HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-08-25, Page 7exeme,a04,,,,eisssassis,0,5
ROLAND 13011 1118 OLIVER.
the way -mob yea keep
doge' tants hare?" Poked the w0,40-4
funny (11140... es he leolted'quiskicalltat
the salesman
"Vern; 0044 the Aleek`leekhig
0.801fitatit; "that is, we have some for,
ours and 1)4111,004. Wee* x°
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to all Oashbuyers ofBooti and Shoes at our stole
0 now a.Discouut of Neu 0
like a reidsomMextught'e dream, as the
young lady *he Was with him giggled
in fl,byab soprano through her cambric
„ .
WO)) 04 Ilvaa she cried far (Astoria.
Then Bs* Waadokore WOW
,gbe*WittlftPial,;91St ;'
Whoa' comixor " '
yen ever stop to consider where
iGe simboheite 410tel) atok r41 ,4gtir7:17 est bee 190 $azitra, ibrri tikel
80111beinags 4veentoUpoohtlif4teaerecteleirt404u
illiletrieepte- rib trosiam,,wesioge:g4405
ingap,p Tbe:Intm might,:hti7' all these
things themselves, but that, would be
greatr railroads expensive spend aforsomeatiItyteha:
ror tb,ite;"tittlarOtlY: little tiling80""'"
gVeZ37 railroad has an officer nail t
pUrehat0i4L" etIti ?7,..0 at a
arsiebopmiraa, are 53;Orn n
25c, 30c and 4.5o'
"; r"F4(tr"."-m7
We now a finelininbOn Tables at g5c., 30o, v,
and 45 .cents. Whenever you have any time to spare we
would like yon to take a look through our warerooms
• whether you wish to buy or not
J. W. CHIDLEY, Funeral Direotor and Embalmer—Night calls answered at hi
• residence, King St., opposite the foundry.
9 '
Silver Star COAL OI
• 4 Imperial CI4LLONS
About equivalent to 5 American Gallons for
Water White American Oil 25c. a Gallon
These prices are Spot Cash at our store. Charged
or delivered 2c per gallon extra.
Johnson's Salsomini and Pure Mixed Paints.
Churches Alabastine,
John A Bruces Field and Garden Seeds
D IS_„&D
H84..cINa•Tp„c,!‘ins and Tinware, Cliuton
• e
I • M. I 1M • 1
First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal
Quality thePurest Prices the Lowest.
• Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots.
Teas,,Colfees and Spices a Specialty
J. W. Irwin, Grocer
Spaths, Scythes, Forks, Rakes, Oil, Oil Cans, Mitts & Handles
We oan supply you with the very best quality. Try ns
Forpreservina and )
3 SUGAR AND VINEGAR 5 We can supply Ye,' 'via' the
Pickling you wiil want beet. xon mould try us
Full line of Groceries and General Goods: Highest Price
for Produce. Old accounts must be paid at once to save costs
mommormworimor: 0
• Before removing to our new premises, we will offer sense wonderfulPargaiwkin all
• lines carried by ue, remember that our prices are always lower than others. The
Beat, Biggest, Bargains, ever offeredtin bur line will pe made daring this sale. We
have about 2000 pairs of Boots and Sitoer,loo many whioh will be elaughtered,if not
at half thent at whatever they will bring. LiSee our wonderful 60 cent Shoe oonnter.
• 1000 pairs Boots at 60 d, 250 pro. bots ist 76, 260 pea. Boots $1, 266 pre. Boots 01.25,
• .500 cans Salmon, 100; 100 ibis Japan Tea, 5 e; 260 lbs 25o Japan Tea, 6 lbs 61; 100 lbs
fanoy Bisenits, 10d lb; 260 16s ginger Snaps, 4 lbe 26o; 260 lbs mixed Candy, 100:
• 100 doz Orange, 25o. 800 jou' jars, 8o and 6 for 25o; 1000 lbs Oatnieal, 9 lbs for 260.
_160/3/al1_Packets,_ 1.0e60 Boxes Matches, -10o. Hams, Bacon, Spice, Bella alai
other Bleats at right prices. A few lines in Dry Goode for half cost price. 14. B..—
These goods can only be obtained ,at the store for Spot Cash.
Jessop St MeIlroy, Blyth
, An uptown church has recently
OncleFEeee great alterations, and dur,
ilk the course of the' work a lot of
old wood was 'accumulated which, was,
perfectly good for kindling „purposes,
ut Was not of much account for any.
Wag, else. Toe super/3404a of the
building. thinking to have the wood
removed at the least possible cost,
started about to dispose of it by sale.
Accordingly, picking out &nice, smooth
board, he inscribed it as follows :
"Wood for sale by the Load."
The board had been exposed only a
Short time when some wag saw the
chance for a good joke and changed the,
letter "a" in the wood, "load" to an "r"
and for days the sign stood out in front
of the church reading: "Wood, for
sale by the Lord."—Philadelphia Re-
Down With • High Prices Fo!
Electric Belts.
$1.55, $2.65, $3.70 ; former prices $5, $7,
$10. Quaky remains the same -16 dif-
ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts
--mild or strong current. Less than half
the price of any other company andmore
home testimonials than all the rest to-
gether. Full list free. Mention this
paper. W. T. BAER & CO. Windsor, Outs
"Ti I was out in Colorado," said
the man with the ginger beard, "I was
chased by the lnjuns into a cave, and
had to stay there three months with-
out anything to eat." Here the man
with the ginger beard looked round de-
fiantly, expecting someone to doubt his
assertion, but as no one spoke he co a-
tinur d: "I s!pose I would ha' starved if
it hadn't been for my wife and family
back East. - Whenever I would git to
thinkin' of thens, a big lump would rise
right up in my throat; and by swal-•
lerin' that I kep' myself from starvin'."
"She has promised to marry you,has
she? Did she accept you right off ?"
"Oh, no. I had to propose four
"Four times Gracious, but you
were persevering 1 What did she say
the first time ?"
"She said if there wasn't.. another
man in the world but me she wouldn't
marry rne."
"ThartVaS pretrystrong. What did
she say the second time V -
"She said she liked me pretty well,
but she couldn't think of marrying me,
for she might see somebody else that
she would like better."
"Humph ! And the third time ?"
"The third time she asked me if I
wanted to tease the life out of her."
"Ha hal hal And the fourth time?"
"Oh, the fourth time she said if I
insisted upon it she supposed she would
have to say yes."
'Kalamazoo, Mich., ships 25 carloads
of celery every week.
It is estimated that the melon crop
of Georgia this year will be worth
nearly $2r.0,000 to the farmers and
about $100,00 to the railroads in the
A Jersey cow owned by Joseph C.
Sibley and Charles Millar, of Franklin,
Pa., and valued at $10,00, has just
died. During one year the animal
gave over 16,000 pounds of milk.
BRANTFORD, Aug. 21. A good many peo
ple in these days are evidently ignorent of
what ails them. They use remedies for
dropsy, rheumatism, mastics or some each
disease,and after a time find out that dis-
ordered kidneys caused all the trouble.
Here are some instances. James Crisp, a
telegraph operator of this place, suffered
from dyspepsia for a long time and could
not find a remedy that would relieve him
until he found Dodd's kidney pills. They
oared him, as the primary cause,of his dys-
pepsia lay, undoubtedly, in his kidneys.
A well-known lady wrote to the Toronto
papers a short time ago stating that she
had been oared of a womb disorder by
Dodd'e kidney pills. She did not think
until she was cured, that disordered kid-
neys were the seat of the trouble. Valen-
tine Fisher, of Collingwood last year, was
cured of sciatica of thirteen years standing,
by the same remedy. He too, found out
at a late day that hie kindneye had all
along been the cause of his sufferings.
These are only some of ninny like experi-
ences that are daily met with.
General and Nervous Dadity,
Weakness of 13ocly,and
Mind, Effects'of Er.
ors or Excesses in Old
Or Young, Robust,
Noble Manhood fully
Restbred. How to.en-
%little and Strengthen
W e ak , Undeveloped
Organs and Parts of
13ody. Absolutely tin -
failing Home Treat-
tnent--1Benefits i n
day. Men testify from
60 States and Foreign
Conntries. Write them.
Descriptive Book, ex-
planation and proofs
Mailed (sealed) froe.
He htteh to h buying
locomotives or ears or rails; it is
thiNs that he has spend
sometlines $5.nuu,004 a year for.
On the Apt ef PeCh month the head
Of' each nePartment and every Station
:agent elERN3lhekie leelle4 requisition
upon Pact PAIrcllas111$' agent for the sup-
plies tlutt they 'need for that
•mosat,ls; that they make otst;a list of
the articles, and send it to headquar-
ters.. Thapuinhasing agent looks over
all these lista, audits them, as it is
.Caned. and strikes out ;spine ,of the
Items, when he thinks that too much
has 'been asked for. • When the list is
cut down, to jibat he thinks is right,
he puts 1)16 . initials upon it, and it is
sent to one of.the principal officers of
the road, Willo also approves it. When
it conies back to the purchasing agent
approved, he sends an order to the
supply department, and the goods are
.shipped to their destination..
The variety of things that the pur-
• chasing agent has to buy is shown by
tvfe requisitions taken at random from
among thousands received by one agent
in New York one month. One wee for
3 dozen red globes for signal lanterns,
750 barrels ,of oil, 1C0 barrels of signal
oil, 20 gallons of turpentine: 10,000 seals
and wires for sealin.g freight cars, 1
coil of rope 5 inches in circumference,
I dozen broom% half dozen sponges,
100 pounds of Waste for cleaning chim-
neys, 3 gallons of soft soap for cleaning
cabooses, 4 kegs of nails, 500 envelopes,
1000 paper clasps, 1 gross of pens, 1
gross of pencils, and 10 yards of flag
bunting. Another requisition, from
an office in the interior of New York
State, where there must be a great
many clerks, scalled for 10,000 large en-
velopes, 20,000 small envelopes, 500
small pads, 5,000 letter heads, 10 gross
of pens, 500 application'forms, 500
monthly -report blanks, 10 gross of pen-
cils, 10 gross of clasps, 100 large sticks
of red sealing wax, 500 heavy manilla
envelopes, 5 dozen oil cans,.3 dozen
lanterns, 10 signal lamps, 3 dozen red
globes, 2 dozen white globes, 3 large
lamps for station, 2 dozen brooms, 4
feather dusters, 150 pounds of waste,
9 kegs of nails, half dozen large cha-
mois skins, 75 panes of glass 16x20, 5
coils of small rope, one quarter bale of
coarse wrapping paper, 250 fence .pick-
ets, and 1,100 feet of barbed wire.—
Harper:s Young People.
0, Z1.0s0s...00110g0- of
stop& 1,4i0444nt iluowertibovo.oemukitoigtok•tosoologegor
10,9Oliw,0011egereopenatfepk.' 4. cstelegse frope.,
Cherry Pectoral
Has no equal for the prompt relief
and speedy cure of Colds, Coughs,
Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of
Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat,
Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGrippe,
and other derangements of.,, the
-throat and flings. The best-
known cough -cure in the world,
it is recommended by eminent
physicians, and is the favorite
preparation with singers, actors,
preachers and teachers. It soothes
the inflamed membrane, loosens
the phlegm, stops coughing, and
induces repose.
Cherry Pectoral
taken for consumption, in its early
stages, checks further progress of
the disease, and even in the later
stages, it eases the ,distressing
cough and promotes refreshing
sleep. It is agreeable to the taste,
needs but small doses, and does
not interfere with digestion or any
of the regular organic functions.
As an emergency medicine, every
household should be provided with
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"Having used Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral in my family for many years, I
can confidently recommend it for all
the complaints it is claimed to cure,
Its sale is increasing yearly with me,
and my customers think this prepa-
ration has no equal as a cough cure."—
S. W. Parent, Queensbury, N.B.
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell. Mass.
Sold by all Druggists. Price $1 ; six bottles, $5.
Prompt to act, sure to cure
Canada sends 234 home to the World's
Fair. The race for honors will be keen,
as over 1,000 horses in all are entered.
Minard's Liniment is the Best.
Thus far the Curran bridge, at Montreal,
has cost over $445,000, while the estimate
of the Department of Public Works was
American Rhenmatio Cnre for Rheuma.
tiem and Neuralgia radically cares in 1 to
8 days. Its action upon the system is re-
niarkable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the' disease immediate-
ly disappears. The first dose greatly been.
fit 75 cents. Warranted by Watts &
Co. Druggist.
George Graudur, the French pedestrian
journalist, has reached Chicago, having
tramped all the way from New York since
July 15,without spending a cent.
Warm weather makes a demand upon
the vitality which you should be prepared
to Meet. In order to overcome its debilit- 1
ing effects, take Ayer'e Sarsaparilla. It
purifies and invigorates the blood, sharpens
the appetite, and makes the weak strong.
Children Cry for
pitcher's Castoryto
. •
IC N'Fir•STEllii 4",
. • '
The old, reliable, and tested brands
Evenly Spun. .Full standard length •
pound, Best value in the markt'''‘
Call and see samples and get reduced prices
New Store
RackayBlockli ARIAN!) BROS
Boys' Girl's Ladies.
Old Stand.'f;
Brick 131be
• Guaranteed Stainless
Black Cotton
Full Range Black Silk Parasols,
all Prices.
5 per cent off for Cash.
• • • I • I • •
Robt. Coats & Son, Clinton.
mike Sale Days
30 S
Days 30
OOKS, Stationery
In order to clear out the entire stook of W. H. SIMPSON, it has been deoided
to offer the same at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at such
figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here.
This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired
• to clear the whole out in po days.
I 1
Janrozt Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortment of splendid
hieh • f fi 1 terf 1 and work an hi
you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and BOO WI*
h e we guaiantee to be o rst—e ass ma are p.
• ttio-rvirtAJLL, OiorINTVOIV