Clinton New Era, 1893-09-01, Page 7of `'den sate; a1/4 #a c rand *FAQ*"" lave now.► ifne line atow Tables at 25c., $0c. and 45. cents; Whenwer, you have any time to; spam we' would like you to take a look through our warerooms. whether you wish to buy or not 'Rrr p th I.EY, Funeral Direotor and Embalmer—. Night • calls answered at h xeaidersce, ging St.,;oppoeite the foundry. JOSEPH.. CHIDLEY, FINE FURNITURE FANCIER, CLINTON Silver Sar o AL OI ¥n's fur Mf OF EMOVARX. Mn Gamow IE;oss, or nr,,o114you, nr.txxo, To 41‘941. os;) i ame'arP B, a is F8 bgnLpi,oarrpr'PeTstlri'..''. e '. Four .miles r we t of Be1leYille,; in. thit yonnty Of „rime kldw*ra> dn`the . aoiltherr chore of the beautiful and picture c ue Bay of Quinte, is 0101400d' .the Vi11age;of ,40d, nsrsviller a chinning plane of abo$ leer hundred popnlatien, osi h9tedlitt# . tc e'+ ly of retired fernery Of late years 'the pioturestlneleceti n of the ivrllagalies :given it • same promineno� 55 a+ summer resort, where may be etyeid the 0001 heallth,giv- ing breezes of the bay :lid eieir inr r hie charming locality disease finds its way, and when the opidemio 44f la, grippe.we t toyer Canada,Rednersvilie was not spared a visite - tion, Amonf lerl• 1, i1f F4$4r get, Roes a life-long resident f then°vllage who ' bpd already -reached the }allotted span of life. Mr Rosi 'sad *Wed' 'reiflarkaeple health until he was taken down with au attack of la grippe, when. • grave fears were entertained for his recovery. In a. few months he Tempted, sufficiently t9 egga';'n move ►boat, but did not with bis acoueZb'ah- s ed vigor. Mr Rose had ecareely regained 4 IttiVerital AL LONS About equivalent to 5 American Gallons for Water White American Oil 25c. a Galion These prices are Spot Cash at our store. Charged or delivered 21c per gallon extra. Johnson's Kalsomin3 and Pure Mixed Paints. Churches Alabasne �-�___ __.._.... __ __ .____r John A Bruces.:Field, and Garden Seeds '-,.-7--ot ‘!.,- 'OWTIA"" toNes, and A ' ware, C,tton r f. First year ri©w:itaii3,6adfreet from Redpath's Re finerblVlontreal "Quality the Purest. Prices. the . Lowest. Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots. TcasAlfees and Spices a --Specialty *UTTER : AND EGGS WANTED lir � •� ' • , `11"WinGiocer y MACKAY'BLOCK, - - - CLINTON. BETWEEN SEASONS As we have made several purchases of FALL and WINTER GOODS, we want to make room for them, so we are prepared to give splendid BARGAINS in every line of SUMMER GOODS Yet .unsold. We have also a fur stock of WIRE of different kinand MIXED PAINTS, WH.lkinds and A.D and OIL. BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS of excellent quitlity and Low price Highest price for Produce. Your patronage respectfully solicited as it will be mutually beneficial. ADA ,EMP, RIUM, -:L0/4111013 h_ R. ADAMS. 8&,LE: OF BOOTS, ' S#CIEs, GROCERIES, ETC: Before removing td our new premises, we will offer some wonderful jBargains in. all lines oarriod'by un, remember that ,our prices ;are•, iwaya lower than, others. The Beet, Biggest, Barg/dna, Over offered in oni;1ine wT l•fte made�during this utile. We have about 2000 pairs of Boots and Shoes too, many which will bo slap htered,if not • • a ha ttthe at whatever they will bring. , ffeo •our wonderful 50 cent 01hoe ontnter. 100.0 aAirp' o41te,at 50 d, 250;: tit., i is at .76x:25p re. lidois,8);,: 2;50 ra. Brio a 81.25, teg•catrs„Salmon„ 104100'1be dish► Tea, G o,.250 lbs 2G`oStspai Tee,,,l :Milt, 106.1bb fanny Biseuits, 10e lb; 200 Iba ginger Snaps. 4 Ibe 2643; 2501be mixed Candy, 10e: 100 dot Orange, 25e' 800 della jars, 5o ,and 0 for 25o; 1000 the Oatmeal, 911, for 25o; • 100 Well Poeketi, IOC; 150 BOMatches, .,10o. Herne; 13acon, Spice, Rorie and other Meats at'right p rico►. A few linea in Dry Goode for half cost price. N. B.-- Theeo goodo.catt only be Obtained at the store for Spot Cath. his health when he was seized• with another attack of this dread disease, worse than the first. This bad a telling effect upon him', and his family feared consumption had claimed biro for a victim. A' physician attended him regularly but seemed unable to give him any relief. Hewever, all that medical skill could do for him was done, but daily Mr Rose's condition grew worse' and in March of this year his condition was so low that his family, like himself, had given n)i bops of bis recovery. tbiring, the last month the general talk about the village and the Darrow -ding country has been the remarkable cure lit Mr Bose by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The ease created such a sensation. that a re- porterof the Ontario,'persoii fly aegriaint- ed with Mr Rosee,. determinedto call on him and learn the facts of the case from his own lips. Mr Rode was found a picture of health and activity for once. of hie years, and expressed his entire willingness to tell hie story of ,the benefit of others. "I am,” he said, "a well man,'and de not ' hesitate to give the credit to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for saving my life.. I had three at. tracks of la grippe and continued to grow worse. up to Mrch of this year. At that time la gels aced in flesh and strength. I could lid„ dfilaid' alone. In foot I was a mere' o:m ton I`conld not eat became I bad no';;yppetite. 1 could not eloop beeeiuee my leg and feet became eo'bbdly 41'44)114n and orb{►pppesd thatrany-.<•arifev'3uld,;have to rub the ;before 1 nand gg,et reat;n' Tho pain was t itid'¢e�'ad d�eilethat 1 could not re - thing, and I would tumble abouti Z nd long for day to coupe t^ If I attempted to get up and walk I was apt to fa11.,•from..dizziness., �.1. tstnt409 l rine from the doctor, but it did not help me and I was so discouraged that I felt deathwonld be preferable to my misery. I di not, think I could live. more than a few ado when one day Iriread in the papery hg. cure of a read/ whose symptoms were like mime '.ir; Wast say I did not have much faith ,;in the remedy, but felt as though it were ;a' last thence. I sent o'x a first for a beyd.by , the time it was half gone I found, ilia; in__yyj appetite was getting better, anuli ' tither respects I could notice an '1 ovement in ray' Coif dition. By the /time the boxmagaa `-or there was a atilt further improvei nerit ' continued the use of the pills, found that I could now get a good night's Bleep and that the cramps and pains which had formerly made my life miserable had digdppep�ared. The swelling left my limbs; the fszinesa disappeared and I felt better than I had in fourears. d knew that it pupal ink pills and thein only l th'i#i b• fight, occur the, change because I was taking nothing else. I have.taken in all sevep boxes and I feel as'g66danoWsae I did at frrty!yenrs;of arge. Last winter I was so bad that I could not do my own chores, and now I can dot ,good days work. My friends congratulate me on my regained health and I don't hesitate to tell them that I owe my life to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Many others hereabouts have found similar benefit. Last spring my niece was looking pale and feeling weak, and I advised her parents, who were very uneasy about her, to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.. The result is that she is now the piotnre of. health. You can say that I would not lie without Pink Pills in the house, for I firmly believe they will do all that is claimed for them if they are given a fair trial." In:fact it appeared that Mr Rose could not say too much for Pink Pills and as the reporter drove away he again remarked, "do not forget to say that I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." In conversation with several residents of the vililage the statements made by Mr Rose were fully corroborated. Druggists say that Dr. Williams', Pink Pills have an enormous sale,-and'fr0m all quarters come glowing reports of results following their nee. stiff very many: oases the good work has been accomplished after eminent physicians had failed, and pro- nounced the patient beyond the hope of human aid. An analysis ahows:that._Dr., Williams' Pink Pills contain in a condensed farm .011: the elements necessary to give ,new life and riobness tothe blood, and re- stores shattered nee os.; . They: are an+un- failing spebiflo for sn�db'dieeirales de° ocomo- ter ataxia, partial` pamelysia, St. Vitus' ;dance„ -conal aa, 'eraqr 1ggi}a,,;k umatism, Ponta 'headache, too alta ` * ' of le. grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and tallow .o mznp�lexiopns�,, ne eons `,p ontrptl`on,; all dined -tee ° <depbndirlg aipoltvitiatedho ore in the .blood,- snob as scrofula, chronic ory,sippeles,,etc. •r.They;are als¢, a specific for ti'briblbs''peoulii r ta'fbmales,'siii}l as' sup-. presaions, irregularities, and ell. forms of weakness. /hey build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and eel. low cheeks. In Wed they°effeot•a radical cure in all oases arising from mental worry,' overwork, or excess et ofwhatever nature. Dr. William' Pink Pills arojuauufasstur- ed by the Dr. Williams' MedicineComppan�yy, Brookville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., are sold in boxes (never in loose forth by the dozen or hundred, and the public ere cautioned against monotone imitations sold hi' this shape) at 50°cents a box or six boxes for. 82.50, and may be had of all druggistsor direct by malt from Dr. Wil-, Ilediaine Company, from either& limns' ado ou. NSA: ' DEACON 4011E0' 04$4y441CE, �toaai'li Exonae ;me'„ 3r l.'araprt, A k urea g #ittle lore, But ['ve tinng ,ilio song► of gar'st1 o thrsseacete yo+ta and ,pial (,, 443,1‘'i a' Iturtk xny feelliha. fir *Met e',m t a see 011 tr.ltn.> ip. There;►antler little ha p'uiu'; 'At I'll ,ment on w m Ole,, ale re. chap fb e10$ my objections Fall lit offs rsourid f 4n elellt•.. It was. one da)!'theY'lValt aging% AR? wag don 'VVA�v��lj1 enou► h— Singine goeda 'peopie could slag Binh an awful mete o' stud' When 4Ite'choir gl a,a bollir, An'tbe organ dive a $roan, • �Mithey left race weak.vMood feller �:iiglae�'irl`iera[ 5llbriai Ent he etruek right to the music +hasBh'tws trying, a , could be, Ali' ►i-Etrie&tbihbkp bim, Why, the bull ohuroh scowled at me. `A11x 104.4. or Toildnit .4-.:.,*" maiNESS we fltau4B head and 'thenkilk,d above tthelvyerrge aai r ; tkl,f4lirg».'40 WPC' .;, Von! sayw.ihiVi Well I praise the Lord that, I Growell up wen top , willin • • utwoolg,hy‘hoisetbigh. Oh, we never bad snob dollars In ha food, of Bethel days, Whet% the folkkvtaa'all.ueatknted, With the simple aonge, c' praise. Noir,! rear9Fenppo� t99 *Pen. Bet 'twee too berd'to keep still, AnI hope you'll tell the singers 'As "bear 'off • o ill Will; 'At .they all 'Emirgit to glary, Is my wish an my desire, But•thlay'll deed ppm extra trainin• „Fore they join the heavenly choir. • Down With Sig_haPrioes P0? Electric Belts. $1.55,$^2.65, x.70 ;.former prices $5, $7! $10 ' Qua1'ty rerniirie the. Barn&i.-16 d• ferent styles; dry battery and aeid belts mild or Strong ourrent.•Leas than half the priced any other company'indmore home testimonials than all the rest to- gether. Pull list free.ention this paper. W. T. BABE & CO, Windsor, Ont. Mr David Plewis, a prominent Cana- dian Liberal, was seen in Liverpool lately by Aid. Bunnell, . of Brantford. Mr Plewis told the;aldernan that from personal observations made during his travels he considered that the farmers of Canada were the best circumstanced of any in the world. - Enxumr rxsn OVBED Is A DAY.—South Aineriean Rlheaimatio Cure for Rheims. tiara and Neuralgia radically teres in 1 to 8,days. , Its action upon the eyetinn ie re- markable and myaterions. It renioves• at Dice the cause and the disease immediate- ly disapPeara. The firet dosegreatlyljeen- fit .75 cents. Warranted by Watts & Co. Druggist. Mrs Brown, employed as a laundress at the Hodgins house, London, fell off a shed last week and was, .seriously in- jured. Both of her arms were broken ant Ther head was badly ut The ac- cident was due to 'the renlping of the line on which she'was n It out clothes. A doctor whore the inj u ries would gd li t A'' wonderful new; -C ti' ion id B. Stark'gl Headache, Nur a and” Liver Powders; nioe to to 0 irfe ly'larm. lees.,Mrs Mary tsf M ihit filmset, r8'arfiilton, says: '•$'orra- inni•laot all my,life—I have been troehled with severe 'headaches. Y have tried all the remedies I could hear of, and have been treated by many dootots,:bat with very little geed re- lt4lts.• A friend recommended•yearnBead- asibe,;, leuralgi"a ,and Livett���oiedexs' some time ago, and Y"have "found diel& tots the greatest blessing to me—in fact, I can tru- ly say they aro perfectly wenderful. I would not bewithenialiena for more•than I can tell." • Mr x�r1bk station „mater, Grand Trunk Railw&y, • �Eai iiilton, ^daye:— "They cured my moat severe headaches, ,•which,liad for the last „threeyears." 25 ?{rents a boz. xi Sold by a l'i triodioine dealers. porteHboto Lange`ry .and other sup- rs of the policy of commercial re- striction and free boodle pretend to imagine that all opponents of these two excellent methods of public op- pression and private enrichment are either annexationists or in favor of in- dependence. If any are so absurd aa thilik n.rlexation wquid derive us. rorn nigbtnnares, like 'Sii� "Se'e'r, bred of our own internal moral disor- de $, uo am nexatipnists owe their ex ist e i c ' the inetibUs' Which conquer- er their judgment. Prosperity does not breed r.metleontents. The political, world is g6diir+ded' by the natural laW of cause and effect just an r gch as the scientific or the.spiritu4 World, and if there are traitors rn o „►xttte tb'is the Condition of the countgladen pres- ent methods thwe haven. tb thank for it.—Montreal Wat itness. , did ihf 1 was cured of lame back after enffering 15 years, by Minard's Liniment. Two Rivers, N.S. ROBERT Roes. I was aired of diphtheria afters doctors failed, by Minard's Liniment. Antigonish. Semi A. Font!. I was cured of contraction of muscles by Minard's Liniment. Dalhousie. MRM. RACHEL SAUNDERS• There are three harvests a year in sometiatts of India. A man named Woods, who lives in Hamilton, and is noted as a high kick- er, fell -while trying to kick the top of his brother's door in London, and was paralyzed. Doctors hold out 'no hopes of his recovery. LOST OR FAILING MANHOOD, °instal and Nemo Debility, Wetknens of Body and Mind. Effects of Er- rorsf or Excesses in OM or -Young Robest, Noble Manhood fully estored. blew to en - Weand Strengthen W e a k, ilndeveiojSed Orgatu and Parts of Body. Absolutesqjrn- failing Home Treat. ment--Benefits in a day. Men testify from 60 Sterol and rorelgn Countries, Write them. Descriptive Bdok, ex - Planation' and proofs mailed (sealed) free. °- lii iweicAL CO., luflaiii I(g1Cc, The old, reliable, and tested brands Evenly Spun. Full standard leg'a pound, Best value In the market Call and see samples and get reduced prices New Store/ Cid Stand �YlaokayBlocki;` • ;,r D • • Brick BlOck r r. ! Boys' Gir • 1s Ladies* Guaranteed Stainless :a _ Cotton -- 'LAIN and RIBBED Full Range Black Silk ,.Parasol s4. all 'Prices. 5 per cent off for Cash. Robt. Coats , & ion NIi OF rf .r BOOKS, Statione WALL PAPER, &c 0 In order to oleair out the entire stook of W. 11. SIMPSON, it has been deoideeli to 'offer the ►erne atprices away below coat. Everything will be sold at such (figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here. THE STOCK, MUST BE SOLD OUT " PRICES ARE MADE - ACCORDING" This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired / to clear the, whole out in 30 days. RUMBALL' 8 cILH FACTO .10Eurott. treet, Clinton We have on hand an assortment'of epiontaiii• BUGGIES. CARRIAGES & WAGGONS' NO'hiah eve giiaratifee tete ot,flist•»elitea mattnial and werkininsl ip.,: rr. X yen want -t. good„atrttcle tit the pried dffa'pbor 000, call ant lea:ueo, lfYala ' d4' t a