Clinton New Era, 1893-09-15, Page 5) ]Q1 GOOD THE 'ALL ON J. B. RU M BALL,, Jeweler and Bell Telephone Exchange. B00Ts � WEAR We sell splendid shoes, and not too costly, in styles that are the requisite of everybody. That we have our hands full of trade all the time makes it certain that we are suiting both the minds and the feet of our customers. We don't have any occasion to complain of trade, even in mid -summer, but it's the fall trade we're looking after now. It isn't a wonder, that we want. more to do. That's why we advertise. We can do more. Our hands are never too full to serve you. l'allili We've an excellent fall stock. InyhQ words of some great man"itmustb seen to �appreciated." a ee b You want Boots and Shoes suitable for fall wear. We've got all kinds and all sizes, and pretty nearly all prices, and what is better than all else our prices are CASH, which means that they are down to the lowest mark Batter and Eggs taken as Cash AYLOR & SONS {Hard, Practical, Enthusiastic, —HAS PLACED— The Forest City Business College of London In the proud position it occupies to -day. Catalogue free. J. W. WESTERVELT Jessop & Mcllroy, Blyth Have removed to their new premises Opposite ,Queen's Hotel 0 AUCTION SALE on Saturday evening next, Sept. 16, at the old stand. Bargains in GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, &c Jessop & McIlroy, Blyth Stray Heifer. Strayed from premises of subscriber, Base line, about five weeks ago, a large yeerling Heifer. grey, but mostly light. Marked with a slit on the under part of right ear. Any one returning it or giving information as to its wbereabouta will be suitably rewarded. JAMES BALL, Auburn P. 0. STRAYED OR STOLEN. A small bay mare three years old, with a abort tail, a little white on one hind foot, would weigh about800 lbs., strayed or was stolen on the 17th July from let 29, con 2, East Wawanosh. Any parson finding her will receive q5 reward, or in- formation leading to her recovery will bo duly rewarded by the owner, MATTHEW LOCK - HART, Auburn P. 0. All Sensible People TRAVEL 'B TIDE C. P. R. ALL GOOD BUSINESS • MEN USE THE J. ELEGR PE. OLINT-oo AGEi O ' aT 4, 414.01 ortio srec.:tet v ., al,.: -be* 4. s Boarders Wanted, r Subscriber oan accommodate a limited num- ber of students with good board and comfortable accommodation. MRS J, BROWNLEE, Albert Street, North. FARM FOR SALE or to RENT The undersigned offers either for sale or to rent his farm of 77 acres, being lot 21 and part 22, on the 5th eon. of Stanley. Nearly 60 soros cleared and in good statb of cultivation. balance good hardwood and • pasture. The place has living stream running through it. Log house otroneileroleonchohilAbubarn, stable, adur b orchard. be rented for a term of years,or Bold on very rea- sonable terms. J W. MILL, Clinton. *1 ft HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Forsale, in the town of Clinton, a small frame houeo and lot, on the corner of James and Maria streets formerly °coupled by .Mrs Gooderidgo. House alas every convenience for small family. Quarter-acre ero a e lStation. ot, g8odwell stable 14x20, situated pp yyWiIl be sold on very reasonable W.MXJROApply ,Holmesviillle.SWALLCW, STILL IN THE RACE AFTER THE MIGHTY DOLLAR WE GET IT THROUGH YOUR TRADE. • DO YOU WANT TO.$UYA PIANI? . . . -)r1/,^41-A^y1-' i— o �+ 'M�y UM, Z f } M �y ur,OV Tp,i5�f41A ,t We wish to poi the. people to thefact that now we bel .9ve every, of Fall Goods h: -.s arrived to hand and opened gip'toour utmost Batik! tion. Thisappb l es not.only to goods bought in the different market the. Dominion, t also the larger purchase We made this `fall; in: the kets o k Great Britain, making in all a grand total of 43 Cases new, � freshtaii RHO Inter rV attractive bdu ht for the oath and will take the discount on every dollar, g thereby saving quit a handsome profi,�whioh we are daily dividing among our customers by offering.,ou stock at prices considerably below regular houises. If you think this a strong asset tion, you have onl^;to get the prices of other houses in the same line, and then comic and get ours and judge for yourselves. We have been repeatedly told that for newne_, brightness, for the very latest things to be seen. city stock , that we stand head and shoulders abo other dealers. Whether or not this i8 so, we . leave great buyin,},;public to say, and believe they gene speak the`ords of truth. Ladies Mattes and Wraps, Men's and Ready -]ado Clothing,and Fuse Dress Coo a to our three leading lines. _-, tee, 11 GIY.*OY 8c WISE CLINTON A little fellow named Willie Nichol fillet hie father's pipe with tea, Friday, in Brant ford, and was having a smoke, when his little brother knocked the pipe from hifil month, setting fire to his clothes. The mother put out the fire, but both were bads?, ''CARTWRIGHT—SHOBBROOK.—At the rosi- ly burned, donee of the bride's father, Pleasant Villa, near Clinton, on the 12th inst., by the Rev, H. J. Fair, BALE REGISTER.Mt John W. Cartwright, of Hallett, to Charlotte -J oldest daughter of Mr John Shobbrook. — MILLER—BYE.—At the Manse, Clinton on Unreserved sale of farm stock, belonginglei Sept.6, by Rev. A Stewart. Mr A. D. H. Miller, Robt. Mason, Base line, one mile north of C-; to Miss E. L. Bye, of Clinton. ton, on Thursday, Sept. 28th, at1.p. m. David, ..'';; DIED, Dickinson, Auct. BOItN 1MACLENNAN.—At Seaforth, on the 8th inst. the wife of Kenneth Mat lennan. of a eon. MARRIED. CLINTON MARKETS , Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Sept. 14, 1893. Wheat fall old 0 59 a 0 62 Wheat fall new 0 57 a 0 60 Wheat spring 0 55 a 0 38 Oats old 029a030 Oats new 0 28 a 0 29 Barley 0 35 a 0 40 Peas 0 50 a 0 52 Flour per bal a 4 00 Butter 0 18 a 0 20 'HENDERSON.—In East Wawanosh, on Satnr- /dayy, Sept. 2nd, Robert Henderson, aged 35 years. EADIE.—At Wingham, on the 8th September, Obert Eadie, aged 70 years. ,$RAITHWAITE.—In Hallett, on the 9th inst., lar James Braithwaite, formerly townsnlp clerk, Ilged 75 years. CALBECK.—In (Goderich, on the llth inst., Cohn Colbeck. formerly of Clinton, aged 85 years Toronto Correspondence, (Special correspondent to NEW ERA.). Chickens per pair0 35 a 0 40 Our Toronto correspondent, after referring to Egge per doz 0 10 a 0 10 Laurier's great meeting at Newmarket, says:— ,,The speech of the .groat leader was what Potatpes, new 0 55 a 0 60 ".ini ht havo been expected, comprehensive and Hay, New and Old 5 03 a 7 00 ' full of practical details, which delighted his Hides, No. 1 trimmed 3 00 a 4 00 `tremens° audience, and carried conviction to Hides, rough 2 50 a 3 50 the Conservatives as well as Liberal hearers that the present state of matters must be ra- Sheep Skins 0 40 a 1 00 .dically changed. This demonstration has fin - Wool 0 18 a 0 22 `ally settled the lines on which the next politi- real battle must bo fought and the Liberajs of MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET 'the Hurons should buckle to their armour at once and maintain the struggle to a successful {issue. The mottoes displayed at the ground There were about 5,50 head of butchers' cattle, and:along the lino of march fully indicated 600 sheep and lambs, 80 calves and 25 lean hogs 'what the people want among them were the following—Repeal of the Franchise Act, Econ- omy in expenditure, purity in *administration, Legislation for the public good only Govern- ment for the people, not the few; maintenance of British connection, enlarged markets for farmers' produce, Taxation for revenue only, no class legislation, and many others of the same kind. If every elector could be induced to read the speeches of Mr Laurier, and fairly and impartially consider the questions before 'the country. oheorrruptintOtwasAb- solutely needed before Canada oan have an honest government. Tho present time is ex- toptionally favorable for a remodeling of the tariffas the United States government is fully convinced that .the present tariff is ruinous to both countries, and are fully prepared to meet 'us in rectifying the errors of the N. P. Tho Wading organ of the N. P. party has been onrishingin a perfect maize of contradictions on this subject for months past, and it is quite amusing to reads the Globe's" expose of the fallaoy of the Em ire's" attempt to bolster up the present tariff: Your readers will no doubt have seen that there is another trade commis- sioner on his way from Ottawa, this time it is Mr Bowell and his private secretary, who is to have an outing at the public expense, and of all places in the world, he is going to Australia, Whore a similar state of affairs oxist as is now troubling our neighbors across the lino and With whom our high tariff advocates are t{iank- ing their stars that there aro no closer trade re- lations with. Such is the consistency of the Toryprotectionist. Had the Governmentreally wished to extend our trade with Australia,. they should havo paid the expenses of a ropro- soptattve commissioner from that country to Visit this country, and on their return they would have been able to place the mattetein• telligontly before thou countrymonCANera and young piggs offered at the East End Abat- toir to -day. The butchers were presentin large numbers, and trade was fair with scarcely any variation in prices einem Thursday. Pretty good cattle sold at about 4c per lb., and a few of the best at 410 do, but there was no prime cattle on the market. LONDON MARKETS. London, Thursday, Sept.4, 1893. Eggs per doz., troch 0 15 a 0 15 Butter, beet roll . 0 28 e 0 29 Butter, Crooke 0 25 a 0 25 Apples per basket 0 30 a 0 30 Peaches, per 8 qts , ... 0 45 a 0 70 Peaches, per 12 qts 0 85 a 1 15 Grapes, per Ib 0 02 a 0 06 Pears per basket. 0 35 a 0 60 Plums per basket 0 85 a 1 10 Tomatoes per bush 0 60 a 0 60 Potatoes per bag 0 90 a 1 00 M. Melons per doz .. 0 75 a 1 60 SMITH & SON Fruit and Commission. 12 and 14 MARKET, LONDON We solicit consignments, which shall have our most careful attention. • We charge 5% and prompt returns. Noth. ing of our own to sell in prefer. once to yours. WANTED :—Plume, Pears and Apples for this Market LAND to LEASE in CLINTON Sixty acres of good land, mostly in grasp, 10 lease forVa term of years, either together o 'ti lots of ton or more acres. Two tefl•aore lots CI sale On,inoderato terms. I3, HALE, . (21n r Dwelling Rouse and Lot fdr Sale prtilleibbr effor9 fo a e the bridll,oattase„at. I''TAHeise had Avory ti ohs.. oda ori ItiRaokl10116ul, ' wo°ds ltd an t w . ,,. e r • FOSTER For 3 ]lion FROM THIS DATW,; THE VERY BEST, - Cabinet. k' ANY STYLE S per doz. FOSTER. Have You Seen the If Not You Ought to I THE LARGEST STOCK OF DSTE3 IQDAP; Ever placed on view in Londesboro, ,onsistingo TWEEDS, ETOFFES, 'IRISH I NAPS and WORSTEDS. Bought at a compulsory sale and fully 30 per cert' below regular prices. You will do well to take,, the hint and do your buying now. We start out': with a Man's ffeavyTweedC�at at Well made and well trimmed. The jowly gets first choice. Our stack o a, fi READY MADE SUITS The Greenway Government were victor- ions in the bye -election at Brandon, Man., on Friday. W. A. Macdonald, Conegr'va- tiVe leader of the Opposition, was unseat- ed some time ago, and was again a candi• date. He was defeated by Mr Charles Adams, the Greenway Government Candi- date, by a majority of 30. Maadenald's majority at the "general election was 1.2. Mr Daly, Doniinion,Minister of the Ins Otto, went °tit'• of his Wray. to 4ork speak ter MacDonald, bat his eg0tt4 iir'Vit ed net. • S' $la'. In Child's, Boys and Men's sizes is complete. We buy and sell for spot Cash and save mone. for our patrons, -