HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1893-08-11, Page 7. N. 11, ISO
ter •
We' are now giving a Discount ' of Ten per cent
to all Cash -buyers o 'Boots told woes atour stoie
J N o JACK5y' •�°,u ennto
25c, 3Oc .and 45c
We have now a fine line of Bamboo Tabies'at 25c., 30o.
and 45 cents, Whenever you hage`any time to spare we
would like yon to take a look through our warerooms
whether you wish to buy or not
J. w.'clfhnr,EY, k'unergl Director and Embalmer—Night calls answered at hi
residence;' King St., opposite the foundry.
Silver Star COAL OIL
4 Iaaperial BALLON
About equivalent to 5 Americ>,nwGallons for
Water White American Oil 25c. a Gallon
These prices are Spot Cash at our store. Charged.
or delivered 22c per gallon extra.
Johnson's Kalsomin 3 and Pure Mixed:Paints.
Churches Altbastine, _
John A Bruces Field and Garden Seeds
•Hardware, Stoves and °Tinware;"Clinton
t.pT Us r we i , rc,Volprixvo FAIA Ot7 QF U 1 'A
Ton can't tell b the bloasofns which 14 regard to the financLai nen4itian.
of the apples will Ue wormy,
Anythingtat would`be:considered
rude at home: aaoneisleied aahbge joke
at a picnic.
"What froo1s shall 1 use?" Said the
laborer to his foreman. "Qh," take
your pick," was the easy reply.
Why express surprise that a young
uaan should get giddy when a pretty
girl violently throe hie
Our idea of a Christian is.a mankwho
doesn't laugh when it rains on picnic
party to which he was not invited.
"What's the name of your new
boat?" "1 pained it Bridget, after the
cook, because it makes such heavy
"Falser sings beautifully, theytell
me he, can't tell the. truth," `hat's
right. He's the most tuneful 'lyre' in
the County."
An awful responsibility rests upon
the man who has definitely made up
his mind at last that it is time for him
to paint his house.
Upstreet—"Hullol I didn't know
you were a bicyclist. How long have
you been riding?" B. Ginner—" 'Bout
two weeks off and on."
"I was careless at church and put $1
hi the box when, I intended to give only
a dime." "A case of contributory
negligence, s4,to speak."
She—"How many times have you
been in love before ypu met me?" He
—"Once." She—"And why didn't yon
marry her?" He—"She was married
"Briggs was feeling pretty gay when
he went to the club last night. How
did he make out?" "He didn't make
out at all, they had to put him out."
Clara—"Why are yon so bitter
against him, just because he proposed
and you refused him?" Maude —"The
wretch! He said he would never ask
me again."
Anne—Do you know, Mabel, 'I had
two offers of marriage last week? Ma-
ble --My darlingAnne! Iain so delighted!
Then it is really true that your uncle
left you all his money.?
"Were you introduced to the Count
last night, Marie?" "Yes, we talked
together for an hour." "What did you
talk about?" "1 haven't the remotest
idea. We spoke French."
"I was prostrated with severe billions
complaint," writes Erastus Southworth, of
Bath, Me. "After vainly trying a num-
ber of remedies, I was finally induced to
take Ayer' Pills. I had scarcely taken
two boxes when 1 was completely cured."
They were speakini of superstitions
and Mrs Dix said, "What is it the sign
of to have the family cat howl outside
at night!" "Of a death in the family if
the man is a good shot," replied Mr.
Dix, emphatically.
First car now arrived direct from Redpath's Refinery,Montreal
Quality the Purest, Prices the Lowest.
Special Cuts in 100 lbs. or Barrel lots.
Teas, Coffees and Spices a Specialty
J. W. Irwin, Grocer
Snaths, Scythes, Forks, Rake, Oil, Oil Cans, Mitts & Handles
We can supply you with the very best quality. Try us
For preserving and We can supply you with the
Pickling you win want SU GAU AND VINEGAR beet. You should try no.
Full line of Groceries and General Goods: Highest Price
f`dr Produce. Old accounts must be paid at once to save costs
Before removing to our new promises, we will offer some wonderfuliBar eine in all
lines carried by tie, remember that our prices are always lower than others, The
Beet, Biggest, Bargains, ever offered in our line will pe made during this sale. We
have about 2000 pairs of Boots and Shoes too many which will be elaughtered,if not
at half then at whatever they will bring. See our wonderful50 cent Shoo counter.
1000 pairs Boots at 50 o, 250 pre. boots at 75, 250 prs. Boots $1, 250 pre. Boots $1.25,
500 cans Salmon, 10o; 100 lbs Japan Tea, 5 e; 250 lbs 25c Japan Tea, 6 lbs $1; 100 lbs
fanny Biecnits, 10a lb; 200 lbs ganger Snaps, 4 lbs 250; 250 Ibe mixed Candy, 10o:
100 doz Orango, 25o; 300 Jem jars, 5o and 6 for 25c; 1000 lbs Oatmeal, 9 lbs for 250;
100 Wall Pockets, 10o; 150 Boxes Matches, 100. Hams, Bacon; Spice, Rolls and
' other Meats at right prices. A few lines in Dry Goods for half cost price. N. B.—.
Thesegoods can only be obtained at the store
for Spot Cash.
!es o ciiyo
A sultan of Turkey once said,
As he groaned with,the pain in his head,
"Oh, my -favorite wife,
• I am sick of thie'life,
And I wish very much I was dead."
But his wife,wbo was wise, answered "Fief
If yon will Piercels Pellets but try,
You'll be_vell in a week—
And then yon will speak
Of these Pellets with praise just as high."
Dr,Pierce's Pelleta.coet-only-25 cents and
they are'gnara'S'teed to cure all the troubles
which spring from conatipattn, indiges-
tion, and billions attacks. If you have any
of the troubles, why don't yon follow the
examjle of the Sultan of Turkey?
$¢00 Reward for an incurable base of
chronic Nasal Catarrh offered by the manu-
facturers ,of Dr Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
50 cents; by druggists. ,
Turks believe that women have no
Pigeons were employed in the mail
service in Bible times.
The world's horses number 62,050,000.
The first silk stockings 5
in Europe.
railroads stretch 142,685
of the exposition company, 1-ceaidt'
11i 1,ubothaw hos oivcn ou , Ow 10110Y -
in statement; •
'It is irePesaihie to give any exact;
figures concerningthe indebtedness o„
the fair ,l?'ew people realize bow great';
an institution allele, and: many seem,~
t4 think we should'be'°able to stop amyl
nioinent and tall exactly how we standd,-
To` do tlrit: is an impossibility. How'.
eveir, w4'e are taking aur bearings, and'
will be ready with ar, etatpment this
week. ,When the fair opel►4d there!
was a great floating intiebtendess.
Since May It have 'been com gilled to
construct several buildings. Now, when
we' can •say with the best half of the
exposition season before us that we are
out of debt,we are doing well. It may
be that we still owe a little more than
we ;have the money to pay, Jhutt the 11 -
ability is of little''consequencd, ',Inside
of`'hve days we will have all of the
funds necessary to pay every debt we
owe. The assertion that $1,000,000
will not put us even, ie entirely false.
We ewe 1?0 such amount."
The opinion is unanimous among
lawyers' that' the gates of the World's
Fair will be opened every day in the
week from now -until they are finally
closed next October.
were worn by Henry II , of France 1 47 .
Fully 90 per cent of Russian and Ser-
vian soldiers are unable to either read
or write.
The amount of money held by vari-
ous London banks is not far short of
Twelve years ago one sailor in every
106 who went to sea lost his life; now
only one in 256 is lost.
A one-armed resident of Youcalla,
Ore., built during the past month a
house 24 feet square, without assi nce.
•A larger portion of children survive
their first year of existence in Dublin
than in any one of the twenty largest
towns in England and Wales.
bo �,
Five carrier pigeons were released on
the Government p azo at the fair
grounds; 'Thursday:They wereIsent
there by parties.rest hale at Buffalo, N.
Y. After circling 'bout the World's
Fair building a few minutes,' the birds
took an easterly course, and soon dis-
appeared. This is the first of a series
of experiments to be made by the War
Department, in which it is intended to
demonstrate the use to which pigeons
may be put in time of war.
According to the report of the Montreal
Star Mr Tarte made the fellowing inter-
esting statements at the Liberal meeting
at St. Constant on Thnreday.—" When I
first became possessed of the documents in
the McGreevy 'scandal I showed them to
Mt Laurier, who said:—'You have discov-
ered a regular nest, but be careful that you
do not go to gaol.' There is no doubt but
that I would have gone to gaol had I not
been elected at the time for Montmorency,
and made my declarations on the floor of
the House, because then the implicated
parties had great influence. The Conser-
vative press is carrying on a guerilla war-
fare against me. I warn thein to'be care-
ful or else I may make certain declara-
tions which may not be agreeable to several
of them. I may, if I am driven to the
wall, reveal some of the attempts which
were made to silence me at the time of
that investigation. Is there any linen 'to
believe that 1 could not have received
$100,000 to remain silent at that time?
But I was not to be bribed. There Were lei.
quities ' in the Administration which I
could not countenance, and that is why I
broke away from my party. There was a
;time viten Mr .Chapleaa,came. Very near
ljoinang raid, What a tesin he would have
made with Mr Laurier, buthe did not have
the courage to br5eik away from his ear-
roundings. He was kept in the fold till
the last. The Conservative press, which is
insulting no to -day, has cost the party e
great deal of money."
Down With High Prices For
, Electric Belts,
$1:55, $2.05, $3.70 ; former prices $5, $7
''$1U' Qualty remains the same --16 dift
forent Styles; dry battery and acid belts
.-..mild or strong current. Less than half
the price of any other company andmoro
home testimonials than all,tho rest ,to.
gather. -1 ell list free. 2lfdrition this
`,paper 'W.'r'. BABE. & CO. Windsor, Ont.
GBANTLY, ONT., July 51, Probably there
is no man more widely known in the coun-
ty of Dundee and vicinity than Mr J. C.
Munro, of this plane. He has carried on
business as a general store keeper for twen-
ty years, and has also, for many years,
been the local postmaster: He has long
been a prominent church member, and a
leading man in social circles. He has al-
ways been looked up to with respoet and
esteem, and his word, to use a phrase our -
rent among those who know him, is as
good as his bond. It was a matter of gen-
eral regret when it became known about
four years ago, that he was suffering from
dropsy, which has afflicted him ever since.
The pleasure of Mr Munro's many friends
may more easily be imagined than describ-
ed, when it was learned that he had begun
using Dodd's kidney pills, and had found
in them a core by means of which he is
rapidly regaining sound health.
The Roman supper was in three
courses—soups, meats and fruits.
The U. S. customs tax in 1891 amounted
to $2,83 per capita. In Canada the cus-
toms tax was $4.84.
The Russian Government is closing
all .schools in the south of Russia, on
account of the prevalence of cholera.
Canada's fishery exhibit at the
World's Fair is said to be among the
finest, rivalling even that of Norway.
There have been 6,666 deaths from
cholera in Mecca and 2,318 in Jedda
since the present epidemic broke out.
A Pennsylvania man is prospecting
for coal at Kettle Point, Ont. He is
looking around for capital with which
to sink a. shaft.. .
The army worm has been at work in
the grain fields of Polk, Kilbon and
Marshall counties, Minnesota, for the
past ten days. Hundreds of acres have
been wholly ruined by the peat.
A daylight robbery occurred at Wood
stock Friday morning about 10 o'clock, a
successful attack being made on the jaw
elry store of Mr Wm. Pott.' Mr Pott was
absent not more than a minute when a rig
drove up. The occupants hurriedly jump-
ed out, and running into the store quietly
relieved Mr.Pott of $600 worth of watohes,
including twelve men's and twelve women's.,
gold watches. Thebnrglars have not been
Dr H. 11. Mudd, a local physician,.
went from Chicago to St. Louis on
Tuesday, on, a special train, over the
Wabash in 6 hours and 16 minutes, the
fastest time ever made between the
two cities. The distance is 286 miles.
Dr Mudd was the only passenger, and
the special was sent out to enable hung
to reach there in time to perform an
operation on T. J. Moss, a railway con,
tractor, who a week ago was taken,
sick. Within 45 minutes after Dr.;
Mudd was notified by telegraph at his
hotel in Chicago that be was needed
immediately in St. Louis, the Wabash
had an engine and coach ready for him,
at the Dearborn street station. The
train made 12 stops, and lost I0 minutes
because of a hot box. The operation
has successfully performed, and Mr
Ross has a fair prospect of recovery.
Some of the leading citizens of Aberdeen
gave a banquet last Friday evening to the
Earl of Aberdeen, the new Governor-Gen-
eral of Canada. The earl in a speeolydi-
lated upon the energy with whioh the Can.
adians had built their institutions. The
energy was all the more credible, he said,
seeing that Canada's nearest neighbor was
the powerful but friendly sister nation,
the United States, a nation which bad
great wealth and a vast population, and
which enjoyed special facilities for rapid
progress. Canada, he added, understood
and would prove the advantage of a steady
and safe, if gradual advance. She also
understood and appreciated the benefits
arising from ample autonomy, combined
with a vital but absolutely unhampered
connection with the British Empire.
"That sets you free, but I never
want to see your face again." With
these words Mrs W. W. Ward, at Port-
land, handed to her husband a pardon
she had secured from the Governor,
and then rushed out. Ward, who was
sentenced to three years and four
months in the penitentiary for attempt-
ing to kill his wife, was granted full
pardon by Governor Pennoyer on the
recommendation of the judge and jury
who tried him. Mrs Ward has labored'
incessantly to procure a pardon for her
husband. She has travelled to secure
testimony, labored with officers and
courts, and at last achieved her tri-
umph. When she secured pardon ph-
pers and was driven in a hack to the
prison, she handed Ward his pardon
through his cell. bars and said in cool
tones, "That sets you free, but I never
want to see your face again," she turn-
ed, almost fainting, rushed out of the
prison to her carriage, and was driven
to the station just in time to catch the
train. Ward boarded the next train
for the east. Mrs Ward is a fine look-
ing woman, and jealousy, wholly with-
ont foundation, was the cause of her
hu4band's attempt to kill her.
4 ; e . g
: s!)
The old, reliable, and tested brands
Eve* y S pun. Full sf anddrd length ter
pound, Best value in the market:
Call and see samples and get reduced prices
New Store
Mackay Block k
D BIOS.Old Stand
Brick Block •
Children Cry for
Pi her's Caetorla.
Boys' G-irl•s
Guaranteed Stainless
Black Cotton Host
Full Ran g e Black Silk Parasols,
all Prices.
5 per cent off for Cash.
oats &Son, Clinton,
3o f . r
gays Sacrifice
D ys
BOOKS, Stationer
In order to •clear out the entire stook of W. H. SIMPSON, it bas been decided
to offer the same:at prices away below cost. Everything will be sold at such
'figures that will make it of interest for purchasers to come here.
This is a genuine clearing sale, and it is desired
to clear the whole out in 30 days.
Eluron Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee to be of{first-lass material and workmanship.
I you want it good article at the p ice of a poor one, call and see us.
Too Whiteman Pea harvester
For the following reasons: -1st it is builtbf the best maleabie wrought iron and steel.
2nd—It requires no holes to be drilled in ,cutter bar. 3rd—The outside divider can
be raised or lowered at back or front independent of lifters. 4th—It has no rod at
the hack to hold obstructions and cause hhokfng. 5th --,-there is no springs to break
or get out of order. 6th—It has movable clips and can be sot in line with tongue
if mower bar drags baok. 7th—Each lifter has a guard stay, and breaking mower
guard is impossible.. 8th --Each lifter is independent of the other, and can be raised
or lowered at the back so as to line in front should mower guards be out of line, 9th
The number of maohines sold during the past season enables a large number of the
leading farmers of the Province to testify, to its merits. Every machine is *arrant,
ed andiven on teat. Sample machine, can be seen at°�7, FLYNN'S Blacksmith
Sher, Clinton; also at different shops through, the ootlnty..da'►nes 'Whiten tub paten-
tee and n'aanufactu'rert &tnulreo
THOS tleneral Agent, SEAFOOD: