wanted me, didn't you?" AYERS
I life?. as much at the inquest as I thought Yes—God bless you!"
"Never,, to my knowledge." necessary. I laid her in her grave,and Is you shot, just like papa?" la
"You will swear that, Mr"Som4-' now I seek the man who killed her. Yes, dear." Sarsaparil
tville?" Now that I have told you all," she ad- "I'se so sorry! I guess I'll kiss you! ,
As her lips touched his' cheek the don't be induced to purchase any
"I should be prepared to do so," I Jed, -da you still refuse to give me his ss substitutes, which
replied. name? There can be no question as to death-rattle in his throat frightened of the worthless
"Then how do you come to know his identity, for you say he spoke of her, and she ran away to her mother.. are mostly mixtures of the cheap -
the color of the hair and of the skin? her as his wife." The kiss was still warm when his eyes est ingeedients, contain no sarsa-
-The are perfection." I was sorry that I had said so much, closed, his bead fell back, and he shiv- parilla, have no uniform standard
7�ecel'ved the necessary inform&- but was firm in refusing any further ered and died.
tion from,the person from whom Ire- "See the wonderful change in his of appearance, flavor, or effect,
Information. She seemed greatly dis- ly,
pointed and dispirited, a
ceived the photograph, and who will until facell'-whispered a nurse. are blood -purifiers in name on
call for the picture this afternoon appointed seemed suddenly to occur to Ayel it was wonderful. The hard and are offered to you because
"Who is it?" she asked.eagerly: wished me good -day and lines had melted out and there was a there is more profit in selling
ill cannot tell you." her, and she wis smile hovering about the mouth. That
But you must do so, MrSomer- went out. . sion which had intensified them. Take
. The sad story of Myra had depress- savage expres
ed me very much and I was I R
She took, one of my hands in hers over the whole business. I decided, nearer, had been kissed away by the
and looked uNloringly at me, with however, to say nothing to Mr Ferdi. little child. But for her he would have
Mayhap, in the
:villa." own her paleeheeks. E
,vii, �roubled as the hours passed and the end came
tears coursi' nand Bartley about the matter. That died cursing his God. - . AY, S
"If.is impossible for me to do so " I person called later in the day arid re• seconds between the kiss and dissolu
id. , ',,It would not only be a broach cc v 'o tion, he had asked for mercy.—Detroit
said. but I am in ed the picture. A cob was hailed, Free Press. sarsaparilla,
of professional etiquette, and he took e withhiru pr
the picture iiisid so by b:Wr. J. C. ter & Co., Lowel Mass.
byg n
this case pledged to secrecy." and drove off.so by all rug&ts; rke $,; dix bles, $S.
the truth, for Mr Bartleyding at my door, and as I
This was t I was Stan Cures others, wild cure, you
thad, told me that he had reasons for was about to close it I caught sight of
-,priaferring that thetiansaction should a woman hastily, entering a hameon,
A 'r W.A
e a bUrIC111y.pr .private V-, — which llowed.the four -wheeler Mlur
wishes. romised to respect his wi Bartley. A glance satisfied me that it
body else hA4 ever seen the portrait, was Julia. Ithen remembered that I had
and I never had thought it necessary told her that he was coming for the
to mijitia- concealments in my studio icture that Afternoon. What should —4.0 that Our ,WOOLLEN GO
rl "I 'm
'Casto o 10' 'N' $g pit; Pitchees prmmdp40AvQT""
rail -or
001or lqw
m9tia oubstaneb, It
for pareorke, I)ropsl Sbot in,
riftwont Its goaro*oe is t4trty.:-., 0 W
=1030 or;hem0
ftverbhnew. CasterA& prevent$ vomiting
.Cv"g 3)u=hoea nad Wind 001"
t stipation acrid 'OeWng trouNes, cures cOn
CAAoria, nailrallates, the food, icgu Iiitea,
9 Ud
and bowels, giVIAealthy anV, lr.A. KI
eastoria. Ca
40 csstoaa ism elmllent moclielno for chil- -4 castoristis Jowell to d'i
pm' Notban have ropeate4iy told moot itaiortoapy
I recommend it as su
pod eir" upon Weir children." known to MO. A.
Da. G, C. 08GOOD,
Lowell, Maw. Ill So. Oxford St,0,13
,,caftria is the best remedy for children of "Ouiphysiclans-in the 11 A. I g,:db
which I am acquainted. I hope the (1411 Is not ment have Spoken highly of, eir 0
tar disiant whea mothers willconaider the rw-1 encu in their outside p-actinoIt
interest of their children, and use Castoria in- and although We
stead of tkevsd"quack nostrumewhIA medical Supplies what cult, i6
t W(, are fre� to -it
products, ye Mfres.. that'
as legu147
destroying their loved ones, by foreingopium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has won
agents down their throats, thereby Sending 9.),vor upon it."
UK= to premst— graves -1, UNITED HOSPITAL AND Di
Da. J. F. KrNcumoz, I I
Conway,,Ae ALLEN C. Swre, Pms,,
The crentavir Company, 77 Murray St"et, Now T
V he Champion Gold Medal Oil which cannot be Exce,
U00011's CYLINDER OIL ][,AS FQu+�
. ixio
Ask your dealer for "Lardine" and beware -of ifation4
Sold by all leading dealers throughout the CoT"ry.
Speeial Notice S _
&a an I extra inducement to CASH purchasers we have made arrangements with a lea-
ing firm of Toronto for a large Supply of Artistic Pictures by well-known master
all tramed and finished in first-class style, and suitable for the best olsad of re
dente. Each customer will be presented with one of these magnificent Piet
.free when their cash purchases aggregate Thirty Dollars. My motto in busin
is to supply my customers with good reliable Goods at Bottom Prices.
SQAP—Although the principal Soap Manufacturers have advanced prices 80 per teat' ,,
we will supply all Electric Soaps and the noted Sunlight and,,F,,�urpii6e 0
the old figures. Call and see those beautiful Works of Art, sa lea of whid
on show at our store.
TEAS—Our stock is replete and well Beleoted. We offer excellent values in fine
including best grades in Black, Green and Japans. Try our RuBsiow
Crown Blend, the finest in the market.
CHINAWARE—Examine the qnality and prices of our !Combination Dinner it
Tom gets, and be convinced that Bargain Day with us is every bus' ess ]i
throughout the year.
N. ROBSONI Clinton.
BEFORE you buy anything ask two questions:
Do I really want it? , Can I do without it?
These questions may make you rich, but will
not prevent you from buying .your
Where you can get them pure, and the best 61
To have good Pickles your spices and vinegar must.
be of good quality. Ours is the best we can buy, I 1'
try them.
C41D 40
01) S "I'l 189
f001KfI1117 models- It was a most un- I do? I looked along the street, but Ir
fortunate occurrence, and I could not, there was not Another cab in Sight. Vour physsedl endurance don't tome
for the lite of met -think what interest it wa� Impossible to overtake lihii dild back to you 0faehed 4100
Julia could hik#6 in that portrait, Warn hill-, and I did not �know which fund$ vi Tahl Our stock of Woollens is now complete, all our own manufacture, which we f
-Did' you know Mrs -11 I neatly way they had gone after turning the 1: )Before you buy be sure to call and see our
the ijamis slip out,. afiA an eager corner. I rushed into my studio and pure wool.ook'6h Julia's face turned to' one of It
found Mr Partley'fl visiting card. .73 AM1101s Tw
disa "'("ritment. ore no address, It w&s,. therefore,
of this? 0;on know the original l6p,, b n She'etings
,Zd out of my power to do Anything.
Bla ke s)
I asked. That night the newspaper boys Were
,,Know hail Ali mr poor Myra! Ise in the. street CKS',
making A great no S2• 00.
Yarti ed G ds, H )SOS So
M S, 'gentle Ryra, with some sensational announcement,
chair And she sobbed led her yond M 6nid I Sent but for an evening paper, tons Cardi un -4
Ile it Wa , the following 01PureCodLivee0il Hypdphos* "Ites ackbt.8;-,J
,qui be d With horror 9
I I I read its" Mot
(;Wer to iilibak any worse of comfort: to inereaseyoue ew�V� ai. Te good- B at
"THM11BUE Xilltt= IN XANSINGTON- your account at the bank of he4lth. 11ni V
iigr Ferdinand Bartley, belle-�ed to CURR, 5
eouldnot tell What her 4111b' �WA hp.namA e M. FBIankets anc,l StA :kl
&'It6lian'stilotto,teroing nis
V I Ulift ra & aline of
Oft 0%
foos, er, At