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Angoigt, J411
' ' •
FRIDAZ A 1,1,30913.
ci1/ etit.4400AT6'.
0.417tas.--Sonse 1(004 cattle were
delivered here ou Wedneeday, for Mrsmith, amseg them, toeing 4.0 bead bY
Mr W. A. grant, of Stanley, which
weighed 18,810, or an Average of 1470;
lard Baker, Goderich teWnsni,P, 6 .
head, 6,83); J. Avery, Stanley, 6. 0•100;
Jno, Bakker, OdderichtoWnship, 2, 2050;
3. Pantelen. Goderich toWliehip,
*WPM' Aqthit BRO•46
litt$ ot ;PO tttter: Ws Grocer. Prince and Green, who were
courinitted for trial by Mayor Merag-
iintufenitimrtoiriorl the *Aoki rose rirtVlead, cow When • brought be-
R,-HtitiOtitr 140 Arlo° rid for irr IkilYr 'ET SENTUNOVDGI-- The bur-
' 0112002Z sin *Al '01160 by 1%v14 udge' ..(41141, 4134 werek to have
SSW :QPRIOS. received sentence last FridaYr blit, it
$04W14 7011NA, — On the Breld road. was 4eoide4 to err:rend sentence and
, Deform% Assets. Analog the slime wifi oblige as re y served a term in the Con-
returuing it toss* Tana ormtral Prison, being committed under
xt you' went s. Trunk Vanes, petit ot shun anether name but nothing etanda
Owner can Score kilo iisure ying at the look u th r r first. Vire under
"BW *B.4 914°)14 /stand Ft' hasel been found that Prince
AitittraLt) BOBS. LOOT betiroon Olinten and h al ad
Straps Iget ot Ilorneer, her Duster or Horse charged agairia Gree
lifbt Gholtrifili 04010 .cot. ou .YOUNtito* 44 • n•
#,Tuktrgrii, ointon PIAATR DE MRS. UPSHAI.L.—A few
weeks since we Mentioned the illness
STEE4 RANGES -if you will of Mrs. Upshall, with the probability
them. We cairsupply them that the same would terminate fatally,
fit 20 per eent less:than peddlerSbut seethed -no idea that it would occur
We 'do net recommend them.
so soon, she dying at the residence of
The liny ThotAir RangeheY is Mr. W. Jackson, on Monday. She was
a native of Clinton, being a. daughter
the ' t It GE&
. of the late William Rattenbury; her
will non warRLAND BROS
P. remains were intered on Wednesday,
from the home of her .rnether. Her
ailment was 'brought about. by an ac-
gOWU *Ora. cident to her hrp, sustained many
years ago, which was always. a source
ACCIpENT. — Wednesday morning of trouble Usher. She was a member
While Mrs Robt. Biggard was walking of St. Paul's church. One son, survies
;about the yard, she stepped on an up- her.
furned.grien,rake, the teeth of which
entered er focit, making abed Wound. FoOT BALL.—A veryinteresting foot
ball match took place on Wednesday
PAUWMEAT.,— Considerable new evening, on the Collegiate , Institute
grounds, between the Medicos and a
wheat has been marketed, and farm- picked club from tie town. About
ere say that the yield is verygood. eight out of the number of Medicos
Mr Fair tells us that it is weighing had not bad any practice for the past
well, roneh of that delivered going 62e two or three years; so went into the
to the bushel, the lowest tested being field as fresh and green as June grass,
6PIbS. but notwithstanding, they kept the
boys hustling tor all they were worth;
and the universal opinion of the spec-
tators was "give the pill -drivers prac-
tice and they would soon do the boys
up." A very friendly spirit existed
throughout, and though the boys got
some pretty hard bumps and several
tip -ups, yet the best of humor prevail,
ed. The result of the game was a goal
for the boys, and a disputed goal with
the bedifit of the doubt in favor of the
IMRESHERs.—A visit to the Thresh-
ing Machine Works of Messrs Mac-
pherson & Hovey Co., Clinton, shows
business to be very lively and their
threshers being shipped to all Sections
of the province. They have also sent
a considerable number of their separa-
tors to Manitoba and the Northwest,
and more are ordered for the same
territory. They report trade as very
good, and with the abundant crop
throughout the country generally,
will, undoubtedly, have a large sea-
son's business. Farmers are becorriing
generally aware that the Monarch
Separator is the best machine to em-
ploy, on account of its excellent grain -
saving qualities, which is due to the
fact that it has the best and most
thorough appliances of any machine
on the market for separating the grain
from the straw. In addition to manu-
facturing threshers, with their numer-
ous attachments for bearding barley,
hulling clover, etc.. they are this year
offering two new articles required by
threshermen;--hr seamless rubberbelts
and tank pumps. The tank pump,
especially, should be used with each
threshing outfit, and every live thresh-
erman who studies his own and his
patron's interests will not fail to have
one. It will more particularly be ap-
preciated by farmers who have to
supply water for threshing engines. as
with it tanks can be filled at the rate
of a barrel a minute, and it works very
easily. It is also useful in many other
ways, as washing out boilers, emptr
ing or filling cisterns, spraying, etc,
The thresher who owns a Monarch has
a machine that cannot be surpassed in
any respect, while in many ways it is
incomparably ahead of all others.
TiormaRs.—The following are the
officers for Clinton Star Lodge for the
ensuing three months: -.,1R. Chown, C.
.T.; Miss L.White, V.I.; Miss S. Moore,
'P.S.; J.Houston, C.; Wes, Moore, R.S.;
Miss L. Miller, Treas.; J. Carter, M.;
MSS L. Brown ,D.G.; F. Poole, S.; G.
Eiffilallow, L. T.,e'puty.
•ITOLIDIdYnoo. —Mr Jas. Scott, libra-
rain, vell take his usual holidays, com-
rrienelig with to -day. He well de -
sere es them, and the members of the
It6titute should help him in enjoying
Allem. No books, whatever, 'will he
J changed for the next week, but the
reading room will be open as ueual.
CHANGED HANDS.—Two weeks ago
advertisement appeared in the NEW
ERA; offering for sale 200 acres of tim-
ber land away over by Tara station.
The advertisement caught the eye of
Mr W. F. Longman, of town, who
went over and inspected the land, and
seeing there was a, snap in it, he at
once completed a purchase of it.
STONE WORK.—Siale & Hoover, of
the Clinton Marble Works, keep their
business moving lively, and are filling
orders continually for flrst class work.
They are now working on a fine gran-
ite monument, ordered. by Mrs Tod-,
den, one of the same material for thio
late Mr Cantelon,and a large one to be
placed in. Clandeboye cemeteryi
., • -AuTomATIC TELEPHoNES.—Mr Cul-
general agent for the Auto-
matic telephone company, is in town
securing subscribers for their tele-
phones. Mr Combe'Veill have the Cen-
tral office, though a Central is really
unnecessary; • already a number of
subscribers have been secured, and as
soon as the number reaches twenty
five the line will be put in operation.
of other matters, we forgot to mention
that the Brussels Post had entered on
its 21st year of existence. It is an ex-
cellent paper, honorably conducted,
with a scrupulous regard for morals
and principle, and any paper conducted
on these lines cannot help being a pow-
er for good in a confinunity. We are
pleased to see that tile Post is pros
per ing. ,
QUITE A VICTORY. — Mention was
made last week of the decision given
by Judge Toms, concerning the Bell
Telephone Co. The case for the town
was conducted by Mr James Scott,
barrister, and that for the Bell by Mr
M. C. Cameron, Q.C. It was no small
honor to succeed in winning a case,
-when pitted against se able a lawyer
as Mr Cameron, and Mr Scott is de-
serving of great credit therefor.
Fluor Sen.n.—Mr W. Bawden, of
Exeter, has bought of Mr W. Rana-
ford„the two lots on the Huron road„
Tuckersmith, containing 160 acres. It
is a most eligibly situated farm, being
immediately adjoining the corpora
tion and the price, which we under-
stand, was $12,000, is a reasonable one.
There awn° buildings on the place,
and it is said that Mr Bawden will at
once proceed with the erection of a
ACCIDENT.—The other day Stewart,
the eldest son of Mr F. Macpherson,
met with a bad. accident The family
are csmping on the lake shore. beyond
' Porter's Hill,and Mr W. Wheatley
was engaged in taking a load of trap-
pings to the camp, Stewart riding
thereon; his hat blew off, and Mi.
Wheatley pulled up in order that the
boy might secure it, but in getting off
the load, he accidentally. fell breaking
the large bone of the wrist.
NARROW EScAPE—MrJohn Stephen-
son had a narrow escape on Monday.
He was engaged putting in a pump at
Col. Hoare s. The well is over fifty
feet deep, and while he was in it, some
workmen above were lowering a 16 -
foot pump log, when the windlass
broke, and the log went down like a
shot. Fortunately, it missed Mr
- Stephenson. Mr John, Shohbrook,
who endeavored to hold the rope in
its descent, got his fingers badly
HARD TO GET.—The Education De-
partment Apecifies that each Collegiate
Institute shall have as a member of its
teaching staff a "Commercial Special-
ist." This regulation only went into
force a couple of years ago, and there
has not been time to develop enough
"comnsercial specialists" to supply the
demand. In point of fact it is said
that there only two persons in the
teaching profession in Ontario possess-
ing the necessary qualifientions conse-
quently sehools find it difficult to se -
Imre rt teacher who will "611 the bill,"
Clintori Collegiate has already adver-
tised twice for n c1-1-.4sor to Miss
Eitunt,, but so tar hnq not suceeerled.
Hirwever, the llosr '; Irina to get a
Sitreeseer; and io ;, so
mous erge Dress Goods
That are all wool
double fold and sell
for 25 cents a yard.
Ten shades to choose from
including the new fall colorings
If you are going travelling and think of having a new. Dress'
before you go, you might as well have what's the newest,
and something that is going to be worn for fall.
The first shipments of our Fall Dress Goods are here, ready
for your inspection; there is a good range of the newest and
what promise to be the most fashionable materials and colors
for early fall wear.
A SPECIAL Sale of Frillings at
2c, 3c., 5c and 8c yard
may interest you
NOTES.—The wife and family of Mr
Jos. Cook, (formerly engineer at the
Doherty Organ factory)have moved to
Flint, Mich., where he is said to be re-
siding. Persons in town claim to have
seen a mirage of Lake Huron quite
distinctly, on Sunday evening. Mr S.
S. Cooper has the contract for the
erection of a new office for the NEw
ERA. The Grand Trunk has put up
a number of tie posts at the station,
making it safer for those who drive to
the trains. People who saw Col.
Hoare in town Monday morning,
wondered at the radiant expressions o
bliss that overspread his countenance,
but understood it all when informed
that he was revelling in the ecstacies of
joy caused by the addition of a son
and heir to his household. The Ma-
sonic excursion to Sarna, on Tuesday,
was not very well patronized; only
three tickets were sold here, none at
Londesboro, and seven at Blyth; the
excursion to Brantford the same y
fared much better, taking nea
from Godericb, and about 35 fro
The dry weather is affecting the
crop. and many are afraid that even
should rain come, it will be too late to
be of any service. We are sorry to
announce the death of the youngest
son of Mr Seale, which occurred on Fri-
day evening. The Board of 'Public
School Trustees have engaged Miss.
McEwan, of Hensall, as assistant, dur-
ing the two months model term, at
a salary of $65. We areinformed that,
owing to the depression prevailing in
the United States, a number of the Cli n -
ton i an s employed in the Organ factories
of Detroit, have been thrown out of
employment. Mr Oliver Johnston's
house. on Isaac street. which has been
overhauled and enlarged, looks well,
and when painted and otherwise finish-
ed up, will be decidedly improved.
Parties who desire prize lists of the
Huron Central Fair, which is to be
held in Clinton on Sept. 26-27, can pro-
cure them of the Secretary, Mr , W
Coats. Mrs Sam. Smith, formerly of
Wingham, who ie lying at the point of
death at Midland, is a relative of Mrs
Hodgens. It is said that there are a
couple of cases of typhoid fever in town.
arising from impure water; if they are
carefully looked -after, there need be
no uneasiness about them. We un-
derstand that the treatment Mr Thos.
Fair is undergoing in Detriotcr is per-
ceptibly benefitting his eyesight A
few horses were bought here for sale
on Wednesday, but there were no
buyers present Mr W. Cooper has
put in plate glees fronts for Mr Twit-
chell's store. Relatives in town of Mrs
W. McLean, Goderich, were summon-
ed to attend her funeral on Wednes-
day; she has been ailing for some time;
she was a daughter of Mr Arthur Can-
telon, and Ways two small children to
mourn her untimely death.
•And thOse who come first will have the bost
chance, bemuse we WO going to dear them 0'0
if the price do it, HPre are speoial artidos
Boys' and Gies 'Tricycles,
Boys' Bicycles, Bab3r —
Carriages, Croquet -
BoysSpring and
mmer Suits
. ,•
,•1 tAlt • ara
Book Store and News Depot, Mackay Block, Clinton.
In Straw Hats
The prices of what we have left in Men's or Boys'
. Straw Hats, sells at very near hall the regular price
Summer Ties
. At 3 for 25c, 2 for 25c and 25 cts
each. All washable goods.
Clothiers, Furpishers and Hatters
To buy reliable And cheap goods is at the
Montreal House
These hot days we are offering light goods at panic
prices, as we do not wish to hold any stock until it
becomes unseasonable. A call convinces—a call
Plumsteel & Gibbings, Clinton
Black Stainless Hose
12c. to 25c. per :pair
Silk Taffetta in Black and:Colors at 10e
Light & Dark Prints
You cannot realize the Bargains we are giving
until you have seen those 11,ct. Prints tor 8c.
Dress Goods
Are moving at the clearing prices we are selling
them. The price of a cheap dress saved on every
good one bought at the low prices going now.
AC1 i Ms 11\T M
We are clearing out. You cannot make a mistake
in buying a Hat. You can be economical With no
effort whatever by purchasing one now.
BEEsLEy8lcarh. Ladies Favorite Es1ablIstmiall