HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-08-18, Page 27 , 1 -.I • - :c ,•. I Alguot 18, Tao Tye fsartn. of having gained a nitre og 'Mr a'Qseph Venstone and xn,Vf tIm ILed. 14'RIZE LIAR OF A1:` UOUA� H�ts� WO tie 'Cooly >te lKgtEad iE:I it i ' ic, Ae Ara has the curious reputatiot► elf has, beefs a. ^Ivlll ui �' S. ares tG the - fa it of e2'the N, P, jtlisled' by; the sl?ec" 'map who cou1.d. 'show himself to be �iincardi e, became residents.of ipg- t h in h tet 1 n the world says has sold his farm, iioul ,prolnises of its voca es, . e till' the a s lar i , liana, 1 believed that its adoption• Lend Troth.t story Mr Cohn McArthur cod dines and, .high ` ojl=ered a olden. ball for lying 4 on t y . cv A. former Suan—se. runs the • th line, Morris, containing 125 acres, >plottld bring g• for $7,000, The rate of taxation for the present year iti 21 Mills on the dollar, Last year it was 22, at Wilpghanp.. 1/q":19*;Thew .not being; realized, he r continued big :8n sport to the party pop"gr,, hopilig ' wzgainet hope, until riow he' la beginning to realize What a b 1< ,en recti he baa been on; dot think of beat : being only 00 eekts'a llL ehea. Aad yet : one. , of the t txongeet argun'iei is ,uee4in favor of that' ' "it would give the tln�'ly, was ' farmer liighe> prices for his grain," and a epeeial duty was put on wheat for this very purpose. Protectionists contend that "the immense supply is • responsiblefor the low price." Ex- actly, and'50 cents a bushel duty would npt,materially increase the • price to the. Canadianfarmer, because the !'supplyand'demand" regulates the ,ut farmers have not simply .been mialed`, in this respect, hut in others also, and it is their own fault if ,i roptinue to support or endorse a policy that pinches them at almost every turn. It not surprising that through the medium of the Patrons of 'industry, they are demanding a re- form :Of the tariff. They feel the bur - .den imposed by it more heavily than some other classes, and in no particu- 'lar does this load press more heavily :.than in the matter of duties on iron ""bnd steel goods made use of very large - yon the farm. ,d, short time ago the Empire, in defending the N. P., said that its ,principle was "moderate protection carefully adjusted," and we took ocea- siorL"at the time to show that it was decidedly "immoderate." Look at some of the figures taken from the Trade and navigation returns, and see what'they,prove. Many lied to int, but the Sultan re - :plied that he could himself Ile better. Final!y an old ' !pian from, Angora ap- peare(1 before him with a large jar on tris shoulders,` • "horn/wed a Yotir•father,,� he said, o jar like this=full of gold from, my fath- et, .and said that you would repay the gold• to his son." "+Impossible," paid the Sultan. "If the story be true," replied the pilgrim, "pay your father's debt; if impossible, I have won the golden ball." The Sultanat once (awarded him ta a he prize, and there still lives at Angora man who is supposed' to be a descend- kntnown byt is inenious theg gname ofAltentopoghleand whon the literal rendering of which name is "Son of the golden ball." On; $$,752 worth of scythes imported letyear a duty of $4,277 was paid; on =chases of foreign spades and shovels ,the extent of $9,400. a toll of $4;000 e,{o'tded;'•surely this is net "mo- t: dere tectiom", The customs tax on $25, worth of . sewing machines brought from aboardas $9,000; im- portations of nails and spikes, valued at $29,000, were taxed to the tune of $10,000; $63,000 worth of portable steam engines, purchased from alien manufacturers, contributed $22,000 to the Dominion treasury; self -binders 'valued at $65,000 were brought in from the United States and paid $23,000 in taxes on coming in; the duty on $68,- arators wa ,24,0orth oO, and onthreshe $447,0rs 00sewo th of Was $2s, sd builders', saddlers and other -hardware the tax was 5156,000. It must be remembered, too, that these figures do not represent the whole of the extra cost which the tariff forced farmers to pay forte articles. In many cases theybought from local manufacturers instead of from foreigners, and in that case the excess over a fair price, instead of go- ing intarthe public treasury, went into the pockets of whose who make profit out of protected industries. The re- tailers are not the men who make money out of the increased prices. They claim, and no doubt with good reason, that the manufacturer gets the largest percentage of profits. A re - a form in the taaiff, as advocated by the Liberal party, would put everything ?" on a more equitable basis, and while it 'isnot contended that a farmer would get more for his grain under tariff re- form than under protection, it is con- tended that his purchasing power °' • Would be much greater, because the burden Of unnecessary taxation would be removed. Prof. Wiggins says he is out of the weather business altogether, and pays no more attention to such matters. It was pretty near time, for the wea- therpaid no attention to his pre- dictions. 111 THE MUN RO 04E. GRANTr,EY" ONT., Aug. 7. The interest in the case of Mr Munro, of which melftion was made in a dispatch from here last week, rapidly increases as his improvement in health progresses. As a wise man should do, Mr Munro did not say anything about. his trial of Dodd's kidney pills for the dropsy which afilleted him, until lie found that good would result from their use. Now that be has satisfied himself and others of this, beyond the shadow of a doubt, he is lord in his praises of the remedy. In answer to the inquiries that have poured in upon him about hie health, Mr Munro an- swers: "I am better than I have been for three years, and the credit is due to Dodd's kidney pills.'i His case and others prove that these pills are, by all odds, the most wonderful remedy of the age. We arc worry to learn that Mr David Huston, 12th con., Ashfield, has been dangerously ill. • Minard's Liniment cures LaOrippe. A horse belonging to Mr Peter La- mont. Zurich, while running in the field broke one of its hind lege. A horse belonging to Mr las, Snell, Exeter had to be killedtwo weeks ago, having been stricken with sunstroke. Mr E. J. Hagan has been re-engaged to teach in No. 12, Hay, at an increase of $50 over last year, The ladies of Carmel church, Hensall, have presented the wife of Rev. J. S. Henderson, with a, certificate of life membership in the W. F. M. 8. Mrs Jos. Gouley, of Morris, who was considerably injured about three weeks ago by being knocked down by a young, bull, is able to be around again. A LITTLE TACT,. "It's strange'I'can't get In wife to. mend my clothes," remarked Mr Bride. ie disgustedly, "I asked her to sew the. buttons on this vest, this, morning, and libellee never touched it." EATEN BY A SHARK. News has been received of the hor- rible death of a French-Canadian priest in the West Indies. The unfortunate clergyman was the Rev. Mr Laplante, formerly professor of music and draw- ing at the Levis College; India. It ap- pears that some years ago Mr Laplante to leftL Quebec to accept charge of a par- ish named Santa Cruz, in the diocese of Port of Spain, Trinidad, and that some days ago he went out with a companion to bathe in the river which runs through the parish. After bathing for some time, his companion left the wafer to dress, but Mr Laplante, who was a skilful and daring swimmer, resolved to take an- other turn, and accordingly ventured out further from the shore than was considered safe in the locality, when, to his horror, his companion saw him suddenly dragged beneath the sur- face of the water. He at once gave the alarm and more than 100 people were soon on the spot, but all their efforts failed to discover the body, which would have been easy, if the case had been one of mere drowning, in view of the clearness and compara- tive shallowness in the water; so there is little doubt that the unfortunate priest was seized by sharks, which are said to, be._plentifui tithe locality, and carried off by them to be devoured:' Mr Geo. Ingram, formerly of Roger- ville, but who now resides near Graf- ton, Dak., had most of his crops de- stroyed by a severe hailstorm a few days ago, Mr Alex. Orr has traded the Park House property in Wingham to Mr Wm. Dane, for the Albion in Gorrie, and will re -move there in about two weeks. Minard's Liniment is the Best. Mr J. W. Harrison, of Exeter, teach- er of Varna public school, made a good record for himself at the recent P.S.L. and E. examinations, passing six out of seven who wrote. The contract for the erection of the Agricultural Hall for the Turnberry Agricultural Society,has been awarded to Mr W. Walsh. The building is tc cost $400, and to be completed by the 5th of Sept. next "You asked her?" observed Mr Nor- ris, with a slight shrug of hie should., ars. "Yes; what else should I' do?" "You haven't been married very long, and perhaps you'll take a,point- er from me, remarked Mr Norris with a fatherly air. "Never�atik a;�woillan to mend anything; that's fats, "Why, what do you mean;' "Do as I do, WhenvI want to have a shirt mended, for instance, 1 tae it in my hand and hunt up •my wife. "Where's that rag bag, Mrs Norris?" I demand fiercely. "What do you want the ragbag for?" she says suspiciously, "'I want to throw this shirt away; it's all worn out, I reply. "'Let me see it;' she demands. "But I dut the garment behind my back, "'No, my dear,' I answer, "there is no use of your attempting to do any- thing with it. It needs—' "'Let me see it,' she reiterates, " 'But it's all worn out, I tell you.' "'Now, John, you give ire that shirt!' she says, in her most perempt- ory tones.' "I handed over the garment. " 'Why, John Norris!' she cries, with womanly triumph. 'This is a perfect- ly good shirt; all it needs is a new neckband.' "'And the cuffs are ragged, too,' I answer, mildly, " 'And new waistbands and the but- tonholes worked over, she adds. " 'Well, never mind what it needs.' I don't intend you shall bother with it. You'll only waste your time. You'll never get it to fitin the neck, anyway,' I tin ew in as a final clincher. " "That's just like your extrava- gance,' she cries. 'I'm goicg to fix that shirt. The idea of throwing away a perfectly g g fix it so you can never tell the differ- ence. And she does. " 'That's the way. I get my clothes mended," concluded Mr Norris. "Just tell a woman she can't do•' anything and then stand aside and see how, quickly it is done." ,> ,onto tonat •n4 attr 030$ MANNI$G Illi byt,r,r, Barristers, Solicitors, OONVEYANTOEBS, 449, Commissioners for Ontario and NAnitobs. Oriii01111. NEXT D„ooii TO Nxw Ear, CIM9R• Dr. Ross, who has been' taking Dr. Meldruin's practice, at Wingham, dur- ing the latter's absenceYork,1 at New left W ingham last week for Winnipeg, -havingireceived an appointment on the staff of the city hospital. Wingham hose reel. team feel that they made a mistake in not going to Chicago to compete in the hose reel races in connection with the World's Fair. The time made by the winners of first money was only 15I seconds, while Wingham boys have often made the run in 12 seconds. °NI =move e Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yetrompptlydnthe,idneys, iver and-BBowels, cleanses the sys- dis• :ls colds, head - es habitual Figs is the d. ever pro- te and ae- rompt in tial in its the most The Empire speaks of "traffic with Australia as a topic of much interest to Canadians." True, but if there is any advantage in trading with the Australians, why not with a nation much nearer ? TO DISPEL COLDS. Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when cos- tive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to pertnanently cure habitual constipation, to 9waken the kidneys and iver to a healthy activity, without irritat- ing or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. A stone containing 75 square feet was put on a pair of trucks by Mr W. H. Green and his men at the Lower Wingham dam a few days ago and hauled to the required place by three horses. This is perhaps as big a stone as ever:was seen on a waggon in Hu- ron. A case of genuine cholera has been dis- covered in New York. Richard Cotton and wife, an aged couple of Augusta, were killed at Kemptville on Thursday, while crossing the railway track. A lady, whose hair came out with every combing, was induced to give flyer's Hair Vigor a faithful trial. She did so, and not only was the lossiof hair checked, but a new and vigorous growth soon succeeded that which had gone. Robert Hicks, who has charge of the Siamese exhibit at the World's Fair, took foolhardy measures to get money. He had recently taken out a series of accident policies amounting to 820,000. One of the policies was for $7,500 for the lose of a hand. Hicks allowed a street oar to run over his band. The shook was more tLan he bar - tried toor, and kill himself. after the He failed and then made a confession. The accident policies were in his mother's name. tem ejl'ectuall aches and = e constipati . n, Syrup o only re dy' of its k' duced, " easing to th ceptable to the stomach, its action and truly bene For your benefit we tell our story from Hamilton and Paris. Neuralgia Cured. HAMILTON, Jan., 7. 1891. M::ssrs.Isaac Williams Co. ,London, Ont.: Sirs After suffering, for a long time with in - bottles of tion needy, It enc your RoyalCrown Rd emedy, entirely cured me. I can recommend it as the best medicine I ever used. The firm of Gordon & McIntyre, of Wingham, general -merchants, is about to be "issolved, owing to the continued poor health of Mr McIntyre. The retiring member will go to Banff, B. C., and try the_far-famed hot springs. Mr Wm;Rinn, of 1,Hnllet, near Kin - burn, delivered to Mr Thonp.s ' Case, this week, two of the finest young heifers that have been shipped from Seaforth station for a loug while. They were both two years old and after be- ing driven out, weighed 2,750 lbs. Mr J. McCormack, ' Magundy, Man., writes:—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured me of dyspepsia after doctors had failed. They are a grand remedy." Sold by all dealers or by mail at 50c. a box or 6 boxes for $2.50. Dr. Williams' Med. Co., Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imita- tions. The barn and stables belonging to Mr Little, on the old Ross farm, east of Winthrop, were destroyed by fire last Thursday evening. The buildings contained the seasons crop of hay and several loads of this years fall :wheat, together with a few implements. The loss will be felt by Mr Little at this time, as he only bought the farm last spring and is just commencing. There was an insurance of $600 on the build- ings and the contents were also insur- ed. It is supposed the fire must have originated from a spark from the chim- ney -Id the house. MRS. BAKER, 30 PouletteSt effects, prepared only fr healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellentqualitiescommend it to all and have Inade it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is f9r sale in 7C.; bottles "by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it\ on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO,, BAN FRGNOISCO, OAL. t.OQIbVILLE, EV. i EW YO1tt .1;?, ?». MUCH LIKE A 11. E. McDONOUGT , Real Estate, Loan and Insurance • Agent , FIRE and LIJJ • INSUR4.NQE Money tol Loan on Farm and Town Property in large or small sums'at the lowest current rhes. OFFICE—COOPER'S BLOCK, Cstir oN DR APPLETON — OFFICE — AT REM - alma on Ontario street. Clinton, op- posite English Ohnroh. Entrance by sine gate. DR.WM., GUNN, CFFICE ONTARIO ST. a few doors (East of Albert Street. DR . J. L. ' TURNBULL, M. D., TORONTO Univereity, M D. O.M., Victoria University M. 0, P & 8. Ontario. Fellow o! the Obetetricai Society of Edinburgh, late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh Hospitalsoffice.—Dr.,Dowseiy's old ounce Rattenbury St.. Clinton. Night bell answered at the same place. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Accoucheur, etc., office in the Palace !,lock Rattenbury St. :formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve Clinton Ont. DR. R. MOORE,' PHYSICIAN, BURGEON, Accoucheur. Office, the late Dr. Worthing- ton's office, Huron street. Residence, corner of Erie and Mary Sts. WORLD'S : FAIR —WILL BE— CANADA'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL FA!R TORONTO SEPT, 4 to 16, 1893. An enthusiastic temperance meeting was held at Toronto the other night to organize the city for the approadiing plebiscite on prohibition. One of the best authorities on the temperance side estimates that a total vote throughout 'Ontario of 300,000 will be given of which 175,000 will be for prohibition, I26,000 against, giving a ma- jority for prohibition of 50.000. Some of the Conservative papers announced the other day that Mr Evanturel, M.P.P. for Prescott, had deserted the Liberal party, and intend- ed to run in the Conservative interest for the Common's. Mr Evanturel says the story is false from beginning to end. At an American Sunday School pic- nic the other day, a young blackguard insulted ladies, and continued throw- ing mud on their dresses, after repeated requests to. quit. The minister in charge pulled off his coat, gave the young fellow a good thrashing and then threw him •into a mud puddle. The minister did perfectly right. He- roic treatment is always the best in cases of this kind. .IRREG ULARITY 1 Is that what troubles you? Then it's easily and promptly remedied by Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets. They regulate the system perfectly. Take one for a gentle laxative or corrective ; three for a cathartic. If you suffer from Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Bilious Headaches, or any de- cangeinent of • the liver, stomach or bowels, try these little Pellets. They bring a permanent cure. In- stead of shocking and weakening the system with violence, like the ordinary pills, they act in a erfeetly easy and natural way. Time and costly experience has prov- ed the falsity of lots of the charges Trade against the MacKenzie adminis- • tration.• In 1878, when he was in power, the customs taxation of the Dominion amounted to $3.13 per capita and be was roundly condemned for ex- travagance. Last year they were $4.42. In other words, the taxes paid by the head of a family of flve persons were in 1878, tinder Mr Mackenzie, $15,135; and in 1892, $22.10. It is no • ittlaVver to these figures to say the rleetl;t of titer cattail have increased; mill" panotlia,ttOh resetting almost sta- tionary. ' Rebecca Wilkinson, of ,rownsvalley, ind. says: "I had been in a distressed condition for three yearsfrom Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. II oonght one bottle of South American Ner- vine, which done me more good than $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remedy. A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by Watts & Co. Druggist. What 'might have been a very seri- ous accident occurred on Monday af- ternoon, three miles''tvest of Seaforth, on the railway track. Mr Wm. Mere- dith, section foreman, and Mr Albert Worth, were going west at a good rate of speed on a hand car, when a special freight train which they did not ex- pect, suddenly overtook them. Tho wm3 being from the same direction in which they were travelling, prevented them from hearing the approach of the train until it was with- in a few yards of them. They had barely time to save their lives, and in jumping off Mr Meredith slipped and fell on the track, where, in another in- stant, he would have been run over by the engine, had not Mr Worth had pre- sence of mind to pull him from the track into the ditch alongside. The hand car was, of course, smashed in the collision, and Mr Meredith was A Fried Wishes to speak through the Register of the beneficial results he has received from a regular use of Ayer's Pills. He says : " I was feeling sick and tired and my stomach seemed all out of order. I tried a number of remedies, but none seemed to give me relief until I was induced to try the old reliable Ayer'a Pills. I have taken only one Lvx, bet I feel like a new man. I think th<y are .the most pleasant and easy to tai:-_ of anything I ever used, being so finely sugar-coated that even a child will take them. I urge upon all who are ey're the smallest, the easiest toined found totake—and the cheapest, for they're -iinju ies.h Hes was taken serioustaken hisinternal and when medical assistance was se- cured it was found that he had, in ad- dition to his severe bruises, sustained a rupture on both sides of his body. guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you get. • IN every • case of Catarrh that seems hopeless, you can depend upon Dr. Sage's Ca- tarrh Remedy for a cure. It's proprietors are so sure In Need EXCELLING ALL OTHERS TAR STANbURY, GRADUATE OF THE -LA Medical Department of Victoria Univet- lay, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitale and Dispensaries. New Yorit, Coroner for be County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. To. BRUCE L. D. 8. SURGEON DENTIST, • Coate' Block, Albert St., over Taylors' shoe store, Specialty Preservation of - the . natural teeth. Painless Extraction by the use of the most approved local An"esthet,c. R. B Will yieit Blyth professionally every Monday at Ma- son's Hotel, and Bayfield the 2nd and 4th Thurs- day, during the summer. JE. BLACKALL VETERINARY SUP5EON • HonoraryGraduate of the Ontarigveterinary College. Treats all diseases of domesticated and male on the most modern and eoientiito princii pies. Office— immediately south of the New Era Office. Residence — Albert St.,Clinton. Calls night or day attendedtopromptly. New Stables, New Cattle Sheds And many other improvements. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS GREATER AND BETTER THAN EVER The People's Great Annual Outing. Cheap Excursions on all Railways. J. J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL, President. Mgr., Toronto of a laxative to try Ayer's Pills." — Boothbay (Me.) Register. " Between the ages of five and fifteen, I was troubled with a kind of salt -rheum, or eruption, chiefly confined to the legs, and especially to the bend of the knee above the calf. Here, running sores formed which would scab over, but would break immediately on moving the leg. My mother fried everything she could think of, but all was without avail. Although a child, I read in tpe papers about the beneficial effects of Ayer's Pills, and persuaded my mother to let me try them. With no great faith in the result, she procured Ayer'sPills WESTERN FAIR MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES Bought. Private Funds. 0 RIDOUT Office over) Jackson's Store, Clinton. ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR 1t1 Small sums on good mortgage security moderaterateofinterest. H HALE, Clinton. FA DICKINSON, THE OLD & RELIABLE Auctioneer still in the field, able and will- ing to conduct any sales < iitrusted to him, and takes this opportunity of thanking hie patrons for past favors. Also chattel Mortgages closed and rents collected. charges moderate. D Drown soN, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Residence Albert Street. Clinton. • : LONDON : : SEPTEMBER 14 to 23, 1893 6ANADA'S - FAVORITE -EXHIBITION ESTABLISHED 1888. THE OLDEST IN THE DOMINION LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS Entries Close Sept. 7th. The best and largest Stabling,and space allotted on receipt of entries. Better Special Attractions than ever before. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS f'BOM ALL POINTS For Prize Lista and Information apply to Capt.A.W.Porter, T.A.Browne President. Secretary 1W. FARNOOMB, MEMBER OF AS8'N • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at Geo. J Stewart's Grocery Store. Clinton. City BAKERY and I began to use them, and soon noticed an improvement. Encouraged by, this, I kept on till I took two boxes, when the sores disappeared and have never troubled me since."—H. Chipman, Real Estate Agent, Roanoke, Va. " I suffered for years from stomach and kidney troubles, causing very severe pains in various parts of the body. None of the remedies I tried afforded me any relief until I began taking Ayer's Pills, and was cured."—Wm. Goddard, Notary Public, Five Lakes, Mich. Prepared by Dr. T. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. Every Dose Effective OPPOSITE FAIR'S MILL. MONEYI MONEYI MONEY 1 We can make a few good loans from privet funds at ov. rates and modate expenseer. Terme made tosuitborrowers, M NNING& SCOTT, - - dlinton MRS. WHITT, M. C. M. S TEACHER OF MUSIC, Piano, Organ and Tech nicon,or•MuBel develope for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. A. Cook Albert Street, Clinton. R. AGr4EW, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate 01 the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the, painlos extraction cf teeth Office in Smith's Block (over Emerton's Barber Shop, Clinton. arNigbt bell answered. ly A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No..144, meet in Biddle - combo Hall on the let and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder, CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. OPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial Hotel. This establishment is in full operation nd al orders filled in the most satisfactory way Ceme- tery and granite work a specialty. 'Prices as reasonable as those of any establishment SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. 1m The undersigned having bought out the bakery business so successfully carried on by Mr Wm. Young, will continue the business at the old stand He will endeavor by supplying a first class arti ole, to merit the liberal support of the people. Bread delivered anywhere in town. Wedding Cakes, Fruit or Sponge Cakes, supplied on short notice. HENRY MORRISH, - CLINTON McKIIIop Mutual Fir• Insurance Co. FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED O$FIOBRS. D. , Rose, Pr isident, Clinton; M. Mu. die, Vico Pres. Seaforth' W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas. Seaforth ; Jno. Hannah, Manager, Seafortb, DIEEOTonS, Jae. Broadfoot, Seaforth • Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harloolt; Joseph Evans. Beechwood , Thos. Oarbet, Clinton ' Alex. Gar- diner, Leadbury ;M. Murdie, Seaforth. AGENTS. Thos. Neilane, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea forth' 8 Oarnoohan, Seafo,th; John 0 Sullivan nd Geo. Murdie, auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers ddreesed to their reepeoitve offices. 1 WITH INVALIDS. Yea! with invalids the appetite is capri- cious and needs coaxing, that is jnat the reason they improve so rapidly nnder Seott'e Emulsioiiwhich is as palatable as oream. of it that they'll pay $500 121 Children Cry f cash for any incurable case. Sold by all druggists.. pitcher's Castoria. i r Hotel Manitoba, Opposite Fair Grounds, South Park, Chicago UNDER MANAGEMENT OF MB. S. GRIG G-, Late of London, Ont. The 'popular Canadian rendezvous now open. Excellent cuisine, home comforts, opleasant, hi ez t, quiet surroundings, nitro air, magnificent view of aroddnds when illuminated; ample security _against fire and danger of every kind; within 60o feetot two principal entrances to fair grounds; no expense, annoyan0eor delay from crowded oars; the heat, dust and noise of the more central part of the city avolded; always fresh to nt r grounds, ouod s, and hotel at hand when leaving g Rooms with or without board. Rooms without board $1 to 31.50 per day; rooms, with board, 82.60 board, 88 per day On arrival in Chicago take Illinois Central sub- urban train, or World's Fair train (faro 10c.) for South Park or Cottage Grove avonuo;,cable cars Stare Se.) to Jackson Park,or or5vated railway Mire Se.), to 63 street and tony eland avenue. Bring cheeks for trunks to hotel, and they will have prompt delivery without charge. Rooms may bo engaged by cOrkenpondonce. Manitoba orhibltin as a building International 5Unda}ti• S&Looi Bulling a9 joinii 1 , Ten cents off the $ for Cash, This means cheap Booi s & Shoes, Baby Carriages ExprAlsesfull line of Wgons o a a TRUNKS, FLY NETS, VALISES, DUSTERS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, ETC. Barkwell's Sure Corn Cure, will cure Corns, Warts Runsions, Moles. •-1-y McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For n: pure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa- tation of the 'Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERICN, ONTO J. M. MeLEOD, Prop. -and Manufacturer Sold by 3. H. Combe, Clinton JUST RECEIVED a consignment of Pine and Cedar Shingles. Ales British Columbia Red Ce- dar Shingles. Iasi! Twitchell, CLINTON, PUMPS : : PUMPS It you want a first -cissa, woll•mado pump, one that will give you satisfaction send your order to the gndereignod. Ho wdi dig and clean wells and do it at the closest prices. il:e also handles a first-class FORCE PUMP JAMES FERGUSON Oppositd Qtieett't Hotel • Iliah stroeti nhlitals , •