HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-08-25, Page 6Fez . '• ry 11,11, I 'r ., , "-, w rvlq v -.7+ ia ,7 , - t,., ..Ir .. A _ .. I . . 1 ,9 F-,­....­ . ,, , ya.ytf..,. A , M . - - •. r I.., ,.. r r n , t CL N' ON NrW IBS, It : ' . l✓ :Ii OVPN `QPi OgT[T At ' Halifai the 2• ears ld , bR . of I•IQU'ISV- ,A,ND star• FOIA '$AiTl , . MAKE a TS E c,al l e o CAUTION, P 4, If FIL R. / r ! NITI S, d • ,Spott'Johiisort rolled. over'In hie 'claspp „ " Fa t•' t o V00 . 41 , .... < .,.. --- on Thu sd& rTiarniD nd' ainothereil va Alh it ti':Ht„ otic yet a4d l,'aulta. ta tar bnfl4 : man can suffer the am iiat kloill- if l y g a• iu lour '40", Finallbous® onplaoe' Iq ood re:, ! µ ` . The t>•tle Wa ''to deal V tali adve> se ,e.liTpb flu heroic ailenGe > ub ire e n o lg si.x xnc#ntha old ait9ter, . ,a r, AppplI > o > itll,, rno k' au4PERi lint9n. ant '' cireuxnsttiticea is to be a stall greater endure a, mustard plaster Gn his ahes,G ci; cu tristance yourself., Vine but o3A`1NER gQT, HOUSI+i9 and LUTS FO SAL IR ;'' .,10W without ahriekia aloud for mil :, R ten of the zea -who,: havQ rosea affil, A pian can dndllra he pant o huq, Does it ever' ear ke au t a the e w 'q 6 have , Y . t ..h t n Tne. anderatgnod oSere for sale the axeN not. t..,. , , z, d, •4 neatly ileces#4 in their g0trig. ger, on a desef t,land pLth a brave a lr- Wabss .line _ t oo ata It a<nd.Ohioa o Kine on ain n 6 ou ht the battle tat iife'►1 hill a artist lu c un e pp h lie w.. n c g , ,rase on t, Containing 3 a.: rooms, pantry and i'C''. FFTi1E, oW(rt7~A - g _ p g It: t hQ ai tit. _at hie brides first lust nam feted, forms, rto,f the shortest woodshed, has ecerg moaezn oonveniettce; alio. ,,-. t ., • . , ., an o osin forces. instead of pudding tVithgit smothered 'ata• 1? pa it lot ,contains iwo htthe of ap core and has a nqm- optined; ,put in, the 1 ti n, Gino xrQa Cpitaaltw .t4 the SVorlcl 1±str.Q y I Inoaning their hard lot, they 1?ave ft q 8 Q, (an 1 ., ilial groat vVost, The new trttine on bar of fruit trees thereon. Also the ooGtagge on t te)ttSwthe will, keep AIA a' b jjr d the nevitable and tined It io a g es Fulton St., vehioil has ave poems, good hard arid; t td. 11 i no ox + o, , e kko i , A Mark t e ser ilia physical ill `; Yil)eah/ird trbgolcttel ;the finest in the soft water. and has all.conyeniiences : the lot con• a ei to soft : , I ,; thely advvant re, lrtatead of 'asking s ,ren th of a aTnson, but he cannot I yy a e o this carne tW4: tabs oven on vhfoirtbele area lilt ( eR4.. tt _ `, + r i aesibla' .chess botlyd, they t a World, not half the advent, g s f. numberoftruit trees, The abo a loo®s will be ,.nx fo au. pap , heIp tot d4w.ii the plotuirtlH for the 11ai1Way gtan be oAtlined here, any R, R. sold on rea■cnabla terms. S. toP?. . bt :pre ed to }lag th,l have. taken the ppe bergr.q f:kiem and au ttiat sprin Cleaning Withcut feel- tloket a eut will tell on the rest, write car r eoe `lFyrle.4. I ed the game. •L4ok .tat tl;Ojil!00e s o n fete, 8 Y oat .cavo , ay g" ing c,:t p . y , eshaueited ' wItli his call at ottr new office, N, E, Co.. $egg 64 iva d,ll , >4 . , s workel, Lord ;Rro`ughAm• flan any labors, FARM FOR SALE. Yonge street Toronto, J, $. Richardson _- • one believe that by any combination A man can suffer death at the stake Canadian Paasengol agent. The undersigned offers for sale his farm, being CTZSIl1=0'>!l;l - . of circumstances his talents. Could have 1 With the dignity of a m&rtyr, but he ot21, cop. 2, Mullett, comprising 60 soros, all been kept from asserting themselves , cannot chase after his fiat in a. public VOTERS' LIST, 11803. town 'Ciitnt,ofarm z Plenty of was water, Rood from ing 'jj j and vyirinang recognition? It has bt,en f road yyithout:looking ridlta ulcus. orchard bank barn, carrtaGe house and other K( A R P , L ...... ! t said that if his station had'been that of Aman cti n 'bQtit the siva ie ti er. in Vowrn s List{. 1893, MunovALirr oP gena Via. outbutlNings, also frame dwelling• house Con tain- al S.l:}.F ?.t, •- ':. ,y d a air •t out.. quiver - i '' u L OR OF bAYEIRLb. COVNTY OF HUROS. •ing'Trooms, hitcher. and woodabed,•hardandsoft a shoebltack, he would neo er have rest- hi . 1 v1'1. h a tX er of lila m spies d +­ tit till he had become the Brat h b - water and every convenience. Poeseselon given A FIN`CS e coin , but a cannot, ling an, unexpected Notice is hereby given thatavotransmitted ' at any time. Terms made known by appiioa- w ahoeblttcc; in England. The :lnnck csf ' K ;* t g friend to d>Iner w thous. trembling in or delivered to the parentis mentioned , in sections . 01111 . %I, NI poleoli. and Nelaon consisted, they eygry limb, 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters", Llsts act,1,889 the . " said in being a quarter of.an hour be- Aa man can calculate to the utter- °O iesrequired ¢y said seatfonnto be'so tzane fore their time. When, in the darkest most farthing the cost of the Suez ca, a dt'act, of falred rson oaipeyyt earing.i}vrthe last • hour of the Indin,i Autio-, a handful nal, but he cannot estimate the price revlsedAsseesment Roll oftfie said munlotppaRty %o£ Eu fishiuen :•. ora 1 rtrn.w l and xo to bo entitled to vote In said munloipality est . Ili N g , It Y p of'a woman a bonnet without egregious elections for members of the Legislative Assem• visioned, but apluudi ly lel', tivon eight e f pops• bly and at Municipal Elections. And that Bald victories' in suet v Sion, Cie revolted A man can walk forty miles - a day List was flirt posted up at my office at Hayfield • sEpoys yitid their ",nquer t:. 11t4d "the and ai rive fresh and bright at the ,end on alio let day of August, iPB au,i remains here t Y devil's lu'k but ilia only tuck In the torinspection: Elootoraare oohed upon to ex. 11 rk8 ; 6f1 , t , 3 of his journey, but , hay cannot nurse a mminQ the said list, and if any omissloge or an 1 `. ease was .that of force•.ui will, invin- baby half an hour withorit complain- otherorraraarofougdtlierein, to take im 41,11 , tion At residence, Rattenbury St:, near orggan factory or by Writing: JOHN BRICIKENDEN, clittton P. O. SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE bubscriber offers for sale her farm of 100 acres, being lot 82,13th non., of Hullett (at pres- ent ccoupied by Mr Goo. Longman.) bout 80 acres usesred and in go d state r f onitiyation balaneo g sod Hardwood, Frame house, gooc{ baro, , 'mole'dnd driving slred,bearing orchard; plenty of water: only 3; miles: from I+ondes- ,;..,-" t , ", , ., M4. - u.,:,:„•, cible coura ei and'skill in arms. In that he is utterly worn o b. lata proceedings to havQ the said errors • eorrGot'- boro,l of a milartrom' school, 9 miles from C In- il4a# % Apoulxry, a C., fid, season. idi;Lox ,1Hi- eft, S>fws, &o. )J$N SCRUTON, l.•., ,.:-- Albert St., Clinton. end - -- d' Stores 1.+eed & Seed Store `1 . od,Uavtug purchased the bust- JValkei' &' Hanley, desires to Intl- ,tikeep on hand the very best UR and F EED I; also the choicest variety of •mothy & Small Seeds for cash. F nd 11at A a He wilmtnalso keep a w; ; be excellent value. I HILL, . RON {ST., CLINTON. C.UO'S 11D .& SEED STORE tn.,atook' ,a choice assortment of Seeds, such as ,,Icy-iMOTHY, MILLET, Conti ads required for Farm or Garden 1. ` . .`,use. olid Feed of All kinds J A9 LI1 TcTO N. .RA I ISS E._ - n - .. 4`I ons -Banka 11 I ted by Act of Parliament, 1866. I 4L, $2,000,000. - FUND, - $1,000,000 1., AD OFFICE, MONTREAL. ri`E: R.`MOLSON:.-r........Pres. L°l+'EA$TAN THOMAS, Geaoral Manager i -r*— I ", ,o 4jr d,-Coltectibna'made, Draft 1 ,t Sterling and ,Americas# ex- , 11ge, boullTit and+sold eitt•lowesi ' Current rates: ,tntorest allowed ou deposits. ° F'.4RA OHS. (rivpneed ti farelors on their own note with is6re endorsors., No mortgage required as V, H, O, BREWER, Manager .• ­ L , . -- .BANKER, ,*W ST, - OLINTON. lilolhat Banking Businegs 11 ' 11Affsa eted 1-7,- L,-#'X IaCOUNTEll ;interest allowed on J M a L k44141 T!"WALA V "11t.j` x w s t CL1. 'Ci A r O lf. 0 X T. 11 d@3 r5ftado' tq fiamors on their owl rates of interest. • ttCt11 t:4'.IAt'1o.W r t lilirldl Banking business traneaetei I O et iallowod on do lcoils. Y 1?, i!'Id`D4U, Manage .1. ° A Royal'Elastra Co. 6rioltotori \\Co. rotor. 8 BUILDERS News' LIDHT.AND a.1.,Riv¢- .,t. . - >,,, . 3. is 4. (Gustomel - u y a pp tariff question. eon y jus Ing But by the bottom ;plate being turned out of e L 4 t j ' take a good picture of me? Photo- and the only safe thing to do," it as- solid ,piece of metal,wttb the edger left oftbe NOT A *r h0180N y : , 'ii we ,! ,ert t lilt , .; grapher-'-I shall have to answer you in sects, "is to dig out :the whole system set with sunkrebt on; ;lt iospr being nt pendreaanto, leak , in ` 11 the negative, Si". of protective favoritism by the rootsing inallagood tong watch FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER BUGS. T .,1 ;L.''')',- ', Minard's Liniment cures Lafirippe. an frame a tariff in fact as well as in Writeuelfnotkeptbyyout Drogglat. WewtllgfvestnTY , ;,ta name for revenue only." That has the For a Farmer noLLeaevrhaeitLtMProvedntallntotfproperlyappned I Mrs Hashdish-I hope you found g g Extirpate the last EWING, HERRON & Co., Spite Merchants, s,1 ri ht pin about it,. .t your bed cmilfortable, Mr Clover. Mr fibre of the cancerous growth and give r ` g SoloMYrs., 679& 68t 8i Pail streot,>ytODirfB >rAT a ,, Iev' ["` j I &'S tit (%lover -I ::'pose it was, but it's snore the patient at chance. ' tl t ~ i i i Ula l iV 1 } _ _ ..,dvv+.v+a. V " * than I can' ay for myself. - A ,wonderful new combination is Liver sato Prop'3.0o colic LION p B90 flE. Kinglet'- Ihear you have baby $tsar's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver i brans of goad.. eug„ado bear• Cure. Backache Dropsy, in our house. Bingo -Yes, When g VORSC Palniln1 and Paper Haa1ln1 to tht.trademarkw0w,a,e. ■ r8 , , y g Powders, nice to take; perfectly harmiees. POUT Lion Brand,Allllcanto. WHOLESALE aro you corrin around to see him, Old -PORT, Lion Brand D Rou.- f.umba 0 Bright s Dls- g Y Mr Willie, Chief of Police, Woodstock, enaan. BHaRRY, Lim Brand, O a • roan. Kin le In about fifteen years. bays: ”"A sure cure every time." Ald. Far- The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe• Pnlido. BttERRY, Lion Brand, W t N E ♦4 ease, Rheumatism and all Imal, llle CLARET, Lion $ P I R I T Remember that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is mer, Barrister, Hamilton, says: "I exper• cute all orders for PAIN PING,i KALSOMINING Brans, ""w"' wntexEY, Lton extracted from the Honduras root, which ienced almost immediate relief from their PAPERHANGING, &e. He is a practical man of Brand, Lion Rre,BRAgeY,Lion MERCHANT. , i other forms of Kidney only of Sarsaparilla bas the true alterative use, for sick headaches." Mr Mercer, Ham• ong experience ;end guarantees to do all work Brand ,.rJLt.FnR b vie. P not for John Doberteon do Sohn 600tclt Whiskey I Jamc. properties. Also, that it is a highly con- ilton,eays: ''l consider them a very valu- in a manner that shall be satisfactory, while Fergaegndi8on.,Glaegowt Roullot&Detamaino,Yunao- ,e T -OLibl es, we are backed centrated and powerful medicine, and hence able remed and far surpassing many prices will be exceedingly !moderate. Orders re- °ogaEO"Franca°HANPAoxH,Vindc,Priaoe..;vind'Eta p 3' p g 416 St. Paul Street, Montreafi , i„ r its wonderful results in all forms of blood otbere I have tried." Mrs Gaston, Ilami'- epeatfully solicited. i'y the testimony of all die°see• ,tor says; "I have derived great benefit GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton who 1 ave used them. It is a remarkable fact that baseball, from teem, having been, a long time a Buff- Montreal O- TRADE 0 m ` erer from headache, biliousness and neur- p yA THEY CURE TO STAY CURED14 - by a lmanimity of opinion, is the great- algia " Mrs Crist, Hamilton, says: "No Wal COLIN -o 0 est game on earth -that is as long as ., 5 r e n to Arc medicine or doctors did my daughter any CLINT'ON to y . ggists "mail on receipt of price, the OmP. club is winning. p -+ TO cants. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. good until we used Stark's Headache, Neur- p n. MCARTHUR a - Talkie about the enjoyment- of algia and Liver Powders;Abey have effect- - • ED Papgr 1° ` CO riches; t tie boy with 50 cents in his to a c Y ph to curep' Mrs IieatP, Tiamil• Planing • factory C1 2 d1O REgv 112 hpocket when the circus comes to town ton ,ea B: "`Your powders' have been the `t' u1.■IgL„ can give points to the millionaire. greatest Ill essing to me." Price 25 cents a A kZ • 1%%9 itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind box. Sold by all medicine dealers. _ANL— I- t` on human or animals, oured in 80 minutes CANADA Taus FACTORY 11 by wool'ford's Sanitary Lotion. Thisnever Grasshoppers are destroying the D R, Y R Z 'L N I Est. 1866. F. CS089i Prop- / fails. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist. crops in and around Prince Edward "One of you boys has been Stealing County. iIBE SUBSORIBERHAVINOJUST COIePLET Appliances for all kindsofPby- en and tarnished h}a now Planing Mlll with steal Leformities. Gross' EILItlUS NERVOUS raisins again.' I have found the seeds George Fanning, aged seventeen, machinery of the latest improved patterns tit nos• Improved Pat. ArtifidalLimba .y r a KN d 0 ,.D on the floor. Which one of you was ozl of Thos. Fanning, Alnwick tOwtl- prepared to attend to ail orders in his line In oh / ffff •-.- gend --- ' it?" Tommy -It II wasn't me; I swal- ship, Northumberland, fell off a load most prompt and satisfactory manner and at res Dofora PRICE ,LIST and OIRO ue6 " b y- stlnable rates. He would also return thanks to al using 7130 W16atrootf lRontreal ]owed the seeds in mine. of grain on Tuesday, and, striking his ';iiho patronized this old mill before they were burn breast on a to was instantlykilled, a out and now tieingg In a hetter etition to exe a ,,■saste ++ Minard's Liniment -best Hair Restorer. i g' . `use ortioreokoeditleusly and feels petition he oar . MUCILAQE IEII}ciUUIR Q YC MANFR. vs satisfaction to all. E. AULD pries Righe. 169 Craig to- N Nd ► Attist-MissBrownie•Brown Brown, <' • •, r '- I F'AU?'ORY--Near the Orgnd Truni . > A 1 h 1 - who is to marry a prince, won't let us Railway, Clinton . OSTRtI N, FEATHER MANFR. [tBY have her hoto rah taken for publi- ' ' y' XHOUAS UaRicNZA] W.Si.Vc 1 (hisNP64 X 'o$ g p , ! l+ 91 bare Dame - cation. Editor -She wont, oh? TellC -- 'I" Qj` f j ,110, I I , S the foreman to use one of those cuts •i„ t ,l , , 3 i SAFE MANUFACTURER d aEAFUL P labeled "Before taking. • n ' ROBERT ••- DOWNS, 8-ww"',Farm°esildiaspetlatty'0Craig •Notably -q ells Mita Oat'sforaltlllnde of w Rebecca Wilklnson,of irownsva118y, ind. oo` H i'.' i A AIL -e rm I CLINTON, - says: "I had been in a dietressedoondition aah "o: `' ' ,EQ1AL QF HEAD PAINS, ,$I.CK. S'TO,MACH for three yearsfrom NervOneness, Weakness instant Relief, Permanent a ' z ' r of the gtomach,;pyspepsia and Indigestion Citre, pailurefmpossible. 'x Manufacturer and Proprietor for the host tKwa AND MLOUaNESt$' T. tSntil t21$' hes}t11`? was Rone. I bad been Many eo-balled dis0asnd:ard'a a[tt1 nog in use. 6gent for the sate arca applt- ,Sarmless. Contain. no hurtful drugs. A 'doctoringcon %htl with no , relief. I simply Symptoms of Catarrh, cation of tSTEAM FITTINGIfTS AUTOMATIC app z x . p , such ashteadaghe,losingsbnso CLsexaR. aTEAMFITTINGBfurnlahrda0a app 1 wonderful Compound. Nine to take. oonght one bottle of youth Atiier%oan Ner- of Bmell oaf broath, hatskibg' I ed on short notic - to pain. vine, which dorso me more good thanh$fe and bpi; ting, genoral 9relinq+ ----- —-Br;,3movaugtltSTARK'S- wtsrtlI`vf doctoring Iever--didin--my _f dobilityto, Xt oq sea,. ( c #1o41ere, I:nEiueAr and all lrinelh nI Sure a iii I would advise ever Wever ryrBon to use ,roe on wx any o l°UbA— r stinblduery rvntr ax ►mltiarrnty PSEPABED 8Y R. STARK. M.O. C. P., CHEMIST Y y p 'indica symptams, ye 1 haft • , I and In a,ial,Ietaotiiry tnaiu►er this valuable and lovely reme y. A trial Uatmrrh,, and hound iloso tiff' FROM aLA800W UNIVeRanv, SCOTLANC, bottle will eobvin6e, you.- Warranted by `lmo proouring' a bottle of. I &mrm imploments manufactured and repaired Watts & Co. Druggist. NASAL DAVAL 130 Warfled in Steam and water pumps furnished and put In FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. gg resin aIle. at cold of head' i I j posttlpn. my Hilus dated ra on application "John dear," said Mrs Barlow, `I results to Catarrh, foliowod ; Charges moderato. by consumption and death,, n box. 80141 by ail Druggists t.liink • yollr brother Jim is awfully Sold Mail druggists, of soca, 'i' t , l b b I alll sorry we post pard, on , 60lpt of linea Itel'ea tho md'caused Good luck is desirable even when you have dODO 011r befit t0 succeed, }a y I man can beat the de rfvtation of p his wealth with the calmness of a stoic, ed according to law. ton. Will be sold on reasonable terms, SQWO of Dated August lat,1+93. purchase money can remain on mortis e. Other JOHN, DAY, Olerk of B&v0eld. particulars may be obtained from MR LONG- y remember that the most favorable air-; bait he cannot' lose his color stud on MAN .or from MItB JOHN TAYLOR, Clinton. y;, ,t f 1 i . ; ,.. , t ",,rZ ouinatances or strokes of fortune are of little value unless you have prepared i the^bedroom licca without a violent outburst of temper. * 1 m. WORLD'S COLUDIBIAN y + yourself to take .advantage of- them.' A man can smile grimly under the , EXPOSITION FOR SALE OR TO RENT. `4'f'r • •- , S Of what advantage would Haynela fiery eech have been to Daniel Web- tortures of the rack, -but he 'cannot •tread on a'tin-tack with his bare -foot The Goderich Horticultural society have com- That handsome house and lot, No 66 King st., -Plated arrangements to make an exhibition from at present occupied by Mr Thoa. Jackson, jr, sit - ,. "IK t "'" `" titer, the had not, with the Instinct of caret, long before hiyiiseif without a bitter howl. A never knows how useful he the County of Huron of plums, pears and apples Mated on the math street, halt way between the at the world's Columbian Exposition. All ex- railway station and poet office. A two story brick Chicago . r; ., *C I quipped for the assault which he reppelled with man tvs is about the`house until he is asked to hibits packed &rid expressed direct to house of to rooms and bath room and clothes from here. Parties will 'receive full credit for rooms. Basement the full size of House, with All hot furnace '.,+ 0 ` Jr,. . .such crushing energy? Had he not previously weighed and refuted in his pull out a picture nail with his teeth. A man will othrou h fire and water f; g may exhibit they ro&y make. express or otH- preserve room and wash room, air er charges forsettdingg from any partof the coon- I and soft water tank. ith The house is nearly new ty bore will bo paid at this end. Correspondence mad ie fitted up with all modern improvemanta -PNgg 11 I , ,. ; r' , ' a , , own mind.the'charges of his opponent, ; to win the girl of his heart, but he will regarding number ofepeoimeIt 'ime for sending in city style, and will be sold very reasonable, or jfT/ jr"D A h his reply, ,instead'Of ranking among Of Oratory, not allow her to see -him with a four &c.,aheertully mnawered J the undereignod. rented to m suitable, tenant. Possession given W.LA f October. Apply to P, 4iTLia1TH, neat J, T. DICKBPrOsident, V4IJr N / the greatest masterpieces his Own day's -growth on his chin. Secretary. du;let r. TI n. RIGHT might have only revealed weakness. Thousands of men Ifad seen the print oY a horse's hoofs in the soil A,rinan Can take his life in his hand and1go boldly into the tracklessplairie to meet a herd of. savage buffaloes or Goderloh, July 26,1993. I FOR SALE. -- < «S e before Fau,t discovered by thein the The discovery by Edi- he can traverse the horrors of an Afri- H .erattpN AND BRUCE A young standard bred mare with excellent l colt at her aide, for cafe at a bargain as owner Hes , insignificant a; wht•n standing around dry store waiting for his wife art of palati+:"*. On of the ca'Aon v which he perfect y P can junele without a shudder in his boJy. But he cannot enter a fancy I, % . P V0 1 i11eIlL ( U f no Amato drive her. Apply at NEW ERA OFFICE. L,00leh ed his teleptuone seems a happy asci- dent; but such accidents never happen wool shop to match special hue with .out breaking into a violent perspire- This Uos., any is Loaning Mone or Farm' y 9 y l BRICK HOUSE TO RENT. i Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. ' D o I sit ose you can to common men. The peat inventor g tion, and finally rushing away without 4ecsr.rit+t at Lowest RateP of Interest. r Well " scraped some soot from the blackened chimney of his labratory lamp, and in fulfilling his task. A man can wait many years in proud _ _ The undersigned offers the whet -half of the tine • _ andoonvel,ientdouble brick house onRattenbury Ili ORT(i A t, F, - • PURCHASEI St. to rent'at very reasonable terms. The house spirit of curiosity tested Its properties. silence for the public appreciation of is almost new and ha- every ccnvenlence. MISS „ It proved to be the very thing for which his work, but ata domestic' crisis he SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. A, FO%TON.- ___., to the ways of hGr household. he was searching; but behind this for- cannot get up and light the fire every •dav s. 4 and 6 per Uent. Interest Allowed on GOOD HOUSE TO RENT Yes; Solomon is right; that's what tunate discovery was a series of ex- for a week without feeling that he Deposits, according toamount and time left. the good housekeeper everywhere la p hausting and exhaustive experiments with all kinds of Likely materials, ab N tit for immediate canonization. `- Alar a commonic u5 ;ted comfortable house, OFFICE—Corner of market Square and North EE g BOLTON, on Tnw,i tial street, containing accommodation does, but particularly in Can- sorbing the energies of many months. Protection is an exploded receipt for na- dORAC1 MAFAoa for ordinary family, with all conven'onces, is of - oda. But her i The luck hit rewarded the persistent y workman. So with tional wealth. The Empire wobbles riev• p g it how the 6t tsar fered to re,•t ,, . reasonable terms. Good garden attached. R:" is iuexcellent repair. Apply r. ,t I1:SON JAMES HOWE. ways are not always Will of a patient iously as tries to explain one of to either or ole',' ways. In fact she has dis- the young obscure lawyer, who con- did evils which is making the United States DO YOU WANT carded many unsatisfactory old ducts. and wins a difficult case, as Thomas Erskine, in his elder's illness; poor is keeping Canada rich. Toronto Telegram. GOOD FARM FOR SALE A First-class Stop or Long Lmdder? ways. For instance, today she or the struggling surgeon who has ti, of distinction offered place Ha foyer takes a prominent lace amen oto A Handy wheelbarrow 2 For particulars apply to A Splendid Churn, or anything of Li MANNING & SCOTT, •iS using sudden chance him; he must have had a long and la- 'the maladies that make uncomg theformaladies during thio month. Through the nature? Then call oniW. SMITHSON, a Barristers, &c., Clinton I borious pprepparatory training before he can profit by such an emergency. In use of Nasal Balm the sufferer will exper- ience immediate and rapid cure, No shop, No.7 Frederic¢ fit„ or E. Dinsley Will beatDinaley'scorner every 8sturda' PROPERTY FOR SALE. short, a great opportunity is worth to relief afternoon a man precisely what his antecedents other remed equals it for the treatment of hay fever mad catarrh. Sold by all dealers For sale, two excellent lots, being Nos. 606 have enabled ham to make Of it. or sent on receipt of price (50c. and $1 a on the corner of Rattenbur and North streets, RENMtLLER NUKSERY and 607, on the corner of North and Princess Ste. -N 11 11 .. bottle). G. T. Fulford & Co., Brockville, They are both adapted for building purposes and The way she looks troubles the woman A overworked Ont. fRIIIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREFS are both offered for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to T. M. CABLING. Royal'Elastra Co. 6rioltotori \\Co. rotor. 8 BUILDERS News' LIDHT.AND a.1.,Riv¢- .,t. . - >,,, . 3. is 4. (Gustomel - u y a pp tariff question. eon y jus Ing But by the bottom ;plate being turned out of e L 4 t j ' take a good picture of me? Photo- and the only safe thing to do," it as- solid ,piece of metal,wttb the edger left oftbe NOT A *r h0180N y : , 'ii we ,! ,ert t lilt , .; grapher-'-I shall have to answer you in sects, "is to dig out :the whole system set with sunkrebt on; ;lt iospr being nt pendreaanto, leak , in ` 11 the negative, Si". of protective favoritism by the rootsing inallagood tong watch FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER BUGS. T .,1 ;L.''')',- ', Minard's Liniment cures Lafirippe. an frame a tariff in fact as well as in Writeuelfnotkeptbyyout Drogglat. WewtllgfvestnTY , ;,ta name for revenue only." That has the For a Farmer noLLeaevrhaeitLtMProvedntallntotfproperlyappned I Mrs Hashdish-I hope you found g g Extirpate the last EWING, HERRON & Co., Spite Merchants, s,1 ri ht pin about it,. .t your bed cmilfortable, Mr Clover. Mr fibre of the cancerous growth and give r ` g SoloMYrs., 679& 68t 8i Pail streot,>ytODirfB >rAT a ,, Iev' ["` j I &'S tit (%lover -I ::'pose it was, but it's snore the patient at chance. ' tl t ~ i i i Ula l iV 1 } _ _ ..,dvv+.v+a. V " * than I can' ay for myself. - A ,wonderful new combination is Liver sato Prop'3.0o colic LION p B90 flE. Kinglet'- Ihear you have baby $tsar's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver i brans of goad.. eug„ado bear• Cure. Backache Dropsy, in our house. Bingo -Yes, When g VORSC Palniln1 and Paper Haa1ln1 to tht.trademarkw0w,a,e. ■ r8 , , y g Powders, nice to take; perfectly harmiees. POUT Lion Brand,Allllcanto. WHOLESALE aro you corrin around to see him, Old -PORT, Lion Brand D Rou.- f.umba 0 Bright s Dls- g Y Mr Willie, Chief of Police, Woodstock, enaan. BHaRRY, Lim Brand, O a • roan. Kin le In about fifteen years. bays: ”"A sure cure every time." Ald. Far- The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe• Pnlido. BttERRY, Lion Brand, W t N E ♦4 ease, Rheumatism and all Imal, llle CLARET, Lion $ P I R I T Remember that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is mer, Barrister, Hamilton, says: "I exper• cute all orders for PAIN PING,i KALSOMINING Brans, ""w"' wntexEY, Lton extracted from the Honduras root, which ienced almost immediate relief from their PAPERHANGING, &e. He is a practical man of Brand, Lion Rre,BRAgeY,Lion MERCHANT. , i other forms of Kidney only of Sarsaparilla bas the true alterative use, for sick headaches." Mr Mercer, Ham• ong experience ;end guarantees to do all work Brand ,.rJLt.FnR b vie. P not for John Doberteon do Sohn 600tclt Whiskey I Jamc. properties. Also, that it is a highly con- ilton,eays: ''l consider them a very valu- in a manner that shall be satisfactory, while Fergaegndi8on.,Glaegowt Roullot&Detamaino,Yunao- ,e T -OLibl es, we are backed centrated and powerful medicine, and hence able remed and far surpassing many prices will be exceedingly !moderate. Orders re- °ogaEO"Franca°HANPAoxH,Vindc,Priaoe..;vind'Eta p 3' p g 416 St. Paul Street, Montreafi , i„ r its wonderful results in all forms of blood otbere I have tried." Mrs Gaston, Ilami'- epeatfully solicited. i'y the testimony of all die°see• ,tor says; "I have derived great benefit GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton who 1 ave used them. It is a remarkable fact that baseball, from teem, having been, a long time a Buff- Montreal O- TRADE 0 m ` erer from headache, biliousness and neur- p yA THEY CURE TO STAY CURED14 - by a lmanimity of opinion, is the great- algia " Mrs Crist, Hamilton, says: "No Wal COLIN -o 0 est game on earth -that is as long as ., 5 r e n to Arc medicine or doctors did my daughter any CLINT'ON to y . ggists "mail on receipt of price, the OmP. club is winning. p -+ TO cants. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. good until we used Stark's Headache, Neur- p n. MCARTHUR a - Talkie about the enjoyment- of algia and Liver Powders;Abey have effect- - • ED Papgr 1° ` CO riches; t tie boy with 50 cents in his to a c Y ph to curep' Mrs IieatP, Tiamil• Planing • factory C1 2 d1O REgv 112 hpocket when the circus comes to town ton ,ea B: "`Your powders' have been the `t' u1.■IgL„ can give points to the millionaire. greatest Ill essing to me." Price 25 cents a A kZ • 1%%9 itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind box. Sold by all medicine dealers. _ANL— I- t` on human or animals, oured in 80 minutes CANADA Taus FACTORY 11 by wool'ford's Sanitary Lotion. Thisnever Grasshoppers are destroying the D R, Y R Z 'L N I Est. 1866. F. CS089i Prop- / fails. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist. crops in and around Prince Edward "One of you boys has been Stealing County. iIBE SUBSORIBERHAVINOJUST COIePLET Appliances for all kindsofPby- en and tarnished h}a now Planing Mlll with steal Leformities. Gross' EILItlUS NERVOUS raisins again.' I have found the seeds George Fanning, aged seventeen, machinery of the latest improved patterns tit nos• Improved Pat. ArtifidalLimba .y r a KN d 0 ,.D on the floor. Which one of you was ozl of Thos. Fanning, Alnwick tOwtl- prepared to attend to ail orders in his line In oh / ffff •-.- gend --- ' it?" Tommy -It II wasn't me; I swal- ship, Northumberland, fell off a load most prompt and satisfactory manner and at res Dofora PRICE ,LIST and OIRO ue6 " b y- stlnable rates. He would also return thanks to al using 7130 W16atrootf lRontreal ]owed the seeds in mine. of grain on Tuesday, and, striking his ';iiho patronized this old mill before they were burn breast on a to was instantlykilled, a out and now tieingg In a hetter etition to exe a ,,■saste ++ Minard's Liniment -best Hair Restorer. i g' . `use ortioreokoeditleusly and feels petition he oar . MUCILAQE IEII}ciUUIR Q YC MANFR. vs satisfaction to all. E. AULD pries Righe. 169 Craig to- N Nd ► Attist-MissBrownie•Brown Brown, <' • •, r '- I F'AU?'ORY--Near the Orgnd Truni . > A 1 h 1 - who is to marry a prince, won't let us Railway, Clinton . OSTRtI N, FEATHER MANFR. [tBY have her hoto rah taken for publi- ' ' y' XHOUAS UaRicNZA] W.Si.Vc 1 (hisNP64 X 'o$ g p , ! l+ 91 bare Dame - cation. Editor -She wont, oh? TellC -- 'I" Qj` f j ,110, I I , S the foreman to use one of those cuts •i„ t ,l , , 3 i SAFE MANUFACTURER d aEAFUL P labeled "Before taking. • n ' ROBERT ••- DOWNS, 8-ww"',Farm°esildiaspetlatty'0Craig •Notably -q ells Mita Oat'sforaltlllnde of w Rebecca Wilklnson,of irownsva118y, ind. oo` H i'.' i A AIL -e rm I CLINTON, - says: "I had been in a dietressedoondition aah "o: `' ' ,EQ1AL QF HEAD PAINS, ,$I.CK. S'TO,MACH for three yearsfrom NervOneness, Weakness instant Relief, Permanent a ' z ' r of the gtomach,;pyspepsia and Indigestion Citre, pailurefmpossible. 'x Manufacturer and Proprietor for the host tKwa AND MLOUaNESt$' T. tSntil t21$' hes}t11`? was Rone. I bad been Many eo-balled dis0asnd:ard'a a[tt1 nog in use. 6gent for the sate arca applt- ,Sarmless. Contain. no hurtful drugs. A 'doctoringcon %htl with no , relief. I simply Symptoms of Catarrh, cation of tSTEAM FITTINGIfTS AUTOMATIC app z x . p , such ashteadaghe,losingsbnso CLsexaR. aTEAMFITTINGBfurnlahrda0a app 1 wonderful Compound. Nine to take. oonght one bottle of youth Atiier%oan Ner- of Bmell oaf broath, hatskibg' I ed on short notic - to pain. vine, which dorso me more good thanh$fe and bpi; ting, genoral 9relinq+ ----- —-Br;,3movaugtltSTARK'S- wtsrtlI`vf doctoring Iever--didin--my _f dobilityto, Xt oq sea,. ( c #1o41ere, I:nEiueAr and all lrinelh nI Sure a iii I would advise ever Wever ryrBon to use ,roe on wx any o l°UbA— r stinblduery rvntr ax ►mltiarrnty PSEPABED 8Y R. STARK. M.O. C. P., CHEMIST Y y p 'indica symptams, ye 1 haft • , I and In a,ial,Ietaotiiry tnaiu►er this valuable and lovely reme y. A trial Uatmrrh,, and hound iloso tiff' FROM aLA800W UNIVeRanv, SCOTLANC, bottle will eobvin6e, you.- Warranted by `lmo proouring' a bottle of. I &mrm imploments manufactured and repaired Watts & Co. Druggist. NASAL DAVAL 130 Warfled in Steam and water pumps furnished and put In FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. gg resin aIle. at cold of head' i I j posttlpn. my Hilus dated ra on application "John dear," said Mrs Barlow, `I results to Catarrh, foliowod ; Charges moderato. by consumption and death,, n box. 80141 by ail Druggists t.liink • yollr brother Jim is awfully Sold Mail druggists, of soca, 'i' t , l b b I alll sorry we post pard, on , 60lpt of linea Itel'ea tho md'caused who is delicate, run own, or She's hollow -cheered, dull -eyed, thin, and A son of a dignified Hartford man, although not old in ears, has a good NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN' PINE, the New Shortening, instead Ot gr pale, and it worries her. Now, the way to lock -W411 is to bewail. And the way to be bit of a e in his brains. The family g observe the custom of silent blessing at ria bATTER or WHICH WE MAKE d ePEOIALTY lard. And this is in itself a rea- well if you're an such woman, is to faith- the table, and at dinner recently the LARGE STOCK ON HAND son why "she looketh well" in fully usDr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- That is the Wily medicine that's six-year-old spoke up: "Why don't "You 'rhe 11 be another sense, for she eats no tion. q guaranteed to build up woman's strenbth y vu sa it aloud, pa?' Cana It aloe if choose, my son," replie above ornamental trees &no shrubber) a' .,uiu at per low price., ) p vee, and those wautmg say lard to cause nor digestion and p g and to care woman's ailments. In every you the father, and bowie his head sol- g thing in this connection will save mone here. a worse complexion. p "'female complaint," irregularity, or weak- ernilly the little. fellow originated this purchs,aing COTTOLBNE is much better nese, and, in every exhausted condition of it faits to bene- unique grace : "God have mercy on Orders by Mail will be promptly attende than lard for all cooking pur- the female system -if ever fit or cure, you have your money bacl-. these victuals." to, Address, .- poses, as every one, who has tried English Spavin Liniment removes all JOHN STEWART, - Bonmliler. it declares. Have you tried it? ALLEGED HUMORISMS hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- , , . TI n. RIGHT For sale everywhere. Time flies fastest on the wings of a ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Made only by m. K. FAI 2EAI K promissory note. A man never looks so helpless and Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs etc. Save $50 use one bottle. ar- Blemish Cure The new model o ookford Watch, when Placed in screw heart) Daae• will fill s fon tett & CO.., Wellington and Ann Sts., , insignificant a; wht•n standing around dry store waiting for his wife ranted the most wonderful t a ver Icnown. i3nld by Watt's & Co. Drug- want among farmers as it is not des proof o only, but very strong. The plate which the between, being separated by MONTREAL, goods to get through. gist• wheels work not pillars as in the cTdivary • i Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. ' D o I sit ose you can The Chicago Herald advocates the prompt and thorou h treatment of the "T 1 t th' WATCH -- • S,,V,° AL , .1h Royal'Elastra Co. 6rioltotori \\Co. rotor. 8 BUILDERS News' LIDHT.AND a.1.,Riv¢- .,t. . - >,,, . 3. is 4. (Gustomel - u y a pp tariff question. eon y jus Ing But by the bottom ;plate being turned out of e L 4 t j ' take a good picture of me? Photo- and the only safe thing to do," it as- solid ,piece of metal,wttb the edger left oftbe NOT A *r h0180N y : , 'ii we ,! ,ert t lilt , .; grapher-'-I shall have to answer you in sects, "is to dig out :the whole system set with sunkrebt on; ;lt iospr being nt pendreaanto, leak , in ` 11 the negative, Si". of protective favoritism by the rootsing inallagood tong watch FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER BUGS. T .,1 ;L.''')',- ', Minard's Liniment cures Lafirippe. an frame a tariff in fact as well as in Writeuelfnotkeptbyyout Drogglat. WewtllgfvestnTY , ;,ta name for revenue only." That has the For a Farmer noLLeaevrhaeitLtMProvedntallntotfproperlyappned I Mrs Hashdish-I hope you found g g Extirpate the last EWING, HERRON & Co., Spite Merchants, s,1 ri ht pin about it,. .t your bed cmilfortable, Mr Clover. Mr fibre of the cancerous growth and give r ` g SoloMYrs., 679& 68t 8i Pail streot,>ytODirfB >rAT a ,, Iev' ["` j I &'S tit (%lover -I ::'pose it was, but it's snore the patient at chance. ' tl t ~ i i i Ula l iV 1 } _ _ ..,dvv+.v+a. V " * than I can' ay for myself. - A ,wonderful new combination is Liver sato Prop'3.0o colic LION p B90 flE. Kinglet'- Ihear you have baby $tsar's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver i brans of goad.. eug„ado bear• Cure. Backache Dropsy, in our house. Bingo -Yes, When g VORSC Palniln1 and Paper Haa1ln1 to tht.trademarkw0w,a,e. ■ r8 , , y g Powders, nice to take; perfectly harmiees. POUT Lion Brand,Allllcanto. WHOLESALE aro you corrin around to see him, Old -PORT, Lion Brand D Rou.- f.umba 0 Bright s Dls- g Y Mr Willie, Chief of Police, Woodstock, enaan. BHaRRY, Lim Brand, O a • roan. Kin le In about fifteen years. bays: ”"A sure cure every time." Ald. Far- The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe• Pnlido. BttERRY, Lion Brand, W t N E ♦4 ease, Rheumatism and all Imal, llle CLARET, Lion $ P I R I T Remember that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is mer, Barrister, Hamilton, says: "I exper• cute all orders for PAIN PING,i KALSOMINING Brans, ""w"' wntexEY, Lton extracted from the Honduras root, which ienced almost immediate relief from their PAPERHANGING, &e. He is a practical man of Brand, Lion Rre,BRAgeY,Lion MERCHANT. , i other forms of Kidney only of Sarsaparilla bas the true alterative use, for sick headaches." Mr Mercer, Ham• ong experience ;end guarantees to do all work Brand ,.rJLt.FnR b vie. P not for John Doberteon do Sohn 600tclt Whiskey I Jamc. properties. Also, that it is a highly con- ilton,eays: ''l consider them a very valu- in a manner that shall be satisfactory, while Fergaegndi8on.,Glaegowt Roullot&Detamaino,Yunao- ,e T -OLibl es, we are backed centrated and powerful medicine, and hence able remed and far surpassing many prices will be exceedingly !moderate. Orders re- °ogaEO"Franca°HANPAoxH,Vindc,Priaoe..;vind'Eta p 3' p g 416 St. Paul Street, Montreafi , i„ r its wonderful results in all forms of blood otbere I have tried." Mrs Gaston, Ilami'- epeatfully solicited. i'y the testimony of all die°see• ,tor says; "I have derived great benefit GEO. POTTS, Kirk St., Clinton who 1 ave used them. It is a remarkable fact that baseball, from teem, having been, a long time a Buff- Montreal O- TRADE 0 m ` erer from headache, biliousness and neur- p yA THEY CURE TO STAY CURED14 - by a lmanimity of opinion, is the great- algia " Mrs Crist, Hamilton, says: "No Wal COLIN -o 0 est game on earth -that is as long as ., 5 r e n to Arc medicine or doctors did my daughter any CLINT'ON to y . ggists "mail on receipt of price, the OmP. club is winning. p -+ TO cants. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto. good until we used Stark's Headache, Neur- p n. MCARTHUR a - Talkie about the enjoyment- of algia and Liver Powders;Abey have effect- - • ED Papgr 1° ` CO riches; t tie boy with 50 cents in his to a c Y ph to curep' Mrs IieatP, Tiamil• Planing • factory C1 2 d1O REgv 112 hpocket when the circus comes to town ton ,ea B: "`Your powders' have been the `t' u1.■IgL„ can give points to the millionaire. greatest Ill essing to me." Price 25 cents a A kZ • 1%%9 itch, Mange and Scratches of every kind box. Sold by all medicine dealers. _ANL— I- t` on human or animals, oured in 80 minutes CANADA Taus FACTORY 11 by wool'ford's Sanitary Lotion. Thisnever Grasshoppers are destroying the D R, Y R Z 'L N I Est. 1866. F. CS089i Prop- / fails. Sold by Watt's & Co. Druggist. crops in and around Prince Edward "One of you boys has been Stealing County. iIBE SUBSORIBERHAVINOJUST COIePLET Appliances for all kindsofPby- en and tarnished h}a now Planing Mlll with steal Leformities. Gross' EILItlUS NERVOUS raisins again.' I have found the seeds George Fanning, aged seventeen, machinery of the latest improved patterns tit nos• Improved Pat. ArtifidalLimba .y r a KN d 0 ,.D on the floor. Which one of you was ozl of Thos. Fanning, Alnwick tOwtl- prepared to attend to ail orders in his line In oh / ffff •-.- gend --- ' it?" Tommy -It II wasn't me; I swal- ship, Northumberland, fell off a load most prompt and satisfactory manner and at res Dofora PRICE ,LIST and OIRO ue6 " b y- stlnable rates. He would also return thanks to al using 7130 W16atrootf lRontreal ]owed the seeds in mine. of grain on Tuesday, and, striking his ';iiho patronized this old mill before they were burn breast on a to was instantlykilled, a out and now tieingg In a hetter etition to exe a ,,■saste ++ Minard's Liniment -best Hair Restorer. i g' . `use ortioreokoeditleusly and feels petition he oar . MUCILAQE IEII}ciUUIR Q YC MANFR. vs satisfaction to all. E. AULD pries Righe. 169 Craig to- N Nd ► Attist-MissBrownie•Brown Brown, <' • •, r '- I F'AU?'ORY--Near the Orgnd Truni . > A 1 h 1 - who is to marry a prince, won't let us Railway, Clinton . OSTRtI N, FEATHER MANFR. [tBY have her hoto rah taken for publi- ' ' y' XHOUAS UaRicNZA] W.Si.Vc 1 (hisNP64 X 'o$ g p , ! l+ 91 bare Dame - cation. Editor -She wont, oh? TellC -- 'I" Qj` f j ,110, I I , S the foreman to use one of those cuts •i„ t ,l , , 3 i SAFE MANUFACTURER d aEAFUL P labeled "Before taking. • n ' ROBERT ••- DOWNS, 8-ww"',Farm°esildiaspetlatty'0Craig •Notably -q ells Mita Oat'sforaltlllnde of w Rebecca Wilklnson,of irownsva118y, ind. oo` H i'.' i A AIL -e rm I CLINTON, - says: "I had been in a dietressedoondition aah "o: `' ' ,EQ1AL QF HEAD PAINS, ,$I.CK. S'TO,MACH for three yearsfrom NervOneness, Weakness instant Relief, Permanent a ' z ' r of the gtomach,;pyspepsia and Indigestion Citre, pailurefmpossible. 'x Manufacturer and Proprietor for the host tKwa AND MLOUaNESt$' T. tSntil t21$' hes}t11`? was Rone. I bad been Many eo-balled dis0asnd:ard'a a[tt1 nog in use. 6gent for the sate arca applt- ,Sarmless. Contain. no hurtful drugs. A 'doctoringcon %htl with no , relief. I simply Symptoms of Catarrh, cation of tSTEAM FITTINGIfTS AUTOMATIC app z x . p , such ashteadaghe,losingsbnso CLsexaR. aTEAMFITTINGBfurnlahrda0a app 1 wonderful Compound. Nine to take. oonght one bottle of youth Atiier%oan Ner- of Bmell oaf broath, hatskibg' I ed on short notic - to pain. vine, which dorso me more good thanh$fe and bpi; ting, genoral 9relinq+ ----- —-Br;,3movaugtltSTARK'S- wtsrtlI`vf doctoring Iever--didin--my _f dobilityto, Xt oq sea,. ( c #1o41ere, I:nEiueAr and all lrinelh nI Sure a iii I would advise ever Wever ryrBon to use ,roe on wx any o l°UbA— r stinblduery rvntr ax ►mltiarrnty PSEPABED 8Y R. STARK. M.O. C. P., CHEMIST Y y p 'indica symptams, ye 1 haft • , I and In a,ial,Ietaotiiry tnaiu►er this valuable and lovely reme y. A trial Uatmrrh,, and hound iloso tiff' FROM aLA800W UNIVeRanv, SCOTLANC, bottle will eobvin6e, you.- Warranted by `lmo proouring' a bottle of. I &mrm imploments manufactured and repaired Watts & Co. Druggist. NASAL DAVAL 130 Warfled in Steam and water pumps furnished and put In FOR THE R. STARK MEDICINE CO. gg resin aIle. at cold of head' i I j posttlpn. my Hilus dated ra on application "John dear," said Mrs Barlow, `I results to Catarrh, foliowod ; Charges moderato. by consumption and death,, n box. 80141 by ail Druggists t.liink • yollr brother Jim is awfully Sold Mail druggists, of soca, 'i' t , l b b I alll sorry we post pard, on , 60lpt of linea Itel'ea tho md'caused 25 U&NI0 EntrrclY new Cotnpo'n'nd m an to t tie 11 Y. lit med Jafnesey after him." 'What's , `50eentsaud ai)bysddrosstllg , FULV6R0&,,VO,erockviit9,bnt.; S1 r + ■1 1 ! pore {rrev uZI,"a4. ,til nsh : Pibo's Remedy lbr CataEth is tho . Iles• Fnalost to rxe,,assd Cheapeatr ,1 done to 'take YOU 8ay that?"' • by, Jamesey pat sand t►i Jim s laU: •, QEN99A DgALtR IN TINWARE. 1116pdirl+ig b wa:'int, t)n1Czr +, «• ,•' ,itch on the,beach•thie morning,^anal' J ll» Jitft Haid Wolds ,that .1I eally,r, o , Hit df ON 9 mfiltErit'ttNra 11 klllde :pietnritl at dnd,to o t atdht- „ b tit tett d# G.a t o luditltr "wwwwW + . , rr (1111dn t rellai", . t I o _ hn,.,4 . •t wt_. A'.ttlxt solotta, .. lea oV.1 Y., lstt a 1` 1:.. !. Ae.., .,.de`. -.a ;ar,l ` - -J,.... t - .. r_ ,dA a.. . es ... yJ./py 1; Ar,IJVa.0 f. a.u,a-.r .IiYWW.... a . ' 'dg .. Ysil .ia2.! .w „', ' ._y, a• 1 .a. ' 11.- - - _ 5 Cannot bo found', for restoring gtoy hair to its nataral color andboatity; it keeps the head clonn and cool, ond free from dandruff, it stops the hair Prom failing out, promotes tho growth, and giros the hair tho gloss, beauty , and strength of yonth ; whon used as directed It was novor ltu0wn to fail. So:d for half tllo prioo of atlq other prop,tation, and 1.1 Much . better than any known hair toilot. Sbl% overy6thdrb at'doe. a 1101 ' . , y , , M.• a 0,j rz