HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-08-18, Page 5Wo have just received another lot Of,tho'se l Atitift l Spoons, with C,INroretolied Op thQ,bow1,' also.gold lined, which we will, sell at $1 2 e ob, old prtco $1.50. These Spoons are Solid, Sterling J. B. RUMBA► -LL, Jeweler and Bell Telephone Exchangd. Our summer trade has been excellent, and we attribute it to the fact that our prices are as low as they can be made while our goods are the choicest that can be bought, We have a few lines of Summer Goods still; they will be offered at prices that mast sell them. Our Fall Goods are arriving. They have been bought direct from the manufacturers, for Cash. JUST A FEW LEFT FOR THE FALL TRADE In n ot, ... the numerous preparations for fad , trade fr , importana that you 'should know that we have pow for buying ing that ew bouses possess. This explains in a measure tbe promptness with which. newest styles are introduced here, and the ,comparative ease with which wantedGoods are ordered and received. It is very nes 3 ` cessar , that assortments be all the time complete if. we expect grow to in favor and increase the volume of trade Our customers therefore get all the benefit of goods bought direct. Do you want Fall Goods? Vv e are sure that in our stock you will find just what you need and at prices lower than have ever been offered in town before. WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. r ,ArLoR SoHs The more you know of this store the more'r'ou'11 be impressed with its ability to enlarge the possibilities of supply and demand. We are con- stantly widening our acquaintance with the best houses in the Domini ion and the fact that we have money to spend is bound' to command their interest. At any ratewe have no difficulty in getting first choice of New Goods, and buying in large quantities keeps prices down every time. New Goods for fall are getting here as fast as steamer and train can brim' them to us. R " every town and city in the Dominion, from Nova Scotia to British We have evidence of our great success from patients in nearly Columbia. Come in early and be fitted. Don't :put off till the last RE hour. Parents should bring their ,children early, as more time is required. J. Y. EGAN, M1 Hernia Specialist, of Toronto, WILL BE AT THE Grand hien lintel, CLINTON. TUESBIY:-- Al est 2901, 1893 Among the cases that have arrived so far are NEW MANTLES NEW DRESS GOODS NEW COLORED HENRIETTAS NEW CLOTHING NEW PRINTS NEVA COTTONS NEW SHIETINGS And balance of week, with a full line of our appliances to suit men, women and child- ren—all ages, all sizes, all forms, as inguinal, femoral, umbilical or navel. We cure where other appliances ehave utterly failedtve cn holdanyhold the ruptured parts in place. Ag Examination and advice free. Measurements taken and special appliances made for extreme cases where found necessary. Prices within reaoh of all. Should yon over- look this notice or mise this visit, then write ns fully. Physicians are cordially invited to call and inspect our instruments, they will Fisomething m t ing new. All orders promptly attendedto by J. Y. EGAN, Hernia Specialist, 266 W. Queen St TORONTO. H AV E ANY IDEA OF TARING A YQU BUSINESS o SHORTHAND COURSE ;tee s -r moi=-- 5•- ^ The Forest City Business College' thorough nLondon Stands Bead andeg hunger above College.he reopens average 4. Sept.CCatalogue free. J. W. WESTERVELT i Any body is welcome to see the New Styles and study the numerous items at this store without even a thought of buying. This store is a meeting place, a pleasure resort where shoppers are made to feel at home, whether they spend money • or not. We want you to know our goods and prices, then when need - time comes there'll be no question about you buying here. GIY..ROY etc WISE1VIAN CLINTON CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Aug. 17,1893. Wheat fall old 0 59 a 0 62 Wheat fall new 0 57 a 0 60 Wheat spring 0 55 a 0 60 Oats old 0 34 a 0 35 Oats new 0 30 a 0 32 FARM FOR SALE. gg The uon.2,igHnedoffecomprifor sing his 60aaoreeetall lot 21, con. 2, cleared. The farm is about 11} miles from the town r , bnton, Plenty ca riageahouseood andeother orchard, bank barn, t outbuildings, also frame dwelling house contain- ing 7 rooms, kitchen and woodshed; hard and soft water and every convenience. Possession given at any time. Terms made knry ow aarppligca fionact ar residence, orbywting. JOHN BRICK>:NDEN, an factory or by Clinton P. 0. Telegraph;your Manitoba friends over the C P TELEGRAPH THAT YOU ARE GOING ON THE $28 EXCURSION itiE 15111, 22ad, . or Sgt. 5111, AND THEN BUY Yon TIn=ET FROM T. COt FEB Agent, CLINTON A Wheel Barley Peas Flour per bal Batter Eggs per doz Potatoes, new Hay, New and Old Hides, No. 1 trimmed Hides, rongh Sheep Skins Wool 0 35 a 0 40 0 53 a 0 55 ilton, was killed by the kiok of a horse on a 4 30 Sunday night. 0 16 a 0 17scary Doolittle. farmer, aged 55, living 0 9 a 0 10 five miles north of Oshawa, was thrown 1 50 a 1 50 from a reapd the whpassed over his bead, killing anhim instantlq.eels Reports received from all over the Pro- vince of Ontario show that fall wheat and barley are slightly less than an r. average crop. Spring wheat, oats and peas will be considerably below. Hay is greater than the average. Roots will be an average 1 crop. Fruit is a failure. WANTED TO RENT. Farm of 150 or 200 acres, in good locality, for a I term of 5 or 10 particulars toyears. aCOLLINSON, Lond sboro. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. On Albert St., ono lot and &, suitable for build- ing purposes. small house on place in good re- pair. Apply to MRS. THOS. COOPER, Clinton. There was a heavy white frost Monday morning near East Lin, three miles north of Round Lake, N.Y. The World's Fair officials hope that they have seen the last Sunday on which they will be obliged to open the gates. Valerie Edwards, theiten-year-old daugh- Robert Edwards, York street, Ham - 509 a 700 300 a400 250a350 040 a 100 018a022 FALL FAIRS. Huron Central—Clinton, Sept. 26-27. South Huron—Exeter, Sept. 25-26. Hensall—Hensall, Sept -7.8. Industrial—Toronto Sept. 4 to 16. Western—London Sept. 14 to 23. Central—Guelph, Sept. 19-21. Northwestern—Ggoderich, Sept.20-22. Mitchell -Sept. 26-27. ' Sept. 20-27. North Perth—Stratford, Sept. 29-29. East Huron—Brussels, Oct, 20-27. East Wawanosh—Belgrave, Sept. 28-29. Dungannon—Dungannon, Oct. 12-13. Blyth—Blyth, Oct. 10-11. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET For pleasure. You want health, strength, appetite, good nerves, and there's no other form of amusement that gives yon so much pleasure as wheeling fresh air, healthful exercise, exhilerat- ing excitement. Those who wheel once wheel always. Of course yon should not be satisfied with anything but the best—then ride a COMET. They cost a little more than other wheels, but the best is the cheapest. Sold by G.F. EMERSON, Clinton A Montreal telegram says:—Tho live stack export trade has gone all to pieces this year ; so far only 45,012 head of cattle and 534 sheep have been exported, against 62,998 cattle and 14,278 sheep for the same period last year. Badmark- ets in England aro responsible for this great falling offExporters have, as a usual thing, lost heavily' on their shipments. Prices in Liver- 1 pool have declined 1} per pound in the past three weeks. The exports of cattle from Montreal for the week ending August 12 amounted to 4,324 as compared with 3,643 for the previous yveek. The total exports to date amount to 62,843 as compared with 62,432 to the corresponding date of last year. There were about 600 head of butchers' cattle, 126 calves and 300 mutton critters offered at the East End Abattoir. The trade was exceedingly and dull prices continue very low, there being no improvement on Thursday's low prices. A few of the best butchers' cattle were sold at 41c per lb with pretty good stook at from 34o and leanfth y young cattle at from 210 to 3}c, cows at about 21 per lb. A car -load of town- ship steers weighing over 1,100 lbs oath were sold aat wa, which averagged nd 15 thrifty were sold d from t 30 perlb. Calves brought rather better prices than on Thursday at from $2.50 to $8 each. Mutton critters are very low-priced, excepting primo lambs; sheep soil at fromg$g2.50-to $4.75 each and worn sold fromonday at from $590 toh.o $6.60at pesr 100 lbs. THE BRITISH CATTLE MARKET VOTERS' LIST, 1893. VOTER'S LIST, 1893, Mne:cirALITY OE TI1e VIL- LAGE OF BAYFIELD, COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to tbo persona mentioned in motions 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' Lists act, 1889 the copies required by said sections to be so trans- mitted eact,, of tall per ons appt earing nog byrthel act revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative eleeem- bly and at Municipal Elections. And thatRaid field List the was day of August, 189at 3 and romainsoffice at athere for inspection. Electors are called upon to exy other errors are found there any 0 takes immed- iate proceedings to have the Field erors Correa - ed according to Iaw. Dated August let, 1493, JOI1 5, DAI', Clerk 1136,401d. John Swan & sons, Edinburgh, in their week- ly repot of August 14 say: --Fat cattle have been shown in fair number and the best qualities have mot a good trade at 105 head more money. Secondary also rather dearer. Fat cows dear. There were only 168 Canadian cattle at Shield - hall and 550 States cattle at Yorkhill, which have mot a better trade. Sheep in fair supply and trade equal to last week. Best lambs quite as dear, secondary the turn cheaper. Calves vusleptdpnoftsoiectl pre- vious rats. Best descriptions store ate and sheep are easily sold, but secondary are difficult to quit. Milch cows a small show, and 75 9met to 8sfl secondary, Ts beef, ne ; best mutton, 716 to 8d per lb. • 'With High Prices Pot Electric Belts HAY WANTED WM. CUDMOAE will pay the highest ioash price for NO. 1 ,OLD TIMOTHY BARN HAY. Apply to W. J. SLOMAN, Pike's Hotel, Clinton STRAYED OR STOLEN. A small bay mare three years old, with a short tail, a little white on ono hind foot, would weigh about800 lbs., strayed or was stolen on the 17th July from lot 29, con 2, East Wawanosh. Any person finding her will receive 85 reward. or in- formation leading to her recovery will be duly rewarded by the owner, MAT2HEW LOCK - HART, Auburn P. 0. 131.55, $2.06,, $3.70 ;.former prices $5, $7) $10. Quaity remains the same—l6 dit• ferent styles; dry battery and acid belts _-.mild or strong current. Less than half the price of any other company andmore n city style, and will be sold very reasonable, or 1 h ppp rented to a suiO vlIt tenant. PoAeeeeian given home testimonials than a 1 t e rest to• gather. Full list free. Mention t11i bit of 011tober, Apply to 1'' giTRA1TH, next paper. W. T. 33AAlJ1 & CO. Windsor, 011. door. W SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE Subscriber offers for Bale her farm of 100 acres, being lot 82, 13th eon., of Hullett, (at pres- ent occupied by Mr Geo. Longman.) About 80 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, balance good hardwood. Frame house, good barn, stable and driving shed, bearing orchard; plenty of water, Only 3 miles from Londes- boro,4 of a mile from school 9 miles from Clin- pton.l money reasonableOof uehaseasold n remain 011 mortgage her particulars may bo obtained from MR LONG - MAN ,or from MRS JOHN TAYLOR, Clinton. * 1 m. FOSTER WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ' The Goderich Horticultural Society have com- pleted arrangements to make an exhibition from the County of Huron of plums _ears and apples at the World's Columbian Elk ltden. All eggx- hibite o from here.k Paed tes will sreceivie :full sereat tcredit oator any exhibit they may makb. All express or oth- er charges for sending from any part of the coun- ty bore will be paid at this end. Correspondence regarding number of epeoimene,time for sending &o., cheerfully answered by the undersigned. W. LANE, J. T. DICKSON, Secretary. President. Goderich, July 26, 1891. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. That handsome house and lot, No 66 King et., at present occupied by Mr Thos. Jackson, jr, sit- uated on the main street, half way between the railway station and post office. A two story briok house of 10 rooms and bath room and Clothes rooms. Basement the full size of house, with preserve room and wash room, hot air furnace and soft water tank. The hated is nearly new d ie $tied up with all modern improvernente ark For 3 Months FROM THIS DATE ' THE VERY BEST Cabinet. -Photos ANY STYLE FOR S3per doz., at FOST E R•S LL through the stock prices are in the buyers' favor. Summer Goods must be sold, shelvesmust be cleared and space made for fall purchases. WE are showing many lines that would interest you. PRINTS that were sold at 122 cts now 8 cents DELAINTTES, regular price 15c now 10 cents • LADIES' VESTS, four for 25 cents LADIES' GLOVES, regular price 20c to 30c, now 10 cents ODDS and ENDS and Remnants at prices that please the buyer TEA and TOILET right prices See' our 'PRINTED at $2.50 SETS in good variety at TOILET SETS, ten pieces L. OTJIMETTI, CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO